Driving (20 articles)
A fire in winter
2024-02-07 05:53:06
junior middle school

Start up (1)

It's sunny

Today, our family all went to Jiutai City together. My old uncle drove the van to the expressway quickly. On the way, I saw many good cars: BMW, Desert King, Audi A6, Honda, Toyota, Nissan, Pentium, Jetta, Zhonghua, and so on. They all passed our van like an arrow from the bow. I said in a hurry, old uncle, hurry up. The old uncle said, "I can pass that big truck.". As expected, the old uncle easily overtook the big truck. My two little brothers and I clapped happily. In this way, bursts of laughter came from the car. Passing a small river, the river was very quiet, reflecting the shape of the car. It didn't take long for the car to drive into Jiutai City. I went to my relatives' home.

Start up (2)

"Eh, why are there so many people in front of me?" I walked home after school. I saw many people in front of me, pointing as if to say something. I came closer to see that there was an accident. A black car knocked down a yellow electric car, and the electric car fell on the ground, with some things scattered around it, while an uncle was sitting on the ground beside the electric car, Someone is calling around. It seems that they are calling the police to say that there is a traffic accident here. Please come and deal with it as soon as possible. There are two people beside the car. One of them is an uncle with a red face, and the other is an aunt. It seems that they are arguing with him about losing money and taking someone to the hospital to check something.

An aunt beside me said to another aunt: "I think it's probably drinking. You look like that, blushing like that. This time I think you will be deducted points."

Another aunt also said: "Yes, the police will come after a while, and the perpetrators can't get away."

They talked to each other one by one, and I can probably know what happened. Drink and drive.

I don't think it's too early to join in the excitement. It's not right to drive after drinking. It's even more wrong if you hit someone. You know the car driver will be punished without looking.

I really hope that I can severely punish the driver who drives after drinking. If he drinks and doesn't drink, he will hurt others and himself.

Start up (3)

Article 1: Grandma learns to drive

Today, my coach took my grandmother to Nankeng Village to learn how to drive a car. I also went there. Just listen to Grandma's words: "Step on the clutch, engage the gear, release the handbrake, and add some oil!"

Grandma first drove straight along the road, then turned around, stepped on the clutch, and reduced gear. Although Grandma is over 60 years old, her hands and feet are still so sharp. The steering wheel is turned very fast by Grandma.

After practicing there for a long time, we were ready to go home. When the car came to the intersection of Quanlin, a bus suddenly came to her face. Grandma looked at it, and she was in a panic. I felt the car jolted violently, and then drove to the isolation belt on the roadside. After a while, the quick looking coach quickly pulled the hand brake. I looked at Grandma again, and saw big beads of sweat hanging on her face, like broken beads falling down. Then I heard the coach's "curse"!

At night, everyone fell asleep. I heard my grandmother say, "Come on, step on the clutch, engage the gear, and go uphill!" I thought she was talking in her sleep, so I gently pushed her. Grandma said, "I'm practicing driving! Go to sleep!" I looked back at the alarm clock, and it was more than two o'clock in the morning!

Grandma drives her motorcycle very well. When my cousin and I went to school, we always felt that Grandma drove slowly. Grandma always said, "Nine times out of ten traffic accidents are fast. I'd rather wait for three minutes than one second. I'm responsible for you!" When meeting old people and children, Grandma never honked her horn. She was afraid that the sound of the horn would make them panic and would always go around their backs.

I believe that with her persistent spirit, although she is over sixty years old, she will eventually tame this "monster". One day, I will go to school in the "cabin" driven by her grandmother.

Part 2: Mom learns to drive

Mom looked at her colleagues who could drive, and she was anxious to learn how to drive, but she never had time to practice driving. This year's National Day holiday, my mother finally had a chance to learn to drive. The "coach" is my father, and the "supervisor" is me.

No sooner had my father helped my mother start the car than my mother got into the cab. Although my mother is not an athlete, she is very energetic. It's easy to step on the accelerator and brake. When the car finally started, she held the steering wheel tightly with both hands, looked down at the gear, looked up at the front, and her face was stretched without wrinkles. When I talked to her, she didn't seem to hear me. She just stared at the front and didn't dare to wander.

