Print out 600 words of my composition (18 recommended)
Love is thin on paper
2023-09-07 08:55:29
primary school

Print my composition of 600 words (1)

"Every time I wander in solitude, I'm strong, and every time I get hurt, I don't shed tears." This is my favorite song. When I feel sad, she will wash my sadness like a spring, giving me courage--

Each time, they are strong in wandering loneliness, and each time, even if they are hurt, they do not shed tears

In my memory, my life always seems to be full of setbacks and failures -- the thorns and obstacles on my way to growth from failure in examinations, elections and competitions have left me bruised; In my memory, although I always fail, I will continue to persist, overcome failures and setbacks, and achieve success, because I believe that "to become a strong person in life, you need not only self-confidence, but also courage and perseverance!"

The lyrics of this song are a reflection of my efforts and persistence! Not envious of their beautiful sun, I see that even the sunset will change.

Compared with myself, many people around me seem to be successful -- they are in the same grade as me, but they have all learned high school mathematics. Although they live in the same room as me, their mistakes in the exam are just accidents. Although they have the same goal as me, they are making great strides forward. There are too many "they" in my life. But I don't envy their success because they have made more efforts than I do. I believe that as long as I can seize the time and make unremitting efforts, I can also become one of them!

This lyric is the power that inspires me to move forward! I know that I have always had a pair of invisible wings to take me to fly over despair!

Every time I encounter a setback, I will not be discouraged, but rise to the challenge, because I know that as long as I work hard, I can overcome setbacks and win; Every time I meet a new challenge, I will not be timid, but keep moving forward, because I know I can succeed!

Those "invisible wings" are probably my courage and confidence!

"Invisible wings", I will nourish you with courage, self-confidence and persistence; "Invisible wings", let you take me to fly!

Print my composition of 600 words (2)

People often ask me, what is your dream? Today I will share it with you.

My first dream: to enter the school.

Don't say I'm selfish. In a sense, people are a bit selfish. My short-term goal is to get into the No. 1 Middle School that I have long admired. At ordinary times, even the little leisure between classes that is more precious than gold, I often close my eyes and spend my happy and warm student days on the picturesque campus of No. 1 Middle School, which will set a good stage for me to enter the ideal university.

My second dream: to find a good job.

When I entered the society after graduating from college, the feeling on my shoulder suddenly increased. First of all, take care of my family, so I need a good job, so that I can be a responsible daughter and sister. Of course, these jobs must be my favorite, which can make my life fuller and more natural.

My third dream is to buy a car and a house for my parents.

Every time I go shopping, my mother often narrows her eyes and looks at the beautiful buildings along the road. I know that she really wants to taste the taste of living in buildings; Every time when we crowded the bus, my father was breathless and jokingly said, "I wish I had a car!" But I was very clear that my parents had been busy for our three brothers and sisters, and our three brothers and sisters made their dreams only dreams. Although they never complain, I will try my best to give them a happy old age.

My fourth: My village has become a well-off village.

People in the village pound the few acres of land all the year round, and few people go out for a break. Therefore, our village is still "glorious" when the neighboring villages are rich. I want to build my own factory near the village and turn my village into a golden phoenix in the near future; I want all the people in the village to fly to the sea outside the mountain to fight against the wind and waves.

My last dream: our motherland will become the first power.

I know my dream is just "dream", but I will use my hands and brain to fill every square millimeter of space in my dream circle.

Print my composition of 600 words (3)

Everyone will meet some people more or less, great people or ordinary people. They may make us admire them. Maybe they admire their courage and achievements, or maybe they are not the spirit of ordinary people.

When autumn came, the leaves of the Chinese parasol tree at the intersection had withered and yellow, but the sun was still dark on it.

I rode my bike to it and waited for the red light. At that time, an old man with white hair came near my car. He walked to my car, motioned with his hands, and said to me: "Students, the road ahead is under construction. Let's go another way." I listened and glanced at him with disdain, as if believing or not believing.

When I looked up, the green light came on, and I kicked my foot hard, the bike quickly slid away. Who will believe you? I have never seen the construction of this road. There are so many cheats now. The old man must want to cheat me first, and then cheat. It's really disgusting. The more I think about it, the more angry I become.

Suddenly, I saw a blue sign standing in front of me. I stopped the car to have a closer look: construction ahead, please take a detour. I was stunned for a moment, and then recalled that the old man had kindly advised me. My cheeks were hot and my heart was full of apologies to the old man.

When I rode back, there were vehicles passing by. They should be like me and didn't listen to grandpa's advice. I saw from afar that he was still trying to persuade a classmate like me in that place, and that classmate was also skeptical. I rode over and said with a red face to the suspicious classmate, "Yes, I can't walk ahead. I didn't listen to the old man just now, and now I have to turn back." At that time, I saw many cars that had just been galloping forward were slowly coming. I thanked my grandpa with that classmate and rode far away.

When I looked back at him, I just saw the sycamore tree. Because it was sunny just now, it was dark. Now the sun is shining on it, and the whole tree is shining. Even though the old man was ignored again and again, he was still tirelessly trying to persuade those who were on their way.

Grandfather's spirit of persevering and never giving up is admirable. His spirit is worthy of our learning, sharing and exposure.

