Primary School About Small Animals (Collection of 18)
2024-04-19 04:20:48

Primary School About Small Animals (1)

Pupils' composition on small animals 1

I like the cute little tortoise best. It retracts its neck and head into its shell every day, stretching its limbs as if doing radio exercises. It's very interesting.

The little turtle is more and more cute every day, because he is very cute. He will eat whatever you give him, and he is never picky. So I always feed it and play with it. At first, it never showed its head. Gradually, it became familiar with me and never avoided me again. Sometimes, when I'm in bed, I put this little thing on my knee and watch its head stretch and shrink, climbing slowly. I always like to joke with him. Instead of knocking him, he quickly retracts his head, feet and tail into his shell. After a while, he sticks out his head and looks around to see what is happening. Then he stretches out his limbs and tail and slowly gets up. Sometimes, I put it on the edge of the bed, and it foolishly climbed straight forward, and then it fell to the ground with a bang, and I couldn't turn over for a long time, which made me laugh and burst into tears

I really like the cute little turtle!

Pupils' composition on small animals 2

My favorite animal is the little white rabbit. The little white rabbit is very cute. Its ears are big and long, and its ruby like eyes are bright. Its fur is white as snow. It feels very soft, as if it has been wiped with oil. There is a snowball like tail behind it.

The little white rabbit runs very fast. That time I accidentally let it slip away. It ran quickly in front, and I chased it hard in the back. Finally, I took great efforts to "invite" it back.

It likes carrots very much. Once I accidentally let a carrot fall into its "home". I was about to reach out to pick it up. It took the carrot away like an arrow, and ran away. In less than a minute, the carrots disappeared. When it eats, it first holds it with its front paws, three beaks one by one, and soon finishes eating a carrot.

When it sleeps, it lies in the grass "home", motionless, as if "dead". But after a while, he came back to life.

His favorite game is to "walk" with the rabbit next door. Look, they play while walking. They will look here and there later. I don't know how happy they are.

This is my favorite little animal, the little white rabbit. What animal do you like best? Come and write, too!

Pupils' composition on small animals 3

One day, I went to my sister's house to play. As soon as I entered the door, I saw a lively and lovely rabbit running towards me. Its fur is white, soft to the touch, and its eyes are red, like two beautiful rubies, with a three petal mouth. How lovely it is!

It circled me for several times and jumped several times. I felt very strange, so I asked my sister: "What is he doing?" My sister said: "Maybe he is hungry!" I thought for a while: yes, so I brought some vegetable leaves. The rabbit rushed at me quickly, but I held it higher than it could reach. What should I do? It scratched its front foot, as if thinking something. Suddenly, it stood on the ground with two hind feet, supporting its whole body weight on those two feet. It also used two front feet to take the leaves in my hand. It ate half of the leaves at once, but it could not bear it any more. It stood on the ground with four feet, but it did not give up. It took the leaves in my hand again and again until the leaves in my hand were gone.

Look, how tenacious this rabbit is!

Pupils' Composition on Small Animals 4

That day, I went to my grandmother's house as a guest. As soon as I straightened the door, my sister pulled me and said, "Sister, sister, I have a rabbit in my house." I saw how lovely it is!

The rabbit has a pair of long ears, a pair of red, sparkling eyes, a three braid mouth, a round body, and its whole body is covered with white and flawless fur.

The next day, my sister and I took the rabbit downstairs to feed it grass. I pulled out a handful of grass for it, but it ate up after two or three bites. After eating, he hit the cage door. I think he must want to go out for a walk. Who knew he pulled the floor as soon as he came out, but it was really disgusting. Fortunately, he didn't pull it on my feet. Grandma said, "Sometimes it's so cute. Just pat your hands a few times, and it will run to you and look at you silently, as if to listen to our commands."

In short, Grandma's rabbit is really naughty and cute. I really hope to go to Grandma's house again, see the rabbit, and play with the rabbit again.

Pupils' Composition on Small Animals 5

In fact, nature and small animals, small animals can also talk. Let's listen to how animals talk. The ants on the ground are busy moving, and the swallows fly low in the sky. Heavy rain is coming soon. Tadpoles are swimming in the water. Spring has come. A group of geese fly south. Autumn is just this time. When the bird in the sky sees the high white clouds, the bird will say: "It must be sunny today. The language of the small animals is wonderful. People who don't like learning can't hear it, and people who are careless can't hear it.

