Composition of Rhetoric (6 selected articles)
Drink all the worldly things
2024-05-17 00:52:51

Composition of Rhetoric (1)

It is beautiful to use rhetoric skillfully.

(1) If success is a journey, then the thorns and rocks along the road are just its embellishment, and the colorful valley is its habitat; If success is a cycle of four seasons, the baking in hot summer is just its appearance, and the fruitful autumn is its artistic conception. The potential is wordless. What kind of brilliant sunrise should it involve? (Silent Potential)

(2) Brother, with dark skin and strong arms like a strong cow; Brother, rough voice, untidy hair, like a hard working horse; Brother, he is silent, getting up early and feeling dark, like a donkey pulling a mill. It is said that I picked it up, because I am like the only laborer in the family who works as hard as animals as long as there is food to eat. The wind gently passed by, and there was a gasping voice of my brother. My sweat was floating in the wheat waves. In the sun, like a pearl, it flew up and sank into the boundless wheat waves. (Brother, did you pick it up?)

(3) The boundless sky is the journey of the eagle's life; The vast land is the journey of a life of flowing water; The passage of time is the journey of one's life. As the stars change, the sun sets and the sun rises, the flowers bloom and fall, and time flies, we carry our bags and walk on this endless journey forever. In order to chase the sun of tomorrow, fulfill the wishes of today, realize the dreams of yesterday, and have a beautiful future, we silently adhere to a belief: never stop. (Fall Tired)

(4) Just like the steep mountains can't stop the surging torrent, the surging torrent can't stop my boat going against the wind.

Just like the thick dark night can't stop the thick black clouds, the thick black clouds can't stop the sunshine outside the window of my heart.

So who is it? Who blocked my sight and taught me not to see the bright sunshine outside the window, not to hear the cicadas in the forest, not to smell the fragrance of flowers in the air when I was discouraged? So who is it? Who has bound my mind and taught me that when I am discouraged, I cannot remember that "when the sky is about to place a great responsibility on this person, I must first afflict his mind, strain his muscles and bones, and starve his skin", and can not understand the artistic conception of "when the mountains and rivers are exhausted, there is no way out, and there is another village"? (Knock the Sand out of Shoes)

Composition of Rhetoric (2)

A metaphor

1. Definition

The metaphor is "analogy". It is a rhetorical device that compares one thing with another according to the similarities between two things of different natures.

2. Structure

Metaphor is generally composed of three parts, namely, the noumenon (the thing or situation to be compared), the vehicle (the thing or situation to be used as a metaphor) and the metaphor words (the symbolic words of the metaphor relationship).

3. Constitution conditions - precautions

The key to forming a metaphor: ① A (noumenon) and B (vehicle) must be different in essence; ② There must be similarities between Party A and Party B. ① ② The two must be true at the same time, or the metaphor cannot be true.

Whether a sentence is a metaphor or not cannot be seen only from the figurative words.

The following examples are not figurative sentences:

① He takes after his mother in character—— Compare similar things

② It's dark as if it's going to rain—— Indicates a guess

③ Don't work with mental baggage—— The figurative meaning of words

4. Purpose of metaphor

The purpose of metaphor is to use vivid language to clarify ideas. That is to say, let people know and understand things that they do not understand, do not understand, do not know and do not know by means of metaphor.

Therefore, things that people are familiar with must be used as vehicles to describe things that people are not familiar with (noumenon), so that people can understand things that they do not know. Never use things that people are not familiar with to describe things that people are familiar with, let alone things that people do not know to describe things that people do not know. If not, it will backfire.

The specific purposes of metaphor are as follows:

① Explain the possibility of ontology. The noumenon is modified by a surprising thing, and we must use a metaphor to eliminate this surprise. For example:

The cruel war started from a few words, but you can't see that the fiery fire mostly comes from micro Mars.

When a man is tired in his youth and rested in his old age, he is just like an ant, trying to collect food in summer so that he can sit and enjoy it in winter.

② Clarify the situation of the ontology. The characteristics of the noumenon were previously unknown, but if we use a metaphor to describe it, we can see it at a glance.

The earth is round, like an orange.

Her body is soft, as if born with rattan bones.

③ Clarify the extent of the ontology. Previously, I only had a general understanding of the characteristics of the noumenon. Through metaphor, I pointed out the degree of this characteristic. This is often something that can be felt. For example:

The patient took a bitter medicine, which seemed to be balsam pear.

The house caught fire, and I felt as if hell had moved to the world.

④ Affirm the situation of ontology. The thing that narrates the noumenon must be affirmed and clarified with metaphor. In this case, things that can be perceived are compared to rational things. For example:

Even if the scholar's advantages are not allowed to play, it is also covered like musk, but it cannot prevent its fragrance from overflowing.

Frivolous people are unknowingly heading for destruction, just like moths to fire.

⑤ Beautify or uglify the noumenon. The former (Example 1 and Example 2) extol and praise the noumenon, while the latter (Example 3 and 4) belittle and belittle the noumenon. For example:

Example 1: A dog is like a faithful friend.

Ex.2: The old age is the fruit of life maturity.

Ex.3: Summer is as hot as hell.

Example 4: Winter is the ghost of the poor who tremble.

5. The Role of Metaphor

The function of metaphor is mainly to change the dull into vivid; Turn profundity into superficiality; Transforming abstract into concrete; Turn verbosity into simplicity.

