600 words of apology composition (17 in total)
The Old Man and the Sea
2023-12-25 03:14:20

600 words of apology composition (1)

How many people have ever said these three words and regretted them. "Sorry" is such a solemn word. It is not only a polite expression, but also a polite way to express apology.

I grew up gradually, but my parents grew old day by day. When we don't understand, our parents silently pay for us, but never ask for any return. As we grow up, our parents talk a lot. Gradually, we will find our parents too nagging and resent them. But parents still care about us and pay for us silently. Nowadays, many students will be disgusted with their parents' nagging. Of course, I am not an exception. Whenever my parents say something about me, I will pretend not to hear them or quarrel with them, but I never thought that our parents would say it for whose good? It's for us, for our future.

Every time after the exam, I felt that I did well in the exam, but the results were always contrary to what I thought. My father encouraged me every time, but I let him down every time. Sometimes I also complain about why I didn't do well in the exam. Is it because I didn't work hard? But my father always cheered for me behind my back. No matter how bad I did in the exam, he always cheered for me. Although my father said cheering, I also saw that my father was disappointed, so I tried hard every time. Although I could not do my best, I still needed to make progress.

The things our parents do for us are always countless. Their love is the most selfless and sincere love in the world. Parents are the people in the world who you should say sorry most. Because we "bent" our parents' waist and "dyed white" their beautiful black hair; Because of us, our parents' faces have wrinkles of toil; Because of us, parents have lost many beautiful youth; Because of us, parents worry about how much. My parents gave us the best time, and I paid silently without asking for any return.

Parents are the ones who love you the most in the world. No matter how bad you are, you are always the best in their hearts. My parents broke their hearts for us. Here I solemnly say "sorry" to my parents.

600 words of apology composition (2)

Wrong, an ordinary and simple word. I, a rebellious, unreasonable boy, even a simple "I was wrong" is difficult to say. Is it face, self-esteem, or my ignorance of existence? Since I had a computer at home, and since I came into contact with virtual online games, I could not extricate myself from being infatuated with it. As long as I had time, I would rush to the computer and start the journey of the virtual world, and my achievements would plummet. The hostile relationship between my father and I began at that time. My father had no better way to dissuade me, so he chose the most direct and effective method - beating. Every time, I was curled up in a corner.

Listening to my father's roar, my hatred for him deepened day by day. I swear: when I grow up, I will break off the father son relationship with him! I remember that the most serious time my father got angry was when the mid-term exam was coming this semester. There were only a few days left for the exam, but I held the computer all day long, one day or two, so I gave all the golden review time to the computer. My father finally couldn't stand it. He took the chair and threw it at the computer at all costs. Looking at the innocent baby, I threw a hateful look at my father.

At that moment, I really hated my father. He seemed to be the enemy of my life. But when I think back to that time, I was too childish and ignorant! What made me change was one person's words, that is, Mr. Xu. One day after finishing a new class, Miss Xu said a word. She said: "A person who cannot be grateful to his parents, no matter how good he studies, no matter how high his education is, no matter how envious he works, is a waste man. Imagine a person whose parents do not know how to be grateful even when they have raised themselves, who will he thank and care about? Maybe some of your parents' ways of disciplining you can't be accepted by you, but it can't erase their love for you.

In fact, it is also a kind of happiness to be controlled by someone, which at least proves that someone cares about you. In this world, you are not alone. "Every word of the teacher hit my soul with a thud. My father is more than forty years old. In addition to shouldering the economic burden of the whole family, he is also forced to worry about my trivial life. Thinking of this, I can't help but feel ashamed. At that moment, I told myself: I must apologize to my father for what I have done!

600 words of apology composition (3)

I'm sorry, I'm really sorry. Every time I see you, I want to tell you, but every time I get stuck in my throat, my face turns red, and finally I walk away helplessly.

It was a sunny morning. The next day at my sister's house, I got up early in the morning and looked out of the window. Eh, there was a small wooden house in my sister's backyard. What was there in the small wooden house? I thought curiously about going there to find out, so I put on my clothes and went to the cabin. On the road, I heard a voice: "Hey! What are you doing?" I was shocked! Looking back, it turned out to be my sister. "I'm here." When my sister saw my hesitation, she knew I was going to the cabin and said, "The cabin is my learning garden, and ordinary people can't come in. For the sake of being a guest, I will take you to have a look." Then I entered my sister's secret base. My sister's learning room was neat and clean. Once I came in, I was attracted by the sixth grade books, I turn over Chinese books and math books. "Little brother, look!" I saw my sister took out a box, which contained Go, checkers and dolls.

