Compositions Waiting for Mother (7 Collections)
Morning rain and dew
2024-05-03 04:17:29
junior middle school

Composition Waiting for Mother (1)

Accompanied by the sweet school bell, against the black night sky, slowly walked out of the school gate.

Every time, I can see my mother waiting in the car first - sometimes, he will raise his head and close his eyes; Sometimes I will look through the old magazines of 2006; But most of the time, he just sat quietly and watched me step by step coming to her. Every time I see her waiting in the car, I will breathe a sigh of relief, because I understand that I am home.

"Mom, how long have you been waiting?" I always asked while putting down my schoolbag.

And she always seems careless, always with "soon" and "just arrived", such answers vague past.

I will not ask again. In fact, I understand that she has been waiting for a long time - her waiting has accompanied a babbling child to grow into a middle school student who is good at communication; Her waiting accompanied a high-quality child to become a passionate teenager; However, the long wait made his eyes become lifeless and bloodshot; In the long wait, her face became thin, her face became haggard; In the long wait, his years gradually passed, and his son gradually entered the society

But she didn't say anything, just smiled, because she saw the growth of the child, saw the success of the child, saw the relaxed smile when the child came to him. For her, this may be enough, isn't it?

Sometimes, homework is written late at night. When I look up and see the dark sky outside the window, the empty road, the dim street lights, and then look down and see the mountain work, the dense drafts, I can't help but feel bored and helpless. Look back. This confused mood disappeared immediately.

Because I saw the bright white light in my mother's room; I saw my mother sitting on the bed, rubbing her eyes and waiting for her; I seem to hear the TV sound accompanied by yawns; I seemed to see my mother's double pouch formed due to lack of sleep. The light, like a pair of skillful hands, untied the tangle in my heart; The light, like a lighthouse, pointed out the direction for me; The light is like a bright lamp, shining through my heart, making me no longer lonely, no longer hesitating, because I understand that my mother is always waiting for me.

This is my mother. His love for me is not only verbal comfort, but also not only financial support, but also wordless waiting.

In the face of confusion, loneliness and darkness, I will not have any fear, so I can understand that at the other end of the darkness, there is a door with dazzling white light. Among us, there is an old woman waiting for his son's victory.

Just waiting, quietly waiting

Composition Waiting for Mother (2)

Dear Mom


You once read me two stories that I will never forget.

The first story: A young man went to the river to fish, and saw many acorns playing on the water. The young man knew that there must be a big black fish below, so he used the net to stir the acorns on the water. The black fish at the bottom got angry and jumped out of the water. The young man fished the black fish home, opened its belly, and then went to the river to wash it. The black fish broke away from the young people with tenacious vitality, swam desperately to the place where there were many black seeds, opened its belly and held the child in its arms. It turned out that when the black fish laid eggs, they were afraid that the child would be hurt and would not leave the black fish for a moment. When the aconite was formed, the black fish still guarded the child. They didn't even eat food, and they were hungry and blind. The little fish then got into the mouth of the black fish and made food for his mother.

The second story: In Qinghai Province, there is a desert area that is especially short of water. Each person can only get 3 jin of water transported by the garrison from far away every day. Finally one day, a simple, honest and loyal old cow broke free from the reins and forced into the road that the water truck must pass in the desert. Cattle and people were standing against each other, but no one would give in, which finally caused a traffic jam. The drivers behind began to swear, and some even drove the cows with gasoline ignition. But Lao Niu was as steady as a rock and would not give in. Until the owner of the cattle came. The owner of the cow whipped the bull. The blue veins of the old ox were swollen, and the bright red blood stained the whip tip. The sad cry of the old cow looked very solemn and stirring in the open wind. The soldier carrying water cried, and so did the noisy driver. The driver of the water transport said, "Let me break the team rules once, and I will accept punishment." The soldier took out the water basin, put about 3 jin of water from the car, and put it in front of Laoniu. To people's surprise, the old cow did not drink the water obtained by fighting with death. The old ox looked up and cried. In the sunset, a calf ran behind the beach not far away. The injured old cow watched the calf greedily drink the water with loving eyes, stretched out his tongue to lick the calf's eyes, and the calf also licked his mother's eyes gratefully. This is a story of three different animals. One is birds flying in the sky, one is livestock walking on the ground, and the other is fish swimming in the water. But at the critical moment, they show the same feat, which is driven by maternal love. Maternal love is an instinctive expression, a great feeling of giving without asking for anything, and an eternal power. A mother's love looks up like a mountain and down like a sea. When it's fierce, it makes us feel refreshed, and when it's soothing, it makes us deeply intoxicated.