6. Classification

According to the similarities and differences and implicit characteristics of the three parts of the metaphor structure, it can be divided into four types.

(1) Simile. The noumenon and the vehicle appear, and the middle is connected by the figurative words "like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like" and so on. The common form is "A resembles B". For example, the leaves are high above the water, like the skirt of a graceful dancer.

(2) Metaphor. The noumenon vehicles all appear, and the middle is connected by the figurative words "yes", "cheng" and "cheng". The typical form is: A is B.

For example, the square is a sea of white wreaths, and the monument has been piled into a snow-white hill.

In addition, there are some variants of metaphor, which should be noted:

① Modified metaphor: the metaphorical relationship between the noumenon and the vehicle is realized in the form of modification and being modified, restriction and being restricted. For example:

This is the sea of flowers.

② Appositive metaphor: the metaphorical relationship between the body and the vehicle is expressed in the form of appositive anaphora. For example: Wang Laoba, don't pour soup

③ Annotative metaphor: the body and the vehicle express the metaphorical relationship in the form of annotations, and dashes are often used to connect, for example, five o'clock.

The whistle for work went off. The lid of the red brick "can" - the iron door opened

(3) Metonymy. There is no noumenon and vehicle, and the vehicle is described directly. The typical form of metonymy is A on behalf of B. For example: the most hateful ones

Poisonous snakes and beasts have eaten up our flesh and blood.

(4) Boyu. Use several vehicles together to explain an ontology. For example, a huge white clove bloomed on the gray corrugated roof, such as snow, jade and splashing spray.

Composition of Rhetoric (3)

Practical rhetoric at the beginning of composition

The charm of metaphor

The uninteresting words are often due to the lack of association and are not good at metaphor. Proper metaphor can make the language vivid, vivid, and even brilliant. Therefore, when explaining the truth or describing the image, we should use metaphor as much as possible, which can let the marking teacher see your divergent thinking ability and the appeal of language expression, so as to show your Chinese literacy.


Parallelism is to use a group of sentences or words with the same or similar structure, related meaning, and consistent tone to form a string together, so as to enhance the language power, express feelings, and give people a kind of vast and tidy beauty. When to use parallelism? I suggest that you should consider these points: for example, using parallelism at the beginning or the end, especially in argumentation, the use of parallelism at the beginning or the end is particularly powerful and persuasive whether it leads to an argument, emphasizes an argument, or summarizes an argument; In addition, parallelism can also be used as the overall structure of the article, which can make the article more clear, but beware of emptiness; You can also arrange parallelism in sentences to make the language more brilliant and expressive.

Cited scholarly spirit

If you can consciously quote some common sayings, poems or famous sayings in your composition, you can make your language more bookish and your argument more persuasive. The key to quotation is that it must be appropriate and appropriate. Appropriateness means that the quotation must be targeted, and must help readers identify with and understand your views; Moderation means that you can't quote too much. You can't write an article full of other people's words. If you don't have your own thoughts, it means too much is too little. The quotation of ancient poetry makes the language more bookish, more meaningful and beautiful, which makes people appreciate it again and again, and has endless aftertaste.

Dual sense of rhythm

Middle school students should, of course, focus on casual sentences when writing articles, but sometimes it is inevitable to use casual sentences all the time, which are monotonous and casual, and show no literary grace. If the sentence can be mixed with antithesis and antithesis, the sentence segments can be symmetrical, harmonious, solemn and powerful.

Points for Attention in the Use of Rhetoric in Students' Compositions

1. Single usage. According to the requirements of the new curriculum standard, junior high school students should master the eight most common rhetorical devices. However, in students' compositions, metaphor and quotation are used more often than others. Rhetoric with strong literariness, such as antithesis, can't be found at all. As metaphor is the most common one in all rhetoric, it is also used more frequently. It is also one of the rhetoric that they use better. The quotations are mainly from learned poems.

2. The error rate of application is high. Because students do not have a comprehensive grasp of the characteristics of the most basic rhetorical devices, their ability is still basically at the cognitive level, and has not yet reached the level of skilled application. Therefore, in the composition, we can see that many use cases are appropriate, such as the two and four examples mentioned above, which are not very appropriate, Because I felt the ridicule of my classmates, I compared this feeling to "flowers and plants seem to wither and die", which is obviously exaggerated.

Eight Skills in the Beginning of Composition

Skill 1 at the beginning of composition: design suspense to attract readers

I am dying

I lay on the hospital bed, surrounded by dark, very quiet, so large room, can only hear my faint breath. The nurse will only come in when taking medicine and injection, and seldom talks to me. I'm used to it. I won't complain too much because I know I'm going to die. I stared out of the window and told myself to face death calmly. (From Feeling the Beauty of Life, written by Man Fenwen in the 20xx senior high school entrance examination in Shaanxi Province)

Tips: At the beginning of this article, there is a suspense: "I" am dying. So the reader can't help being attracted and thinking, how could he be dying? What's wrong with him? What will happen in the first place? This series of questions naturally brings your attention to the following, making you eager to know the following. This kind of opening method captures people's curiosity when reading, and carefully designs to attract readers to read, with good results.

Tip 2: Get straight to the point and show your point of view

My friend, how do you feel when you see piles of garbage as high as hills, streams and rivers with foul smell, and harmful gases poisoning people? At that time, I was not so angry that I wanted to shout: "Please pay attention to the living environment of human beings!"

