600 words of composition with persistent harvest (4 compilations)
Be your backup
2023-09-07 09:41:53

600 words of composition with persistent harvest (1)

Today, the "Third Table Tennis Competition for Primary and Middle School Students in Pulandian District" was held at the Science and Education Center Gymnasium in Pulandian District. Last year, I represented Jiushou Primary School to participate in the team game of the second table tennis match and won the fifth place. This year, I will participate in both individual and team competitions. Although the cold wind is blowing, my heart is burning, excited and excited, and I hope to achieve good results.

The first is the team competition. I am the No. 1 main force of the Jiushou Second Team. I led the other two players to fight against other teams with strong players, and finally rushed out of the group to enter the last eight and entered the knockout phase. However, we lost two games in a row in the next competition, and finally won the seventh place in the group. I was a little unconvinced when I lost, but I had no choice but to make up my mind secretly and show my skill again when I played singles!

The competition in singles is more intense. In the knockout competition, if we are not careful, we will be out directly. Our heart has been tight, and we dare not slack off. At the beginning of the game, my first opponent was a member of Chengzitan Primary School. Her strength was not very strong. I won a game after three times, five times and two times. In the end, she gave up the game and I went straight to the last 16. The second opponent is from Xincheng Primary School, which is obviously much stronger. I opened my eyes wide and kept looking for the weakness of the other party in the game. Finally, I found that her rubbing skills were not good. So, I started to serve the backspin ball, but the other party soon could not bear it, and I won the game and entered the last eight. The third opponent is from Anbo Central Primary School, which is on a par with me. The competition is also the fiercest. A small table tennis ball jumps back and forth on the table. You win one game, and I win one game. The big score is "2:2", and we come to the decisive game. Because I was too nervous, I lost several goals and watched myself lose. But I didn't give up. I adjusted my breathing to calm myself down and slowed down the rhythm of the game. The opponent was a bit worried. I disrupted her rhythm and scored several points. I took the opportunity to equalise the score. The whole game was frozen by tension at "10:10". "You must have a strong heart at the critical moment". At that moment, my heart was filled with a strong and confident force, and finally won the game and entered the top four. The next opponent came from Beishifu. Although she is now in the fourth grade, she is very famous and has excellent skills. We played five games. Finally, I was lucky enough to win the opponent and enter the final. The opponent in the final was from Datan Central Primary School, which was too strong and more skillful. Although I tried hard to persist and fight hard, I also lost quickly and finally won the runner up. This is the first time that I have won a personal medal in a table tennis match. Holding the medal, I feel it is heavy, because I earned it with hard sweat.

This competition has gained a lot. It has also made my heart stronger when I achieved good results. It has taught me that no matter how difficult and stressful I encounter in my study and life, I should not give up easily, as long as I persist, I will gain!

600 words of composition with persistent harvest (2)

Grass can push away the stones on the ground and begin to grow; Plum blossom will be developed only after being eroded by cold winter; Dripping takes a long time to break through the rock. What perseverance it is! Persistence is also a hope!

When I was in primary school, my English was very poor. Every time after school, my teacher would stay behind to help me. Looking at those strange eyes outside the window, I felt bad. Who doesn't want to be praised by the teacher for good performance? Who doesn't want to talk to the teacher in English every time we have an English class?

With these problems, I can only feel better when I play basketball. Every time, the captain takes us to train, threading the needle when shooting, hitting the ball when playing against boys, crossing defense lines and making cool skills, it will win the applause of people around.

Once in an English test, I did badly again. I came to the court, where there were only cheers. I lay up, accelerated dribbling, and made breakthroughs. Every move was very accurate. I was very happy to do every move well.

Suddenly the monitor ran to me and said that the teacher wanted me. When my English teacher saw me coming to the office, she gently asked me to sit down: "You just played basketball very well!" I immediately became excited, but like withered leaves, I didn't dare to make a sound.

"You have learned basketball for many years!" I nodded and said: "I used to know nothing, but later, I have been learning and practicing with the teacher bit by bit, and I will gradually learn."