At this time, the speed of the car has exceeded 40 yards. The father sitting in the co driver's seat wanted to test his mother's reaction ability, so he suddenly shouted, "Stop!" My mother was shocked, stepped on the accelerator, and the car quickly "flew" out. Mom immediately realized that she stepped on the brake, and the car suddenly stopped, almost having a "close contact" with the car in front of her. My father and I were in a cold sweat. My mother also sighed a long sigh and sat dumbfounded with both hands holding the steering wheel. Dad said, "You'd better not practice driving!" Mom just said yes, but she was not convinced.

After two days, my mother still felt itchy. In her repeated requests, her father decided to give her another chance to see her performance. The car started. When I got on the road, I couldn't believe my mother was driving. You see, my mother's speed is not fast or slow. She also smiles and looks ahead with an air of composure. Compared with the original time, it is a 180 degree turn. What's the matter? It turns out that since my mother was trained by my father last time, for one thing, my father secretly practiced driving, and for another, my father looked at her so seriously, and also gave guidance to my mother: "When a novice gets on the road, don't be nervous when driving, concentrate, and carefully grasp the essentials of driving..."

Now, my mother can drive on the road alone without my father as a partner or my "supervision". Mom is so awesome! I sincerely admire this novice learner. I believe that my mother will become an experienced driver soon!

Start up (4)

Although my mother does housework very well, she drives very badly.

My mother drove with me to the gym for morning exercises. I had to turn a big corner at the parking place and drive slowly. I could not step on the accelerator, and I had to step on the brake to reach the destination. But my careless mother accidentally stepped on the brake and hit the flower bed. Fortunately, there were not many cars in the parking lot. Otherwise, the consequences would be unimaginable - my mother would not only have to repair her own car, but also pay others for repairing it!

Mother found her car had hit the flower bed, so she called her father for help and asked him to come and deal with the matter. On the phone, my father was very unhappy. He said to my mother in Wenzhou dialect: "What are you looking at? What are you thinking about?" I also helped my father: "Yes! You usually say that I am so careless when doing math problems, but I am not careless in life! Look at the mess of your car. This time, it's your turn to be careless!"

My parents are going to Dongtou with me to buy seafood. However, the situation is not good! Mom was stunned at the traffic lights near the hotel just outside her home. Because of my mother's carelessness, two wheels fell into a "trap" without any eye-catching signs in turn, causing one tire to leak air and the other tire to burst, causing the purchase to be temporarily canceled. Mom and Dad found that the car had fallen into a "trap", so they immediately complained to each other: "Your eyes are so bright that they didn't tell me when they found it, really!" "You are driving, you are the driver. What would you do if I wasn't there?"

My mother! How wonderful it would be if you put your hard work into driving! In this way, you can save the car repair fee!

Start up (5)

September 3 Saturday Sunny

Today, when I came home from school, I saw a driver talking on the phone while driving. His eyes narrowed and his mouth laughed. The car swayed. When we reached the intersection, a young man with unknown origin was walking to the middle of the road. The driver saw that and quickly stepped on the brake. But because of his impatience, he stepped on the accelerator. The car was faster and hit the young man head-on. The young man flew more than three meters away. One witness said, send to the hospital quickly, or you will die. The driver was persuaded by several people to send him to the hospital, but he was already dead.

I think you must concentrate when driving. It's a matter of life.

Start up (6)

I've heard that my aunt bought a new car for a long time. In order to pick me up in Wuhan today, they drove the new car back to Jianli. That car is very beautiful. It's wearing a green coat outside and a yellow underwear inside. It's really small and unique! My aunt said to me, "Ker, let me tell you a good news, tomorrow we will drive a new car to Wuhan early in the morning, but it is a new car, and the speed cannot be fast, because it is still running in." I said, "It doesn't matter, uncle's technology is super."

