600 word essay collection for Teachers' Day (18 articles)
Mid month truth
2024-01-06 01:25:31

600 word essay for Teachers' Day (1)

We will welcome the __ Teachers' Day again. In this happy, warm and exciting moment, a greeting of "Teacher, you have worked hard" condensed all our deep love; A "teacher, happy holiday" blessing contains our thick blessing!

On this Thanksgiving Day, I want to say something from my heart to my head teacher, Mr. Xu: Mr. Xu, I promise to study hard and make progress every day in the new semester. From now on, I will not let you worry as before; Don't talk nonsense irrelevant to study in class, and don't make small movements; Read more extracurricular books, raise your hand and speak actively in class, and carefully complete each assignment. Try to improve your academic performance, help and care for your classmates, and be a good student of Dongshan Middle School.

After finishing the determination, let me talk about the troubles! Mr. Xu, you once said, "I can't believe you are young, but you have a lot of troubles!" Yes, I have a lot of troubles too! I have a very strict father. He is very strict with me and strives for perfection in what he does, which makes me very distressed. For example, playing the piano, in my opinion, is such a dull and boring thing. More than once, I want to give up learning piano. However, my father said, "Since you have chosen to learn the piano, you must stick to it. No matter how hard or tired you are, you can't give up halfway. Only by sticking to it, you can gain!" Throughout the summer vacation, as long as I am at home, I will play every day. No matter how late it is, as long as my father doesn't finish the task that day, I can't rest. You see, he doesn't understand me at all! Teacher, you are our bosom friend. What do you think I should do?

Mr. Xu, thank you for your hard work. Your love is more strict than father's love, more delicate than mother's love, and more pure than friendship. You once said, "I love the children in our class more and more, and I wish I could rub them into my heart." We also love you! You see, at this moment, the autumn wind is cool and the osmanthus is fragrant. Osmanthus fragrans are blooming on campus, and those refreshing scents of flowers represent our love for you!

600 word essay for Teachers' Day (2)

Five years later, the teacher always assiduously imparts knowledge to us, and always cares for us after class. The affable appearance makes us feel that the teacher is our partner, our brother and sister.

Today, on Teacher's Day, when I entered the classroom, I saw that teachers and students were making photos, and my heart was filled with memories of myself and my teachers

Our head teacher, Miss Wang, is small and sometimes very serious in class, but after class, she is kind to us, just like a big sister, so we all like her very much.

That experience made me really feel the teacher's concern for us.

One night, I felt sick. My parents rushed me to the hospital, and I had a fever. That's because I have a contradiction in my heart. I have to go to school tomorrow, so should I ask for leave or insist on going to school? After thinking for a moment, I still chose to insist on going to school.

My mother wanted me to tell the teacher, but I didn't think it was necessary, because the fever would soon subside, and tomorrow would be no problem. My mother seemed relieved.

The next morning, the teacher called me to the Chinese class. I was stunned and thought what was wrong with me. When I heard the teacher said whether I had a fever yesterday, he asked me to rest and drink more water. I'm warm, and the teacher really cares about us!

This short one minute dialogue touched me. The teacher always cares about us like a lovely big sister, giving us warmth in our school life, caring for us sincerely, and sometimes even like our parents.

In this golden autumn September, this Teachers' Day, I would like to sincerely bow to my teacher, and wish her success and happiness in her work!

600 word essay for Teachers' Day (3)

How are you, Mr. Chen?

Have you forgotten? In the second grade, I told a lie. You hit me on the palm of my hand with a board. That was the first time in my life that I was beaten. It was that time that you taught me a significant lesson: be honest.

The ancients said, "The sky will place a great responsibility on us, so we must first take pains..." I think you have always taught us this: I am absolutely indispensable when cleaning up; There is definitely me in the team of managing naughty students; All the activities of the school have my shadow.

The graduation ceremony of the sixth grade is just like a dream. I often feel that I am sitting in a small classroom and your busy figure is on the platform. These six years have been engraved in my mind bit by bit. Your dedication to me is not only the love between teachers and students, but also the love between mother and daughter.

This year's "June 1st", when I returned to my alma mater, I saw you standing on the platform, unfamiliar and familiar. I can't imagine how many more wrinkles on the forehead of the math teacher who has elegant manners and beautiful voice in my memory. Exhausted, you still stick to the three foot platform

Teacher Chen, I wish you a happy holiday.

600 word excerpts for teachers (4)

Autumn is coming, and the weather is slowly cooling down. This is a season of harvest, but also a season of gratitude. On September 10, the annual Teachers' Day came. This time, the activities of Teachers' Day are different from those in the past. The teacher will give each student three Kwaka cards and ask the students to write praise words to the teacher. On September 10, the teacher will wear a white shirt, and the students will paste the written Kwame cards on the teacher's clothes. In addition, our class also has a secret activity, that is flash. Since our class's language teacher is Xu Wenchao, we can act as a "human wall" at the activity site and wave a small flag.

In the morning, when my mother woke me up, wisps of sunshine lit up my room, and I was especially excited because today is Teachers' Day. I thought to myself: Will there be any teacher who can not paste all the Kwakwaka cards? When I arrived at the school and walked into the classroom, the first thing I saw was the language and math teacher standing beside the podium, and the students all gathered around to paste the two teachers' Kwakwaka cards. The two teachers were too late to even say thank you. The students under the stage were laughing and looking at the excitement, when Teacher Xu said happily, "I'm not going to wash this dress, but keep it as a souvenir!" Teacher Gao also said, "I think so too!" I was puzzled. Teacher Xu has many praise cards, but there are few praise cards on Teacher Gao. How can I remember it? When I was wondering, Mr. Gao still twisted his body and said cheerfully, "How much? How much?" I was shocked when I saw that Mr. Gao was full of Kwaka cards behind him. I picked up a Kwaka card and pushed it into the crowd and stuck it on Miss Xu's shoulder. When I pushed out of the crowd to paste it for Miss Gao, I found that Miss Gao had already left.

At noon, there is a lightning activity, and there are photographers to video it? Wang Wang and Wu Hao sang in the middle. Her voice was sweet and beautiful. Then one program after another, the girls of the cheerleading team also came up, and they performed one difficult action after another, which was extremely wonderful, making me dizzy.

What a different Teacher's Day!

600 Word Teachers' Essays (5)

This year is the 37th Teacher's Day. Early in the morning, there were already a lot of people at the entrance of the classroom and on the corridor. The students were holding flowers one by one, holding the "teacher praise" sticker with the school logo, and intended to stick it on the white T-shirts that the teachers were specially wearing

Although many things have happened, what I can remember most is the balloon that floated away slowly with the wind on the "flash" program that students dedicated to teachers. This is my first time to participate in the "flash" behavior. At noon, our class came to the overhead floor to "play" as usual. The music suddenly sounded, and our class slowly walked to the two sides of the stage to stand in line, and sang the song "When I Pass the Teacher's Window" with the lead singer, which can touch people's hearts. After a wonderful dance by the aerobics team members, with the beautiful sound of reading every word, the two students slowly walked to the center of the stage step by step, looked at the sky affectionately, pulled away the rope tied with balloons, let go, and balloons slowly floated to the blue sky with the wind. The little rope and the balloons rose into the air together. Suddenly, the small rope fell down and fell to the ground. I cast my eyes on the colorful balloons flying farther and farther in the sky, and fantasies poured out. The little rope is like a teacher who comes with a bunch of flowers and doesn't take half of the grass. The bundles of balloons give off warm glow under the sun, like naughty and lovely students. One balloon after another wandered around alone, and the inconspicuous little rope tried to follow, but it fell down again. The rope on the ground watched the balloons fly higher and higher, disappearing into the sky... The smiling faces of a beloved and beautiful teacher who had worked hard for us emerged on the sea of thousands of memories. My nose is a little sour, and the world in my eyes is blurred.

