Don't be casual in small places (5 selected articles)
only this and nothing more
2024-03-27 09:29:32
Junior two

Don't be casual in small places (1)

Early in the morning, the teacher came to the classroom and said, "Today, the school deducted scores again. Who left the garbage outside the garbage can?" The classroom was extremely quiet, and no one admitted.

The teacher had to ask Ye Wei to pick up the garbage beside the garbage can to see whose handwriting it was. At this moment, "poet" Zhong Wenyue, "class manager" Huang Yi, "talkative" Wu Huasheng and other students sprang up like mushrooms.

When the teacher saw some students admit it, he didn't get angry. He patiently reasoned for them and did it himself, demonstrating how to throw garbage for them. But they didn't want to learn at all. When the teacher asked them to perform, they just threw it away. It was really chilling. In particular, Huang Yi, the monitor, squeezed the paper into a ball and shot it into the garbage can with all his heart. The paper ball also bounced out of the trash can and fell beside the trash can as if he couldn't get through it. However, he did not care and sat down with peace of mind, as if the victorious warriors had returned in triumph.

At this moment, I can't help but walk over and pick up Huang Yi's garbage into the trash can. Suddenly, there was thunderous applause in the classroom. I looked at Huang Yi secretly and found that he lowered his head in shame.

It is better to say in the TV advertisement: "Take away the domestic garbage and protect the natural environment." Students, the quality should be shown in small places, so don't be casual!

Don't be casual in small places (2)

Early in the morning, the teacher came to the classroom and said, "Today, the school deducted scores again. Who left the garbage outside the garbage can?" The classroom was extremely quiet, and no one admitted.

The teacher had to ask Ye Wei to pick up the garbage beside the garbage can and see whose handwriting it was. At this moment, "poet" Zhong Wenyue, "class manager" Huang Yi, "talkative" Wu Huasheng and other students sprang up like mushrooms.

When the teacher saw some students admit it, he didn't get angry. He patiently reasoned for them and did it himself, demonstrating how to throw garbage for them. But they didn't want to learn at all. When the teacher asked them to perform, they just threw it away. It was really chilling. In particular, Huang Yi, the monitor, squeezed the paper into a ball and shot it into the garbage can with all his heart. The paper ball also bounced out of the trash can and fell beside the trash can as if he couldn't get through it. However, he did not care and sat down with peace of mind, as if the victorious warriors had returned in triumph.

At this moment, I can't help but walk over and pick up Huang Yi's garbage into the trash can. Suddenly, there was thunderous applause in the classroom. I looked at Huang Yi secretly and found that he lowered his head in shame.

It is better to say in the TV advertisement: "Take away the domestic garbage and protect the natural environment." Students, the quality should be shown in small places, so don't be casual!

Don't be casual in small places (3)

It seems that my mind drifted back more than a month ago along the four-dimensional time axis. It was also in this bed. My grandmother was picking vegetables outside. I took my eight month old brother to the bed. He opened his mouth with only one white tooth and carefully "studied" the pillow. It was a kind of seriousness and seriousness of "future technology pioneer", I looked at my little brother who was just able to climb with thirst. Thinking that there should be no danger, I was too lazy to call my grandmother into the house again. I went straight to the kitchen to drink water. I had already forgotten what my grandmother told me, "Xinyang will climb in disorder and can't leave people around.".

I was pouring water, and there was a muffled sound in the clatter of the running water. I didn't pay much attention to it. Just after drinking the water, I turned around and heard a loud cry, which was like thunder and lightning breaking through the air. Grandma rushed to me at the sound, and I rushed into the house in a panic. I saw my little brother fall on his back with all his legs in the air, He still clutched the pillow that had been dragged down in his hand, and he just cried out regardless of anything. It seemed that the strength of his whole body was pouring out all the pain and grievances through his throat. He cried red and coughed and cried tears. A small tooth just grew out of his mouth was left alone on the gums, and the flesh on his face was piled up because of force, Squint the tight eyes into a seam, tears do not know from the pores in the rush out.

I was dumbfounded there, my head was blank, like my little brother's crying, which pushed my thoughts to the sky nine days ago. Surprise, panic, heartache, I don't know what my emotions are, hold, comfort, tease, I don't know what kind of instructions the brain should send. Grandma picked up my little brother and gently took a leisurely attitude. She scolded me, "Didn't she say that you should never leave? Now he has grown up, and he may climb down as soon as you turn around. You are careless! If you don't take things seriously, you don't remember anything!"

My thoughts drifted back. I saw my nine month old brother smiling at me in bed. His lovely smile and tiny eyes were as bright as the curved crescent moon, which coincided with the pathetic sobbing look of his red eyes in my mind.

