Composition My Self portrait (20 compilations)
Jasmine tea
2024-05-24 06:18:13
Grade 6

Composition My Self portrait (1)

A head of dark shiny long hair is always wrapped in a ponytail behind his head in spirit. Apple has a pair of big watery eyes on his face, a pointed nose below, and thin lips are used to pursing. Ha, this is me!

I take my study very seriously at school and listen to adults at home. I not only love learning, but also like sports! My favorite is playing basketball. Every weekend I would ask my grandfather to take me to the stadium to play basketball. Sometimes I would meet some highly skilled uncles. At this time, I would pester them to teach me some skills of dribbling and shooting. Even grandpa praised me for being clever and eager to learn!

Although I am a girl, I have great courage. Once, my grandfather bought two little turtles back, and my timid sister was so frightened that she stepped back. She didn't even have the courage to go up and take a look at them. But I calmly touched this one with my hand and then another one. I was not afraid. One day, all adults went out. My sister and I were the only ones at home. I went to ask my sister to play, but she was absorbed in reading a book. Without reading it, I waved my hand to tell me not to disturb her. I came out angrily. Suddenly, looking at the carefree little turtle, I had a plan, so I picked up one and crept up in front of my sister and put it on her desk. She jumped up with a cry! Looking at her frightened face, I couldn't help laughing!

I also have a shortcoming, which is carelessness. One time I could get 100 points in a math exam, but 0.5 point was deducted because I carelessly wrote a unit symbol wrong; Sometimes I carelessly wrote down the answer to the above question and was criticized by the teacher. I must have this problem!

My wish is to be an inventor and invent many advanced weapons, so that other countries dare not bully China again! I believe that as long as I study hard, I will realize this dream one day!

This is me: I love learning and sports, clever but brave, and sometimes careless.

Composition My Self portrait (2)

My hair is short, but it is sparse (obviously malnutrition), my eyebrows are shallow, my eyes are watery, and it seems that there is a pool of water in it. My nose inherited my mother and collapsed. There are some freckles on my face. I don't know if it is also inherited from my mother, because since I can remember, I have seen freckles on my mother's face.

I am very thin. I hold my wrist with my hand, and it is about the size of a nail. Because I am very picky about food, I always eat one thing or another. I don't like vegetables most, such as cabbage, celery, spinach, tomatoes... But I like cabbage very much.

I like painting, but what I am best at is imagination painting. If I draw according to the appearance, I will always paint it as "four unlike". But I like sketching very much.

I like listening to songs, such as those of Xu Song, Zhang Jie and TFboys. On weekends, the first thing I wake up in the morning is to listen to music in bed with my mobile phone.

I also like reading, such as Charles IX, Monster Master, Childhood, Education of Love, Million Pounds, etc. I hope I can not be picky about food in the future, because picky food is bad for our health. I will eat more vegetables and fruits in the future, so that I can be healthy, less sick, less hospital visits and less money. Not only that, but also do more exercise, so as to have a healthy body.

Composition My Self portrait (3)

I have a "starling mouth". Speaking of this title, I chose it for myself! Because, every time I go on a trip, I will "chatter" without stopping. My peers were asleep, and no one spoke to me. I pestered my mother to chat with me until she was sleepy. Every time, if a child does something wrong, I will tell him some truth, and often make them dumbfounded. My mother said that I was restless even when I was sleeping, and I had to talk in my sleep! In addition to a "myna mouth", I also have a pair of downwind ears and big eyes. Usually, I like to wear red clothes because it symbolizes good luck.

I am a super shopaholic.

When I entered the flower and bird market, when I saw fish, I wanted to buy fish. When I saw flowers, I wanted to buy flowers. When I saw dogs, I wanted to buy dogs. I really didn't want to buy them for me. It would be better to buy a bag of fish food. Dad often said, "Do you want to buy the whole flower and bird market?"

When I walked into the "Sanjiang Shopping Center", if my mother didn't say "you pay yourself", I would become a "thousand hand Guanyin". "A lot of fish" good, fish fillet, cotton candy, spiced eggs, "Shaqima" also, everything! I will not stop until the basket is full. If my mother said at this time, "Feifei, pay yourself!" I would take out all these things and keep only one, and then said to my mother in a pathetic tone, "Mom, you are the best! You can buy me one, only one!" I would keep pestering my mother until her heart softened.