The next morning, the air was particularly fresh. It was a good time to drive. After breakfast, we went on our way. "Ah! How can it be my aunt who drives?" I was shocked. My mother smiled and said, "Don't be afraid. My aunt has a license to drive. Her license has long been there, but she has never had the opportunity to exercise. Besides, my uncle is an old hand at driving cars. Some of the driving tricks are already rotten. Today he will be in command!" "But I have never seen my aunt drive." I still have fifteen buckets in my heart - seven up and eight down. "Well, get on the bus quickly." The uncle urged. I hesitated and walked into the trunk.

The engine began to start, and my heart would jump to my throat. "Don't be afraid, don't be afraid." I encouraged myself. "Slow down, come to the left." Uncle lay on his head and gave orders to his aunt. Aunt "Xing" calmly operated, but her movements were not so skillful. "Attention, shift". Suddenly, there was a muddy road ahead, but my aunt just rushed forward, ignoring the potholes on the road. My uncle shouted to my aunt, "Stop". My aunt immediately braked the car. I stretched my neck to see, ah! What a big hole ahead. I shook my head helplessly. I looked at our driver secretly. She bit her lip, looking unstoppable. The "authority" of driving began to speak, "What do you think we should do when encountering such a road?" "Back up, back up." I saw my aunt smiled bitterly, and quickly moved back with the reverse gear. I said quietly to my mother, "My aunt is really bitter. I met such a strict teacher, but I can't help laughing and laughing.", I also laughed happily. My aunt said angrily, "Are you gloating?"

When I came to the expressway unconsciously, my uncle's commanding voice had already made my ears heard the cocoon. I thought I could sleep for a while. Unexpectedly, it was more troublesome for my aunt to drive on the expressway. The expressway was under repair. At one time, the road was closed on the left, and at the other time, the road was closed on the right. My aunt's car was driving like a snail, and the car behind was whistling from left to right, I said to my aunt, "How hard I am!" At this time, my aunt turned on the left turn signal and passed the car in front at a speed of 100.

After a while, when the bus arrived in the city, my aunt's car was driving better and better, and everyone's faces showed a long lost smile.

Start up (7)

Alas! Mom is learning to drive! I don't know whether it is good or bad?

One day, my mother wanted to learn driving on the spur of the moment. I was really puzzled. There was a father who could drive. What would my mother want to learn to do? But my mother was confident and determined, and I couldn't bear to splash her cold water.

My mother went to school and left me, my brother and my father at home. My father was usually not at home, so my brother and I had to be thrown to grandma's house again like a bundle. My mother called us on the first day when I went to learn to drive, and told us that learning to drive was fun and simple, but my father said, "Hum! It was simple at first, and then you will know how difficult it is." My mother didn't believe it. Sure enough, in the following days when my mother learned to drive, my mother always called to complain to us. Alas! If I had known now, why should I have! Finally, my mother got the driver's license, but she never dared to open it. One day, my father had a sudden impulse to take my mother to learn how to drive. Mom drives and Dad commands. Don't underestimate my dad! He is an old driver with more than ten years of driving experience! Along the way, my mother was driving with concentration, and her palm was sweating when holding the steering wheel! My father commanded my mother calmly. Gradually, my mother's driving became more and more stable, bold and relaxed. From the beginning, I didn't dare to sit in the car to the later, I was addicted to driving! As soon as Dad was free, she pulled him to practice driving. At last, my kung fu has paid off. Under the guidance of my father, my mother has become the second car queen of our family. The first is my aunt in Suzhou. My aunt's skills are neck and neck with my father's! Now my mother can not only drive us to school every day, but also take us out to play on Sundays! Occasionally, my mother will drive to pick up my father after he goes out for dinner and drinks. However, driving has both advantages and disadvantages. I have seen shocking pictures on the road several times, and I am still a little worried about my parents.

The car has brought a lot of convenience to our life, but it also has certain dangers, and you must not drink and drive! Please pay attention to safety.

Start up (8)

My dream is that my parents can take me to the playground on Sunday and drive a bumper car. Some people's dreams are right in front of them, and some people's dreams will soon come true. My dream will soon come true.

