Publicity slogan for campus environmental protection (35 selected sentences)
Long Street Old Friends
2023-04-13 10:41:30
Complete set of slogans

1. Pursue green fashion and embrace green life.

2. To save the earth is to save the future.

3. Those who destroy the environment will eventually be punished by nature.

4. The school is green, and the students' hearts are full of spring.

5. Ten thousand people participated in building a "green tree of life"

6. Environmental protection starts from me.

7. Cut off the "black dragon" flying to the sky, with a blue sky.

8. Cherish natural resources and share green life.

9. Energy saving and low-carbon start from now, from me, from every bit.

10. Save our environment for the life of the earth.

11. Reject white pollution, starting from the environmental awareness is no longer pale!

12. To protect the earth, start from beautifying the campus!

13. Let's be little guards of environmental protection and make our home more beautiful.

14. Every time you throw a piece of paper scraps, your mind will have a stain.

15. Let the campus be sunny, and let the green be sacred and beautiful.

16. It is everyone's duty to take care of flowers and trees.

17. To protect trees is to protect us human beings.

18. The earth is our mother, we should love her.

19. Water saving, electricity saving and energy saving; Invite you. Invite me. Invite everyone.

20. Let's protect flowers and trees! Look, the flowers and trees are waving their hands of hope to you.

21. To destroy the environment is to destroy our homeland.

22. Green brightens our eyes, so that we can see clearly the green life under our feet.

23. Take care of flowers and trees, and I will add green to the campus.

24. The flowers on your hands are fragrant, and the grass on your feet is like grass.

25. Animals: Stop hunting us, OK? Do humans think there are too many friends?

26. Every flower and grass has its life, and every branch and leaf has its love.

27. Distance creates beauty, and close contact is rejected.

28. To protect the environment is to protect ourselves.

29. Protect the water environment and save water resources.

30. Keep the beauty of grass to reflect your beauty.

31. The grass smiles at you. Please give way.

32. Energy conservation and low carbon are of great significance. The implementation of actions depends on everyone. Turn off the lights and save water. Walk more. Green water and green sky greet you with a smile.

33. But save a small amount of land for future generations.

34. The sky is blue and the grass is green.

35. Human beings cannot live without flowering grass, just as infants cannot live without their mothers' arms.