Composition of Fairy Tale Castle (9 compilations)
Forgetting is like thinking
2024-05-07 02:38:34
fairy tale

Composition of Fairy Tale Castle (1)

Fairy Tale Composition in the Castle

In daily study, work or life, when it comes to composition, everyone must be blind. Composition is a transition from internal speech to external speech, that is, from a concise and concise language that can be understood by oneself through compression to an external language form that is developed, has a standardized grammatical structure and can be understood by others. So, how to write a composition? The following is a fairy tale composition in the castle where Xiao Bian helped everyone. Welcome to share it.

Once upon a time, there was a very beautiful princess named Mandy. She had a brother Manson who loved her, and loved his father, the king, and his mother most. She was the magic weapon of the whole family. There was an ugly man named Linxu on the outskirts of the city. He was born on a deserted island. His parents thought he was ugly when he was born, so they put him on the island and threw him away. A woodcutter, Chaifu, let him go until he left him an old castle after his death. Linxu was very lonely.

One day, the princess's father and mother arranged a country party for the princess. The princess didn't like to marry a rich man. She only wanted to marry an ordinary person to live a life. So at night, the princess changed her clothes and went out of the palace to walk along a secluded path. The princess was very curious about the world, There is no fear on a very scary path.

When Lin Xu heard the song of the princess, he was very excited because no one had come here for several years. He wanted to go out to meet the girl, but he was afraid that his appearance would frighten the princess. Then he went to find a black cloth to cover his face. He lit candles at home to make the home brighter. He made a good dinner and waited for the princess, Soon the princess came and she cried softly. " Is anyone there? " Lin Xu quickly opened the door. He looked at the beautiful, gentle girl in front of him. She was very self abased. He invited the princess into the castle. The princess saw a lot of delicious food on the table. She was hungry and could not care about so much. She had to fill her stomach first. When the princess swept the clouds, she noticed that Lin Xu was covered beside her, the princess said; Thank you for your dinner. She went over and took off Lin Xu's veil. Looking at the very ugly person in front of her, the princess did not feel frightened or afraid. She did not hesitate to kiss Lin Xu on the face. Lin Xu was surprised. In a moment, Lin Xu became a very handsome person. It turned out that Lin Xu was cursed by the witch when he was born, As long as someone kisses him, he becomes very handsome as before.

Lin Xu said to the princess, " Princess, do you want to live with me in this castle? " The princess said shyly. " Hmm. ". Linxu proposed marriage to the king and queen. From then on, Lin Xu and the princess loved each other very much and lived an ordinary life.

Composition of Fairy Tale Castle (2)

Fairy Tale Composition of Forest Castle Travel

In the daily study, work or life, many people have written compositions. Compositions are a narrative way that people express the relevant knowledge, experience and ideas stored in their memory in written form. So how do you write a general composition? The following is a collection of fairy tale compositions of forest castle travel for your reference. Welcome to read them.

One day, the teacher sent a time-space conversion machine to the students in the class, and let us go to the place we want to go. I was so excited that I started my trip right away. Do you want to play with me? Come with me then!

What I want to go to most is the Forest Castle. In a blink of an eye, the time and space conversion machine directly transferred me to the forest castle. I was dumbfounded by everything in front of me, ah! What a beautiful castle! Every big tree in the castle needs several people to embrace it. They are so tall that they almost reach the sky. The leaves are colorful and beautiful! Here is Mr. Lion, the "King of the jungle", a hot tempered ostrich, a lively and lovely monkey... I am dazzled by all kinds of animals.

As it was getting dark, I first wanted to find a place to settle down and have a good rest. Fortunately, I soon found a hotel. When I was about to pay, the giraffe of the hotel staff told me: "I need to pay forest currency here." When I felt in my pocket, I found that there was no forest currency around. I thought: What should I do? There's no place to live now. When I was at a loss, a monkey jumped out of my side and said, "Hey! Friend, do you need help?" I said happily, "OK, please help me to pay for the room temporarily!" It said, "No problem". Finally, it gave me some forest coins. I finally booked a room to stay. On entering the door, I saw that the TV in the room was made of leaves and the bed was made of bark. As soon as I lay down, I felt a sore back. Then I knew that the mattress was made of branches. I said to myself, "This place is really different from our human world!" I hurriedly took out my spare sheets and spread them on the "tree bed". Finally, I felt more comfortable. When I lay down, I fell asleep. It seemed that I had many strange dreams about the forest that night.

