Love Moved Composition (18 in total)
Leaves fall with the rain
2023-08-06 07:55:10
topic of conversation

Love Moved Composition (1)

oh dear! Look at him! Go to buy lottery and tickets again!! What a nuisance!! I didn't know how to help me. I went to Guassi one day to do my homework in my room. My mother-in-law cursed my grandpa, whether intentionally or unintentionally, in my ears.

Since my mother-in-law lived in our house, from morning to night, in addition to hearing her loudly analyzing the stock market, she has been missing grandpa.

I frowned. Although I was used to this situation for a long time, I could not help shouting out: hello! mother-in-law! Keep your voice down! But this sentence did not work, it was followed by the mother-in-law to grandpa more loudly drowned.

Since you are so dissatisfied, why do you still get married?! Damn it!! I slammed the door shut. But he suddenly felt funny. Yes, Grandpa spent more than four or fifty years with his mother-in-law when she was dissatisfied with him. Although her mother-in-law was noisy every day, they never really had any big dispute.

I heard from my mother that her father was a doctor, the daughter of a rich family, and her grandfather was a poor scholar. In those years, her father died of mental fatigue, and the family collapsed at once. So she went to be responsible for letters for a while during the holiday, And Grandpa was one of the recipients of the letter on that road, and they fell in love at first sight. Grandpa and Grandma went to the movies together!


I am noncommittal.

In my memory, grandpa always looks like a heavy drinker. He always drinks wine every day, when he gets up in the morning, when he has lunch, and when he can't sleep at night, when he gets up from his bed, he also drinks! For this reason, grandpa has not seldom been criticized by his mother-in-law, but he does not pay attention to her words, and still does.

The year before last, when my family went to Chongqing for the Spring Festival, my grandfather was by the side and drank a bottle of wine silently while my mother-in-law was chatting with others! After a short time, Grandpa immediately fell drunk and could not cry when he had to leave, which caused a lot of trouble to everyone!

Grandma said: Grandpa listens to you most!! Hurry to persuade him! Tell him to stop drinking!! When I was young, I rushed to my grandpa and made a face: alcoholic!! Grandpa, stop drinking!! But grandpa still didn't listen to his loose eyes, and then focused on the wine cup in his hand, and slowly put the wine to his mouth

In addition, grandpa's favorite thing is to buy lottery tickets every week. At that time, his feet were injured and those who were limping had to buy lottery tickets. My mother-in-law could not stop him. Every time I went to my mother-in-law's house to see her help grandpa clean up the house of lottery tickets, I felt disgusted and helpless.

Why does Grandma want to buy it

Grandma Hum gave a cold hum and began to read in pieces again. Look at him! I can't manage it!!

The cool wind blows away the summer, and the autumn moon is boundless.

My mother-in-law told my mother that my grandfather had to go to Tibet because he wanted to find someone to pay off his debt

Mom was worried and asked: "Dad, can he do that?"?

Her mother-in-law sighed helplessly.

I bought the ticket. Grandpa is going to Tibet, the high altitude area.

Before leaving, my mother-in-law and my mother carried several bags of food and luggage to my grandfather. My mother-in-law told him not to drink!! Never drink. I can't drink it! Call me when you get there. You should pay attention to yourself. You should dress yourself in cold weather

Grandpa picked up his luggage and nodded.

The next night, my mother suggested to go shopping. When I went out, my mother-in-law suddenly stopped. She said to her mother, "I think he should be there today, right?"? So my mother-in-law stood by the phone, waiting, waiting, waiting.

Finally, the bell rang, and my mother-in-law quickly answered the phone. I listened to her, and suddenly saw her face change, and her voice suddenly rose. You drank again??!! My mother and I were shocked when we heard this. Now we remember that it was the last time that Grandpa spoke so clearly.

After grandpa came back, what we heard most was Zhi~~I~~oh~~and the fuzzy words combined by a jumble of syllables. The doctor said that Grandpa's blood vessels were blocked, so he could only recuperate, and the rest was on his own. This is what I heard from my mother. My mother said: Do you know? My mother-in-law cried that day. She was only worried about what was going on behind her, but she didn't hear it faintly. I just felt a shock in my heart. I asked myself in my mind, would my mother-in-law cry? Can you cry? For more than ten years, I have never seen my mother-in-law cry. I heard that she did not cry when she was 14 years old and had no choice but to work hard.