Pupils' composition on small animals 6

The hairy crab looks strange. Other animals all have four feet and one head, but it has eight feet and one head.

The shell of this kind of crab is cyan, like wearing a brown war robe. The eight feet are also green brown, and there are two big pliers in front of the feet. The pliers have black, dense hair. Therefore, Cixi calls this kind of crab hairy crab.

The hairy crab crawls sideways, so people often use the idiom "rampage" to describe it. When it climbs horizontally, it first supports itself with big tongs, and then stands up its feet, so it can "go overboard". My hairy crab is different from other hairy crabs. It can not only "bully", but also "bully". You see, when it climbs vertically, it first uses its two big pliers to insert into the soil in front of it, and then uses eight feet to push back, so that it can "walk vertically and bully".

Hairy crabs spit bubbles by mouth. When it is resting, its feet and tongs are all retracted and motionless, only its mouth will move, and its mouth will constantly spit bubbles. After spitting for a few minutes, the saliva on its mouth looks like transparent white glass balls.

Hairy crabs have very diverse personalities. Say it's irritable. It's really irritable. When you use chopsticks to play with it, it is like a big general waving "big scissors" to clamp your chopsticks, no matter how you pull it out. However, it is so friendly. When I put two hairy crabs together, they held their hands in a friendly way.

The hairy crab is very timid. Even if you touch it gently with chopsticks, it will escape to the edge of the basin, shrink its legs and hide. But he is so brave, not to mention fighting and rolling, he even has the idea of standing on his partner and climbing over the wall.

However, no matter how irascible, friendly and timid the hairy crab is, it still cannot escape the fate of becoming a delicacy. In the evening, my mother "invited" it to the pot. In a short time, the general in the teal war robe became a general in the red war robe.

Pupils' Composition on Small Animals 7

My family has raised many lovely animals, but my favorite animals are my two little turtles. They are very popular!

The shell on the turtle's back is a little bigger than the one dollar coin. The middle of the shell is convex, like a hillock. There are three flat hexagonal patterns in the middle of the "mountain bag". Its head is only as big as peas, and it has a pair of small eyes, smaller than sesame. The "human" shaped mouth opens and closes in the water, which is very interesting! There are four small feet on both sides of the body, just like four paddles in the water. The tail behind the body is sharp, like a needle. The shell on the turtle's belly is light yellow, and there are 14 small, round, black patterns on it. These patterns are arranged in two rows, just like a string of footprints left on the golden beach.

Two little turtles are very interesting in the water! They sometimes swing their limbs and move their necks as if they were dancing in a duet; Sometimes head to head, as if discussing state secrets; Sometimes I put my head out of the water to see what's new. I put some turtle food in the water, and the two little turtles would immediately come up to grab food, and they would not give in to each other.

But the two little turtles are getting farther and farther away from me now. Although they are no longer here, I will never forget them. Their spirit of striving and striving will always inspire me!

Pupils' composition on small animals 8

When I was young, I liked small animals very much. I would cherish the rabbits my mother bought for me, but they died within a few days each time. At that time, I was very sad. Why did the rabbits die each time? Maybe I was too young or didn't know how to raise small animals, my mother threw the dead rabbits away. When my mother threw the rabbits away, I really wanted to cry, But I endured it. I thought to myself, if I grow up, I will keep small animals. No matter dirty or disabled! When I was 5 years old, I was with

Pupils' Composition on Small Animals 9

I am a child who likes raising small animals. I like animals very much. Once, my family bought two very cute goldfish, one is "lion's head", the other is "single top red". I often feed them. When two small fish saw them, they swam happily, opened their big mouths and swallowed the fish food one by one accurately, and then swam away leisurely. How lovely! Whenever I put my hand into the fish tank and wanted to tease them, they swam unsteadily in the water and kissed my fingers, suddenly there was a kind of

Pupils' Composition on Small Animals 10

You see how cute it is. It has white soft hair, red small round eyes, a small nose, a three petal mouth, long ears and white inside. Although its four legs are a little short, it can run as well as a kitten. Of course, she has a short tail, Speaking of rabbit, there is a funny story!

It is said that rabbits and scalpers are neighbors. They get along well and call each other brothers. Cattle work hard to make a living, while rabbits live by being smart and capable. They all live well. One day, the rabbit who is good at long-distance running showed off in the face of cattle: "I am the champion of long-distance running in the animal world, and no one can run me!" The cattle humbly asked for advice on the unique skill of long-distance running, but the rabbit shook his head proudly and said: "The champion of long-distance running has to rely on the innate quality, and it is impossible to learn. Besides, you can run light and easy, and your strong body may never run fast." The scalper's heart was half cooled by the rabbit, but he was unconvinced.

