Essays on stray dogs (16 in total)
2024-05-17 02:11:59

Composition of stray dogs (1)

The red sun goes down to the west, and cicadas sing among the trees. My parents and I went upstairs to have dinner. Just after opening the door on the fifth floor, a black and white dog appeared in front of us. It was wet all over, as if it had just been drenched by heavy rain. It looked like a soup dog. Its tail dragged weakly on the ground, and its two big watery eyes looked at us as if begging for something. At first, we thought it was a neighbor's, but when we thought about it, there were only one or two dogs in the whole community. If we looked at its appearance, it should be a stray dog.

This puppy has been following us all the time. It seems to have been bullied because it has not made a "Hmm, Hmm" whimper. Dad was impatient. He pretended to kick with his foot and shouted, "Go, go!" But the dog still followed, and we had to continue upstairs regardless of it.

We opened the door on the sixth floor, and the dog rushed in. The grandmother in the room seemed allergic to dogs. Without asking clearly, she drove the dog with a stick. The dog was frightened and ran under the sofa, refusing to come out. Grandma moved away from the sofa, picked up the stick and hit it violently. The dog jumped up in pain and escaped from the door. He tried to come in again, but I felt sorry for him and said, "Let him stay a little longer?" Grandma refused: "This mad dog, stay for a while, maybe he will come out with a heap of shit!" Grandma hit the dog on the leg with a stick, and the dog ran away screaming.

I felt a heartache: "Although he is a stray dog, he also has the desire to survive! Even if he does not take him in, he has done nothing wrong. Why hit him?"

Alas, why can't adults understand the heart of a child?

Composition of stray dogs (2)

I am a stray dog, skinny and dying. My fur looks like I have just "bathed" in the mud. My body has become the home of fleas. Everywhere I go, I leave a string of "black plum blossoms". People immediately leave me far away from me when they see my dirty body. My heart is particularly uncomfortable.

One day, my eyes were glassy and I was hungry. When I was looking for food everywhere, I found someone threw a half eaten chicken leg on the ground. Suddenly, my eyes lit up and I ran like a hungry eagle. I wanted to swallow the chicken leg right away. Just as I picked up the chicken leg and ate it happily, the bully dog in the distance ran straight to me. After several howls, I ran away in fear. "There is no food today!" I covered the hungry stomach for several days and muttered.

I was helpless when I walked on the street. At that time, an innocent and lovely child was playing happily. When she saw me, she immediately ran away and hid in the arms of * * *'s mother.

When I saw this, my heart was even sadder because the child's behavior reminded me of my mother. I remember when I was a baby dog, my mother always accompanied me. I often slept in my mother's arms with peace of mind. The warmth and comfort were irreplaceable.

At this time, I tried to hold back my tears, curled up, looked up at the sky, and thought: Mom... Mom, where are you? I miss you so much. Thinking about it, I fell asleep.

In the dream world, I saw my mother. She was so kind and gentle. She always had love in her eyes. I rushed to my mother regardless of everything. When I quickly ran to her side, her mother disappeared. I looked around in panic... Just then I woke up with a tear in my eye.

Suddenly, it began to rain cats and dogs, and I ran to a big tree to hide. Watching the relentless rain, I couldn't help shedding tears

Composition of stray dogs (3)

A stray dog Composition 1: A stray dog

On my way home today, I saw a poor stray dog.

Its white hair was covered by black water and looked black; It's so cute, but it's too dirty. Several elder sisters came and walked around him. They said, "Whose broken dog is left here. It's too dangerous." I heard this, and felt an inexplicable impulse and sad for the dog.

I think he must have been a very beautiful dog before. Maybe it's because the owner took him to play. He ran around. When he turned back, the owner disappeared and he became a stray dog; It may also be that a vicious family bought it, but did not want it, and left it on the street

When I looked at the dog carefully again, I found a few tears flowing from his eyes, and looked up at the sky a few times. It was helpless eyes, homesick eyes. I remember when I was a child, I was shopping with my mother too. I lost it and cried for a long time. My psychological fear was extreme: what should I do if I can't find my home? What about being abducted by a villain? I cried hard, but my mother found me by the sound of crying.

I ran home, took bread and milk as fast as I could, ran downstairs and fed it. When he saw me, although he looked at me with fear, hunger defeated fear. After eating, he looked back at me several times. Yes, stray pets need care and love most.

From then on, I hated people who bought pets, didn't keep them, and threw them away. Not only cost money, but also let those innocent lives starve and freeze to death. Are you really relieved?

A stray dog Composition 2: A stray dog

Today, I lay on the balcony, anxiously and patiently waiting for its appearance, but after a long time, I still did not see it, and my heart was full of disappointment.

He is a stray dog. A few days ago, I accidentally saw him walking downstairs from my house, and suddenly felt that he was both lovely and pathetic. He is cute because he has gray curly hair and a furry black tail dangling behind his small and exquisite body, which makes people love him at first sight. It is said that it is poor because its body is so thin, it can be said that it is all skin and bones. I guess it must have not eaten for several days, otherwise how could it be so skinny?