I firmly remember the eight characters of "never leave" and "never turn my eyes".

It seems that we should never be careless about small things. A little neglect and carelessness will lead to big problems!

Don't be casual in small places (4)

Yes, small things should not be taken lightly. In life, small details are the key factor to solve problems. If one wants to be successful, if one wants to be brilliant in life, he must solve the problem of small details. Since ancient times, Chinese people have always understood the principle of "Don't be casual in small places". As the old saying goes, "When you tremble, you should be careful for the day. People should not stumble on the mountain or on the battlements." It means that people should pay attention all the time and pay attention everywhere to avoid tripping over small mounds of soil. Chen Fan, a scholar at East Han University, has dreamed of doing something big since he was a teenager. One day, Chen Fan's friend Xue Qin came to see him, and found his room messy and dirty. He reminded him, "Why don't you clean the room before the guests come?", Xue Qin immediately asked, "Why sweep the world if you don't sweep the whole house?" Chen Fan was speechless and deeply touched. He seriously introspected his own behavior, and from then on, he stopped aiming too high. He started from small things, studied knowledge carefully, and finally became a university scholar.

On August 20, 2019, a 737-800 passenger plane of China Airlines in Taiwan, China, caught fire and exploded after landing at Naha Airport in Okinawa, Japan, attracting worldwide attention. After the joint investigation of Japanese and American experts, the cause was surprising: the internal screw of the wing leading edge wing guard used by the aircraft during takeoff and landing was loose, punctured the fuel tank in the wing, and the fuel flowed out from the crack through the gap of the leading edge flap, then was ignited by the high temperature of the engine. An expensive Boeing passenger plane was burned down instantly, but the culprit is just a small screw that can be seen everywhere in life! If the Boeing Company in Taiwan, China, could be more cautious and repair the aircraft in time, maybe the tragedy would not happen. I think what they lose is not just a Boeing aircraft, but the trust of customers and the reputation of the company.

The lesson of losing a big plane with one screw is painful. This tragedy shows that some things seem insignificant for the overall situation, but sometimes they are often decisive factors that cannot be ignored. "A thousand miles long dike will collapse in the ant nest". If you do not pay attention to the small hidden dangers and do not remove them in time, it will eventually lead to catastrophic disasters.

Small things should not be taken lightly. In life, small details can make you successful, improve your life continuously, and make your career more brilliant. On the contrary, failure may be imminent. In ancient times, there was a prosperous and powerful kingdom. There was a general who was experienced in the battle, but he failed in a fierce war. The reason was that a thorn was inserted into the general's horse's hoof. Before the general went to war, he vaguely felt that his horse was walking abnormally, but he was not highly alert. The horse fell to the ground in pain at the critical moment, so did the general. The enemy seized the opportunity to kill it. The general fell, the morale of the army was in turmoil, and a prosperous country was defeated. From this we can see how important the details are!

Small places should not be casual, because small places often contain opportunities, hidden wealth, and foreshadowing hope. Let's start small, seize opportunities in small places, realize dreams in small places, and move towards excellence!

Don't be casual in small places (5)

Then the old man carefully picked up the glass fragments one by one, put them into another garbage bag, and wrote: "Glass fragments, danger!"

Don't be casual in small places

Do you envy Ge You and Yan Ni... do these stars have rich income and unlimited scenery?

Some people may sigh about the unfairness of fate, while others may envy the talent and opportunities that stars are born with. But I want to say that most people, including me, even if they are born with such talent and encounter the same opportunities, we may not be able to succeed, because many of us just want to focus on the important things and have a view to "taking on small tasks and playing small roles" They often "think it is insignificant and there is no way out". They often muddle through things, carelessly and passively. As a result, they can only achieve "big things can not be done, and small things can not be done". They waste time and end up with nothing. Let's take a look at how stars like Yan Ni and Ge You went from "inconspicuous" to "ten thousand fans" and from minor supporting actors to big stars? Yan Ni was born into an ordinary family in Xi'an, Shaanxi Province. Her success began with only "four character lines". In 1996, the Air Force Television Art Center filmed Xiangjiang River, Xiangjiang River.

Yan Ni plays a female soldier of the Red Army in the play. Her name is not on the cast, because her role in the play is so poor - her female soldier of the Red Army falls to the ground and dies after saying "Class II of the Red Army" shortly after she enters the stage.

Originally, this is a small role, no preparation, no rehearsal. But after Yan Ni got the role, she prepared with surprising care. In order to show the Red Army's spirit of sacrificing life to death in a proper way and make "death" appear more real, more heroic and more powerful, we decided to really fall down. We practiced again and again, and fell heavily again and again. As a result, we fell black and blue all over the body. Once the bone of her elbow touched the ground first, and the pain almost made her cry out; Several times she landed on her head, which made her dizzy. On the stage, she fell to the ground and sacrificed only for a moment, but she practiced for a full month. Later, when she performed, she "lived" the needlework military drill, died so heroically, and fell so bravely, which made people remember her - a small, unforgettable character who delivered dry food bags, wiped her face like a black ghost, and only had four words and flashed past.

