Brilliant Sunshine Composition 600 Word Composition (18 Collections)
Listen to flowers under the moon
2023-09-05 06:55:17
Senior High School Entrance Examination

Brilliant Sunshine Composition 600 Word Composition (1)

Opening the curtains, the warm, jumping sun poured into the original cold room one after another. At that moment, it seemed that the whole world was much brighter.

Feeling the warmth brought by the bright sunshine in spring, I opened the window and some cool wind blew in my face, as if everyone was awake. I turned around and walked to the bed, holding the edge of the quilt so that the sun could shine all over the quilt. I put my backpack on the chair beside the desk, took some change and hurried to school. Today is the first day of school, I took the breakfast I bought not long ago in my hand and sat down on the seat. Others were talking about what they had played in those places during the holiday. The conversation was full of enthusiasm. I sat in the last row, the sun was scattered on my desk, covered with gold, and I stared at the desk blankly. I gasped and ate breakfast. The breakfast was actually delicious.

Next to me sat a new student, a girl just like me. When she first entered the class, she had no expression, just like the warm sunshine was not enough to soften her face. The teacher came in, glanced at the students present in the classroom, and said, "This semester, there is a new student in our class. Her name is Xiaoqi, and she came from Nanjing." The teacher asked Xiaoqi to stand up for a sign, and then went on to talk about the differences in the beginning of the semester.

The teacher had just left, and some of my classmates who had been familiar with me came to Xiaoqi's side. A group of people surrounded there, making a noise. I saw them for a while, and felt really bored. I got up and wanted to wash my hands in the toilet. I stood in front of the sink, turned off the faucet, and accidentally shook my hands. I was going out and found little water stains on Xiaoqi who was just about to come in, The scene made people laugh inexplicably. I walked up to her slightly embarrassed and said sorry. She shook her head to show that it was OK. I nodded and saw the smile on her mouth, which was more warm than the sunshine. I did not know why, I introduced myself to her, and then I was inseparable from her. Then I became a bunch of good friends and played together, Although it's usually the one I make a lot of noise about.

On that sunny day, I met a warmer you than the sun.

Brilliant Sunshine Composition 600 Word Composition (2)

The road of growth is full of thorns. Although there are many dark clouds hidden in the world, and the road of self challenge is full of frustrations, we have to grit our teeth and stick to the journey. After the road is cleared up, there will be a bright sunshine ahead.

On Friday, sitting on the stone chair of the school, the sun was floating on my face through the cracks in the leaves, and the opening of the autumn sports meeting was imminent. The wind is blowing the leaves like flowing water, and the graceful singing of birds is rippling on the branches, but I don't want to enjoy it. The 1500 meter long run is the first time for me. I have no confidence in myself. Holding the class card in my hand, I am absent-minded and listen to the list of athletes on the radio. The weather was a little sultry, and sweat rolled down from the forehead one by one. In early autumn, it's not so hot yet. It's probably because of too much tension.

Standing at the starting point of the runway, waiting quietly for the shot of the referee, I was very afraid of the seven and a half laps. With the sound of a shot, the athletes ran forward like arrows. I understand that the 1500 meter long run requires persistence and endurance. If you run fast, you will not be able to persist after half a distance. I still kept the original running speed. Some people couldn't hold on and fell behind one by one. I went forward at a steady speed and passed the fourth place. I won!

Standing on the winning podium, recalling the haze just passed, there is a wonderful place in the play. If the heart is as bright as the sun,

In the evening, looking at the bright sunshine in the sky, I also remember those sunny days

Brilliant Sunshine Composition 600 Word Composition (3)

Every day, the sun will rise and hang high in the sky, bringing us warmth and light, so that we seem to ignore the existence of sunshine in our daily life. However, on that day, I really felt the warmth and brightness of the sun.

