Composition Ugly Duckling (20 popular articles)
Past events follow the wind
2023-09-28 06:53:32
fourth grade

Composition Ugly Duckling (1)

It is said that after the ugly duckling turned into a white swan, he looked at the lake in the mirror every day to appreciate his beauty and never forgot to praise himself in front of everyone. Several times, when other swans wanted to make friends with her, the ugly duckling said, "You are so ugly, you are not worthy of being friends with me!" Gradually, the ugly duckling became his own again.

One day, the Ugly Duckling received an invitation, which said: "Three days later, next to the Wuting Bridge on the Slender West Lake in Yangzhou, the beauty contest invited girls from all over the country to participate, and the winner will get a five-star manual crown and five-star clothing. You can apply by scanning the QR code next to it, and we are waiting for your good news, thank you!" The Ugly Duckling immediately signed up, We set out with full confidence.

It was already midnight when we flew to Slender West Lake, but many competitors were still flying in the sky. The Ugly Duckling is No. 99. Seeing that he will have so many rivals, he is a little nervous. The ugly duckling quickly changed into the most beautiful clothes and put on the most beautiful makeup. At this time, the ugly duckling looks like a beautiful bride.

At six o'clock in the morning, with the singing of birds and the fragrance of white flowers, the beauty contest slowly opened. The host gave the name of No. 1: Duck Meimei. Then came No. 2, No. 3... It was finally the turn of the ugly duckling. When the ugly duckling stepped on the stage, her beauty was amazing. The judges' score has become the highest in history: two 10s, one 9! The host was about to announce that the Ugly Duckling became the champion when a voice came from the sky: "Wait! I'm late!" It turned out that she was contestant No. 100: Black Swan Xiaoya. The ugly duckling is secretly proud of himself. Who knows what kind of Xiaoya stole the limelight. What's more surprising is that Xiaoya won the championship of this contest with a perfect score of 3 10! The ugly duckling blushed with anger, and no one could surpass her in beauty! She flew home without saying a word.

That night, the ugly duckling had been crying loudly at home, and his face was covered with tears, but no one came to comfort her. At this time, the ugly duckling remembered the swans he wanted to make friends with, and he regretted it. At this time, the ugly duckling really felt lonely and lonely. Suddenly. There was a knock at the door. The ugly duckling opened the door and looked: Isn't this Xiaoya who won the beauty contest champion? The ugly duckling asked, "What are you doing here?" Xiaoya said, "I'm sorry that today's beauty contest stole your spotlight. I really didn't mean to. I brought you a little gift. I hope you can forgive me and be my friend." The ugly duckling thought it was incredible. It was the first time he received a gift. She was moved and said to the duckling, "Thank you for your gift. I'm glad to meet you. Since then, we have been friends."

Soon, they became the best friends. They took part in many beauty contests and won many championships. They formed the "black and white with sister flowers", which attracted the attention of many media. The ugly duckling also made friends under the influence of Xiaoya and became more modest. Isn't this the best ending?

Composition Ugly Duckling (2)

After the ugly duckling became a beautiful white swan, he became the prince of the white swan, and became proud again. It takes a bath every day and cleans its feathers. The sun shines on it, as if there are crystal jewels shining on it. He didn't want other small animals to get close to it, so whenever the small animals got close to it, it would hide far away from them, so everyone began to hate it.

At night, while looking at the stars, he said, "Alas! It would be great if the human could take me back." "Don't think about it. If the human took you back, they would kill you." "Why? That's not true!"

The next day, the hunter went hunting in the forest. His two eyes were looking for prey everywhere, and the small animals were scared more.

The swan prince was very happy when he learned that, and thought: Ah! My wish is finally coming true. It swaggered out.

The hunter thought to himself: I'm lucky to have a prey today.

The swan prince himself immediately flew into the hunter's hand. The hunter took it into the basement and cut off the swan's neck.

The swan prince finally realized the seriousness of the matter and regretted what he had said.

Composition Ugly Duckling (3)

Not everyone can become a white swan, which really requires great efforts.

When I first arrived in Class 7 (5), my heart was really full of fear. All the students in this class had good grades. I was really afraid that I would be far worse than others. Every time I became the object of ridicule by my classmates.

I remember that in the first Chinese class, when the beautiful Chinese teacher put the textbook on the platform, I leaned my head against the table and quietly opened the first lesson of the Chinese book. Unexpectedly, the teacher did not write the topic of the text on the blackboard or give us the content of the text, but asked the students a question: it takes three minutes to eat a bread, How long will it take to eat two loaves of bread?

The students all spoke enthusiastically, and the teacher also smiled on his face from time to time. But I, alas, my character is really introverted, so I can't get in a word or want to get in a word during this lively speech.

I'm just worried about how I should learn in such a class so that I won't be left behind by other students. I'm afraid I can't think of an answer. But I really did not expect that now I have done it, although my change is not as strange and exaggerated as the ugly duckling turning into a white swan. But I have made great progress than before, but I should also be as loving as the ugly duckling. I will study harder, face reality more optimistically, and pursue my goals persistently.

Composition Ugly Duckling (4)

A swan egg abandoned in the wild ducks since childhood was beaten, scolded and bullied by everyone after its birth. The ugly duckling was bullied and laughed at by his brothers, sisters and partners when he was born because of his ugly appearance. Even his mother doesn't like him. But he only chose to run away from home and suffered a series of humiliations outside. In the process of ice and fire, this duckling was also doomed to be different. While admiring the appearance of the swan, he looked up to the sky and cried. Maybe it was his belief and his persistence that moved heaven. This duckling became a beautiful swan in this cold winter!

Maybe someone will say, 'This is just a poor duckling. If he had been born in a group of swans, he would not have experienced so many frustrations. He would have become the pride of heaven at the moment of her birth!' ' But is that all? I don't think so. I think he is lucky. He survives in the symphony of difficulty and firmness. Frustration is sometimes a blessing. This is often an opportunity, an opportunity to success. He is an ocean on the road to success. After passing it, he will become a goose like an ugly duckling

Throughout the world, there are so many successful people, who are not honed in difficulties, but pursued in the wind and rain. As long as we persevere and strive to pursue, we will certainly blossom successful flowers.

It takes hard work to turn the ugly duckling into a beautiful white swan, so now we should not shrink in front of difficulties, but challenge him and defeat it. Only in this way can we become the worthy white swan.

Composition Ugly Duckling (5)

"I am an ugly duckling" - I often say this to myself!

I am an ugly duckling, so when I see the stars shining in the applause of flowers, I will say to myself, hard work will pay off!

I am an ugly duckling, so when I see the beautiful angels, I will say to myself, this cannot be changed!

I am an ugly duckling, so when all the white swans crowd me out, I will say to myself, as long as I see beauty!



However, I often say to myself: "Ugly little people can also become white swans"! As long as the ugly duckling keeps working hard!

Therefore, I want to keep up with the eye-catching stars. Their direction is the goal that I will strive to advance. Their light will not burn me, the ugly duckling, but will become the light that illuminates the darkness on my way!

