1000 word Imagination Composition (15 in total)
morale should be boosted not dampened
2024-05-15 09:13:41
Senior One

1000 word Imagination Composition (1)

Dear Runrun:

In the late spring afternoon, I sat in front of the window, gazing at the deep or shallow green. The pattering rain will lead your thoughts to the end of time... Guess what? I am you when I was 13 years old. This letter will lead us to communicate over 20 years.

Time flies. Has twenty years washed away your childishness? I try to imagine your appearance - slender figure, shawl and hair, confidence and wisdom between your eyebrows. Do you want to become a general practitioner with superior medical skills? I guess you must be one of the most popular doctors in the hospital. This is not only because you insist on "charging" for a long time and have excellent medical skills, but also because your sweet smile can always warm the heart of patients. More importantly, you have outstanding storytelling skills. You can serve "soul chicken soup" to those patients who are ill in bed, encourage them to fight against the disease tenaciously, and you can tell original fairy tales to the children in the ward vividly to help them pursue their dreams

Working in a hospital may have a lot of pressure, which comes from your sense of responsibility for patients and everything. In fact, sometimes, the greatest pressure is often imposed on yourself. You always believe that everything must be the best in pursuit of perfection. You should be good at adjusting your attitude and not worry about gain and loss. I believe that no matter what you do, as long as you try your best, you are the best!

Confucius said, "Stand at thirty." After thirty years of life, people around you have come and gone. You should know how to cherish them more. I know that the screen of time will often screen out many people who used to be so important in your memory, and what you left behind is the friend you really should trust. I hope Jiajia will stay in your heart forever, cherish friendship, and spend more time with those worthy of your love, you know? After the baptism of time, the friendship is stronger. As long as you treat your friends sincerely, they will always put you in an important position in their hearts. While busy with work, don't forget your parents and relatives. Mom and Dad may have gray hair. When they need to rely on you, do you give them enough care? Remember the promise you made when you were a child - to live a good life with your parents, always be grateful, and those tender moments can blossom into happy flowers

The rain is still falling outside the window. I don't know at that time, when you read this letter, has the sun paved soft pieces of gold on the floor for you? Remember your signature smile as warm as sunshine? Smile is the best business card. Sweet smile not only brings you good mood, but also allows you to harvest more friendship and accompany you to success.

Smile is not only for others, but also for yourself. Face life with a smile. No matter how stressful your work is, you should be a person with interest in life. Let me guess what your free space looks like. Is there a tropical fish aquarium on the balcony that you have always dreamed of? Watching the colorful fish swimming in the water, your heart must also be happy. It seems that you have sneaked into the Amazon River to share a home with the fish. Perhaps, there are lovely pearl birds jumping in bamboo cages. I wonder if you have ever been too lazy to clean up your room? Is everything on the table in order or in disorder? When you grow up, Dad won't clean your room for you anymore. I don't want to see a desk full of books piled up like dark clouds on a rainy day. In your spare time, you can listen to music and play zither; You can open the computer and write a blog; You can also sit on a bamboo swing, hold your favorite books, and shake and shake at the window

Dear, life belongs to you only once. The road ahead may not be sunny, but as long as you face life with an optimistic attitude, you will have a wonderful life! Remember, no one loves you more than you do. I hope that in 20 years, you will be more beautiful than I imagined!

I wish you every success in your work, every smile and every success!

You in the past

April 16, 20xx

1000 Word Imagination Composition (2)

Once upon a time, in a dense forest, there was a kingdom of Shimila. One by one, they spread a rule: "No matter which king it is, if you cut down trees, you will bear the consequences!"

Things have been developing very well. This rule has attracted everyone's attention and no one has broken it. But when he passed the throne to the tenth, Gaita, he hated him all the time. However, a good friend living in the city sent Gaita a picture with tall buildings and other strange buildings. Gaita was greedy and ordered people to cut down trees. But this order was persuaded by ministers, but every time he said it, Gaita became angry. Finally, Gaita was furious and shouted: "What, do you dare to disobey my order?" "No, we will never disobey the king!" "The ministers said politely. The people in the palace were afraid that Gaita would get angry, so they quickly took axes to cut down the trees.

A few days later, a small city was created. At first, people felt a little strange when they lived in it. But slowly, the chimney blackened the sky, and more and more people began to miss their blue sky and white white clouds, but they were always worried about the arrival of demons and ghosts

Sally's demons and ghosts heard that the trees in the forest were cut down and kept laughing, "Wow, look at their happy appearance, ha ha, the trees are gone, look at what they can rely on! Let's go and have a look“

People in the "city" are so happy that no one knows their arrival.

"Whew," when the wind blows, several empty seats cut down seem a bit scary. "Ha ha ha! "Just heard a burst of wild laughter, the trees began to shake, and all the people who stayed outside began to be afraid and ran back to their own houses.

The water demon gushed out just like the water could not be contained in its mouth. The water was everywhere and turned into a flood. The houses people lived in were washed down, crying and dying. Suddenly, the whole world was destroyed. But that tall building is big and strong, and has not collapsed. Gaita is sitting on his precious throne drinking tea! People who are completely unaware of themselves are crying. The flood never boasted about the tall building. The water demon got angry and called out the fire demon, saying, "Although we are enemies, you should not be soft on the enemy!" The fire demon nodded and spit out a red flame from its mouth. When the flame hit the ground, the fire demon shouted: "Ha ha, don't you hate water? Then I will let you have a taste of fire! "After saying that, the fire demon sprayed a big fire again, the people who burned it cried out, and the fire demon mercilessly burned the whole world.

The wind demon said to the earth demon, "Brother, let's cooperate! As long as we cooperate, the world will be invincible!" Before the words came out, the wind demon blew a gust of wind, and the earth demon took the opportunity to spit soil into the wind, so it became a tornado, even the tall buildings were blown away. Gaita screamed inside, but no one came to help his heartless king.