Its ears drooped, its eyes showed helplessness and sadness, and it was walking aimlessly towards the distance. Looking at its lonely figure, I can't help but think of my aunt's dog, Sasha. She is not only picky, but also sleepy. She is white and plump, her hair is shiny, and her eyes are always so smart. She is also a naughty and coquettish master, which makes everyone love her. My aunt takes care of her as a darling. It is also a dog, but there is a world of difference. My heart trembles and I can't help thinking that if I could take it home to feed it, how wonderful it would be! But after thinking about many inconveniences, I finally failed to take steps.

At this time, the stray dog downstairs has gradually gone away and finally disappeared. These days, I miss the stray dog very much!

Today, I lay on the balcony anxiously and patiently waiting for its appearance, praying: stray dog, I wish you a safe journey!

A stray dog Composition 3: A small stray dog

A few days ago, when I came home from school, I was humming a tune at the stairs while waiting for the elevator. Suddenly, I felt my trouser legs pulled by something. At that time, I was only thinking about the delicious food prepared by my mother on the table, and I didn't care too much. At this time, the trouser legs were pulled several times, and I could not help looking down: Eh! Where did a puppy come from? I was shocked.

I bent down and looked at the uninvited guest carefully: his whole body was dirty, but his white hair had turned yellow and black, and his small black eyes looked at me pitifully, his dusty tail shook and shook at me, and his throat also made a wailing sound of "barking". He is only about a month or two old. He must be a stray dog, and he must be hungry.

Where did it come from? Was it abandoned by a cruel master? Or do you want to play and get lost?

Thinking of this, I quickly ran home, found a ham sausage and a glass of milk, and put them in front of the little stray dog. He couldn't wait to bite half of the ham sausage in his mouth. Before he could swallow it, he drank milk again... Within a few minutes, the food was wiped out by him.

After eating, he gave me a few satisfied shouts and excitedly shook his dirty little tail.

Looking at this poor and lovely little dot, I couldn't help thinking: where is its next meal?

A stray dog Composition 4: A stray dog

I am a stray dog. I live in the street and am homeless in the wild. The life without food makes me feel uncomfortable. My greatest wish is to return to my warm and comfortable home and throw myself into my mother's arms.

So I wander around hoping to find my hometown. I miss the leisurely life before, the delicious food before and the soft bed before. Now I can only sleep in the cold moonlight. I used to be beautiful and lovely, but now I have become a stray dog on the street, and I am no longer a pleasant "pistachio". His eyes were listless and his hands and feet were weak on the ground. Passers by often leave a sentence: "Hum! Disgusting stray dog." I'm always so angry that I want to jump up and bite him. Am I so bad and annoying? I think. Because of this, I am more determined to return home and become a VIP dog again.

In order to realize my dream, I ran around and searched for it. Although I didn't find it, I fell in love and got married on the way. We are in the same boat, so we are very close, and finally gave birth to children, very happy.

I have learned a lot in this career, and the most important thing is that I understand that my happiness is not due to what others have done to me, but to what I have done for others.

Composition of stray dogs (4)

In the afternoon, after my English class, I hurried to the station and looked up at the gloomy sky. Oh, it might rain again. I can't help but quicken my pace.

"Ah!" I cried in my heart. I saw something bumpy and fluffy at my feet. What is this? I was scared: "It's not a dead animal, is it?" The thing slowly "stood up" and walked unsteadily to a step, sniffing here and there. It turned out to be a scrawny yellow haired stray dog! I looked at it carefully: a pair of muddy eyes, confused eyes, ears drooping, as if there was no meat on the back, the bones were more prominent. His tail is like a mop on the ground, and his hair is dirty and long. It seems that homelessness is no longer a matter of days.

What is it smelling? Are you smelling the smell of a piece of moldy bone or looking for the owner's trace? I think the former is more likely, perhaps because the search for the owner is very remote in its eyes, and it must first solve the urgent problems.

What is it looking at? For a long time, it raised its head and stared into the distance. The dog may have been abandoned, like an abandoned baby; Maybe it's because I lost my way and can't find my master's home anymore. No matter what the reason, I read from its eyes its infinite nostalgia for the past. But now, it can't eat enough and sleep soundly. It seems that when the north wind blows slightly, it will float down like a thin leaf in autumn, and then be swept away by the wind

I couldn't bear it, so I took out a plum from the bag in my hand and threw it to the dog. He put out his tongue and licked it. I squatted down and the dog looked up at me with eager eyes. At this moment, how I want to take it home! But I know that our house does not live on the first floor, so it is difficult to provide a dog environment, and no one has time to look after it. So, I can only say in my heart: "Sorry, puppy, I would like to take you home, but I have no ability."

I crossed the road and bought a sausage for the dog to eat. The dog was so excited that he ate the sausage like a whirlwind without residue. I laughed and got up to go home. Just a few steps later, the dog caught up with me and followed me straight ahead, wagging his tail as if he was begging me for another sausage. I felt the three dimes left in my pocket and waved helplessly to the dog. The dog seemed to understand my meaning and reluctantly left me.