I played with my sister in high spirits. Suddenly, I caught a glimpse of an exquisite notebook, and I couldn't help liking it. I wanted to put it in my pocket. It was too late, but it was fast. When my sister turned around, I put the notebook into my pocket. In the afternoon, my sister found the book when she was writing. "Strange, it was still yesterday, how could it not be found?" I thought to myself: God, she is looking for the book I just took. It's terrible! Once my sister finds out, I will become a real thief? No, I will hide the book in my schoolbag immediately so as not to be seen by my sister. In this way, I successfully brought the book home. But when I think of my sister's worried eyes, I really don't like it. My sister is so good to me, how can I take her things! But confess to her, and have no courage. In this way, I have been in conflict

It has been almost two months since this happened, but when I see this book, I don't feel so bad. Today, I finally got up the courage to confess to you in this way: Sister, I'm sorry! Can you forgive me?

600 words of apology composition (4)

Mr. Wang Xiaolan, do you still remember that I always like to play jokes at all times. I also like to disturb others in class. I also leave school and don't take classes seriously. Sometimes I will talk back to you and scold you in my heart, blaming you for making me make a fool of myself in front of my face. I have been recorded in the three item appraisal record for many times, such as fighting, opening my eyes, talking, etc, It will also make you angry, teacher, I'm sorry.

Mr. Liu Ziwei, when you taught me math in the third grade, I also liked to talk in class. The first hint you gave me was to look at me with your eyes for more than ten seconds. The second one would say, "Cao Lin, sit down and don't talk to the past. Sorry, I didn't respect you. Of course, you won't respect me. I know you want me to be good, but I often make you angry. The old secretary is sorry.

Mr. Shi Tangming, you are my class teacher of Grade 5 this year. In the three evaluations of the last few weeks, there were five names of me. When I first asked me how to do it well, after many times, you would not hit me, but would scold me. These are all good for me. But I still complain about you in my heart, and I will talk back to you. Sorry, Teacher Shi Tangming.

Teacher, I will remember your teaching in my heart and never forget it. I will also change my bad habits and habits little by little. I will try my best to be a person who respects others. Our comprehensive teacher said, "You respect me and I will respect you." This sentence seems to have been printed in my heart. I'm sorry for your hard work, teacher.

600 words of apology composition (5)

I really want to say "I was wrong"

Time is like running water. Five years have passed in a twinkling of an eye. Grandpa, you have left us for five years. Five years ago, you were killed by illness. You have been alone in heaven for five years. I think you must be very lonely.

I have also grown up. Your childish and lively granddaughter was no longer a troublemaker. I have grown into a graceful girl. Five years ago, I was so ignorant that I often did some useless things in the Tang Dynasty. On a snowy day, I held your hand and asked you to accompany me to make a snowman and have a snowball fight. You are forced to shout and laugh with me. That voice is very loud and has been reverberating around the village

Five years later, your smiling face, your laughter and your figure are gradually disappearing in my mind, but your big and powerful hands are still so clear, and those hands have wiped my tears, washed my feet, helped me, pulled me

I still remember that every January, I will stay with you for many days. Every morning, you will burn the charcoal fire before we get up, waiting for me to come. One day, you overslept due to illness and got up late. When I got up, I found that the charcoal fire was not well lit and the weather was so cold. I lost my temper and kept on talking for half a morning. Cousin couldn't stand it anymore. He gave me two words and I cried. You looked around and didn't speak. Seeing my grievance, you criticized my cousin and said he didn't love my cousin. Cousin flung the door out angrily. At this time, I knew I was in trouble, but I was stubborn and ignored anyone. I picked up my clothes and went home. I didn't expect that would be the last time we met!

A few months later, my mother called and said that my grandfather had died. I hurried from school and hid in the house crying. Seeing your serene appearance, there is still a smile on your mouth. I can't believe that you have arrived in that world, and your smiling face will never accompany me anymore. Your big hand will never lift me up again. I cry so sadly

I really want to say "I was wrong!" It's a pity that you can't hear me anymore. I really regret it

People, how can we cherish when we lose them?