Come to the stationery store. I would stand in front of the stationery counter and stare at it for a long time. I will choose while watching. Once, I said to my mother, "Mom, can you buy me a pencil box?" My mother was surprised and said, "I just bought you one at the beginning of school.

This is me, a talkative person, a shopper, and a flatterer

Composition My Self portrait (4)

My name is Shangguan Lanlan. I'm 9 years old and I'm in Class 3, Grade 3 of Jiuzhou Primary School. Look at me in the mirror:

1、 Appearance. My face is apple shaped. There is a pair of willow eyebrows on my face. Under my eyebrows, there is a pair of big eyes like black gemstones. Under my eyes, there is a tall nose and a small mouth of cherries. I like wearing pink dresses best, because pink represents gentleness. Wearing it, I feel like a beautiful little princess!

2、 Disadvantages. I have several shortcomings. The biggest one is that I like to bite the pen when doing homework, and sometimes I like to write on the desk. My parents don't know how many times they have said about me, but I just can't remember! I hope the children will not learn from me. This habit is not good!

3、 Good habits. If I don't finish one thing or do it well, I won't do another thing or postpone it until tomorrow. Don't procrastinate, is this my good habit?

4、 Hobbies. What I like most is painting, because painting can give play to my imagination and fully display my talent. So I like painting very much.

This is me, a lively and cheerful little girl. What do you think of me?

Composition My Self portrait (5)

I am brave, optimistic, progressive, and sometimes careless. This is my unique self, Yu Chuting, who is nine years old this year. He is a member of the literary and art committee in the class, a small anchor of the Children's Channel of Hainan TV Station, and an excellent tropical reporter of Haikou TV Station.

I like to wear two sheep's horns, simple and generous. My father said that my eyes are black and bright, like a pair of black pearls, which is really exaggerated! My mother said that my skin was white and red, much like her when she was young. Oh, she was praising herself.

I have a wide range of hobbies - music, reading, composition, mathematics, swimming, and so on. Every semester is a "three good" student, and every semester's speech contest is the first in the school. But I didn't do well in the final exam. Maths 100, Chinese 94.5, English 87. I will definitely redouble my efforts, especially English.

This year, my off campus gains were not bad. On May 1, I participated in the third National Art Level Examination Contest held by the China Conservatory of Music and won the second place in Children's Voice Level 8; On May 6, she participated in the 4th National Youth Bingxin Literature Contest and won the silver medal for primary school composition; May 16 Won the second prize of Children's Group B in Haikou Dandelion Children's Music Competition; On June 26, participated in the vocal music champion of Children's Group A of Hainan Division of China Youth Art Festival; On July 15, she participated in the second place of group B vocal music of Hainan "Golden Coconut Award" for children, and so on. My mother thinks these competitions will affect my study, but my father thinks they will help me improve my overall quality. I agree with my father's point of view, because the competition can make me face the ups and downs in the future bravely.

Every summer vacation, my parents will take me to travel. Beijing, Shanghai, Nanjing, Guangzhou, Hengyang and Lushan have left my small footprint. But they didn't go anywhere this year because they wanted me to excel in English. They applied to Yuda English School without my consent, so my grandmother came from Guangzhou to pick me up for classes. It's really not human rights. However, Yu Da's teacher Chen and his classmates are very kind to me. They have chosen me as their monitor, which makes my interest in English grow day by day. After several classes, I am almost a fake foreigner. Hee hee! Believe me, I will fly first.

Please remember, my name is Yu Chuting.

Composition My Self portrait (6)

I especially like small animals, because they want me not to play computer games for a year. Whenever there is someone selling fluffy chickens and ducks at the school gate, I can't walk and pester my mother to buy one or two. Once, I raised a duck for more than two months and was sent to the countryside. I cried sadly for a while? I want to have a puppy, but my mother doesn't agree. At my request, my aunt said that she would buy me a Dutch pig as long as I got into the top five in the final exam. For this goal, I worked hard and carefully to review, and I did my best to get a lovely little pig. I use a watercolor pen to paint its fur in a colorful way. Ha ha, it turns into a seven color pig.