Tips: The writing of argumentative papers in the examination room must clearly show your own views. It is a common but practical way to write straight to the point and put an attitude. At the beginning of this article, the way of asking questions and answering questions is adopted, which is concise and powerful, and clearly shows my own views, laying the foundation for the following discussion.

When you are in pain, you will go home and let off your tears; When you are upset, you will go home and let the warmth of home dispel the dark clouds in your heart; The family melts in sorrow, and dissolves out happiness; The family accepts sadness and releases happiness. Home, good! (Selected from the composition "Home, It's Good" in the 20xx senior high school entrance examination in Yunnan Province)

Tips: Narratives can also be straight to the point. You see, this article uses the form of parallelism to express his feelings about "home" without concealment, setting the tone for the full text.

Skill 3: Associative memory and clever narration

In the independent courtyard, the moonlight is like water, flowing quietly beside me, and I feel the coolness of my heart, causing endless yearning for you! I remember that it was also such a moonlit night, and I sent you on the train to a foreign country

How is everything for you who are young and struggling alone in a foreign country? (From Man Fenwen of Henan High School Entrance Examination in 20xx, When I Face the "Dissolving Moonlight")

Tips: In the middle school entrance exam, there are often reminiscing questions. If you need to recall something that happened in the past, you can associate memories to trigger thoughts. This method was introduced at the beginning of this article. The article first wrote about the moonlight, which led to the association of "me" and reminded me of the story that also happened on such a night. This kind of beginning is permeated with a strong emotional atmosphere, which is conducive to expressing emotions.

"Often go home and have a look..." The singing voice hovered over the room. Dongzi took his father's letter and tears filled his cheeks. It has been three years since Dongzi left home. A letter from his father in the past three years has wiped out the hatred in Dongzi's heart. Dongzi covered his scroll and thought. His thoughts went back to three years ago. (From "Go home and have a look", written by Man Fenwen in the 20xx senior high school entrance examination in Gansu Province)

Tips: This article starts with a popular song, arouses the thinking of the characters in the article, makes them return to the past, and skillfully tells the time of the story.

Tip 4: Highlight contradictions and exaggerate atmosphere

"Don't be a secretary as soon as possible. It's no use!" I came from the dusty school. A hundred meters away from my home, I smelled a strong smell of gunpowder, heard my mother yelling at my father, and a feeling of "dark clouds pressing the city" hit my heart. Mom is also a meddler. She will intervene in whatever Dad does. If it doesn't work out, she will be furious. Fortunately, his father and the prime minister were able to punt boats. Every time, his mother was allowed to clean up the mess with a few words after a storm. I don't know why today. (From "The Disturbance of the" Democracy Wall "" by Man Fenwen in the 20xx Hubei Xiantao Middle School)

Tips: Narrative writing should be good at creating contradictions, and developing the story in contradiction can attract people. This article reveals a contradiction at the beginning. The purpose is to catch the readers' heart quickly and arouse their interest in reading.

"It's too hot this summer. Why not buy an air conditioner tomorrow?" Mom said while eating.

"Buy air conditioners, buy air conditioners, you only know to enjoy! You should save some money for your children to go to college later, and you simply don't plan to." Grandma nagged, without a smile on her face.

"You old man, you should enjoy yourself. How long can you live when you are 70 years old?" Mom answered casually.

I wondered in my heart: sometimes they don't talk well, but they seldom make conflicts. Today's atmosphere is very tense. People often say that mother-in-law and daughter-in-law have no blood relationship, so it is difficult to get along well. (From Responsibility, written by Man Fenwen of Chongqing High School Entrance Examination in 20xx)

Tips: Only stories with contradictions can be attractive. In the process of conflict resolution, the twists and readability of the article will be greatly enhanced. This article shows the contradiction between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law at the beginning, laying a solid foundation for the further development of the story.

Skill 5: Use rhetoric skillfully to show literary talent

Love is a ray of sunshine in winter, dispelling the cold frost; Love is a rain after a long drought, moistening the cracked heart; Love is a beacon in the ocean, indicating the hope of new life. (From "Bring Love to Others" written by Man Fenwen in the 20xx Hubei Jingzhou High School Entrance Examination)

If I were a bird, I would remember the nest when I was born; If I were a sapling, I could not forget the land that nourished me; If I were a river, the snow covered plateau would become a brand in my memory; If... no matter what I am, no matter how I exist, I can forget everything around me, or even abandon myself, but there is one thing that cannot be destroyed, that is, return. (From The Annotation of Return, written by Man Fenwen in the 20xx Guiyang High School Entrance Examination)

I hold the clearest moonlight; I hold a ray of the warmest after sunset; Burning red leaves, I pick up the hottest; I pick the most splendid bouquet of luxuriant flowers; Be kind to people, be kind to people, be kind to people. (From "Be kind to others" written by Man Fenwen in the 20xx Jiangxi High School Entrance Examination)

I often heard old people say, "I have walked more bridges than you have!" At that time, I was thinking, what is a bridge? Is it just the "bridge" that we have to go through when we go to school, which is superimposed by the two old locust trees at the west end of the village? (From The Beautiful Bridge, written by Man Fenwen in the 20xx senior high school entrance examination in Shanxi Province)

Tips: Rhetoric is an indispensable part of language use. The use of ingenious and appropriate rhetoric can often add a lot of style to language. In the composition of the examination room, if the examinee can skillfully use rhetoric to beautify the language, he or she will get good results. Among the above examples, the first one uses metaphor and parallelism, the second one uses imitation and parallelism, and the third one uses parallelism. The reduplication technique vividly expounds his own views and expresses his true feelings. The language is bright and colorful, and the reading is refreshing; The fourth example uses the method of asking questions, first setting questions, then starting the story, which has a strong attraction and is easy to arouse the readers' interest in reading. Such an extraordinary beginning will naturally give a good impression to the marking teacher.