After recuperating for several months, we received Grandpa to our home. Everyone decided to work together to help him recover. Especially my mother-in-law. Every morning when I got up, I saw her sitting next to my grandpa. Sometimes she was seriously chipping an apple, sometimes she was helping my grandpa cushion, and sometimes I heard her say behind the door: "Do you want to talk more?!"?! Want to eat an apple! Don't point, talk! Speak up! Otherwise, you can use it? Then Grandpa laughed and spit out of his mouth, and Grandma hurried to wipe it. The grandpa's eyes moved away with the mother-in-law's move, falling gently on the mother-in-law, and then moved slowly to the other side. With so many days of hard work, Grandpa finally spoke more clearly, and everyone was very happy.

If grandpa can talk, he must have a lot to say to his mother-in-law, right? Maybe it's the old lady~~Help me buy some lottery tickets~` Maybe it's thanks for taking care of me~or maybe it's: I want to eat an apple, you peel it off for me. Maybe Maybe

I finally know why my mother-in-law and grandpa can always be so harmonious together because they both know each other's intentions, understand each other, and are moved by each other's existence

Love Moved Composition (2)

It can become a great career. Teachers can become the source of human life. Water resources can do it. It can be called the greatest love. Maternal love can do it. Speaking of maternal love, we know that many mothers can go to the doctor for their sick children in the cold. Many mothers are hungry in order to feed their children. Many mothers even go to the streets to beg for their children. This is great maternal love!

Although small animals are not as smart as we humans, they also have the same feelings as humans. I remember that this summer vacation, I came to my aunt's house in the countryside. When I heard that her mother goat had a baby goat, I ran happily to see the lamb. When I came to the sheepfold, I saw that the ewe was combing the lambs. When the lamb saw me coming, his eyes suddenly frightened. Quickly stood up and hid behind the ewe. The ewe was shocked by the lamb's move. She turned around and saw me. Her eyes were full of threats, as if saying, "Don't hurt my baby!" I was shocked by the ewe's move. I didn't know whether to move forward or back, and I was stunned.

Suddenly, a yellow figure flashed over. When I saw it, it was my aunt's big dog - yellow hair. Huang Mao was playing with the frightened lamb with great interest. He had a lot of fun and ignored the ewe's behavior. Suddenly, the angry ewe protected the lamb behind her and pushed it against the big yellow dog twice its size. The unprepared yellow hair was overturned and fled. I am stunned. It is the power of maternal love that can make the ewe summon up the courage to face a big dog twice its size!

Human beings know maternal love, and these tiny animals also know maternal love. And maternal love, often in these small bodies appear even greater!

Love Moved Composition (3)

Grandma is very fat and has small feet. She always swings from side to side when walking. I love to eat boiled white meat. Grandma always cooks this dish every time she goes there. She always holds a big bowl in one hand, and holds chopsticks in the other hand. "Eat quickly while it's hot, and eat quickly!" I can't wait to smell the fragrance. The boiled white meat made by Grandma is the most delicious. On our early morning train that day, Grandma got up at more than five o'clock to cook and cooked my favorite dish as usual. When I went downstairs, I saw Grandma still standing in front of the window, looking at her. Until we can never see again. This scene is deeply fixed in my mind. Always think of the heart sour. After that, I never ate the boiled white meat made by Grandma again.

After leaving my hometown, my family came to a small city in the north. That year, I was in the first grade of junior high school. As I lay on the bed with a fever, I opened my eyes in confusion, smiled amiably, and reached my mouth with a cut pear in my hand. "Eat a pear, and it will be all right soon." Mother's smiling face and gentle voice seeped into my heart.