Yes, behind the beautiful balloon is an inconspicuous little rope. Who will think about it and pay attention to it? Without that inconspicuous string, where would the beauty and luster of the balloon come from? Where does the color and charm of balloons come from? I found that the students around me are so far sighted, maybe they also have unlimited reverie in their hearts like me.

In this special festival, I want to say to the teachers who are unknown, who are conscientious in their posts, and who grade their homework until ten o'clock every day: "Teacher, you have worked hard!"

600 Word Teachers' Essays (6)

"The endless trees are falling and the Yangtze River is rolling." The charm of history is just like this surging river. It seems bleak and strange, but in fact it is profound. When I looked back at Guanshan, I only sighed that Guanshan was difficult to cross; Overlooking the East China Sea from afar, I can only feel a moment of my life. However, it is such a profound subject that there is a small female teacher to teach it. No wonder Teacher Yu said, "Teacher He's a small shoulder, even shouldering five thousand years of Chinese history and culture."

In one year's time, I could have forgotten the first history lesson in high school. Maybe it was just like today, muddled and chaotic. I don't know who it was. It was the first time I used the word boss to describe a teacher. In short, one day, I suddenly heard a sentence, "You boss called you", and I knew I had something to do.

Mr. He impressed me deeply. She is not tall, but she is very energetic; Her short hair also indicates her style of doing things: crisp and neat. This is just the appearance. Judging from her class, my boss's CPU is absolutely first-class. She has made a failed textbook a tool for us to score points. It is not easy to do this.

When it comes to her, her biggest feature is her smile. People in our class almost agree that my boss is the least characteristic. She doesn't have Mr. Zhu's unique class teacher status, nor does she have Mr. Xie's ability to drag the class; There is no joke of Mr. Zhang, no humor of Mr. Li, and no ruler of Mr. Yu... If you want to say something special, you can only smile.

Teacher He seems to be born to laugh. Her laughter can be divided into several types: satisfied smile, surprised laughter, etc. Someone said that smile is the expression of an angel. For decades of life, happiness and sorrow are half and half. Learning how life is, as the teacher said, there is no ease. Since coffee is bitter, why not add some sugar? Maybe what Mr. He taught us is not only history, but also attitude towards life.

Teacher He's class is also unique, not like others to read the book, but focused on the explanation. The history textbook is a lifeless thing, but she can make the book speak; The theoretical points in the book are somewhat unreasonable, and she also allows us to put forward our own views. What she taught me was not only the basic historical facts, but also the dialectical view of history, which made us think more deeply.

Teacher He has mentioned that learning is hard more than once, and we may not care about it now, but we are afraid that we will regret it decades later when we are in the past. But at that time, things had changed. Teacher He broke our illusion of learning, which may not be a good thing. The bloody reality should not be hidden in the bubble of dreams. Thank you, Mr. He, for letting me face the reality.

Three years is too short, and there are too many things too late. Now I can only ride my horse and set out towards my own ideal. The ideal road is full of ups and downs. I only wish to meet a few more people like Mr. He who can guide us.

Good bye, teacher

600 Word Teachers' Essays (7)

As the saying goes, "One day as a teacher, one life as a father." The ancients "tasted a hundred miles away" to seek a teacher. We can see how important teachers are to us.

It has been nine years since I first entered the school. I have met many teachers, but I have never had a red face with one teacher. Because I know the great love of teachers, I know the kindness of teachers, and I can't repay them.

I still remember that when I was just in the first grade, I was still a babbling child. With a curious heart and wonderful fantasy, I entered the school and met the first teacher in my life. At that time, I was always full of curiosity and kept asking the teacher some silly questions, but the teacher was never bored. He always patiently and carefully explained every "profound" question to me and told me beautiful "stories". That kind of intimacy was like a baby listening to a story in its mother's arms. He gave me the principles of life and the principles of life. Although it was always confusing to listen to, like listening to a heavenly letter, I have benefited a lot from the memory now. I really appreciate her. I can't repay her for her kindness. I only remember this teacher sentiment forever!

With gratitude and nostalgia for my teacher, I entered the second grade of Latin America and met a new teacher. At the age of 9, I am no longer as cute and childish as I was in grade one. There is a new kind of gratitude for teachers. We are grateful to them for imparting our knowledge and for correcting our homework under the light at midnight every day. This kind of gratitude cannot be repaid, but we can only remember the teacher's feelings forever!

With this kind of gratitude, I have been to Grade 5. The primary school is about to graduate, and my life is about to take a step forward. My teachers are also going to leave me. I can only express my gratitude and yearning for them in words. There is no reward for the teacher's kindness, only to make them proud and happy for me with their excellent achievements, and their kindness will always be in my heart!

With curiosity for new teachers and nostalgia for former teachers, I stepped into middle schools. After entering middle school, I got to know different teachers. At the same time, these different teachers taught me to be strict with myself, and also let me understand the true meaning of the profession of teaching.

Middle school teachers no longer laugh with us in class all day long. They are very serious and strict with us. There are countless questions waiting for us every day, and countless criticisms around us every day, but I know that this is for our good. It is these teachers who have made me rigorous now, and we can only remember their gratitude forever! Teacher's Day Composition 600 words Teacher's Day Composition 300 words

600 Word Teachers' Essays (8)

A beautiful song came from afar. Listen carefully. This is a sigh from the bottom of the student's heart! "The quiet midnight light shines brightly in front of the teacher's window. When I walk gently past your window, the bright light shines in my heart..." This is a song of praise. This is a song of praise for the teacher. This is a song of praise for the teacher's hard work in cultivating pillars for the country. This song is "Whenever I walk by the teacher's window". Although this song is neither ordinary nor gorgeous, it is a song that students use to express their praise and gratitude to their teachers. Praise their selflessness and praise their dedication. This is a noble quality that ordinary people do not have. Everyone has many teachers in his life, but not every teacher can leave a good and deep impression on his students. Some teachers are weak in the eyes of students; Some teachers are strict in the eyes of students; Some teachers are knowledgeable in the eyes of students The teacher I respect is him. Although he has no prominent position; No leadership power; No fancy clothes; But have the style of leadership; Have a kind heart; And the attitude of concentrating on work; These are what others do not have. He is my Chinese teacher, Mr. Cao.

If the whole class is saplings, they are artistic gardeners; If the whole class is a flower, then he is a diligent gardener; If the whole class is a chicken, then he is a hen who cares about us. For the safety of the chicken, he will do his best to protect the chicken. It is just in this way that the world has a new game, Eagle Catches Chicken.

