Thank our teachers (Top 10)
White and turbid wine in the cup
2024-03-26 00:54:02
Grade 6
topic of conversation

Thank our teacher (1)

A week after the start of school, the teacher of the last semester basically remained unchanged, except for three minor teachers, namely science, morality and society, and art. Now, let me introduce them in detail——

Excited, the moral lesson finally changed from the rigid old class (head teacher) to the teacher Liu who lives upstairs in my home. Mr. Liu told us a lot of great principles when he was in class. He took twenty minutes to explain the word "conduct"! Sadly, Mr. Liu asked us to sit with our heads up and our chests up, but we were not allowed to move, which made me almost stiff. Mr. Liu was very old, but he became more and more excited when he said that. He even made a big speech. Up to the end of class, there were still some students who didn't come back to their senses. I think that if this continues, students will become "theorists" and "philosophers" in the future.

When the art class arrived, the class was silent. Teacher Gao Ning, who taught us last semester, is extremely strict with us. Without his order, we are not allowed to move or turn books in class. The students are simply "talking high and turning pale" to Mr. Gao. Even the most active "troublemakers" in the class dare not act wildly in his class. Will it be him this time? "Hello everyone! I'm your new art teacher!" A female teacher? "Yeah! Great!" The class cheered, and then the students continued to talk and laugh. The new teacher thought it was our welcome ceremony, and his face turned into a flower. The students know that we are not welcoming new teachers, but celebrating our "liberation". The new art teacher looked very gentle, but actually quite fierce. As soon as she entered the door, she warned us that she could not rub sand in her eyes, and the class suddenly became quiet.

Science class has always been our class's "free class": reading, playing chess, chatting, doing manual work, doing homework... In short, there is everything, and the teacher never cares. The school transferred a group of new teachers, including our new science teachers. The teacher gave us a lesson in the first class, saying that although she was young, she had taught for ten years and wanted to stop us. But the teacher's voice was too low. It was buzzing like a mosquito. Who told our class to be too noisy? At the same time, our dream of "freedom" fell through!

The discipline of our class has been greatly improved since the new teacher was transferred, because none of the three teachers is easy to mess with. It seems that we have to thank them!

Thank our teacher (2)

We should thank the teacher. It is the teacher who imparts our knowledge. If we grow up without knowledge, we cannot find a good job. This sentence is said by the teacher. I always keep it in mind, and sometimes I think of the couplet that the Chinese teacher taught me: good reading, bad reading, good reading, bad reading. The teacher told us to be civilized, not to litter in class, not to violate discipline.

If there is no teacher in the world, we can do nothing now. It is the teacher who tirelessly imparts our knowledge. We should study hard, and only when we grow up can we thank teachers. In a word, I love teachers.

I love my teacher, who is my growing mother.

There are many ways to thank teachers, such as sending a cup of warm water to the teacher after class, or helping the teacher beat his back when class is over... The teacher sometimes plays a little humorous short play in class, which makes my classmates and I laugh.

Thank our teachers (3)

If the teacher is rain and dew, we are flowers in full bloom, growing up under its nourishment forever; If the teacher is the sky, we are flying eagles, always flying under its protection; If the teacher is the earth, we are the mountains, always towering under its encouragement! So we should thank the teacher for introducing us into the ocean of knowledge.

I still remember that sunny morning when the sky was clear and bright: the birds were flying freely and happily in the air, the willow girl was dancing happily in the wind, and the students were also happy. Why? Because the Chinese teacher won the prize, we all smiled, and the teacher also smiled. When she smiled, her eyes were full of joy, and the slightly picked corners of her mouth shone like the lying moon, just like a beautiful scenery, which was pleasing to the eyes!

But the teacher has done a lot of work before. She first selects an article that is suitable for topic setting, and then thinks about which topics to set, and then sends it to the students. After the students finish it, the teacher will make a data sheet, which will be ten pages long. After that, the teacher will take it to the class and show it to the students. She will ask the students what suggestions they have, and the teachers will adopt and modify the suggestions they have put forward appropriately, I can see how modest the teacher is.