It was getting light. I got up excitedly, and was eager to get out of the hotel and move on. At this time, a bus came. After a closer look, it was actually made of a hollowed tree. The wheels were made of stumps, which opened my eyes. I came to a restaurant where flowers were in full bloom and I saw several bears eating honey. When I felt in my pocket, there were only more than ten forest coins left, only enough to buy a carp for breakfast. As I was walking and eating, I stumbled, fell to the ground with a bang, and returned to the real world.

Just listen to the bell. A loud bell woke me up. When I saw it, it was a dream!

Composition of Fairy Tale Castle (3)

A fairy tale composition taking place in the castle

In daily study, work and life, everyone must have been exposed to composition. According to different styles, composition can be divided into narrative, expository, practical and argumentative. Do you know how to write a good composition? The following is a fairy tale composition of Xiaowodun's story happened in the castle. Welcome to read it. I hope you can enjoy it.

One morning, a child found a huge castle rising out of his window overnight. The child immediately ran to the castle and heard strange sounds coming from the castle. There are people in this castle! The gate of the castle opened and the child went in.

In fact, that child was me. After entering, a huge black shadow pressed against me. Looking forward, I saw such two big pillars! I can look up and see that my eyes are like copper bells, and my nose is as long as a poker. I touched the two pillars again, which were fleshy, and found that they were giants. I want to run out of the castle quickly, but the gate of the castle has been closed. I didn't push the door open with all my strength.

Suddenly, he said in a friendly tone: "I'm ugly, but I'm the librarian of this castle!" I said: "Whatever you are, I want to go out." The giant said: "Don't worry, let you do something, and let you go after you finish it." I calmed down and listened to what the giant asked me to do. The giant said, "This castle is composed of a hall and a large room, each of which has nearly 100 books. The protagonists of the books in the fairy tale room jumped out of the books, and you should let them return to the books. If you want them to return to the books, you should finish reading these books."

I cried and thought: I can only leave here for a few years! But what can I do! I can only walk to the room of the fairy tale world. There are many animals and characters jumping left and right, and they said to me, "Send us home quickly!" I saw Peter the little rabbit in blue, Snow White and seven dwarfs, and the little girl in rags who bought matches. Wait... There are many animals and people I am not familiar with.

I read it to my new friends one book at a time. When I read the story of Three Little Pigs, three little pigs and the wolf jumped in. When I read the book Peter Rabbit, Peter Rabbit jumped in. Unconsciously, I read all the books in my room after a year of reading.

I said goodbye to the giant. At that time, I had already known about astronomy and geography, and I was a person who "had poetry and calligraphy in his belly". Goodbye to the sea of books, goodbye to the castle! I will come again.

Composition of Fairy Tale Castle (4)

Wow, I came to the beautiful food castle! The castle is all cream colored, and the red pointed roof is so beautiful! Just when I was intoxicated, a green spirit flew out of the castle window and said happily, "Welcome to the Food Castle!"

The green elf suddenly flashed his big eyes and said sincerely: "Chen Yidan, would you like to be the princess of the food castle?" "I would, very much!" I replied happily.

In the castle, I played various games with the elves, including hawks catching chickens, cutting watermelons, touching people... When I was tired of playing, I ate all kinds of delicious food. Suddenly, I thought of my cousin who was far away in Shenzhen, and said to the elf, "I want to invite my cousin to play, can you bring her?" "You are our princess, of course we have to listen to your words, please wait!" I jumped three feet high with joy.

When we met my cousin, we kissed and hugged each other. I also "canonized" her as the "vice princess". "Now I order that the princess and the elves enjoy themselves, eat whatever they want, play whatever they want, and enjoy themselves!"

"Why are you kicking me so hard?" Mom's words woke me up - ah, there is no beautiful food castle, no delicious food, it is a dream! I hope I can dream of those lovely fairies and interesting food castles again tonight.

