Topic Composition Moves High School Composition 600 Words (7 Collections)
as boundless as the sea and sky
2023-09-07 00:54:16
high school
topic of conversation

Topic composition moved senior high school composition 600 words (1)

In the world, everyone will be touched. But the person who touched you may have met you once in your life. In my ten years, the most touching thing happened in that winter... One winter, my grandfather ascended to the beautiful white cloud kingdom heaven, and our family was immersed in grief. After a while, my mother dried the tears from her eyes and slowly said, "Today, your grandfather is going to be buried. My son, you go to my brother's house first." After that, everyone got up and left.

I walked alone in the empty street, my heart was shrouded in loneliness and sadness. At this time, the sky began to rain. I knew that it was tears left by my grandfather before he left. After a while, it was raining harder and harder. I hurried to my brother's house.

I knocked on the door of my brother's house, but there was only a "Dong Dong" echo. I was so worried that I knocked on the door again, but no one opened the door. Tension and fear spread all over the body. I ran out like crazy, and I shouted: "Brother!" I longed to see my brother's figure in the heavy rain, but this was just a fantasy, and no one answered in reality. I sat in the corner in a gloomy mood, and I kept crying. When a crowd passed by, people looked at me in surprise, but then people surrounded me. Some were whispering, some were laughing with their mouths covered, and others were pointing at me and saying something to people. Although there were a lot of onlookers, no one came forward to ask me what was wrong. At this time, I felt warm all over. I looked up and saw a big brother. I was very moved when I wore a security uniform.

The big brother has dark hair, bright eyes and a sunny smile. The elder brother told me that he was the security guard here. After saying that, Big Brother helped me up and took me to the security room. Just walked a few steps, because the ground was very slippery, I fell off without noticing. The elder brother was very anxious, so he took me to the security room. At that time, I was very moved.

Big brother opened the stove for me, and I felt warm all over. The elder brother lifted up my trouser legs and found that the red blood flowed from my knees to my legs. The elder brother quickly took out the medicine box, first disinfected me with alcohol, and then bandaged my wound. Suddenly, it seemed that thousands of words poured into my heart, but I still didn't express it. The elder brother broke the silence and embarrassment at the moment. He handed me my mobile phone to signal that I would call my family, and I called my elder brother, Soon, my brother came. My elder brother thanked his elder brother and sent me to their home. I haven't seen the big brother since

The big brother moved me deeply, but I didn't say a word of thanks to the big brother. Even though the big brother and I didn't talk a few words, they moved me deeply with their actions. This is the story that moved me.

Topic composition moved senior high school composition 600 words (2)

Sunshine always comes after rain and rain, and there is clear sky on the dark clouds. Cherish all the touches, and I will always be there for you—— notes preceding the text of a book or following the title of an article

It is said that when Nuwa created people, the first thing that was sealed into the human body was moving. Please listen to nature! Listen to a grass spit green in the slit, moved its tenacity; Listen to the rain moisten everything, and move its joy; Listen to the goshawk flying in the sky, and move its freedom.

Listen to Spring. When a worm sucks grass and suddenly feels juicy, when a child flies a kite and when a person suffering from wind pain suddenly feels extremely comfortable, they are all moved to pout their lips into a whistling shape and make a common voice - Spring.

Listen to the summer. In the evening, frogs croak in the fields, storms rumble overhead, willows sway their long sleeves in the wind, and we are moved by the enthusiasm of summer.

Listening to autumn, I was moved by the momentum of "sunset and solitary concentration fly together, and the autumn waters grow in the same color", and "a crane on a clear sky leads to poetry in the blue sky.".

Listening to winter, I was moved by the rich quiet and white world of fishing alone in the cold river snow, which always moved me inexplicably.

I cherish the touch of Four Seasons.

At home, after studying in the middle of the night, a cup of boiled water sent into the room is a kind of expression of family affection. When encountering setbacks, I silently bless and encourage myself behind my back. It is a kind of spring of family affection. When I succeed, what I applaud for myself is also a kind of family affection. All these feelings are intertwined to form my caring, warm and happy family life.

In social life, the waiter's "Welcome", the conductor's "Wish you peace", and the teacher's "Next effort" imply care, love and unremitting waiting. I regard these moves as pearls, picking up shells one by one and cherishing them forever.

Upon graduation, looking back on four years of junior high school life, there were joy, laughter, a pair of helping hands in frustration, sketches and crosstalk at New Year's Day parties, self-examination and teaching in class meetings, friends in distress, and mutual assistance in learning. At the time of departure, I just want to say to everyone, "Cherish the unforgettable touch of junior high school life."

The soil and water on one side nourish the people on the other side, and the fallen leaves moisten the feelings. We have experienced the cold winter, cold, autumn wind, clear, summer night, quatrains, spring tide, and warm up. In this world, we have so many touches, and it is worthwhile to go there. But we don't have much to do. I hope everyone remembers to "cherish all the touches, and I will always be there for you."