After a war, the demons and ghosts left. They all showed their ingenuity and turned the world upside down. Several people survived and fled. From then on, the country began to perish

1000 word Imagination Composition (3)

On the morning of May 8, 1965, a British plane bound for Paris suddenly lost contact with the radar and landed on a desert island.

The environment on the desert island was very bad, but the passengers had to get off. Some of them were photographers, some were plainclothes policemen, some were fishermen... They wanted to find something about rescue from their luggage, but unfortunately their luggage was soaked by water from the plane. After staying for a long time, there was nothing to eat. Everyone was hungry and growling. Everyone was depressed and listless, like a deflated ball.

When the captain saw this, he quickly comforted everyone and said, "We can be angry, and then see if there is any fish in the sea that can be caught to satisfy our hunger. Let's eat first!" Everyone seemed to see the hope. The captain arranged the division of labor, some people were angry, and some people were looking for food.

However, before food could be found, someone got sunstroke and fainted due to hunger and water shortage. The fisherman lost patience and said, "Look, the captain, he has fainted so many people. What hope can he get?"

"No, let's keep looking! Just leave a few people to take care of them. We want to live!" the captain said firmly. The captain is really a head.

"I object! You are refusing to help in case of death!" said a woman.

The passengers chattered wildly for more than an hour. Some are crying, some are complaining, and some are trying to find a way. At this moment, the captain said, "Be quiet and listen to me..."

Before the captain finished speaking, he was interrupted by the noise of a quarrel, and he suddenly became angry! He roared, "Be quiet!" The voice was like a lion roaring, and people suddenly quieted down and looked at the captain in surprise.

Seeing that everyone was quiet, the captain talked a lot about the temperature and said earnestly, "Now is not the time to quarrel. We should unite to overcome the difficulties and think about how we can find a way back."

These words calmed everyone down, but they didn't know how to go back.

"Let's not take risks first, but look for food first." The passengers acquiesced to this plan and went to look for food in groups. But God seemed to tease people and let the sun go home. It was dark, and we couldn't see the environment clearly. When we got together, there were only three or four fish.

The captain was afraid that everyone would lose confidence again, so he encouraged them and said, "Passengers, we have food! Although there is little, there is food, and if there is food, there is hope!" Everyone listened, and then got excited.

Everyone started to make a fire. Under the cooperation of each other, the fire became more and more prosperous. Someone took the initiative to roast fish. Although there were only three or four fish, everyone was satisfied and shared their hunger.

The next morning, the captain said to everyone, "Today, let's think about how to ask for help!" The results of everyone's discussion were different. Some said to shout for help, some said to wear bright clothes and run around, others said to live on the island and so on.

At this time, the photographer said, "Why don't we use stones to send rescue signals?" This suggestion was approved by everyone, so they went to move stones separately. Together with you and him, we finally got a lot of stones, and we helped to put out the "SOS" rescue signal.

Finally, on July 8, the next month, a plane saw the rescue signal and saved the group of passengers in distress.

This is really an unforgettable desert island survival

1000 word Imagination Composition (4)

When I saw my uncle planting trees at my grandmother's home on the weekend, I asked my mother: "What are the trunks planted so many?" "Do you know what is the close relationship between human beings and trees?" My mother asked me back. I couldn't answer for a moment, so I said: "Give me time to think about it and answer it tomorrow."

When I got home, I thought: What's the relationship between human beings and trees? I took out my encyclopedia, searched for it for a long time, and finally found the answer in the book of man and nature. After human respiration, carbon dioxide is produced to provide photosynthesis for trees, and trees produce oxygen through photosynthesis for human respiration. In this way, there are endless cycles. Trees can purify air, have natural epidemic prevention function, eliminate noise, regulate climate, and change low air flow to prevent wind and sand and reduce disaster. It can prevent soil erosion and conserve water. It can also play a natural role in filtering sewage. Many articles in our life are made of trees. I didn't expect that humans and trees have such a close relationship, and trees have made so many contributions to our human race.

Putting down the book in hand, I lay on the bed thinking about the contents of the book. It didn't take me long to fall asleep. I don't know how long it took, my mother woke me up and asked me to go to school. I got up quickly, carried my schoolbag and left. On the avenue leading to the school, a burst of conversation suddenly came. Who is talking there in the early morning? Curiously, I put my ear close to the wall.

"Grandpa Dashu, I really envy you. You have made such great contributions to mankind, who can leave you?". Keep the ecological balance of the earth. In winter, you are sheltered from the wind and sand, and in summer, passers-by are sheltered from the burning sunlight. And you provide oxygen for human breathing every day. At the same time, it also absorbs carbon dioxide in the air. Everyone praises you as the "purifier" of natural air! You see, the usually frail and sickly grandparents have been exercising since they came to you. Having absorbed the oxygen you provided, I am more energetic recently. Isn't that a good example? " Grandpa Dashu then said, "Brother trash can, stop talking about me. You have made great contributions to mankind!" Speaking of yourself, trash can looks like a child who has done something wrong. He lowered his head and muttered, "I, what am I? I'm dirty and smelly all over." After hearing this, Dashu said firmly, "You are also great. In order to create a good environment for human beings, you and your brothers have been sticking to their posts for more than ten years, letting the sun and rain shine without wavering. Every day, they swallow cigarette butts, fruit peels, and sundries into their bellies. Without you, the streets would not be full of stinking garbage and flies..."

I was listening with interest. Somehow, their conversation became quieter and quieter, until at last nothing could be heard. Ringing bells, ringing bells, ringing bells woke me up. I opened my sleepy eyes, and then I knew it was a dream. I got out of bed, pushed the window, and Taiyang had already shown a smiling face. The morning sun was not dazzling at all. Suddenly, the big tree in front of me shook its thick leaves, and a pair of birds flew out of the leaves. They flapped their wings and flew away.

