600 words of Xiaoyu's composition (6 popular articles)
Lonely Butterfly Shadow
2023-09-19 07:56:33

Observe Xiaoyu's composition with 600 words (1)

One fine morning, I opened my sleepy eyes and got up lazily. When I finished washing and went to the restaurant for breakfast, I suddenly found a large bowl of boiled eggs, a jar of fresh milk, and a small bowl full of sugar on the table, which I didn't often eat. This is my bowl. "Eh?

How can I eat this today? " I asked Dad. Dad was munching on eggs and vaguely replied, "Yes! It's nutritious to eat more boiled eggs. Besides, boiled eggs dipped in white granulated sugar are delicious! Eat quickly!" "Oh!" I answered with a little resentment in my voice. According to my experience, boiled eggs are not delicious at all. I conveniently took an egg. My hand had just broken the eggshell, but it was stained with thick raw egg white. "It's disgusting!" I yelled, and hurried to the bathroom to wash my hands for fear of catching what adults call "bird flu."

My call attracted my mother who was combing her hair. She ran to the kitchen to see: "Ah! Why are there no raw eggs I'm going to make egg soup at noon?" It turned out that mother was careless and put the raw eggs on the table into the bowl that originally contained the boiled eggs. Therefore, because I was extremely unlucky, I just selected one of the "mines" impartially.

I have washed my hands. After knowing the cause and effect of the event, in order to avoid a "tragedy" like mine, my mother had to risk her life and prepare to open the eggshells one by one. "Stop!" Dad shouted. "Why?" "Do you know how wasteful it is to do this? Look at me!" said Dad, putting eggs on the table and whirling quickly. Those that turn fast fall into one category; Those that turn slowly fall into another category. Then Dad pointed to the first kind of eggs and said, "But

So eat! " "Why?" I was half convinced. "Don't ask why, you will know when you eat!" Facts have proved that the eggs that turn fast are really cooked eggs. After breakfast, I still couldn't restrain my curiosity and tried to ask my father why. Dad could not resist my "strong attack" and finally said the "secret". "The reason is that the yolk and white of the cooked egg have been integrated, but the raw egg is different

Some of them can't accept the rotating motion at once. Because of inertia, the movement of hard eggshell is affected and has the effect of stopping the movement. " "Oh, I see." I nodded with satisfaction.

Observe Xiaoyu's composition with 600 words (2)

At the weekend, our family came to grandma's house.

When I entered Grandma's house, the first thing I saw was the golden corn in the courtyard. I excitedly walked around the pile of corn for several times. When I saw half of the corn peeled in the basket beside me, I couldn't help saying to my grandma, "Grandma, can I help you peel corn together?" Grandma looked at me and said happily, "Yes! It seems that my little girl has really grown up!

I ran to get a basket, picked up some corn and peeled it. At first, I couldn't find the knack of peeling corn. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't peel off one. At this time, I saw that my father was also peeling, so I learned to peel.

Mom saw it, smiled and said, "Look at me. With the screwdriver and blade tip moving downward, the corn grains fall one after another, leaving a "path". Then, my mother turned the corn a little, and the two rows of corn that were separated went through again. A corn soon becomes a "big face".

Looking at all this, I asked my mother strangely: "What are you doing?" My mother handed me the newly "processed" "big face" and said: "Try it!"

I took it and tried to peel it. Unexpectedly, it took no effort to peel it. It takes less time than the first one just peeled!

I jumped up with joy and said, "This is really a good way!"

Mother said, "There is a better way. When the corn is dry, use a corn thresher to peel it. This pile of corn can be peeled in half an hour."

"It's true, that's great!"

But I still think hand peeling is more interesting. So my mother and I continued to use the "screwdriver method" to peel corn. By noon, we had stripped a full basket. Although my hands hurt a little, I felt very happy when I saw the corn kernels lying quietly in the basket.

It turns out that there are tricks to peel corn!

Observe Xiaoyu's composition with 600 words (3)

I stared closely at the two cute rabbits in the carton. Suddenly, the little white rabbit stood up with its powerful hind legs and gently stroked its face with its forepaws. From top to bottom, it was very serious and seemed to wash its face again and again, which made me feel very interesting. When he raised his head and looked at me with his red eyes, my heart had a question: "Why did the rabbit do this?"

With questions, I quickly and curiously searched the Internet. It turns out that the rabbit is washing his face. It can not only clean the skin, restore the sensitivity of the important tactile organ "beard", but also play a role in health care! It suddenly dawned on me: no wonder I saw the rabbit often "wash his face".

Finally, I know the answer. I feel much more comfortable. When the rabbit "washes his face", I will tease them with vegetables. They even don't look at it. They concentrate on "washing their face", which shows how good the rabbit's habit is. We should learn from them and cultivate our good habits.

Speaking of these two lovely rabbits, I begged my mother to buy them for me at the school gate last Wednesday (April 30). One is white, the other is gray. They bring more happiness to my leisure life. They make me deeply feel the joy of taking care of small animals. Every day when I come home from school, I can't wait to see the rabbits, and sometimes touch their soft fur to feed them vegetables. Sometimes, the little rabbit would playfully jump out of the carton and "visit" my home everywhere. The two rabbits often stand up playfully, lie down beside the cardboard box, poke out their heads, and look around curiously. How they want to come out to breathe! I love them!

In fact, there are many mysteries in nature waiting for us to discover. It is with this kind of problem and exploration that we grow up slowly. To discover and answer from life, sometimes a small question can stimulate our spirit of exploration. Let's all take active action and find great fun from small problems!