Today, my father and I went to Hongyang Square to drive a bumper car. My father and I rode an electric bike, talking and laughing.

As soon as we got off the bus, we saw a lot of amusement projects. There were big pendulums, pirate ships, and spinning cars that I wanted to play but dared not play. I still chose the best one. My favorite project was "driving".

The surrounding area of the bumper car room was already crowded. I took the advantage of my father's going to buy tickets, and went from the crowd to the railing. I saw that some people driving bumper cars there were thrown forward and backward, some got here and there like pangolins, and some seemed to leave all their troubles and worries behind and just drive bumper cars to enjoy happiness.

I was entranced when the bell rang, ha! It's our turn to drive! I quickly pulled my father, but got into the bumper car room from the crowd and chose No. 3 bumper car. I was afraid of playing bumper car for the first time. Start driving! How close! I almost hit the steering wheel. I couldn't get over it. My father seemed to see my mind and encouraged me to say, "Don't be afraid. Driving a bumper car means you touch me, I touch you, or how can I call it?" After listening to my father's words, I drove boldly again. At this time, my bumper car also hit a big sister's car, which made her laugh. The bell thought again, and three minutes later, I had to leave the bumper car room reluctantly.

Today, I learned a truth when driving a bumper car, that is, we should learn to be brave and not be afraid of danger. What an unforgettable day! Wang Jincheng

Start up (9)

When my father came home last night, he was a little depressed. My mother asked him what was wrong with him? Dad said that he was distracted while driving, and then he crashed!

Mom hurriedly asked what hit her? Did you hit the post, or did you hit someone else's car? Did anyone get hurt anywhere? My father said that I was not hurt, but just because I was thinking about something, I forgot that I was driving, so that my car hit the street lamp on the roadside, and the front of the car hit a bit seriously! But fortunately, no one was hurt!

After listening to this, my mother began to nag. If you think about any problem, you can go home and think about it again. Don't be here. After all, traffic safety is not a trivial matter. It doesn't matter if the car crashes. Anyway, our car is not a good car? The most important thing is that people are not injured, that is, lucky!

My father listened to my mother's nagging and bowed his head. Although people said that women's nagging was troublesome, I often listened to my mother's nagging and would feel particularly bored, but I know how much mother's care and love for me and my father are carried in this nagging!

Later, my mother went downstairs to watch the car. She said that the front of the car hit a little seriously, and that if it hit a little harder, people would also be injured!

Mom still kept telling Dad to keep a clear head when driving in the future. If you really want to think about problems, you can stop the car to think about them. In this way, you can avoid such a situation!

Although I have never experienced a serious car crash, I occasionally saw some particularly horrible scenes on the video, so I was also worried about my father, so I said to him, Dad, you must pay attention to safety when driving in the future!

Dad nodded and said he knew.

Although the distance from the store to home is not particularly long, my father will drive in and out every day. I hope my father will also learn a lesson and pay attention to safety when driving in the future!

After all, we often say that traffic safety is the most important!

Start up (10)

Every time I see my father driving on the road, I think: Can I learn to drive? So I kept this question in mind.

Dad drove back, and I asked him, "Can I learn to drive?" Dad said, "Of course!" I was so happy that I ran around the room with my pillow in my arms.

The next morning, I got up very early and asked my father to teach me how to drive. Dad also introduced: "The round one is the steering wheel; the forward and backward one is the gear; this is the accelerator; this is the brake... Soon, I understood. Dad was guiding me, and I started to drive. ON! Seeing that the front was about to hit the house, Dad pushed the steering wheel to the left to avoid it. Dad asked me to drive to a safe place to practice.

After practicing for a long time, my strength was finally in vain. I was able to drive. Usually, when I am free, I go out to drive with my father.

Start up (11)

Little Ma Hu bought a luxurious car and said happily, "Ha ha, I finally have my own car." After that, he hurriedly got into the car, opened the key, held the steering wheel in his hand, and overturned for a long time without moving the car. Ma Hu was so angry that he patted the steering wheel and thought for a long time before realizing that the car had not been refueled.