Tip 6: Describe the environment and set off the background

Outside the classroom, the roaring north wind with dense raindrops splashed on the wall, "chug, chug" to the sound. In the classroom, an all-around competition exam has reached a white hot stage. (From "Building a Wall in the Heart" written by Man Fenwen in the examination of Hubei Xiantao Middle School in 20xx)

The purple red sunset is filled with the whole sky, including a round of blood like sunset. The warm picture shows the warmth and calm feeling of "the most beautiful but red sunset", which makes people intoxicated and infatuated. (From Man Fenwen's "Bringing the Beauty of Dawn to the Lost Me" in the 20xx Hubei Jingzhou High School Entrance Examination)

The evening wind blew the most ripples on the river, the setting sun closed its last afterglow, and the autumn frost saw off the last returning goose. We stood silently, our eyes wandering on the door of memory. When so many things have passed away, and so many things have withered away, we can at least say to ourselves: "Don't be sad, I have experienced that feeling, although it was only once owned."

Tips: All scenery words are emotion words. In the writing of narration and prose, environmental description is indispensable. Environmental description can play up the atmosphere, set off the characters and promote the development of the story. If a brief environmental description is carried out at the beginning of the article, it can not only provide a specific background for the article, but also make the article form a special atmosphere. At the beginning of the above three paragraphs, the first paragraph writes about the coming of a sudden rain in order to set off the background for the examination in the classroom and create a tense atmosphere. The second paragraph is about the setting sun, which is mainly to lay the foundation for the following writing of my own feelings about life, and is a trigger point of feelings. The third paragraph sets off the mood of the characters at this time through the description of "evening wind", "sunset" and "autumn frost". The writing method of three paragraphs is simple but practical, and the effect is also good, which can greatly arouse readers' interest in reading.

Tip 7: Quote widely and highlight the theme

"Please take my song back to your home, please leave your smile..." Whenever the familiar melody rings in my ears, I feel especially kind as if I have met an old friend whom I haven't seen for many years. (From Song and Smile, written by Man Fenwen in the 20xx Gansu High School Entrance Examination)

Edison, a famous scientist, said: "Confidence is the first secret of success." Yes, if you have confidence and keep working hard, you can achieve success. (From Man Fenwen of Henan Provincial High School Entrance Examination in 20xx, "You can succeed only if you have confidence")

"The moon is dim, the birds are dim, and the curtain rolls red with crabapple."

Every time I recite this poem, I feel indescribably intoxicated. The heart is hazy, the eyes are hazy, and the eyes really show a picture. (From "Intoxication" written by Man Fenwen in the 20xx senior high school entrance examination in Jilin Province)

Tips: The quotation method is a very common way to start an article. The content of the quotation is very rich. If it is an argumentative paper, it often quotes famous people's quotes to enhance the demonstration effect and highlight the theme, such as the second example above; If it is narrative and prose, you can quote lyrics and verses to trigger the following and facilitate narrative lyricism, such as the first and third examples above. In addition, you can also quote ancient sayings, proverbs, couplets, etc.

Composition of Rhetoric (4)

1. Metaphor: a rhetorical method that uses specific and common things, situations or truths to refer to abstract and unfamiliar things, situations or truths.

[Function]: It can make the language vivid and vivid, concretize and visualize the abstract things.

[Example]: The opening of the stone arch bridge is curved, like a rainbow.

[Function analysis]: The shape of a rainbow is used as a metaphor for the opening of a stone arch bridge, which vividly describes the beautiful features of the stone arch bridge, and arouses people's imagination of beauty.

2. personification: personify things as people, and write it as a rhetorical method with feelings and behaviors like people.

[Function]: enhance the friendliness and image of the language, make the readers feel lifelike, and often have a very bright emotional color.

[Example]: Peach trees, apricot trees, pear trees, you won't let me, I won't let you, they are all full of flowers.

[Function analysis]: It describes the lively scene of beautiful spring flowers and peach and plum contesting for spring with anthropomorphic method, which makes readers feel cordial and vivid.

3. Exaggeration: a rhetorical method that uses rich imagination to vividly expand or narrow the image, characteristics, function, degree, etc. of a thing in order to highlight and clearly delineate it.

[Function]: It can enhance the image of language, highlight the characteristics of things or play a positive role in enhancing the readers' subjective feelings, attitudes and understanding of the author.

[Example]: Up and down the river, suddenly the torrent flows.

[Function analysis]: It vividly describes the rapid freezing of the Yellow River, highlighting the severe cold in the north.

4. Parallelism: a rhetorical method that arranges three or more sentences or phrases with closely related content, basically the same or similar structure, and basically the same tone to express similar or related meanings.