The annual school sports meeting was grandly opened, and students actively signed up to participate in various projects. When it came to the men's 1000 meter race, I signed up for it. I thought my long-distance running was good, but who knows

"Three -- two -- one!" The starting gun sounded, and I and other athletes rushed out of the starting line like arrows. The first two laps were good and I was able to keep up with others, but on the third lap, I showed obvious physical exhaustion, and my sweat fell like a broken pearl. I gritted my teeth to insist, but excessive fatigue defeated my will, finally stopped and ended the whole journey by walking.

When I returned to my class panting, I was greeted by cold faces. Then, some students scolded: "Hey, I'm free to sign up for a long-distance run!" "We can catch anyone in our class better than you!"...... Originally, the high sun seemed to be covered by dark clouds, and the wind howled. I was cold and motionless, like a dead man.

Suddenly my friend Ajie came to me, handed me a bottle of water, and gave me a hug, a warm hug. He said to me: "It's not about success. It depends on whether you have tried your best. If you have done your best, there is nothing to say. Put their words behind you, and light is waiting for you in the front!"

Suddenly, the sun penetrated the thick clouds and shone on me. A warm current warmed my whole body. I felt that the sun seemed to be electrified, extremely warm and brilliant.

That day, a sunny day, so that now it still shines in my mind, let me not forget for a long time.

Brilliant Sunshine Composition 600 Word Composition (4)

When the first ray of sunshine in the morning shines on the earth, the surrounding environment gradually wakes up and a new sunny day begins.

When the first ray of sunshine in the morning shines on the earth, nature is full of vitality, and people start a new day.

Remember that sunny spring. The sun was very bright that day. Spring girl opened her smiling face, and the red beam of the sun came to touch the earth gently, like a young mother's hand. I really want to pick a spring sunshine and make a bookmark. Then, the sunshine of every day can be sandwiched in the seam of the book. It should be bright and warm when the book is opened. When I was young, I always liked to pester Grandma. She thought I was bored and asked someone to set up a swing under the camphor tree so that I could pass the time. At that time, I was too young to sit still. I always liked to move around. Grandma held me and sat on the swing. When I did not move, Grandma pushed me from behind and swung the swing. I saw the dazzling sunshine, how brilliant, how warm. See higher and see farther. It seems that the whole nature is in my eyes. Grandma told stories and pushed the swings, which made me feel that this sunny day seemed to be warm and lit up. In this warm sunshine, my grandmother's care is interspersed, which makes me unforgettable, miss and cherish this moment.

It was a sunny weekend. I was writing my homework under the shade of trees, but there were a lot of homework. When I couldn't answer a question, suddenly there was a glass of milk in front of my eyes. Looking up, I saw Grandma. When I was about to say thank you, she said: "It doesn't matter, write slowly, don't worry." These nine words suddenly made me anxious about the question, and gradually disappeared, as if I walked into a warm dream, felt Grandma's thick words, making me warm and lit up. Under the sunshine, the milk became more white and warm, and Grandma became more kind and warm.

On that sunny day, in spring, under the shade of trees, by the swing, I know you have always been

Brilliant Sunshine Composition 600 Word Composition (5)

After lunch, I came to the classroom and saw some early students playing with all kinds of toys: some holding big stupid bears, some dressing Barbie dolls, and some playing with remote controlled cars... I wondered how they brought toys to the school! So I drank and said, "Put away the toys. Students who haven't finished their homework in the morning should do their homework quickly. Those who have finished can read the extracurricular books!" The students reluctantly put the toys aside.

At this time, Miss Hu came from the outside and said: "Don't assign homework at noon, but give time to the students. I asked them to bring toys, let them introduce their toys together, or compare whose car runs faster and whose top turns happily." She divided the students into different groups according to the types of toys and hurried away because she had to teach and research in the afternoon.