Print out my composition of 600 words (4)

What is happiness? When I ask this same question, everyone's answer is different. "There are a hundred Hamlets in a hundred people's hearts." It has no fixed answer.

Happiness is a cup of steaming ginger tea.

For a while, I had a bad cold, and the final exam was imminent, so I could not take intravenous drip, and had to take medicine at home. But the medicine is very bitter. I can't swallow it. So every morning when I get up, there will always be a cup of hot, smoking ginger tea in the kitchen. Once when I got up early and heard a noise in the kitchen, I crept over. When I saw that my mother was cutting ginger slices, she was so engrossed that she didn't even notice me. A few strands of her hair floated in front of her forehead, and she was too busy stroking it. She cut a piece of ginger into many shreds and washed it. At that time, it was the coldest day in winter. Mother's hands were red with cold, but she didn't care. I walked over and shouted "Mom". When Mom saw me, she said to me, "Go wash up and have a cup of ginger tea later." I answered, but I was still watching her. She takes sugar, cooks and cooks with great skill. When the water boils, pick up the shredded ginger, put some sugar in the water, and when the water boils, put it out. I asked her, is it like this every morning? She replied, "Yes." It was only 6 o'clock in the morning at that time. She had to prepare breakfast and boil ginger tea for me. How early she had to get up! Since then, I have always tasted ginger tea one mouthful at a time, feeling the warmth and integration into my heart. I don't know whether drinking ginger tea is effective or whether my mother's love has touched God. Soon, my bad cold will be cured. When I was ill, my mother's hard work was a kind of happiness?

Happiness is a faint smile.

I fell out with my friends for many years a few days ago and got angry for a long time. When my anger subsided, I found it was all my own fault! I was embarrassed to apologize to him. He smiled, "It's all my fault." We made up. The smile stopped at that moment, the sun was watching us smile. When there is a conflict with a friend, a smile from the other party is not a kind of happiness.

What is happiness? I think you already have the answer in your heart. In my opinion, happiness is a cup of hot ginger tea, a cup of hot ginger tea

Print out my composition of 600 words (5)

I like to share my song list with others and listen to good songs, but it is very unpopular and I will be very depressed. This time, I published my song list by writing an article.

This time I want to publish the list of my ancient songs. I first named it "Youyou Dipiao", and then renamed it "Broad and profound".

At first sight, the lyrics of some of the songs in it are incomprehensible, and at first sight, they are illiterate. You know, the Chinese culture is not broad and profound. There are too many songs. I can't remember which ones they are, or I will write the name of the song.

This ancient style song has a very prominent feature: beautiful words.

It can describe a word as a riot of splendor. Coupled with the elegant word arrangement and the refreshing melody, it can make people unconsciously describe a super beautiful artistic conception, and then bring people into the story of this song to feel that kind of scene and other feelings.

This is the charm of ancient songs, moving people with the most beautiful language. There are melodious tunes, ethereal and profound songs.

Just like some songs, they laugh when listening; Some songs cry when they listen to them.

"Floating Life without Rest", "Qianqian", "Qiansi Opera", "Returning to Snow", "Painting Style", "Zither Player", "Old Dream", "Chang'an Yi", these are all very good songs.

"There is a sentence among the zither players": "Moonlight often goes to my hometown and sends back many people who have left." This sentence is a bit strange to read, but with the tone of thousands of turns and varying degrees, it sounds not only strange, but also an artistic conception of "people separate and cry under the moonlight", which is brought into it. "You hold your fingers and make a butterfly fly from the window frame, flying over my fingertips and eyebrows" I think I have imagined the scene. Although I hit the mosaic on my face, it does not prevent me from revealing a hazy beauty.

I only have more than 60 songs on my list, but I think the first one is a masterpiece. You? Profound. Gone with the wind? Melodious.

The beauty with historical vicissitudes and without lack of charm. Although the culture handed down for thousands of years can not be fully expressed in one song, it also reveals something. Chinese culture is extensive and profound. Beautiful!

This is the song list that I want to print, and this is also the reason why I want to print it. It's not just good.

Print out my composition of 600 words (6)

Tell me, what do you want to sun? Is it a beautiful box? A lot of RMB? Or an old stamp? I tell you, I am not interested in these items. I'm proud to tell you that I want to

My favorite hometown!

My hometown is a small village in Cangnan County. It is surrounded by some green hills, which is a paradise of green trees, wild flowers and green grass! The air is always so fresh, with the smell of dew and the faint fragrance of soil, flowers and plants.

Behind my house, there is a clear river that can see the sand and dead leaves under the river, and a river full of orange and black fish. Living here is far better than living in the county seat. It's a paradise!

My grandfather is a farmer. He gets up in the dark at four in the morning every day. As soon as he reached maturity, he took me to see his farmland. The farmland is so big. My grandpa looks at the small vegetables and smiles. I understand why every farmland is full of farmers' sweat! When I ate the vegetables planted by my grandfather, it seemed that I tasted his sweat. At this time, I felt the greatness of the farmers in my hometown.

The people in the village are very harmonious. Grandparents often help the neighbors. When grandparents encounter difficulties, everyone comes to help. This scene of harmony. Let everyone seem to be a family.

When I was a child, I often played with the children in my neighborhood. Adults did their own work in the daytime regardless of our business. At night, we would all gather in a family to chat. As for our children, we played from daytime to dusk until adults urged us again and again to say goodbye reluctantly.