When I was a sophomore in the Singer Contest, I was worried about not having any clothes for the competition. If I told my mother, who has always been a thrifty housekeeper, I would definitely refuse. My father knew that, without saying anything, he took me to the largest shopping mall at that time to buy me a beautiful sweater. At that time, 118 yuan was very expensive for my family. Although the sweater is very old now, But this sweater has always been treasured in my heart and will never fade.

After dinner, I drove my sister home. On the way home, I lost my temper with her. The car stopped in front of the building. My sister's eyesight was very poor. I wanted to watch my sister go upstairs and then walk. The lights in the corridor were not bright all the time. Suddenly, I saw her standing at the door of the building and watching my car all the time. The image was extremely great. "Go back quickly!" My eyes were wet.

Love Moved Composition (4)

"Only mother is good in the world". Everyone has heard this song, and I will definitely sing it. Whenever I sing this song, I will remember my mother's love for me.

That time, the school arranged to buy a book. As soon as school was over, I rushed home and saw my mother lying on the bed. My mother was sick. When she saw me, she said in a weak voice: "Zhou Shumei", you are back. There is food in the kitchen. Go and eat But I stood still like a piece of wood. Mother looked at me curiously and said, "What's the matter with you?" I lowered my head, blushed like a big apple, and said shyly, "The school has arranged to buy a book, but I don't know where to buy it." My mother hurriedly said, "I'll take you there." I waved my hand again and again and said, "No, no, Mom, you are sick now, you should take more rest. It is better to explain the situation to the teacher tomorrow, and buy it tomorrow." My mother said anxiously, "How can I do that? It's not good to delay my homework, so I'd better go shopping!" So my mother struggled to get up from bed, dressed and ready to go. I was touched by this scene, and thought: Mom, you are sick now, but you still buy me books. It's very kind of you!

After a while, we got on the bus. Along the way, my mother's face was very pale, but my mother was very strong. She bit her lips with her teeth. His fists were clenched tightly, and he kicked the ground with his feet from time to time to make a "thump" sound. Finally, he arrived at the station. My mother vomited as soon as she got out of the car. I hurriedly said, "Mom, what's wrong with you? Are you all right?" My mother shook her head and said, "It's all right!" I also said, "It's all right. You look pale now. I told you not to come. You must come now." My mother said, "I'm also for you. Look, what if I get lost so far? It's safer for me to walk with you." My tears are like broken beads ---- flowing down.

Yes, mother is like a flame, always warming our hearts. How can we repay our parents' love for us?

Love Moved Composition (5)

The year is drawing near.

Every Chinese New Year holiday, I like to experience the crowded crowds in the street, go around the market, purchase some New Year goods, and look for the flavor of the year I was looking forward to when I was a child. Although the Spring Festival is just a tangle for me, others can't understand the entanglement, and I am always unwilling to mention it in front of others.

But today I was touched, I was moved by myself.

In the crowded market, I ride an electric vehicle and try my best to pass through. The left foot is touching the ground, the right foot is pedaling, the left hand is holding the handlebar and holding the brake, the right hand is gently filling the gas door, and I show myself how to drive. In fact, I don't even have a driver's license.

In the narrowest place, I still try my best to pass through. Facing an old lady who is about 80 years old, I felt that the walking posture should be a three inch golden lotus old man. When I walked towards her, I naturally raised my hand to hold my arm and walked forward. Maybe I didn't feel stable. After taking one step, I held my arm and walked forward. In an instant, I felt that the old man could not walk steadily and needed to hold my arm, so it was also subconscious. The left foot did not move, and the left hand held the brake to stop. Wait for the old man to pass by. I just continued to cross. In the second or two when I met the old man, everything was done naturally by instinct.

The old man may have just picked and bought persimmons in the market. There are two white marks on the place where he held my arm. I stopped the car and took a picture with a little force.

I was moved by myself when I recalled this incident that just happened. The old man naturally held my arm and I stopped naturally.

I think the old man must live in a kind family with filial children. My heart must be full of goodness.

Love Moved Composition (6)

When I was a child, my mother gave me candy, which is equivalent to giving me a touch. For me when I grow up, the touch is like a car full of maternal love, which unconsciously stops at a small station in my heart

I remember that it was a rainy night. I didn't bring an umbrella and got wet on my way home.