No man is perfect, no gold is red. My biggest shortcoming is to lose three and fall four. In a Chinese class, the teacher asked us to bring a leaf painting. The weather is unpredictable, and people are doomed. I forgot what I should have brought, and I rewound a piece of white paper. Alas! I must get rid of this shortcoming as soon as possible.

This is me, an ordinary happy little girl.

Sometimes I'm a little careless, and I forget everything. I accidentally wrote "right" instead of "left" in a math exam. I really didn't distinguish between left and right. Still missed a question, and waved goodbye to me for 100 points. Another time, because of my carelessness, I almost got into a big trouble. One cold morning, Mr. Chen and I played basketball together. In class, Mr. Chen reached out his hand and said: "The bell rings fast, go back to the classroom and study early. Give me the ball back!" "Teacher, let me play the last minute and throw the last good ball!" I begged the teacher mischievously. "Then you can put the ball into my car later!" Teacher Chen hurriedly left the court. The bell rang for class, but I didn't know where Mr. Chen's car was parked. I couldn't find a row of cars near the playground. So I threw the ball on the side of the rostrum and quickly went upstairs. After class, I was about to throw myself into the games of my friends. Teacher Chen came up to me and grabbed my hand. "Where is my basketball, classmate?" I asked grimly. I hurried downstairs to the rostrum and looked everywhere. Finally, I found it in a corner. I grabbed the basketball and quickly went upstairs to return it to Mr. Chen. Ah! It was a close call. Fortunately, I found the ball. Otherwise, I would find an identical ball and give it to the teacher.

This is me, who likes reading, sports and sometimes makes a little confused. Do you want to make friends with me?

Composition My Self portrait (7)

Looking at the girl in the mirror, I couldn't help crying out. Is this still me? Black circles, large bags under the eyes, sleepy eyes, yes, this is me - I love learning!

In fact, I didn't work hard at the beginning. When I saw my classmates catching up with me one by one, I would continue to move forward with indifference. Once after the mid-term exam, I really worked hard. My classmates ignored me and bullied me, which hit me greatly. I began to study hard. Not only did I read in the morning, but I also had to read for a long time in the evening. I didn't miss even ten minutes between classes. I just stayed in my seat to read and do my homework. In this way, my image has changed. Alas, keep on working!

Sometimes I look in the mirror, I can't help but be afraid. Especially at night, I dare not look at my face carefully. Suddenly, those horror stories haunted my ears. If there was any movement at this time, I would run away. Alas, this is the cowardly me.

Being timid is also one of my characteristics. Dare not stay alone in the room; Dare not sleep alone; I dare not go out alone at night; I dare not. In class, I seldom raise my hand to speak on my own initiative. When the teacher asks questions, I will blush and hesitate to give the answer for a long time. I dare not queue up to eat alone, or even go shopping. We used cards to buy food. I remember the first time when I stood in line to buy food, I learned everything from others, but my heart was very nervous. My palms were full of sweat. Finally, it was my turn, but I didn't know where to put the cards. The students behind me were impatient. They directly grabbed my hand and pressed it on the card swiping mouth. Suddenly, my face was red to my neck, and I left with food. How cowardly you have made me lose face!

Now, the girl in the mirror has grown up slowly. She is tall. Although there are still some dark circles and bags under her eyes, I don't care too much, because I really grow up, and I'm no longer afraid and timid. I will study harder and strive for my own ideal!

Composition My Self portrait (8)

I am a sunny and healthy boy with dark shiny hair and a round face. During the summer vacation, I gained a lot of weight and looked plump. My mother said I was going to be like a pig. My eyebrows are thick, curved like crescent moon, and my eyes are big like copper bells. My eyelashes are very long. People say I look like a girl! The nose is small and not too tall. For this reason, my mother often teases me that I have a flat nose! My lips are thick, and I was a little cocky when I was young, but my grandmother said, "What's wrong with that? I like my nephew's cocky mouth." I am a happy person. I laugh all day long, revealing white teeth, which is the result of my careful brushing of my teeth at ordinary times. What's not good is that my teeth are sparse, and meat is always stuffed between my teeth.