Therefore, I will continue to strengthen my exercise. Maybe it can not change my appearance or body shape, but it can make me have a healthy body and mind, and give me a solid backing to face difficulties. Maybe one day, people will also say: This is a healthy angel!

Therefore, I will show you my kindness and friendly exchanges! Iron bars are ground into needles, and one day the white swans will open their beautiful wings to welcome me.

Composition Ugly Duckling (6)

The ugly duckling was very excited. He flapped his wings and flew home quickly, hoping to tell his mother the good news as soon as possible.

Back to my hometown, ah! Everything is the same. The old fence, the 329 year old oak tree, and the house where the little duck girl lives are the same. As he walked, he came to his mother before he knew it. He cried happily, "Mom, Mom, I'm back!"! Mother Duck turned her head and looked at her: Ah, when I heard you call me Mother, I thought of my long lost ugly duckling. It's a pity that you are a noble and beautiful swan. You'd better look for your mother elsewhere. The ugly duckling said: Mom, no, I am your long lost ugly duckling. Only one day, when I suddenly realized that I had become a white swan, I flew over to tell you the great news. Mom ran excitedly to hug him and said: Ah, I finally saw my long lost ugly duckling!

From then on, Mother Duck and Ugly Duckling lived happily.

Composition Ugly Duckling (7)

There is no beautiful appearance, not to mention the elegance and nobility of "swan". Maybe I am just a little "ugly duckling". But the ugly duckling still has a dream, and has the pursuit of fulfilling it!

be born

The Year of the Duck, the month of the duck, the sunny day of the duck

Seems to have been asleep for a hundred centuries

Finally one day, I felt the changes all over my body. What a wonderful feeling it was - it seemed that something was constantly coming in, warm and comfortable. With the growing desire for knowledge, I began to feel uneasy. I wanted to break through this fog! With a crack of "Dong", I opened it with my mouth. When the first ray of sunshine in the morning reflected on me, I knew that I had deeply fallen in love with it and the world. Thank God for giving me life and allowing me to have these wonderful moments!


The Year of the Duck, the Moon of the Duck, the Sun, the Rain

Maybe I can use "good times seldom happen" to describe my next encounter!

It should be said that since my mother duck and many brothers and sisters saw me, my fate has had a little twists and turns - they do not seem to like it, oh No! It is "dishkehatime"! I don't know why, but I always think they look at me with disgust and contempt—— Mother duck always takes care of other baby ducks. It seems that I am not his own, and my brothers and sisters are not friendly. They always work together to bully me, laugh at me, and even the hunting dogs ignore me. Since I was born, I have never been cared for, and I have never felt any warmth, so my mood is very low. I swim and eat every day, and I feel bored. My mind is empty, and I seem to have lost something important, but I am not sure what it is!

Until one evening, I was still looking for food in the grass. Suddenly, I heard the singing of Sister Nightingale, and my depressed nerves suddenly became excited - oh, the singing was beautiful, and I wanted this feeling! I am happy to dance with my hands and feet, and my heart is gradually filled with the empty space. When I was excited, I thought of asking Sister Nightingale for advice. I heard that Sister Nightingale stopped singing and screamed in panic: "Ah! Monster!" Then she flew away like a stray bullet and quickly disappeared at the top of the tree, leaving endless darkness. I stared at the sky blankly, and was immediately disappointed. Everyone ignored me! For the first time, I felt so humiliated that even my beloved idol said I was a monster!

It's getting darker and darker. It seems that there will be a downpour. In the darkness, I decided to leave - there is really no nostalgia for me here. I want to leave here to find a new thing, something that really belongs to me

The Dream Pursued

The Year of the Duck, the Year of the Duck, the Moon, the Year of the Duck

I forgot how long I have run away from home. Only know that after the cold and summer, and usher in spring and winter. In the days when I was wandering outside, despite all kinds of hardships and hardships in my life, I still wanted to pursue my dreams. Every day, I would sneak to the lake to watch a group of beautiful white birds who were unknown to me sing. The songs were like sounds of nature, beautiful and beautiful. I imitated their pronunciation and behavior more than once, whether it was cold or hot, I never give up practicing - I also firmly believe that dreams will favor me one day

Realize dreams

The Year of the Duck, the Year of the Duck, the Month of the Duck, the Year of the Duck

Today is a great day!

My solo concert was successfully held at the bank of Taiming Lake. The whole concert hall was decorated brilliantly. The animals participating in the concert will crowd the whole lakeside - swimming in the water, flying in the sky, running on land, everything. Even nightingales and orioles who laugh at me everyday clap their hands for me, and my mother duck and brothers and sisters are all excited to tears. However, I believe they didn't recognize me - because now I have changed into a white and flawless coat, and the singing is more melodious!

Standing in the most dazzling light, I smiled. I think I did, and I really realized my dream.

Composition Ugly Duckling (8)

I believe that many people have read the story of The Ugly Duckling. Many people remember the moment when the Ugly Duckling turned into a white swan. But what impressed me deeply is the experience of the Ugly Duckling in difficult times.

At the beginning of the story, the mother duck laid many eggs and hatched a duckling. One duckling was very ugly, and the other ducklings had golden fur, but the ugly ducklings' fur was not beautiful and the color was very ugly. In fact, the newborn ducklings walk unsteadily, but they dislike the ugly ducklings for being stupid. The ugly ducklings can only go wandering. He came to the home of another group of ducklings. When the ducklings saw that the ugly ducklings were ugly and stupid, they bullied him, didn't play with him, and pecked him, so he had to leave the group of ducklings. He walked on and on until he came to a farm. A farmer locked the ugly duckling and the chickens together. Instead of helping him, the chickens laughed at him, pecked at him, and bullied him. The ugly duckling could not bear it and left. When he saw a group of white swans swimming in the pond, the ugly duckling envied them and thought: How beautiful the white swans are, how ugly I am. He went on walking. He saw a group of white swans swimming again. He couldn't help it. He also swam. After a long time, the ugly duckling accidentally found that he was also a white swan, so he took off with them.

In life, many people will be laughed at or even laughed at because of their temporary bad looks. Many people not only do not reach out to help others when they are in trouble, but also fall down on the wrong side. Just like the companion of the ugly duckling in the story and the chicken on the farm. There are also beautiful things in the society. For example, I saw a news in the news recently that a two-year-old child fell into a waste pool, and the people nearby did not go down to save him in time. Finally, an aunt in her forties jumped down bravely, and the child was born. I also saw the story of Andersen's Cinderella. In the story, Cinderella's stepmother also bullied her all the time, but Cinderella did not give up her pursuit of a better life. Finally, her prince appeared to help her get rid of her stepmother's bullying and live a happy life. Although I'm only in the fourth grade now, I don't have much money or strong body, but I want to be someone else's "angel". When my friends need help, at the same time, I hope everyone can help me when I have difficulties, like the ugly duckling. First of all, I can't lose heart, but I also hope that others can help me, like flowers in the sun, It took the ugly duckling a year to grow up and finally became a white swan. I hope that with my own strength, I can become better in ten or twenty years. Not only can I fly in the sun, but also can make all my friends happy!