I like my hometown from about seven to nine at night, because I can listen to adults talking. I'm probably the only child who likes to listen to adults. At this time, everyone will gather in several houses to chat in Minnan dialect. Although I can't understand all of them, I like to listen to them. When everyone laughed, I also laughed along foolishly. When everyone saw my silly appearance, "I laughed even louder.

However, some things in the past can no longer happen and can only become beautiful memories.

I have shown my dear hometown. Why don't you also show it?

Print out my composition of 600 words (7)

Now the word "sun" has become a popular term among every one of our population. Those with good scores should show their achievements; Singers post new songs; Dancers show new dances; Good looking people, sun their faces. But it seems that I can only bask in the sun with my grandma.

I believe that everyone must be familiar with him. Although he does not have the appearance of a jade tree facing the wind, God has given him a poetic soul. He is my beautiful Du Fu.

I have been curious about him since I recited 300 Tang poems in primary school. What kind of person is he? The question in my heart has always accompanied me to junior high school, and now seems to have an answer. He is not as romantic as Li Bai. He is as realistic as Li He, a poet ghost. His poem "Memories of Li Bai in Spring" made me think: what kind of sparks would be generated if Du Fu's realism met Li Bai's romanticism? We don't know. It seems that his realistic thought is also the reason why his poems have become the "history of poetry" of a generation!

Du Fu's "Watching the Mountain", "Remembering the Past", and then "Spring Outlook". As a man grows up, it seems that his poems have changed a lot. "I will be at the top and see all the mountains" is his lofty ambition in his youth, which also deeply inspired me. Whenever I want to deny myself, this poem will come to my mind. Yes, life is like climbing mountains. How can I give up myself for a mountain? I also want to experience the pride of "seeing all the small mountains". He seems to be beside me and far away from me. He is my bosom friend Du Fu.

In the heyday of the Tang Dynasty, society was peaceful. The poem "Remembrance of the Past" was also written in this period. The people had no worries about food and clothing, and there was no invasion of war. But the good times didn't last long. After the outbreak of An Shi Rebellion, the society became desolate in an instant, and the people suffered from war. The desolation of Du Fu's poem "Spring Outlook" also worried me. In particular, it seems that the war has emerged in front of me, but there is nothing I can do.

His helplessness is vividly expressed in Spring Outlook. This may be exactly what I have in common with him! Worry together, joy together.

He, Du Fu, is my lifelong confidant.

Print out my composition of 600 words (8)

A little memory, stitching up a complete self. I am me, in the past, in the present, in the future.

Outside the window is half a pool of residual lotus. The stars and the moon are like hooks. The fireflies are flashing. With a screen lamp, are you lighting the way for yourself or pointing the way for others? I don't know, in such a late summer night, if you can't sleep, maybe only memories can make you quiet and calm down.

Those fireflies are dim. This is my first time to remember.

The misty rain colored the mountains. I lay on my grandmother's back. As a little girl, I grabbed her with both hands by her dark hair and looked forward to her parents' return in her nursery rhymes.

I don't remember too much, but I must be very excited and curious. Yuesui wasted the green silk and dyed it into white hair. Grandma has gone to sleep forever. I wish she and I could remember this memory together on the other side of the sky.

I smiled and shook my head. My eyes were dry and my hair was astringent. The stars and the moon revolve. This is my most innocent day.

On the first day of primary school, I stood outside the door, holding my mother's skirt. Baby, you are already an adult. Don't be afraid. Mother believes you. Baby is the smartest and best. " She printed a kiss on my face, and in a twinkling of an eye, it was like water vapor volatilizing in the sea of people.

Mom, tears are coming out of her eyes. At this time, a silver bell like voice sounded: Hello. I'm your head teacher. You can call me Mr. Chen. " I turned my head and saw an unforgettable face with slanted bangs curled up, which indicated that it had been carefully taken care of. Under the brown and red thin rimmed glasses are a pair of smiling eyes, and the thin and bright lips are a row of neat teeth. I don't remember how I came in, but that face full of spring is engraved in a corner of my heart.

My first teacher, Chen, teacher. I caught a glimpse of the east. The day will dawn. And this is my most quiet time.

Dim table lamp. My father and I are reading fairy tales. I looked at Andersen's The Little Match Girl. I am not a sentimental child, but I sobbed in a low voice. Many years later, the sixth grade text was such a famous article. However, reading and appreciating it again did not move me as much as that year.

The fireflies have no lights, because the day is bright and bright. People will see themselves and the world clearly in their memories. And here I am, turning over the past, savoring the beauty and moving face before.

The alarm clock rings. I stayed up all night, drying my memories.

I saw myself once.

Print out my composition of 600 words (9)

In the early morning, a dewdrop fell down the leaf onto a flower, and the fine sunlight fell through the crack of the leaf. The sun rose gradually, and the golden light covered every inch of the land here. This is my campus.

As the sun gradually rose, the students continued to walk into the campus, injecting new vitality into the silent teaching building.

Class was over, and the students walked out of the classroom with the bell ringing. The playground and teaching building are full of laughter. This is Cangnan Youth Art School.

My school is an art school with the motto of "advocating elegance and beauty" and the educational theme of "art and literature are both beautiful".