I like to play Go, read books and draw pictures. Among them, painting is my favorite. When I was very young, when I first learned to take a pen, I loved to doodle on paper whenever I was free. My mother always encouraged me to say, "It's good, very similar!" I was praised by my mother and became more enthusiastic about painting. Later, my mother signed up for a painting training class and sent me to learn painting, rain or shine, no matter how cold or hot it was. My painting level has made great progress. He won the gold medal in the school's "life education" theme painting competition, and his works were carefully framed and displayed on the wall! This is me, a cute and clever boy.

Composition My Self portrait (9)

I am an 11 year old girl. In the eyes of my parents, I am a "tomboy", but I think I have already understood. I like fantasy. You see, although I have never seen the Yangtze River, I fantasize about standing on the bank of the river and enjoying the majesty of the great waves flowing eastward; I have never seen Mount Tai, but I fantasize about standing on the top of Mount Tai and reveling in the beauty of sunset at dusk; I have never been to the forest, but I fantasize about walking through the vast forest, embracing green life and enjoying the beauty of nature. I like long hair. I have long hair. He also loves ponytails. The ponytails behind him are matched with small but energetic eyes, a smart mouth, a T-shirt, jeans shorts, and a "tomboy".

I like helping others, it is a kind of happiness. One exam, I found Luo Fangyi at the front desk sighing. I patted her on the shoulder and asked, "What's wrong?" She pointed to the neutral pen. I understood and handed it to her. She smiled gratefully at me. After the exam, she said gratefully, "Thank you, Wang." I smiled and said, "It's OK. Who makes us sisters?" We all laughed happily. By the way, my biggest weakness is that everything is hot for five minutes. After reading this storybook, I wanted to be a litterateur, and after doing several Olympian math problems, I wanted to be a mathematician... I remember that when I was in the second grade, I was fascinated by calligraphy again, and I got up early and went to bed late every day to practice calligraphy, but I changed my profession again after half a month. My mother said I'm not good at it, really! I am such a tomboy.

Composition My Self portrait (10)

hello everyone! My name is Xie Xiahao. I am 11 years old and now studying in Rui'an Experimental Primary School. I combed a dark student's head, and said that my face was like a melon seed face but not like it, and that my face was like a Chinese face but not like it, my eyebrows were bent, my eyes narrowed into a slit when laughing, and there was a small mouth under my nose, which was neither tall nor short. My clothes are neat, and my body is neither fat nor thin.

My personality is lively and cheerful, and I love making friends with others. But I love shouting too much. Once, my mother took me shopping. Mother saw her acquaintances and came forward to say hello. Unexpectedly, I chatted with an acquaintance. I immediately called out, "Hurry up!" My mother continued to talk as if she hadn't heard me. I yelled again: "Hurry up!" This time, my mother was furious, said goodbye to an acquaintance and pulled me aside to criticize.

I like reading. With books, I can read for hours. My classmates and family call me a "bookworm".

This is me. Would you like to make friends with me?

Grade 3, Rui'an Experimental Primary School, Rui'an City, Wenzhou, Zhejiang Province: Xiaoguai Haohao

Composition My Self portrait (11)

Once, when I was watching TV at home, I suddenly found my mother was dressed and looking in the mirror. I ran to the mirror and looked at myself. My hair is black, with a ponytail, a duckling on my head. My eyes are single eyelids, my nose is not high, my mouth is general, and my face is white. I am my appearance.

I am lively and cheerful. Once when I finished my homework, I asked my mother if I could watch TV. " My mother said, "No! You haven't listened to English yet!" Then I went back to listen to English again. After listening to it, I asked, "Mom, can you watch it?" My mother finally agreed. Then I stood in front of the TV watching while cutting my feet and yelling, "Mou! Mou!" This is the lively and cheerful me. Once I wanted to play, I would ask my mother if I wanted to play in the MIXC. Usually, my mother would say no, but last time my mother said yes. I was very excited, and then skipped back.