[Function]: It is convenient to express complex content in a centralized, thorough and emotional way, so that the momentum is coherent and smooth, the form is neat, and the syllables are loud.

[Example]: He cannot raise his head, open his eyes, breathe or walk.

[Function analysis]: It specifically depicts Xiangzi's feeling of pulling a cart in a storm, and exaggerates Xiangzi's pain and helplessness in a harsh environment, so that the readers can have an immersive feeling.

5. Duality: a rhetorical method that uses a pair of phrases or sentences with the same structure, equal number of words, and related content to express two relative or similar meanings.

[Function]: From the perspective of form, the sentence pattern is neat, enhancing the formal beauty of language; From the content point of view, it is concise and concentrated, with strong generalization, which strengthens the contrast and complementarity of meaning, and also makes the phonology harmonious, rhythmic, catchy, precise and expressive.

[Example]: (Looking) Inside and outside the Great Wall, there is nothing but recklessness; Up and down the river, suddenly the torrent flows.

[Function analysis]: It describes the magnificent scenery covered with ice and snow in the cold weather of northern China in winter. It sounds sonorous and rhythmic, which enhances the expressive force.

6. Repetition: a rhetorical method to make the same word or sentence appear again and again according to the needs of expression. It includes continuous repetition and interval repetition.

[Function]: It can highlight something, express continuous feelings or strengthen tone, and highlight feelings.

[Example]: Look forward, look forward, the east wind is coming, and the pace of spring is approaching.

[Function analysis]: The phrase "looking forward" is repeated continuously, showing the love for spring and the eagerness to look forward to the early arrival of spring.

7. Asking: a rhetorical device that asks questions first and then expresses one's own opinions.

[Function]: It can highlight the key points of the article, enhance the language momentum, attract the attention of readers, and make people think deeply, which is conducive to better lyricism; At the same time, it can make the writing turbulent and achieve a vivid and non rigid effect.

[Example]: Who are the Pianpian and Xiangpian riding here? Yellow messenger in white shirt.

[Function analysis]: This question highlighted the eunuchs who came to the palace city as envoys, and wrote their arrogance

8. Ask questions: express definite meaning in the form of questions to strengthen the tone. Its characteristic is to express negative content in a positive tone; Use negative tone to express positive content.

[Function]: To strengthen the momentum of language can enhance the definite meaning, which is undeniable, strong in language sense and full of appeal.

[Example]: Don't you think our soldiers are cute? Aren't you proud that our motherland has such heroes?

Composition of Rhetoric (5)

[Use rhetorical devices to enhance the composition in the examination room]

The earliest composition examination can be traced back to the "imperial examination" system, which was set up to examine and select officials in the feudal dynasties after the Sui Dynasty. Among them, the Tang and Song dynasties were the most prosperous, and the main examination was poetry and fu, which greatly contributed to the extremely prosperous pattern of poetry and song and fu in the Tang and Song dynasties.

Since the resumption of the college entrance examination 30 years ago, the college entrance examination room, without exception, has to complete the composition examination. The composition of the college entrance examination now accounts for 60 points (the full score of Chinese is 150 points). The score of a question can have such a high proportion, its importance is probably incomparable to any question in any discipline. It can be said that the quality of a composition directly reflects a person's level of using his mother tongue. In recent years, many provinces and cities across the country are even trying to "test only one composition in the language exam". There is a consensus in the educational circles that "composition is the key to pass the college entrance examination". There are two grading standards for college entrance examination composition grading: "basic grade" and "development grade". "Basic level" is the requirement for the examinee's basic writing ability in composition, and "development level" is a higher level requirement based on the former, which is divided into four items: "profound", "rich", "literary talent", and "innovative". The role of this level is to open up the gap between the examinee's composition. In fact, there is no need for examinees to be intimidated by the requirement of "development grade". If examinees can skillfully use rhetoric to beautify the language in their compositions, they can not only make the language elegant and enrich the content of the article, but also make the expression full of personality, add highlights to the article, and add beauty to their compositions.

This article focuses on rhetorical devices and discusses the use of rhetorical devices in writing.

1、 Making the finishing point, rhetoric makes the composition title eye-catching

The title is the "eye" of the article. The eye-catching composition title can leave a good first impression on the marking teacher. In the marking field, the marking teacher often subconsciously gives high marks to the article (when other aspects meet the requirements). For example, taking "beautiful scenery" as the topic, a student proposed the title of "Dressing up the Mother River", and used the personification technique to write the changing characteristics of the Mother River. Another example is to take "feeling life" as the topic, and "relying on" as the topic. The students proposed the titles of "If life deceives you" and "relying on people and heaven and ancestors, not heroes", respectively citing the poems of Pushkin and Hua Luogeng as the topics, which are novel and ingenious, reflecting good literary literacy. Another example is "Teacher, the Light in My Heart" and "Life is a Palette", which use figurative rhetoric to be flexible and beautiful. "Can Dayu Control the Flood?" uses rhetorical devices of rhetorical questions, has a clear point of view, has a certain critical spirit, and attracts readers to read. We can also flexibly use metonymy, antithesis, repetition, synaesthesia, parallelism and other rhetorical devices in writing to make the title new and unique.