Here I appeal to everyone that it is our bounden duty to protect the earth and the environment. We should start from now, from the side, from the small things. Through action, we can make our earth bluer, clearer and greener. The earth is our living home. To treat the earth well is to treat life well. I hope everyone can do it!

1000 word Imagination Composition (5)

From 2003 to 2018.

It lasted 16 years.

The spirit of fate tied us tightly with the long rope of blood relationship. You can't get away from it.

Seven years old. I own the first bicycle.

From the beginning full of joy to the later growing bored. Time and time again I fell down, and time and time again my confidence was crushed. I began to stop looking forward to the feeling of riding a bicycle. I began to choose to give up

Another day. Falls and climbs again and again How many times did you fall down? How many times? Seriously, I'm not sure myself. I only remember that day, when the bright sun was scorching the earth and sweating heavily, I squinted through the sweat flowing into the corner of my eyes and sat on the ground with my hands on the floor despite the heat wave. It's only about a minute or two, but it seems to me that it's been a lifetime

"Get up!" "Hurry up!" "Do you hear me! Get up!" A series of roars accompanied by bursts of rapid footsteps came. In an instant, I seemed to hide in the shadow, enjoying a moment of cool. "Get up!" This time, he seemed more angry. I looked up slowly against the dazzling light, without heartache or remorse. What I saw was his angry face, and my eyes were red. "Did you hear me call you up?" Finally, I cried. He ignored me and pulled me up and put the handlebars into my hands The sun on that day seemed to deliberately oppose me, more than usual. I still remember clearly that day, a little girl was sweating and sweating under the sun, fell down again and again, but again and again she lifted the bike and started again.

It turned out that he didn't love me much.

Fourteen years old. I began to have a rebellious mentality.

"What are you doing?" I shouted impatiently while chewing gum and holding the game machine. He listened, stunned for a few seconds, grabbed the game console and fell. "I asked you to eat, but I didn't hear you!" Then I was dragged to the table and asked to sit down to eat. I picked up the bowl. The more I thought about it, the more angry I was. I threw the bowl hard. "Bang --" "Full!" Then he rushed into the room. But finally, my mother persuaded me to go out. Filled with grievances, I was eating white rice with salty tears. It was really uncomfortable. I took a look at him with my spare light. I feel very aggrieved here, but as the chief instigator who provoked me into such a situation, he just watched the game as if nothing had happened.

It turned out that he didn't love me much.

But that night, I occasionally went out to the toilet, vaguely heard someone talking in a low voice, and saw the master bedroom half closed, a ray of light quietly leaking out. I squatted quietly at the door. I thought it was something big, but I heard - "Oh, why don't you order her food?" "How can she eat rice?"

My nose is getting sour when I hide outside the door, and my eyes have already been fogged

Years later, I accidentally talked with my mother about the year when I was seven years old. Mother told me secretly that in fact, he was very distressed. Several times, a big man has red eyes

It turns out that I know nothing about him because I know why.

It turned out that my father loved me more than he imagined.

1000 word Imagination Composition (6)

In the daily study, work or life, everyone has been exposed to the composition. The composition must focus on the theme, and make in-depth exposition around the same theme. Do not talk about anything, the theme is lax or even no theme. How to write a thoughtful and literary composition? The following is a wonderful shuttle journey collected and organized by Xiao Bian - 1000 words of imaginary composition. Welcome to read it. I hope you can enjoy it.

There was a door in front of me. The door was shining and attracting me. I couldn't help but be curious and walked in. I couldn't believe my eyes. It turned out that I came to my hometown 20 years later.

A familiar figure appeared, and when I looked closely, it was my neighbor. Then, more uncles and aunts came out of the door, all of whom I knew. It was my hometown 20 years later. When I walked into the familiar path, it was still the familiar house, but there was a big iron ring and a big "fan" on the top of the house, and there was a small switch on the wall, almost as big as the doorbell. Twenty years later, my hometown aroused my curiosity, so I pressed the switch. At that moment, a steering wheel appeared in front of me. I was full of doubts and tried to turn it. The house under my feet actually turned around in the direction of the steering wheel. I finally understood, so I operated the steering wheel and came to the path at the door of my house.

It's not an empty path here. Almost every family has a robot. I asked one of my neighbors, who didn't know me and regarded me as an outsider. But from his mouth, I learned that this kind of robot works by absorbing solar energy. It only takes one hour to absorb it and can work for three days. Even if it rains, they are not afraid to shut down. Their main job is to water flowers, Take care of the elderly at home, and sometimes massage the owner. Who doesn't want such a robot?

When I came to the river behind my hometown, I found a beautiful sea of flowers opposite. So I wanted to go and have a look, but there was no boat around, and the house also fell on the side of the path. At this time, I actually saw me twenty years later. I took a piece of paper out of my pocket slowly and quickly, and took out a pen to draw a three-dimensional boat. I went to have a look. At this time, she also found me, but did not doubt, as if she had known it for a long time. "I" blew a breath gently, and the boat floated onto the river, but I was puzzled. The boat became bigger and bigger, from only one person to about twenty people. I was stunned when I saw it. When I asked, I knew that the boat could "absorb water", that is, it slowly became bigger after absorbing water, but I was a little suspicious, I was afraid that the painted 'boat' could not bear people's weight. I wanted to try it. "I" seemed to see through my mind and wanted to stop me, but before she finished speaking, I beat it down with a fist. "Wow..." The quality of the boat was so good that my hands were pounded into a red apple. She then said, "This pen is made of nano materials. It must be good! I have to say that science and technology will develop rapidly in the next 20 years! But" I "said," What's more exciting is still to come! After getting on the boat, "I" shouted, "Are you there?" A screen appeared on the bow of the boat, "Go to the other side." So the boat carried me and "I" all the way, very stable. After arriving at the shore, I saw "I" dragged the boat onto the shore, and then squeezed the water out of the boat like a towel. The boat also shrunk at the speed visible to the naked eye, and finally became a toy boat, which was put into my pocket. I was stunned, and my eyes almost fell out, but she said: "What's so strange about this? It's everywhere. You may see more powerful technology when you grow up! " My eyes lit up and I nodded, watching "I" leave.