Speaking of this, I suddenly realized. The teacher smiled and said, "Do you understand?"

I said thanks to my teacher, so I insisted on memorizing five words every day, slowly and consistently. English scores are also rising step by step.

Yes, as long as we persist, there will be hope. It is really said that "dripping water can penetrate the stone."

600 words of composition with persistent harvest (3)

"Hoo, hoo," the heavy breathing, accompanied by heavy steps, fell on the runway step by step, sweat sliding down the cheeks. Looking back at the empty playground, I was left alone. The PE teacher looked at me helplessly at the far end. With a wry smile in his heart, he said, "This body really needs to find a chance to exercise."

That evening, like a drop of ink, the white clouds in the whole sky were stained with black, and the black clouds pressed down toward the big ground. With the momentum of "black clouds pressing down on the city", the raindrops fell like a string of scattered pearls. When you look carefully, it seems that there are impurities mixed in the raindrop. It is snow. The snow melts in the rain, and it is sprinkled on the ground with the raindrop. The cold wind turns into a layer of ice.

After school, I just walked downstairs to go to cram school by bike. Looking at the heavily armed land, there was a silence. The diamond like transparent "armor" on the earth is shining with cold luster under the sun. It seems that we have to walk.

I felt pretty good when I started to walk. Fresh air, a silver scene, but just after a short walk, ankle began to become sore. "How can this be? The road is far away! Isn't this an opportunity to exercise? Keep going!" A voice suddenly said to me. So I bit my teeth, endured the pain, and ran faster.

When I got home at night, I was exhausted and fell asleep. The next morning, I just woke up and didn't wait to open my eyes. The pain is squeezed into the brain first. The joints of the whole body are like machines without lubricating oil. Every activity is a hard and painful friction between two bones. I know that when it comes to the hardest time, if you give up, all the pain you have endured before will be wasted. So I got up stiffly and set foot on the road of persistence again. Because of the pain, every movement of me seems funny and clumsy, but I must persist. Persistence is victory.

"Hoo, hoo" breathing adds rhythm, and the footsteps become light. Looking back at the students I left behind, I finally crossed the finish line in the surprise eyes of the PE teacher.

600 words of composition with persistent harvest (4)

When the summer vacation came, I thought I could relax, but my mother said, "This summer vacation, let's take the exam of painting level six." When I heard the words "level six", I felt that the first two were big. I sighed gently and looked sadly at the sky. Suddenly, I felt that the circumference had suddenly turned dark gray, and even the candy in my mouth had become bitter. Looking back on the pain of the previous CET-4 exam, I got up early every morning and went to the interest class to draw the same picture. When I got home, I had to continue to practice fear.

As soon as the practice time came, I took up my pen. When I saw the CET-6 questions and requirements, my whole hair exploded. Not only the vase should be symmetrical, but also the flowers should be painted with wrinkles, and the apples should be painted with roundness... All kinds of requirements confused me. Every time I finished drawing an object, I had to give it to the teacher to modify it. One hour later, two hours later, I sat paralyzed and my hands were very sour. My drawing became worse and worse, and I became less confident. When school was over, I said to my mother: "Mom, Level 6 is too difficult. Let's wait until next year to take the exam." My mother shook her head: "Persistence is victory! Only when you reach the top of the mountain can you see the beauty of the "world"! "This reminds me of the Edison experiment story we learned. He failed many times, but he persisted and eventually invented all kinds of objects. Thinking of this, I immediately had a great determination - I must persist, I must succeed.

After several days of hard work, the scope of my revision to the teacher has become smaller. The teacher taught me to point two points on the same horizontal line when drawing a vase, and then connect them, so that the vase can be painted symmetrically.

Finally, on the day of the grade examination, I successfully drew the vase lifelike, the flowers like 3D, and the apples vividly. Looking at the results of their efforts, my heart is as sweet as honey.

Through this effort, I learned the importance of persistence.