The stray dogs are so pathetic! I would like to warn those who keep dogs: treat your dog kindly, treat it as a member of your family, and do not let it sleep on the street or become homeless. Animals also have feelings, it is also a small life! Let's protect animals together!

Composition of stray dogs (5)

Random talk about the composition of Wandering Dog in junior high school

In our daily study, work or life, we all have the experience of writing a composition. I know a lot about composition. Writing a composition can exercise our habit of being alone, calm our mind, and think about our future direction. I believe many friends are very distressed about writing compositions. The following is the rambling composition of Wandering Dog Junior High School written by Xiaobian Jidun. Welcome to read it. I hope you can enjoy it.

A puppy, a wild cat; Whether it's a cute pet in your arms or a stray dog through wind and rain. It's all around you, you just don't pay attention to it. When facing a stray dog, you may worry about whether it can bring you happiness like a pet dog.

Here, I want to answer you, it will bring you the same happiness. Just see if you want to pay attention to it. See if you have found it carefully.

The drifting dog was born in the wild, and it will wander in the 'world of wind and rain', and it needs to find food on its own. This hard life has created their tenacious viability, so you don't need to be so worried and meticulous when raising them. The pet dog is in a warm home, loved by the owner, and has regular meals. Once the living conditions change slightly, it will be reflected in their physical state and emotions, and their life is very difficult to manage.

Wandering dogs are certainly afraid of humans, things and scenery in the world. But it is brave and witty. It is more knowledgeable outside than a pet dog. For example: cross the road, distinguish between good people and bad people. If it has established a relationship with you, it may not be you who take care of it, but it takes care of you when you go out to the street.

Wandering dogs and pet dogs have different identities and positions. They are at the bottom of the world. No one will care about it too much, if someone can give it some clean food. It may wag its tail at you. But pet dogs are different. You spoil it and spoil it. When you usually like it, give it meat to eat, but when you don't feed it meat. Give him a handful of dog food. He won't be hungry like a stray dog. Because the pet dog has the owner's love and food, he may sometimes have to be angry and not eat things he doesn't like. This is just like people. A bowl of rice nourishes the benefactor and a bucket of rice nourishes the enemy.

Wandering dogs are also small spirits, which will make you happy and happy. They also have a kind heart. If a stray dog passed by quietly and you were eating bread, would you feed it a little?

If you eat bread, a stray dog looks at you with hope, and a pet dog beside you is looking at you, of course, it has a beautiful mistress. Who will you feed the bread to? Do you have a heart of compassion, or a heart of fun and flirtation?

"Where is the stray dog that needs your sympathy?" "Oh! It's beside everyone." "Then why can't I see it?" "Because you don't care about it."

Every little animal has a kind heart. You can dislike it, but please don't hurt it.

Composition of stray dogs (6)

Floating Dog "Pudding" Composition

In daily life or work and study, everyone knows nothing more about composition. Composition can be divided into time limited composition and non time limited composition according to different writing time limits. I believe many friends are very distressed about writing compositions. The following is a carefully edited composition of Pudding, a stray dog. I hope it can help you.

Some people like kittens, some people like chickens, and others like rabbits, but I have a special liking for dogs. Recently, my friends and I got to know a new friend - a stray dog, and we gave it a loud name "pudding".

The first time I saw it, it was shivering in a corner of the community and dared not come out. The white hair all over the body looks dirty and untidy because there is no guard for a long time. The ears droop like eggplant beaten by frost, listless. When he looked up and saw me, his black eyes were so dull and full of sadness, as if he were begging me: "Give me something to eat!" When I was sorting out, I felt pity and ran home quickly, grabbed two ham sausages and ran out.

When I ran to "pudding", I quickly ripped the skin of the ham sausage and threw it to "pudding". "pudding" suddenly became energetic, and its eyes lit up, like a hungry wolf pouncing on its prey. It pounced on the ham sausage, and it ate it up after three bites. After eating, he licked his lips, wagged his tail, and called me "Woof woof" twice, as if to say: "Thank you, my new master!"

I was very happy, so I gathered my friends to build a new home for "pudding" in the corner of the community, and took turns to take care of it every day, giving it food, water, toilet, toilet...... Under our careful care, it has undergone earth shaking changes, and its hair has become fluffy, soft, and shiny. The belly is bulging, like a balloon full of air, and two round eyes are full of vitality. The playful tail sways freely and leisurely like a wave drum, which is extremely cute.

The most interesting thing is to play with "pudding". Although it is short, it is a good runner. I ran in front of him and he ran behind me. My ears were fanning up and down, and the hair on my back was blown up by the wind. I tried my best to speed up. Unexpectedly, "pudding" ran and jumped, catching up with me easily, and rolled on the ground ostentatiously, shaking my hair, as if to say, "Hum! Look how powerful I am!" made me laugh and sit on the ground.

It's really a cute dog. It brings infinite fun to my life. I love "pudding".