Since then, scalpers began to practice long-distance running. With a tenacious strength, scalpers have finally become a pair of "iron feet". When the tail is cocked up, the hooves are like the wind, and you are not tired for days and nights. On the day when the Jade Emperor arranges the zodiac, according to the rules, whoever arrives first will be allowed to be the zodiac. The scalper and the rabbit agreed that they would get up when the chicken crowed for the first time and go straight to the Heavenly Palace to compete for the zodiac. The chicken crowed for the first time. When the scalper got up, the rabbit had already run away alone. The rabbit ran for a long time, turned back and held it, but no animal was seen. The rabbit thought to himself, I got up the earliest and ran the fastest today, that is, I got up to sleep. The first name of the Chinese zodiac is me. So he slept soundly on the grass. Although the scalper lagged behind, he gave up his tenacious endurance and his iron feet, and when the rabbit was still asleep, he ran to the heaven first.

A sudden sound of footsteps woke up the rabbit. When I opened my eyes, it turned out that the tiger ran past like a gust of wind. This time, the rabbit was worried and hurried to catch up, but it was a pity that after a slow step, it still fell behind the tiger. As a small opportunistic mouse squatted between the two horns of the cow, the rabbit only ranked fourth. The first three were mice, cattle, tigers, and rabbits. Although they became the zodiac, they finally felt shameless and lost to their satirical old cow. After coming back, they moved their home to the earth cave.

Primary School About Small Animals (2)

In the animal world, my favorite animal is ---- cat.

The cat is a very lively animal, very likable. Its limbs are flexible, its movements are quick, and it has no sound when walking. This pair of round, big and shiny eyes are embedded in the round small face holes. The body is smooth, the hair looks like it has been oiled, and a thin, long tail always turns upward.

Cat's favorite food is; Fish, rice and shrimp. The kitten is very bad. When eating, he will touch the food with his hands to see if it is hot or not, and then he will eat it with relish. After eating, he will lick his mouth with his tongue, which seems to have endless aftertaste. Then he will wipe his face with his paws and do a face washing action.

Cats also have a great ability to catch mice and eliminate harm for the people, so that people can have a peaceful environment.

I remember one time, when my mother was cleaning, she found a lot of mouse droppings in the corner of the wall, and found that the bread on the table had been gnawed into holes one by one, which confirmed that we had mice in our house again. My mother was very worried, so I thought of a way to bring my grandmother's cat back. When the cat entered the door, he looked here and there. It seemed that he found the enemy at home. The cat was very smart, so he pretended not to know. I was also very smart, so I put some food that the mouse liked on the table and led the mouse out. It seemed that the mouse was also very stupid. When I found something delicious, I ran out to eat and drink. At this time, the cat had quietly approached it. It bent its hind legs and pedaled to prepare. Suddenly, the cat caught the mouse at a fast speed. Before the mouse knew what was going on, it was eaten by the cat.

I like this cat best because it relieves my mother's troubles.

Primary School About Small Animals (3)

If you ask me what animals I like, I will tell you without hesitation: "Puppy!"

When I was very young, I liked dogs. At that time, because my parents wanted to earn money to support the family, I settled in my mother-in-law's house. There is a little dog in my mother-in-law's house called Xiaohu. Xiaohu is very intelligent. When I am unhappy, he will lick me, which makes me itch and naturally laughs. However, since grandpa died, Xiaohu has been unhappy every day and died. Whenever I see a puppy, I think of a tiger, and tears can't help coming out.

Another time I saw a dog that was very similar to Xiaohu. I looked at it, and it looked at me too. Suddenly, the owner of the dog called, "Xiaobi, come here quickly, and then I reflected. Now I think, is that dog Xiaohu's child? But even if it is, it is too late now.

The day before the Tomb Sweeping Day, I spent the night in my hometown because of the Tomb Sweeping Festival. When I got up, I saw a dog. The dog was very small, and I could see that it was a newborn cub with black hair and some yellow in the middle. The eyes were very round, and I felt lit up. The ears were also round, lovely! I asked the elder sister where the dog came from, and the elder sister said, "Oh, it's called Xiaohei. Your uncle bought it from the market, but he brought it back yesterday! It is really comfortable.