He is a good teacher. He not only taught students to learn all subjects well, but also taught them how to behave. He often talks with his classmates about ideals, about life, and about how to be a man. He said that only by learning to be a man can we learn more knowledge. He often said: "Only when there is action, there is position; only when there is goal, there is motivation."; "The last laugh is the most brilliant"; "Why sleep more when you are alive? After death, you will sleep forever"; "Sit still, think about yourself and talk about others". Although it has no fancy words, every sentence is the expectation of the whole class. Contact and talk with him. I think the boat of life has a rudder. It will run towards a sacred goal!

Teachers are the most sacred professions under the sun are candles, chalk, lighthouses and stairs. I hope it's your big hand holding our small hand now; Later, we will hold your hand and walk on the sunny road, which will be full of laughter.

600 word excerpt for teachers (9)

Under the bright red flag, we are ushering in an unforgettable Teachers' Day. At this happy, warm and exciting moment, I, on behalf of all the students in the school, hold our most pure, sincere and warm hearts. I wish all the teachers of No. 1 Middle School who care and love our growth a happy, happy and healthy holiday! We even hope that our greetings and blessings can smooth the wrinkles on the gardener's face, wipe away the frost on the gardener's temples, and let the wisdom of the gardeners' eyes shine forever!

Being a teacher is hard work, and the work that can shape the soul is great; The burning of red candle is temporary, but it is eternal for her to burn herself and illuminate others' hearts. The reason why you are great is not only to impart our scientific and cultural knowledge, but also to set a model for us.

Thank you, teacher, for making us confident and able to surpass ourselves. You prove to us with facts that learning is not a burden, but a joy and responsibility, a key to the world we never knew. You taught us to explore boldly, find and discover with our own minds and hands, and make life full of surprises!

Thank you - teacher, you are a person we can always trust, and you will ask for help in case of trouble in life. You let us know that we can tell you everything if we want. You often say that you were a child, so you can understand children's emotions.

Thank you, teacher, for letting me know that we can learn from failure, accumulate strength in difficulties, and find light in darkness. You give us the courage to use our brains, and at the same time, you ask us to be open-minded. You put beauty in our hearts and give us education, insight and imagination to build our life. No matter what we build, you always help us lay a good foundation. You have done the best for us! Perhaps every detail of your lecture will be forgotten by us as time goes by, but your enthusiasm, courage and kindness will always remain.

Thank you for never sneering at us. When we try, you always pay close attention to us. Even if the result is so insignificant, you always let us know that you have seen our achievements. It is you who let us know that life can be as thin as a piece of paper, as deep as the sea, as vast as the sky, and we must make our own choices. We are fascinated by every problem, discovery and experience you have led us through, and let us see the flashing of wisdom in the ocean of knowledge.

Suddenly one day we found you old, tired, tired. You don't need others' understanding, comfort and support, but you are so silent, quiet, resolute and solemn.

Red candle, your flickering candle flame is just like your tired and thin body, but in the eyes of students, it is so firm: your tears wet your clothes, you know that in the eyes of students, it is the most perfect sculpture in the world under your feet.

Dear teachers, your light and heat are limited, but it is the combination of your limited light and heat that ignites the great glory of the motherland!

600 word essay for Teachers' Day (10)

If one day, someone asks, "What do you think is the greatest profession in the world?"

"What is the greatest profession? Is it a doctor, a policeman, or a star?"

Maybe when you are hesitant, others have already told you that the answer is "teacher"

Yes, you think of many kinds of careers, but you forget "teachers". No matter whether they are doctors, stars, or great people, they will have a teacher. Without the teacher's instruction, they will have no achievements.

A teacher is such an unknown profession. She does not seek honor, wealth, or fame, but only the achievements of her students.

Day after day, year after year, year after year, she always sticks to her position.

Throughout the ages, many writers and singers have praised her selflessness and dedication

In ancient times, Li Shangyin, full of enthusiasm, wrote with great speed "The silkworms in spring will be exhausted until they die, and the wax torches will not dry until they become ashes and tears." He praised Yu teacher.

Today, Song Zuying is singing "I will become you when I grow up" to praise Yu.

Hugo, a French writer, once said: "The cause of flowers is noble, and the cause of fruits is sweet. Let's take the cause of Ye, because Ye's cause is ordinary and modest."

Teacher, you are Ye. You are engaged in Ye's career, ordinary and modest, but great.

Teacher, you are the gardener, making the garden full of vitality; Teacher, you are the spring rain, moistening everything and making "seedlings" grow healthily; Teacher, you are a boatman, bringing many ferries from one shore to another...... Teacher, you are not an actor, but you can turn the classroom into a series every time, and let us indulge in it; Teacher, you are not a singer, but after class, you still leave us with endless aftertaste; Teacher, you are not superstar, but you are more attractive than superstar and attract us

Teacher, your kindness to us is endless. Teacher, your utility cannot be explained in a thousand and one nights

Teacher, any fame and honor carved on wood in the world will gradually fade away due to the decay of wood; Engraved on wood will be gradually blurred by wind and sun; But, teacher, your fame and honor are forever engraved in our hearts and will never be forgotten!

Thank you, teacher. Thank you for your painless efforts. I know that I am not a good student, nor a student that all teachers like. I also have many shortcomings, but I will try my best to correct them. Teacher, can you cheer me on?!

Thank you, teacher, for your love for students.

600 word essay for Teachers' Day (11)

In the season of sending cool flowers and fragrant osmanthus flowers in autumn, a sacred and loud name has once again become the focus of attention. This is you, a dear and respectable teacher of the people. Once upon a time, I wanted to write a poem to praise you, but it was difficult to express your greatness in your ordinary life; I would like to fill in a word to sing for you, but so far I have not found a beautiful movement that can praise your dedication.

Some people say that teachers are ordinary. Yes, the three foot platform is the stage for you to show your life style, and the two foot pointer is the baton for you to play the song of life; A blackboard records your footsteps of struggle, and a piece of chalk is full of your infinite hope. Late at night, you prepare lessons meticulously, teach in class brilliantly and vividly, and correct your homework carefully at your desk... This may be all you do. The four seasons change, and the years come back. You always scrupulously abide by your responsibilities, conscientiously and tirelessly; "Peaches and plums blossom in the spring, while Chinese parasol leaves fall in the autumn", you are always keeping this ordinary, diligent and never boring. All of this is due to your infinite loyalty to education and your love for students. Therefore, if you choose to be a teacher, you will choose an ordinary life.

In fact, the ordinary life always contains a real sense of greatness. The glorious title of engineer of human soul interprets the loftiness and greatness of a teacher. In the classroom, you are passionate, sowing science, wisdom and power with your hard sweat, leading students to swim in the ocean of knowledge; In the classroom, your love surges, enlightens the students with your earnest teachings, lights the light of faith, purifies the window of the soul, and guides generations of people seeking knowledge to walk on the road of life. For the hope of the future of the motherland, you are willing to pave the way for the social process, bearing the healthy growth of generations; You are willing to be a small wave in the long river of history, pushing boats to sail far away. You are not as gorgeous and enchanting as peony, but you have the faint fragrance like Milan; You are not as passionate and unrestrained as roses, but you have the same perseverance as plum blossoms; You don't compete with flowers, but you have the desire to "smile when the flowers are blooming". Oh, maybe this is your greatness in the ordinary.