Looking at the beautiful and vibrant flowers beside me, I believe that the technology will be better and better in the future.

When I return to the real world, I hope time will pass quickly. I also want to live in my hometown 20 years later!

1000 Word Imagination Composition (7)

In the morning, I was walking on a dense tree lined road. The trees were lush and luxuriant, like a huge green umbrella, which made me relaxed and happy. Through the cracks in the branches and leaves, you can see the sun which is not too dazzling. Along the road, colorful flowers compete in beauty. I was also infected by the vitality. I stepped up and walked to the launch base of the spaceship.

I am a glorious industrial worker. We need to harvest products every three months. Our products are not only supplied to China's domestic market, but also sold all over the world, and are highly praised by people all over the world.

On board the supersonic spaceship, the powerful momentum took me straight to Mars. The moon outside the porthole and the asteroid with a flaming tail have already changed from the initial amazement to the common practice. With the occasional click of a small meteorite hitting the hatch, I continued to study my work plan. It took about 180 days to fly from Earth to Mars. Now it only takes a few hours. The spaceship landed on Mars smoothly, and the robot arm stretched out from the bulkhead to help me put on the spacesuit. I stepped off the spaceship and went to the base.

Enter the base through three laminar gates. I took a deep breath first. The unique aroma of fruits and vegetables is refreshing. Looking around, fruits and vegetables are green and growing well. This is our product - space vegetables. All kinds of seedlings are planted in numerous water pipes for transporting nutrient solution. These nutrient solutions are formulated according to the minerals contained in the earth's best soil state, which can eliminate the watering process. On Mars, insects and weeds cannot reproduce, which eliminates the trouble of killing insects and weeding. The photosynthesis required for crop growth comes from sensors that collect solar energy and wind energy outside the base. I walked through the fruits and vegetables room with satisfaction and recorded various data. Tomatoes are large and round, each of which is more than 15 cm in diameter. The bright red color attracts people's water. Pick them quickly, or they will not have the best taste if they grow bigger. Cucumbers have been modified to the shape of grapes, one after another, to prevent them from growing too long and inconvenient to transport. And now, their taste is more crisp and delicious. Follow this road until you reach the strawberry planting base. The intelligent robot responsible for pollinating strawberries is constantly busy. In the mature area, a space strawberry is about the size of an adult's palm, emitting attractive sweet fragrance. Golden pumpkins, each more than three meters in diameter. We cut a part from the top, and let the rest continue to grow on the shelf without decay. More square potatoes are needed, and international orders have increased

Every plant seems to greet me, and I actively respond one by one. Behind the great achievements is the rapid development of China's science and technology!

On the way back, a comet dragged its long tail across the sky. I don't know where it is going. In short, it is advancing. At this time, I felt the spaceship dive into the atmosphere. Through the clouds, only blue stars dotted with oases, like many carefully inlaid emeralds. I can't help thinking proudly: Now all countries in the world are actively learning from our country, competing to cooperate with us, making rational use of outer space resources, and developing space planting and breeding industries. The earth's soil and water resources have been fully recuperated, and the global environment has taken on a new look. In the future, we should not stop, but also make unremitting efforts and exploration to strive for a new peak!

1000 Word Imagination Composition (8)

One day in 20XX, in the classroom of Class 4, Grade 6 of Xingji Primary School, there came a well-dressed, graying, mature scientist. The students stood up in order: "Hello, Grandpa Zhu!" "Hello, classmates!" Grandpa Zhu replied, and then said: "First introduce myself, I am an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, a doctoral researcher of the Institute of Space Research. Fifty years ago, I was an old alumnus of your class. Now, I am your off campus instructor." The classroom resounded with warm applause.

"Students, today I will take you to visit the space station built by China itself. Then, another scientist grandpa will take you to Mars to travel. You say, OK?" "OK! OK!" The students cheered. "Well, we can leave as soon as we say. You don't need to take any luggage with you. Everything has been arranged. Parents don't need to worry. Your 8G mobile phone can send the information about your space travel to them via satellite in time, and can also keep in touch at any time."

Dr. Zhu and his classmates got on a flying bus that had already stopped at the school gate. The bus takes off and lands vertically and flies to the west. Soon, I came to the hinterland of Taklimakan Desert. Here is not a piece of yellow sand, and trees are everywhere. A space high-speed train is parked on the launch platform. The train is divided into three sections. The first section is the automatic navigation control system; The second section is the passenger cabin; The third section is the nuclear fuel propulsion device. There is an automatic pressurized oxygen supply equipment in the cockpit, and the shell can prevent cosmic rays, so you don't need to wear any spacesuit.

Everyone got into the cockpit and sat down. "Please fasten your seat belts, and count down to 5, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, and launch." It was only felt that someone was behind you and gave it a gentle push. The space train rushed out into the sky. The 8G mobile phone shows that the current speed is 600000 kilometers per hour. In ten seconds, the space train flew out of the earth's atmosphere. People also become ethereal. The earth is smaller and smaller behind us, becoming a small blue planet. "Look! What a big moon!" shouted one of the students. The space train flew hundreds of kilometers near the moon. "Look, there are so many craters." "There are so many craters everywhere. It seems that they are not seen on the earth. They are so wonderful."