When I got home, I went to bed without dinner because I was not comfortable. My mother ran into the bedroom from the kitchen in a panic and asked me, "What's wrong with you? Are you feeling unwell?".

After a while, my mother finished the dinner, brought it in, woke me up with a sweat, but I frowned uncomfortably, pushed the dinner aside, and my mother began to worry again, put her hand on my forehead, worried to tell me that I had a fever, and asked me anxiously whether to go to the hospital, but I refused, She said to her mother, "It's OK. Mom, I'll sleep for a while. Go out.".

In the following time, my mother asked me many times if I wanted to go to the hospital, but I refused.

At nine o'clock, I could not bear it anymore. After listening to my cough, my mother ran in anxiously, asked about my situation, and put her hand on my forehead again. She found that my forehead was getting hotter and hotter. My mother was at a loss, so she had to look for medicine all over the room. It was not easy to find the medicine package, but "God intended to make people sick", There are almost all kinds of medicine in the medicine package, but there is no cold medicine. "What can I do?" Mom said anxiously. Finally, she decided that she would go out to buy medicine. I persuaded her many times, but she still decided to go out to buy medicine.

My mother didn't even change her shoes, nor did she take out her umbrella to buy medicine from the people. Somehow, my nose suddenly felt sour, and I felt inexplicably like crying. Finally, I held back and didn't let those two tears fall

After a while, my mother came back. Although her whole body was soaked, the first thing she came back was to watch me drink the medicine. I stared at the medicine in my hand and looked at my mother beside the bed. Tears came out of her eyes and fell on the quilt

At that moment, I was deeply moved by my mother and her love.

There are moving scenes everywhere in life. As long as you watch carefully, you will not only find that you are moved, but also be moved!

Love Moved Composition (7)

In this vast society, many things happen every day. Some major events, such as the opening of the Olympic Games, presidential elections, etc. Others are minor matters, such as quarrels with classmates, accidents in some places, etc. What I want to say today is a few "little things". But they are engraved on my heart like a brand.

In the family, love is a mediator. One winter, due to a small problem, I quarreled with my father. Suddenly, an alarm clock reminded me that it was time to go to class, so I ran over like a steel shop and walked halfway. The goose feather snow soon jumped down from the sky, danced like the wind and circled in the air. But I was trembling, and I didn't think about the quarrel with my father.

Finally, after class, I walked to the door, glanced at the empty bag, shook my head helplessly, and saw the white lotus in full bloom under the street lamp, which made me feel cold. Looking at the way home, darkness catches the light and throws it into the endless abyss. Then he thought of the scene of the quarrel and thought: Father will not come back. So he began to flush the thick ink. After running for a while, a warm light shot into my eyes and my heart. It was like a sword, splitting the darkness; It warms my body like a fire; It is like the sun, illuminating my heart!

The beam of light is getting shorter. When I looked closely, it was him! I saw my father holding an umbrella in one hand and holding an umbrella in the other. He handed me an umbrella and said quietly, "Let's go back." I nodded. Then he went back with me.

Not only did it move me, but there was also one thing that I remember vividly.

When I was in the sixth grade, I went to the supermarket to help my mother buy things. It was a rainy and windy evening. When I walked to the door of the supermarket, the wind doll played a game. It treats bicycles as dominoes. With a gentle wave, bicycles fell down one by one.

At that time, I really wanted to rush to help the car, but I still didn't, so I watched everyone. Everyone's eyes were empty, and the dim street lights shone on everyone's heart, looking pale and powerless.

A few minutes later, an old man came over, with a face full of lichens, pale hair and clothes like Brother Sharp. But his heart was not pale. He was the only one holding the car. Sweat and rain seeped into his clothes, but he still held on.

At this time, it was raining harder and harder, but more and more people came to join in the procession of the car. Finally, five minutes later, the car was finally straightened by us. We smiled and waved goodbye to each other.

Love is like this. Let's give a love to others and let the society become an ocean of love!