These two stories are about mother's love, love, everywhere.

In my life, you love the sun and rain every day. I remember that one winter night, my bus was stuck in traffic on the road. The car stopped for 114 minutes on the road, during which time I also called you, but because of the signal, you didn't hear clearly, but you didn't trust to call people everywhere to ask. When you learned that I could not arrive at the station on time due to traffic jam, you have been waiting for me at the station. This wait is 114 minutes. After 11 minutes of waiting, Mom, your hands and feet were frozen stiff. When I got to the station and ran down from the car, you hugged me tightly, and I felt the cold on your cheeks, but also your warm love. Mom, what are you thinking about in 114 minutes? What are you looking forward to? I know that I have always been your greatest concern!

Thank you for the cold winter and 114 minutes of waiting. It makes me understand what love is, and let me know that I have always been embraced by love.

Thank you, dear mother! I love you deeply, dear mother! I want to be the best daughter, let you no longer worry about me, let you always bloom happy smile!

I wish my mother good health.

Composition Waiting for Mother (3)

Waiting for Mother's Composition in Frost stained Years

Whether in study, work or life, everyone often comes into contact with the composition bar. With the help of composition, we can improve our language organization ability. I believe that writing a composition is a headache for many people. The following is my mother's carefully written composition waiting for the frost and dye years. Welcome to learn and reference, and I hope it can help you.

Unconsciously, the life and livelihood of junior high school has passed two and a half years. In this seemingly long period of time, it seems that I have never stopped to wait for anyone.

I ran forward and never looked back. The relatives behind me are getting farther and farther away, and I didn't notice it.

It was a sunny morning, and I was still sleeping soundly in my dream. Suddenly, a loud and unpleasant shrill cry disturbed my dream.

"Mom, what are you doing?" I shouted to my mother in a daze.

"Hurry up! Get up! Your English listening has gone backwards recently. Don't you get up quickly to listen to the English text? Read it aloud!" After saying that, my mother dragged me out of the warm bed.

Reluctantly, I held a wave of anger in my heart, but was forced by my mother's sharp eyes and had to do so. Reluctantly open the computer, reluctantly listen to the English text, reluctantly mumble a few words along with it.

In this way, my mother went to prepare breakfast with satisfaction. However, I became more and more reluctant. I could not hear the reading in the computer clearly, and I could not understand what I was reading. I only felt that my mind was confused.

After several weeks of this, I got full marks for my listening in an English exam. Holding the test paper, I hurried home all the way to show it to my mother.

"Mom, I got full marks for listening! Full marks - full marks!"

"Really?" Mother grabbed the test paper and carefully looked at the bright red one hundred points. Her big bright eyes smiled like the first quarter moon, and the radian of her mouth was just right, which was reflected in my heart and wet the corners of my eyes.

After dinner, I turned on the computer, and I was dazzled by the files on the screen: "English Listening Comprehension", "Full Score Listening for the Senior High School Entrance Examination", "Listening Speed Training Plan", "Listening 100"... Looking at the various English listening training software, the tide unconsciously overflowed my eyes

I walked gently to my mother's back and put my arms around her waist: "Mom, everything you do is for my good... I am still so reluctant and unconscious... I was wrong, Mom..."

My mother turned back and held me in her arms, letting my tears run rampant on her chest.

In the dim tears, I found my mother's white hair in her ponytail, and I was suddenly shocked. In the years that passed inadvertently, I grew up with my mother. It was just my mother's old age! On the road of flying youth and chasing dreams, I ran faster and farther, never looking back, never realizing that my mother had been left behind. And my mother, just at the place where I carelessly looked back, looked softly and watched, and the frost hair flew away.