Little Ma Hu got off the bus quickly and pushed the car to the gas station with great effort. The car was filled with a full tank of oil. He sat in the car proudly, thinking that he would be all right now and enjoy driving. Thinking about it, he drove to the construction site.

A new car is easy to use. It's like a boat with sails on the road. Little careless was driving briskly. The red light at the fork in front of him came on. He was in a hurry, and the brake stepped on the accelerator. The car "swished" into the pole in front of him, and the headlights were broken. Fortunately, he was OK. Unable to go to the construction site, Little careless had to drive the car to the maintenance station and change the lights.

On a busy day, Xiaoma fell asleep exhausted. In his dream, he saw his new luxury car, where the car was crying. When he saw Xiao Ma Hu, he immediately went up to him and said, "My little master, you just bought the car. How can you not cherish it at all? You need to refuel when driving, distinguish the brake from the accelerator, and see the traffic lights clearly. Why don't you care at all? If this continues, there will be an accident. Today is a small thing. You should be careful."

Just after the car finished speaking, the road at the foot also roared at Little Ma angrily: "Bad guy, everyone drives like you, do I still have a comfortable life? Driving like you, I don't want to say anything about my hardship, even I suffer, and I'm injured all over."

After listening to the words of the car and the road, Little Ma Hu could not help blushing and lowering his head.

Start up (12)

Once when we were having dinner, my mother made an amazing decision.

She announced excitedly to everyone that she wanted to learn to drive and get a driver's license. After hearing her decision, everyone looked at her with suspicion. Because we all know that my mother is the least timid at home, and she is afraid to cross the road. Now she has to drive on the road. Is she brave enough to eat tiger's gall today. I saw my mother blush when we looked at her like this.

However, she never changed her decision. Mother is like this. She often does something strange, so we can't help her. Since my mother is determined to learn driving, let her learn it. It's not a bad thing anyway.

A few days later, my mother really started her car learning career. Early in the morning, my mother went to learn driving excitedly. However, I was still very anxious at home, afraid that something would happen to my mother. In the afternoon, when my mother came back, she happily told us her experience in "school" today. Fortunately, she didn't cause any trouble and scared me to death!

So my mother also asked my father to let her start the engine every day, and my father agreed.

The next morning, the whole family gathered around Mom's car to see how her mother showed her skills. My mother walked into the car with a confident face. As soon as she got on the car, she fastened her seat belt and adjusted the mirror. Touch here and there. It took a while to insert the car key. When the tense moment came, everyone held their breath and hoped that Mom would succeed once and for all. However, after a long time, there was still no movement. Suddenly, the car moved forward inexplicably. We were startled. We stared at the car blankly, and saw that Mom could not control the direction at all, and drove toward the garbage can. Fortunately, Mom's cry woke us up. Dad rushed forward and asked Mom to step on the brake engine, and the car finally stopped. A stone in our hearts finally fell to the ground.

Finally, my mother announced to cancel the decision.

Start up (13)

What's the noise? It was my brother Bangbang who was driving a "sports car". My brother and "sports car" had a lot of fun! Let's have a look.

As soon as I got to Grandma's house, I saw a shiny blue "sports car" parked in the sun, as if it was basking in the sun. Suddenly, I heard someone call me "Baobao! Baobao!" I turned around and found Bangbang standing behind me, sucking his fingers and smiling at me! After a while, I felt a flash in my eyes. "Eh, what's that?" I shouted. My brother pulled me to the car. As soon as he stepped on the accelerator, the "small sports car" ran away. My brother was listening to music while turning the steering wheel. Suddenly, the car stopped and we were bruised. I asked my brother, "Bangbang, why did you stop your car? I was injured" "There is a forest in front of me, and there are monsters in the forest!" said my brother. After listening to this, I turned on the lights and said, "Monsters are afraid of the lights. Now we can drive." My younger brother said nothing and drove the "small sports car" to the forest. Wow, the forest is so quiet and scary. Only some birds and animals can be heard. The younger brother was frightened and drove back. On the way back, we saw a bat and a dog. Bangbang lost a bone to the dog. Unexpectedly, the dog rushed at us, barking and chasing us. Bangbang was so scared that he stepped on the gas pedal, and the "small sports car" went back to grandma's house quickly

I like Hambang's "small sports car"

Start up (14)

I couldn't help laughing at the pictures on the wall. Don't look at my father's manner at that time, but you don't know that he will be in a mess when driving.