After two or three hours of flight, the students came to the space station. The space station is a huge hemisphere, a bit like the greenhouse of the vegetable base. Grandpa Zhu told the students that this spherical cover is not an ordinary plastic film. It is made of special glass. It is hundreds of thousands kilometers away from the sun than the earth. If there is no protective device, strong solar radiation and ultraviolet radiation, people will be roasted into dry bodies in less than a minute. Therefore, this protective cover can prevent radiation and ultraviolet rays. It can also ensure that the air and water in the space station will not be lost.

Out of the platform, there is a small square in front, with a bright five-star red flag on the flagpole. Across the square, the students came to the space plant experimental base. There are strange flowers and plants everywhere. "Ah! That is the space lotus, which is as big as a small basin!"

Turning to the plant experimental base, Grandpa Zhu took the students to the space observatory. There are two large telescopes here. One is facing the earth, and the other is facing the unfathomable outer space. Some uncles and aunts are analyzing various data in front of the computer. The students observed the earth and outer space with telescopes in turn. One student exclaimed, "I have seen the Great Wall, the Yangtze River, and the pyramids of Egypt!" A student there also sighed, "How beautiful the Milky Way is! It seems like a cowherd, and the Weaver Girl is waving across the river!" Grandpa Zhu also took the students to browse the physics laboratory and the chemistry laboratory. In the evening, when staying in a 9-star hotel, the waiters are all robots, and there are all kinds of delicious food.

The next day, another scientist grandpa will take his classmates to visit Mars. Grandpa Zhu went to the platform to see him off, and everyone was reluctant to part.

"Goodbye, Grandpa Zhu!"

"Good bye, students! The future belongs to you!"

1000 Word Imagination Composition (9)

I used to dream that at some time in the future, I could explore with people I like and challenge my limits. At that time, I seemed to have unlimited vitality and full of hope for the future. But when he learned more "things", he became like "being afraid of death". He didn't dare to do his best even when he ran 1000 meters in school, as if he was always afraid of fainting. He had no passion.

At this time, I can't help thinking of a sentence in "Tao Te Ching" of "Lao Tzu", "No worries about unique learning". Now I very much agree with this view. It may be said that "knowledge is the root of all worries and troubles, and if you abandon all knowledge, there will be no worries and troubles." However, with the growth of social cognition and knowledge, you will have more worries.

Now I am also dreaming that at some time in the future, I will be able to "travel" with the people I like and go to places where there is no danger. From the original "adventure" to the current "travel", everything in the ideal is changing with the change of time, however, I also lost my direction.

I used to be very satisfied. A quiet night, a cup of tea, a good book, and a chair can make your heart feel happy.

I used to be very happy. On New Year's Day, the whole family happily sit together for dinner, which can make me happy all day.

I used to love fantasy. One morning in the summer vacation, when the sun just rose from the east, I picked up the backpack my parents had prepared for me and walked briskly towards the station. Walking together with classmates on the road.

Once I always dreamed of the beauty of this world. Think that as long as people live, it is a kind of happiness; A happy family together is a kind of happiness; It is also a kind of happiness to play happily with friends and classmates. But the vision is beautiful, but the reality is cruel.

Now I feel inferior easily. Don't see what you have, just blindly pursue.

Now I am easily angry. A small thing can make you lose your temper to your relatives, but your heart is always full of fear. Once I was lost.

Now I am easy to degenerate. All day long, my heart is full of loneliness and fear.

I began to disbelieve everything around me and tried to numb myself with games, but there was another one in my heart

The weak and strong voice kept repeating to itself, "Don't go down like this, you must be strong, because you still have dreams, and care about your relatives and friends. Believe in yourself, you will be able to go through this successfully."

When people are at a low point, they are both weak and strong. I think the so-called vulnerability is that it is easy to be seduced by the surrounding during this period, thus deviating from the big channel. Being strong means that we have unlimited potential, and only when you are in a specific period can you exert it.

Alas, the past and the present have all passed away, and what greets us is the future. Believe in yourself, the future is beautiful, and life is happy. Let's dig our inner ideal, find the footprints that once made us happy, and listen to the pulse of life.

I will be very happy in the future. On a starry night, under the willow tree in front of the door, the family was happily talking with the neighbors, and from time to time, they laughed heartily. I sit alone in my study, quietly tasting the mellow green tea, and let my mind wander through the ancient and modern times.

I am very energetic in the future. After work, carry your bags with your friends to experience the fun of "walking on the road". "On a donkey trip, we accidentally came to a small mountain village. We were surprised to find that the local residents were living a simple and happy life. We couldn't help asking ourselves:" Is this the legendary return to innocence? "In the days we spent with the local residents, we were deeply shocked by their innocence and re examined ourselves. Previously, I despised the monotonous life of "work at sunrise and rest at sunset", but now I have sprouted a little desire and have a deeper understanding of the thought of "Lao Tzu". In the next few days, we went to the mountains with the villagers to look for medicinal materials, to swim and catch fish in the river, to pick fruit on the fruit trees, to farm in the fields, and our happiness was expressed in words

I will be considerate of my family in the future. After retirement, I spent more time caring for my relatives and making up for the "love" that I lacked for them when I was young.

I am old in the future. At this time, I can feel the beauty of life, the greatness of "love", and find that "love" is the most beautiful thing in the world.

The ideal at each stage will become the driving force for me to strive at that stage. Although I am at the low point of my life, I believe that as long as I firmly believe, work hard towards the ideal life, and believe in myself, my ideal will become a reality.

1000 Word Imagination Composition (10)

He looked around and said, "Oh, my God, there is no grass around. There is only a place for it to live."

Only then can there be a little bit of vitality. So, helpless, it had to look at the sky and pray for an answer. Coincidentally, all the flocks of birds in the past have disappeared, as if they had been negotiated. Even the common skylark disappeared without a trace.