Composition Ugly Duckling (9)

It turns out that this is not an ugly duckling, but a beautiful swan!

The ugly duckling walked and saw how beautiful the forest was in spring! The flowers show colorful smiling faces, and the beautiful butterflies dance in the flowers. He spent another spring and autumn outside, and then remembered his mother duck, his brother and sister, and the warm duck farm. So he decided to go back to the duck farm to see them. He climbed a mountain, swam across a river, and finally came to the duck farm. In spring, all the flowers in the duck farm are in bloom, emitting a charming fragrance. As soon as the ugly duckling walked into the duck farm, he was surrounded by ducklings. The ducklings talked about: Who are you? Why are your feathers so beautiful? Why is your neck so long... I am an ugly duckling! Don't you know me? ugly duckling? The ugly duckling's fur is gray, its body is thin, its mouth is big, and it is very ugly. How can you be an ugly duckling?

So the Ugly Duckling told everyone about his experience: one day, I left the duck farm quietly and came to the forest... Hearing what the Ugly Duckling said, the brothers and sisters lowered their heads in shame and said hesitantly: Sorry, we shouldn't do that, please forgive me. The ugly duckling replied: Of course I forgive you! I also want to thank you! Thank you for giving me the courage to face things. The mother duck heard the noise nearby, so she waddled past. When the ugly duckling saw the mother duck coming, he shouted: Mom, Mom. When the mother duck saw this beautiful white swan with white fur, she said strangely, "You are a beautiful white swan. How can you call me mother?"? Surprised, the ugly duckling said, "Mom, don't you know me?"? I am the ugly duckling! I have come to thank you. Mother Duck said happily, "My child, you are finally back. I am still worried about you!"! Then his mother and the ugly duckling hugged each other tightly. The ugly duckling said excitedly: Then I will live here all the time, OK? Good! Everyone shouted with one voice.

From then on, the ugly duckling lived happily in the duck farm with other ducks and duck mothers.

Composition Ugly Duckling (10)

The Ugly Duckling's Composition (I)

Ugly Duckling Composition

Ugly Duckling Composition (I)

One day, I read the story of the ugly duckling in a world famous fairy tale. The book tells of a beautiful summer when the mother duck was sitting in her nest. The mother duck wanted to see what her children looked like. One morning, the mother duck heard the sound of "crackling", and the ducklings came out of their eggshells one by one. Mother duck cried out with joy. When the mother duck clapped her wings and stood up, she found that there was an egg that did not move, and the egg was so big. A few days later, the egg finally cracked. There was a big ugly baby duck in the egg shell. The mother duck looked and said, 'It looks different from other baby ducks'. So other baby ducks called it 'Ugly Duckling'.

One day, on a sunny day, the mother duck took her babies to the river to swim. The mother duck jumped into the river first, and the baby ducks jumped into the water one by one. The ugly duckling also jumped into the water. Its legs were flexible, and it was a master swimmer. Mother duck looked carefully. Is it still beautiful! But other baby ducks are not happy. They always laugh at it, do not play with it, and often bully it. Later, even some chickens laughed at its ugly appearance, and the ugly duckling had to leave them far away.

>Autumn is coming. One day, the ugly duckling went out to play and saw a group of beautiful big birds flying over its head in line in the sky. The ugly duckling followed the bird, walking and walking, walking and walking. In a twinkling of an eye, the ugly duckling could neither walk nor swim, because it was tightly connected with ice. Fortunately, an old man saw it that day and took it home to put it in the grass nest. Soon the ugly duckling woke up, and the old man took care of it carefully every day. Then the ugly duckling slowly turned into a beautiful white swan.

Ugly Duckling Composition (II)

The ugly duckling in the story, before turning into a swan, was huge and looked so ugly. Through his unremitting efforts, he became a beautiful swan. In spite of the adversity, he was excluded and laughed by other animals everywhere. He never gives up his pursuit of good things. He told us that as long as you are a swan's egg, even if you are born in a chicken factory, there is nothing.

I thought: Isn't this ugly duckling our model? When the ugly duckling is excluded and laughed, it is just like the difficulties we have to face. The ugly duckling has good intentions, dreams and hopes, and overcomes difficulties with an optimistic and strong heart. When our achievements are low, we should also overcome our depression and overcome adversity. Because there are ideals and pursuits in my heart, I am not afraid even in adversity. Gold always shines. Under the guidance of the spirit of the ugly duckling, I learned to be strong and persistent after being knocked down by difficulties; I learned to work hard, to run without hesitation, to fall down, and to stand up again

We can only uphold this never say die heart, with a belief: "I can be defeated, but I cannot be defeated". I believe that one day we ugly ducklings will become white swans and fly after being honed.

There is no joking and crowding, only praise and affirmation. But a good heart is not proud.

Only with a good heart can we soar freely in the blue sky.

Ugly Duckling Composition (3)

Since the ugly duckling became a swan, she has been complacent and arrogant every day.

That day, she and her companions came to the river for a walk after washing. They met the little squirrel and said, "Look at my white feathers, the best in the world. You are proud of me, aren't you?" The little squirrel sighed and left. The ugly duckling was puzzled. She looked in front of the river and then looked at it. She said to herself, "I'm beautiful! Why don't they appreciate it?" Suddenly, a dead mother appeared on the water. She told the ugly duckling, "The beauty of appearance is short. Being a helpful person is the most beautiful thing." The ugly duckling wanted to ask, but her mother had disappeared.

On this day, the ugly duckling found that there were hunters in the forest, and the muzzle of the gun was pointing at his companions. The ugly duckling hurriedly shouted, "There are enemies, run away!" But it was too late. The merciless bullets shot out of the forest, and the ugly duckling could only use her body to block the bullets. She flew toward the bullet without hesitation. Blood gushed out of the wound. Slowly, the white feather of the ugly duckling became red. Seeing that the swans were saved, she closed her eyes with a smile. The companions all cried, and the beautiful ugly duckling left them.

The ugly duckling is beautiful. For the sake of her companions, she sacrificed herself regardless of safety. How precious this beauty is! She makes all the beautiful swans proud of her!

The Ugly Duckling's Composition (II)

Ugly duckling Ugly duckling has gray fur, a big mouth, and a thin body. It looks very ugly. Everyone bullied him except the mother duck. His brother and sister bit him, the rooster pecked him, and even the little girl who raised the duck hated him. After being bullied, the ugly duckling left home, and it was even more difficult to wander outside. Birds laugh at him hungrily, hounds chase him, wild cats catch him with their claws, sheep use their horns to buttress him, and pigs use their noses to arch at him. During the day, when other small animals are in spirit, the ugly duckling hides in the grass and trembles. At night, when other small animals sleep, the ugly duckling is looking for food. Faced with all kinds of misfortunes, the ugly duckling did not give up, did not lose heart, and still lived strong. The ugly duckling persevered and finally became a beautiful white swan.

The Ugly Duckling's Composition (3)

600 words in the composition about the ugly duckling

The 600 word composition about the ugly duckling in the vast crowd, I am so ordinary, so inconspicuous, like an ugly duckling. However, the ugly duckling and I don't have much in common, perhaps only ordinary, at least I think so.