600 word essay for Teachers' Day (12)

Today is September 10, a special day - Teachers' Day.

Xiaowei got up early in the morning. On her way to school, birds chirped, as if celebrating this special festival. As she walked, she thought: Today is Teacher's Day, what gift should I give to my teacher? While she was thinking, suddenly she saw beautiful wild chrysanthemums blooming in the fields, yellow, purple, white... one after another. Xiaowei thought to herself: How these chrysanthemums look like the noble character of a teacher! So she ran excitedly and picked a gift for her teacher.

When she came to the school, it was still quiet. She ran to the pool, held the chrysanthemum carefully, and washed the mud on the flower with water. They happily walked to the teacher's office.

Xiaowei came to the window of the teacher's office, tiptoed her head and looked around the office. She found that the teacher was not in the office. She thought to herself, "Oh, this is a heaven sent opportunity. This is God's help to me. This is a good opportunity!"! So she gently opened the window and inserted the chrysanthemum into the pen holder. As she turned to leave, she accidentally saw a pair of reading glasses on the teacher's desk. Under the reading glasses, there was a Chinese textbook and the test paper that had just been tested yesterday. She thought to herself: The teacher must correct our homework late at night. She kept thinking about how many times the teacher stayed up late in the office, how many times she had been sick in class, how many times... She had mixed feelings and thought: Teacher, your life is a fire, your life is like a song, and your life is like a poem. You are too hard! You have a candle that lights others but extinguishes your own spirit. You are the engineer of human soul, and you are the gardener cultivating the flowers of the motherland. Chalk whitens your black hair, and homework turns your eyes red. You let us wander in the 'ocean of knowledge'. Teacher, I wish you a happy holiday!

Thinking like this, Xiaowei's eyes blurred and her tears covered her eyes... At this time, she looked up at the blue sky against several white clouds, and looked at the chrysanthemums shining in the sun. So, she said to herself, "When the teacher sees the golden chrysanthemums and smells the refreshing fragrance, she will be pleased to smile." Xiaowei thought of the teacher's smile, and wiped her tears. Looking at the chrysanthemums, she smiled so sweetly and brilliantly!

600 word essay for Teachers' Day (13)

Mr. Chen was my teacher in kindergarten. She often tells us stories and plays games with us. She treats me like her own daughter. I remember one winter when I felt uncomfortable. When class was over, I sat alone on the small bench and kept silent. When Mr. Chen saw it, he smiled and said, "Why don't you play with children?" "I don't want to go." I whispered, "Are you sick?" Mr. Chen touched my forehead. "It's so hot." Teacher Chen quickly picked me up and put her fur coat on me, and ran to the nearest hospital from the school. On the road, the wind blew very hard, but my heart was warm.

Miss Li is my Chinese teacher. She is like our big sister. She will often take us to Zhanyi Mountain to play, to play bubbles on the playground, to fly kites on the square... In these happy games, we like composition. I remember that after she took us to Zhanyishan for a visit, I wrote an autumn outing to Zhanyishan. After the composition was written, you took out my composition to read it and praised me for my innovative writing. I gained a lot of self-confidence at that time. Later, I became more fond of composition. Miss Li, your love gives me confidence.

If you ask me who made me fall in love with mathematics, I will say loudly - Mr. Hu.

Mr. Hu is very strict with us, but the class is very interesting. Her math lessons and problems are always easy to understand. Once, she asked us to do a thinking problem. I thought for a long time but didn't think of it. On the second day, after her explanation, I understood. In the future, when I think about problems, I will think deeply. She also often asked us to do Olympiad Maths, let us use our brains. By the time of the exam, we will be able to do the questions with ease.

If anyone is worried, it will be easier to listen to teacher Qian's class. Mr. Qian is my common sense teacher. It is not too much to say that he is knowledgeable. He is simply a colorful encyclopedia. Teacher Qian also appeared in the program Happy Dictionary hosted by Wang Xiaoya. In the program, Mr. Qian was calm and quick thinking, and won back a laptop for himself. Teacher Qian's class is very wonderful and always attracts us. In the text of Self Protection, he once cited such an example: a child fell into the water, and the other two children saw it, and did not call an adult in time. Instead, they went to the home of the child who fell into the water, left a note at his door, and then went to play. Everyone laughed so much that they were out of breath. Teacher Qian said earnestly: "Without the sense of protection, life may be lost."

Yesterday, like a piece of rice paper, we drew the most beautiful picture on it with all the teachers.

600 word essay for Teachers' Day (14)

The teacher's kindness will last forever. The snowing life in Grade 6 will be fleeting. At this time of parting, let me say, "Goodbye, teacher! Cherish!" It is you who planted beautiful seeds in my childish heart; It is you who interpret the beauty of "dedication" for me! Thank you! Remember a summer in grade four? That was an unforgettable enlightenment you gave me, and let me understand that the original time of coming was so "beautiful": the fourth class in the morning, time passed like water, and 40 minutes of a class passed in the run of time. Soon, the bell of "Ling... Ling... Ling... Ling" did not give us any preparation, but rang when we had no warning, The students frowned and seemed to want the teacher to talk more; Some smiled mischievously and seemed to cheer for the end of class. After a while, the teacher stood up and said seriously to everyone: "Students, now I will arrange my homework at noon, OK, class is over!" Sure enough, as soon as the teacher left, the students began to cheer, and then went out to line up for dinner. After a while, a line like a long dragon winding around the door immediately formed. Five minutes later, Every student in the class had fresh and delicious food. After dinner, several female classmates in the class asked me to go out to play, and I readily agreed, leaving my homework behind. Time passed by minute by minute. After about twenty minutes, the bell rang as usual. I ran back to the classroom and sat back. The teacher asked us to take out our noon homework. She wanted to check it. I took out my book and turned it back in an affected way. Unexpectedly, the teacher only glanced at my homework book and passed it. The nosy "nuisance" in front Chen Zhiwei came over to "help" me with the translation, and asked me: "Did you write?" I came back lazily: "Didn't write!" He just turned the page, and boldly pinched my face, and said to the teacher: "Teacher, Lou Xinmiao didn't write!" At this time, the teacher turned to look at me, and I regretted everything. As a result, I was punished for copying. In class, the teacher said to the whole class that she trusted me and believed that I could learn. But if we continue like this, we will change from a top good student to a "rotten wood cannot be carved" and hopeless bad student. Since then, I have always remembered this sentence and its meaning, teacher. This kindness is always in my heart and has become my basic knowledge of life.

600 word essay for Teachers' Day (15)

If someone asks me what a good teacher looks like? In my mind, I will see a figure in my thirties with a tall figure, dark curly hair, and a pair of glasses on some pretty faces. It seems so gentle. This is my Chinese teacher, Mr. Zhao.

Mr. Zhao is my Chinese teacher from grade one to grade four, and also our head teacher. She is about 35 or 6 years old, and has a pair of bright eyes. When one of our classmates wins a prize, Miss Zhao's eyes always shine with joy. A pair of glasses stands on the high bridge of her nose. She wears them sometimes and doesn't wear them. She looks like a doctor when she wears them, and she looks like a mother when she doesn't wear them.