600 words of apology composition (6)

"Mom, I'm back from school." As soon as I opened the door, a strong smell of braised fish came to my nose, teasing my hungry taste buds. So I walked into the kitchen without breathing. As expected, my mother was burning the food vigorously. Seeing the food coming out of the pot, my mother suddenly exclaimed, "Ah! I forgot to put onions, but my family just ran out of them. What should I do?" Before I knew it, my mother gave me a wink. I knew that ominous things were approaching me step by step

I walked along the stairs with apprehension step by step, as if my feet were filled with lead. I looked east and west for fear that pedestrians would see through my "drama". In addition to the sound of his own footsteps, the quiet stairwell echoed crisply. In addition, it was quiet. It seemed so empty and strange. In the journey of a century, I finally reached the end with difficult steps.

I leaned over the wall, craned my head and looked around. Seeing nobody around, I timidly came to a small flower bed and watched the thick green green green onions swaying their soft posture in the wind. It seems that they are so vigorous under the care of their master. Obviously, I can't make up my mind, but I have just made up my mind to stretch out my hand again and again. In the end, despite the fierce struggle in my heart, I closed my eyes directly, pulled them out, put them into my arms, rushed into the house, handed the "booty" to my mother, turned back to my room, and began to write my homework absentmindedly.

Since the event of "stealing onions", every time I go home from school, as long as I pass the small flower bed, I will be frightened and full of guilt. Until one day, I suddenly saw a simple and kind old lady carefully watering the plants in the flower bed. Her expression was so focused, her action was so skillful, and her face was full of laughter. It can be seen that every bit in the flower bed is the result of the old lady's hard work. But when I think of it, I feel very ashamed and can't answer. But the fact that I was timid again made me choose to escape. Not long after that, my mother said that the old lady next door had moved away, that is, the owner of the flower bed would not appear here again, and the figure of watering every day would disappear completely. I don't know why, my heart felt sour and mixed feelings.

The old woman moved away in this way and left quietly with my regret. But the "sorry" that has not been said for a long time can only be buried in the bottom of my heart.

600 words of apology composition (7)

Mother is like an umbrella on our heads, helping and protecting us day and night. However, this umbrella can't protect us forever. When we were young, we didn't seem to understand her, let alone help her. That's how she took care of us until she was old

But I did something that made my mother sad

It was a sunny Saturday. From the room came the sound of reading aloud. When my mother saw that I was particularly serious, she praised me and made me proud.

I read it carefully. After a while, my mother came in, and I didn't hesitate to recite at her place. "There is no end to learning in the book mountain, and there is no end to learning. Hmm -" I forgot when I was nervous and kept jumping around. My mother saw that I was in such a hurry. After reading a book, she told me: "There is no end to learning." I was furious and furious. I scolded without thinking: "Who is more bored than you told me? Damn!" I quickly reported to the study and closed the door with a bang. My mother is like a mute eating coptis - I can't tell you how bitter it is, and I want to explain it to you, but I will never listen to the bull like temper. In the study

At this moment, all things will not obey my command. Even my favorite doll sitting in the most prominent place in the study scolded me and scolded me for being angry with my mother. At this moment, the window is not shaking, the curtains are not floating, the noisy crowd outside the window is not noisy, and the gilded characters on the billboard are no longer so dazzling... Everything is quiet, only I lie on the table with a lonely heart and cry quietly

"I came out for dinner." My mother called me gently for fear that I might lose my temper again. I slowly went out to eat, and my heart was sad again.

I have been fighting with my mother since morning and afternoon. From my mother's eyes, I saw that she was sad and worried about me. It turns out that this is maternal love. The great mother is always thinking about us, including when she has conflicts with us. Only then did I realize that it was my fault.

When I think of that day, my eyes will be filled with sadness. How regretful I am now! At this moment, I just want to say: "Mom, I'm sorry".

600 words of apology composition (8)

A letter of apology to you

This is the first time for me to take off the mask of arrogance and apologize to you. I hope this is the last time.

notes preceding the text of a book or following the title of an article

In any case, I would like to thank you for accommodating me and satisfying my little pride, capriciousness and vicious tongue. I know everyone keeps a distance from me, but you are not. I regret doing things that hurt you in the past, and hope you can forgive me.