The "four character" lines made Yan Ni successful. In fact, each of us does not lack the opportunity of "four character" lines. What we lack is Yan Ni's serious attitude towards "four character" lines.

Ge You's acting career was not smooth at first, but his seriousness in details also made him brilliant. On one occasion, Ge You wanted to play a supporting role on the stage. Without a single line, he was a small role that no one paid attention to. But before he went on stage, Ge You found a piece of white paint on his shoes, so he told the leader that he would change a pair of shoes. The leader shook his head and said, "No, you are just a supporting actor, standing at the back, nobody will pay attention to you!" But Ge You's stubborn temper came up, because he is a supporting actor, a few minutes later than the main character, he saw the gap, and Sa Yazi went backstage to change a pair of new shoes, but when he came to the stage, his shirt was half wet. The leader at that time said a meaningful word: "This young man, sooner or later he will get something done..."

Another time, Ge You received a role of a small citizen. There was a scene in which the character had to be silent in the late night light, while the background outside was the crowing of chickens and ducks. Ge You looked at the script and felt that it was not easy to show the protagonist's boredom and love for life properly. In order to simulate the drama scene in advance and perform the play well, he unexpectedly asked his wife to buy two old hens from the vegetable market and bring back a big black dog from his friend. Ge You asked his wife to frighten the two hens with big black dogs to create a background of chickens flying and dogs jumping, while he was in the house

Fathom the inner world of the hero. It is in this spirit that Ge You's plays have become more and more popular with the audience, and he has finally become one of the top "celebrities" in China.

Small things make great things, and details determine success or failure. How to treat details often reflects a person's consistent attitude towards people and affairs, and is the embodiment of the most original quality of human ecology. A person who is impetuous, superficial, or down-to-earth, rigorous and serious can tell at a glance when dealing with trivial matters. A person's inner cultivation and development prospects are usually seen in front of trivial matters. There is a "Bole" in the world, but Bole often judges the potential of Qianlima through the trivial and ordinary details in daily life, so as to "make decisions based on its principles, eat it to make the best of its materials, and sing it to understand its meaning", and finally achieve the glory of Qianlima's "traveling thousands of miles a day and eight hundred miles at night".

Let's take another example of the United States: when a large company recruits new people, many talents who look like elites are eliminated. This is a well-known large company in the United States, and there is no limit to the future for young people to enter this company.

A young man walked into the interview office. He saw a small piece of paper at the door. Out of habit, he bent down to pick up the paper and threw it into the basket. As a result, he was admitted. Later, the president of the company told him, "Your ability level is really not the best among all candidates, but only you passed the most critical assessment in the interview -- I deliberately asked someone to put the small piece of paper at the door." That young man was Henry Ford, the father of the American automobile industry. He proved the original vision of the president with his own practical actions. Henry Ford is lucky. His luck is not only that he has met the president who has a good eye for talents, but also that he is serious about every little thing.

Small things can help you achieve your career, which we should firmly believe at all times.

How to deal with small matters, small roles? I would like to tell you a trite story: Yuan Lao Yu Youren was a great poet and calligrapher, and most people were proud of his pieces of paper. Once, in order to ensure the sanitation around the residence, he wrote "Don't urinate anywhere". Someone took it to be cut, adjusted and framed into a frame of banners that "cannot be casually used in small places". Yu was surprised and applauded. A sentence that was difficult to be elegant turned into a seamless aphorism. Whether this legend is true or not is another matter, but I think that the maxim "Don't be casual in small places" is really worth thinking about and practicing.

Great people grow up from small people, and the greatest quality is gradually formed through the accumulation of time. There is no fat person who can eat a mouthful, nor is there an inborn hero. A person's character is like water, it flows in your daily behavior. Many people often sigh

It is difficult to be a person, and even more difficult to achieve a career. The key is not whether you can stand out, but how you can perform well in small ways. Don't think that being modest and cautious is to pretend to be serious and polite, which is to shape your image, improve your character and accumulate your contacts. When dealing with small things, we should always remember that "we should not do evil in small ways" and "we should not do good in small ways". Our correct attitude is always nothing more than eight words "be meticulous and keep improving".

"Don't be careless with small things", which highlights your character and attitude towards life, and relies on ordinary practice and self-discipline. It is the starting point of our success and the only way we can go to success.

If you are determined to achieve something big, please pay attention to your feet first, start from small things and focus on details.