The ugly duckling in the story was discriminated against and hit everywhere. After all kinds of setbacks and hardships, he survived several times. He finally found a place to live, but was not satisfied with the status quo. He persisted in pursuing his own ideal, did not bow to hardships and setbacks, and finally ushered in its beautiful and happy spring.

So, what about me? I lost confidence in myself and even wanted to shrink back when I faced the blow of achievements and difficulties in learning! I don't have the indomitable spirit of the ugly duckling, and I don't have the ambition to challenge life like the ugly duckling. I feel that I am so ordinary, so ordinary, no matter how hard I try, I will not make others look up to me, so I am content with the status quo, and think it is not bad.

I once imagined that if it encountered setbacks and did not face them bravely, it would abandon itself, life and ideals at the beginning; Or if it is satisfied with the status quo and survives when it meets its habitat, what will be its final outcome? In any case, we will not welcome people's praise and usher in a beautiful spring. Will I have such a complete ending? I always ask myself.

I open my eyes every morning and think that I am bored to do homework when I want to go to school, and I am not in a good mood. Every time the teacher assigns homework, he always complains about this and that. If he fails in the exam, he pushes the reason to the difficulty of the test questions. The teacher can't teach him well. I always make a lot of learning plans for myself, but soon I will forget. In the final analysis, it is also a three minute fever.

All kinds of examples show that I am not as strong and persistent as the ugly duckling. Maybe I should really reflect on myself, otherwise, I will never become a white swan. Only when I persist in pursuing my dream and overcome difficulties like the ugly duckling, can I usher in my "spring" and have the right to use my beautiful future!

The Ugly Duckling's Composition (IV)

ugly duckling

XXX, Class 1, Junior One

It is an ugly duckling. Since its birth, people have looked down upon it. Everyone bullied it and forced it to run away from home. Finally, he found that he was not an ugly duckling, but a beautiful swan. Just like an ugly person, he is ugly, but his heart is beautiful. He has a lofty ideal and a lofty heart.

The ugly duckling has a lasting dream in his heart. It yearns for beauty and pursues unremittingly, hoping to become a beautiful white swan one day. Why does the ugly duckling turn into a beautiful white swan? Because although it was pushed out everywhere, endured ridicule, and was hit, it did not despair, did not sink, but always worked tirelessly to become a beautiful, noble white swan.

After learning about the ugly duckling's miserable life experience, I felt sympathy and blessing, but also received profound ideological enlightenment: as long as a person perseveres in pursuit and strives to make progress, even in adversity, he will certainly be able to realize his own ideal, which makes every child with low self-esteem full of hope for the future

The Ugly Duckling's Composition (5)

The Ugly Duckling's Composition (6)

The ugly duckling After the ugly duckling became a beautiful and noble swan, he was very excited, but he did not forget his mother, who had nurtured him, and always missed him. One day, the swans were combing their feathers in the lake. The ugly duckling said to the swan leader, "Sister, can I go to see my mother?". On the way, the ugly duckling saw a farmer collecting grain. It was about to rain, so he helped to harvest the grain. After the millet was collected, the farmer pretended to be grateful, but secretly he thought he would make a lot of money if he sold the swan in the market. The ugly duckling saw that the millet had been collected and was about to fly away, but the greedy farmer grabbed it and locked it up. At this time, the mother duck had received the news that the ugly duckling was going to visit her home. She was very happy and sent someone to greet her at the intersection. However, after waiting for several days, there was no news. The mother duck guessed that something must have happened to the ugly duckling, so she called all the chickens and ducks together to discuss countermeasures. A duckling said, "I often hear a kind of sweet song recently. Could it be an ugly duckling?" The other partners said, "It's 100% of it. It can't be wrong." So, late at night, the mother duck took the "rescue force" to rescue the ugly duckling. They followed the sound and finally found the ugly duckling. When we met again after a long separation, everyone was very excited and told of their feelings of parting. The farmer was excited when he heard the cry. He thought: God is so kind to me. Here are a group of chickens and ducks coming. This time, I am rich. He called his family out to catch chickens and ducks. For a moment, the yard was in chaos. The mother duck took the opportunity to get into the cage where the ugly duckling was kept. "Mom, is that you? Did you come to save me?" "Don't be afraid, child, I will steal the key to save you now." Mother Duck said calmly. Then he jumped out of the cage smartly, climbed on the back of the farmer who was bending down to catch a chicken, took the key out of his pocket, quickly opened the cage door, and ran with the ugly duckling. When the ducks and chickens saw that the mother duck was rescued successfully, they also ran away. As for the farmer, he was sweating heavily and covered with chicken and duck feathers, which made him embarrassed. He watched helplessly as the "money" that was coming to him flew away, complaining incessantly. This is really a "no brainer" ah. Now, the ugly duckling can tell her wonderful experience to her dear mother duck. Junior three

The Ugly Duckling's Composition (7)

The ugly duckling The sun is warm. Mother Duck

Composition Ugly Duckling (11)

Continuation of Ugly Duckling's Composition

In the daily study, work or life, everyone has more or less been exposed to the composition bar. According to the different writing time limit, the composition can be divided into timed composition and non timed composition. Still at a loss for composition? The following is a continuation of the Ugly Duckling's composition carefully arranged by the editor, hoping to help everyone.

Continuation of Ugly Duckling Composition 1

After the ugly duckling became a swan, he was very proud and showed off himself everywhere.

He saw the little squirrel and said, "Do you think I am beautiful?" The little squirrel just sighed and left. The ugly duckling sat puzzled by the river. Suddenly, the shadow of his dead mother appeared in the river. He said to the ugly duckling, "You can't do this, son. If you are so proud, you will lose all your friends. The animals will no longer like you, and no one will help you." Then the shadow disappeared. Then the ugly duckling seemed to understand something and went home. Early the next morning, a hunter and his hunting dog came to the forest. When they heard the news, all the animals fled in a hurry, including the ugly duckling and his friends. Flying, the ugly duckling heard a gunshot. This was when he found that a heartless bullet was flying away like his friend. At that time, the shadow of his mother appeared in his head, So he blocked the relentless bullet with his arm, and his body was dyed red with blood, so he died. After the ugly duckling died, his companions buried him under a 400 year old tree.

Since then, this tree will bloom a pink flower every year. This is the soul of the ugly duckling.

Continuation of Ugly Duckling Composition 2

Since the ugly duckling became a beautiful swan, it has become very proud.

One day, the ugly duckling went out for a walk and just met the lovely bird. The bird just came to play with the ugly duckling. The bird said, "Sister Swan, can you play with me?" The ugly duckling said, "You little thing, you are so ugly, get away quickly!" The bird left sadly. When the ugly duckling saw the rabbit, the rabbit also happened to find the ugly duckling to play with. The ugly duckling said, "You little thing, you don't deserve my beautiful style. Do you want to play with me? No way!" The rabbit left sadly again.