On that day, the gossip about you and him spread all over the world, and you were very angry. I have no conscience to say that it is not true. I admit it. Anyway, you two are a good match. You glared at me, turned your head and walked away, ignoring me. Although you are my front desk, I didn't apologize to you. You lie on the table, I know you cried, but I never said sorry. I never thought about other people's feelings. I also saw the word "hate" you carved on the table. Are you hating me. I asked silently in my heart. Later you said to me that you were really angry and I would say that you regarded me as a friend. I'm sorry. Although this matter has not hindered our friendship, perhaps you have already forgotten it. But I still want to say seriously: Sorry!

That day, you failed in your English dictation and got slapped. There is a loud sound when the teaching staff contacts your palm. I know it must hurt. After class, you are still joking with me like nobody else. I said, you are also thick skinned. Don't you feel ashamed. You don't care about saying that if people are not sages, who can make mistakes? I really don't know what you are thinking all day long. I can't remember a few English words. Is this still you?! You go to bed before 9 o'clock every day. You sleep more than everyone. You also complain about lack of sleep all day long. I can't finish copying my homework. You are decadent, aren't you! I punished you, and didn't save you any face. You look at me coldly, don't violate my moral bottom line. I shouted at your back, do you have morality! We parted in discord. You know I am good to you, but my mouth is too smelly. I'm sorry!

That day, in an unhappy political lesson, you wrote my name on the cartoon characters in the political textbook. Of course, I won't give up. I quarreled with you very quietly but fiercely. If the politics teacher were not in the classroom, I would certainly beat you up. You know that you made a mistake first, so you sincerely apologized to me and gave me your clothes to vent. I still remember now that the poor clothes were trampled down by me and thrown into your table hole in a ball. But my temper is not so easy to deal with. After class, I threw all your textbooks to the ground. I smiled proudly when I saw you squatting on the ground to pick up your textbooks. Even if we keep arguing every day, even if you make me angry every day. I will also say: Sorry. I will hurt your self-esteem every time, and you are a face saver. But fortunately, you didn't take these seriously, otherwise I would be guilty. I'm sorry!

That day, you didn't score a single goal on the basketball court in PE class. You are very angry. You think you are good at basketball, but everyone else steals the limelight. A group of girls outside the court are cheering for him. The atmosphere was awkward. After class, you walk back to the classroom alone. Why didn't you score a goal? Aren't you very good? I said. I'm not in shape today. You seem to comfort yourself. I really don't try to find the reason subjectively and objectively. I admire it. I sneered, turning back to my seat. When I turned around, I saw your strange eyes. There was sadness, surprise, and even anger. I dare not watch more. Although we are familiar with each other and understand each other's personality, you will also know that this is a joke I played. But at that moment, I knew that what you needed was an encouragement, not this crazy irony. I thought you would never be angry, at least not with me. But that time you talked to me several days apart. I want to say a late word to you: Sorry!

Sorry, I should have apologized at that time; Sorry, I should choose the right way to express my feelings; Sorry, I should be magnanimous and not haggle over a word; Sorry, I should learn how to comfort and encourage the injured.

This is my first apology to you. It may be a little late. Will you forgive me?

600 words of apology composition (9)

I always think that mother is just a plain book, which can be read without any emotional interpretation; I always think that I have grown up, and my mother is just an old house, covering my childhood, but will not provide new scenery; I always think that a mother's tolerant heart does not need her daughter's care; I always thought... but I didn't know that I had broken my mother's heart.

No matter how the seasons change, no matter how the years change, I will never forgive myself, because I once made such an important mistake, because I once deeply hurt my mother's heart, because I willfully hurt her heart. Mother, I was wrong, sorry, please forgive me!

I have always liked my father's silence, but I am tired of my mother's nagging. When I was 11 years old, I went out to play with my friends one day. Before going out, my mother was not at home. I just said to my father that I would come back later. Not long after I went out, my father also went out, but he forgot to tell my mother about my going out. When my mother came back, she saw that I was not there, so she anxiously searched everywhere for me.