The teacher also loves learning very much. She will read whenever she has time. She has also been admitted to graduate school, so she is very busy. We have to teach knowledge from Monday to Thursday, go to her school on Friday, do homework and read books on weekends, which is very tiring, but the teacher still takes the trouble to teach us knowledge. How hard and great the teacher is! So we must thank our teachers. We must not only praise our teachers, but also carefully complete our homework, study hard, listen to each class carefully, and strive to achieve good results in the exam. Let the teacher be pleased to say that her hard work is not in vain! This is our best reward for teachers

Some people say that a teacher is like a candle burning to illuminate others Some people say that teachers are like bees, working hard in the world. Some people say that teachers are like lighthouses, guiding our way forward.

Yes! When we were puzzled by a question, it was the teacher who explained it carefully and patiently for me to help me find the answer. When we were discouraged and stopped working hard because we failed in an exam, it was the teacher who encouraged me to tell us that as long as you keep working hard, you will make progress one day. Come on! " Make us brave, cheer up, continue to work hard, and finally achieve success! When we

The teacher really appreciates that you have led us to the sea of knowledge. You are like a small boat to help us in the middle of the sea, so that we can face the rising sun and sail away with unknown wind direction. You can't miss our progressive examples and increase knowledge.

Finally, I want to say: "Thank you, teacher, for taking the trouble to lead us to the ocean of knowledge!"

Thank our teachers (4)

In the morning, when I opened my sleepy eyes and saw the day with red circle on the calendar - September 10 "Teachers' Day", which belongs to the holy and noble festival of hard working teachers, I was moved inexplicably.

When I came to the classroom, I saw the teacher standing on the platform smiling, and his face was so gentle and kind. Suddenly, I was surprised to find that when several wrinkles had quietly climbed up to the corner of the teacher's eyes, locking the old in her eyebrows! Why does my beautiful teacher become so haggard? My eyes blurred, and I could not help but think of the rustle of correction in the teacher's office, the rapid cough, the raucous lecture in the classroom, the tired footsteps... This bit by bit tells the teacher's dedication to us.

In the sea of learning, teachers are like lighthouses to show us the way forward. My math was not good, and my scores in many exams were not very good. Time and time again low scores, let me fall into the shadow of failure. Having no intention of listening in class, my grades plummeted and I gradually became tired of learning. In fact, I am very careful in class, but I can't remember those formulas. When I saw the questions on the exam paper, my mind went blank and I couldn't do anything. When the teacher found out, he called me to the office. I was frightened and thought that the teacher would scold me! I walked into the office and said carefully: "Report" The teacher raised his head and calmly said: "Sit down.". After listening carefully to my troubles, the teacher not only comforted me in a gentle voice, but also taught me some tips on problem solving. Looking at the teacher's smiling face and listening to the teacher's kind words, my tears came rushing down like a flood breaking the dike. The teacher gently patted me on the shoulder and gently encouraged me: "Failure is the mother of success. You are no worse than other students, but you have not found the correct learning method for a while. I believe that as long as you work hard, you will certainly achieve excellent results." The teacher's words were like sunshine and rain on my heart, making me find myself again, Full of confidence again. Now, my math has become the best in the class. Every time I think of these plots, my heart will be touched by waves.

As time goes by, maybe the teacher's voice and smile will gradually become blurred, but our gratitude to the teacher will become clearer. We love you, teacher, and we thank you!

Thank our teacher (5)

It is also September with sweet scented osmanthus. Walking on the quiet path of the campus, the sun shines through the gaps between the leaves and sprinkles a mottled land. In the rustling autumn wind, a kind of inexplicable warmth spread quietly.

Looking back three years, the time soaked with sweat, tears and laughter was particularly full. You accompany us every day and witness our every progress. It is your conscientiousness and responsibility for everything. For our strict requirements, our class has been the outstanding class group of the school for three years, and we have also grown from those childish children to maturity step by step.