·Since then, no more animals played with him. He felt very sad, so he went to Little Rabbit and Little Bird to apologize. He said to Little Rabbit and Little Bird, "Sorry, I shouldn't treat you so ruthlessly before!" Little Bird and Little Rabbit said, "It doesn't matter, because we are good friends!"

·Look at me and I look at you. They all smile happily!

Continuation of Ugly Duckling Composition 3

After becoming a white swan, the ugly duckling missed his hometown very much, so he fluttered back to his hometown. The ugly duckling flew to a green forest, and the small animals in the forest all marveled at the beauty of the bird! The ugly duckling flew to his beloved hometown, where the lake is green in spring and the flowers are in full bloom. It's very beautiful! The ugly duckling fell to the ground. At this time, the duckling and the mother ducks were having breakfast. Suddenly, they saw the ugly duckling standing beside them. They thought: How beautiful he is! Look at his plump white feathers. How beautiful they are! who are you? Everyone asked, I am the ugly duckling who has lived with you before! No, the ugly duckling is big and ugly, not like you. Everyone talked at length. The ugly duckling said, "I used to be the egg of mother goose. Because of an accident, I came to you. Your mother hatched me.". The ducklings hurriedly said: Sorry, we misunderstood you. The ugly duckling shook his head and said, "It doesn't matter. It's because you bullied me and made me have the courage to face the difficulties in life that I become what I am now.". Everyone laughed. The ugly duckling said goodbye to them and went to find the real mother. So he flapped his wings and flew into the sky. The ducklings shouted loudly: Remember to come and see us later!

Continuation of Ugly Duckling Composition 4

When the ugly duckling saw that he was a white swan, he suddenly realized: "Oh, I am a forgotten swan egg!"

So he flapped his wings and flew to the farmer's house. He said to the farmer, "Thank you. If it wasn't for you, how could I have such a happy ending?" The farmer smiled and said, "Good boy, come back here often."

The ugly duckling flew home and said to his brother and sister, "Guess who I am?" They were all dumbfounded and thought, "Wow! How beautiful he is!" The ugly duckling said, "I am the ugly duckling you laughed at! You should not laugh at me, let alone bite me!"

The brothers and sisters are ashamed.

In the days to come, his brothers and sisters are all respectful to him, but the ugly duckling said, "Here we are all equal."

Since then, their family has become a harmonious family.

Continuation of Ugly Duckling Composition 5

A few years later, the little swan (the original ugly duckling) returned to her former place of residence, and she put the fish in her mouth in front of her mother, brothers and sisters. Mother said, "I shouldn't have driven you away at that time." The little swan said, "It doesn't matter. I live very well in the lake." After a while, she flew to the old lady's house and gave them the rest of the fish. She flew and flew to the hunter's home, and gave them the last remaining fish. At this time, the mother duck family, the old lady family and the hunter family arrived. The hen has already given birth to a chick. The chick's greatest wish is to fly in the sky. The little swan put it on his back and flew around with it. The chicken thanked the little swan very much. Everyone likes the little swan, too.

The little swan flew away. When she left, she sent a gift to everyone, and everyone was so happy that they sent her away.

Continuation of Ugly Duckling Composition 6

When the ugly duckling came to the bank, he thought: How beautiful I am! If I could go back to the farm, Mother Duck, Sister Duck and Brother Duck would be very happy. So he went into the farm and said to his friends, "Come on, everyone. How beautiful I am now, with white feathers and long neck.". When the partners saw him, they all envied the ugly duckling very much. They said: You are so beautiful! But what if we can't become swans when we grow up? The ugly duckling smiled and said: Although you can't become a swan, you are also very cute. After hearing what the Ugly Duckling said, everyone felt ashamed of laughing at him before.

The little girl on the farm saw the ugly duckling and said to it, "Now you are not an ugly duckling, you are a beautiful goose.". From then on, the beautiful gosling lived a happy life. The little friends no longer bully and laugh at others.

Continuation of Ugly Duckling Composition 7

After the ugly duckling became a white swan, he decided to go home to see his family. He flew and watched. Oh, what a beautiful world! Green forest, blue sea??

It flew and flew, and finally flew home. When it saw its mother, it called "Mom". The mother duck asked curiously, "Who are you?" "I'm an ugly duckling!" The mother duck looked at the ugly duckling carefully and said, "Why not?" The ugly duckling told her mother about leaving home. Then she knew that it was her own child standing in front of her.

When the ducks came back, they saw a beautiful white swan standing in front of them. They were puzzled and asked, "Who is this?" The mother duck told her about the white swan again, and the yellow duck understood.

The duck apologized to the ugly duckling: "We used to bully you, will you forgive us?" The ugly duckling was moved by their sincere apology, and from then on, they lived a happy life. 288 characters

Continuation of Ugly Duckling Composition 8

After the ugly duckling became a white swan, he decided to go home to visit his dear mother duck.

As he walked, he saw a familiar figure appeared in front of the "Ugly Duckling" at the roadside. The "Ugly Duckling" looked ahead and found it was his mother, so he called "Mom". The mother duck asked curiously, "Who are you?" "I'm an ugly duckling!" The mother duck looked at the body of the ugly duckling carefully and said, "It's not like it at all." The ugly duckling told her mother what happened after she left the mother duck. Then she knew that it was her child standing in front of her. At this time, the other three yellow ducks of a group of mother ducks came back. Seeing a beautiful white swan standing in front of them, they were puzzled and asked: "Who is this?" Mother duck told them the story of the white swan again, and then she understood. But you should know that these three yellow ducks are jealous of the ugly duckling, so they quietly put poison in the ugly duckling's cup. When drinking water, the yellow ducks gathered around the white goose to let him drink. The white goose felt something was wrong and flew away without saying goodbye.

The yellow ducks knew that their ideas had been exposed, and they never dared to stand next to the white goose openly and honestly.

Continuation of Ugly Duckling Composition 9

The ugly duckling was very happy to know that he had become a white swan. After a few days, the ugly duckling missed his family very much. So he flapped his wings and flew to the sky for a long time. Finally, he flew home. When he returned home, his family asked him who he was? It said, "Mom, I'm an ugly duckling." His family was very surprised and said, "Are you really an ugly duckling?" But now it has become a beautiful white swan.

His elder brother and sister said shamefully, "Sorry, we shouldn't bully you before." The ugly duckling said, "It doesn't matter." Then he fluttered his wings to the forest and said to the bird and the hound, "Hello, I'm an ugly duckling." The bird and the hound said in surprise, "Are you really an ugly duckling?" The ugly duckling said, "Yes." The bird said to the ugly duckling, "I'm sorry, I shouldn't laugh at you before." The hound said, "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have chased you before." The ugly duckling said, "It's OK." He was very happy when he saw his friends' admiration for him. From then on, he began a happy life······

Continuation of Ugly Duckling Composition 10

After the ugly duckling turned into a white swan, he decided to go home to visit his dear mother duck and bring two gifts to his mother.