I didn't go home until 7 o'clock in the evening. When my mother saw me back, she was immediately overjoyed. But after a while, my mother's face suddenly changed, and she sternly asked me: "Where have you been? You came back so late?" The voice sounded like thunder in my ears, and I casually replied: "I went out to play with my friends." Mother said: "Go out to play? You don't know how complicated the society is now. Anything can happen. You are a girl who came back so late. Don't you know how dangerous it is? " I said angrily, "Mom, I'm just going out with a few friends. Besides, there are boys who will protect me!" My mother was even more surprised and said, "What? There are boys? A few little boys, what do you say to protect you?" I said again, "Mom, don't you want to be crooked?" My mother said stubbornly, "No, you should write a guarantee for me right now, and promise not to go out with boys in the future, and not to go out of the house without authorization!" I was angry, and loudly retorted, "Why should I write a guarantee? I also have my freedom. I want a world of my own. You are decades old, and you still nag me all day long. I'm bored. You don't have to worry about me! "

Suddenly, everything in the room was quiet. I turned around and dared not look at my mother. After a long time, I turned my face slightly, and I saw tears flowing down my mother's eyes. Then I realized that my words contradicted my mother, and my impulsive behavior hurt her beautiful soul. I began to think: Did I do something wrong? Should I apologize to my mother? no Later, my father said to me that my mother was very sad. She cried for me that day. At this time, I really knew that I was wrong! But I didn't have the courage to apologize to my mother. I only knew that she was very sad. After all, it was her beloved daughter who hurt her! In my memory, my mother never shed tears in front of my eyes. She was so brave and strong. She used her ordinary life to pay extraordinary things for her children! But I hurt her more than once! Mother is a kind of time, a kind of time from green land to a forest, a kind of time from a stream to the boundless sea; Mother is a kind of years. Every white hair and wrinkle symbolizes the ruthlessness of years and records the vicissitudes of years; Mother is a kind of time, which is worth our tears and thanksgiving forever! When I was a child, I only trusted my mother; When I was young, I only had a blind understanding of my mother; Right? Only when the sun of life moves towards noon and the spring and summer of life begin, can we have a deep understanding and love for our mother?

Mom, I was wrong! Forgive my daughter for not having the courage to apologize to you. Forgive my daughter for her original mistake. Please forgive me for my caprice and ignorance. I swear: I will use my youth and blood to create a better future, use my own practical actions to smooth your white hair at the temples, and wipe away your tears at the corners!

Apologize to a person on behalf of hurting him; Apologizing to one needs courage and action to prove it! Friends, in order that none of us will regret in the future, please muster up your courage and apologize to those you should apologize to! No matter who you hurt, you should apologize to them with your sincere attitude. Only in this way can our society be civilized and harmonious!

Mother is indeed a plain book, but it takes a lifetime to understand; Mother is indeed an old house, giving us memories of infinite love; Mother, like a wall, blocks the wind and rain, blocks the hot sun, so that we, these young trees can thrive without wind and rain; Mother, like a kind mother bird, stroked our young feathers with loving hands every day to encourage us to fight against the sky. Here, I apologize to my mother with a repentant heart: Mom, I'm sorry!

600 words of apology composition (10)

I was brought up by my grandmother. When I was young, I liked to lie on her legs. She fanned me and sang a lullaby to coax the baby to sleep. In retrospect, it has always been the happiest moment.

Grandma always said that my mother and I are very stubborn. How stubborn? Once Grandma took me to the park, I suddenly saw a stall at the corner of a door, with fluorescent bracelets, toy guns and many other interesting things on it. They are very attractive to children of my age. My eyes were straight at that time. After staring at a toy like butterfly wings for a long time, I slowly turned my head, grabbed Grandma's arm, shook it and said, "Grandma, please buy one for Stinky Niu, OK?" Grandma also looked at my big clear eyes, and I blinked, looking even more pitiful. Grandma finally opened her mouth. She pointed to the butterfly toy that I had dreamed of, and asked, "How much is this?"

"Fifteen yuan," the owner replied.

After listening, Grandma quickly pushed me far away, grabbed my thin and fragile arm, and my long nails made me sore. She squatted down and held my shoulder and said, "I won't buy it. That man is a liar. He is dirty and sold for 15 yuan. I won't buy it. Go home!" When I heard that I didn't buy it, an anger surged into my heart and immediately became stubborn like a cow. "No, no!" I said, taking my grandmother's hand off my shoulder, pushed her away and ran to the path of the park.