My hobby is writing brushes. Last time my mother asked me not to write brushes, I thought to myself: I will not catch up with my friends! In order to let my mother know that I am very diligent in writing brushes, I write one or three brushes every day. My mother thought I was so diligent and asked me: "Are you dizzy, my child? Why write so many brush characters?" I said: "How can I feel dizzy? Mom, I think you are dizzy. I just work harder and want to write better brush characters."

Later, I saw that there was no brush paper at home, and I wanted to go there, but I didn't know how much it would cost. After thinking about it, I finally came up with a good idea. I took a hundred yuan and thought it would be enough. Then I walked stealthily. Then my mother's shadow flashed, which scared me a lot. I walked gently again. Finally, I went out of the house and bought a package of brush paper. Finally, my mother signed up for me when she saw that I liked it so much.

I am such a person. I hope to make more friends.

Composition My Self portrait (12)

I have an oval face, like a melon seed face; My hair is black, short, the bridge of my nose is high, and I have a talkative mouth under my big eyes. My mother always said that I was thin. I said to my mother, "Although I am thin, my arms and legs are full of muscles. How strong they are!"

I am 9 years old, weighing 25kg and 1.23m tall. Because I am small, my classmates call me "Wu Douzi". My parents have tried their best to make me grow taller.

I like to wear red sneakers, blue clothes and yellow pants.

I am very humorous and lively. I like playing basketball. My father can't beat me. He can only play a draw at most.

I also like Go. Many people can't compete with me. Reading is one of my hobbies. There are more than 30 extra-curricular books on my bookshelf.

I also like traveling. I have been to Tianmu Lake, Beijing, Tianshengqiao, Daji Hot Spring Resort and other scenic spots. During the tour, I not only saw the beautiful scenery, but also learned a lot of knowledge not seen in books. composition

Composition My Self portrait (13)

Hi, everyone! My name is Chen Yinghan. I am 11 years old this year, with an apple face, a pair of big, watery eyes like two black grapes, which are not obliquely embedded in the bottom of that pair of willow eyebrows, looking bright and energetic. On that white and red face, I have a small, eloquent cherry mouth, and my nose is not high.

My hobbies are very wide: dancing, volleyball, basketball, English, running, writing My two favorite things are writing and running.

I have been learning to write compositions since I was 6 years old. At the beginning, I was not good at writing. It was like keeping a running account. I was a little depressed. I could encourage me to say, "Nothing can defeat you as long as you put your heart into it, and remember that one heart cannot be used twice." This sentence has been engraved in my heart all the time, so that my compositions are better and better every day, and my studies are better and better every day. I got 28, 29 points every time I wrote my composition

I started writing compositions at the age of 6, and I also started running at the age of 6. At that time, I was not good at running, and I always thought about how to write compositions instead of concentrating on running. My father said, "Writing compositions and running are two different things. You can't run and think about how to write compositions, so you can learn nothing." I ran and thought about what my father said.

When I was 9 years old, I signed up for the first place in a running race. I was very happy.

Do you like me? Let's make friends!

Composition My Self portrait (14)

I am 12 years old and belong to Niu. My hobbies are playing badminton, throwing sandbags and other entertainment games. This is Cao Jingchuan

I am a boy with thick eyebrows, narrow eyes, big ears, short hair, red mouth, white face and short neck.

My hobby is reading. Whenever I see my mother buy a new book, I will look at it curiously. It is said that there is a golden house in the book. I can travel around the world with the hero of the book and indulge in the happiness of the book. So, when my mother asked me to eat, I was reading. When my mother asked me to do housework, I was reading. When my mother asked me to read, I was still reading. It's hard to control.

I'm good at renju. I can say that I still play renju in our class at a high position, but sometimes I don't pay attention to the five pieces, which is also a reason for my failure.

I also have a friend, "carelessness" is because of it, I become such a fate. Once in our midterm exam, I told my mother that I promised to get 100 points, but my math score came down, and the final result surprised me. You said that the common thing is wrong in the application problem, but I was different. I made a mistake in the calculation problem, and only got 99 points. Since then, I decided to break up with carelessness.

I am me, different from me, the careless boy who likes reading, can play renju.

Composition My Self portrait (15)

I am a lively and lovely girl, my eyes are bright, and I have beautiful black hair. I like wearing cheongsam best. I often wear two long braids and smile like a blooming flower. My birthday is July 31st, which is today.