When I am bent over the desk, it seems that you have quietly walked past me and leaned over to look at the topic in my pen. "Be careful and drill more difficult problems." Your familiar voice sounded in your ear. When I think of you in class, I can't forget your high decibel voice. It's like a shot in the arm, which can always make us concentrate. This is you, our lovely Ah Feng.

In the days of life, there are sunny days and rainy days. Sometimes, when faced with an unsatisfactory report card, the proud heart will inevitably be injured; The opportunity passed by, missed will no longer have, often will be extremely regretful. In the corridor outside the classroom, you will always talk with me earnestly, analyze the reasons and find out the shortcomings. It was you who used your wisdom to solve my confusion again and again, and led me to explore the world I had never set foot in: the first time I won a prize in composition, the first time I walked on the stage, the first time... The girl who had lost her dream once again stood on the stage of life.

In the past three years, as a deputy monitor, a member of the discipline committee, and a representative of the Chinese language class, I have experienced the weight of responsibility. I still remember that I always complained about too much work and too much effort. "If you want to be better than others, you should know how to do more than others and learn to take more responsibility than others." You said to me, "You and I encourage each other!" I began to think, for those who love me, I am their concern and hope; For the people I love, they are my responsibility and watch. There is too much love and devotion on my body. In the face of them, what reason do I have to give up?

The world saw that I was no longer stagnant, and the world heard my decision: one day, I will take this sacred stick from you - the engineer of the human soul.

Teacher, will you be proud of your students?

Thank our teachers (6)

From childhood to adulthood, from the small class in kindergarten to college graduation, who can accompany us all the time except our parents? Our teacher, of course

Teachers' Day, on September 10 every year, is a teacher's day. We should learn to thank teachers.

Of course, many students are classed as "learning bully" and "learning bully". Learning bully must be loved by teachers, and learning bully is hated by teachers. Honest and clever students in class are also loved by teachers. They fight, lie, and are often late. Students who play mobile phones in class are hated by teachers.

In fact, I personally believe that teachers should treat people equally, not make some mockery of the poor person, but give him more encouragement, so that they can be confident, respect each other, learn from each other, and understand each other.

For example, because some students with poor grades are out of their minds, they play with their mobile phones in class and play secretly while the teacher is not paying attention. Once the teacher finds out, some teachers will criticize, but when criticizing, they loudly criticize in front of the whole class, although the words are unpleasant, it is also because the students don't want to affect the people who want to learn.

Some students told their parents about this because of this, and then their parents made trouble in the school. Even the news said that the teacher fell on the spot when playing with mobile phones in class, which caused the students to jump off the eighth floor and embarrassed the teacher.

We should learn from others' lessons to listen to and understand teachers.

Thank our teacher (7)

I have a "bad" teacher, don't believe it? Take a look!

Once in the final math exam, I was very careless and lost scores on many big questions, which made me miss the top of the list, even without 90 points. As a result, I was severely criticized by the math teacher. I don't think the Chinese teacher will criticize me! However, the Chinese teacher did not show any kindness. He pointed out my problems and criticized me even more. He was very disappointed. I think the Chinese teacher is really "bad", and the math teacher has criticized me. Why don't you have sympathy!

Another time, naughty me and some bold classmates bravely climbed onto the cupboard to play games. When we were having fun, our bodies accidentally bumped into the computer, and the computer fell off the table. My companions and I were dumbfounded. After the teacher came, he criticized me heavily, told me a lot, and made me. I'm so sad. Although I know my own mistake, I also think the teacher is really "bad". I thought it was my carelessness. I didn't deliberately damage it!

Look, my teacher is "bad"! In fact, that's the teacher's love for me! Carelessness is a bad habit. Through the teacher's patience, I can avoid mistakes in future exams! The uncivilized break between classes did not cause serious consequences this time. In case of a computer explosion, it would be terrible. In fact, I nearly understand the teacher's pains! Although he was misunderstood by me at that time, he still taught hard for me!