I didn't cry, but I felt angry. Although I didn't know why I had to run, I ran. I thought of Grandma's poor health, and her legs often hurt. No, I couldn't run anymore, so I stopped to turn around and look for her. When I turned around, I saw a shaking figure.

It was a short, fat figure. It was a figure who could only run slowly because of leg pain. It was a figure whose legs could not be bent hard and almost pushed straight.

My brain hummed, and I could only rush into Grandma's warm arms regardless of everything. She just called my name again and again, held me tightly, and gently stroked my soft head with one hand

After returning home, Grandma didn't even mention it. And I never apologized to Grandma.

If my mother is like water and my father is like a mountain, my grandmother's love for me is like a bowl of noodles in soup that I love to eat. But I accidentally tickled the bowl. Grandma, I still owe you an apology

600 words of apology composition (11)

As I grow up day by day, my bad habits are also emerging one after another, leaving my body organs in tatters. But I am still incorrigible. Recently, I realized the seriousness of the matter and decided to change things. Just take this opportunity to say sorry to my organs!

Brother nose, I ask you to have plastic surgery!

I have a very bad habit, that is, I like to pick my nose. Every day when I have nothing to do, I put two "little devil's claws" into the poor big brother's nose, making you look very different... It also makes you suffer from rhinitis, and removes your hair (nasal hair), which makes you unable to filter the air. I am also aware of my mistakes, and I am ashamed of myself. I am deeply sorry for this! I hope you don't remember villains, forgive me!

Miss Tooth, I ask you to whiten!

Dear Miss Tooth, I'm sorry! I often leave you in the cold. Not giving you toothpaste is like not giving you clothes. Every time I ask you to face the food army alone, I feel very ashamed. Every night, I only covet temporary benefits, and I don't whiten you, which makes you feel wronged. Finally, let bacteria occupy your home, and moths eat your body. The white body is occupied by yellow, making you look haggard. Now, I will regularly ask you to use toothpaste for whitening, to help you drive away bacteria, worms, and get back your whiteness! I am deeply sorry for hurting you!

Mr. Eye, please have a rest!

Dear Mr. Eye, I'm sorry! I often let you work overload, and you are gradually damaged and very tired. I am addicted to TV and mobile phones. These things are like sharp knives. They stab your body one by one, causing your health index to decline (eyesight to decline) and your body to be covered with a layer of gauze (blurred vision). I promise you that I won't let you work so hard any more. I will let you take frequent breaks and watch TV and mobile phones as little as possible. I say to you: "Sorry!"

Bodily organs help us to maintain life in obscurity, and we cannot let them suffer a little injustice. Now, I want to say to the organ I have hurt: "Sorry!"

600 words of apology composition (12)

I have been in my alma mater for six years, but this day I should go. It's time to graduate. On this last day, I think only I can say to the teacher, "Teacher, I'm sorry for you:"

In the past days, I have so much to say to you, but today, I can finally confess to you. "Teacher, I'm sorry. When I saw that the head teacher changed to you at the beginning of school, I was full of bitterness. I wanted to anger you, so I was against you everywhere. I know it's me, but I don't know how. I just want to anger you. Although you are right, I still want to challenge you. You don't think of his teacher punishing us, but you give us opportunities again and again. "Fight", "jump out of bed", "curse" You have endured all these mistakes, and don't care. It is your kindness that has accommodated us that has made you angry to this extent. The human heart is fleshy! We are distressed to see you haggard day by day! If you were not the head teacher this time, I would have been fired. Thank you, teacher, you let me regain this learning opportunity.

But I don't cherish this opportunity, and I still secretly scold you, saying that you are not good at teaching, and you are ugly, and dare to go out to work. After one year's contact, I know I'm sorry for you‘ Teacher, I know wrong, I really know wrong. ' This has deceived you for many times, but this time it comes from my heart and is serious. I hope you can accept my most ordinary apology. Please forgive me for my ignorance‘ Teacher, I know my mistake

In the days to come, I will remember your teaching, your appearance and everything in this school.

Teacher, we will always love you! Always remember you!

600 words of apology composition (13)

When searching for clothes at home, I found a cloth bag. A hard object is wrapped in the cloth bag. I pulled it out of the cabinet, and accidentally it hit the wall, with the resonance of the metal voice, echoing dully in the room. I thought, "It's like my guitar."

An apology poured out of his heart - he should have been lonely here for a long time.