In the classroom, female students were divided into two groups. One group was led by Zhang Yating and Huang Xiaole, and the other group was led by Zhang Xinyi and He Xiaoyu. They happily introduced their cloth doll together; In the corridor, some boys play gyroscope, some play remote control racing, some play checkers

I walked around the classroom, looked in the corridor, and looked up at the sky. Although it was already cold winter, the sun was high in the sky at this moment, shining warmly on us, so comfortable and comfortable. Yuan Tongyao, a classmate in the class, sat alone against the door with her beloved doll in her arms, humming a tune leisurely... What a warm and beautiful picture! Looking at these, a picture of seedlings growing and growing in the sun immediately appeared in my mind. Suddenly, my heart also became bright and bright. I wish this moment could become eternal. When the bell rang for the first class in the afternoon, all the students consciously returned to their seats and sat down, smiling happily and contentedly on their small faces.

On a sunny day, every child's heart is full of sunshine. On a sunny day, every teacher also has a bright happiness in his heart.

Brilliant Sunshine Composition 600 Word Composition (6)

In our mind, the sunny day is the most beautiful and comfortable. But in that sunny day, is my heart as bright as the sunshine?

I remember that it was a summer morning. The sun hung high in the sky, emitting soft sunshine. The sky was cloudless, and there were bursts of breeze from time to time. It was really a rare good weather, so my mother took me out shopping.

After strolling for an hour or two, my stomach began to growl. I felt my stomach and looked at my mother, but my mother just didn't see it. I didn't know whether it was intentional, but I couldn't help it. At this time, I heard the voice of selling candied haws. I turned my eyes and shook my mother's hand and said, "Mom, my good mother, you see my stomach is starving. You can buy me a candied haws, OK?" "Good, good, I really can't help you" My mother couldn't stand my indomitable, so she had no choice but to agree. I took the candied haws and smiled happily. My mother told me to go to the toilet and let me wait for her at the same place. Don't run around. I promised immediately.

At this time, I saw a large group of people not far away. I didn't know what they were doing. I went to have a look. It was two beggars. They looked unkempt, indifferent, and their clothes were very shabby. I saw that the child's eyes were staring at the sugar gourd in my hand. I squatted down and asked: "Children, do you want to eat candied haws?" The child nodded timidly, so I decisively handed over my candied haws. The child happily took them and did not forget to say "Thank you, big brother". Another beggar also thanked me when he saw it. I heard my mother calling me in the distance, so I ran to her in a hurry. She was worried that she could not find me.

On that sunny day, my mood was as bright as the sunshine. Although I was criticized, I was not unhappy at all.

Brilliant Sunshine Composition 600 Word Composition (7)

When the haze shrouded in front of us and blocked the hope, my mother's hand opened the curtains to dispel the haze: outside the window, the sun was shining brightly.


When I was young, I was fostered at my grandmother's home, and my mother worked abroad. Since then, there has been little shadow of my mother in life, and my mother's face has gradually faded from my mind.

In the evening of one day, after laughing all day, I felt a little dizzy. This feeling became more real and intense as time went on. In the end, it was unbearable pain. I could not help crying, touched my forehead and rushed me to the hospital.

In the dark, I felt the heat and strong shaking of the air, which was in the bumpy car. Slowly, I fell into a long sleep.

In the hazy dream, I seemed to rise and fall in the sea, painful, long and unbearable.

When I woke up, I was in the dark ward. In front of me was a rough and delicate hand, touching my forehead, soft and comfortable.

I tried to open my eyes to see my mother's face, but what I saw was a dark ward.

Mother seemed to understand my idea, and opened the curtains.

The sunshine outside the window is bright, some dazzling, and the mother's face appears impressively.

This is the mother, this is the mother of a long time.

Mother smiled, but there was a trace of sadness on her face. Two lines of tears could be seen faintly.

Mother gently stroked my forehead, and I fell asleep again in the bright sun

When I woke up, my mother had already disappeared, like a dream, too late to recall.

Later, my grandmother told me that my mother came from afar in the middle of the night and stayed by my side all night. When I woke up, my mother had left quietly with tears in her eyes.

That scene always appears in the memory, deep and vague. In the future life, no matter how dark the day is, my mother's hand can always open the curtain to hide the light for me.

Outside the window, the sun shines brightly.

Brilliant Sunshine Composition 600 Word Composition (8)

The sky is full of dark clouds, but I wave away the dark clouds in exchange for bright sunshine!