Topic composition moved senior high school composition 600 words (3)

A pool of smart water will be warm. When it drips into your heart and moistens your heart that may have dried up already, your heart will shake slightly. I call it moved.

That day, I was lucky to get this water, let it drip into my heart, and clean my soul again.

Perhaps it is not surprising. In the morning, I had a big quarrel with my mother and rushed out of the house against the gray clouds on my head. I wander aimlessly in the street, which is really boring. Although I haven't had breakfast yet, I'm not hungry at all. I bought a bottle? Yogurt, slowly suck.

I fought back in my heart and remembered the scene just now. Mother asked me to add more clothes, saying it was cloudy. I don't want to add any. She nagged a few more words, and I was so angry that I slammed the door and came out.

Forward, a ragged, unkempt middle-aged woman blocked my way. She wore a tattered red coat, a pair of blue cloth shoes that had been worn for several winters, and her toenails were exposed. There was a strange sound in her throat, and I barely understood that she wanted my bottle of yogurt. I gave it to her in surprise. He looked at me with a grateful look, took it with a dirty big hand, and touched it with the other hand. Finally, she found a crumpled fifty cents in a small pocket. She smiled and handed it to me. I'm busy? No, no need. She thought for a while. Before playing chess, she went to a small stall and bought half a bowl of porridge and a stick of fried dough sticks. When she? return fully loaded? When I walked to a corner, I found that there was a little boy, dressed a little more neatly than the woman, about five or six years old. The woman picked up yogurt and gave it to him. He took a small sip and pushed it to the woman. I finally understand that they are a mother and son. The mother and son handed the half bottle of yogurt with a stick of fried dough sticks to their son again and drank the half bowl of porridge for themselves. The boy thought for a while, left the half bottle of yoghurt, split the stick in half, and handed it to his mother

I was shocked! I can't help crying like a flood. I rushed home and plunged into the arms of my surprised and anxious mother who opened the door, letting tears flow silently? I'm glad that I made use of the clear spring to let her make my nearly numb heart dance and fly again, and let me know that the world is moved and love coexist!

There will always be some beautiful things in life that will appear quietly to embellish your watery life, that is moving!

Moving is an indescribable emotion, which can only be appreciated by our heart.

Topic composition moved senior high school composition 600 words (4)

The moment in our life when we should be deeply moved just doesn't know what moving is. When our mother gave us a chance to walk around the world, what can we say is more touching than this. Maybe the baby's' crying 'is not unconscious. Those first drops of tears, I think, are shed for the mother. From that moment on, each of us has a shadow in our life, following you and making you never lonely.

Early in the morning, the shadow is long and clear behind you. Help you to learn, lead you to learn language, and laugh together. This is the childhood of all people, even all animals. From the beginning of life, we have a constant partner. We may forget how to be moved when we get along with each other day and night. In fact, this move has been incorporated into our habits. Some people say that when a child was young, he was like a loyal dog. If you scold him or beat him, he will follow you and rely on you. Zhang capitalization turned into a cunning cat. Only when he was hungry, he came back to find you. Adult, but become a loyal dog, protect you, accompany you. The role of mother is to stand in place day and night waiting for the return of dogs and cats. I don't think that maternal love is unrequited, and maternal love is repaid with love.

At noon, the shadow was broken. When you are at the height of the sun, your mother will not follow you like a shadow. We have to leave our mother to enter the outside world. Only then did we know that we were in tears again when we prayed for "to come back late when we were on our way.". The feelings we have sealed up for many years are released in a moment. When we are in danger, we always think of mothers at once. This is the instinct of human beings to seek shelter, and all mothers in the world are extremely tall and powerful at this moment, just to protect their children. I remember a report that a mother and her son went on a trip, and her mother fell down on the way to fetch water. The fruit knife in her arms popped open and stabbed her heart. Three days later, when she returned from the trip, her mother fell down and died. The doctor only said one sentence: The name of the miracle is Mother. My heart has suddenly become tight. It turns out that love is not just a concern in life.

The setting sun lengthened our shadow. We came back to our mother again, just like the feeling at the beginning of life. We felt that any return could not be compared with maternal love. I have to say, if there is an afterlife, let me be your mother, and love you as you love me!

Topic composition moved senior high school composition 600 words (5)

In our life, in our study, in little things, we always keep warm with the truth. Let's feel it together!

In our life, the truth has enveloped us: once again, I had a minor illness, but my parents were very worried and insisted on sending me to the hospital. I told them that I was fine, and this minor illness did not matter. But they were worried and sent me to the hospital. On the way, they asked me how my illness was, whether I wanted to drink water, and whether I was hungry.

See, love and true feelings are everywhere in life, and can be felt from a trivial word. In our study, the truth shines on us:

Once, when the teacher was giving a lecture on the blackboard, I made small movements below and didn't listen to the teacher carefully. After class, the teacher said, "You can go home only after you have finished your homework - hand over your homework book to my dormitory." I thought to myself, you killed Abbess, and you cut off the shortcut for me to copy my classmates. But what can we do? You can only blame yourself.