Composition of Fairy Tale Castle (5)

No matter in study, work or life, everyone has written compositions, and must be familiar with all kinds of compositions. Compositions are the transition from internal speech to external speech, that is, from the compressed simple language that can be understood by oneself to the developed external language form that has standardized grammatical structure and can be understood by others. So the question is, how to write an excellent composition? The following is a fairy tale composition of Rainbow Castle collected by Xiao Bian. Welcome to share.

A crescent moon streaks across this magnificent castle and casts a dim yellow light, making the castle mysterious and quiet. Seen from a distance, the glittering and tall castle looks like a golden island. Behind the castle is a large garden, in which there are all kinds of flowers: iris, rose, orchid... There is also a kind of rainbow flower. This flower can emit seven colors, and its charming fragrance can make people intoxicated, forget all troubles, and cure all diseases... This is the castle people yearn for - Rainbow Castle.

There is no war here, only laughter. People are kind-hearted, united and friendly, and help each other. There is a beautiful princess in Rainbow Castle. Her name is Rainbow. She is versatile and noble. People affectionately call her Rainbow Princess.

The Rainbow Princess loves painting. Every painting is so lifelike that it seems that the painting is about to come out. The best picture is "Flowers". These flowers are graceful and graceful, like a flower fairy. It seems that there is a fragrance from time to time. Rainbow Princess has loved flowers since she was young. When she was born, it was the most beautiful season for flowers to bloom. But I don't know why. She also has the fragrance of rainbow flowers. She went for a walk in the big garden every day to water the flowers for fear that they would wither. Once, the iris withered, and she was sad for several days!

She plays the piano very well. Sometimes the royal nobles from afar come here to greet her, and she always plays a song, which is soft and gentle. She always gets high praise from them. This gives her a lot of self-confidence to continue learning the piano.

Her father, Wu Yun, was afraid that Princess Rainbow would be too boring to stay in the palace. He also asked people to plant many kinds of flowers and built a small Rainbow Paradise full of sports equipment. Rainbow Princess knew, and jumped three feet high.

Composition of Fairy Tale Castle (6)

In daily life or work and study, everyone is familiar with composition. Composition is a style composed of words, which expresses a theme through language organization after people's thinking. Do you know how to write a good composition? The following is a fairy tale composition compiled by a small editor: the bearded spirit in the fairy castle, hoping to help everyone.

There are many fairies living in the fairy castle, and one of them is very special. His beard is very long. The Elf family could not move when they saw his beard. So he got scissors to cut off his beard. However, the beard is very strange. It soon grew on the elves again. And it is longer than the original one. Later, people simply called him "the bearded spirit".

The bearded spirit dragged his beard wherever he went. The beard swept the street floor clean, but his beard was dirty. His family had to spend a lot of time cleaning his dirty beard, which was very troublesome, so the bearded spirit did not dare to go out easily.

The rain this spring was so abundant that it rained for more than ten days in the fairy castle. The rain flew in from the window and wet the beards of the bearded elves, as if there was a smell.

"It's sunny and sunny. I have to clean my beard and dry it. I prefer to smell the fragrance of the sun on my beard." The bearded genie said to his family.

A few days later, the rain cleared up and the sun came out.

The bearded spirit was about to wash his beard. He stood on the balcony and shouted, "Will anyone help me wash my beard and dry it?"

The elves in the fairy castle were very happy to help him. They all flew to the house of the bearded elves, pulled the beards out of the building, hung them from the balcony, and spread them on the street. Beard is spread from the south street of the castle to the end of the north street of the castle. The water elves flew up and sprayed water from the sky to wet their beards. Many elves took big brushes to brush their beards. The long wet beard glittered in the sun like a flowing Hu Zi River.

Those naughty elves are happy. Some elves use their beards as jumpers and jump on them; Some elves regard beard as a river and play with it; Some elves use mustache as a slide, climb up from the chin of mustache elves and slide down on mustache. Wow -- it's so funny. The elves are having a good time. When the big elves saw it, they were also very happy. Some funny big elves also sat on the beard slide like the little elves, and giggled like a group of happy children. Later, the fairies in the castle climbed onto the beard and slid down the slide from the high roof of the building, from one end of the street to the other. The whole fairy castle was full of happy laughter, like a festival.

When the elves had played enough, they put up their beards and cooled them on the roof. The house seemed to be covered with silk scarves, which looked very beautiful.