I like doing many things, such as singing, dancing, painting, writing brush, etc. Usually, I like it very much, and my favorite song is "Little Apple", which has a cheerful melody and long lyrics. I learned this song by myself. The first and second paragraphs are very long and difficult. In particular, the second paragraph is particularly difficult to sing, and the third paragraph is relatively simple, so I first learn the third paragraph, then the first paragraph, and finally the second paragraph. I learned one lesson a day for three days. On the third day, I learned how to sing directly to my mother. After listening to the praise, my mother said, "The singer was slow when singing, but you were not slow when singing. You are so good!" I laughed happily.

So I taught my mother to sing this song. But she can't sing well. Either she sings the wrong words or she sings out of tune. I laughed so hard that my stomach hurt, not to mention my father, who could only sing one sentence. At home, I am the only one who can sing "Little Apple", and no one else can.

Students, this is me, a special singer of me.

Composition My Self portrait (16)

My name is Chen Xinyi. I'm 11 years old. I'm a lively and cheerful girl.

My skin color is very special, darker than khaki, which is healthy wheat! I am neither fat nor thin. My eyes are not too big. I have a single eyelid and a high nose. I am an optimist. I always smile. From the outside, I am a quiet girl. In fact, there is also a lively side.

I like pink. I have many pink clothes. My schoolbag, umbrella and stationery bag are also pink. From childhood to adulthood, every time a new textbook is issued at the beginning of school, I will buy a pink book cover and "cross dress" my textbooks.

I like reading books, especially novels, because there are many interesting characters and stories in novels, and reading novels also enables me to appreciate many good words and sentences. I will be happy and sad with the development of the story, and I can learn a lot from the hero of the novel. Therefore, I must complete the learning task, and will read it with great interest. Mom always calls me "Little Mystery Book"

I love telling jokes. When I accompanied my mother to the shopping mall, I told her jokes, and her mother laughed and covered her stomach. When my father was surfing the Internet, I told my father a story. My father laughed until tears came down in the middle of the story. Telling jokes to my brother always made him laugh.

This is my lively and smiling Chen Xinyi.

Composition My Self portrait (17)

hello everyone! My name is Sheng Jinying. I'm ten years old this year. I'm in Grade Two of Textile City Primary School.

At school, I was a little tall, so I sat last. I have a pair of big watery eyes, and my mouth smiles like a curved banana.

I have a lot of hobbies, such as playing table tennis, painting, making handicrafts, etc. But I like playing table tennis best. When I was in grade one, I took part in the school table tennis competition and won the first place.

My personality is a bit strange. Every time I go home from school, if I don't finish my regular homework first, my hands and feet can't help it. I also have a problem, that is, I am careless. Many times when I take exams and do homework, I will be careless, I will miss words, and I will make mistakes in my mental arithmetic. So I must get rid of this bad habit in the future.

This is me. Do you like me?

Composition My Self portrait (18)

My name is xxx. I am eight and a half years old. I am a lively and lovely boy in grade two of xx primary school.

I have black hair and curved eyebrows, just like two curved moons. Also has a pair of bright eyes and a ruddy mouth. I especially like wearing blue clothes, because it can make me look more handsome.

I have many hobbies, such as calligraphy, Go, reading composition books... I like Go best. I won a gold medal in a Go competition once! Whenever I win a prize, I always feel happy.

I don't like eating very much, because the rice doesn't taste at all, so I always add sugar to the rice when I eat, so the rice will be sweet. If my parents don't let me add sugar to my meal and only let me eat rice, I will not eat. Then I will take a few dollars secretly to buy my favorite snacks while they are not paying attention.

I still don't like doing homework. Once my parents force me to do homework, I will not do any homework at all, but also yell "I don't want to do homework! I want to play computer games!" So I threw my homework book on the ground, came to the living room, and played computer games. My parents can't help me.

My favorite game is Eagle Catching the Eyes. Every time I play this game, I will win. So I always play this game after class.

Now do you know who that lively little boy is? He is me. I hope you can make friends with me.

Composition My Self portrait (19)

My self portrait

I am a lively and cheerful boy.