Love Moved Composition (8)

How many mothers in the world have bought their children's health with their hard work for their children. This is mother's love! In mother's eyes, boys should be strong and have good health. therefore

In order to make me strong and healthy, my mother makes all kinds of nutritious meals for me every day.

I remember once, I wanted to eat seaweed steamed rice, and my mother went to the vegetable market after work to sell the necessary materials back. I came home from school very happy. It's very troublesome to make seaweed steamed rice. First, we need to cook carrots with salt water. It takes a lot of steps to prepare rice. But my mother is busy in the kitchen to meet my wishes. I sit in my room and do my homework. I did my homework very quickly that day. I finished it

When my homework came to the kitchen, I stood beside my mother. At that time, my mother took out the cooked carrots and put them on the cutting board. She cut them into small square strips. She cut them carefully, but suddenly they fell down. Just listening to my mother's "ah", blood ran out from my fingers. I saw and shouted: "Mom... bleeding!" Mother said, "It's OK, just flush it with water."

My mother's words were so natural and calm, but my heart rose. My mother was hurt because she cooked food for me. My mother's love deeply touched me, and my tears could not help flowing down.

Love Moved Composition (9)

In Italy, there is a book that children must read. This book is Education of Love. In the form of diary, Love Education tells the growth story of a child named Enrico, recording what he saw and heard in school, family and society within a year. The words are filled with sincere love for the motherland, parents, teachers, and friends. It has a moving power and is also my most moved book.

Love for the motherland

"Take your money back!" said the child contemptuously. He thrust his head out of the curtains of the bunk. "I don't accept handouts from those who insult my country."

This is what a very poor child said. Yes, everyone should be patriotic. Although this child has no money, he has a patriotism. Some people may be tempted by money to sell their country, and some people may sell their country for their own prosperity, but this poor child is not like this. He simply disdains the handouts of those who insult his country. And we should always safeguard the dignity of our country and become the "protector" of the country.

Love for parents

"However, the doctor made a gesture and asked him to stand up, saying, 'Get up! It's you, a brave child, who saved your mother's life!'

When I read here, I was very moved. This boy walked from the Apennines to the Andes on foot for his mother's sake. On the way, he experienced countless hardships. What a great love! At this time, I thought of my mother, who had paid too much for me, but what would I give her in return? I am ashamed to think of it.

Love for friends

"I want him to come, and I want him to have lunch together, because I want to make him happy once - poor Polekosi, he is so kind and brave!"

In the eyes of others, Polekosi is a naughty and lying bad boy, but in the eyes of Enrico, he is a kind and brave boy, because Enrico treats him with friendly eyes. When I saw this, I thought, "Can we look at the students in the class with friendly eyes like this? Can we laugh at those students with disabilities?" I believe that as long as everyone has more love, our class will be full of harmony and joy!

This is the inspiration from my most touching book. Let's love everyone and let love permeate the world!

Love Moved Composition (10)

My mother said that I was cold-blooded, because I usually didn't care about many casualties on the surface, didn't have too many sighs or too much sadness, and I always thought: people die when they die. This is their fate, and we can't stop it. I have too many feelings but I can't express them. It's good to know.

It was time for writing class that day. The bell rang for a long time, and the students were crowded into the class. They sat in their seats and talked about the unfinished topic with the front, rear, left, and right sides. It seemed that there were many special topics, unusual noises, and the noise of the food market that day. I was just quietly writing my copybook, but suddenly there was no sound. I looked up and saw that it was the head teacher coming. The students took out the copybook from the drawer slowly and worked hard. I didn't pay attention to anything at that time.

But when I looked up the second time, I found that the head teacher was sweeping the floor with a broom, and he had to frown from time to time. He did not find the irresponsible labor committee member to start his own hand. I stuck out my head and looked at it. It was just some small dust. He swept carefully. I patted my>deskmate, and then said, "He is sweeping the floor. I am very moved. I thought he was upset with us before. He has been patient with us for a long time. He is very kind." "No, he is not. The former head teacher has also swept.

It's just that you didn't find out. In fact, every time they pay, we are just making trouble, "said the deskmate.