That was two years ago.

That day, my father excitedly took out a bunch of keys from his pocket and waved them in front of my mother and me. Then he wrote them into his hands and said, "The key of that car, go, take you for a ride.". As he spoke, he pointed to the car on the roadside.

Sitting in the seat, I asked: Dad, where did you get the car? I borrowed it from my colleague. I was busy lighting the fire before I said anything. But after a while, the engine sounds like an old cow, but it just can't start. I said hurriedly: Dad, you haven't learned to drive formally yet!

Before I finished speaking, the car suddenly started, and I had a close contact with the car seat. My father said proudly, "Tigers don't get angry. You think they are sick cats.". I am a genius who knows how to drive without a teacher! Depressed.

While I was enjoying the sunshine, a child staggering across the road appeared in front of me. The proud father was about to brake, but the car rushed forward like a wild horse without rein. What is sad and indignant is that there is a wall in front! But they not only seemed to have magnetic force, but also seemed to be a pair of lovers who had never met again. The car is about to kiss the wall. We have been in a mess in the car. I thought that the price of their kiss was to make me blush, and I cried out angrily. Fortunately, my father stepped on the brake at the critical moment. The car stopped dramatically.

My family got out of the car in shock, but my father dared to say: How exciting! My bloodless mother said: Wash your brain!

Two months later, Dad finally got the driver's license and asked us to take his car. But since last time, I still feel a little uneasy. But at his insistence, I had to get on the bus.

Along the way, I was very nervous and sensitive to almost every shock. I had already gone home before I knew it. I thought to myself: After three days of absence, I will look at you with new eyes.

My mother was waiting at the door. When she saw me coming home, she hurriedly asked, "How is it?"?

I happily gave a thumbs up and said: This time, I can say that my driving skills are first-class. My father blushed and smiled.

Isn't it Mid Autumn Festival a few days ago? As Sushi said, I hope people will last forever. In fact, we all should cherish ourselves and never try to be as brave as my father!

Start up (15)

"Turn the steering wheel slowly." "Don't cross your hands when turning. You should have changed hands long ago!" "Turn left and turn big!......" Dad keeps on talking like a chattering Tang Monk. How wordy! Guess what we're doing? It turned out that my mother had a whim to ask my brother, who had just got the driver's license, to take us for a walk, and asked me to make a speech after sitting. That was a word: sour and cool!

"Release the accelerator, release the accelerator, brake band!" Just listen to the "quack", my body quickly leans forward, my buttocks instantly leave the seat like an arrow, my forehead suddenly hits the back of the car, God, almost flew out, scared the baby! The elder brother's face was dazed, and sweat oozed from his forehead. "Step on the accelerator gently, don't step on it all!" Dad raised his voice. My mother and I were so scared that we didn't dare to move even when we sat there. Fortunately, we were safe!

"Turn on the turn signal! Turn on the turn signal! Release the throttle! Release the throttle! Brake point! The horn barks!" A series of instructions immediately got into my brother's ears, causing him to be in a hurry and hit several directions, and the car was thrown out like a roller coaster, my god! What a thrilling turn! I turned around to look at my mother, and saw that she was holding her hands tightly to the back of her brother's chair, sitting upright, and standing on the ground with her right toe. "Mom, are you helping your brother step on the brake?" I really want to laugh! "Hush!" Mother put her forefinger to her mouth: "Don't make any noise! Don't make any noise!" But her eyes were staring at the front, and her head dared not turn.

"Start, turn signal, rear-view mirror, slow down, slow down!" God, keep going! Help~

Start up (16)

With the continuous development of modern science and technology, cars have entered thousands of households. There are fewer and fewer people who can not drive. My mother has also gone to learn a driver's license.

