Little Black Fish Composition (8 selected)
Untroubled ronin
2023-10-15 06:39:55
fifth grade

Little Black Fish Composition (1)

On Sunday, I went to visit my cousin.

Once I got to my cousin's house, I made an amazing discovery. There is a goldfish tank on my cousin's desk, in which there are many small goldfish, such as the white striped fish with a flat body, the small goldfish with a bulging head, the homespun fish with super bouncing power... Of course, the most striking one is the small black fish. The little black fish is black all over, like a coal. However, despite its dark appearance, its body is still very strong. Its two black pearl like eyes have been observing the movement around, for fear that bad people will attack. I am full of curiosity about this little black fish. So I reached out to catch it and wanted to put it in a separate room. Who knows, it is desperately struggling in my hands. When I put it into the aquarium, it is still hitting the aquarium! The fish tank will be broken by it. It seems that this little guy is really grumpy!

Not only that, the little black fish has a big appetite! I put some fish food on it, and it soon finished eating. I once saw in the book that it is usually enough to eat five to six fish food, otherwise, it will die. Who knows, the few fish food I put on it is not enough for it to stuff its teeth. I had to put some more pills on it, and it swam right away and came to eat. After a while, I finished eating again. However, this time, he is full. His tail was swinging and he went to play by himself.

This little black fish is really interesting!

Little Black Fish Composition (2)

Once upon a time, there was a group of cute fish. They live happily in the sea. On a terrible day, a fierce and ugly tuna came. The tuna ate the companion of the little black fish, and only the little black fish escaped. He fled to the depths of the sea, afraid and lonely. Later, he made some new friends and gradually became happy. One day he came across a group of small red fish hiding behind the reef. He united everyone's strength and let everyone gather to form a big fish that no one is afraid of.

These two days, my mother and I watched Little Blackfish together. I like this little black fish very much, because it can think of ways. It even thought of organizing small red fish into super big fish, which scared away other big fish in the sea. It's really super smart! I like the last picture best: the little black fish comes to be the eyes of the red fish. How clever and cute! I also want to be like the little black fish, and try to solve many problems!

Little Black Fish Composition (3)

Today I read a picture book called Little Black Fish. The fish in the sea are all red, and only it is black, but it swims very fast, faster than all the fish, so everyone calls it the little black fish.

One day, a disaster came, and the big black tuna sent over. It ate all its brothers and sisters, but the little black fish was alone. It swam around and finally found the little red fish like its brothers and sisters hiding behind the rock. The little black fish asked why you didn't come out. They all replied that we were afraid of tuna. The little black fish said that it is not good to hide here all the time. There is not enough food here. He came up with a good idea. He said that we should form a big fish and scare away other fish.

After reading this story, I understand that unity is strong.

Little Black Fish Composition (4)

Next, I went to see the little black fish every day after school, and I was very happy to see it playing happily in the water. However, a few days later, I found that the little black fish seemed to have no spirit. I went to ask Grandma, what happened to the little black fish? Grandma looked at it and said, are you hungry? I haven't eaten for several days. I asked Grandma, what does black fish eat? Grandma said it ate shrimp or something. Let grandpa buy some shrimp tomorrow and pick some small ones for him to eat.

The next day, I specially asked Grandma to feed the little black fish when I came home. Grandma put some shrimps in, and I looked at it intently, but my eyes were sore, and the little black fish didn't move, so I had to eat first. When I came back from dinner, I found the shrimps were missing. Surprised, I asked my grandma to come over and have a look. Grandma smiled and said that it must be the little black fish that ate the shrimp. I can't help saying, Xiao Hei, you are so naughty.

The little black fish has been in our house for a week. Although he is still very lively, I always feel that it is too small for him to live in such a basin. I thought for a long time, and said to my grandparents, let's put the little black fish into the river again. Both grandparents agreed. So at the weekend, I took the little black fish to the pond in the park and gently put it into the water. The little black fish circled in the water, seemed to say goodbye to me, and then swam away happily. I said in my heart, Xiao Hei, you must be happy every day. Goodbye.

Little Black Fish Composition (5)

In a small corner deep in the sea, there lived a group of happy fish. The fish were all orange, but one fish was black and black, like a mussel shell, but it swam very fast.

One day, a terrible thing happened: a fierce and hungry tuna came to the depths of the sea, swallowed a large group of small red fish, and the small black fish survived.

The little black fish is lonely and sad. But many creatures in the sea make it happy again: palm trees dance in the sea.

The moray eel has no idea how long its tail is

The big crab walks with a big belly and looks like a general

Seaweed grows on candy like stones

Jellyfish like colorful jelly

Octopus tentacles can stick to small fish

The strange fish seem to be led by a thread

... Everything is very interesting.

Suddenly, it saw a group of small red fish hiding in the shadow of the reef.

"Hello, why don't you come out to play?" asked the little black fish.