When I walked into the campus, I saw the palm anemone tree. The tree has been there for a long time, and its branches stretch upward, showing a big "Ya". The branches and leaves are luxuriant, and the sun is scattered on the teaching building, adding a bit of mystery to this beautiful school.

My school is unique. It has a distinctive blue runway, Meiya Theater, a very high-tech starry weather station, Yiyuan located in the west and a football field. Of course, my favorite is the Meiya Garden full of flowers all the year round.

Meiya Garden is located in the east of the campus, which is full of flowers all the year round.

In spring, winter jasmine and peach blossom all burst out like a competition, blooming with their most charming smiling faces. As soon as the wind blows, the flowers on the branches will fall down and rain on them. Beautiful.

In summer, flowers bloom more brightly. At first, the banana trees in the corner began to bear fruit slowly, and then several unknown florets began to bloom. The whole Meiya Garden has become a colorful world.

In autumn, the most beautiful is the osmanthus. As long as you are close to Meiya Garden, you can smell the fragrance of osmanthus. When you shake the sweet scented osmanthus tree hard, the sweet scented osmanthus will fall on your head and face, smelling fragrant. Seen from a distance, it is golden and beautiful.

In winter, flowers wither and leaves fall off. Only the indomitable plum blossom and bamboo stick to growing, not afraid of cold and hardship. This spirit is worth learning.

This is the Meiya Garden with unique colors.

When I came back to my senses, it was the time of sunset. I saw the sun set little by little, and my charming campus was also emitting its own last light under the sunset

Print out my composition of 600 words (10)

Dear readers

How do you do!

What is happiness?

Happiness is a kind of inner satisfaction caused by the realization or closeness of an individual's ideal. Happiness includes not only material life, but also spiritual life; Individual happiness depends on collective happiness, which is higher than individual happiness; Happiness lies not only in enjoyment, but mainly in labor and creation.

Happiness is having a grateful heart; Have a healthy body; Have a group of trustworthy friends; There is a harmonious family and a hopeful tomorrow.

Happiness is a feeling, which does not depend on people's living conditions, but on people's mentality. When I feel happy, everything looks so beautiful. A man works in the field, sweating heavily, but he feels very happy, he is happy; Another man was walking in his garden, but he felt very unhappy. He was unhappy. In fact, you think you are happy when you are happy, and happiness and unhappiness are in your own heart.

What is the real happiness. Du Fu once said in his poem, "If you can find thousands of buildings, all the poor people in the world will be happy." This is what Du Fu thinks of as happiness. "An Neng is so proud of the power that I cannot be happy." The happiness of freedom is the portrayal of Li Bai's life. Sima Qian explained his understanding of happiness by saying that "people are doomed to die, either heavier than Mount Tai or lighter than a feather", while Fan Zhongyan, who climbed the Yueyang Tower, faced the rolling river, recited "worry about the world first, and enjoy the world later", which was regarded as happiness. I marveled at the ancient people's profound understanding of happiness, and I gradually figured out what kind of happiness I wanted. It is not the wealth of a thousand gold, not the status of being noticed, but the dedication for others and others. It is the dedication, which is the happiness I want.





Second day of junior high school: big food

Print my composition of 600 words (11)

I am not beautiful, but I am full of confidence, because confidence. I become more cheerful; Because of self-confidence, I become more optimistic. Confidence is an essential part of life.

Be confident in everything you do!

I remember that one afternoon, the school held a nursery rhyme contest, and when I saw that all my classmates performed very well, I was nervous, afraid that I would recite the wrong lines and do the wrong actions. So I tried to calm myself down, but it didn't help! Suddenly, I thought again: "What's wrong with reciting wrong lines and doing wrong actions? Be confident, don't be nervous, just think it's your own practice. After a while, it's our class's turn, and our classmates went to the designated place to start the game."

I soon got into a state of mind. With bursts of warm applause, our class's game was over. We were all relieved and quietly waited for the result of the game to come out. Finally, our class won the third prize. Hearing this, I thought to myself: It seems that everything should be done with confidence!

Among the snowflakes, Shumei is the most confident; In the vast sky, several eagles are the most confident: under the plain monarch, several Edison is the most confident

From ancient times to the present, you should be confident in everything you do, smile and become an unyielding soul! Light up the light for life.

As the saying goes, "Confidence+ability=success", so if you want to succeed, you can't do without self-confidence. If you want to succeed, you need more than half of self-confidence. If you leave self-confidence behind, you will be difficult to succeed!

Let's "pick up confidence" again and embark on the road to success!

Let us learn to work hard in self-confidence; In self-confidence, learn to be strong; In self-confidence, learn to move forward; In self-confidence, learn loyalty; In self-confidence, learn to be honest; Keep moving forward and welcome success!

Let confidence plant a seed in everyone's heart, and let it begin to sprout and thrive!

Print out my composition of 600 words (12)

It was a summer vacation day in Grade One. I took advantage of my parents' nap to arrange my toys in the living room. Suddenly, I saw the robot cat in the toy box. It was a small Doraemon who could sing while walking. But because I hadn't played for a long time, there was a lot of dust on it. Remembering that my mother usually washes clothes when she sees them dirty, I decided to give them a "bubble bath".