"Xx, 58 points." The teacher read my score, and my heart fell to the ground like a mirror when he heard my score. With a sound of "Pa", it broke completely! My usual pride is gone, leaving only shame. I don't know how I got back to my seat.

"Ding Lingling." After school, I dragged my schoolbag and walked toward home with weak legs. When I walked to the grass in front of my community, I sat down with a sad face and my head tightly lowered. I don't know how to go home, how to face my parents, such achievements, I really dare not give them.

When I was making a mess, a big brother of the neighbor came to me and sat down at my side at some time. He put his arm around me and held me with the other hand. He stood up and asked me softly, "What's wrong?" I answered my brother truthfully. My brother frowned, thought for a moment, and dragged me to his house. When I arrived at his house, I was confused, My brother told me a fable: "Once upon a time, there was a spider who worked hard to weave his own web, but a violent storm broke its web. The spider weaved its web again, but the storm destroyed the web again. It repeated this for more than ten times. The storm finally stopped, and the sky became sunny, so the spider's web was not damaged."

I fell into a deep meditation: "Yes, the spider's web is like my study, the storm is like my bad grades, the spider insists again and again, in exchange for a complete web. I am the same, I can only get my satisfactory results if I study hard, struggle constantly, and never give up!" Suddenly, the shadow in my heart disappeared, and dark clouds still exist in the sky, But my heart is bright

Today, I waved away the dark clouds in my heart, in exchange for bright sunshine, today is a sunny day!

Brilliant Sunshine Composition 600 Word Composition (9)

"The warm wind has made tourists drunk, making Hangzhou a Bianzhou". The warm sunshine slightly slanted on my face, and the long lost warmth moistened me again, moistened me again, and again, I remembered that day, that matter, that person!

On this day, I came to school with my bag on my back, excited and full of fantasy. Today, I'm going to have a spring outing!

When I came to the class, everyone had made a scene like a pot of porridge. If it boils for a while, I think the teacher would be out of control. "Today we are going on a trip, let me talk about the precautions..." In the teacher's speech, we can still hear those small voices, yes, the students are still discussing. The teacher had no choice but to stop talking and tell us the time. After a while, the students were boiling again.

"Look, it's so beautiful over there!" When we arrived at the tourist site, the students walked away in twos and threes, and I also went to play with my friends. "Let's play games." "OK, OK." Everyone replied. Then we played happily. All of a sudden, I heard a whoop. Everyone gathered around me quickly, and my foot sprained. It hurts. It really hurts. Instead of thinking about herself, she said first, "Are you all right?" I replied, "It's all right. I twisted my foot accidentally. Suddenly, she gently touched my ankle with her hand, and I felt warm.

Seeing the time passed, I said, "Leave me alone and go to play. I will walk back to the teacher later." "How can you do that? You are injured. Then the teacher will say something about me. I don't want to be scolded." After saying that, she helped me up. I am so happy, so warm, and so grateful to God.

The activity is over, but she and I are still so close, still have nothing to say, still, good friends.

In the blink of an eye, the primary school has left us, but every time I look up, I will think of her.

The warm sun shines on my face again, and the long lost warmth moistens me once, again, in that sunny day.

Brilliant Sunshine Composition 600 Word Composition (10)

From childhood to adulthood, my childhood was the same. Except for the thorny path under heavy rain, there was no other beautiful scenery. However, I have always believed that the sun always comes after the wind and rain. After walking through the thorny path with heavy rain, it will be a flat road full of roses.

I always remember the sentence I saw in the book and will never forget it, because which sentence made me optimistic from then on. "After the baptism of wind and rain, we can see the most beautiful rainbow." Yes, after going through difficulties, everything will be fine.

A strong smile in adversity seems to be my motivation. I have always dreamed of being like a plum blossom in December. Although the weather is cold and the ground is cold, it will blossom out beautiful flowers. I firmly believe that I am not a withered and yellow grass, I am a flower, a plum blossom in winter!