Her Chinese class was lively, interesting and full of witticisms, which attracted us restless "little monkeys". I remember one time when we talked about Prometheus Stealing the Fire, Teacher Zhao found a prop like a "torch" from nowhere, and asked the class to act as "Prometheus" to bring the "torch" to the "world", and asked us why "Prometheus" brought the "torch" to the "world"? In the process of interaction, we learned the text, which was very impressive and interesting.

I remember once I fell down and broke my knee while playing with my classmates. Miss Zhao, like her own child, helped me clean the wound very carefully and applied the medicine carefully. Looking at Miss Zhao's eyes full of love and anxiety, my knee seemed to be on pain medicine, which alleviated the pain a lot. Another time, because I had a fever and missed a class, Miss Zhao took advantage of the noon break to help me with my homework and let me catch up with my classmates in time.

Mr. Zhao has a very generous mind and can tolerate every "naughty boy" in our class. However, despite the fact that Mr. Zhao is always friendly to us, once we make mistakes, Mr. Zhao will become very strict, first wrinkling the thin ground eyebrows, first starting a "Why? How?" "Bombardment", then bending the thin eyebrows, earnestly reasoning, so that everyone is convinced.

This is Miss Zhao, whom we all like very much. She, like a mother, cares for us with love, supervises us with strict eyes, and persuades us with the principle of being considerate; She is so kind to us that we can't help loving and respecting her from the bottom of our hearts; I love to be a good teacher. Dear Mr. Zhao, you are a good friend of all of us and a good teacher in my mind.

Dearest teacher [2]

Sincerely, upon the arrival of Teacher's Day, I summarized the scattered memories of my childhood. To my dear teacher.

Our Chinese teacher is a skinny old man. His thin body makes people look so weak. The sharp and pretty face has a pair of black rimmed eyes with high myopia. One circle at a time, people can't see his deep eyes. The simple clothes are shabby but neat. Wearing a pair of round mouth 'old man shoes'. It makes people look so approachable.

In fact, we already knew when he didn't come. It is said that he came from the city. How good would it be if I wanted to teach in the city? Why come to our country? Must not have much ability. Today is his first class. I don't know how to talk about it. I'm looking forward to it‘ Boys and girls, we won't learn new lessons today. I want my classmates to write a composition to see how good they are. He said in a slightly hoarse tone. He turned around. I thought he was going to write a composition topic. I was most afraid of writing compositions. A skillful daughter-in-law can't make bricks without straw! The constant mischief and mischief has made my mind dull. I lowered my head for fear of seeing the tricky composition. (To me, no matter how ordinary the composition is, it is also considered to be tricky) 'As if'! I heard my classmates whispering. I looked up and saw a vivid horse shining on the blackboard‘ Who knows what a horse is like? The teacher asked‘ Tall people '' shiny hair '' long tail '' run like flying 'students scrambled to answer‘ Good! The topic of our composition today is Horse. ' The teacher said. ha-ha! horse! I'm too familiar with it. Because my uncle raises horses in the team. I often ride on a horse and walk around the yard. I took out my composition book at once and wrote on it quickly. From time to time, I looked up to see the teacher's chalk drawings like real horses. For the first time, I think writing a composition is so simple.

I finished the first one. Go to the front of the platform and hand it to the teacher respectfully. The teacher smiled at me, and sometimes looked down at my composition. Then he nodded approvingly. This time my composition was taken as a model to participate in the primary school students' composition contest in the county. I was very excited. Maybe I liked writing from then on. Until now

Dearest teacher [3]

Teacher, it's a holiday again, send us a sincere blessing. May you have a healthier, happier and happier day! On the journey of life, it is you who light the light of hope for us, enrich my heart and add my wisdom. Give me, nurture me I will always thank you and bless you!

Someone said: "The teacher is a ladder. With a great body, he holds our young feet and climbs higher and higher step by step..."

Someone said: "The teacher is a candle, which lights up the way forward for us with the indestructible belief, and reflects our face to continue to explore and explore..."

Remember Tagore's poem: "My heart finds the sky in your eyes." The teacher's heart finds the sacred sky in the students' inquiring eyes! They are willing to devote their lives to this holiness.

When the teacher walked on the solemn platform and imparted knowledge to us with agility, our hearts were full of admiration; When teachers come to us with mature confidence, help and care for us, our hearts are full of conviction. We are often excited by a compliment from our teacher.

Dear teacher, please rest assured that in the future, whether I will become a tall and straight tree or a low shrub, I will salute you with the green of life. I would like to weave my thoughts into a flower basket for you, my dear teacher!!!

600 word essay for Teachers' Day (16)

20xx Teacher's Day essay 600 words

China's 33rd Teacher's Day is coming soon. I wish you a happy Teacher's Day, smooth work and good health!

Among my teachers, there are lively and lovely English teachers, smart and capable math teachers, and severe and terrible Chinese teachers. The most unforgettable one is my math teacher. I will never forget her kindness to my education. Our math teacher is X, she is over 30 years old this year, neither tall nor short. A head of black hair, always like a ponytail in the back of the head. A round face is always full of amiable smiles.

She told us how to form a good habit of mathematics and study, how to recite those 200 important sentences, and the secret of mental arithmetic. Let's talk about memorizing sentences first. Most of the students in our class think that memorizing sentences is a "terrible" thing, because there are many decimal points in the sentences to be memorized. The teacher taught us a trick, which is to read one sentence first and then recite one sentence. It turns out that I can also be a "master of memory". I can't help admiring the teacher's brilliant method.

The secret of mental arithmetic is as follows:; If 60 times 50=3000, it would be like 6 times 5=30, adding a 00 at the end would be equal to 3000. This is also what teacher x taught.

Teacher X is a very strict and qualified teacher. After we finish our homework, the teacher will carefully grade it for us, not missing a single number.

There is a good saying; The teacher is the brightest Big Dipper in the sky, pointing out the way forward for us. The teacher is the coolest mountain spring in the mountains, watering our young trees with fragrant nectar juice. The teacher is a lush leaf, with his powerful body and protecting our future flowers and bones.

A person's life is long and short. In this long and short journey, we will experience countless things and meet countless people. However, I think the person who impresses us most is the teacher who taught us and shaped our soul and personality.

No matter how they are, they always bring us from ignorance to maturity, from ignorance to erudition, from innocence to strength.

Wish you a happy holiday!

20xx Teacher's Day essay 600 words

A piece of chalk points out the maze of the knowledge kingdom, a blackboard, records the truth deeper than the sea, and a platform reflects the hardships of Yuanding watering flowers... The teacher has been silently contributing for us.

My physics teacher is a short female teacher. She has a kind face and is always so kind. Her sideburns have turned white, but her eyes are still bright. She gave me a lot of help in my study.

In a quiz, my score was not ideal. The teacher found me in person when he knew.

"Is there anything wrong with your book? Is there something I don't understand?" The teacher's kind words came to my ears, making my heart warm. I asked the teacher some questions, and the teacher leaned over to explain to me. The red pen circled the homework, outlining not only the key points of problem solving, but also the teacher's deep concern for me, I can't find a clue in the sea. Since then, in my homework, there are often some red words, which is the process of solving problems that the teacher added for me... The teacher has been so dedicated to every student, and she is more conscientious in her work. I still remember that in that class, when the teacher was talking about a type of question, she found all the questions about this type in the workbook and hit them on the big screen, Looking at the "large collection" of questions, I seemed to see the teacher sitting at the desk, turning over the exercise book page by page, looking for questions under the light.