I ran to the bathroom, took a small basin, carefully received most of the water, put Doraemon into the basin, and wiped the toy with a small towel. Seeing that it was still dirty, I took out soap and rubbed it on the towel like my mother. When the foam came out, I put the towel in water and continued to tidy my toy box.

After a while, I thought Doraemon's bath should be almost finished, so I was ready to clean it again. But when I saw that the basin was full of bubbles and a layer of white things, I remembered that I had forgotten to take out the soap. I quickly took out the soap, put it back into the soap box, and then picked up the toy with my other hand. I saw that the dirt on the toy had disappeared. So, we washed the foam off the toy with clean water, and then put it on the balcony, waiting for the sun to dry it.

After about half an hour, my mother went out to the balcony to collect the clothes. I took Doraemon to my mother and said to her, "Mom, look, can I wash my toys dry?" My mother saw me and said to me in tears and laughter: "silly child, electric toys can't be washed, so they can't be used after washing." I thought my mother would praise me, So I was very unconvinced after listening to my mother's words. I immediately turned on the power switch, but the electric toy really could not move and could not sing. Only then did I realize that I had done something stupid.

This is what happened to me in my childhood. I believe you will find it very funny after reading it!

Print my composition 600 words (13)

As far as I am concerned, food can be described by a lyric, "We said that we would not separate, we should always be together." That is always single-minded. Let's just say on that day, the October sky began to rain, dribbling, like time in the non-stop rotation. I only wore a thin coat, which suddenly cooled down, making me unprepared. Riding an electric bike, my nose was frozen cold, and I could only warm it with hot air from time to time. At this time, if there is a bowl of steaming braised pork, how can it be cured! I was thinking that my saliva had already flowed to my mouth. I swallowed it hurriedly and hurried home. When I got home, I found the empty dining table and refrigerator. I was disappointed and nestled on the sofa, my stomach growled. At this time, my mother came out of the bedroom, looked at me listless, suddenly, conjuring up a box of braised pork from behind. I rushed to her excitedly and said, "I know who I am, and so does my mother." My mother was noncommittal, smiled and patted my head: "You! You will compliment me, knowing that you have wanted to eat for a long time, and today I will give you some relief."

Alas, only food and love are worth living up to.

The evening self-study break is the best time to pull out friends and count stars together. My friend and I were walking on the campus. Suddenly, under the dim light, an unknown "object" rushed at me. I lost my footing and fell to the ground, "unconscious". The unknown "object" turned out to be a seventh grade little brother, with a childish face, standing there looking at me at a loss. My friend kept shaking me in cooperation and worried: "What's wrong with you, Pan Er? Don't frighten me!" Just when the younger brother was crying out in a hurry, I finally "woke up in a leisurely way", stood up and patted the ashes on my body as if nothing had happened, then said to him seriously with a face: "See? If you run so fast next time, you should be careful of being cheated!" Then I turned and walked away.

The little brother was left alone in the wind.

I am who I am. Different fireworks, my unique temper and temperament make me unique. I will dry my style!

Print out my composition of 600 words (14)

Show my dream [1]

The ugly duckling's dream is to become a noble white swan. The plum blossom's dream is to bloom alone in Linghan. The fragrance comes from bitter cold. My dream is like grass yearning for freedom.

A few days, I was so anxious that I wanted to avoid the noisy environment and find a quiet place. I closed the door, feeling dejected. But he was too impatient to sit still, so he opened the window to see the world outside, just to enjoy a ray of sunshine and freedom.

When I opened the window, the breath of spring came to my face. Everything in front of me was full of green. It looked like I had just woken up. When the spring breeze blew, flowers put on beautiful new clothes and competed in the green lawn, too arrogant and charming. On the contrary, the inconspicuous grass on one side monopolizes my mind. It is ordinary, ordinary and weak; It is simple, so simple that it just wants to add a beauty to the world; It is unknown, but the wild fire is endless, and the spring wind is blowing again.

At this time, the grass was so weak that its body shook slightly, and there was a kind of beauty of swaying. It was longing for freedom, and it wanted to fly to the blue sky and white clouds. Although it grows without fear under a towering ancient tree, which gives it a place to live and rely on, the grass is not comfortable with a flat life. It has its dream, and it wants to fly! I laughed at its idiocy, ridiculed its stupidity, denied its unrealistic ideas, and it shook its body with a greater amplitude, as if to tell me "it can do", let me wait and see!

After a few days, I opened the window again with a heavy heart. A few days ago, it rained heavily for several days in succession. The early morning rain and dew were still wet, and the grass had fallen. It was tired. Its body is completely lying on the earth. The wind and rain have been wearing away its dream, but its heart is still firm. Fortunately, a breeze sent it to the road of dream, and its body was broken. Although it may return to the embrace of Mother Earth immediately, and then die quietly, it was also satisfied with the short dream time, because it realized the original dream.

Really, dreams need to pay a price. Although grass has achieved dreams, it has lost life time. Is it worth it? Value it, this is faith, this is noble spirit, this is the pursuit of life. Maybe good things will fly with time, but it is the perfect moment that can be remembered.

From then on, my dream began to germinate. I yearn for freedom. I want to travel around the world, appreciate the customs and cultures of various countries, see the wonderful world outside, and enrich my life. I told my father with joy that he smiled like I laughed at grass at the beginning. Even so, I want to prove myself that I can do it even if grass is good!