My parents divorced at the age of 8, and my mother remarried at the age of 10... One difficulty after another settled down on me... However, I didn't shed crystal tears, just smiled and swallowed the bitterness into my heart.

When I was 8 years old and 9 years old, my mother often came back to visit me, asking for help. However, my mother had to face my father's stern and terrible face again and again; However, my mother must not take my luggage and say "goodbye" again and again.

Looking at my mother's back when she left, I always cried with tears: "Mom, don't go! Don't go! Mom, don't go.

When I was 10 years old, I was used to facing the back. As soon as the car left, I, a big boy, happily went to find people to play with or read books. From the age of 10, I almost never shed a tear again. I think: I finally learned to be strong, although there is a cold-blooded feeling!

I think: Second aunt is right. She said that this child has a strong ability to resist impatience!

I think: I know I will be strong, then the sun will be bright tomorrow!

Grade 4: Li Nuo

Brilliant Sunshine Composition 600 Word Composition (11)

"Hee hee, what are you, little feather? The wind blows and it flies." Ha ha, stupid Yaya. "" Hit Doudou, hit Doudou. "Alas, poor Doudou is me. Because I was young, I was laughed at and teased in class. Each time, they tried to walk away and stopped looking at their eyes. I still remember that when I was in the first grade, my classmates said, "Yaya, go and see the sun. It's warm!". And now, the fourth grade. Students are no longer innocent to me, but repel me. Occasionally, some students don't laugh at me and really say, "We are friends." But these people are too few. In addition, those students who are good to me also have a little pity, a little sympathy, but only this can make me feel warm. But they can only get along with me for a short time, and most of them just accompany their own friends. As for me, I am just a tool to kill time. From then on, I began to dream. Silent in the dream, is a quiet world, can only hear the heartbeat. There is no worry in my dream. I can turn my homework and endurance into a breeze, blowing away my thoughts. In the dream, there is no ridicule or trick. I can enjoy the warm sunshine without worry. There are friends in the dream, they jump and jump, let happiness drive away loneliness. When I woke up, the sun was dazzling. Around me, there was still a lot of laughter, and I lowered my head silently. Walking outside, one boy patted the other boy's schoolbag. I accidentally remembered that I used to slap my friend on the head, which made him jump and then burst out laughing. In the sky, a group of birds are flying. After flying, another solitary bird came. How like that lonely bird, I walk slowly without friends. Sitting on the stone bench, I wrote a poem. Loneliness, like sadness in the desert. In the boundless sky, lonely birds fly silently. The sun shines on the earth, but it forgets the lonely bird. After writing, the sun is setting, and the sun is going to set. A group of birds flew in again and took the lonely bird off. This is silent. The next day, the sun was shining brightly. I think, why not treat it as a joke? Why not just laugh it off? I was suddenly enlightened. Outside, the sun shines brightly. This brilliant sunshine, sprinkled into a child's heart. ··The Second Primary School of Wuhan Fruit Lake ···· Chen Yifei

Brilliant Sunshine Composition 600 Word Composition (12)

In real life or work and study, many people have had the experience of writing compositions. They are no strangers to compositions. Compositions can be divided into primary school compositions, middle school compositions, and college compositions (papers). Do you know how to write a standard composition? The following is a 600 word narrative composition of the sunny days arranged by the small editor for everyone. I hope it will be helpful to everyone.

"The sun always comes after the rain, and there is a clear sky on the dark clouds. Cherish all the feelings, and every hope is in your hands. The sun always comes after the rain, and please believe that there is a rainbow. Accept all the ups and downs, and I will always be around you..." I lay leisurely in bed, humming this inspirational song, the sun gently sprinkled on my heart, and the breeze gently stroked my face, Everything is so comfortable and beautiful. This reminds me of the afternoon when it rained cats and dogs

I clearly remember that in the past semester, my grades were not particularly excellent. The sad test paper lay quietly in my schoolbag, but the dense red forks always appeared in front of me, stinging my heart