I think they have done so much behind their backs, but we are still ignorant. Every time they "wipe the bottom" behind us, they tolerate us too much, but we are making trouble for nothing. They are our sunshine, illuminating on us, but we think that this should be done for us, not to cherish, until the sun disappeared, we found that once so beautiful.

What moved me was their sweat.

What moved me was their strength.

I was moved by their perseverance.

In recent years, this is the only thing. It's worth my saying that, I will remember his look and his back at that time.

Love Moved Composition (11)

Love is deep, love is infinite; Love is unforgettable, love is moving; Love, like a clear spring, flows into your heart and moistens your heart. For me, the greatest love is the great kinship.

Time went back to that sunny afternoon. My mother and I spent a warm time on the bus. The car bumped all the way. Suddenly, it stopped with a sound of "quack", and scattered sunlight fell on the car. An old lady took a little girl's hand and got on the bus. There is only one seat left on the bus. The old lady took the little girl to her seat and let her sit down. The little girl lifted up her innocent little face and asked the old lady, "Grandma, sit down!" The old lady said kindly, "Grandma doesn't want to sit down. You sit down." The little girl said, "No, Grandma, sit down." Suddenly, someone said, "Well, grandma should hold her granddaughter." Unexpectedly, the two grandmothers and grandsons said, "No!" The old lady said, "My grandson will be uncomfortable!" "And Grandma will be very tired." The little girl added. At that time, a disabled uncle got on the bus and came to their seat. The two granddaughters stopped "quarreling" and looked at the uncle for a while. The little granddaughter first stood up and said to the uncle, "Uncle, take a seat." The uncle said sheepishly, "You are so good, but let your mother-in-law and you sit down." The old lady immediately said enthusiastically, "Young man, it's not convenient for you to sit down. Anyway, this is what our two grandmothers want." In this way, after several delays, the disabled uncle refused to sit down. At this moment, my mother looked at me meaningfully, and I felt that the small carriage was full of deep love, including the beautiful friendship between relatives and strangers, and the beautiful hearts were bigger, higher and deeper than the carriage.

The touching on the bus is unforgettable. Although my grandmother is old and my granddaughter is small, they can still give way to each other; Although strangers are strangers, they still show the touching truth.

Love Moved Composition (12)

What is love? This question has always haunted me. Only now do I know that love is what relatives give to you; Love is a teacher who braves hardships for you to learn and teach you to grow; Love is every bit of life... This kind of love will always grow with you.

Father's love is the same. Whenever I was sleeping, I would open my eyes for the dazzling light. I walked out of the room. The light source of the light came from my father's room. I put my head in, and my eyes were moist: my father was still working hard, coughing constantly, but still insisted on working. Isn't Dad working so hard just to make a good life for his family? Thinking of this, my tears couldn't stop flowing down. I made up my mind to study hard and live up to my father's expectations.

One more thing, it was raining heavily that day. Seeing the bell ringing after class, I could not help but stay here. Will my father come to pick me up in such heavy rain? I came to the gate and looked at the road. Suddenly, I saw a familiar figure. When I looked closely, it was really Dad. I was both excited and touched. Dad worked hard for me!

My father's love is as deep as the sea. It's really boundless. This kind of love will always grow with me.

Love Moved Composition (13)

Today, the teacher I want to write about is neither my middle school teacher nor my primary school teacher, but the aunt of the kindergarten, Teacher Lian.

Teacher Lian is as honest and simple as her family name. Her kind face is deeply imprinted on my mind. The past of her love for children reappears before my eyes

One early summer afternoon, when our kindergarten gymnastics performance ended, it was very late. The evening wind blew in gusts, making people feel a bit cool. I rushed out of the playground with a group of children in gym clothes. After a while, the children were picked up by their own parents, and I didn't find my mother for half a day. When I was young, I was tired and cold. I stood there alone, waiting and waiting. I didn't see my mother yet. How can I go home alone? The more I thought about it, the more sad I became, and I cried. This cry didn't matter, and it alarmed Teacher Lian who was going home. Teacher Lian came running for a sound. I told her full of "grievances". She dried my tears and said with a smile, "I'll take you home." After that, Teacher Lian took my hand and walked to my house.