Composition of stray dogs (7)

Composition of Two Wandering Dogs

In our daily study, work and life, we often see the figure of composition. Through composition, we can bring together our scattered thoughts. So have you learned about composition? The following are two stray dog compositions written by Xiao Biandun, hoping to help everyone.

Today, I met two stray dogs on the street. One of them is a pine lion. This kind of dog is a valuable breed. Unfortunately, it has been lost. Its whole body is covered with scars, and its fur has also lost a lot! It's almost like a dog! There is also a wolf dog beside it. After many days of investigation, I found that these two dogs are good friends!

Play: I remember they started playing at 14:24 on July 13. That Ding Ding (the loose lion) first teased Dangdang (the wolf dog). Ding Ding led Dangdang to a small tree, and then asked Dangdang to close his eyes. He walked around, as if he was wondering how to make Dangdang excited again? But Ding Ding "hit" Dangdang for a while, and Dangdang was certainly angry. He opened his eyes and saw that, unexpectedly, Ding Ding had already run far away. Dangdang was very angry and went after Dangdang. Of course, Ding Ding ran away immediately. However, Ding Ding's physical strength is still not as good as Dangdang's. He is already exhausted after running dozens of meters, while Dangdang is still in the "youth stage". Of course, Dangdang caught up with Ding Ding, so Dangdang opened his big mouth to frighten Ding Ding to go straight to the tree. He wished there was a crack in the ground, and then Dangdang let his big mouth bite Ding Ding's neck. Ding Ding still thinks that he is really coming! It seemed to hate Dangdang very much. Dangdang seems to know that Ding Ding is angry and hurries to apologize, but Ding Ding forgives him, and the fight is over.

Race: After the event just happened, they didn't dare to hit each other, so they had nothing to do. They saw our children running, and they wanted to play this game too. They found Hua Hua, and when their referee gave an order, they ran out with a "Huo" sound. However, when I looked carefully, Dangdang had a large lung capacity, but it was not good at running. So at the end, Ding Ding arrived first, but something unexpected happened. Although Ding Ding ran to the end, he stumbled over a stone. But fortunately, they caught Ding Ding, and afterwards they made a special "private protection award" for Ding Ding!

Pretend to remember: Later they began to fight again, and of course they beat Ding Ding to pieces. So Ding Ding gained experience after hundreds of "fierce battles", so he came up with a way to play dead! So after this time, their dogs all called him king, because after he pretended to be dead, others had to let him go! So every time it is presented to others to let it, it will be hit with a "fist", so of course he will win!. One day, an unknown dog came. Ding Ding and his dogs blocked the way and barked at him, as if to say, "I planted this tree and drove this mountain. If you want to live from here on, leave the place name!" But taking a dog, just like the one in Kung Fu, they called: "You. I'm not afraid of you! Even if you beat me, there will be thousands of me!" So, Ding Ding also said, "Good! I will follow you if I have the backbone and the rules of the Jianghu are singled out." So Ding Ding played his unique skill again - playing dead. But this time, people ignored it and stepped on his feet, and he was killed. As the saying goes: Without this fine steel drill, don't work on this porcelain. Alas! Ding Ding is miserable! Later, someone saw that the dog was very poor, so they adopted Ding Ding. As for Dangdang, it was also adopted by another resident. But I think they will never forget their happy time!

Composition of stray dogs (8)

Poor Wandering Dog Composition

In our daily study, work and life, we are inevitably exposed to composition. Through composition, we can bring together our scattered thoughts. There are many things to pay attention to in composition. Are you sure you can write? The following is the poor drifting dog composition collected by Xiaobian for everyone. I hope it can help everyone.

Poor Wandering Dog Composition 1

Today, after school, I walked home from school and saw a terrible thing. When I came closer, it turned out to be a dog. His ears are pointed, his head is like a nut, his eyes are round like black gemstones, and his whole body is black, with a poor look. I thought to myself, "This puppy is so pathetic. If I want to take him home, I'm afraid my parents won't agree.". In my heart, I decided to adopt it.

After returning home, my mother said, "What are you doing? Don't take the dirty things home!" "I... I will clean myself..." I mustered up the courage to say. Finally, I talked with my mother for a long time. Suddenly my father came back and saw the dirty dog. He said angrily, "Why are you? Don't take this troublesome devil home!" I firmly said, "I will walk the dog." In the evening, I finally persuaded my parents. The poor dog barked and woke up my grandparents who were sleeping peacefully, My grandparents shouted, "Don't take the noisy things home. We need to have a rest." I patiently told my grandparents, "It's OK. I will practice it and let it stop barking."

The next day, the sun rose, and I finally failed to convince my grandparents. I was tired and sad, but I tried my best to persuade them to let the stray dog go. I took a few pieces of wood to build a cabin near the school, gave it two ham sausages, and left.

Since then, every morning, I will give the dog two sausages, and I hope the dog can grow up healthily.

