The Story of the Refrigerator (Assembly 3)
Memory also faded
2024-03-25 04:04:37
high school
Expository text

The Story of Refrigerator (1)

I bought a big refrigerator. The refrigerator is the largest one. It is painted with light green paint and has several layers up and down. It can hold many things.

Wildcat bought 5 kilograms of fish and stuffed them into the refrigerator. "What else can we freeze?" The wild cat thought for a while, and put all the things that can be iced into the house. The big refrigerator was full at once.

"I'm the first one in the village to buy a refrigerator," thought the wild cat proudly. "I must let everyone know that I bought a big refrigerator!"

Wildcat decided to move out the big refrigerator and put it in the place opposite the road at the door. The wild cat kept close to the big refrigerator and did not leave. "Otherwise, who would know that this is my refrigerator?" thought the wild cat.

Usually, there are always people coming and going here, but no one comes today. Wild cats are so impatient!

Finally, a spotted cat came to the intersection. Huamao just hurried on and didn't look at the refrigerator at all. The wild cat couldn't help craning its neck and yelling:

"Hey, buddy!"

"Ah?" The Cat got a fright.

"Look here: I bought a big refrigerator! This is the first one in our village!" said the wild cat.

"Refrigerator? What can you do?" The Huamao looked at the toy strangely.

"You are silly: the refrigerator can ice things: with it, you can eat fresh fish at any time!" The wild cat opened the refrigerator and picked out a fish. He grunted at icefish, as if he had never eaten such fresh fish in his life.

The Huamao wiped the saliva flowing to her mouth, a little embarrassed. The wild cat was a little impatient, and took out an icefish from the refrigerator: "Huamao, please try something fresh!"

"Ah, delicious! Only knowledgeable people like you can use refrigerators!" said the Cat kindly.

The Huamao burps and walks away. The Wildcat is also very happy. "Well, finally someone knows that I have a refrigerator!"

Before long, another white cat came.

"Hey, look! I bought a big refrigerator!" the wild cat shouted again.

"Refrigerator?" The white cat came to feel around and looked around, and then said, "Ah, I know this thing."

"Ha, finally there is a discerning person! This is the best thing!" The wild cat opened the refrigerator door and said to the white cat, "Look, how many fresh fish can be frozen? Don't worry about eating fish!"

Seeing that the refrigerator was full of good things, the white cat's eyes lit up: "Well, icefish... How does it taste? Is it different?" The white cat glue looked at it and sniffed hard, "Is it fresh? I know it at a taste!"

"It must be fresh!" The wild cat took out another fish and gave it to the white cat.

The Story of Refrigerator (2)

The night is getting deeper and deeper, and people are falling into sweet dreams. The whole world is sleeping in the dark night, quietly, without a sound. But where did the noise come from? It turns out that only a group of brothers in Xiaojun's refrigerator haven't fallen asleep yet
I heard the second brother peanut say to the elder brother chocolate: "Elder brother, I don't want to be eaten. There are very few young and excellent peanuts like me in the world!"
The third brother, Cream, grabbed his brother's trouser leg and said to him, "Brother, I don't want to die young, either!"
"Well, you two have quarreled. Who wants to be eaten? But this is our mission. From the day of production, we just want to give food to people!" cried Chocolate Brother.
"I don't care! Anyway, I don't want to be the victim of their mouth. I won't be eaten, hum! You like to be eaten yourself!" Peanuts don't listen to chocolate. They have a tough attitude and have made up their minds.
The previous "brotherhood treaty" has been invalid, and the three former good brothers have quarreled with each other because they were eaten or not eaten.
Chocolate shouted, "I'm the boss here, and you should listen to me, or I will kick you!"
"Chocolate, I dare not beat you because you are the eldest brother!" Peanut said viciously.
"If the production staff hadn't had a clue, I would have been the eldest brother!" Cream shouted.
"No, come to fight! Who's afraid?" Chocolate said in a defiant tone.
The three good brothers are fighting like this.
Suddenly, with a click, the chocolate broke and lost in advance, so I had to watch the peanut and butter continue to entwine. In a short time, they all became pieces in the "battle", and both were defeated.
When Xiao Jun got up in the morning, he saw that the delicious cakes were broken into a pile of dirty dregs. He felt sick when he looked at them, not to mention eating them, so he threw them all into the garbage can.

The Story of the Refrigerator (3)

"I'm the most effective!" "No, I'm much better than you!" Eh? It's so late. Where is the noise coming from? Oh, it seems that there is a dispute coming from the refrigerator. What on earth happened?
It turns out that the little host bought a box of cream peanut chocolate cake, and as an important member of this delicious cake, cream, peanut and chocolate are discussing who is most useful.
"Of course it's me!" Chocolate said proudly, "If there is no me, do you think the little master will eat this?" The unyielding peanut said, "You are certainly useful, but I am more useful than you. If there is no me, can this cake be so delicious?"
Butter said to himself, "Actually, I'm also useful. Forget it, what's the use of arguing, In fact, he was also thinking: "I think butter is reasonable, but I just can't lose to chocolate like this!" Chocolate also shouted unconvinced: "OK! Tell me, where are you useful? If you think you are more useful than me, I can go now!" He angrily hit the shelf with a heavy fist, The cake almost fell apart. Butter panicked, and hurriedly persuaded: "Don't be angry! We are a whole, and no one can do without us!" Peanut was completely irritated: "Go and go, what a big deal!" After saying that, it regretted: "Oh! How can I say such words? We are a whole! If we really want to go our separate ways, it will do no good to anyone."
Chocolate listen, angry head also did not return to leave, any butter tried to dissuade also useless. Peanut sighed: "Let's go. The little master will not like us without chocolate." Cream thought: "What will the master think when he opens the refrigerator tomorrow and sees this? Can't we unite? What's the use of a mess?" The cream shook his head helplessly. The original exquisite and delicious cakes have become the most useless thing after a dispute about who is more useful.