The seriousness of the teacher's work and her concern for us are also reflected in the list in her hand, which records which students did well in some questions, which students are still lacking in where... That is the teacher's deep affection for us!

My physics teachers are conscientious in their work and do their best to help us in our study. Every one of my teachers is like this. Adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing is not enough of your dedication, and poetry is not enough to praise you! Thank you, teachers!

20xx Teacher's Day essay 600 words

Some people say that the teacher is the brightest star in the sky, the Big Dipper, which shows us the way forward; Some people say that the teacher is the coolest mountain spring in the mountain, watering our young trees with fragrant nectar juice; Some people say that a teacher is a lush leaf, who uses his powerful body to protect our future flowers and bones.

Teacher, I admire you, and I can't say why I admire you. Looking at the neat and beautiful lines of writing you left on the blackboard, I can't figure out how many mysteries and hard work there are. I only know that this is your selfless contribution to social education. Listen to every word you say on the platform, what kind of voice is that? Is it the green bird song of nature? Is it the harmonious melodic sound of classical instruments? No, it is not. It is a kind of heavenly voice, which contains beautiful tones in the world. It sounds profound to us, because that voice is not an ordinary voice, but a signal voice of knowledge. When hearing this voice, we know that there is a lot of knowledge to come from afar and enter the post station of your intelligent brain.

Teacher, you are the brightest Big Dipper in the sky, while I am a black duck lost in the world of mortals. Whenever I lose my way, as long as I see your dazzling light, I can find my way home. I still remember how much you paid for us when you first met me and turned me from a naive child into an idealistic and promising primary school student. While we enjoyed our success and happiness, we could not forget the teacher. You are the coolest spring in the mountains. You use your erudition to let us know the vast world, Let us see the size of the world. You are like our telescope. Let us see farther and clearer, just like mountain spring water, so clear that you can see the bottom. Teacher, you taught us to fight against difficulties and not be overwhelmed by them. I still remember your saying, "How can we see a rainbow without experiencing wind and rain? No one can casually succeed." Yes, success and difficulties exist relatively. If there are no difficulties, how can we talk about success.

Teacher, you are a lush leaf. You use your strong body to protect our future flowers and bones. You have never been very stubborn for you. You always silently dedicate yourself. For your students and your mission, you are willing to be green leaves rather than red flowers. You want to use your ability to shine the dawn of the world and let students' dreams fly higher and farther.

Teacher, you use your life to teach us why we should pursue, why we should have ideals, and why we should surpass ourselves. Teacher, you leave the most beautiful smile to this wonderful world. You are the most beautiful myth in our hearts.

20xx Teacher's Day essay 600 words

Standing under the bright red flag, we ushered in an unforgettable Teachers' Day. At this happy, warm and exciting moment, I, on behalf of all the students in the school, hold out our most pure, sincere and warm hearts. I wish all the teachers of No. 1 Middle School who care and love our growth a happy, happy and healthy holiday! We even hope that our greetings and blessings can smooth the wrinkles on the gardener's face, wipe away the frost on the gardener's temples, and let the wisdom of the gardeners' eyes shine forever!

Being a teacher is hard work, and the work that can shape the soul is great; The burning of red candle is temporary, but it is eternal for her to burn herself and illuminate others' hearts. The reason why you are great is not only that you have taught us scientific and cultural knowledge, but also that you have set a good example for us.

Thank you, teacher, for making us confident and able to surpass ourselves. You prove to us with facts that learning is not a burden, but a joy and responsibility, a key to the world we never knew. You taught us to explore boldly, find and discover with our own minds and hands, and make life full of surprises!

Thank you - teacher, you are a person we can always trust, and you will ask for help in case of trouble in life. You let us know that we can tell you everything if we want. You often say that you were a child, so you can understand children's emotions.

Thank you, teacher, for letting me know that we can learn from failure, accumulate strength in difficulties, and find light in darkness. You give us the courage to use our brains, and at the same time, you ask us to be open-minded. You put beauty in our hearts and give us education, insight and imagination to build our life. No matter what we build, you always help us lay a good foundation. You have done the best for us! Perhaps every detail of your lecture will be forgotten by us as time goes by, but your enthusiasm, courage and kindness will always remain.

Thank you for never sneering at us. When we try, you always pay close attention to us. Even if the result is so insignificant, you always let us know that you have seen our achievements. It is you who let us know that life can be as thin as a piece of paper, as deep as the sea, as vast as the sky, and we must make our own choices. We are fascinated by every problem, discovery and experience you have led us through, and let us see the flashing of wisdom in the ocean of knowledge.

Suddenly one day we found you old, tired, tired. You don't need others' understanding, comfort and support, but you are so silent, quiet, resolute and solemn.

Red candle, your flickering candle flame is just like your tired and thin body, but in the eyes of students, it is so firm: your tears wet your clothes, you know that in the eyes of students, it is the most perfect sculpture in the world under your feet.

Dear teachers, your light and heat are limited, but it is the combination of your limited light and heat that ignites the great glory of the motherland!

600 word essay for Teachers' Day (17)

Grass thanks rain and dew, because rain and dew nourish its growth; The stars thank the night, because the night makes it shine; And I would like to thank the most beloved teachers for their hard work.

Teacher, everyone says that you are the pillar of the motherland, but I want to say that you are the pillar of the motherland. It is you who support the backbone of our generation! You are like a candle that has dedicated all the light and heat to us. Your character and spirit can only be expressed in two words - burning! Keep burning!

The teacher has a pair of dexterous hands, and always writes a line of free and easy characters in class. The pen tip keeps turning, turning the chalk into Chinese characters, and then turning Chinese characters into knowledge.

I remember that Chinese class, the sultry air surrounded me, leaning against the wide open window, a pen kept turning at the fingertips. Suddenly, a gust of wind blew. I instinctively protected the test paper in front of me, and the pen fell to the ground. All eyes in front of me and behind me could not help but fall into a dilemma, and I dared not bend down to pick up the pen. The pen slid far away, and the teacher seemed to come down from the podium at random, gently bent down to pick up the pen and put it on my desk, and suddenly my face was blossoming red. The teacher didn't say a word of criticism, nor did he wait for me to say thank you, so he gently walked to the platform again. Since then, I haven't changed my pen. The situation that the teacher bent down to pick up the pen has been lingering in my mind. The teacher's back is slightly bent, perhaps for our sake. The teacher is a farmer who doesn't know fatigue. We are the seeds in the teacher's hands. The teacher bent over to weed again and again, looking forward to, looking forward to... Some seedlings were bent by the wind, and bent over to help them up. Some seedlings were dizzy by the sun, and bent over to drench them

A spring silkworm may not stop spinning silk until death, a candle's tears dry only when it's burned down to ashes. Because of your love and hard work, there will be beautiful peaches and plums, and golden rice and wheat. May my gratitude turn into a cluster of flowers that will not wither, bringing fragrance to your life. Thank you! In the course of life, you enrich our hearts, develop our intelligence, and light the light of hope for us. thank you! For our selfless dedication. Finally, the students are here. I wish you a happy Teachers' Day, happy every day, happy life, two lives, three lives, which is the biggest curse of students on you.