I have big bright eyes, dark hair, big earlobes, round face, and a bad scar under my left eye.

Although I am not tall, I am very agile. When I play basketball, I often snatch the basketball from the other side and pass it to my teammates to let our team score. In addition, I am also good at playing football, swimming, playing badminton

My academic performance is particularly excellent. I often win the first place in the exam. In addition, I got an astonishing seven hundred points in the final exam last semester. This is inseparable from my being a "little fan". My mother often criticizes me for my "unpunctuality". It was agreed that I should not read extracurricular books for more than an hour every night, but I often exceeded my time limit and then exceeded my time limit... I also paid a "tragic" price for this. My mother moved all the "extracurricular books" at my bedside, so that I could no longer read in bed.

I not only have excellent junior high school composition, but also have a specialty - flute playing. Every time guests come to my home, they ask me to play some music for them.

At this point, you may think that I am a perfect person, so you are wrong, because I have another fatal shortcoming: carelessness. Once I did a mental arithmetic. When I did a division question, I clearly had a remainder, but I forgot to write the remainder when asked. As a result, I failed to get the pentagram because of this question.

ha-ha! I am what I am.

Composition My Self portrait (20)

A small figure appeared at the end of the corridor, dressed in dark blue sports clothes, and walked slowly towards this side. It was a young girl full of vitality. The high ponytail swayed rhythmically with the light pace, looking very energetic. She has a melon seed face, with a pair of modest eyes embedded in it, but she never looks casually, bright and shining. A black round mole beside her eye corner is particularly eye-catching. No wonder people call her "mole" many stars... Eh, who is this little girl? She is me.

"Students! Don't hurry in the corridor!" Listen, I'm shouting again. In school, helping others has always been recognized as my characteristic. We all came to me with our "warm heart" to borrow erasers and pencils to help us give lectures and solve problems. The teachers also trust me and often let me take "posts" such as "on duty student", "discipline committee member", etc. I "handle things fairly" every time. I remember one time, when the teacher had something to do, he asked me to check the students' recitation of the text in the class and said, "If anyone is not careful, write his name on the blackboard and copy the text!" When he heard the words "copy the text", only the bright sound of reading remained in the class, and the teacher left with peace of mind. But after a while, suddenly came out the sound of triangle ruler collision. I looked around and found my best friend playing with a triangle ruler. I was a little angry. I walked over and patted her desk and said, "Please recite the text carefully. Although the teacher is not here, it's time for class now!" She smiled at me and picked up the textbook. But soon, the voice came from the same place again. I just wanted to write her name on the blackboard, and then hesitated - she is my best friend. If I had written her name, would she never pay attention to me again? When I looked at her, she was still smiling at me. Her eyes seemed to say, "I am your best friend. If you remember my name, I will never pay attention to you again!" The voice of the triangle ruler floated into my ears again. I thought: The teacher trusted me to do this. I can't let her disturb the classroom order just because she is my friend. I firmly walked onto the platform and wrote down her name on the blackboard

Although I am a good helper of the teacher, I often make the bad habit of carelessness. Once, it was my turn to give a lecture for everyone. As soon as the lecture was finished, the bell rang. During the break, I suddenly found that my stationery box was missing! Oh, my mechanical pencil, eraser and ruler are all in it! I was so worried that I stamped my feet. Several well connected classmates helped me find it, but the stationery box seemed to have wings, and I couldn't find it. Suddenly, I seemed to think of something and quietly came to the platform table - my pencil box was lying there quietly! "Ha ha ha, here it is!" Everyone laughed at my carelessness

But I always do sloppy things. I really want to concentrate, but I'm not sloppy at all. Take calligraphy for example. As soon as I pick up the brush, I can't stop. Once, my parents went out to work and asked me to have lunch by myself. I was writing with a brush, so I casually agreed. When I was writing hard, there was a knock on the door. It was my parents who came back. I immediately jumped up to show off my new "achievements" in calligraphy. My mother looked at Lian and said, "Have you eaten yet?" Ah, I found that my hands have become sore, and my stomach has already begun to protest

Well, by now, my "self portrait" is complete. I am such a "warm-hearted, careless and attentive" little girl. Would you like to make friends with me?