When she found that I was only wearing thin gymnastic clothes, she would take off her own clothes and put them on for me, saying, "You are small, and you will catch cold." I saw the teacher take off her coat and only wear a short sleeved coat. She shook her head and tilted her head. She said knowingly, "No, teacher, you will catch cold too. If you get cold, you will get an injection, but it will hurt." She listened and smiled, Said: "The teacher is an adult, not afraid of pain." Then put a coat on me, I can't let the teacher catch cold! I had a brainwave and said quickly, "Teacher, you can squat down a little, I have a good idea. The two teachers and students put on a coat together, and I snuggled up beside the teacher, warm and dispelling the chill of the early summer night.

The vivid image of teacher Lian, whom I loved in my childhood, will not disappear from my mind. How I wish I could see her again. Maybe she is also thinking about the child she once loved - me, maybe she can't remember, because the love and warmth she gave me is just an ordinary little thing in her childcare work. But her "this little thing" planted the seed of "love" in a child's young heart.

Love Moved Composition (14)

My parents love me in many ways, strict and kind... But there is also a kind of love that I can't understand.

When I was in the second grade, my mother would tidy my schoolbag, sharpen pencils, and fold the quilt for me every day... At that time, I almost became the "little princess" of the family, living a fairy like life when I was dressed and stretched out my hands to eat. But the good times are not long, and things have changed dramatically.

Suddenly one day, my "waitress" mother went on strike. My schoolbag is no longer full of workers. There are no books or pens in my schoolbag. At that time, I was in a mess every day when I went to school. After a few days, I couldn't stand it anymore. After school, I asked my mother directly: "Mom, why don't you help me tidy up my schoolbag?" My mother looked at me, and her face changed, first in surprise, then in frustration. Her eyes seemed to have a lot to say to me, but she didn't say anything.

In the next few days, my mother still didn't tidy up my schoolbag and fold the quilt for me, and something even more incredible happened to me. One day, after dinner, my father and mother asked me to wash the dishes! I faint! I can't help but change from a supreme "little princess" to an ordinary "dishwasher". When washing dishes, I even thought: Is this my father and mother? After a lot of hard work, I finally washed the dishes, but my parents asked me to sweep the floor again! At that time, my face was red with anger, but I was forced to finish these chores with resentment. I went to my mother angrily and said very wrongly, "Mom, what mistake did I make again? Why did I do so much housework? Also, why didn't you tidy up my schoolbag for me? Do you know how embarrassed I am these days?" At that time, I felt as if I had lost love. As I said, my nose was sore and tears were already in my eyes. This is my mother smiling at me, holding me in her arms and gently saying, "Daughter, do you know? Mom and Dad are like your 'crutches', accompanying you to grow up, but now that you have grown up, you should walk on your own instead of relying on your parents. You should get rid of this' crutches' as soon as possible and learn to live on your own!"

Although I didn't understand my mother's words at that time, my mother really let go in the future, and more and more things are letting go. Unconsciously, I have been in the first day of junior high school, and it has become a habit to take care of myself. At the same time, I can more and more understand the meaning of what my mother said to me at that time.

Today, I finally understand that this kind of unreadable love is to let go! It turns out that letting go is also a kind of love. It can let us learn to be independent and let us grow healthily and happily!

Love Moved Composition (15)

Through the ages, many heroes have praised it. How many literati and literati have gained false fame! The expert said: Time has gone by, and there is no place to test. Know something! Yes, that's actually the case. How can we judge a dynasty by just a few history books with a long history of China! But there is one thing from Pangu to Chang'e's lunar exploration that people haven't confirmed too much, but they all understand that this thing does not need to be written. Everyone knows that love doesn't need to be exaggerated, but we should make good choices in the face of love, and we should learn to refuse some love! Turn around and say goodbye to him!