Watching my classmates turn in their books and go home happily, I was so worried that I almost cried. Just as the teacher passed by, he found that I was still in the classroom. He was curious and came in to have a look. I found the teacher came in, and immediately stood up and said: "Teacher, this...... I...... The teacher saw that I was still doing my homework, and took the trouble to give me a lecture until I understood it. After I finished the exam, I said thank you respectfully, and then handed the book to the old teacher. The teacher kindly said to me, hurry up and be careful on the way home. I ran out of the campus with happy tears in my eyes.

See, love in learning comes from a humble word, a humble thing.

In little things, the truth warms us. Experience it personally, and see it with your own eyes.

One day, I went to school by car from Daoba. On the way, an old woman came up, but the bus was crowded, let alone looking for a vacant seat. The old woman stood on the bus, leaning forward for a while and falling back for a while, which made people nervous and nervous. At this time, a young man in his twenties got up and helped the old lady to his seat, while he could only stand, swaying from side to side with the bumpy car. When people on the bus saw this scene, they all threw approving eyes.

True feelings are everywhere in the world.

Topic composition moved senior high school composition 600 words (6)

"On everyone's horizon, there is always a fulcrum supporting her whole life." Your constant care and care is the happiness I will always pursue. One look, one nag, one criticism, etc. are all ways for mothers to express their love.

I especially like reading books, which are my "treasure".

I remember one time, I just came home from school to do my homework. Maybe I was distracted and wanted to read a book when I was doing it. I crept out of the room and saw my mother watching TV in the living room. I felt a twinge of joy in my heart and secretly laughed: Ha ha, my mother can't control me this time! It's time to "revel"! I walked gently to the bookcase and quietly took the book I most wanted to read. I sat down at my desk, read a few pages, and then stuffed them into the crack between the desk and the cabinet. Then, I pretended to be indifferent and did my homework absently for a while. I looked around mysteriously, took out the book quietly, and read it hungrily.

But I don't know, my mother just passed by my room at this time, and just saw me reading in the room. Now, I can't hide. At first, I found some lame words to explain, but my mother saw through it. My mother was furious. I panicked like an ant on a hot pot. This time, I had no good fruit. I thought to myself: but my mother didn't seem to get angry, and I even felt a little sad in her eyes. My mother took away the book without saying a word, so I had to bury myself in the books again, but it seemed that there was something I could not put down. I hesitated for a moment, walked to my mother's side, and whispered: "Mom, I'm sorry, I know I was wrong, and I will devote myself to learning in the future." My mother listened, and her frown opened, and said: "It doesn't matter, it can't be like this again." I looked up at my mother. She looked at me kindly with a faint smile. I was touched. Her every move was for my good.

Perhaps a small thing is also your mother's love for you. Some things, missed is forever, do not ignore any happiness, even if it is just a small happiness in the chopsticks.

Maternal love is like water, rippling blue waves, and I am like a bead of water, which will never converge into your water like love to repay you.

Topic composition moved senior high school composition 600 words (7)

Time goes by without a trace. When we suddenly look back and read our hearts, there are always some memories that leave deep traces in our lives and cannot be forgotten. When we pick up it, there is always a long lost impulse in our hearts, which is moving.

In fact, in the long river of life, there is always moving. The worried eyes of parents and their haggard backs day by day are the touch of life; A friend's letter paper, a blessing message is>the warmth of the heart; When you are thirsty, your colleague will fetch you a glass of water, which is touching; When you are tired, your daughter will beat your back, which is touching; In the setting sun, watching a couple with white hair holding each other to the 'end' of the road, it was also touching??

Moving is everywhere. On the street of Manhattan, New York, there was a little girl who stayed under a tree and refused to leave. She was waiting for the last leaf to fall in autumn. The child was innocent and she would be moved by an ordinary natural change.

However, in their hurry, most people are tempered by life and begin to become rough and indifferent. They are unwilling to stop and listen to the words of the heart, let alone savor the consolation that the touch brings to the heart. For a while, I seem to forget the feeling of moving. I was busy working all day and immersed myself in my study, either typing in front of the computer or sorting out materials. My friend reminded me: Leaves, leave the computer, have a rest and do sports! Simple words make my tired heart warm and my indifferent heart melt; When I met with something unpleasant in my life, my mood became irritable, depressed, and even could not help crying. At this time, my friend told me that tears do not mean vulnerability, but just to ease my unhappiness. Cry! At that moment, I was moved by my friend's simple language. Then I also began to change myself and tried to care for others. Maybe it was just a look or a word, but others got happiness from me, warmth from me, and responded with a moved smile. At that moment, I suddenly understood that happiness and care can be mutually contagious.

What is touching? Maybe a thousand people have a thousand answers. However, no matter who it is, it is impossible to tell a person who has no feelings what is touched. Because moving is not expressed by mouth, but by heart.

Perhaps, being touched is a cool breeze in summer, a warm sun in winter, a refreshing spring, and a cup of fragrant hot tea?? With touching, our hearts begin to become bright, spacious and pure.