Comments on Zhang Side's film
Autumn leaves, red and red, add fragrance
2023-10-03 01:19:38
Grade 6
reaction to a book or an article

"Human beings always die, either heavier than Mount Tai or lighter than a feather... Zhang Side died for the interests of the people, and his death was heavier than Mount Tai" - Mao Zedong. The film "Zhang Side" has neither flames of war, nor heroic words, nor twists and turns of plot. The story of a black and white film slowly invaded my heart. Zhang Side is conscientious and responsible, and always finishes his running.
When the car's tire broke, he pushed it forward. When his shoes broke, he walked barefoot. At nightfall, Zhang Side, running with a gun on the Loess Plateau, dared to go to Yan'an from Ansai to participate in the chorus performance of the Housekeeping Class. As he was singing, the light bulb on one side of the stage was broken, so he ran to work as a ladder and helped his comrade in arms to change the light bulb. Back in the dormitory, when others went to bed on the kang, he went to the kitchen to help the old cook grind soymilk. The cook pushed him away, and he sat at the door with a simple smile and knitted straw sandals.
On the court, the basketball made his comrades throw down the hillside, and Zhang Side rushed to catch up with him. When he ran into the fellow countryman's pig on the way, he ran away, and he went all the way to catch the pig... Zhang Side is such an ordinary man who always thinks of others. Zhang Side never forgot his comrades in arms when he died. He pushed his comrades out of the coal cave that was about to collapse, but he was buried alive. He was 29 when he died. After watching the film, I had mixed feelings. Although Zhang Side is not an outstanding person, he is a great ordinary person! We should be able to do what he has done, but can we? Can you guarantee that you are doing well? Zhang Side has been selflessly serving the people all his life, and he has done a great job! Why did God let such a good man leave so early? I didn't get it.
But he will live in my heart forever!