Poor Wandering Dog Composition 2

A few days ago, when I came home from school, I was humming a tune at the stairs while waiting for the elevator. Suddenly, I felt my trouser legs pulled by something. At that time, I just concentrated on the delicious food prepared by my mother on the table, and didn't care too much. At this time, the trouser legs were pulled several times, and I could not help looking down: Eh! Where did a puppy come from? I was shocked.

I bent down and looked at the uninvited guest carefully: he was dirty all over, but his white hair had turned yellow and black, and his small black eyes looked at me pitifully, his dusty tail shook and shook at me, and his throat also made a wailing sound of "woof woof woof woof". He is only about a month or two old. He must be a stray dog, and he must be hungry.

Where did it come from? Was it abandoned by a cruel master? Or are you playing and getting lost?

Thinking of this, I quickly ran home, found a ham sausage and a glass of milk, and put them in front of the little stray dog. He couldn't wait to bite half of the ham sausage in his mouth. Before he could swallow it, he drank milk again... Within a few minutes, the food was wiped out by it.

After eating, he gave me a few contented shouts and happily shook his dirty little tail.

Looking at this poor and lovely little dot, I couldn't help thinking: where is its next meal?

Poor Wandering Dog Composition 3

Dogs, like humans, are animals and have lives. Why is the fate of dogs so miserable

In the morning, when I went downstairs humming a little tune and skipping, after eating a delicious meal, I saw a scrawny puppy outside. His face was pale and hungry. I thought to myself: Why do people have food, but dogs don't? We are animals, too! So I took a knife and gave it half of the ham sausage I was holding. It ate hurriedly and left after eating. When I finished lunch, I saved the poor puppy again in the morning. When I took the first step out of the door, I found two children running after the dog. At first, I thought that the dog was owned by these two children, who were playing with the dog. But later, I found on the balcony upstairs that the two children were throwing stones at dogs with stones in their hands. And I also found that the dog was the one I saw in the morning, so I flew downstairs and found that they were missing, so I searched and searched. Finally, I found them and drove them away. The dog looked at me all the time and seemed to thank me. I replied, "Don't thank me, go quickly, or the two children will hit you again while I'm away." The dog listened and left.

Dogs are also alive and painful, just like us, so we should treat dogs as we treat people.

Poor Wandering Dog Composition 4

There is a stray dog near my home house. I like playing with him very much.

It's a brown puppy, but I don't know what kind it is. His hair is very sparse, probably due to malnutrition. The hair on the ears is dark brown, and the two cute little ears droop on its brown head. Its eyes are dark and cute. I found that its nose was red, which was very strange. Later, I learned that most puppies' noses were red.

The dog's legs are so long that when he sits down, it seems that his legs cannot be extended. I found that the puppy was squatting on the toilet, so I thought he was a bitch.

I thought it was floating outside, and the next thing must be bad, so I quickly got up and ran into the house to get a small piece of bread. I broke half of it first and threw it to him. He smelt it with his nose first, because it should be very fragrant. It immediately ate with relish. I threw the other half to it again, and it ate it in the same way.

The dog was full and belched. I thought it might be thirsty, so I took it to a small ditch to drink water. He drinks water in a strange way. His legs are bent, his hind legs are pulled off, and he licks the water with his little tongue.

After the dog ate and drank enough, I played games with him. Sometimes I run with it; Sometimes we catch up with each other and have fun.

The dog has no shelter, no food to eat, and no security. It's very poor. I think we should protect small animals in the future. We can't hurt small animals, let alone kill them.

Poor Wandering Dog Composition 5

At three o'clock on Sunday afternoon, my mother took me to the holiday English training class. When passing a garbage station, I saw a dog lying there shivering.

Its fur itself is white. Without the care and care of its owner and mother dog, its fur has become dark gray now, and there are many rashes around its eyes and all over its body. It looks pitiful. When my dog and I looked at each other, his wistful eyes could not let me take another step forward. It seemed to beg me: "Little sister, take me home! I'm hungry now, I'm cold now."

I turned around and groped for my mother and said, "Mom, how pathetic the dog is! Shall we take it home to take care of it?" My mother refused my request without hesitation. Said many reasons not to let me take the dog home. For example, the puppy has infectious disease, has to register for residence, and has to be taken care of by a special person In the end, my mother failed to let me take the puppy home. After I left, my mind was full of the pitiful shadow of the dog.

At that time, I thought that if the dog was still there on the way home from class, I would take it home, bathe it and feed it. After school, I couldn't wait to get there, but the poor dog was no longer there. I looked around for a while, but still couldn't see the shadow of the dog. I really hope it can be accepted by good people. Let it no longer suffer cold and hunger in this cold winter.

Poor Wandering Dog Composition 6

On the way to school on Friday morning, I saw a dog that no one wanted crouching on the ground. Its dark fur was not bright and smooth. It was estimated that it was ill, so I wanted to adopt it. But my mother said in disgust, "Why do you want this stray dog? It's so sick that you may shit when you bring it home. It's better to buy a healthy and cute pet dog!"