At this time, a cloud came to the sky, but the once white snow like cloud was also a little gray

So it stopped Yun and asked Sister Yun, "What's the matter? Why is it so dull looking around?"

Cloud told it all about the journey along the way - "I was a cloud winding around the mountains. Once, I lived with my friends in the fairyland formed by the primeval forest, where there were the oldest animals and plants. I played, played, drank wind, frost, rain and dew together with my friends, and occasionally lay on the branches for a rest." Speaking of this, Miss Yun can't help crying, She wiped away her tears and said "One day suddenly, a group of people came to break the peace here. Trees were cut down and mountains were developed. This' fairyland 'became the home for people to live in. They destroyed forests, opened up wasteland, opened mountains and quarries to obtain great benefits, and at the same time, they also dug holes in the land. One day, when the sandstorm came, their carefully built' castle 'was destroyed by the sandstorm Once upon a time, this beautiful primeval forest has turned into endless sandstorms! But those foolish people have already fled! What's more sad is that this situation has spread like an infectious disease. I came from the north, where the desert has already spread widely. You may be the only 'green' in the world! " With that, Miss Yun drifted away again.

After listening to Miss Yun's words, it looked at the distance and pondered for a long time. In the distance, the chimney was still constantly puffing "black clouds" out. Yes, he may be the only "green" in the world!

You may think that this is just a story, but it is a reflection of our life. You may think that "the only 'green' in the world is far away from us, because you can't see that the desert is devouring a large area of grassland in Inner Mongolia every year, and you can't see that the grass at the edge of the desert is still dying... If you don't protect it, This is our tomorrow!

So, from now on, cherish and rationally use every inch of land around us, so that this day will never come!

Junior Three: Guan Yu

1000 Word Imagination Composition (11)

"Grey Wolf, where's the sheep?" Red Wolf stood at the door with a pan in his hand.

"Sheep... Oh, my wife, sheep are kept in the sheep village."

"I don't care. I want to eat sheep. Don't come back until you catch them!"

"Wife, let me have a rest before catching sheep, ok?"

"No, you can't rest without catching sheep!"

After saying that, "Pa", Grey Wolf was beaten away. Poor Grey Wolf fell into the valley and fainted after being beaten by Red Wolf.

Time went by minute by second, and Grey Wolf had not come back. One day has passed, two days have passed, three days, four days, five days... One week has passed, Grey Wolf still hasn't come back. Grey Wolf, who hasn't returned for at most two days, will disappear for a week. Red Wolf is worried.

"Why hasn't Grey Wolf come back? Can something happen? If not, I will go out to find him" Red Wolf said to himself.

A month later, Red Wolf still didn't find Grey Wolf. When Red Wolf was about to despair, her cousin brought her a message that made her see hope again.

"Cousin, Grey Wolf was knocked into the valley by your pan, passed out, and was taken home by a passing wolf. The wolf also gave Grey Wolf a doctor, and finally cured him. I will take you to find him now."

"Really? Cousin, you really found Grey Wolf? Where is he now? Take me to see him quickly! Hurry!"

"Don't worry, cousin, I will take you now." Red Wolf followed her cousin to the place where Grey Wolf lived.

"Brother Grey, I have heard all about you, and I sympathize with you very much. Through this month's relationship, I was deeply moved by your persistence. Unexpectedly, your handsome appearance has such a strong will, which really moved the wolf. Seriously, through this month of getting along, I found that I have fallen in love with you. Can you stay here and live with me until old age? "

"Xiantai Wolf, thank you, but I already have a wife."


"What about my wife? What can she give you? He only gives you a frying pan. Besides, she doesn't trust you at all. How many times have you thought that because of her distrust, all the sheep in her mouth have" flown ". She doesn't love you at all. When she catches a sheep, she is her husband. When she doesn't catch a sheep, she is a failed wolf. And I can give you the tenderness that Red Wolf can't give, and the love you need. Stay, Brother Grey. "

"Xiantai Wolf, I also know that you are a good wolf. You have both talent and appearance, and you are gentle and virtuous. I believe you can find a good wolf king. I have always loved Red Tai Wolf. Although she beats and scolds me every day, these are all forced by life. With you, I can really get the love that my heart needs, but I cannot lose Red Tai Wolf. I have been with her for five years, but she hasn't had a full meal in these five years. Although I'm here, I don't have mutton, but at least there are toads. But when I leave, she doesn't even have anything to eat. She will starve to death. Xiantai Wolf, let me go back. "


At this time, the Red Wolf outside the door was already sobbing. She pushed the door open and rushed in, holding Grey Wolf in her arms. Tears kept flowing out, like pearls, falling to the ground and turning into tiny dust.

"My husband, I was wrong. I shouldn't hit you. I won't hit you or scold you again. I will try my best to make up for the love you didn't get before. Come back with me."

"Wife... I, OK, let's go back now." Grey Wolf turned to Xiantai Wolf and said, "Xiantai Wolf, thank you for taking care of me and your love, but I can't live without Red Wolf."

"I know. Go back. I bless you."

"Well, I will repay you for your kindness to me." After saying that, Grey Wolf took Red Wolf and his cousin back.


Since then, Grey Wolf has worked harder to catch sheep, Red Wolf has become gentle and virtuous, and the couple has become more and more happy.

I just want to tell you that whether it's family or love, sometimes we need to change it for love, so that love can last forever. Cherish everyone who loves you.

1000 Word Imagination Composition (12)

"Ha ha, Li Daqi! Li Daqi, didn't you say that you never make mistakes in your homework book? Now you can't run away. I've finally arrived at this day!"

Police Li Dazhuang was so happy that he stood on his head. You see, it was at this time that the mysterious dark shadow quietly hid in a lane in Fairy Tale Town.