The big elves were so happy that they seemed to have recovered their childhood happiness.

The bearded spirit was very happy to see that his beard could bring so much happiness to everyone.

From then on, the bearded elves washed their beards and dried their seeds more frequently. He wanted to make the elves happy.

Later, the fairies in the castle decided to set up a mustache festival. On the festival day, the elves of the whole castle helped the bearded elves wash their beards and dry their beards together. The big elves and the little elves could have fun together like children.

Composition of Fairy Tale Castle (7)

In the beautiful sky, there are many clouds. No matter day or night, there is a cloud that has never floated. It has always been there. That cloud has a secret that few people know - a castle is built on it.

The castle is as big as the cloud is, but it is not high because the castle is inhabited by Lilliputians. The castle is made of pure gold. It is resplendent and magnificent, and it is located on a white cloud, surrounded by clouds, like a dream.

Today is the night of Halloween. I secretly pried open a window of the castle and entered the castle. The residents of Lilliput were reveling in the castle. Suddenly, I saw a huge spaceship stopped in a cloud not far away, and a giant stepped out of it. It seemed that I was attracted by the shining castle of Lilliput and wanted to come and have a look. I suddenly felt that the giant looked familiar, as if he was Laki, the "universe wanted man" of Mars I saw in the universe book. This man has a strange personality. He will surely step on the castle of Lilliput! I thought so, so I took the magic potion in my hand and threw it at the giant. Unexpectedly, the bottle of liquid medicine rolled down to the giant's feet. He picked it up curiously and drank it. In a moment, he became smaller than the bottle. He happily entered the castle. I also took a sip of liquid medicine and slipped in.

Laki is wandering around the castle, and I can only follow him around. Suddenly, he stopped in front of the portrait of the king of Lilliputian Kingdom. It seemed that he found something. I approached him bit by bit, wondering what he was doing. I racked my brains to find a way. I suddenly patted Laki on the shoulder. He cautiously turned back and asked, "Who are you?". Unexpectedly, I found this magical place and wanted to do some other feats that shocked the whole universe, and then I met you. Mr. Laki, do you have any good plans or actions? "

"Of course! My ancestors were also residents of Lilliput. My father told me that my ancestors had pasted a treasure map of Lilliput on the back of a portrait. I came here not only for refuge, but also for treasure hunting! Look, this is the treasure map that has been treasured for many years without anyone finding it!"

With that, he handed me the shabby map.

We followed the map, first through the ballroom where people reveled. In order to pass through this place without being discovered, we jumped and passed at the same time!

After the ballroom, you will reach the moat. The river is very fast. It's not easy to cross the river. Here, Laki took out a flying machine in his backpack, one for me, one for him, and we flew over together.

Across the river is the place where the buried treasure lies. This place is a giant's castle. We were very distressed, and I suddenly found a point: this "giant" is only for small people, while in the eyes of normal people, we are just people of the same size? I reminded Laki. He nodded, and I took out another bottle of liquid medicine. Half of us had to drink the liquid medicine, and we became the same size as before!

When the "giant" saw that we were the same size as him, he didn't dare to say anything. We rummaged around in the castle, found a box, and compared the treasure box on the treasure map. It was exactly the same. We are excited to open the result, which is a treasure bag: harm others and harm yourself!

After reading this sentence, the smile on Laki's face gradually disappeared. He silently walked out of the two castles and onto his spaceship. I was afraid that he would play tricks again, so I followed him to Mars all the time. To my surprise, he turned himself in!

Seeing him go, I had nothing to stay on Mars, so I returned to the earth. I went home and thought about it. That brocade bag is really a good treasure! The greatest treasure of life is morality. For Laki, who has harmed countless people, isn't "harm others and harm yourself" the most profound warning to his life?

Composition of Fairy Tale Castle (8)

Lin Zhenghuan

One day, I got up at 6:30 as usual to go to school. After an hour's journey, I finally came near the school. I saw that the road ahead was blocked by a big castle.

The castle looks like a huge hamburger, colorful. Many people outside the castle talked about it. They wanted to go into the castle to see what was inside. After listening to the introduction of passers-by, I knew that the castle had just appeared. So I came to the castle and found it invulnerable. Suddenly a loud voice came from the castle: "Only people with a sense of justice can come in." So I touched the wall of the castle with my hand. I was surprised to find that my hand passed through the wall, and I slowly walked into the castle.