As I grow up, I understand his meaning more and more deeply. I want to thank my teacher, thank you!

Thank our teachers (8)

Thank you, teacher! You burn yourself silently with candles to show us the way in the vast sea of learning. Thank you, teacher! You are like a mulberry tree. Silent dedication, if there is no character of mulberry trees, there is no spirit of spring silkworm. Thank you, teacher! You are like a hardworking gardener, carefully cultivating the flowers of the motherland, making these flowers thrive.

The teacher has trained us from an ignorant child to a fully developed student

How much effort and sweat are condensed from the teacher! Teacher, it is you who give us knowledge, strength and courage to win. Teacher, we will always thank you.

Teacher, you are like the sea. We are a small fish. She massages us with thin waves and lets us grow up in this sea of knowledge.

Thank you, teacher! Thank you for your hard work, thank you for your selflessness, and thank you for everything you have done for us.

Thank our teacher (9)

Selected thanksgiving teacher's composition: Thank you for accompanying us through youth

The vigorous spring, the hot summer, the golden autumn, the cold winter, although these seasons are repeated, life is passing in a hurry. Who takes us to travel in the sea of books? Who accompanies us through the four fragrant seasons? Who gave us rich knowledge? Who taught us to be human? The answer is the teacher.   

Teacher, you are like a candle, just as the silk of the spring silkworm ends when it dies, and the wax torch turns to ashes and tears before it dries, you burn yourself and illuminate others. The traces of time are vividly displayed on your face. A few gray hairs are faintly visible, and the cough sound from time to time makes us feel distressed. Teacher, you sweat on the three foot platform, and your three inch tongue has cultivated three thousand peaches and plums! Ten years of trees, ten years of wind, ten years of rain, one hundred thousand pillars! Teacher, you are like a heart lamp, warming our hearts and illuminating our way forward. You can't do the homework. Please explain to us patiently. If the homework is wrong, please explain to us patiently. You have taught us integrity, diligence, courage, helpfulness, perseverance... Your teachings are like the spring breeze, and your teacher's kindness is like the sea, which is unforgettable.   

Teacher, you are like a small boat, taking us to the harbor of success and to the other side of happiness. We are the flowers of our motherland, so you are the hardworking gardener who cultivates us; We are green leaves, then you are the root of the deep earth, to draw nutrients for us; We are saplings, and you are rain and dew, nourishing our growth with knowledge. No matter the cold wind whistles, no matter the heavy rain, we walk together in the wind and rain, and we walk with you in the wind and rain!   

We have been happy, wept, struggled and failed, and you are indispensable. Our childhood, you accompany us all the way, our youth, also have you in the side earnestly teach. Time has gone quietly, and the breeze is slowly telling you the moment of your life.

Thank our teachers (10)

Time flows like water. Although many days have passed, I can't help writing about her when I hear this topic.

She is my Chinese teacher. She started teaching in my third grade and has taught until the fifth grade. The teacher is very beautiful, often wearing a long skirt, a round face, a pair of intelligent eyes with thick glasses, which makes people feel very strict. But if you think like that, it's a big mistake.

The teacher's lecture was very beautiful, and the students asked him questions. She always patiently explained until the students understood. The students were very grateful to her. She said a lot of words of thanks, and she always said with a smile: "It's OK. What's there to thank for? Teachers help students solve problems. What's the name of a teacher who can't solve problems?"

The teacher also cares about us. Once in class, the teacher looked at the students' thin clothes and said with concern: the weather is getting cold, so students should pay attention to keeping warm. Don't get cold! "

A spring silkworm may not stop spinning silk until death, a candle's tears dry only when it's burned down to ashes. The teacher is a scalper. He works hard on the blackboard every day; The teacher is a gardener who carefully cultivates the flowers of the motherland. The teacher has devoted all his life to us. Here I want to say to all the teachers, teachers, we will always thank you! You are our teachers forever!