As he walked, he saw a familiar figure appear in front of the ugly duckling. The ugly duckling looked before he walked and found it was his mother, so he called her mother. Mother Duck asked strangely who are you? I am an ugly duckling! The mother duck carefully looked at the ugly duckling's body and said, "It's not like it at all.". The ugly duckling told his mother what happened after he left his mother duck. Then the mother knew that it was his child standing in front of her. At this time, a group of yellow ducks came back and saw a beautiful white swan standing in front of them. They were puzzled and asked: Who is this? The mother duck told the white swan to her again, and then the yellow duck understood.

So the Yellow Duck apologized to the Ugly Duckling: We used to bully you. Your adult doesn't care about villains. Would you forgive us? The ugly duckling was moved by their sincere apology and forgiven them. Finally, the ugly duckling gave the mother duck two gifts.

Ugly duckling and mother duck live a happy life with a group of yellow ducks.

Composition Ugly Duckling (12)

In the grass beside a pond, the mother duck laid several big eggs and took care of them every day. After her mother hatched hard, the ducklings were finally born. However, one duckling was very ugly. All her brothers and sisters looked at her sadly. She felt very strange. Why did everyone look at her like this? They went to the water to take a look at themselves. When they looked at her, they were surprised and said, "Ah, I am an ugly duckling." Then a strange cry came from a distance: "Yes, you are really ugly! Ha ha ha!" The ugly duckling said: "Who are you?" A tiger rushed over and saw the ugly duckling so ugly, said: "I have never seen such an ugly duck, so I dare not eat it, but it's OK, let the animals in the animal kingdom laugh at her." Then the ugly duckling was brought to the animal kingdom. When the dog saw her bite it, it almost bit her naked; When the chicken saw her, it pecked her until it was covered with blood; When the little monkey saw her, he threw the fruit at her, which made her covered with ugly ducklings. He had to live in a tree hole and never dared to come out again. There was a gopher in the tree hole. Seeing a new friend coming, he thought, "Finally, I have a companion.". From then on, they lived together. Day after day, the ugly duckling grew bigger and bigger, thinking: I never want to live without a bright day. The gopher also felt that she should live in a bright world. They came up with a way to escape home - burrow home. Finally the ugly duckling returned to his home. When the brothers and sisters saw it, they said, "Who are you?" The ugly duckling said, "I am the ugly duckling?" The brothers and sisters said, "How could it be? You are so beautiful?" The ugly duckling hurried to the pond and looked at it. Surprised, he said, "Oh my God, is this me? I am a bright swan!" Since then, the animals have never bullied her again! She has lived a happy life.

Composition Ugly Duckling (13)

I have no beautiful appearance, outstanding talent, and eloquent eloquence. I am the ugly duckling in the teacher's mind, so I am silent and lonely. Until I know the ugly duckling, I found that there is no so-called perfection in the world.

The ugly duckling was originally an abandoned swan egg with unknown origin. A duck hatched him as a duck egg. Once born, he was big and ugly, which was very different from other ducks. Because of this, his fate was doomed to be rough, and he was always laughed at, bullied, and lost his life several times. But in the face of these misfortunes, The ugly duckling did not give up his pursuit of beauty. He believed in himself and finally entered the ranks of beauty.

This makes me understand that the inherent deficiencies can be changed by the efforts of the day after tomorrow, and will certainly be.

Composition Ugly Duckling (14)

Ugly duckling, suddenly looking forward to seeing you again. What will you say to me one day?


Although the caterpillar is ugly, it always changes into a butterfly. Everything in the world has a chance to change. If we grasp it well, our destiny will be completely tampered with, and the future will be different from the past; If you don't grasp it well, you will miss the opportunity forever and regret for life.

In terms of transformation, a typical positive image is the ugly duckling in Andersen's works. A duckling with an ugly appearance that people spurn; A homeless duckling driven to flee everywhere; A duckling who will only welcome a smile wherever he goes. A duckling who never bowed to fate; A duckling with a dream to pursue beauty; A strong and persistent duckling. The ending is extremely beautiful. After unremitting pursuit, it finally became a beautiful white swan, embracing its blue sky.

In fact, people's life is not a journey of transformation. Sometimes, we may not even feel that changes are taking place quietly. Perhaps at this time, you are still an ugly and stupid duckling, without white and noble feathers, powerful wings, and a strong body. However, you have a heart of never giving up. You have a beautiful dream, to work hard, to grow. Then, your feathers will be plump, your wings will be vigorous, and your body will be strong. At that moment, you will appear in front of people with incomparable magnificence, and continuous applause will rise for a while. You can enjoy everything that belongs to you.


The ugly duckling has finally transformed into a beautiful white swan. After the completion of the "transformation", people praise it endlessly, and people never have the extra good mood to understand what is behind the gorgeous. They only care about the huge brilliant halo you are enveloped in, and what you reflect is extraordinary.

I understand the hardships, because I am an "ugly duckling" walking on the road of dreams. Maybe some people don't understand that the ugly duckling and I are totally different. In terms of identity, I am the leader of a class; In terms of achievements, I am among the best; As far as experience is concerned, I have been going smoothly. It can be said that I am totally superior to it in any aspect.

But this does not mean that my heart is bright, confident and optimistic. On the contrary, I think I am inferior to the ugly duckling, completely inferior to it. I always feel that the deepest feeling in my heart is inferiority. I'm not as confident and confident as I seem on the surface. I am afraid of losing everything. Every word I say, I will think again and again. Sometimes, even in order to think about the proposal and the way to conduct an action, even if it only takes one minute to actually complete, I will think about it for more than ten times in my heart. I'm afraid of losing friends, being misunderstood by teachers, being looked down upon by classmates, losing dignity, damaging reputation, and gossiping... I'm worried about too many things, and I'm really tired of living because I care too much about everything in life. Sometimes, my anger has reached the limit, but I will still smile and say nothing, and I will still throw everything into the bottomless black hole in my heart. Very rarely, I will indulge myself in front of some confidants and show the unrestrained self in the iron prison to them. I will say "no" firmly and forcefully, and I will have the courage to refuse everything. Just like "telling the truth after drinking", I will confide in those little known inner thoughts.

I understand that the ugly duckling is not like this. It never has to be afraid of losing something. Compared with me, it is more calm, calm, true and free when facing life, less timid, hypocritical and thoughtful. It has never sighed for life. Even if it is dependent on others, it can still retain all its personality and style, pursue its dreams, and practice everything it wants to do.

Perhaps as the saying goes, "A gentleman is open and aboveboard, while a villain is worried", a gentleman is open and aboveboard, not worried or afraid, so he has a broad mind; However, the villain is worried about gain and loss, and often worries about nothing, so he is often caught in fear and uneasy. I admit that I can never reach its purest, best and most beautiful state. However, somewhere, I have a feeling that all the thoughts in my heart, it, will understand.

Ugly duckling, if you were born in this life, we will see each other.

Composition Ugly Duckling (15)

The sun was warm, and Mother Duck was lying in the straw, waiting for her baby to be born. The ugly duckling comes out. When he was born, squirrels beat him with their tails, rabbits beat him with their ears, hounds wanted to eat him, and everyone hated him. In the forest, foxes lied to him, and the ugly duckling felt very sad.