The ancients said: Read thousands of books and travel thousands of miles. While reading a hundred times, traveling can also enrich our life experience. The road we have taken is like the direction to success, which is closer to our dreams step by step. But in this journey, there will be difficulties, dangers and failures, but the road of dreams will only advance! Let your dream shine, and let it inspire us to move forward!

Life is so short, what is life without struggling to realize dreams?

Show my family [2]

Home is a warm place, a place full of happiness, and a place where you can escape the wind and rain. And I am very lucky to have such a happy home.

My father has the best sense of humor in our family. Remember one morning

"Ringing bell......" The bell rang in my ear. I woke up with a start from my dream. I looked at my watch. It was more than seven o'clock. I washed slowly and went downstairs. My father came out of the room and went straight to the bathroom, looking listless. So I followed. I saw him holding a toothbrush full of shoe polish and putting it directly into his mouth, while he was brushing, he muttered, "Why does the toothpaste smell so heavy?" I was shocked at that time. "Dad, the shoe polish smell is certainly heavy". When Dad heard the sound and saw it, he immediately vomited at the wash basin. Look! This is my father with a strong sense of humor.

Let's talk about my mother again. Generally speaking, women should stay at home and be gentle and virtuous. On the contrary, my mother is more like the head of a family. Every day after school, I heard my mother talking in her ear. "Don't you want to do your homework?", "Turn off the TV and go to bed", "Read more books and practice more calligraphy...", she nags these words almost every day. But the difference is that she never forces me to do something I don't like. She always works hard and takes care of my father and me in good health. She has to worry about all kinds of things at home. She is like the sun in our home, warming our home.

Home does not need to be too gorgeous, as long as the family is happy together, even if it is hard, it is also happy, even if life is simple and full.

This is my home, a happy home!

Expose my childhood photos [3]

My childhood was colorful. Opening my album to see my childhood photos opened the valve of my childhood memory. Sun my childhood swings, grape stands and pranks.

When I went back to my hometown, my grandfather helped me find four thick hemp ropes. I climbed up the tree like a little monkey, with my two legs tightly gripping the tree trunk. My grandfather stepped on the stool and supported me. He tied the rope to the tree trunk with the "pig hoof buckle" taught by my grandfather, and tied the four ends of the hemp rope to the four corners of the cushion. In this way, I had my own swing. I was eager to try. With grandpa's gentle push behind me, the swing became higher and higher, and the grapes under the vine touched my nose, so I could easily bite them with one mouth. The camera stops when I close my eyes slightly and sit on the swing.

I ate grapes when I was young. In a harvest season, the sun shines brightly. I can't help but drool. I leisurely basked in the sun, picked one and put it into my mouth when people were unprepared. It was sweet and delicious. The more I ate, the more addicted I became. Unconsciously, only half of a bunch of grapes were left. The camera stops on sweet and juicy grapes.

The kid's prank was exposed, and the fake neighbor Xiaobai appeared beside me at some time, staring at me with his head tilted, and his tail wagging. A ghost idea flashed in my mind, and I hurried to find the paint for my painting and adjust the color. "Don't be afraid, I will put on makeup for you." The dog is very cute, just sticking out his tongue and gasping. "Darling, don't move", the dog did not move at all. Soon, Xiaobai's upright ears were dyed bright red, and the black eyeglasses were also put on the frame. My parents don't know when they have come behind me. "Look at you, what did you make of Xiaobai, ah?......" The camera stopped on Xiaobai's face, which I had carefully dressed up, and on his parents' faces after the prank.

Childhood photos are precious, showing my happy childhood and young ignorance jokes. Although my childhood has gone, I opened my childhood album, and photos added some dazzling colors to my childhood. I really want to return to my innocent childhood!

Print out my composition of 600 words (15)

On that misty morning, I accompanied my parents to challenge the towering censer peak.

The wind, like a sharp and cold blade, blew on my face and meant to block my progress. It rushed to me. Needless to say, how difficult it is to take that small step.

"Children, you need to refuel. See you at the top of the mountain later." A grandfather in his fifties and sixties bent his waist and walked up with difficulty step by step. Although it was so difficult, his footsteps never stopped.

Reluctance is like ten thousand ants biting my heart. Suddenly, I felt as if I had been beaten by chicken blood. My confidence increased greatly and I rushed to the front.

However, the good times are not long, the physical strength is gradually fading, and we are approaching the edge of collapse. I think of him, and every memorable words he said to me, are deeply imprinted in my mind: you must persist, not only for yourself, but also for all those who believe in you. You can't let everyone down! You must insist!

I clenched my teeth and sent out a deep roar, and rushed to the top of the mountain. I live not only for myself, but also for everyone's expectation and trust in me! I can't give up! As long as there is a little hope, it is still hope!

Although the wind blew so hard, it could not stop me from climbing. My footprints on that ladder have deeply branded a lot, including reluctance, anger, and more, persistence!

Finally, I came to the top of the mountain that I had been waiting for. The scenery is so beautiful and the air is so fresh, but the excitement in my heart is even more exciting than seeing this beautiful scenery, because I have made progress, and I really learned to adhere!

Perseverance is as light as a feather, but in practice it is as heavy as Mount Tai.