Inside the castle, I saw a man in a suit. He asked me: "Are you the righteous man?" I confidently replied: "Yes!" So he asked me a question: "Do you want to become rich, or do you want to be an ordinary person to help others?" I did not hesitate to choose the second answer. The man said, "OK, I'll give you a bottle of water, and it will help you." Then he disappeared. After he disappeared, a small door appeared, and I took the bottle of water to go in.

I came to the king, who was very thirsty, so I gave him the bottle of water. After drinking the water, the king happily said to me, "Young man, congratulations on your passing the test and becoming the new king." So I became the king of the castle.

I don't know how long later, the castle disappeared, and I appeared in the school seat, still very happy.

[Castle in the city]

Luo Ziyue

During the holidays, I couldn't find any fun, so I played in the nearby streets. Suddenly, a small forest appeared beside a path, and there was a castle in the forest. I think the castle may be full of imagination and novelty, but it may also be gloomy or boring.

Seen from a distance, the castle looks like a house covered with white sugar, and the city wall looks like a whole wheat biscuit. A closer look shows that the castle is blue, slightly white, and a bit like the structure of Gothic architecture, but it is not gloomy, but some fresh and lovely. There are also various portraits of celebrities hanging in the corridor outside.

I walked carefully through the woods, came to the castle door, found a hole under the door, and drilled in. After entering, I found that everything was three times bigger than the reality. There was a man who looked like a king eating snacks. The snacks looked delicious. I suddenly felt that I was extremely hungry, so I crept onto the table when he wasn't looking, hid behind a teacup, and ran to a plate full of food after confirming safety. There were cookies, pineapple oil packets and other food in it. I stole a cookie, and immediately felt that my body was full of energy, so I confirmed that it was magic food, I also took four cookies, a box of milk and a steamed bun to my best friend.

Later, I went to the bedroom in hiding. There was a small cabinet at the head of the bed. I opened the cabinet, and there was a treasure map with the story of people and dogs on it. I also said that there was a passage between the human world and the dog world somewhere. I was curious about where it was?

As I was thinking, I suddenly remembered that it was late, so I took the map home. On my way home, I found a hole in the cave and tried to climb in. A light came to me. I saw countless dogs looking at me with human expressions, and I saw myself become a dog

[Castle in the city]

Xie Chengxian

One day, when I was walking on my way to school, I saw a castle. My heart asked me to go in and see it, so I went in.

It was a gloomy underground castle in a forest, with countless coffins inside. Suddenly, a man with wings and sharp teeth came to me with a blood cup. He saw me and was about to attack me. I was so quick that I took out the flashlight to blind his dog's eyes. He turned into a pile of ash. I ran out to leave this place of right and wrong.

Just as I ran out, I suddenly fell into a black hole and saw a treasure box. When I opened it, it turned out to be a treasure map. On the back of the treasure map, it said: If you collect seven dragon beads, you can summon seven divine dragons, and they will help you out of the underground castle. I hid the treasure map on my body, and suddenly fell into another hole. I couldn't climb up, so I felt everywhere. It seemed that I had pressed some button. A door opened beside the sound of "poof!". In the darkness, an oriental sword was shining. I pulled it out with my strength. The whole castle moved heavily. Holding the sword, I went deeper and came to a cellar. There was a piece of paper on the cellar door: if you want to enter, you need to throw away all your weapons. I hesitated and lost my sword. On the front door was written "Hell". I rushed in and fought with the zombies with my bare hands. The Dongfang Sword actually stood up and killed the zombies, making me dizzy. Then I saw seven shining dragon beads under a corpse, and seven divine dragons came out. I rode on it, and felt like falling from the sky. I woke up with a sound of "Pa!", It was just a dream!

[Castle in the city]

Fan Jiaqi

One day, on my way to school, I found a dark and scary castle, which made me feel very curious. So I boldly went to have a look.