Winter is coming soon. The river is frozen and the ugly duckling is freezing. He saw a small room. There was no one in it. The ugly duckling lived in the room and fell asleep. Spring finally came, and he saw some flowers in full bloom. The ugly duckling came to the river and jumped into the river to swim. He saw a very beautiful shadow. The ugly duckling said, "Is this shadow mine? I am not an ugly duckling, but a beautiful swan!"

Composition Ugly Duckling (16)

Everyone should have heard of the story of the ugly duckling. The poor ugly duckling was abandoned by his family since he was born. He wandered around alone, endured the wind and rain, and lived a lonely life.

Some people may think that I am strange why I compare myself to an ugly duckling, but I think this metaphor is very appropriate. I am really an ugly duckling, an ugly duckling in real life. I have no beautiful facial features, no soft and beautiful hair, no attractive figure, similar to the ugly duckling, and easy to be ignored. I have no smart and slender hands, no humorous language, and no smart brain. Similar to the ugly duckling, I am easy to be considered as clumsy. I don't have a variety of coats, beautiful bags, and strong economic background. Similar to the ugly duckling, I am easy to be looked down upon. However, I have more motivation, more work experience and more efforts. Similar to the ugly duckling, I found my own sky and became a beautiful white swan after experiencing countless hardships.

Father laid-off

In fact, I used to be the little princess in my family. When I reached for clothes and opened my mouth when I had dinner, I could even say that I wanted wind and rain. Live happily with your family. However, all the happiness and peace were broken by my father's laid-off. I can no longer make my father buy toys and snacks for me in the same way as before. There are often loud noises at home. My parents standing on both sides make me feel that my home is farther and farther away from me. Their smiles and cordial greetings are fewer and fewer. They are farther and farther away from me. At that time, I was only in the second grade, but I began to suffer the pain caused by my father's layoff. Instead of his father's smile, his temper became more irritable and his tone became more severe. No matter how hard I study, how hard I work, and how good I have achieved, letters of praise and certificates of merit, and red 100 points, I didn't change my father's smile, but looked coldly at each other again and again, or even denied each other again and again. The ugly duckling can no longer remember the times he cried silently in the room because of these cold eyes and negation.

"The children of the poor are early masters", perhaps. Once low and self abased, I will no longer degenerate. I swear that I will use my own efforts to create more miracles and achieve more success, to prove to my father that I am not bad, you are wrong.

Since the fourth grade, I have been studying at night almost every night. Every homework should be perfect and every exam should be given full marks. However, no matter how much I pay, my father still hasn't changed a bit. Am I really that bad? Is the ugly duckling really useless?

English Story Competition

My mother has taught me English since kindergarten. She listens to tapes every day and writes letters and some simple English words from memory. Maybe because of this, I love English. I took part in the English story contest on the first day of junior high school and won the second place. Because of this, I began to work as a host. Having lived in a world of crying and negation for many years, I didn't dare to allow my teacher to try to go on the stage and host the flag raising ceremony in front of all teachers and students. However, in retrospect, I should also thank the teacher. It was she who made an ugly duckling confident. Although her legs shook and her voice was low for the first time, the teacher gave me a look of affirmation that I had been longing for. After the teacher's training, I gradually became the formal master of ceremonies of the school, and also the head and vice chairman of the student union radio station. Having regained confidence, I have also participated in many speech contests organized and held by the school, presided over various competitions and school sports games, and even walked out of the campus to participate in the host challenge held by TV stations. I also achieved good results in the national English contest in the second and third year of junior high school. Since then, the ugly duckling has been reborn and will become a beautiful and dazzling white swan. Although Jiangmen No. 8 Middle School does not give a good impression to the world, I grew up here because of Jiangmen No. 8 Middle School, and I have confidence at this time. Because of her, I have such beautiful achievements, and that English story contest was a turning point in my life.

Enjoy the joy and look forward to the future

Although several awards are not as good as Einstein's Theory of Relativity, standing on the stage to host and compete is not as natural and perfect as Dong Qing, not to mention Xie Na's self-confidence. However, for the ugly duckling, those light spots are enough to illuminate her pessimistic world. After a long journey in life, there will be more twists and turns and more difficulties. Similarly, if we pay the price we should pay, there will be corresponding gains. For example, farmers will not hesitate to "hoe the grain at noon, sweat the grain under the soil", ushering in a golden autumn harvest. Look ahead and reap more.

Work hard, ugly duckling. Edison invented the tungsten filament bulb after more than 1000 experiments; Napoleon became a general after many wars and established the First Empire of France; Sun Wukong, the Tang Monk and his four disciples went through the ninety-nine eighty-one difficulty to get the scripture; Paul Kochagin became a real "steel" after "tempering"; Trees can become towering trees only after years of wind and rain. The story of the ugly duckling has to be continued until she becomes a real swan.

Composition Ugly Duckling (17)

I, have been alone. Ugly duckling, no one to accompany. Finally, I have a companion alone, they are two beautiful wild swans, they are willing to accept me. I would like to be with them because they are my companions.

One day, we went to play. They flapped their powerful wings and flew forward. I can't fly to the blue sky like them because of my weakness. They didn't pay attention to me, the weak and ugly ugly duckling. I swam around in the water. When they had enough fun, they flew down to catch fish and food. I was too stupid to be as smart as them.

Finally, I was alone again.

Second Grade of Xingpu Middle School, Puyang County, Puyang City, Henan Province: I want to fly

Composition Ugly Duckling (18)

Song Shan, Class 2, Grade 6, Chongqing Datong Experimental School, Yuzhong District, Chongqing, always looked down upon because of his ugliness, and then turned into a white swan loved by everyone because of his beauty. Such a miraculous fairy tale is loved by many children.

The ugly duckling was laughed at by all the chickens and ducks when it was born. The ducks pecked it, the chickens beat it, and the servant who fed the chickens and ducks kicked it with his feet. The birds didn't want to see it... Poor duckling, why did it have such a fate? The reason is also very simple, because it is very ugly. How sad it is. It can't play around with its mother like other ducklings and enjoy all the happiness and happiness. Are you beaten, excluded and ridiculed everywhere just because you are ugly? How unfair this is to it!

The ugly duckling had to escape from the pasture quietly. After experiencing the hardship and disaster of winter alone, he finally ushered in the spring that should belong to him. It is no longer a clumsy, dark gray, ugly and disgusting duck, but a beautiful swan. It has become the most beautiful swan. It is so happy, so happy.

The ugly duckling finally got something that belonged to him that he had never got. Its beauty is not only its appearance, but also its beautiful heart. Last article:

Next article: Without this article: Popular recommendation for beautiful ugly duckling


Composition Ugly Duckling (19)

This article "The Ugly Duckling Continuation" is arranged by the composition of primary school students, for reference only. If you feel very good, welcome to comment and share~Thank you for your reading and support!

The ugly duckling was very happy to know that he had become a white swan. After a few days, the ugly duckling missed his family very much. So he flapped his wings and flew to the sky for a long time. Finally, he flew home. When he returned home, his family asked him who he was? It said, "Mom, I'm an ugly duckling." His family was very surprised and said, "Are you really an ugly duckling?" But now it has become a beautiful white swan.

