Junior high school 600 word composition for new students (5 required)
Smile to the world
2023-09-05 08:21:45

New Students of 600 Word Composition in Junior High School (1)

Into a new school, new classes, ushered in my new learning life. In a busy and happy life, I need to work harder and redouble my perseverance... Of course, the most important thing is the help of my classmates and the guidance of my teachers.

Strange smiling faces, but familiar; Strange pictures flashed in dreams; Strange names, but where did you hear them? My lovely new classmates, we will become best friends. We will grow up happily under the same sky, swim the ocean of knowledge together, and strive for the same goal.

After passing through long corridors full of knowledge, I entered a classroom full of sunshine and handed over my lovely new classmate. They wrapped my heart like honey, like a cup of strong coffee warming my heart, like a cup of light tea, let me aftertaste

All the new students have a faint smile on their lips. When I can't help smiling, I feel a trace of loneliness.

Gradually, I focused on a girl with black hair, big eyes and cherry lips. "Hello!" She extended her "hand of friendship" to me. I also held her hand tightly. In this way, two more girls appeared in the lonely campus.

She is a lively and cheerful girl. She always giggles every day. I like her very much. She likes sports very much, and her personality is also extroverted, so I always go crazy with her, because every day is very happy like this.

When school is over, we sometimes go home by car together, so we become stuck together.

In this way, we became best friends. I love my new classmates, and I love my new school.

Junior High School 600 Word Composition New Student (2)

Having said goodbye to my teachers and classmates for four years, I came to a new class. When I first came to the class, I felt a little strange, because there were many people I didn't know in this class.

But since we met together, it is fate.

After the teacher divided our positions, he took someone to pick up the books. I saw a new classmate. She had big bright eyes, her mouth was like a cherry, and her long black hair set off a beautiful face. She is a math group leader. She is not only good at math, but also proficient in everything. Her voice is loud and clear, which makes people feel comfortable.

She has one of the most pleasing advantages, that is, she is willing to help others. I can't stop praising her for this advantage. I remember that it was a noon. Teacher Wang asked me and her to move our exercise books. When we got to the office, we found that there were many exercise books. She moved more than half of the exercise books, so she asked me to move some of the remaining exercise books. I smiled and said to her, "Give me some, we'll share it equally." But she said, "No, thank you, I'm strong." I admired her behavior.

She is my good friend Wu Tong. I'm really happy to be in the same class with her. She is a helpful little angel in my heart! Please remember her name is Wu Tong.

Junior High School 600 Word Composition New Student (3)

Entering a new school and new environment, I met many new students. They each have their own personalities, but one classmate impressed me deeply.

She has a pair of bright eyes, a high nose, a small cherry mouth, and smiles with white teeth. She is my new classmate Xiaolin.

Xiaolin is a classmate I met during military training. We trained on the playground, where there were some weeds. There is just a weed where Xiaolin is standing. Weeds like playing games with her, always hiding at Xiaolin's feet. Although she was uncomfortable standing, she did not step on the weeds.

When the break time came, I walked over and asked, "Xiaolin, why don't you stand on the weeds so that you won't be uncomfortable with them?" Xiaolin frowned and said, "These weeds are poor enough to grow here! They are not only exposed to the sun, but also trampled on." Xiaoying also said, "These weeds will die sooner or later, not to mention withering and yellowing." Xiaolin was angry and shouted: "Wild grass has life too. As long as one less person tramples on it and spoils it, it will not lose its life soon. You are too unsympathetic." Hearing her words, I suddenly felt that I should not treat living things like that before. Xiaolin is right. Wild grass is also alive. We should cherish any life in the world, so that they can live safely in a short life, no longer be attacked, and do not have to live a life of fear. Xiaolin squatted down, picked up the grass one by one, and piled the sand around it. I also squatted down unconsciously to protect the grass with her. Looking at the grass, I am full of thoughts.

No matter how good a person is, he cannot be perfect. Xiaolin is no exception. She often conflicts with others because of a trivial matter. However, she is very loyal. If you are in trouble, she will help you regardless.

Since I met Xiaolin, I have learned a lot of truth, learned a lot of knowledge, discovered my own shortcomings, and let me correct them in time. I am proud that I know this new student!

Junior High School 600 Word Composition New Student (4)

Recently, a new classmate came to our class. Her name is Hu Hengyu. Her eyes are big, her eyebrows are long, and her hair is long.

She is a good friend of mine. She is good at learning. Among the three main subjects, her best skill is math. Students can ask her if they have any questions!

Hu Hengyu's best friends are me and Lu Yuting. She often plays with me after class. She talks funny. She is a Dai. Dai people should dance very well, but Hu Hengyu is a little shy. I hope Hu Hengyu can summon courage to show a peacock dance.

Hu Hengyu is also good at painting. I hope she can make persistent efforts to learn painting and help the teacher design blackboard newspaper.

I think the greatest advantage of Hu Hengyu is that she is willing to help others and asks for advice with an open mind. Hu Hengyu is good at everything, but not hard enough. I hope she can be more serious and try harder.

Hu Hengyu also likes reading books very much. She often takes some popular science books to read. She reads with relish. The protagonist in the book is sad, and she is also sad. The protagonist in the book is happy, and she is also happy, as if she is the protagonist in the story. I admire her very much. I think she should be able to be the representative of Chinese class.

Junior High School 600 Word Composition New Student (5)

On the fourth day of school, a new student came to our class. Her name was Zhang Meihui, and she was transferred from Beijing. Listen to the teacher, she used to be a member of the school team, and she learned well.

As soon as I saw her, I fell in love with her: dark and shiny hair, with a long braid. Her white face is embedded with a pair of big, watery eyes. Her eyelashes are long and beautiful.

On Monday, the class elected a study committee member, and many students elected Zhang Meihui. Although I didn't choose her, she has the most votes. Of course, the study committee member is Zhang Meihui. The teacher asked Zhang Meihui to introduce herself. She hesitated for a moment and said, "I like singing and painting. The teacher asked her to draw her best painting on the blackboard. She picked up a pink chalk and drew a lotus flower. The slender handle and full petals were lifelike. She also said that she likes reading books, especially some fairy tales, Grandma Bing Xin's To Little Readers, etc.

After class, the teacher said that whoever wants to know more about Zhang Meihui should ask her. At the teacher's words, the students scattered in a crowd. Where have you been? Of course, I went to interview Zhang Meihui. At this time, Zhang Meihui looks like a star, and the students are small reporters. Zhang Meihui was too late to answer a series of questions from the students. After being persuaded by the monitor, the order gradually rose. From Zhang Meihui's introduction, I learned that her favorite season is spring, her favorite animated film is Balala, her favorite animal is dogs, her favorite sport is rope skipping, her favorite color is pink, and her favorite star is Li Yuchun.

We all like this new student, and even our Chinese teacher said that he likes her.