The sky gradually darkened and sank, and the sun slipped away quietly, leaving me nothing but a vast expanse of white. I am no longer in the mood to take an umbrella, rain, crash... crash... seems to be playing a sad song for me. Rain, crash... crash... dance on my head, rain, crash... crash

I walked with a heavy 'step' and ran to the house. My hands trembled so that I took the test paper to my mother for signature. Tears could not help falling on the crowded red forks, but the hateful score was very clear in my heart

My mother looked at my test paper, gently stroked my head, told me that the basic questions should not be wrong, read more times after class, and better not write wrong characters... I went back to my room, ready to recite words and texts for a while, but was surprised to find that there was a rainbow in the sky, and the rainbow was beautiful. I couldn't help but recite the text: "Red, orange, yellow and green, please blue and purple, who will hold the color training to dance in the sky? After the rain, the sun will set again, and the Guanshan Mountain will turn pale..." Yes! It is precisely because of the indomitable spirit of the soldiers that we are now winning. I should study hard to achieve excellent results. After all, I am busy again

After a period of time, the teacher took another monthly exam. After a period of hard work, I finally achieved excellent results. Looking up at the sky, there is a bright sun, the sun is warm on my body, but also on my heart. "There will be sunny days after the storm," I sighed.

Brilliant Sunshine Composition 600 Word Composition (13)

The sun poured warmth into the ground through the layers of leaves, and the shadows of the trees were mottled. The butterfly fluttered, drawing a rose colored arc. The smell of red sandalwood fills the spring breeze, filling the void between heaven and earth.

Shot 1: In class

The bell of class rang as scheduled, and the teacher transmitted knowledge to us. The new formulas were written on the blackboard, and were also deeply impressed in the minds of the students. When a question was asked, the students raised their hands, fearing that the teacher would not be able to touch them. The teacher's satisfied smile is the best appreciation for us. When in doubt, the students will boldly ask the teacher questions, and will not give up asking a difficult question, so anxious that other students keep raising their hands. Some of them are bowing their heads and silently thinking about how to speak, and the atmosphere in the classroom is brought into full play

The bright sun shines in through the window. It shines on the blackboard, on everyone's face and in everyone's heart, setting off a harmonious picture of teachers and students. On a sunny day, the sun, accompanied by the students' thirst for knowledge in their eyes, melts into everyone's heart, warm.

Shot 2: Running

The weather is sunny, the breeze is blowing, and there is no scorching sun. Running twice a week is in progress. The first grade of junior high school in the whole playground is running with the rhythm of "one, two, one" in the radio. The trees are changing rapidly beside us, and we don't care about them. If the big playground is hard to run, breathing is fast, and the legs seem to be filled with lead, the neat team has become scattered at the beginning. Watching the head teacher beside the team still insisting on running with us, although it was very hard, he still kept silent and marched side by side with the students. I can't help feeling guilty. I can't bear the pain and difficulties. I can't talk about anything in the future. Other students may be aware that the whole class will unite as one, adjust the formation and run forward with all their strength. Finally, after running, everyone gasped for breath and enjoyed the moment of peace. In the sunny days, the sunshine witnessed the trace of our struggle.

Shot 3: After class

After class, the atmosphere of a class was tense, and there was no trace in the giggle. Everyone did not forget to exchange their own gains from a class. Some students also completed their homework by taking advantage of the class, and learned from others. The short break was fully used by us, and the learning atmosphere was like sunshine among students It flows gently in the classroom. On a sunny day, the sun is as pure and beautiful as everyone's heart.

On a sunny day, when you look up at the sky, the sun shines like an agate embedded in the blue silk, and the gentle warmth spreads on your body, and you just feel brilliant around.

Yes, on a sunny day, the sun records our little memories.

Brilliant Sunshine Composition 600 Word Composition (14)

That year, the sun was just right and the breeze was not dry.

I loved sunshine when I was young. When I was young, I was deeply influenced by sunshine at my grandma's house.