I didn't answer, but went home and begged again: "Mom, bring the puppy back!" But my mother resolutely refused. Not only did my mother disagree, but my father also said, "This dog is dirty and can't be taken."

My parents and I had a quarrel. Tears and snivel flowed together. We still sat on the ground waving our hands and kicking our legs, but we couldn't make them change their minds. My mother pretended to hit me, but I had no choice but to cry while hiding and thinking: Mom and Dad don't love animals. Alas, homeless stray dog, you are so pathetic, but I can't adopt you!

Comment: The truth is expressed in words, which shows the author's love for animals. My sympathy for stray dogs and the helplessness of not adopting them are fully reflected through a series of actions, language and psychological descriptions. Although I am weak and helpless, I have a kind and compassionate heart. (Instructor: Chen Xuehong)

Poor Wandering Dog Composition 7

It's New Year's Eve again, and I'm going back to my grandmother's house to celebrate the New Year.

My mother drove me to my grandmother's house. It was late and the cold wind was blowing in my ears. After getting off the bus, we paused for our belongings and prepared to go in. As we walked, we found a lovely puppy. It had big eyes and a small mouth. From time to time, it stuck out its tongue and licked its mouth, It has a thin tail, which is neither long nor short. It seems to be wagging to show kindness to people. It is really cute. It also has a dark fur that is a little dirty, and there is sporadic soil stuck on it.

At first, I thought it had a master, but it was so helpless to see it running around with this uncle and that aunt and making a low "whine". Only then did I realize that he was a poor stray dog that no one loved and loved.

I had no way to let him have a master, so I had to leave. Unexpectedly, he began to follow me. I thought: Is he hungry? I quickly searched to see if I had anything to eat. When I just found a piece of dried beef and tofu ready to give it to eat, it had already run away. A cold wind blew again, which made me tremble. Looking far away, the little black spot was so desolate.

This made me deeply feel abandoned.

We should raise more small animals and communicate with them. Everyone says that small animals are human's best friends, so we should protect animals even more.

Let's protect animals together and become best friends with them!

Composition of Wandering Dogs (9)

Fairy Tale Composition of Wandering Dog and VIP Dog

In daily study, work or life, when it comes to composition, everyone must be blind. Writing composition is an important means to cultivate people's observation, association, imagination, thinking and memory. Do you know how to write a good composition? The following is the fairy tale composition of Wandering Dog and VIP Dog collected by Xiaobian for everyone. I hope it can help everyone.

There is a poodle and a stray dog living in a community. Every day, the owner has to carefully dress the poodle: sometimes wearing a beautiful dog headdress, sometimes wearing a gorgeous dog vest, sometimes wearing designer dog shoes. Then put on a dog chain that is said to be genuine leather, and take the poodle to the hair dressing step. The master loves it! Take a cold bath in summer. In winter, I turn on the heater and wear a cotton padded jacket. The stray dog who lives here has no father and mother since childhood, and can only work outside by himself. If you are cold, you can "build a house". If you are hungry, you can find food. Over a long period of time, drifting dogs have also developed the ability to find treasure from garbage. You don't know that there are so many magic weapons in the garbage. The drifting dog has created wealth and surprises again and again for itself with its sharp eyes and nose!

On a sunny afternoon, the owner came out with your hotel as usual, and the leather dog chain looked especially elegant under the sun. At this time, the poodle suddenly saw a stray dog picking up food from the garbage. The VIP dog barked at the drifting dog with high toes: "Hey, man, why do you eat such disgusting food? Isn't nobody willing to adopt you?" The drifting dog ignored it and was still looking for something. The poodle shook its neat and bright hair, wagged its tail, raised its voice and said, "Look at you, you are dirty and smelly, and you look like a disgrace to our dog family! How about I talk to my master to see if anyone wants you to be the guard dog of the warehouse? But it is impossible to find someone who treats me like this'!" The stray dog raised his head, He raised his handsome eyebrows and said politely, "Mr. Dog, thank you for your kindness, but I don't need it! Although your master treats you very well, you don't worry about clothing or food, but you always have a ring around your neck. You can only go as far as the master's leather rope is long!" The drifting dog stopped to tidy up and looked up at the sky, Shake the dust on my body and say: "Do you know how wide the outside world is? I have been to many mountains and rivers, many top cities, and my friends all over the world with my own efforts! I think nothing is happier than freedom!"

The VIP dog listened to the drift dog's words and opened its mouth as if to explain something for itself. At this time, the owner's leather rope pulled, issued a command, and ordered it to go home

Composition of Wandering Dogs (10)

Hello, I'm a golden dog named Xueer. I'm a loyal friend of mankind. However, my master abandoned me. Now, I can only wander on the street. People have nicknamed me "stray dog".