[Chapter 2: Thank you for your kindness]

Today, standing under the bright red flag, we ushered in an unforgettable Teachers' Day. At this happy, warm and exciting moment, I really want to say to you with my purest, most sincere and warmest heart: "Thank you, teacher."

Teacher, what a showy word. Teacher, you are the engineer of human soul, the gardener who cultivates a new generation, and the sun under the sky; Teacher, you are a red candle, giving all the heat and light to the younger generation! Your character and spirit can be expressed in two words: burning! Keep burning! Your lectures are so colorful that each chapter seems to open a window in front of me and let me see a colorful new world

I remember the first time I listened to your class on the first day of Grade One, when you entered the classroom, your face was full of smiles and enthusiasm. Listen to every word you say on the platform, what kind of voice is that? Is it the green bird song of nature? Is it the harmonious melodic sound of classical instruments? No, not at all. It's a kind of voice from outside the sky, containing the most beautiful tone in the world, which makes us feel deeply. Because that sound is not an ordinary sound, but a signal sound of knowledge. Once you hear this sound, you will know that there is a lot of knowledge to come from afar and enter the station of your wisdom brain. Looking at the neat and beautiful handwriting you left on the blackboard, I can't figure out how many mysteries and hard work are hidden in it. I only know that this is your selfless contribution to social education. Let me savor your smile, your feelings, your way of class, and all you have

Thank you, teacher! You burn yourself silently like a candle, pointing out the way for us in the vast sea of learning; Thank you, teacher! You are like a mulberry tree, paying your hard work and sweat for us in obscurity; Thank you, teacher! You are like a gardener, who diligently and carefully cultivates the flowers of the motherland and makes them grow healthily. Teacher, you make us confident and able to surpass ourselves; You are a person we can always trust; You let me know how to cherish and become a person with courage. Finally, I sincerely wish you a happy Teacher's Day and good health forever!

[Part 3: You always encourage me]

No matter how brave a man is, he may despair sometimes; No matter how strong a person is, there are times of weakness; The most confident people are sometimes depressed.

When your weak feet cross the threshold of success and failure; When your faint footsteps step through the post station where no one cares; When your efforts turn into midnight scenery; When your bleeding heart begins to fall into the abyss of confusion

What are your eyes looking forward to? How is your heart surging?

At this time, how do you want to look for the magnificent scenery and listen to the footsteps of the wilderness? How I wish someone could help me and encourage me!

Teacher, do you still remember? I have always been timid and introverted. I summon courage from your expectations and encouraging eyes again and again. When I stand up in front of people's eyes and answer questions in a halting manner, when you say "OK, go on!" "Yes, you are insightful!" "You have made progress! Put more effort"... In this repeated encouragement, I gradually become brave, optimistic and self abased Be confident; Teacher, do you still remember? When you are complacent about your achievements, you remind me in your homework book in time: "Students, there are more beautiful scenery waiting for you, how can you be greedy for the roadside scenery and stop moving forward?" Do you still remember, teacher? When I felt that I had drawn a full bow and had no more potential to tap, it was you who wrote down expectations and blessings in time: "Students, human potential is unlimited, how can you underestimate yourself and work harder! There are more beautiful scenery in the distance waiting for you to enjoy, don't you want to enjoy the scenic spot? I wish you a hundred day pole head, further!"

Teacher, I am reborn in your reminding, encouragement, expectation and encouragement. Teacher, do you remember? How many students who lack self-confidence and self-control like me have moved forward step by step through your careful care, careful care, reminding and encouragement, and stepped into the ranks of eugenics one by one in your eyes full of expectations.

Teacher, no matter when and where I am, I can feel a warm and caring motivation, urging me to make progress. Thank you for your care all the way! All the way encouragement!

[Part IV: 600 words for junior high school essay collection on Teacher's Day]

When I met her again, she was carefully shopping for food in front of the food counter in the mall. She slightly leaned over and compared the two different brands of coffee in her hands with her consistent seriousness. She still had dark and elegant short hair, still wore meticulous clothes, and was amiable, still synonymous with her. Maybe I was so impressed with her unique taste that I could recognize her from the crowd soon, Sister Wan, my sixth grade head teacher.

Sister Wan is the kindest and cutest "gardener" among the teachers I have ever met. At that time, perhaps because we were students in the graduating class, or perhaps because she had known about our extremely active class for a long time, she did not ask us severely since she took over. She will talk and laugh with us, teach us to play games, and fight with us. But for a long time, she has begun to be strict with us. She once scolded us again and again, and at the same time she encouraged us again and again... In this way, an old teacher with considerable personality and a group of students with the same personality have gone through a hurried year. One year seems very short, but in our hearts, she is a good teacher to the letter. She will argue with those teachers who look down on us for our class with poor discipline; She will pay us for snacks before graduation; She never thought that we could not support Ah Dou... So, when I occasionally recalled, her image was so tall, and I missed her so much.

Just as I was dumbfounded, the familiar voice came from my ear: "Xiao Qing? It's you. I haven't seen you for a long time!" "Sister Wan, I miss you so much. It's been three years since I saw you. You are still like this!"

"Yes......" she said happily, her eyes smiling into two crescent moons, and her eyes had a faint wrinkle, like the chrysanthemum that was just blooming. It looks so warm.

She also talked to me about the past, the current situation and former classmates. She said that she still missed the past

After saying goodbye to Sister Wan, the memory of three years ago gradually came alive. Many, many future stories surround my mind.

Three years ago, it was she who bore our storm with her shoulder. It was she who held up our respective dreams with her hands.

In this life, she is my most respected teacher.

Wish her a happy Teacher's Day and a happy life!

600 word essay for Teachers' Day (18)

600 word essay solicitation for Teachers' Day: Celebrating the 36th Teachers' Day

Teacher's Day is coming. What should we give to teachers? A card, a bunch of flowers. I think thanking teachers is the most important.

Teacher, every one of us has a teacher, including every successful person and every great person. They did not grow up under the hard cultivation of teachers. Teachers are gardeners, who cultivate us into bright flowers. Teachers are ships, who take us to the other side of success. Teachers are candles, burning themselves and illuminating others, Teachers accompany us year after year in the ocean of knowledge. Years add white hair to teachers' heads, and wrinkles show on their faces. These appearances are the symbols of teachers' hard work for us day and night. Teachers always selflessly offer themselves. They don't ask for leave even when they are ill. They insist on coming to class for us if they can.

On the occasion of Teachers' Day, I want to wish all teachers in the world good health and happy every day. We also let teachers down and study hard every day.

Who brings us knowledge; Who brings us happiness; Who is it? It is you, the teacher, who can educate us to be considerate and helpful. Teacher, you are a diligent gardener. We grow up slowly under your nurturing. You are like a candle, burning yourself and illuminating us. This teacher is our class teacher, Miss Song.

Thank you, teacher, for your meticulous care. Your class was lively and interesting, and the students listened attentively, which greatly inspired my courage and made me want to raise my hand to speak when you asked questions. I was too timid to raise my hand before. Later, with your help and advice, I became more confident. I also wanted to participate in any activity, because this activity is an opportunity that never comes again. Here I want to say to you: "Thank you, teacher."