The appearance of the castle is black and white, with a sense of mystery. The shape is similar to a roof, with two columns straight into the sky. There is a round thing on the top of the castle. Maybe the highest commander sits inside and looks at me. Approaching, a gate opened with a sound of "Pa!". I saw that it was very dark inside. I guess no one would dare to come here. Originally, the castle was in a dense forest. If you don't go in, the smell of the castle is frightening.

I did not know where the courage came from, but I walked into the castle step by step. There are many strange things in it: a dog who can speak, a group of cats who can speak, even food, chips, fruits, hamburgers and other things can talk. The dog swaggered up to me and said, "I am the owner of this castle, and those cats are my soldiers. Who are you?" I said to him, "Hello, I am passing by school, just come in and have a look." The dog owner said, "Welcome! We are very different from the human world, and I believe you will have many questions." I took the opportunity to ask: "Why does everything here speak?" The dog owner replied: "Because this castle has been enchanted, we were all human, but later we did wrong things and turned into various animals and food." Suddenly, I found the dog owner, all kinds of animals and food laughed at me, and I was suddenly pushed to the ground by something, and the castle became dark, The dog owner and all kinds of food have disappeared!

This castle reminds me of many bad things I have done before. After a while, the castle suddenly became bright again. I found my body became short and small, my hands became shorter, and my feet became shorter. At this time, the dog owner came out again and said to me, "You have become a dog, too." His face was calm and not surprised. I asked, "Then why did I become a dog instead of a cat?" He replied, "Because as soon as you enter the castle, the castle will see what you have done before. If you do more, you will become a cat. If you do at least, you will become a dog. That is to say, you are the new dog owner in our castle. Our task here is to defeat the hunters who come to kill us. Defeating three people can remove the curse of becoming a dog, while the cat has to defeat ten people. To this day, I have only defeated one person, you. " I was surprised, and said to the dog, "I'm not a hunter, and I don't want to kill you. Why do you want to kill me?" The dog owner was suddenly very serious. He pricked up his ears and said, "Our real enemy is coming!" Then a group of hunters in black killed the castle, and all the animals in the castle also took their weapons to attack the enemy angrily. When attacking the enemy, I was stabbed by an enemy with a sword, ah

I woke up with fright. It turned out that I was at the gate of a small forest, but I had a daydream.

Composition of Fairy Tale Castle (9)

The castle of fairy tale is pure white, like the color of the heart, pure and warm. Enjoying the meticulous care of my parents, youth came as scheduled, so I began to yearn for the colorful world outside.

Gradually, I walked out of the castle of fairy tales.

Out of the castle of fairy tales, I bid farewell to childishness. No more childish words, no more boring baby sounds, no more giggling and slapstick, start to learn to mature, learn to think, learn to grow up, eager to master more knowledge, and more eager to understand the world. The vision is becoming stronger and stronger, the hypocrisy of interpersonal relationships no longer makes me beat my heart, the ugliness of the society no longer makes me cynical, the rampant evil no longer makes me depressed, and finally understand that this society is a mixture of good and evil, and only by maintaining a quiet heart can we find truth, good and beauty.

Out of the castle of fairy tales, I said goodbye to egoism. I was held in the castle by everyone, and I was afraid that something might go wrong. But life tells me that everyone wants to be the focus and the center, but the earth does not revolve around me, and the world will not change anything because of my existence, so it begins to converge its publicity and edges. I gradually found that there was nothing wrong with this. With restraint, I lowered my head, hid my pride, and got rid of arrogance. The goddess of destiny gave you more. From then on, I no longer envy the stars and support each other, and calmly follow my own path.

Out of the castle of fairy tales, I said goodbye to daydreams. Yes, when youth comes, responsibility will come. In real life, there is no justice guard who falls from the sky. The cruel rules of life often take you by surprise. The ideal is always high above the clouds. You have no time to have beautiful "daydreams". Without the protection of fairy tales, your everything is exposed to the eyes of ordinary people. At this time, you will feel the sun is dazzling and the blue sky is dazzling. Everything has to depend on yourself. You who have been knocked down have to stand up by yourself. The distant dream is that you have to build a ladder by yourself. The truth of life is that you have cried and suffered.

Put on a light colored shirt, and the hem of the shirt slightly blooms in the sun, gently swinging. As I walked out of the fairy tale castle, I already knew that there were wind, snow, rain and hail in front of me, as well as rainbow and dazzling day!