At this moment, I write down my gratitude in this life with tears, and confirm my faith in this life with tears. I would like to open my tender arms and wait for my dear mother; I wish I were still a baby. I would go into my mother's arms and tell her with my tender voice how much I love her

Composition Waiting for Mother (4)

What is love? Love is as long as happy; Love is to accompany you for a lifetime; Love is the passage of regretless youth; Love is waiting. This is a mother's balance of love.

When we were innocent children and in kindergarten, our mother accompanied us. Teach us to read, write, and draw... Although she is not a teacher, she is an inspiration for our love and life.

If we compare our life to a road, it will be like this.

At the beginning of the road, my mother is beside me. No matter where we go, my mother will never leave us. Play with us, go crazy and laugh together. Even if I am naughty, my mother will also smile kindly and say gently: "You are so naughty." Her smile is brighter than flowers.

I went to primary school and had a lot of heavy learning tasks. I didn't have time to play anymore. My mother took time out of her busy schedule to help me study and consolidate my study. When my academic performance improved, my mother took me to enrich extracurricular knowledge. At that moment, I knew how wonderful the world was, but my mother had changed quietly.

When I went to college, my mother's hair was white, but I didn't know it, and I still ran forward with all my strength. My mother's Zou Wen is obvious. She stops at the same place and smiles when she looks at my back.

Many years later, when I grew up, I suddenly found something missing. When I went home to look, I saw a small figure, and I found that my mother was old. She stood there, looking at the new generation of children, and memories flashed through her mind. I returned to my mother and supported her, just as she accompanied me.

Only now do I realize the greatness of my mother.

Composition Waiting for Mother (5)

Some precious moments in life actually come from some trivial things.

In addition to buying toys, eating cakes and a story before going to bed, the most expected thing in childhood is to pick up my mother after school every day. I still can't get rid of my dependence on my mother when I just went to school. The first person I saw when I left the school after a day's stay at school was my mother. She wrapped me in a dark yellow woolen coat and pressed me close to her warm chest. Then she used a pair of cold hands to wipe my tears away. After a long time, I always remembered the scene: a mother in a woolen coat stood in the cold wind in the north, Her daughter's face was full of smiles.

Mother waited for six years.

Every rainy day in midsummer, I can always see a big blue umbrella in the crowded crowd. Without much thought, I rushed to the umbrella and plunged into my mother's arms. From childhood to adulthood, my mother always stood there waiting for me, rain or shine, and I have been waiting for my mother.

When I was in grade six, I changed to a school, where students were allowed to stay in school for lunch and dinner. After self-study in the evening, I left school. On the first day, I was not accustomed to such hard work. The first person I wanted to see after school was my mother. I looked for her car in piles of cars. I saw her sitting alone in the car, and no one talked to her. She looked down at her mobile phone, After a while, I lay down on the bus in boredom. I walked up to her and stood in front of her. I forced a smile and told her that the school was great and very adaptive.

She took me out to dinner. I asked my mother how long she had waited. She said, "Twenty minutes." I nodded and looked out of the window and yawned. In fact, I wanted to cover my tears with a yawn. I thought my mother didn't know, but after coming out of the restaurant, she asked me, "Did you cry?" I shook my head and looked at the busy pedestrian street.

In junior high school, the free time becomes more. I often ignore my mother's anxious waiting and chat with my classmates at school. Sometimes she will say something about me, but most of the time she will wait quietly. I told her that I could go home by car without her coming to pick me up, but she always rejected my suggestions on the grounds that it was too late and dangerous.

One day, when I left school, I didn't see my mother's figure or find her car. I looked around and found my mother waiting for me in a small shop selling bean curd. The pale and cold light of the small shop shone on her, and the t-shirt close to her body outlined her back more and more hunched. The light also showed her white hair and drooping bags under her eyes. She was still tired lying on the car. At that time, I realized that I should not let my mother wait for me again.

The person who is willing to wait for you for half of his life must, must not let her down.

Composition Waiting for Mother (6)

Since my father left, my mother didn't go anywhere, just wanted to stay at home alone and live the rest of her life quietly.