I like dogs!

Primary School About Small Animals (4)

On the Mid Autumn Festival, my mother took me to my grandmother's house, where she kept many pets: dogs, birds, grasshoppers, goldfish and turtles. What attracted me most was fish. My grandpa told me that they are peacock fish. They have big eyes, round heads and small bodies, but they have fan-shaped tails that are longer than their body length. They look like peacocks in full bloom.

Before leaving, grandpa sent me some guppies, red, black, flowered and white. Return home and put the fish in the fishbowl on the table. Eating dinner every night, appreciating the bottom of the tank paved with colored stones, green water plants, and the "peacock flowers" swimming around, it is like walking into the ocean world.

When I was a child, I was afraid that the small fish busy swimming didn't know, so I deliberately knocked on the fish tank. As time passed, as soon as the tank rang, the small fish scrambled to squeeze over, pouted their big tails and yanked out the fish worms in the net, and then swam away to taste them slowly.

Under the careful care of my mother and I, the mother fish gave birth to six small fish, with a big black head, a long thin tail, and almost no body, just like a small tadpole. These clever "tadpoles" hide in the water plants every day for fear that big fish will hurt them. Careful observation: there is a black pearl hidden in the green water plants, and it flashes from time to time.

This is my favorite small animal - guppy.

Primary School About Small Animals (5)

At my grandfather's house, there is a very small Jingba dog. Its name is Qiaoqiao. It is covered with brown fur, its head looks like a small meat ball, its eyes look like two big black pearls, and under the pearls there is a round and big black nose. A little smell makes it smile at me. It has developed limbs, but its mind is not simple. It always thinks about what to eat today.

Coincidentally very naughty. When I start school, I need to find a new pair of sneakers. Look, look! Look, look! All the rubbish has been found out. My parents said, "Let my sister buy a pair of shoes quickly!" At that moment, I happened to walk out of the green grass with a brisk step. I held a pair of new shoes without shoelaces in my mouth. It sat down beside me and shouted, "Bark, bark," as if to say, "Sorry!" It was really naughty.

Qiaoqiao is very cute. My sister and I are going out to play. We find my necklace and hairpin are missing. It happens that we are more anxious than me. Suddenly, my brother came out with Qiaoqiao in his arms. Let me see! oh The necklace and hairpin are on Qiaoqiao! I happily carried it to play with my sister!

Coincidentally, it is very special. It makes me happy every day. I want to say: "Thank you for making me happy every day. You have brought great joy to my childhood."

Primary School About Small Animals (6)

I like small animals very much! My favorite is: puppy. At my request, my mother finally bought one for me.

This is a teddy dog, very small, with brown fur, curly. A round face is inlaid with a pair of big eyes, a small nose, and a small mouth. The voice is very beautiful. A rabbit's tail kept shaking, as if it were playing coquetry. Four short and round legs, which are very cute when running.

I am her owner. I am thin, and the dog is not fat. All my relatives said, "It looks like a master.". Every time I hear these words, I will pout. The dog is an angel in my heart, so I gave her a loud name: Angel. But we all call her "Angel" for the sake of easy calling. After a long time, "Angel" has become the correct name of the dog.

Angel is so good. She is only three months old. Every day when I come home from school, he will run to the door to meet me. I also love playing with Angie. I love her very much and call her "little sister" kindly. My family often says to Angie, "Angie, where can I play with your sister?" Angie is very artistic? Look! I love dancing. Every time I dance, she will follow me around. When I turn it around, it will turn. When I lift my foot, it will also lift its front paw. I am tired of dancing. Angel is not tired yet. She is still bouncing around me. Obviously, Angel likes playing with me very much. Now it is still adding my hand! ha-ha.

I love animals, I love Angel, I think Angel must love me too!

Primary School About Small Animals (7)

In the animal world, my favorite animal is ---- cat.

The cat is a very lively animal, very likable. Its limbs are flexible, its movements are quick, and it has no sound when walking. This pair of round, big and shiny eyes are embedded in the round small face holes. The body is smooth, the hair looks like it has been oiled, and a thin, long tail always turns upward.

Cat's favorite food is; Fish, rice and shrimp. The kitten is very bad. When eating, he will touch the food with his hands to see if it is hot or not, and then he will eat it with relish. After eating, he will lick his mouth with his tongue, which seems to have endless aftertaste. Then he will wipe his face with his paws and do a face washing action.