The wind is still roaring, and my persistent footprints are still branded on the mountainside. A persistent young man, the faint footsteps of climbing with difficulty never stop

Print out my composition of 600 words (16)

In that white house, there lived a happy family. They lived happily, happily and happily every day.

"Dad, Mom, is dinner ready?" "Your sister-in-law is cooking." "Oh," I went back to sleep.

"Get up to eat quickly, get up, or I'll hit you." I heard a voice in the vagueness, and the eyelids that had not been opened were closed again. When my niece, who was less than four years old, saw that this tactic was not successful, she ran to the other end of the bed and began to pull my feet. I looked vaguely at her lovely appearance of trying to pull me up, and could not help laughing, so she got up to eat.

The whole family at the dinner table is enjoying themselves. My sister-in-law is feeding my niece, and my mother is busy helping the big guy. Mother is always busy, busy all day long, and still busy at the dinner table.

Dad is honest and honest. He has a lot of white hair. Dad is not good at language expression, but he is meticulous and has been quietly supporting the family. Dad will only express his love for us in action. At home, he lives more, as if his feet never stop. Although my father is not good at words, his ordinary words moved me again and again.

My sister-in-law has been in this family for nearly five years. My brother is very lucky to have married such a good daughter-in-law. My sister-in-law is kind, gentle and hardworking, and treats our family very well.

My niece was not very good at dinner. When my sister-in-law fed her, even the first time she often said, "I'm full." Once when my father and brother drank, she wanted to drink. My mother told her, "This is for adults, children can't drink it." Then when we drink bone soup or fish soup, she would say, "This is for adults, children can't drink it." Looking at the puzzled expression on her lovely face, the whole family laughed.

This is my happy family, a hardworking father, a kind mother, a simple brother, a gentle sister-in-law, a quiet me, a lovely niece, and a happy family.

Print out my composition of 600 words (17)

Showing My Happiness 600 Words Material I for Junior Middle School Composition

Happiness, like a shadow, follows us closely and gives us happiness. When you are happy, your mood will be particularly comfortable, and everything looks beautiful. My happiness, there are many, don't worry, wait for me to finish.

My happiness is reading. As soon as I had free time, I would pick up the name with thick bricks and read it with great interest. I roamed in the sea of books to my heart's content. In books, I tasted the fruits of knowledge and the source of wisdom. Reading makes me feel an incomparable happiness and relaxation. In leisure time, reading is a kind of learning; When studying hard, reading is a kind of rest... I always like to tell my good teachers and friends about my emotions - books, which always listen carefully and help me silently.

My happiness is listening to music. Although I have no talent for singing, I am still keen on music. The charm of "Singing Facebook", the tenderness of "Moonlight over the Lotus Pond", the majesty of "Riding a Horse", and the innocence of "Cinderella's Dream"... I like listening to music because the music's rising and falling audio is gripping my heart. I still remember one time, I was so intoxicated in the melody of music that I didn't even know my mother called me several times! My happiness is watching the sunset. In the evening, the blood like sunset emits dazzling light, like the fried golden eggs, so tempting, as if it is still emitting bursts of fragrance, which makes my mouth watering; It is also like a beautiful lady, waving a long scarf, like smoke and fog, which makes people see hazy... Even the clouds beside it are inlaid with a gold border by the setting sun, rendering it fiery red. As far as you can see, there seems to be a flame flickering in the wind on the horizon

My happiness is lying in bed and daydreaming. I would think that we have become free birds with plump wings, leaping into the blue sky and lying on the soft clouds to play; I will also imagine that the stationery box is a beautiful castle, that the eraser is a strong spring shield, that the ruler is a sharp knife and gun, that the pencil is a soldier, that the pen is a commanding general in a war robe, and they are guarding the massive castle together; I will also imagine that I became a thumb man, used the tea table as a football field, used a bowl of water as a swimming pool, and let a swallow carry me to winter with it... In a word, in general, the wings of imagination will take me to the ideal sky! My happiness is to enjoy flowers. Follow the tree lined paths, smell the refreshing fragrance of flowers, and come to the flower bed. The beautiful peonies, the muddy and unspoiled lotus, the fresh and elegant orchids... Look, even the charming, lovely and inconspicuous wild flowers are competing with them. The noble and elegant violets, the fiery bougainvillea, and the pure and beautiful lilies also joined in the battle of beauty. These many flowers make up this beautiful flower bed.

Yes, happiness is like a shadow. As long as you look for happiness, find happiness, and pursue happiness, happiness will follow you like a shadow.