2、 Brilliant appearance, rhetoric makes the beginning of composition gorgeous

If the title is the "eye" of the article, then a good beginning is a beautiful "face", which directly affects the impression of readers on the whole article. As the saying goes, it is difficult to begin everything. The beginning of a composition is very important. A good beginning of a composition will make a deep impression on people. In particular, the teacher who marks the paper basically determines the level of a composition by judging the beginning of the composition. A good beginning can be said to be half the success, so the creation of the beginning of the composition cannot be underestimated.

The following is the beginning of a student's composition with "ideal" as the topic:

Time is like water, life is like a song, the sun and the moon are shuttling day by day, the flowers are blooming and falling, only the dream in my heart has never withered

Give a fish a piece of sea, it will roam freely, give an eagle a piece of blue sky, it will spread its wings and fly, give a tiger a mountain, it will gallop freely, give a wish, it will warm your dream.

The above two examples use the techniques of metaphor, personification and parallelism to vividly express the author's inner world, which is unique and gives people a fresh, free and easy feeling with infinite charm. With the flexible use of rhetorical beginning, you can write a creative beginning, which will make readers remember it and make the composition colorful.

Love is a ray of sunshine in winter, dispelling the cold frost; Love is a rain after a long drought, moistening the cracked heart; Love is a beacon in the ocean, indicating the hope of new life. (From "Bring Love to Others" written by Man Fenwen in Jingzhou High School Entrance Examination in Hubei Province)

I hold the clearest moonlight; I hold a ray of the warmest after sunset; Hot red leaves, I pick up the hottest; I pick the most splendid bouquet of luxuriant flowers; Be kind to people, be kind to people, be kind to people. (From Man Fenwen's "Be kind to others" in Jiangxi High School Entrance Examination)

Among the above examples, the first one uses metaphor and parallelism, and the second one uses parallelism and reduplication to vividly express their own views and express their true feelings. The language is bright and colorful, which is refreshing and easy to arouse readers' interest in reading. Such an extraordinary beginning will naturally give a good impression to the marking teacher. As long as you pay attention to it a little, you will find that many excellent compositions begin with some novel metaphors. Some of them cite famous aphorisms, proverbs, and proverbs, which make the beginning wonderful. For example, the full score composition "Criticism is good medicine" in the senior high school entrance examination of Chongqing starts with: "Praise is a stimulant and catalyst, then criticism is good medicine, sweet good medicine." The metaphor is accurate and appropriate, which clearly expresses my own views, has a strong attraction, and makes the article beautiful and dazzling.

3、 Chinese clothes and brocade, rhetoric adds color to the content of the composition

In the content arrangement of the composition, rhetorical devices can also be used to show literary talent in their own compositions:

(1) Use rhetoric to portray vivid characters

The depiction of characters in A Dream of Red Mansions is the most successful. For example, Lin Daiyu's portrait description: "Two curved eyebrows look like a frown rather than a puff of smoke, and one pair of eyes look like a joy rather than a joy. The appearance of two anxieties can lead to a delicate illness. Tears are scattered, and the tender breath is slight. When quiet, it is like a beautiful flower shining on the water, and the action is like a weak Liu Fufeng. The heart is more than the trunk, and the disease is like a Xizi." The figures of speech of metaphor and contrast are used in many places, and Dai Yu's intelligence and morbid beauty are written. Students can write similar masterpieces. For example, in the excellent composition "Reward", the author's description of "grandpa" is: grandpa's face has become an old bark, and his hair has long fallen off, like a bare hillside. I use a metaphor to describe my grandfather's old age, which is vivid. Another example is "Teacher, I want to tell you", which wrote about a slovenly young teacher and persuaded him to pay attention to image. The description of the teacher is: our newly assigned teacher is very free and easy, like a big artist, with hair like weeds, wearing a square glasses, and his face is always cloudy and clear robot. Wearing jeans for several months, he exudes an indescribable smell. When students asked him why, he said deeply: "Wine is the fragrance of Chen, which is modern and cool." This description uses irony, metaphor, hyperbole and other rhetorical devices to accurately and artistically portray the image of the art teacher, which is fresh and vivid.

(2) Use rhetoric to describe beautiful natural scenery

To write the characteristics of things, in addition to objective description, rhetoric is usually used to achieve. Such as "goose feather snow", "pear white", "peach red", etc. Zhu Ziqing's prose "Spring" uses rhetorical devices such as metaphor, personification, quotation and parallelism to describe the characteristics of spring grass, spring flowers and spring rain and write the vitality of spring. Another example is a passage in Zhu Ziqing's Moonlight over the Lotus Pond: "Above the zigzag lotus pond, you can see the leaves of the fields. The leaves are high above the water, like the skirts of graceful dancers. Among the layers of leaves, white flowers are dotted sporadically, some are blooming gracefully, some are bashfully, just like bright pearls, and some are like stars in the blue sky." The article uses metaphor, personification, synaesthesia, comparison and other techniques to depict the lotus pond under the moonlight and the moonlight on the lotus pond to perfection. The aesthetic language vividly and accurately expresses the emotion of the work, which shows the great charm of rhetoric. Write about lotus: "When the breeze passes by, it sends a wisp of fragrance, like a faint singing voice on a distant high-rise." This sentence uses synaesthesia and other rhetorical devices, which is novel and flexible. It depicts the mood of lotus from different angles and at different levels. Reading it makes people feel refreshed and memorable. Such as the excellent composition "When I Face the Sea", which describes the sea is wonderful. "The green sea is splashed with white waves from time to time, and the waves show their majesty and variety in the air. The sea water is constantly pounding against the rocks, and the rocks are pounding into pieces of green jadeite, decorating the beauty of the sea. The sound of crashing, laughing, and laughing came to my ears, and it was the sea water struggling with the rocks that gave birth to a string of beautiful and spectacular waves." This passage uses such rhetorical devices as personification, metaphor and parallelism to describe the vastness of the sea and the beauty of waves, which are exquisite and vivid.