Cats also have a great ability to catch mice and eliminate harm for the people, so that people can have a peaceful environment.

I remember one time, when my mother was cleaning, she found a lot of mouse droppings in the corner of the wall, and found that the bread on the table had been gnawed into holes one by one, which confirmed that we had mice in our house again. My mother was very worried, so I thought of a way to bring my grandmother's cat back. When the cat entered the door, he looked here and there. It seemed that he found the enemy at home. The cat was very smart, so he pretended not to know. I was also very smart. I put some food that the mice liked on the table and led the mice out. It seemed that the mice were also stupid. When they found something delicious, they ran out to eat and drink. At this time, the cat had quietly approached it. It bent its hind legs and kicked its front legs to prepare. Suddenly, the cat caught the mouse at a fast speed. Before the mouse knew what was going on, it was eaten by the cat.

I like this cat best because it relieves my mother's troubles.

Primary School About Small Animals (8)

I like small animals very much! My favorite is: puppy. At my request, my mother finally bought one for me.

This is a teddy dog, very small, with brown fur, curly. A round face is inlaid with a pair of big eyes, a small nose, and a small mouth. The voice is very beautiful. A rabbit like tail kept 'shaking, like coquetry. Four short and round legs, which are very cute when running.

I am her owner. I am thin, and the dog is not fat. All my relatives said, "It looks like a master.". Every time I hear these words, I will pout. The dog is an angel in my heart, so I gave her a loud name: Angel. But we all call her "Angel" for the sake of easy calling. After a long time, "Angel" has become the correct name of the dog.

Angel is so good. She is only three months old. Every day when I come home from school, he will run to the door to meet me. I also love playing with Angie. I love her very much and call her "little sister" kindly. My family often says to Angie, "Angie, where can I play with your sister?" Angie is very artistic? Look! I love dancing. Every time I dance, she will follow me around. When I turn it around, it will turn. When I lift my foot, it will also lift its front paw. I am tired of dancing. Angel is not tired yet. She is still bouncing around me. Obviously, Angel likes playing with me very much. Now it is still adding my hand! ha-ha.

I love animals, I love Angel, I think Angel must love me too!

Primary School About Small Animals (9)

My family has a lovely kitten, its name is Mimi. It has a white coat, and its eyes are big and round, like a yellow. The glass ball is shining. Its ears are pointed, like two triangles standing on its head.

Cats like liver best. Every time I go home from school, I buy a piece of fish for them on my way home. When I get home, the kitten runs up to me and says, "Meow, meow, meow."

It seems to be saying, "Young master, please give me a meal quickly. I'm starving." I quickly cut the fish into pieces and put them on a plate to get them. I put them in a corner

He ran there to eat with relish, and soon finished eating. I poured a small bowl of water for him. When the kitten is full, it runs around the house. When it is tired, it sleeps on its little bed.

Once, as soon as I put it on the table, it jumped down. When I saw it, I put it on a high place, but it could still jump down.

I didn't know why, so I went to ask my mother, "Because cats have nine lives," she said. But I still don't understand why people have one life and cats have nine lives? I can't say a word my mother asked.

How lovely the cat is!

Primary School About Small Animals (10)

One day, I went to my sister's house to play. As soon as I entered the door, I saw a lively and lovely rabbit running towards me. Its fur is white, soft to the touch, and its eyes are red, like two beautiful rubies, with a three petal mouth. How lovely it is!

It circled me for several times and jumped several times. I felt very strange, so I asked my sister: "What is he doing?" My sister said: "Maybe he is hungry!" I thought for a while: yes, so I brought some vegetable leaves. The rabbit rushed at me quickly, but I held it higher than it could reach. What should I do? It scratched its front foot, as if thinking something. Suddenly, it stood on the ground with two hind feet, supporting its whole body weight on those two feet. It also used two front feet to take the leaves in my hand. It ate half of the leaves at once, but it could not bear it anymore. It stood on the ground with four feet, but it did not give up. It took the leaves in my hand again and again, until the leaves in my hand were gone.

Look, how tenacious this rabbit is!

Primary School About Small Animals (11)

My family has a rabbit named Mingming.

It has a pair of long ears and red eyes like shining rubies. There is also a three valve mouth, which makes the radish "click". The short tail and white body are bouncing like a small pompon.