The next day, the residents of Fairy Tale Town felt troubled and finally fell asleep: they forgot the password of their savings card; Bank staff can no longer open the safe; The owner of the password security door could not return home... Of course, the most peculiar event was the Eurasian African couple, who had loved each other for 30 years. When they woke up that day, they found that they no longer loved each other.

"Our love code has been lost!" Eurasia and Africa said to the police Li Dazhuang while crying. He cried as if he had lost the key to his home, or as if he had lost the candy. "I don't know how to love my wife anymore," Ouyafei added.

There is another thing that the police Li Dazhuang did not expect. Li Daqi and Nana are no longer good friends. Somehow, Li Daqi thinks Nana is a disgusting person.

"Disgusting girl, she has too many shortcomings. She likes smelly beauty, wears ugly skirts, and wears ponytails..." Li Daqi thought, "I will never get along with her again!"

"This boy is really annoying. He likes to play smart and speak loudly. He thinks he is great! Hum!" Nana also looked at Li Daqi coldly.

In a word, the residents of Fairy Tale Town have been in trouble all their lives. All their passwords are invalid. The emotional password set for the good feelings between two people is also invalid.

"That's too bad! I must catch the thief!" said Li Dazhuang, a policeman, patting the table.

Police Li Dazhuang wandered around Fairy Tale Town all day, but didn't find a stranger. But he did not know that there was a man who was always observing his movements. When Li Dazhuang walked through the school, that person was the gardener who was watering; Li Dazhuang walked past the shop, and the man was the worker carrying the goods; Li Dazhuang walked past the cafe, and the man was the guy in the kitchen... Even once, a man pushed a garbage truck to Li Dazhuang and said hello to him:

"Hello, comrade police, did you catch the criminal?"

"I'll catch it!" Li Dazhuang replied seriously, nodding his head to show that he was busy. But nobody thought that the man was a password robber.

At the same time, the streets and alleys of Fairy Tale Town are full of people. The residents cannot enter their homes or eat. They wander in the streets and are full of hostility to each other.

"The world has really changed!" Dr. Benben walked through the streets with a smile on his crutch. People looked at him coldly and wondered if the chaos was caused by Dr. Benben's failed invention.

Supplementary note: The following is the latest news of the "password theft incident in Fairy Tale Town".

One problem Li Dazhuang didn't think of was that he had no memory password, that is to say, when the stranger walked in front of him, he wouldn't think he didn't know him. In this way, the password thieves always keep a close eye on Li Dazhuang.

Dr. Benben's smirk made all the residents in distress extremely painful.

"What makes you so happy, dear doctor?" Nana's father finally couldn't help it. The result of his statistics is that every fairy tale town resident has lost something, but this thing is not money or goods, but a part of memory.

"Me?" Dr. Benben said with a smile. "Am I happy? Why should I be happy?"

Police Li Dazhuang immediately understood that the doctor was also a victim. It seemed that the great doctor woke up and found that he could do nothing but smile.

"Look at this man!" Nana Pa stood on the steps of the garden, pointed to Dr. Benben and said loudly, "This man often makes some strange inventions, which often leads us into strange events. So he should be responsible for this matter!"

"Yes!" All the other residents agreed.

Doctor Benben still said happily, "I didn't do it, I didn't do it!"

However, the angry and sad residents could no longer control their emotions, and they began to rush to the doctor.

"Stop!" Li Dazhuang shouted, blocking several people who rushed to the doctor. "Don't you think that the doctor is still smiling at this point. Do you have the heart to attack a person who is fascinated by laughter?"

1000 Word Imagination Composition (13)

"Pa, pa" There was a knock on the door. As soon as I opened the door, I found a courier boy standing outside the door, holding a small package in his hands, and said, "Your express has arrived." My heart was excited and I thought: Eh! I haven't been shopping online recently. What is this? Who sent it to me?

"Did you send it to the wrong place? I didn't buy anything!" I replied doubtfully.

The delivery boy looked at the door plate, looked at the delivery address and said, "No mistake, do you still suspect me as a famous brand delivery man?" I smiled and took the delivery. I thought: What's in it? It can't be a bomb! I slowly opened the package. There was a beautiful small gift box inside. At this time, the gift box opened automatically, and a light shot out, and a visit ticket shot out of the air. It said, "Wandering in the future, please arrive at Sunshine Avenue on time at 9:31:22.5 in the morning." I thought, "Eh? But is it really the case? To the future? It's amazing.

The next day, I came to the Sunshine Avenue early. At the delicate moment of 9:31:22.5, a dazzling light came into my eyes. My eyes were white and my mind was blank. When I opened my eyes, I found that I was in a new place.

At this time, a car came like lightning and was about to hit me. In a moment, the car passed me by. I think this car must be equipped with an automatic collision avoidance system. If it had been equipped for a long time, how many families would have been saved!

I raised my head, a car was driving in the sky, when a robot flew over and said to me: "You are from the 21st century, right?" I nodded hesitantly, "Welcome to the 33rd century, I am your guide, Xiao Zhi." The robot said.

I am so excited that I came to the future world in the 33rd century! Xiaozhi took me to the hotel first. The hotel has 708 floors in total, and I live on the top floor. I thought: 708 floor, how long will you take the elevator! Unexpectedly, it was only a minute ago. Wow! This hotel is really advanced! Before I entered the door, three robot guards surrounded me. I entered the room. The room was empty and there was nothing in it. I said, "Storage room." This will become a storage room. There is also an automatic cooking system. "The future is really advanced!" I can't help sighing. Standing in the room is like standing in the middle of the sky. White clouds are floating at my feet.

But the place I want to go is Disneyland. I pack up my things and start to move to Disneyland.