(1) Fraternity

Some people say that having fraternity means having an angel's heart, which can save people from fire and water! In ancient times, there was a saying that time is not as good as place, and place is not as good as people. How can we achieve human harmony? It's not difficult. If you treat him well, he will treat you well. However, there are so many people in the world that it seems difficult to achieve universal love. let me put it another way; Philanthropy is a kind of macro love. I'm not sure about it, but it is really desirable for everyone to have it.

(2) Maternal love

Maternal love is pure. No kind of love can move people's hearts. Maternal love is a kind of pay, a kind of pay that can be paid back very late! All mothers in the world will become a miracle. They wrote a myth with their own life! I'm still young. I know a lot about maternal love. I'm still feeling it. I know that maternal love is the greatest love in the world. Mother is the loudest name in the world!

Love Moved Composition (16)

I still remember that it was a cold rainy day. The small red cloth shoes on my feet were soaked by the rain, and my feet were frozen by the cold rain. After school, I took my mother's shuttle bus home. When my mother saw that my shoes and socks were all wet, she helped me take off my shoes and socks, and held my cold feet in her hands. Maybe my mother thought her hands were also cold, and then she put my feet on her stomach. My mother's stomach was warm, and my feet would be warm soon. I was touched by this.

In the evening, I decided to wash my feet for my mother and thank her for her love for me. I learned to adjust the temperature of the water as my mother did. It was neither cold nor hot. I set the stool and asked my mother to sit down and wash her feet. My mother happily stroked my head and said, "Good boy, Yuanyuan is really becoming more and more sensible." Looking at my mother's happy appearance, I remembered the poem I just learned, "Who can say a little bit of grass, can win three Chunhui". We made my mother happy once we did something for her, But my mother does this and that for us every day. I will do more for my mother to make her happy every day.

Love Moved Composition (17)

In the Wenchuan earthquake, there was one thing that moved me very much. It impressed me deeply. Maybe it is something I will never forget in my life.

On May 12, 2008, as usual, I hung my head and stared at the TV. However, a news attracted my eyes. I immediately straightened up and stared at the TV picture... It was a photo that was magnified many times. In the ruins, a mother knelt on the ground, her hands supporting the ground, and did not move. Yes, this is a moving scene in the Wenchuan earthquake. When rescue workers arrived, the mother was on the verge of death. Rescuers found a three-month old baby under the mother's body, which was undamaged. In the blanket where the children were wrapped, there was a mobile phone and a text message that had not yet been sent. It said: My dear baby, my mother may not be with you in the future. You should grow up happily. I hope all the good people in the world can help you and love your mother!

These seemingly short words reveal a mother's great love! For a moment, my tears couldn't stop flowing down, and I thought: What a pity that such a small baby has lost its mother! I really hope someone can raise her as their own child, so that she can grow up happily! Live carefree!

In this great earthquake, there are many moving things, but only this mother impressed me deeply. Yes, every mother loves her children very much and can sacrifice her life for her children. How great maternal love is!

"Motherly love is deeper than the sea!" This event has deepened my understanding of this sentence, and it seems that I can better understand mother's language. Motherly love is really the greatest love in the world! Think about it, my mother is not so, I love my mother!

Love Moved Composition (18)

The composition about love: 400 words of love moved the fallen leaves dancing in the air, telling its moving to autumn; The mother bird raises the bird and makes the bird learn to be moved; My parents worked hard for me, let us know that love is moving.

There are many things that move us. For example, I am very moved by my mother's love for me.

On the morning of a light rain day, I woke up from my dream and heard the continuous sound of water flowing outside. I knew that it was my mother washing clothes. Since entering high school, my life has been to go out early and come back late. But my mother has always accompanied me. Every day, I go to bed late and get up early. Before dawn, my mother began to wash clothes. Looking back, I feel a little guilty.

However, it was raining outside on this day, and I thought my mother must be washing clothes in the rain. So I immediately put on my shoes, ran downstairs, and said to my mother who was washing clothes in the rain, "Mom, it's raining, and you are still wearing clothes."

This event moved me because I felt my mother's love for me and the greatness of maternal love.

Moving, we should experience in life, looking, perhaps just a subtle but do, casual eyes will let us feel moved.

The most selfless and pure language in the world, feel love, experience love, and get touched after love!