My mother didn't go to live with several children. I think it was because I couldn't bear to part with my father. Even if my father is gone, my mother always feels that my father is still alive. All traces of his father were left in the old house, and even on the wall at the head of the bed there were traces of his father in pain... My brother was afraid that his mother would see the sadness, and he wanted to paint that trace off, but my mother refused. I know that this scratch represents how much pain my father has suffered! How many helplessness in my heart! Seeing things reminds me of people, which is also the deep memory that my father left to my mother

My brother is the only son of my mother, and also the mother's greatest pride. My brother is a very filial person. He works in other places. He used to call his parents every week, but now there is only his mother. Instead, he has to call his mother every day. The time is agreed with her. It is 7:00 p.m. Every time I call my mother, I ask her for help and then tell her something about myself. At this time, the mother was the most comforting, and always asked her brother whether he was full? Are you tired from work? He said that everything was fine at home. He asked his brother to have an early rest and not to miss her. Yes, who said that grass heart, reported three Chunhui! A mother's grace can never be repaid by a child! No matter how old their children are, how old, teenagers, or even decades old, they are always children in the eyes of mothers!

My brother's phone call every day comforted my mother a lot, and also gave birth to a kind of expectation. She always looked at the big clock on the wall many times every day. Before 7 o'clock in the evening, my mother had been waiting by the phone, waiting for the phone to ring. At the other end of the phone is the care of his son, and at the other end of the phone is the care of his mother. My two sisters and I often call my mother and visit her when we have time. We are afraid that my mother will be alone and that she will have something to do suddenly. Because my mother is very old and in poor health, we can't rest our children.

In the silent night, I imagined my mother waiting by the phone. My heart tingled! My mother, you are the river I don't want to cross in this life! Whether you are here or not, I feel your warmth will always surround me! Your teaching will always inspire me! It makes me forge ahead bravely and fearlessly on the rough road of life!

My mother, I love you!

Composition Waiting for Mother (7)

In our daily study, work and life, we always have to contact or use compositions. According to different genres, compositions can be divided into narrative, expository, practical and argumentative. Do you know how to write a standard composition? The following is the composition of waiting for mother, which is compiled by Xiao Bian for everyone. Welcome to share.

When I got home, my mother was peeling peas. "Did you fail in the exam?" Mother asked me to sit together. "Yes, I failed in the exam again." "Come and peel peas. You and I will see who is fast!"

Peeling beans was a game I loved to play when I was young, because my mother always let me win every time I peeled beans. "Mom, forget it, it's not a child of six or seven years old." "How can you say it's not a child?" "Well, I know I'll always be a child in your eyes. I'll just play."

I casually peeled the beans, thinking of my mother and me when we were young. Every time I tried to peel with my small hands, but I couldn't catch up with my mother. My mother slowed down when she looked at me and waited for me, just like in the 100 meter race, my mother always waited for me to come to the finish line and let me run across the finish line and then run there to wish me the first place. Mother is always like this, waiting for me to dress, I eat, I finish school.

Now, I suddenly found that the beans in my mother's bowl were not as many as mine. Mother is old and no longer has a proud youth. She has nothing left except me, who has kept her waiting. I also began to slow down. Just like my mother waited for me, I decided to let her win once and let her accept my wait once.

"Ha ha! It seems that you need to refuel! I haven't peeled as much as an old woman like me." "Well, I must catch up with you!" As I said this, my movements were even slower. However, my mother was even slower. She was clearly waiting for me deliberately! I finally understand that my mother will not win me, because in her heart, I will always be the child that needs her to wait to take care of.

Finally, I chose to end the game with my mother at the same time. Mother smiled, so did I. Mother smiled because of my victory, and I smiled because I had completed my first waiting in this life.

The first wait in this life will not be the last. So, after that, I always waited for my mother to go with me before going out; Always waiting for her mother to sit down at dinner; Waiting for my mother to go shopping, holding her hand. I understand that on the long journey of my life and that of my mother, I can never repay her, because my mother gave me so much waiting, and she spent her whole life waiting for me.

Friends, wait for your mother! They don't have much time for you to wait. Remember, promise and take action for the falling leaves. Don't let them wait for a long winter.