I used to have pure white hair, but now it's black and dirty. I was so sad that my tail hung down and there was dirty paper hanging on the tip of my tail. In me, the most beautiful thing is the eyes; My eyes are very dark, pure and shiny. If you carefully observe my eyes, you will feel deep and unpredictable. When the cold winter came, when I lived in the master's house, if it was cold, the master would put on a cotton padded jacket for me; If you are hungry, the owner will send you delicious dog food. But now, I am cold and hungry. I have neither warm cotton padded clothes nor delicious dog food. A gust of cold wind blew my fur flying, and I shivered with cold; When I was hungry, I could only compete for food with other stray animals in the trash can. Once, it was raining heavily, and I had nowhere to hide. I was wet by the cold rain, and no one came to help me wipe it. I almost froze to death

It was a weekend. I was wandering in the park. I saw a group of parents with a group of lovely children playing the game of eagle catching chicks. I was attracted by the game, so I ran up to them with a smile and shouted "Wangwang". Unexpectedly, the children cried in fear. The group of parents coaxed the children and hit me with garbage and stones. At that time, I was hit with a lot of blood, but no one pitied me.

Master, I really don't understand. Since you bought me back, why did you abandon me again? Humans! Please take care of animals and don't hurt us. If we continue, the animals in the world will die one day!

Composition of Wandering Dogs (11)

Hello! Hello, everyone. I'm a stray dog. I'm the only senior noble dog in the world, Dudu, who lives across Europe, Asia and America. The owner named me because I'm fat and funny. But now, I am living alone on the street. Alas, this is really joy begets sorrow.

It started more than two months ago. I was born by my mother Sasha, and then sent to China, a seemingly mysterious country. It was delivered to the most advanced pet store in China, and I became the treasure of that store. A few days later, a billionaire bought me as a gift for her seven year old daughter. Since then, I have lived like a fairy.

The male host is a milk powder seller. He is very rich. The male owner has a large western-style house, where there are many famous celebrities gathered, as well as the legendary treasure and jade tripod, which was carved by the master's ancestors long ago. The male host couldn't put down his love for the tripod. In addition, the houses of the male owners are all kinds, carved with jade, or built after the palaces of ancient Chinese emperors, and. This is everything. Following the master's family, I am an eye opener.

However, the little master also loves me very much. Dudu Dudu keeps calling. She also takes great pains to dress me in silk clothes. I feel comfortable wearing them. She also let me have three meals with her on the first day. The style and scene were no less than that of all Manchu and Han people. I also have special dining clothes. There are too many dishes on the table. The young master will bring the dishes to my front if I want to eat them. Let me feast my mouth.

The hostess is a housewife. Her main job is to take care of the little master and me. She only needs to tell the nanny about other things. Therefore, the hostess buys me many dog kennels, dog sheds, special swimming pools and baths for dogs, and high-quality dog appliances imported from the United States every day. And these things are the highest and the highest quality. Today I go to a European style dog house, tomorrow I go to an American style casino, and the day after tomorrow I go to the South African swimming pool to soak in hot springs. In short, I just eat, drink, play and have fun every day.

I felt as if I had fallen into a honeypot, but I was wrong. A terrible day has finally come.

On that day, I was playing with my little host. The male host was using the most advanced chocolate version of the wireless Internet computer to access the Internet (you can access the Internet anywhere, and this computer is not afraid of water, fire, and fall.) The female host was making up in front of the dresser. (These are all imported cosmetics.) But at this time, a group of police swarmed in, saying that the milk powder produced by the owner was unqualified, and they were detained criminally. They took the man away ruthlessly, and everyone panicked for a moment. Then, the house was closed down, and the hostess took the young master to his hometown to hide from the limelight. They forgot to take me with them. Then I went to the streets and became a stray dog.

Ah! This is a joy begets sorrow. Master, I miss you so much.

Composition of Wandering Dogs (12)

A few days ago, on my way home from school, I met a stray dog. He was curled up in the corner of the sidewalk, wet and dirty, skinny, with helpless and scared eyes. Although I was sitting on the bike, I felt sorry for him, but I could do nothing.

That night, I had a very strange dream.

Bark, bark! Bark, bark! I used to be a happy dog. I lived with my eight brothers and sisters, but one day my master abandoned me and my sisters in the corner of the park. From then on, we began to live a vagrant life. We were hungry, we would rummage in the trash cans to find food, and sometimes we would run into human houses to find food to eat, so we were often chased by human beings. When we are tired, we will rest in the trees in the park, but we can't rest in the same place for too long because we have been caught by the villains of the terrible dog catching brigade. We haven't bathed for several days, and we are all dirty. There are many fleas coming to us. So we go to the small pool in the park, and when we see the small pool, we can't wait to rush into the water, We rubbed our backs together and were very happy.

At this time, two villains of the dog catching team captured my sister. I saw that the situation was wrong and rushed into the grass. I heard my sister's wailing and saw that the villains of the dog catching team put her into the car and took her away. I shed tears and dragged my heavy footsteps to continue my wandering life. I curled up in the corner of the sidewalk and did not know where to go?

If I am a stray dog, I sincerely hope that I can have a warm home. If I am a stray dog, I don't want to be disliked because of my dirty body. I hope my master can love me and never abandon me.