Showing My Happiness 600 Words Junior High School Composition Material II

I walked alone on the long path in the forest, breathing fresh air and feeling the happiness of having life, so I began to think about what is the real happiness

Real happiness is the firm maturity of facing up to life, the smile after calmly stepping through the difficulties, the comfort after racking your brains to make an Olympic math question, and the temperament of singing while stepping on the snow

Happiness is everywhere. I am happy to go for an outing in the countryside with my good friends on a sunny day; I am happy to fight with my opponent because of a question; In a hazy morning, I walk around the campus in the morning light, I am happy; I am happy to ask a good friend to travel in the sea of books; I am happy when the moon brings a soft aperture through the glass and the stars blink to listen to me

Happiness has different interpretations in the eyes of different people. In the eyes of scholars, learning is happiness; In the eyes of scientists, scientific research achievements are happiness; In the eyes of writers, writing popular works is happiness; In the eyes of corrupt officials, money is happiness; In the eyes of students, high scores are happiness

Happiness is the laughter of naughty children in the rain, the bell ringing of Ding Dong in front of the girl's window, a bunch of elegant carnations on Mother's Day, and a few words of blessing from friends

Happiness is the true meaning of life. No one lives for suffering. Because of simplicity and happiness, because of innocence and happiness, because of beauty and happiness, and even because of ignorance and happiness. The flower of life is gorgeous, let it bloom freely. Now, the young heart has not floated too many clouds, but only white clouds and rainbows

One day, I will also grow old. Time has covered up my enthusiasm, swallowed up my innocence, and taken back my childlike charm. But it can not erase my happiness. My wish is: "Now, I will be a happy girl, a happy aunt when I am middle-aged, and a happy old woman when I am old - in short, I will have a happy life."

I am happy -- I am a Chinese descendant;

I am happy -- I have a young heart;

I am happy -- I have sent warmth to others

Showing My Happiness 600 Words Junior High School Composition Material 3

Happiness has always been a beautiful word in my mind. When the happy fairy flicks her magic wand, you will feel warm and comfortable, and everything around you will become beautiful. Happiness is like a spring, which can nourish the soul and make life energetic.

My childhood happiness was pure. In the hot summer, when sweat sticks clothes tightly to my back, I can enjoy an iced watermelon, feel the refreshing melon meat turning into sweet juice in my mouth, and then feel inexpressible satisfaction and happiness. Playing with my partner, I played the role of chicken, dodged cleverly, and was caught by the "eagle" until the end. A little pride and happiness came into my heart

If I grow taller, I like to observe the small creatures around me. I can't help feeling a burst of joy for the birth of this little life when I see the green spots on the grass doll's head growing on the meeting head. These green "little stars" grow rapidly in the next few days and become flexible spines. While I sigh about the wonders of life, I also feel sincere happiness.

When I entered the primary school, I felt inexplicably excited. Of course, I also had some worries. What if no one accompanied me to play? What if I don't adapt? Facts have proved that some worries are unnecessary. I soon became friends with my classmates, and with the help of my classmates, I quickly adapted to primary school life. When amnesia occurs and you forget to bring your stationery, there will always be a warm hand holding the stationery in front of you; When I was depressed, there would always be a group of friends who infected my heart with joy... At this time, I felt a little confused about the word "friendship". In the days accompanied by friendship, I feel particularly warm and happy.

As I grew up, I was no longer a callow child. Like a small boat, it used to drive slowly in a quiet river, protected by green trees, but now it is facing greater challenges as the water flows into a wider water surface. When I was taking the CET 8 exam, I repeatedly practiced the grading music for more than three hours every day. When I couldn't get over a certain period, I wanted to smash the piano. But when I thought of the glory that "excellent" would bring to me, I readjusted my attitude and tried to be optimistic about the failures again and again. The effort pays off. I got the certificate of Shanghai Conservatory of Music after I passed the exam. When I saw the word "excellent" on it, the waves of happiness rolled in my heart.

After the summer vacation, it was very boring for a while. Never mind, the whole family mobilized to play! Everyone who can dance on the dance carpet will show off. As a guy who can eat, I can only watch with envy as my mother flicks through the water to light the dance steps, easily "go through five hurdles and kill six generals" and break through several hurdles. The "big toy" path chess that my uncle gave me last time was also a multiplayer game. In a moment, I let my yellow flag win over my father, mother and grandfather... The happy atmosphere permeated the air, and everyone was wrapped in happiness. At this moment, every cell in my body wanted to sing a song.

My happiness seems like a continuous spring, which can never be dried up. They are born from family, friendship, optimism from failure, and pride from success... These happiness accompany my growth all the way.

Print out my composition of 600 words (18)

I dream of being a writer. Although the work of a writer may be boring sometimes, the happiness that writing brings to me can certainly help me overcome these small difficulties.

I dream of being an entrepreneur. With his smart mind and profound knowledge, he runs a company and makes a lot of money, so that employees can have a good job and their families can live a superior life.

I dream of being a teacher. The teacher's teaching is like rain and dew, which moistens me and makes the flowers of knowledge bloom in my heart. So I also want to moisten my students, impart them knowledge and let them wander in the ocean of knowledge, just like the teacher.

I dream of being a scientist. Although I have no talent, no rigorous thinking, and no particularly accurate judgment ability, I will not give up my efforts! Although this dream is far away from me, I will not stop pursuing it. Although there will be many setbacks and countless hardships in the process of realizing my dream, I will not be discouraged. Because I believe that success will wait for me behind the difficult high wall!

I dream of being a designer. Every time I read a fashion magazine, I am fascinated by those amazing works. I really envy that they have a pair of skillful hands to design such exquisite works. I look forward to the day when I can use my own hands to design unique works with my unique style.

Even if my dreams are torn into pieces by reality, I have the courage to paste them and continue to forge ahead towards the goal; Even if life banishes me to a place where I can't see my dream, I still have the power to find the direction. As long as I don't lose heart, don't abandon, and don't give up, I believe my dream will come true one day!