"No, no! The big fish will eat you when you go out at this time!" said the little red fish.

"Then you can't hide here forever? You have to find a way."

"Yes!" The little black fish planned to gather together to make the biggest fish in the sea.

The little black fish asked everyone to take their positions and line up. After the arrangement, the little black fish said, "I'll be the eye."

A big fish was swimming freely in the sea, and all the big fish and tuna were scared away.

It is said that people have a small ambition, and the small black fish is a fish with a small cerebellum. As the saying goes, unity is strength. It is by virtue of solidarity and cooperation that the little fish successfully escaped.

Little Black Fish Composition (6)

Recently, a small black fish I raised experienced a "resurrection".

On Saturday morning, I was preparing to change the clean water for the little black fish, but I found that the tail of the little black fish was half lost? Its body is no longer the original kind of dark black but light red, and its eyes stick out hard, floating on the water and slowly breathing. I thought to myself: Is the little black fish going to die? Is it because I don't take good care of it? I put the little black fish in my hand, and the little black fish waved its tail desperately in my palm, as if to get rebirth from my hands. I quickly put it back into the newly changed water.

After ten minutes, a miracle happened - it "died and came back to life". It breathed oxygen in the water, and its body slowly changed from red to black. But its rotten tail, which had lost half of its weight, could not be opened properly and became a crippled fish. Something unexpected happened to me. It actually swam in the water with half its tail wagging, and swam so happily, so freely, so happily, as if the disaster had never happened before.

Its small body was struggling with the powerful god of death, and my heart was excited for it. Even such a small animal cherishes life, what about us humans? Is it too wrong to give up life for one failure and one disappointment. At this time, the little goldfish vigorously wiggled the half tail in the water and motioned to me. Isn't it also proving to me? Love life is a kind of beautiful and upward spirit.

Little Black Fish Composition (7)

Last time, the little black teach the little red fish to live happily after scaring away the tiger head shark.

The tiger head shark is unconvinced. Go to find the tiger head shark king - his eldest brother. When his eldest brother heard this, he asked the general to discuss it. They all thought they would check. The little walrus heard this, and she was grateful to the black eyed redfish for keeping watch on the tiger head shark for everyone and not letting him hurt everyone. So the walrus told Xiaohei what had happened. Xiaohei found some small fish. The black eyed redfish and other tiger head sharks came and pretended to eat small fish. The tiger head shark thought that Xiao Hei suddenly became very ferocious. He turned around and ran away. After a while, he disappeared. Xiao Hei laughed and couldn't keep his mouth shut! Tiger head sharks have a crooked nose! He thought: We used to take advantage, but this time, we lost! You wait and see, I will win next time! The king went out in person this time to convince the black eyed redfish to lose! As a result, the king was as afraid as last time. He closed his eyes tightly. The red fish and black fish also split up and bit the king separately, one bite here and one bite there. The king is scarred

Xiaohei wins with wisdom! We should learn from Xiao Hei's spirit of fearing difficulties and forging ahead bravely!

Little Black Fish Composition (8)

That little black fish

Wang Yuli, Class 5, Suzhou New Area Experimental Primary School

When I was ten years old, I followed my father back to my hometown. A small pond has been dug in Uncle's backyard. There are many fish in it. My aunt asked me to fish there, and dug an earthworm and cut it into small pieces as bait. I stood excitedly by the pond, grabbed the fishing rod tightly, and stared at the float. Suddenly, the float sank, I quickly raised the fishing rod, and a small black fish jumped in the air.

I was ecstatic. I put the little black fish in the basin and fed it with crushed peanuts. Aunt thinks I like this little fish so much. She suggests I take it back to Suzhou to feed it. She put several plastic bags together, filled them with water, gently put the little black fish in, and repeatedly warned that the bag must be ventilated, or the little black fish would suffocate. When I got on the bus, I always carefully carried the open fish bag and took a look at it every five seconds. The windows in the air-conditioned car are closed tightly, and the air is poor. I'm afraid that the little black fish can't stand it. I specially sit in the last row, where there is a small window to open the ventilation. Dad saw that I had been holding the bag without moving. He was afraid that my hands would be sore. He wanted to take my place for a while. I hesitated for a moment, but insisted on carrying it myself.

Finally, we arrived in Suzhou. I can't wait to take a look at the little black fish. Fortunately, it is not dead. It is still swimming happily in the bag! I was relieved, and the big stone hanging in my heart finally fell to the ground. So I tied my bag tightly and got on the bus home. After a while, I arrived home. I was excited to show my mother the fish bag, but I saw the little black fish floating on the water! I was stunned. Unexpectedly, it survived the long journey of several hours, but died of my carelessness in the last ten minutes. Although my parents kept comforting me and even said that they would buy a small black fish for me tomorrow, I was still very sad. I dug a small hole next to a tree downstairs, and then buried the fish gently to hold a silent "funeral" for it.

Instructor Rong Yan