4、 The rhetoric makes the end of the composition shine

The appropriate use of embellishment techniques to brew a good ending, so that the article is compact, integrated, and thus icing on the cake. For example, at the end of "Flower Market", she wrote: "She stands in a hundred flowers with a smile, like a flower, like a tall and elegant orchid Parallelism: "Ideal is a stone, which can strike the fire of life, ideal is a fire, which can light the lamp of life, and ideal is a lamp, which can illuminate the way forward." Lyrical comments and rhetorical modifications add literary color to the article, making the article an integral whole, and the bright end embellishes the article.

The reasonable use of rhetoric in composition can not only make the composition rich in literary grace, but also make the full text rich in beauty, and really play a finishing touch.

Composition of Rhetoric (6)

Use Rhetoric to Enhance Xie Lizhen's Composition in the Examination Room

As a country with a long history of writing, composition examination has a long history in China. The earliest composition examination can be traced back to the "imperial examination" system, which was set up to examine and select officials in the feudal dynasties after the Sui Dynasty. Among them, the Tang and Song dynasties were the most prosperous, and the main examination was poetry and fu, which greatly contributed to the extremely prosperous pattern of poetry and song and fu in the Tang and Song dynasties. Since the resumption of the college entrance examination 30 years ago, the college entrance examination room, without exception, has to complete the composition examination. The composition of the college entrance examination now accounts for 60 points (the full score of Chinese is 150 points). The score of a question can have such a high proportion, its importance is probably incomparable to any question in any discipline. It can be said that the quality of a composition directly reflects a person's level of using his mother tongue. In recent years, many provinces and cities across the country are even trying to "test only one composition in the language exam". There is a consensus in the educational circles that "composition is the key to pass the college entrance examination". There are two grading standards for college entrance examination composition grading: "basic grade" and "development grade". "Basic level" is the requirement for the examinee's basic writing ability in composition, and "development level" is a higher level requirement based on the former, which is divided into four items: "profound", "rich", "literary talent", and "innovative". The role of this level is to open up the examinee's composition gap. In fact, there is no need for examinees to be intimidated by the requirement of "development grade". If examinees can skillfully use rhetoric to beautify the language in their compositions, they can not only make the language elegant and enrich the content of the article, but also make the expression full of personality, add highlights to the article, and add beauty to their compositions. This article focuses on rhetorical devices and discusses the use of rhetorical devices in writing. 1、 To make the finishing point, rhetoric makes the eye-catching title of the composition the "eye" of the article. The eye-catching title of the composition can leave a good first impression on the marking teacher. In the marking field, the marking teacher often subconsciously gives the article high marks (when other aspects meet the requirements). For example, taking "beautiful scenery" as the topic, a student proposed the title of "Dressing up the Mother River", and used the personification technique to write the changing characteristics of the Mother River. Another example is to take "feeling life" as the topic, and "relying on" as the topic. The students proposed the titles of "If life deceives you" and "relying on people and heaven and ancestors, not heroes", respectively citing the poems of Pushkin and Hua Luogeng as the topics, which are novel and ingenious, reflecting good literary literacy. Another example is "Teacher, the Light in My Heart" and "Life is a Palette", which use figurative rhetoric to be flexible and beautiful. "Can Dayu Control the Flood?" uses rhetorical devices of rhetorical questions, has a clear point of view, has a certain critical spirit, and attracts readers to read. We can also flexibly use metonymy, antithesis, repetition, synaesthesia, parallelism and other rhetorical devices in writing to make the title new and unique. 2、 If the title is the "eyes" of the article, then a good beginning is a beautiful "face", which directly affects readers' impression of the whole article. As the saying goes, it is difficult to begin everything. The beginning of a composition is very important. A good beginning of a composition will make a deep impression on people. In particular, the teacher who marks the paper basically determines the level of a composition by judging the beginning of the composition. A good beginning can be said to be half the success, so the creation of the beginning of the composition cannot be underestimated. The following is the beginning of a student's composition on the topic of "ideal": time is like water, life is like a song, the sun and the moon are shuttling day by day, flowers are blooming and falling, only the dream in my heart has not withered?? Give a fish a piece of sea, it will roam freely, give an eagle a piece of blue sky, it will spread its wings and fly, give a tiger a mountain, it will gallop freely, give a wish, it will warm your dream. The above two examples use the techniques of metaphor, personification and parallelism to vividly express the author's inner world, which is unique and gives people a fresh, free and easy feeling with infinite charm. With the flexible use of rhetorical beginning, you can write a creative beginning, which will make readers remember it and make the composition colorful. Love is a ray of sunshine in winter, dispelling the cold frost; Love is a rain after a long drought, moistening the cracked heart; Love is a beacon in the ocean, indicating the hope of new life. (From "Bringing Love to Others" written by Man Fenwen of Hubei Jingzhou High School Entrance Examination) I hold the clearest moonlight; I hold a ray of the warmest after sunset; Hot red leaves, I pick up the hottest; I pick the most splendid bouquet of luxuriant flowers; Be kind to people, be kind to people, be kind to people. (From Man Fenwen's "Be kind to others" in Jiangxi High School Entrance Examination)