My mother loved learning when she was young, and she was also very serious about the science driving license. As soon as she got on the newspaper, she brought back the book "Safe Driving, Start Here" and began self-study. Each of the above "concepts" may be taken in the first mid-term exam. If you don't study hard, you will not pass the exam, and you will have to pay again to make up the exam! So my mother devoted herself to study, but as she grew older, her memory became worse and worse, but she still tried her best to recite all these "concepts". When it comes to my mother's study, it's like the desperate Sanlang. Seeing her hard thinking and studying, I understand what is meticulous.

I remember one time, when waiting for me to finish school, my mother actually held a piece of paper full of "concepts" in her hand, and mumbled something to remember. Every night she had to carry it on her back several times before going to bed until she was completely familiar with it.

She is so serious and hardworking. Her hunger and thirst for knowledge show that she is tireless in knowledge.

On that day, my mother participated in the "Subject One" exam that she had been looking forward to and excited about.

After the exam, my mother ran home excitedly. As soon as I opened the door, I read the score from my mother's face, so I asked, "Mom, did you get 100 points?" Her smile became more bright, just like a yellow wild chrysanthemum in full bloom.

Then my mother took the exam of Subject 2, Subject 3 and Subject 4. On the way, my mother passed five hurdles and six generals, and got the driver's license she had been looking forward to for a long time.

When my mother sat in the driver's seat for the first time, she deeply felt that she was shouldering the responsibility of guarding safety. It not only protects the lives of oneself and others, but also protects the safety and happiness of family members, friends and all traffic participants, and respects and cherishes life. Mom said: "When driving, you must obey the law, drive safely, be polite, and love other traffic participants as you love yourself and your relatives and friends. A few seconds of patience and a generous comity reflect the traditional virtue of tolerance, and win the respect and gratitude of others."

After listening to my mother's words, I was secretly amazed! I wish my mother peace and happiness forever. My mother is driving her beloved car and running on the road of happiness of the motherland.

Start up (17)

Experience the feeling of driving

In our daily study, work or life, we have all written compositions. We must know all kinds of compositions very well. With the help of compositions, we can improve our language organization ability. Do you know how to write a standard composition? The following is a carefully edited composition about how to experience driving. I hope it can help everyone.

On Sunday, I had dinner with my mother and drove home. When the car entered the dark underground garage, my mother slowly stopped. I looked around, "Is there no oil?" I asked my mother, but she said mysteriously, "Do you want to experience driving? Feel infected?" What? drive a car? I was nervous for fear of hitting the wall. "Is there any monitor here?" My heart was pounding. "It's OK!" My mother didn't think so, she looked unconcerned.

Like a thief in the dark, I opened the door quietly, slipped into the cab, and sat on my mother with both hands firmly holding the steering wheel. I was stunned for a long time, and did not move until my mother called my name. I felt that my clothes had been soaked in cold sweat, sticky and sad.

The real test begins. My mother asked me to control the steering wheel. She was responsible for accelerating and decelerating.

"Don't be afraid, control the direction." Mother said quietly. I nodded, too nervous to speak.

Mother stepped on the accelerator gently, and the car moved forward slowly. I thought driving was very simple, but when I drove the car, I left it and right it made me scream. Mom quickly encouraged me: "Come on, relax, relax..."

At the corner, I closed my eyes in fear, and my mother finally stopped. Slowly, my heart slowly fell to the ground.

I wiped the sweat off my forehead and thought: It's so difficult to drive! For me, my mother is a car god!

Start up (18)

Today we bought a car, so we can take a bus to Beijing.

Early in the morning, my mother said in my ear, "We are going to drive back to our hometown." When I heard this, I got up and went to the car store to drive. At first, my father didn't dare to drive. When I came out of the store, my brother drove to the highway and handed the key to my father. But my father took the key and looked around. He couldn't start the fire. He tried several more times and the car started, but it didn't move. After a while, he asked me and my mother to get on the bus. My mother said, "I'm not going to sit down. You can have a meeting." I smiled and said to my father, "Mom is afraid that you can't drive away. He dare not sit down, and I won't sit down." After I said that, I peeped at my father. I found that he was sweating. At this time, I realized that I shouldn't tell my father what I just said. Dad was already a little empty, which makes him even more empty! Then he said, "Dad, you can drive ahead. There are many people and cars here. Mom and I will walk for a while." Then Dad said, "OK, take your time. I'll go first. You think I can't do it. I'll show you!" Ha ha. Mom and I laughed.