Thank you for your hard work for our study. You sacrificed your rest time to give us a lecture. At night, when we all entered a dream, you were still correcting your homework under the light. Here I want to say to you: "Teacher, you have worked hard!"

Thank you, teacher, for your selfless dedication. You only know how to pay, but never return. You are like a lighthouse, illuminating the distant road for us

Thank you, teacher! Here I say to you again: "Teacher, you have worked hard!"

600 word essay solicitation for Teachers' Day: Celebrating the 36th Teachers' Day

Drink water and remember your teacher's kindness Respect teachers:

The sky in September is filled with the breath of golden autumn harvest, and Teacher's Day comes slowly with light steps. For each of our middle school students, you are always the most worthy of our respect and gratitude in the life course from naughty children to young teenagers. On the occasion of the 36th Teacher's Day, on behalf of all the students in Class XX of the junior high school, I would like to extend my heartfelt thanks and sincere congratulations to the hard working teachers.

Teacher, you are the most worthy of our respect and gratitude. You are like a candle, although weak, there is a light and heat, and a light. You have exhausted yourself and illuminated others. This selflessness and dedication will never be forgotten. Although your life is poor, you are attached to the future of the motherland. Although you are just a red candle, you are linked to the heart of students. You don't care about personal gains and losses. This unreserved painstaking effort, let us be unforgettable!

It is said that the silkworms will be exhausted when they die. You, the great teacher, your love is as warm as the sun, as warm as the spring breeze, and as sweet as the spring; Your love is meticulous and warm; Your love is noble and great! On the day of celebrating the 36th anniversary of Teachers' Day, we are full of emotions and thoughts. Thousands of words cannot express our gratitude and love for you in our hearts!

May our students give you a warm greeting, a personal letter expressing their gratitude, a greeting card, a blessing on the blackboard, a flower or a cup of tea on the podium, an email celebrating Teachers' Day... to bring you joy and comfort in the festival.

The ancients said, "One day is a teacher and one day is a father." On the occasion of the 36th Teacher's Day, the students of Class XX at the beginning of the year, on behalf of the whole class, made a deep bow to our respected teacher on this special day, and said sincerely to our teacher: "Teacher, you are suffering!"

Let's carry forward the virtue of respecting teachers and valuing education, and thank teachers for their kindness, so as to create a good atmosphere of respecting teachers and valuing education in the whole class and even in the whole school. On behalf of all students, I promise you to start from the small things around you, listen carefully to each teacher's class, complete each assignment assigned by each teacher, and really start from bit by bit, so as to love, care for and respect teachers. Influence the relatives and friends around, and make your own contribution to creating an atmosphere of respecting teachers and valuing education in the whole society!

600 word essay solicitation for Teachers' Day: Celebrating the 36th Teachers' Day

Some people say that the teacher is the brightest star in the sky, the Big Dipper, which shows us the way forward; Some people say that the teacher is the coolest mountain spring in the mountain, watering our young trees with fragrant nectar juice; Some people say that a teacher is a lush leaf, who uses his powerful body to protect our future flowers and bones.

Teacher, I admire you, and I can't say why I admire you. Looking at the neat and beautiful lines of writing you left on the blackboard, I can't figure out how many mysteries and hard work there are. I only know that this is your selfless contribution to social education. Listen to every word you say on the platform, what kind of voice is that? Is it the green bird song of nature? Is it the harmonious melodic sound of classical instruments? No, it is not. It is a kind of heavenly voice, which contains beautiful tones in the world. It sounds profound to us, because that voice is not an ordinary voice, but a signal voice of knowledge. When hearing this voice, we know that there is a lot of knowledge to come from afar and enter the post station of your intelligent brain.

Teacher, you are the brightest Big Dipper in the sky, while I am a black duck lost in the world of mortals. Whenever I lose my way, as long as I see your dazzling light, I can find my way home. I still remember how much you paid for us when you first met me and turned me from a naive child into an idealistic and promising primary school student. While we enjoyed our success and happiness, we could not forget the teacher. You are the coolest spring in the mountains. You use your erudition to let us know the vast world, Let us see the size of the world. You are like our telescope. Let us see farther and clearer, just like mountain spring water, so clear that you can see the bottom. Teacher, you taught us to fight against difficulties and not be overwhelmed by them. I still remember your saying, "How can we see a rainbow without experiencing wind and rain? No one can casually succeed." Yes, success and difficulties exist relatively. If there are no difficulties, how can we talk about success. Teacher, you are a lush leaf. You use your strong body to protect our future flowers and bones. You have never been very stubborn for you. You always silently dedicate yourself. For your students and your mission, you are willing to be green leaves rather than red flowers. You want to use your ability to shine the dawn of the world and let students' dreams fly higher and farther

Teacher, you use your life to teach us why we should pursue, why we should have ideals, and why we should surpass ourselves. Teacher, you leave the most beautiful smile to this wonderful world. You are the most beautiful myth in our hearts!

600 word essay solicitation for Teachers' Day: Celebrating the 36th Teachers' Day

September 10, a well-known holiday - Teachers' Day. But this year, we had an incomparable Teachers' Day.

One week before Teachers' Day, I began to think about what to send. The same flowers are too boring! What shall I do? As the Teachers' Day approaches, I am as anxious as an ant in the water. Fortunately, there is no end in sight. Two days before Teachers' Day, someone threw me a lifeline - to raise money to order a cake for Mr. Zhang. "When people gather firewood, the flame is high." You are 1 yuan, and I am 1 yuan. They put together everything, and the money will soon be all together.

That afternoon, we came to the cake shop and finally found a cake that satisfied us.

In the morning of Teachers' Day, I came to school early. But the cake bearer was late. I was so worried: what if Mr. Zhang arrived before them? Fortunately, they arrived in time.

"Here comes Mr. Zhang!"

"Happy holidays, Miss Zhang!" we shouted with one voice, and our little hearts were filled with infinite joy. Teacher Zhang took us by surprise: "I received a gift, and now I want to watch the program!"

"Ah?" My mouth opened into an "O" shape! But we can only force ourselves to perform the program. Who said today is the teachers' festival? Today's teacher is God! Hee hee, I forgot my words when singing! But it doesn't matter! At this time, Mr. Zhang cut a piece of cake and handed it to me. I was flattered, enjoying the envious eyes of everyone, and strode back to my seat to eat the sweet cake. How could the aroma of the cake not make the students salivate?

Next, the most exciting moment is coming! Teacher Zhang told the students to take the cake down and taste it in turn! At the beginning, everyone could barely be quiet, and slowly they could not hide their greed!

Look! Li Kaiyi grabs a big cake! He wanted to eat it alone, but Tang Xin saw him chasing Li Kaiyi all over the classroom! Finally, Li Kaiyi grabbed the cake and put it in his mouth. "You! You......" Tang Xin was crouching, panting. Although he was unwilling to do so, he could only watch Li Kaiyi eat the cake alone. In this way, the cake appeared on Tang Yongjun's face, the soldiers' noses, and everyone's hands

Suddenly, the classroom was full of laughter. The smell of cake fills the air! What an incomparable day!