Composition of autumn night for primary school students (4 recommended)
Snow rose
2024-05-17 00:29:03
primary school

Composition of Primary School Students on Autumn Night (1)

The fragrance of osmanthus fragrans and a brilliant golden yellow came into my eyes. There was no doubt that autumn was coming slowly with light steps. She blew the earth with her soft hair, making the earth yellow except yellow. At this time, I always feel a little uneasy, and there is always an intuition in my fans that I should be careful when autumn comes.

As a wolf dog in the middle, I shouldn't be so upset on this full moon night. However, in this snowy and windy vast grassland of Adagamushgarado, facing the cold autumn wind, I have no choice. I'm hungry. I haven't eaten anything for several days, and I'm starving. I really hope there will be a little rabbit

The round moon in the sky emits bright moonlight, which is so pure and warm. But under the moonlight, there is a dead wolf lying on the grass with stiff body, looking at the dark autumn night with open eyes.

Composition of Primary School Students on Autumn Night (2)

The long-awaited Mid Autumn Festival has finally arrived, and people are happy to celebrate this traditional festival in various forms of programs. It happened to be my uncle's birthday. We had dinner together in the hotel to celebrate our birthday and celebrate the holiday.

Come to the door of the hotel, wow! There were so many people there that there was no parking space. People crowded around the hotel. Fortunately, we booked four tables in advance, and I was very happy to see the bustling scene of the whole hotel, enjoying all kinds of seafood and famous dishes.

After dinner, we went to the seaside swimming pool to watch lanterns. At this time, a bright moon hung high in the sky, big and round, shining the whole earth brightly. The weather this year was particularly good. At 9:15, when we arrived at our destination, the beach was already ablaze with lights and tourists. We walked along the beach while watching. Walking into the gate, the couplet of "Strange Lights Shine in the Water Bay, and Let the Mountain and Water Run in Zhuhai" reminds visitors not to forget the wonderful time of enjoying the moon here. Entering the swimming pool, I saw that the huge swimming pool was full of fire trees and silver flowers, with strange lights. Joyful songs and laughter of tourists come one after another. In small groups on the beach, Zhuhai people set out pots and pans to have barbecues; Some spread plastic paper on the beach, put moon cakes, drinks and so on, and gathered together to toast the moon; Some people dance hand in hand; It's very lively.

This evening's lantern filled my eyes with joy. It's really flowing and unforgettable. When we walked home with a happy mood, the round moon quietly followed us.

Composition of Primary School Students on Autumn Night (3)

Accompanied by the continuous drizzle, a waning moon hangs alone in the night, so far and lonely. The rain gently patted the ground without a sound. As far as my eyes could see, there was no one in the sky above the street bathed in autumn rain. The plane trees beside the road were lit like lonely old people by the only but dim street lamp. The wind was mixed with the drizzle, and the leaves rolled helplessly, making a lamentation sound. Just for a while, they disappeared in the night rain, and went down tirelessly, The old street lamp shrugged and the plane tree trembled.

Footsteps came from the street, heavy and tired. He gradually walked to the street lamp. The old street lamp that had not been replaced for a long time tried to straighten its waist and threw the light on him warmly. His thin coat could not block the raging autumn rain. He shivered. He looked up at the old street lamp, sighed and hung his head. Suddenly, the street lamp seemed to hear him sobbing. He looked up at the old street lamp. The old street lamp saw that his bloodshot eyes were filled with frustration and sadness. The muddy tears hung in the corners of his eyes. The face that had already experienced the baptism of years was now so old and tired. The rain washed down the tears, and his lips trembled, as if he wanted to talk about his depression, but he still did not open his mouth, but dropped his head in despair. He finally cried out, only gently 'sobbing, but very sad, very sad. The cry was as tight as a flash, as if it was splashed by a torrent. He thought of the past, thought of the future, thought of his sad voice. More soreness surged from the deep of my heart, and I could hardly help crying. The rain wet his clothes, maybe it was too cold, maybe it was too late. He hurriedly wiped the rain and tears off his face with his rough old hands, wrapped up his rumbling coat, and walked away with heavy steps. His figure grew longer and longer, but in vain, his figure gradually disappeared, and the sound of footsteps disappeared in the endless darkness

Only Chinese parasol trees and old street lamps huddled in the street, relatively speechless. The rain kept falling, and the street fell silent

Composition of Primary School Students on Autumn Night (4)

This year is different from previous years. My grandpa is gone and my mother doesn't run back and forth. Grandma was ill in the hospital, so my mother took me to see Grandma. I still have classes, even so, I still look forward to the whole family watching the moon. Celebrate the Mid Autumn Festival.

It was dark, and my mother and I went home. Yo! The moon is rising! The moon appeared from the clouds like a shy little girl, round and bright, hanging in the sky. Looking at the moon, I can't help thinking.

When I was young, I loved to hear the story of the moon. Long ago the moon wanted to wear beautiful clothes. So he went to the tailor. The moon on the first day of the lunar new year was curved like a crescent moon. The tailor said that it was really slim, and he would pick it up in a few days. A few days later, the moon went to pick up the clothes. The tailor said that why did you get fat? Let me redo it for you! On the fifteenth day, the moon went to the tailor to get the clothes. The tailor was scared away when he saw the full moon. This fairy tale let me know the changing law of the moon when I was young.