There is a pond beside the ridge of the field in my hometown. In summer, the pond sparkled under the sunlight, which was the place where my brother and I played and the most innocent memory of childhood.

At noon one day, the sun burned my skin. My brother suddenly wanted to play with water, and I agreed without thinking.

How to play? First, we moved more than ten bamboo poles that we had accumulated in winter and tied them together neatly. After ensuring that no water will sink, the discarded tires will be placed in the center under the raft. Finally, trim the scissors, get ready, and start our voyage.

Effortlessly put the bamboo raft into the water, splashing a splash, we tried the water and jumped up.

Hold a long pole and wade through the pond. The raft is leisurely and the heart is leisurely. The cool water brushed away the dryness and heat of the body, and even the sun became gentle, sprinkling it on the pink faces of the two children and into their childish and vigorous hearts. The surrounding crops and trees are particularly green, and the clouds are rolling and comfortable.

Occasionally, when they put their feet into the water to play, small fish would rub their feet. A fish lingered at my feet for a long time, and I rushed at it as quickly as I could. Unexpectedly, I slipped and fell into the water. I also jumped over the bamboo raft, and my brother fell into the water because of me

I splashed in the water for several times. Fortunately, Grandma didn't fill the pond with water last night, and the water only reached my chest. Under the water is soft soil, and sometimes there are water sponges winding your feet. We in the water are accompanied by fish and shrimp. The sun is our song, playing the indelible memory symphony of childhood, playing the naughty and naive childish.

One noon later, I finally landed. The bamboo raft floats in the water and in the sun

So far, it is a warm wind blowing my cheeks, and it is also a good time to play in the water. However, the small pond carrying happiness no longer exists, but the sun and heart are still there.

In those days, the sun was shining brightly.

Brilliant Sunshine Composition 600 Word Composition (15)

Although I was born in the south of the Yangtze River, I don't like the rainy weather. I think I am not a scholar or writer. I can touch the scenery and write sentimental poems. I prefer sunny days. Maybe in the rain, I can quietly recall the sunny days

Sunshine is the sunshine in the weather and the warmth that can make ice and snow disappear in the heart. This is the sunshine that can make the world clear after rain. How can I not love it?

On a sunny day, everything in the world is beautiful. When flowers bloom and grass sprouts, some people will sit on cane chairs in the yard to bask in the sun, and a group of children will catch butterflies in the fields and run after kites. This is spring; Although it was exposed to the sun, it made cicadas play a symphony of summer. It made farmers work in the fields without knowing how hard they worked. The rice fields growing in sweat must also be sweet. This is summer; The sun has softened, the sky has become high and the clouds have faded, and some flowers have been invited to stand proudly on the day when hundreds of flowers have withered. In such a weather, we can vaguely smell the faint aroma of fruit, which is drifting farther and farther away. It may carry the sun's joy to float far away. This is autumn; In the cold winter season, the weather is cold. Maybe the sun is closely linked with people's mood. When it is sunny and dark, the feeling in the heart also fluctuates. In the cold morning, we would like to see the weather clear, and begin the day's life with the cold feeling gradually receding. This is winter. Do you think the four seasons are better because of the sunshine?

I prefer sunshine, so I like to go out with sunshine, so I like to open my arms, close my eyes, look up and enjoy the warm world, and float after taking a breath of pure oxygen. The sunny road is just the young temperature, warm and comfortable!

Rain, it's not that I don't love you. It's just that I enjoy, cherish and love the sunny days more, and love the days with sunshine around me more, because I know that warmth is everywhere!

Brilliant Sunshine Composition 600 Word Composition (16)

The ups and downs, the joys, the successes and the failures on the way of growth all leave their marks on our hearts.

Adolescence, we are always dissatisfied. "Dad, Xiao Hong's skirts are all famous brands, and Xiao Li's shoes are all imported. When will you buy them for me! All people have vanity, but it should be limited! Why not refuse the temptation? Don't force your parents to get what you can't afford. Sometimes, compared with others, being alive is already a kind of happiness!