His elder brother and sister said shamefully, "Sorry, we shouldn't bully you before." The ugly duckling said, "It doesn't matter." Then he fluttered his wings to the forest and said to the bird and the hound, "Hello, I'm an ugly duckling." The bird and the hound said in surprise, "Are you really an ugly duckling?" The ugly duckling said, "Yes." The bird said to the ugly duckling, "I'm sorry, I shouldn't laugh at you before." The hound said, "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have chased you before." The ugly duckling said, "It doesn't matter." Looking at the adoration of his friends, he was very happy, and he began a happy life from then on.

Composition Ugly Duckling (20)

ugly duckling

It was born from a huge egg, and then was defined as ugly.

That one was covered with gray, and was called the ugly duckling.

Because of its appearance, it was not loved, but smiled and excluded. It sighed with gray feathers and thin wings. It was gray. It looked at itself with a single eye, and the world became the colors of its body. inherent.

Then, unable to stand loneliness, it began to wander and escape from other wounds. At every resting place, look at the dawn and sunset. The sunlight is scattered from the leaves, shining on its fluffy wings, reflecting a light sadness.

The ferocious hound could not bear to bite and hurried away because of its ugliness. That kind of feeling is to endure the sorrow in life, and can't look back.

Every day, we spend our lives in hunger and cold. Even if we have shelter, the outcome is also driven. When you are tired, you can lean against the trees, watch the sky, watch your dreams, and watch the time pass by quietly. When you are thirsty, you can swim in the lake, drink water, drink sorrow, and drink melancholy and erosion. Just because it is an ugly duckling, a child living on the other side of happiness, and beautiful, it never touched.

Until it sees them, life is flying over. He expected their beautiful creatures to leave their bodies instead, because they were not angels, but ugly with gray wings. It would rather lament under their beaks. But in the moment when I lowered my head, everything changed. The reflection of the lake was not the ugly duckling, but the pure white swan. The sun is shining and the white clouds are so pale. Happiness does not forget sadness.

From the bloated ugliness and transformation in the cocoon, it experienced hardship and became a noble swan.

As in the introduction, you and I can both become swans, and you will succeed, but there is a long way to go.

ugly duckling

There is a swan egg in the ducks

But no one noticed it

But the ducks think

It's a

duck 's egg

Burst from the egg

It was born

But different

Born ugly

It was laughed at by its peers:

"This is an ugly duck!"

Not only that

Even its "natural" mother hates it

Hunters don't "hurt" it

Cats and dogs drive it away

Cocks peck it, too

This is a poor duckling

It's lonely, it's helpless

Suffering from human suffering

But there's no way

There are always two sides to everything

God is fair

No matter who

It's unexpected

Became a swan

Someone said

It itself is a swan egg

They will definitely become swans when they grow up

But I don't think so

This is the result of efforts

Proud Plum Blossom

Rainbow after rain


I didn't experience it

That was a thrilling scene


Can't be a swan!

ugly duckling

After several days and nights of "production", several ducklings finally burst out. But one of the "ducklings" is very unusual. Big, long mouth. Can't quack like other ducks. So everyone else thinks it is ugly and calls it "ugly duckling".

The ugly duckling followed his mother to the farm. Other small animals look forward to insulting it. When the dog saw it, he said, "What are you doing here? It's so ugly." Some of them even bit it. The chicks didn't like it, and the ducks wouldn't let it go with them. I don't like playing with it. No one likes to play with it. Not only don't play with it, but also beat and scold it. The ugly duckling was so tortured that he almost died. In the cold winter, he froze and fainted.

One day, he saw his companion who was similar to him and came to them together. It turned out to be a white swan. It is very happy and confident. I am really a beautiful swan, not an "ugly duckling"!

ugly duckling

He turned into a white, beautiful and lovely swan. He flapped his wings and flew to the lake. At the lake, he met a bird. They looked at each other. The bird said, "You look so beautiful. I really want to make friends with you!"

The clown duck smiled and said, "Actually, I was once laughed at by you."

The bird was surprised, and lowered its head in shame and said, "Sorry, I was wrong before, and I shouldn't laugh at you

Before the bird finished speaking, the ugly duckling flapped his wings again and flew home.

After the ugly duckling returned home, the other swans were puzzled and asked, "Who are you? We don't know you!" The ugly duckling said, "I am the 'ugly duckling' you once bit!"

The other swans also looked down with shame and said: "We were wrong before, please don't remember."

The ugly duckling also smiled and said, "Never mind, we will be a family in the future."

From then on, they lived happily.

ugly duckling

The Ugly Duckling is a fairy tale written by Andersen, a famous fairy tale writer. I also knew this beautiful story when I was five or six years old. After many years, when I revisited this fairy tale, I felt totally different from my childhood. The ugly duckling was originally an abandoned swan egg with unknown origin. A duck hatched him as a duck egg. Once born, he was big and ugly, which was very different from other ducks. Because of this, his destiny was doomed to be rough, accompanied by ridicule and discrimination from others, bullied, and almost lost his life, It has never given up its pursuit. Just because it has an eternal dream in its heart and has made unremitting efforts, it has become a beautiful and noble swan.

Such a duck who pursues happiness and beauty, his perseverance makes me admire, he would rather die than fly to the swan. He remained faithful until death, and finally gained beauty and happiness. But he is not proud. The ugly duckling has experienced many difficulties and setbacks in his life. He has overcome them one by one. I thought that if he gave up at the beginning, he might not know his own

It's a beautiful and noble white swan.

So, what am I? Not as strong as the ugly duckling's perseverance, not the idea of striving to be the first, only knowing that I am ordinary. I have never insisted on it, and never seriously pursued it, so I didn't get much return. One night, I gave up my homework without thinking too much. I felt that I was too tired. When I found a reason to sleep, I went straight to sleep. Alas, think about it, the gap between myself and the ugly duckling is really too big. What's the difference between the ugly duckling and me? Who has no ideal? Who doesn't want to become a white swan and be willing to be an "ugly duckling"? But what's the use of ideals alone? Without unremitting efforts and hardships, how can we become "white swans"? Without thunder and lightning, there will be no rainbow after rain. All this is just because it has a heart that is not afraid of any difficulties for its ideal and never gives up in the face of difficulties, so it can realize its dream. Maybe I am the ugly duckling. When can I become the beautiful and noble white swan? I want to have confidence, its existence is a hope; The success and failure in life is a book with different contents or a painting with different styles. No one will refuse self-confidence. Of course, I also know that we must persist in everything. Only by persevering can we succeed. The reason why the ugly duckling can get beauty and happiness is that he has a spiritual force to promote him. How strong his pursuit is, but I am weak. The spirit of the ugly duckling makes me feel inferior. So I must learn from his strengths to motivate myself, cheer up and pursue a better future.

ugly duckling

After reading it, I deeply felt that the ugly duckling is a duck that is excluded everywhere, but it has a beautiful dream. It is this dream that makes it unyielding and become a beautiful white swan. Don't worry about your own shortcomings. As long as you have hope in your heart, you must realize your ideal like the ugly duckling and fly like a white swan.