There is a world of difference between here and the paradise of the 21st century. I first played skydiving, which is not to the white clouds Oh! But to the universe! This taste, one word, is cool! I also played pirate ship, which made me dizzy. At night, I found the moon in the sky was very bright. It turned out that people had already moved there on the moon. I was tired from playing and had a good sleep.

The next day, Xiaozhi said to me, "It's time for your visit." Then I found that I was back in the 21st century, holding the empty box in my hands.

1000 Word Imagination Composition (14)


"How can we not go to such a conference?" Song Jiang claps his hands and stands up: but it can't be Gao Qiu and Bush's conspiracy! Is anti-terrorism coming to China? It is unavoidable. Song Jiang then said, "But the stronghold cannot be deserted for a day. Which brother would like to take me?"

We also know that it is powerful. How can good things happen to us. During the stalemate, I saw a man walking out of the crowd. He was dressed in a suit and shoes, and had an extraordinary air meter. He was holding a "stick" and collapsed a briefcase. He was not a gangster at all.

Song Jiang saw it for a long time, and suddenly realized: "This is Zhishen brother! I came back from college! Such a big task, only you......"


On Yazui Beach, Liangshan heroes came to see them off. But everyone felt funny. Lu Zhishen, who was confused in college, dared to take the blame.

Just as Lu Zhishen was preparing to catch the plane by boat, a man jumped out of the plane, and the voice of 120 decibels roared at a speed of n kilometers per hour, saying, "I want to go too!" When I looked closely, it was the black cyclone.

"Don't go!"


"Such international conferences, such as you, will only affect the image of our shanzhai! Zhishen brothers will be different!" Song Jiang paused and put a bag of golden throat protector into his mouth. "Since he went up the mountain, he has been active, passed CET 6, studied diplomacy, and recruited talents like Wu Song for the shanzhai% #!" A bright moon rose in the east, and the leaders went back to the stronghold. Song Jiang was still spouting, and Li Kui lay beside him... As Song Jiang's former benefactor, and more importantly, Song Jiang's loyal voters, everyone knew how Li Kui could go.


"Lu Zhishen has been away for almost a month. There is no news yet..." Song Jiang swallowed a mouthful of fried dough sticks. "It seems that he is hanging there. A memorial meeting will be held for him tomorrow. To show my wisdom, the general election will be held in a few days!"

"The boss is wise!" Military adviser Wu bowed his waist and gave a thumbs up


Liangshan Lake is covered in snow, and the Righteous Gathering Hall has a 24 inch portrait of Lu Zhishen.

"Brother Zhishen! You can't close your eyes when you die!..." Song Jiang shed two tears as he said, which was just a small token for him who had spent two years in the Central Academy of Film and Television.

"Newspaper!..." Shenxing Taibao held a letter to the ground, which was sent from USA and signed Zhishen.

"A letter has also tired you out? It seems that you need to change the postman again."

"Boss! Zhi firmly believes that he is running for the chairman of the 'International Anti government Organization', and bin Laden has been pushed down by him..."



"Chairman Zhishen! You are back!" Song Jiang hunched and looked at the approaching ship. All the people who followed were looking at them kindly.

Lu Zhishen looked up, yes, this is Liangshan! Suddenly, he understood: "Why don't you just take a tour? You can use it to make a great start!"

"Ah!" Song Jiang cast a vicious look. He turned around and left, and all the leaders left in anger. Lu Zhishen was left alone and stood there depressed: What did I do?

1000 Word Imagination Composition (15)

It is the quiet countryside, the vaguely visible woods, the winding and serene river that brings a smile that people can never understand. Leonardo da Vinci of Italy left us a mystery with his generation of masters. So when we face the Mona Lisa, our brain becomes active - is she intoxicated with that beautiful scenery? Is she happy for her wealth and grace? Or is it nothing but a natural expression? Or, as some people said, there was a disturbing fear in her smile We can't verify the correctness of every statement, because you can't deny that "there are a thousand readers, there are a thousand Hamlets". However, it is precisely because of the painter's intentional or unintentional "blank" that we have left infinite imagination space. Let us sketch the different Mona Lisa in our hearts, and then let this painting spread in imagination for a long time.

It is the mysterious country, the deep hidden Milos Cave, and the beautiful body that gives the world a long exclamation. How did the broken arm goddess's jade arm reconcile with her soft body? Holding the golden apple? Is it the shield supporting the god of war? Are you pulling the clothes wrapped around your lower body, or do you want to reach out and touch the sun that is broken on the ground? People were amazed, smiling, as many wonderful images passed through their minds, as many Venus revived in their hearts In fact, the power of art does not lie in itself. Only when people's imagination collides with it will it burst out with infinite power. So we can say: "Our imagination has made a wonderful Venus.

It is the flying feather dress, the beautiful dance, the wonderful flying dream that brings people the desire to rush to the blue sky. The mysterious Dunhuang and the light flying sky carry many people's dreams of flying. Imagining that he could melt into the sky, Wanhu in the Ming Dynasty tried to go to heaven with a simple rocket, but he failed, but later generations left his name on the moon; Imagining to fly like a bird, the Wright brothers made and constantly improved their "aircraft", so that future generations saw the hope of flying; It is no longer an imagination. When the first aircraft of mankind enters the blue sky, people can proudly cheer. The dream of thousands of years and the efforts of thousands of years have finally succeeded! What makes miracles happen? It is our imagination and our unique human initiative that inspire us to constantly tap our own potential and guide us to realize our dreams!

"Seeing through thousands of miles, thinking through thousands of years", artistic imagination, scientific imagination It radiates its unique charm all the time. Just a little enlightenment touches the nerves of millions of people. Just a little play, it arouses the resonance of the world. Just a little leap, it creates countless glories. The power of imagination gives human beings creative wings. We are surprised, we fly, We also want to ask: "Imagine, how much power do you have?"