Two little boys met on a narrow road, which could not pass two people at once. So the problem arises. Both of them refused to give way to each other on the ground that they were in a hurry, but they asked the other to give way. So, from the initial quarrel, to the later push and bustle, to the later fight. Finally, the two black and blue faced people were so tired that they were panting on the ground. Looking at their watches again, the precious time they were pursuing had already passed away. This is a lesson. Everyone comes and goes in a hurry. If one person is willing to step back, everyone will gain their own wide sky. How can they fall down on the narrow path together!

We all need the ability of self-control, and we should take others into consideration while strengthening our own needs. Get along harmoniously with people and create a harmonious society!

My grandmother once said: "Don't catch others' shortcomings, her strengths are the highlights. Forgive others once, and you can find a way out for your own mind.".

Don't be afraid of being swallowed up by darkness. As long as we stand higher and relax, the sun can still fill our hearts and illuminate our lives.

Winter has come, the sun is still shining!

Brilliant Sunshine Composition 600 Word Composition (17)


The melody of the breeze is moving. I can't hear it. The steps of the sun are light, I can't reach its shoulder. Raise your head and see the sun is still shining.

Dark Rainy Days

The examination paper was crumpled into a ball and fell to the ground. I held my head and sat on the ground crying. How many times have you stayed up all night and read at night, only to get this result? When I closed my eyes, I remembered the teacher's disappointed expression, the classmates' sarcastic smiles, and the bad exam papers.

It seems that a light rain is floating in my heart, and my scarred heart becomes dark.

Obscure Cloudy

The rainy season is continuous, and the scars are still there.

I lowered my head and caught a glimpse of a sentence: "If you stand on tiptoe, you will be closer to the sun."

sunshine? I looked up, opened the window, and saw how bright the sun was! Reach out, ah, the sun is so warm! Should I put it down?

At that moment, a ray of light penetrated the clouds in my heart, the continuous rainy season ended, and my heart was so dim.

Brilliant · Sunshine

In the poetic June, the city is enveloped in muggy heat, and everything shows a throbbing charm.

All the people are reviewing for the final exam and making the final sprint, but I am still hesitating.

I think I should put it down. After all, it's all over.

I smiled. At that moment, countless powerful lights shot into my heart like swords, driving away the boundless sadness in my heart. My heart is bright.

Looking up, the sun is still shining. In addition, there is another person with a bright heart who feels the sunshine with heart.

Brilliant Sunshine Composition 600 Word Composition (18)

The sky is full of dark clouds, but I wave away the dark clouds in exchange for bright sunshine!

"Xx, 58 points." The teacher read my score, and my heart fell to the ground like a mirror when he heard my score. With a sound of "Pa", it broke completely! My usual pride is gone, leaving only shame. I don't know how I got back to my seat.

"Ding Lingling." After school, I dragged my schoolbag and walked toward home with weak legs. When I walked to the grass in front of my community, I sat down with a sad face and my head tightly lowered. I don't know how to go home, how to face my parents, such achievements, I really dare not give them.

When I was making a mess, a big brother of the neighbor came to me and sat down at my side at some time. He put his arm around me and held me with the other hand. He stood up and asked me softly, "What's wrong?" I answered my brother truthfully. My brother frowned, thought for a moment, and dragged me to his house. When I arrived at his house, I was confused, My brother told me a fable: "Once upon a time, there was a spider who worked hard to weave his own web, but a violent storm broke its web. The spider weaved its web again, but the storm destroyed the web again. It repeated this for more than ten times. The storm finally stopped, and the sky became sunny, so the spider's web was not damaged."

I fell into a deep meditation: "Yes, the spider's web is like my study, the storm is like my bad grades, the spider insists again and again, in exchange for a complete web. I am the same, I can only get my satisfactory results if I study hard, struggle constantly, and never give up!" Suddenly, the shadow in my heart disappeared, and dark clouds still exist in the sky, But my heart is bright

Today, I waved away the dark clouds in my heart, in exchange for bright sunshine, today is a sunny day!