Observe Xiaoyu's composition with 600 words (4)

As long as you pay attention to every thing in your daily life, you will be able to find one interesting discovery after another.

When I looked up and saw the leaden sky, I knew that it was going to rain. After a while, rain fell from the sky. I remembered the discovery several years ago.

It was a leisurely summer afternoon, and I sat on a small stool reading. The cicadas chirped, and the sky was also overcast. Insects flew low in the sky in groups, and swallows flew low with the insects.

My mother came out of the room at this time. She looked at the sky for a while and said, "Xiao Feng, go and get your clothes and bed sheets. It's going to rain." I put down my book and asked doubtfully, "It's raining? Mom, you see it's still so hot. There's no sign of rain. How can it rain?" But my mother did not answer, but put away the clothes and bed sheets on the balcony, I had to put them away with my mother. "Good mother, tell me quickly, why do you say it will rain?" I asked again without dying. "Do you want to know? I can't tell you this. Go and check it yourself." Mother teased me mischievously, and she had just finished speaking when it began to rain cats and dogs.

I had to check my "One Hundred Thousand Why".

"Why do you say, 'Swallows fly low in the snake aisle, and the heavy rain will come soon'?"

"Answer: Before rain, the air is always stuffy and hot, and full of water vapor. Because insects have been flying in midair for a long time, their wings are evenly covered with water vapor, and water vapor makes their wings moist, which is not high. Swallows fly low because they feed on small insects. Before rain, the air pressure is low and the air humidity is high. The wings of insects become heavy due to moisture and cannot fly high. Swallows also fly low to catch them. Therefore, there is a folk saying that 'swallows and insects fly low to rain'. "

"Oh --" I suddenly realized, "I see." I understand: insects fly low because of moisture on their wings, swallows fly low because of low air pressure, swallows have to fly low in order to catch them.

I just woke up from the memory. I still find this discovery very interesting. Do you have any interesting discoveries like this?

Observe Xiaoyu's composition with 600 words (5)

The next week will hold the "10 minute English word dictation contest", an interesting discovery composition. The teacher said that no matter whether the words written are long or short, as long as they are completed within 10 points, and must be fast, accurate, and write more, they will definitely win a prize. In order to get good results in the competition, I should practice hard.

After I prepared the paper and pen, I asked my father to time me. At the beginning, I thought I was right. If I accumulated more English words for myself, I would write more than 100. Think of a word and write a word. But at the end of the day, I couldn't write any more. First, I was afraid that the words I wrote would repeat what I wrote before; Second, I can't figure out which word I should write. I was worried like an ant on a hot pot... 7 minutes, 8 minutes, 10 minutes passed in a flash, but I only wrote 84 words, many of which were wrong. At my present level, I won't win the prize. What can we do about it?

I thought hard and finally came up with a good solution: the words I remember are the same. If I choose the simplest and write them in order, the effect will be very different. So English words must be written from the simplest, the simpler the better. And we should divide them into categories, such as writing articles, numerals, school supplies, etc. In this way, English words can be written quickly and will not be repeated. I deliberated slowly, thinking about my new discovery, not to mention how excited and surprised I was.

I wrote it from memory again according to this method, and then let my father time it. I first wrote simple numerals and articles from memory, and then wrote titles, food, animals, school supplies, etc. I wrote the first word in order, and the second word came into my mind. One English word after another flows out from my smooth pen. Ten minutes later, I counted 112 English words, which increased a lot and made few mistakes. I practiced many times again, which improved a lot.

From this incident, I found a truth: when doing anything, people should also write English words from memory, as long as they are regular and orderly, and start with simple work first, they will improve slowly, quickly and well.

Observe Xiaoyu's composition with 600 words (6)

This time, Mr. Pan, the science teacher, assigned us an assignment to complete an investigation report. The implementation process must be complete and recorded. The most important thing is not to copy. Just when we had science class, the teacher asked us to plant mung beans and observe, so I used mung beans to write this article. First, I will prepare two paper cups. One is to lay two paper towels, and drop four drops of water on the napkin above. Then you can squeeze three holes in the napkin with your little finger, and finally put the mung bean on the hole. The other cup was also covered with two pieces of paper towels, without dripping water. Similarly, three holes were made with the little finger, and three seeds were also placed on the paper towels, so the experiment began! The next day, I couldn't wait to get up early and climb to my desk to see mung bean sprouts. I saw that his clothes had not been removed by the water yet. I fished them out and felt them. They became soft. After smelling them again, they turned sour and had a disgusting smell.

At noon, I went to see the mung bean sprouts again, and the mung bean clothes were taken off, revealing a plump flesh colored belly. lovely! In the evening, I went to see mung bean sprouts, and mung bean still kept a lovely posture. And the other one was still. On the third day, a cup of green beans with water became fatter! It seems like a fat boy, but there is still a seed that has not peeled. Another cup of mung beans stood there without moving, without revealing their white and fat bellies. On the fourth day, I poured some water on one of the cups of mung beans; The other cup didn't drip, and the one that was watered was different. A small bud came out at once. I measured it with a ruler, and it was about 1. 5 cm. I wonder what the mung bean sprouts will become tomorrow? And there is one cup that has nothing... So, a week has passed, and the cup with water has 9 mung bean teeth. It is 7cm long, but nothing sprouts in the cup without water

It turns out that all things cannot grow without water! This is really an interesting discovery.