When I was young, I begged my mother to buy me a guitar because I longed for those rock stars on TV, and fooled my father into signing up for a guitar training class.

At the beginning, I was very interested in guitar: I memorized all the operations I had just taught, but it only lasted for a while.

In the following days, my confidence was gradually eroded. It seems that from that day on, my left hand for pressing strings is no longer strong, my right hand for plucking strings is no longer agile, and my attitude has become extremely lazy. So that from then on, the melodious melody can no longer be heard in my room, only a few tuneless notes occasionally pop out intermittently, and can't echo in the living room.

It was my low point at that time, and my achievements were always stable in the lower reaches, like a huge rock in the river. My parents are always worried about me. On the one hand, I am tired of their chatter, on the other hand, I am worried that they have worked too much for me. My father's hair, then, was spotty white, like hoarfrost on the roadside grass in autumn morning. I am sorry and grateful to them. What I can do is to care more about them and apologize to them.

I unzipped the bag, gently lifted out the guitar, and put the bag aside. I stroked the rusty string, which sobbed and talked about its loneliness for several years. I calibrated the music and took out the score from my bag. The music score is still open, and the open page is my favorite song, the song that took me out of the dilemma: Blue Lotus.

I stroked the string. The left hand on the string seemed to be full of strength, and the hand on the string seemed to be agile. I touched the string: "Nothing can stop you, your longing for freedom..."

At this moment, playing a beautiful melody with it should be the best apology to parents

600 words of apology composition (14)

In our journey of growing up, we will always inadvertently miss some beautiful and precious things, and their missing will make us unforgettable and regret. I have missed many people and things, but what I regret most is that I missed the apology.

When I was in the fourth grade, my favorite math teacher left because he was the head teacher of other classes. The new teacher, Chen, was short, strong, and always smiled kindly. He introduced himself personally. Although the teacher Chen gave us a good impression, it may be because I like the original math teacher too much, so I have no good opinion of the teacher Chen, and naturally I don't like the subject he taught.

One day a few weeks later, Mr. Chen called me to the platform with my exercise book. "Su Chang, why did you make a mistake on such a simple topic in your exercise book? Didn't the teacher tell you all about it?" Although I knew it was my fault this time, I was still very unwilling to whisper back, "It's not that you teach poorly.".

Time passed quickly. Half a semester passed, and I gradually got to know Mr. Chen and felt his sincerity and dedication to us. Remembering the situation of contradicting him in class, I felt sorry for him. I should not be so disrespectful. I wanted to apologize to the teacher after the final exam and ask him to forgive me for my previous mistakes. But soon, Mr. Chen became seriously ill and left the podium until his death.

When I heard the news of Mr. Chen's death, I couldn't believe my ears. How could Mr. Chen, who has always been strong, die of illness so soon! I have always told myself that this must be false news, but Mr. Chen has indeed left us.

In this way, I missed the opportunity to apologize to Mr. Chen, who will never know that I owe him an apology.

Mr. Chen has been away from us for nearly three years, but his voice and face always appear in my mind. Yes, life is always so fragile. We should cherish the people around us, and don't regret it until we miss it.

600 words of apology composition (15)

Once, when I was doing my homework at home, my sister insisted on playing with my pen. I was afraid that if I could not finish my homework, I would not meet her "unreasonable requirements", because this is my only pen. The sister who failed in the conspiracy cried loudly.

My mother ran out of the kitchen hurriedly: "What's the matter, Jingjing? Did she bully my sister again? Give her what she wanted, so that she wouldn't affect your study." I thought to myself: What is "you"? Do you think I've been bullying my sister in your heart, but actually it's my sister who bully me with the power of "Mom and Dad". So I retorted: "She wants to play with my pen, which is my only pen. What did I use to do my homework for her?" Mother went to protect her sister and said: "It's just a pen. What can I do if I give it to her?" Then she used "violence" to take the pen from my hands and gave it to her sister. My sister looked at me with victorious eyes.

I was so unconvinced that I wanted to take back my pen. When my father, who came back from work in the field, saw my move, he rushed to me and kicked me

At that time, I hated my father and mother very much. In order to show my resistance to them, I tried to bear the grievance and pain, not to let tears flow out. I picked up my schoolbag and walked to my grandma's house alone in the darkness.