Composition of Wandering Dogs (13)

Don't misunderstand, monitor MM is a dog.

When I saw MM for the first time, I was afraid because he was tall and raised his head to the height of my stomach. When my uncle asked me to hold him for a picture, I was too scared to hide. My uncle said to me, "Don't be afraid, he is very gentle, so you can hold him!" I held him bravely and nothing happened.

In fact, MM was a stray dog when she was very young. She was homeless every day, thin and dirty. She hid in hiding. Uncle often brought her some food, and gradually became familiar with it. Once, it was chased and beaten by someone. My uncle could not see it, so he took it in. Uncle cared about it and gave it the best food. Now he is tall and powerful.

Before adopting MM, the uncle raised three famous dogs, such as Labrador dogs, who regarded themselves as noble. When the owner fed them, they jumped on them. But MM probably felt that he was a stray dog without status. He just stood behind and waited humbly, waiting for the famous dogs to eat. Over a long period of time, MM and the famous dogs have become united and friendly.

However, it is a stray dog, why call it "monitor"? The uncle explained that he was very modest and docile, set an example for the three famous dogs, and never felt that the owner would bully any famous dogs if he liked him, so he was the monitor. I observed it carefully. There was no ferocious look in its eyes. I gently stroked its nose, but it did not move. My uncle said, "But it is too kind. It thinks everyone is a good person, and treats bad people like good people. Sometimes it is cheated. I hold his head and touch his back. I feel warm and soft in my heart. I think this dog is worth protecting.

I am not afraid of it at last. It is so kind and lovely. We have become good friends.

Composition of Wandering Dogs (14)

Dogs are passionate, friendly and the most important of all, faithful. Many people view dogs as their life-time friends or even partner. However, not every people know How to protect them. In this essay, I will introduce to you specifically about how to protect dogs.Sometimes dogs are brave defenders of our livestock, whereas sometimes they are as fragile as we are. Dogs should not be feed with salt, otherwise they will suffer from a hair loss. You need totake your dog out for a walk once in the morning and once in the afternoon to make sure it is having a healthy life. Dogs need to take regular check-ups as well, in case it is infected.There is a popular saying goes, "you may have many pets in your life, but your pets just have you in his life", which has moved many people. Please take good care of your dear pets. Their destinies are completely on your hands.

Composition of Wandering Dogs (15)

One day, when I was walking on the street, I suddenly saw a gray black dog on the street. The dog was ugly, its hair color had changed, and its hair was not smooth. One of its eyes was blind, and its eyes were a little white, but its teeth were much sharper than other dogs. He looked at me and suddenly showed a very disgusted look. Looking at him, I realized that his neck was not bound by any rope, so I knew that he was a stray dog.

Faced with this stray dog, I didn't look a bit bitter and contemptuous, because it has no home and is a poor animal. It must face the ups and downs of the society, and must know how to be strong to survive in this society. How many people hated that stray dog, and how many people drove it away from their own door, even eating the leftover bones, some people would rather dump it in the garbage can than give it to eat.

The stray dog stood there staring at me. Its eyes were so sharp, so cautious, and the shining eyes contained many unbearable things. How many hardships did it face to reveal such eyes? I looked at its legs. Its legs were thin, but it could run very well. If it didn't run fast, it would be killed by others. It stared at me with a ferocious look and bared its teeth, which were yellow '! I looked at it and was afraid. Stray dogs and wild dogs are the same. They are very fierce and cruel. They are not as obedient as the dogs at home. I find it both terrible and pathetic. Just when it made me cry, it suddenly moved its legs and tried to attack me.

Just then, a pedestrian saw the wild dog coming at me, and he quickly picked up a stone on the ground and threw it at the stray dog. I saw the stone hit its head, and it quickly ran away with a "whine". I was stunned when I saw it running away in a hurry. The pedestrian quickly asked me, "What's the matter with you? Are you injured?" I quickly said, "Nothing!" The pedestrian was relieved, and said to me, "These stray dogs are very cruel, and when you meet these stray dogs in the future, you will directly hit them with weapons." I nodded, looking at the stray dogs that have no shadow, and the stone, I immediately sighed with emotion.

Although I was almost attacked by stray dogs at that time, they were more injured than me. Faced with the drive of so many people, they did not see anyone asking these stray dogs, "Are you injured?" The stray dogs themselves are not bad. They are nothing but animals that have forgotten their homes. They were once beaten by humans so badly that they become so fierce and hate humans.

Just want to ask you, when you took up weapons to beat these stray dogs, did you ever think that they would be injured?

Composition of Wandering Dogs (16)

It is very poor. Its whole body is dirty. Its white hair has turned black. It is listless and curled up in a pile. Its eyes are helpless.

I turned to my mother and said, "I want to send this stray dog to my wife's house, right? Then this stray dog will not be bullied! It can also eat and drink enough, and there is a cat that can play with it!"

Mother said: "The stray dogs are really poor. Generally, they are sent to the dog shelter, but they haven't started in Enshi dog shelter yet."

How I wish it could have a warm home of its own!