Understanding of impermanence after reading
Stepping on snow without trace
2024-02-15 04:20:08
Junior 1
reaction to a book or an article

As we all know, Lu Xun's "Morning Flowers and Evening Picks" is the coexistence of "warm memories and rational criticism". In his work "impermanence", I saw this again.
On the whole, the author has a favorite attitude towards impermanence. "The people are the most familiar and intimate with ghosts.". People like him better than "ghost soldiers and ghost kings". The biggest difference between them is that life is impermanent and more humane. He let a child go for half a day because of sympathy, but he was also punished for it.
But with the memory of seeing the impermanence of life, criticism also follows. Even ghosts have a kind heart and a sympathetic heart. But what about the people at that time? In previous texts, we learned that people at that time were insensitive and indifferent to society. Moreover, if there is such a character as Huo Wuchang, it is estimated that he will be excluded by others like the ghost king. This is the implicit criticism in Lu Xun's memory.
Memory and criticism are intertwined in Lu Xun's works. Each of these works deserves our deep consideration.