Among the above examples, the first one uses metaphor and parallelism, and the second one uses parallelism and reduplication to vividly express their own views and express their true feelings. The language is bright and colorful, which is refreshing and easy to arouse readers' interest in reading. Such an extraordinary beginning will naturally give a good impression to the marking teacher. As long as you pay attention to it a little, you will find that many excellent compositions begin with some novel metaphors. Some of them cite famous aphorisms, proverbs, and proverbs, which make the beginning wonderful. For example, the full score composition "Criticism is good medicine" in the senior high school entrance examination of Chongqing starts with: "Praise is a stimulant and catalyst, then criticism is good medicine, sweet good medicine." The metaphor is accurate and appropriate, which clearly expresses my own views, has a strong attraction, and makes the article beautiful and dazzling. 3、 The rhetoric of "Huayi Brocade Shirt" makes the content of the composition more colorful in the content arrangement of the composition. You can also use rhetoric to show the literary grace in your own composition: (1) The use of rhetoric to portray vivid characters The Dream of Red Mansions is the most successful in portraying characters, such as the portrait of Lin Daiyu: "Two bends seem to be frowning rather than frowning, and one pair seems to be happy rather than loving. The state gives birth to two anxieties, and the petite attack is a disease. Tears are shining, and the baby is breathing slightly. In leisure, it is like a beautiful flower shining on the water, and in action, it is like a weak willow supporting the wind. The heart is more than the trunk, and the disease is like Xi Zi. " The figures of speech of metaphor and contrast are used in many places, and Dai Yu's intelligence and morbid beauty are written. Students can write similar masterpieces. For example, in the excellent composition "Reward", the author's description of "grandpa" is: grandpa's face has become an old bark, and his hair has long fallen off, like a bare hillside. I use a metaphor to describe my grandfather's old age, which is vivid. Another example is "Teacher, I want to tell you", which wrote about a slovenly young teacher and persuaded him to pay attention to image. The description of the teacher is: our newly assigned teacher is very free and easy, like a big artist, with hair like weeds, wearing a square glasses, and his face is always cloudy and clear robot. Wearing jeans for several months, he exudes an indescribable smell. When students asked him why, he said deeply: "Wine is the fragrance of Chen, which is modern and cool." This description uses irony, metaphor, hyperbole and other rhetorical devices to accurately and artistically portray the image of the art teacher, which is fresh and vivid. (2) To use rhetoric to describe beautiful natural scenery, we should write the characteristics of things. In addition to objective description, we usually use rhetoric to achieve. Such as "goose feather snow", "pear white", "peach red", etc. Zhu Ziqing's prose "Spring" uses rhetorical devices such as metaphor, personification, quotation and parallelism to describe the characteristics of spring grass, spring flowers and spring rain and write the vitality of spring. Another example is a passage in Zhu Ziqing's Moonlight over the Lotus Pond: "Above the zigzag lotus pond, you can see the leaves of the fields. The leaves are high above the water, like the skirts of graceful dancers. Among the layers of leaves, white flowers are dotted sporadically, some are blooming gracefully, some are bashfully, just like bright pearls, and some are like stars in the blue sky." The article uses metaphor, personification, synaesthesia, comparison and other techniques to depict the lotus pond under the moonlight and the moonlight on the lotus pond to perfection. The aesthetic language vividly and accurately expresses the emotion of the work, which shows the great charm of rhetoric. Write about lotus: "When the breeze passes by, it sends a wisp of fragrance, like a faint singing voice on a distant high-rise." This sentence uses synaesthesia and other rhetorical devices, which is novel and flexible. It depicts the mood of lotus from different angles and at different levels. Reading it makes people feel refreshed and memorable. Such as the excellent composition "When I Face the Sea", which describes the sea is wonderful. "The green sea is splashed with white waves from time to time, and the waves show their majesty and variety in the air. The sea water is constantly pounding against the rocks, and the rocks are pounding into pieces of green jadeite, decorating the beauty of the sea. The sound of crashing, laughing, and laughing came to my ears, and it was the sea water struggling with the rocks that gave birth to a string of beautiful and spectacular waves." This passage uses such rhetorical devices as personification, metaphor and parallelism to describe the vastness of the sea and the beauty of waves, which are exquisite and vivid. 4、 To make things better, rhetoric makes the end of the composition shiny. Proper use of embellishments can create a good end, making the structure of the article compact and integrated, thus making things better. For example, at the end of "Flower Market", she wrote: "She stands in a hundred flowers with a smile, like a flower, like a tall and elegant orchid Parallelism: "Ideal is a stone, which can strike the fire of life, ideal is a fire, which can light the lamp of life, and ideal is a lamp, which can illuminate the way forward." Lyrical comments and rhetorical modifications add literary color to the article, making the article an integral whole, and the bright end embellishes the article. The reasonable use of rhetoric in composition can not only make the composition rich in literary grace, but also make the full text rich in beauty, and really play a finishing touch. Xie Lizhen, female, teacher, lives in Dongguan, Guangdong Province.