We got on the bus. I drove straight to my hometown Tongle and sat in the car. My father drove faster and slower. I said, "It's so slow. It will take at least three or four hours to get home." My mother said, "This is my father's first time to drive. He is a novice, and his skills are poor. Drive slowly and safely." I said, "Put a sign on the back of the car saying," A novice is on the road, please take care of me. ", Dad said: "It's not so serious, it will be fine in a while." We talked and laughed in the car, and soon I fell asleep. When I woke up, I had arrived at my hometown to enjoy myself.

Next, we went to Anzhen, Fuling, Wulong and Kaixian. On the way, we saw a large number of people waiting for cars and leaving their homes. I thought, fortunately, we have cars. It's very convenient to have cars.

Start up (19)

In the winter vacation, my greatest pleasure was to learn to drive for the first time. It was not a bumper car, a bicycle, a tricycle, or a board car. I drove a beautiful Nissan car! Thinking that such a huge car is completely under my control, I call it east, but it dare not go west, and it is only a word different from my name. Envy it.

It was on a sunny day when a sky blue MPV (business car) stopped downstairs and reflected a sapphire like light under the warm sunshine. My family was happy to practice driving in the courtyard. I was sitting in the back row watching my parents practice driving. Under the control of my parents, the car turned smoothly in the courtyard. Watching my parents gently fiddle with the steering wheel, my heart was tickling. I was eager to try: "I want to have a try, too." My father agreed. My mother and I changed seats and I drove. The first time I sat in the cab, looking at rows of meters, touching the gear, stepping on the brake and clutch, I was very nervous, and thought: What if I drive to hit? My father seemed to see through my mind and comforted me: "Don't be afraid. When driving, just concentrate on driving." Then my parents told me some basic knowledge about driving, and let me try to drive in the courtyard. My father escorted me from the passenger seat. My left foot stepped on the clutch, turned on the fire, put into gear 1, and put down the handbrake, Then slowly release the clutch, and the car starts to move forward slowly. Because the car's idle speed is fast, it will move forward without stepping on the accelerator in 1.2.3 gear. I just need to step on the brake and clutch. My hand tightly holds the steering wheel and my eyes are staring ahead for fear of bumping into people and causing accidents. Unconsciously, after a turn, my heart slowly relaxed, and the power steering wheel could rotate freely in my hands, just like driving a battery car.

When I was proud, a group of people came out in front of me. Four or five children were fighting and playing, chasing and playing. They were heading east and west, which made me frantic. At this critical moment, my father stepped forward and immediately pulled the hand brake. The car "whined" and turned off. We also "whined" a sigh of relief. Alas, the technology is not up to standard!

At 4:00, my father asked me to drive back. A sharp turn ahead made me turn, but I didn't turn back to the right direction. The car turned straight to the flower terrace. Fortunately, my father stepped forward again and pulled the handbrake. I immediately cooperated with my father to turn back to the right direction. It was really a scary thing.

Start up (20)

When everything was ready, Dad drove into the road. Dad looked in the rearview mirror from time to time to avoid scratches with other cars. After driving for a while, the car arrived at a downhill. My father held the steering wheel tightly, stared at the front with his eyes fixed, one foot still half stepping on the brake, and soon we were down the slope and near the destination. Dad found a parking space, drove the car to the front of the parking space, shifted the gear to reverse, adjusted the direction from time to time, first backward, then drove forward, slightly turned to the right, and finally backward, the car finally stopped. We opened the door and walked out. Dad pressed the car key again, and locked the car with a "click". We were not sure. We went forward and pulled the door. We didn't leave until we were sure it was locked.