It is particularly gluttonous. As long as you give it a radish, it will jump up and down, as if to say, "Thank you for giving me something to eat, little master." Then it will grab the radish with its forelimbs and chew it. Although its mouth is small, it can eat fast!

It's also very naughty. Once when I went to school, he bit all the clothes he had put on the floor, and my snack bags were torn by him. When I came back, I was shocked. I hurried to look for the rabbit. I said to it, "Why did you make the house so messy?" He bowed his head as if to say, "Little master, I didn't mean to, please forgive me." Seeing his poor appearance, he couldn't bear to blame it.

This is my rabbit.

Primary School About Small Animals (12)

My family has a lovely parrot. It has a pleasant name called Qiqi. This is the best gift my mother gave me.

Little Qiqi's head is small, like a ball. There are also two black pearls on his head. Needless to say, those are his small eyes. Xiaoqiqi's feathers are colorful, as if he is wearing a colorful cotton padded jacket. The sharp and curved mouth looks very sharp, and its small claws are very powerful. If it scratches, it will hurt.

Little Qiqi's sleep was very interesting. He closed his eyes tightly and stood on the pole, like a golden rooster on its own. Now my little Qiqi has grown up and can still talk. I remember one time, I looked at it bored, it seemed to see my mind, cried: "The master is unhappy, the master is unhappy..." Looking at its charmingly naive appearance, my mood immediately changed from cloudy to sunny.

This is my parrot, isn't it cute?

Comment: The whole article has a clear structure. The author describes the appearance and interesting stories of parrots in his family, and uses some figurative sentences, which makes the article more vivid. The question sentence at the end is the finishing touch.

Primary School About Small Animals (13)

My grandma has a lovely golden bear at home. You may think that there is no bear with gold wire in the world? To tell you the truth, it is not a big stupid bear seen in the zoo, but a small animal like a small mouse. It is golden yellow, hairy, with a very short tail, a pair of black round ears, and a pair of bright, round eyes like black glass balls.

It's very funny. When eating, I put my feet on the ground, stood upright, stared round with my eyes, and looked around from time to time. Two "hands" hold the food bit by bit, eat into the mouth and chew quickly. Sometimes, when the golden bear is eating, his cheeks slowly bulge rice, first on one side and then on the other. When its small face is plump and deformed, it hides to one side, pushes its cheeks with its small claws, spits out the food in its mouth and hides it in the soil. It was storing food=

At night, although it was too dark to see anything, it made paper rattle in its cage and tore it everywhere. The melon seed skin in the cage was also gnawed into small filaments.

At daybreak, he lost his spirit and often squatted there to sleep. Two front paws were clasped in front of his chest, his eyes narrowed into a seam, and his head unconsciously lowered, lowered, lowered... When his nose hit the ground, he suddenly raised his head, opened his eyes, looked around, saw nothing, and then fell asleep. When it sleeps, its head is hidden in the middle of its hind legs, and its body is curled up into a small furry ball. Blow air on it, and it will raise its head, look around with narrowed eyes, and then sleep again.

When I came back from my grandmother's house, I took it with me on the train. When I ate on the train, I ate an egg with the skin on the plate. The little golden bear ran out. Somehow, it always climbs into the plate. As soon as it climbs over, I will catch it back, climb over again, and catch it again. I used a poker box to block the edge of the plate, which could be blocked at first, but later it also climbed up. I felt helpless. I wanted to see what it was doing, so I let it go. It turned over the poker box, put on the plate, went straight to the egg skin, picked up the egg skin and chewed it. It turned out that it was eating the egg white stuck on the egg skin!

The golden bear and I haven't been together for a long time, but its story can't be finished day and night. In fact, there are many interesting things around us. As long as you watch carefully, you will get a lot of fun. I really want to thank the little golden bear for giving me this valuable enlightenment!

Primary School About Small Animals (14)

Small animals are our good friends. Please protect them! Don't hurt them with stones or sticks. They will hurt and cry, and their parents will be distressed. Small animals have made great contributions to the ecological balance of our planet, so we hereby send the following proposals to the children in the city:

1、 Don't beat or catch small animals.

2、 Take more care of small animals and send homeless and injured animals to shelters.

3、 Publicize the importance of protecting small animals to the whole society.

4、 Seriously study the habits of small animals and learn how to protect them.

Children! Let's join hands and make contributions to the cause of protecting small animals!

Primary School About Small Animals (15)

Everyone knows about the giant panda. It is very cute, but I often read in the newspaper that many people kill it for their own economic interests. I feel very sad.