In the evening, I was writing my homework with a borrowed pen under the dim light. My parents came to my grandmother's house and walked to my desk. My mother said, "Jingjing, it's my father and mother who blamed you today. I'm sorry." My father silently put a new pen on my homework book.

Suddenly, my tears came out again, this time it was tears of gratitude. After a hard day's work, my parents had to come all the way to apologize to their daughters late at night. In fact, they were the ones who loved them most. At this time, I really know that children are the treasure of their parents. Mom and Dad, I love you.

600 words of apology composition (16)

When we entered junior high school, we were not in the same class. As we were separated from each other, we had less time to communicate.

One day, we agreed to play basketball together during the holiday. On Saturday afternoon, we arrived at the stadium on time as agreed. I happened to meet some old friends and played ball together. Prince Yue and I led two people to compete. Wang Ziyue is just learning to play basketball. The technology belongs to the novice level. So his team lost miserably.

After the game, I made fun of him and said, "Prince Yue, you can quit the game in the future, because your skills are too poor." Prince Yue became angry and said, "Wang Yu, you are too arrogant, you look down upon people too much. From then on, I will make a clean break with you!" He walked away without looking back.

A week later, I went to play with Prince Yue. He said coldly, "I'm not free." I knew that he ignored me because I hurt his self-esteem. I wanted to say sorry to him, but I couldn't open my mouth because of the problem of face. I got kicked in the face and went home.

When I got home, I was depressed. When my mother saw me, she asked me what was wrong. I told my mother everything. After listening to this, my mother asked me, "Why don't you apologize?" I said, "That's too much to lose face." My mother taught me, "It's wrong to laugh at others and hurt their self-esteem. It's even more wrong for you to laugh at your friends who have been with you for many years. Now put yourself in another position and think about how you will react if Wang Ziyue speaks rudely to you. In order to maintain your friendship, go and apologize to him! " My mother's words are very reasonable. I decided to apologize to Wang Ziyue.

The next day, I came to Wang Ziyue's house. I said sorry to Wang Ziyue first, and then I sincerely proposed: "I coach you in basketball technology, and you coach me in learning. We learn from each other and make progress together. What do you think?" Wang Ziyue smiled and nodded, and we finally got back together.

The land of friendship has melted away, and we have ushered in a sunny spring with flowers blooming.

600 words of apology composition (17)

Hey, there is a handsome guy standing beside me. Everyone has a love of beauty. I can't help looking at him: a simple T-shirt, tie dyed jeans, a pair of clean skates, exuding the smell of youth and sunshine. The hair is the same as that of May Day Ah Shin. His eyes are not big, but he has a sharp nose. Hmm, he is a beautiful man! The person next to me squeezed me, and I had to lean against him, but he shouted, "Ah! You stepped on me." I was shocked, and my mind echoed: I stepped on him? Did I step on him? The people beside me looked at me, which made me feel uncomfortable. I bowed my head and thought: What? There is no gentlemanly demeanor at all. His clothes are so dusty, his hair looks like a chicken coop, and his eyes are so small. I thought he was handsome just now, which is a joke!

Finally, I want to get off the bus. Stay away from this guy. Who would have thought that he would also get off the bus. Oh! one can't avoid one's enemy. He came over and patted me on the shoulder, scratched his head, and said in embarrassment, "Sorry, I didn't mean to call you..." Before I finished, I was interrupted: "I didn't mean to call you on purpose, did I? I hurt you! Hehe!" He smiled and pointed at my bag, and I suddenly lost my eyes. My bag opened a hole, and a corner of the wallet was exposed. My sharp eyes were gone, and my face was full of embarrassment. Just as I wanted to apologize, he walked away. Pursue or not? Anyway, they're all gone, aren't they? No, your attitude was so bad just now, and you misunderstood others. Awkward! It's embarrassing! No, I have to apologize if I'm wrong. Didn't he come to apologize to you just now? That's right, let's go!

I stopped him and mustered great courage to say: "Sorry, I misunderstood you just now, I hope you don't mind"! He smiled and said, "It's OK!" The stone in his heart finally fell. Maybe you would feel too hurried and hasty, not formal at all, but it really contains my apology, full of ideological struggle and sincerity.

Now, I have learned from him that he knows the importance of apologizing. Apology does not need fancy words, but superfluous formalization. A sincere heart is enough.