Giant panda is a special product of China. Its unique face has become the symbol of WWF. Giant pandas are very similar to bears, but not bears. They are about meters long and weigh up to 160kg. Their black and white body hair is their appearance feature. The giant panda is gentle in temperament, and its posture and movements are particularly cute. In zoos around the world, giant pandas are the most popular animals among tourists.

The giant panda is also a representative of the ancient remnant animals. The giant panda lived on the earth about one million years ago, so they are called living fossils.

The giant panda, a cute and precious animal, is decreasing day by day, and there are less than 1000 pandas in the world. Do you want this lovely and precious animal to disappear from the earth? Let's take action to protect the lovely and precious animal giant panda!

Primary School About Small Animals (16)

Today, I read "Weiju" in Andersen's fairy tale. This fairy tale mainly tells about a lark that was locked in a cage by two little boys, and the little vervet was also locked in. It wanted to comfort the lark, but it didn't know what to say. Finally, nobody cared about the lark. The lark died of thirst, and the vervet died.

From this fairy tale, we can see that we should protect animals and plants instead of learning from the little boy in the story. When the lark could sing, they didn't love it and let it suffer in the cage. Now it is dead! However, he received such honor and many tears.

However, in life, people often talk about protecting plants and animals, but they don't show it in action. Some people often uproot flowers and plants, and some people always like to catch birds. It seems that they do not know the use of plants and animals. For example, plants can produce carbon dioxide to make our air cleaner; Animal dung can make plants grow healthily, so that plants can produce fresh air.

It seems that we must protect animals and plants. Let's live together under a fresh and blue sky!

Primary School About Small Animals (17)

When I think of the little squirrel, my heart is full of regret, and the lively and lovely figure of the little squirrel appears before my eyes.

Last year, my mother brought back a lively and lovely squirrel from my colleague's house. He has a pair of crystal clear small eyes, round, wearing a brown and black matching smooth sweater, has long and thick tail, looks like a small broom. Although he has a sharp mouth, he is very naughty. When he is free, he jumps around in the cage and does his own fitness exercise - climbing. I can't put it down. My parents and I made an agreement that when it grew up, grew strong and had the ability to live independently, we would put it back into the natural forest.

I take food to feed it every day. The little squirrel is very human, once or twice, he became familiar with me. As soon as I go, it knows that it can eat food immediately. It rushes forward like an arrow and keeps looking around, waiting for me to feed it. I put the food into the cage. It can't wait in the cage. It greedily eats it, holds it in its paws, and makes a "swish swish swish" sound in its mouth for fear that others will take its things away. I said in my heart: You greedy little squirrel, I can't help you. Since then, we have become inseparable good friends after school every day, which has added a lot of fun to my life.

Gradually, winter came and little squirrels began to hibernate. I was afraid that she would be cold, so I stuffed some cotton cloth into the cage. I thought it would not be cold. I know a little about the hibernation of animals. I think squirrels are eating when they hibernate. They will not eat until they wake up in the next spring. So I put it in the corner of the living room, never mind it again, and want it to sleep quietly. Until one day, my mother asked me: "Where is your little squirrel?" I remembered that the little squirrel was still in the corner of the living room. I ran to the cage and carefully picked the little squirrel out. Its small body was all huddled, motionless and cold. My God? The poor little squirrel not only died when. Suddenly, tears blurred my eyes, and I kept asking my mother: "How did the little squirrel die? How did the little squirrel die?" My mother said: "The little squirrel was starved to death. It would wake up after hibernation for a few days. When it woke up, it had to eat again. After eating, it continued to hibernate."

Looking at the poor little squirrels curled up in a ball, my heart ached like a knife. I kept crying, "Little squirrels, come back quickly! Come back quickly!" But it could not hear my call anymore. It would never return to its own home, nature, and could no longer live freely in the forest. Thinking of this, sad tears blurred my eyes again. I guess the little squirrel, at the last moment of his life, did not know how much he resented my half knowing friend, or how much he loved us human beings. Maybe she will never treat us as friends again, and will never get along with us harmoniously. I buried the little squirrel sadly in the constant self reproach. The death of the little squirrel has become a permanent pain in my heart, and I will never forget the days with it.

That night, I had a dream that the lively and lovely little squirrel came back to life. My parents and I carried the cage together and put it back to nature. It ran happily in the forest, so happy and comfortable

[Animal Composition 2: Curious Little Tiger]

One day, the little tiger was still sleeping on the bed, and his father came back with a very big iron pot on his back. The curious little tiger wrote about small animals. The father said, "You watch the pot here, and father will find some wood to burn the fire." The little tiger sat on the pot and waited for his father to come back. The iron pot said, "It's so stuffy! No one plays with me. Why is there anyone sitting on the pot?" The little tiger opened the lid of the pot curiously. A rabbit ran out of the pot with a whoosh and ran away. The little tiger had no control and continued to sit on the lid. Suddenly the pot began to speak again, and it said, "It's really stuffy, it's really stuffy." The little tiger opened the lid of the pot again curiously, and a little fox escaped from it. He turned to the little tiger and said, "This tiger is really stupid!" Then he ran away. At this time, Dad came back and saw that there was no animal in the pot. He looked at the little tiger helplessly.

Through this story, I want to let the children understand: Don't be curious and lose no thought of anything important, but take your own learning seriously. If you are careless, you will achieve nothing in the future, and it will be too late to regret.

Primary School About Small Animals (18)

Today, my mother bought me two hamsters. I kept them in a transparent box.

The little hamster is very cute. There are plush hairs on the back, white belly, some gray stripes on the back, pink small mouth, a pair of thin small ears, short tail, a pair of black eyes under the ears, and a thin beard on the mouth.

Hamsters like to eat all kinds of food. There are apples, peanuts, meat, vegetable leaves

The little hamster eats food in a cute way. Hold the food with two front paws and send it to the mouth. Bite it bit by bit with the mouth. After eating the food, the little hamster cleans its mouth with two front paws.

When the little hamster is sleepy, he goes to sleep in the tiny "wood flowers".

How cute the hamster is! I like hamsters.

Pupils' 100 word composition on small animals

Today, my mother took me to the Flower and Bird Market to buy two goldfish. We like these two lovely goldfish very much.

After my mother bought me two goldfish, she also bought a fish tank and a bag of fish worms. I hold the aquarium, hold the fish worms, and the small goldfish swim around in the aquarium. I'm so happy. He doesn't know who has adopted him yet!

When I got home, I wanted to know what the name of the little goldfish was, so I took Cihai and learned about these two goldfish, one named Wangtianyan and the other named Pearl. Looking at the sky is very special. His eyes are facing the sky, and they bulge out like balloons. Pearl is even more special. Its fish scales are like dazzling pearls. Her lovely eyes can't be found in the glittering "pearls".

After a while, I saw the little goldfish seemed tired, so I fed some fish worms to the little goldfish, and they ate with relish. After eating, they looked at me with lovely eyes, as if they were thanking me!

I'm so happy today!

Pupils' composition on small animals 100 words 3

The giant panda is not a cat. At first, it was named as the giant panda because its face is as chubby as a cat and its body shape is like a bear. Although the giant panda is like a cat, it is not a cat.

The giant panda has a fat body and a short tail. Its color is black and white. Its eyes are like wearing a pair of black sunglasses. It is very handsome. His favorite plant is bamboo.

China is the hometown of giant pandas. We should start from ourselves, protect the environment and create a good home for giant pandas.

Pupils' 100 word composition on small animals

I want to raise a white rabbit, because the whole body of the white rabbit is covered with white fur, which is very soft and comfortable to the touch. Its eyes are as bright as ruby, and its ears are very long. It likes carrots and vegetables. Like me, I like to dance all day long, and eat carrots in a cute way, so I want to raise this little animal very much.

Pupils' 100 word composition on small animals

The little animal I want to raise most is a cat. It has a pair of sapphire eyes, a powerful nose, and a very sensitive hearing. It likes eating fish and mice very much. It is very powerful when catching mice. Its claws are very sharp, and it can hold the mice down at a stroke. In addition, it can act cute and cute. You know a lot, please share it with me!

Pupils' composition on small animals 100 words 6

My favorite animal is puppy. The puppy is hairy and brown. It has sensitive ears. Running on all fours, I can't catch up.

Every time I feed him a meat bone, he will rush over and bite the bone tightly, and then walk aside to eat slowly.

Sometimes, as soon as I enter the house, I yell at me, as if to welcome me home. Sometimes, when a stranger enters the door, the dog jumps on it, as if it is preventing strangers from invading our home. Sometimes, the dog feels very lonely, so he bites his shoes and runs around.

I like my dog very much. Its name is Xiao Huan.