Compositions describing chrysanthemums (18 in total)
The real point of being a man
2024-04-30 03:48:27
second grade

Composition Description of Chrysanthemum (1)

Sister Qiu came to the world and sent a bright red sweater to Maple Leaf; Send the golden coat to the grass; Send colorful dresses to chrysanthemums

In autumn, when flowers wither, only chrysanthemums compete with each other in the cold autumn wind. Around the fields and among the flowers, there are graceful figures of them everywhere. Looking around, the huge chrysanthemums are as red as fire, as yellow as gold, and as pink as rosy clouds... Clusters of colorful chrysanthemums form a beautiful and colorful picture, embellishing the nature more brilliantly.

There are many kinds of chrysanthemums, among which the most striking one is the pure "Fairy in Red". She wore a pink coat, and tied a white scarf around her neck, looking noble and elegant. At a glance, she looks like a dancing fairy, and like snow lotus on an iceberg. Whenever someone walks past her, they can't help but look at her and breathe her refreshing fragrance. Since ancient times, how many literati have worshipped her under the chrysanthemum skirt?

Against the background of green leaves, several purplish red chrysanthemums stuck out of their heads and looked curiously at the outside world. Her upper body was wearing a purple coat, and her lower body was wearing a bright red dress, like a proud princess. Her whole petals are gathered together, like a big family, discussing an important matter. Yes, this is the famous "Leng Yan". This kind of chrysanthemum is very rare. Her appearance is cold, like a cold beauty. She told the world with a cold air: I am so beautiful!

Chrysanthemum has not only beautiful appearance, but also beautiful quality. When autumn comes, flowers wither, and only chrysanthemums stand bravely in the flowers. She is like an indomitable soldier. She is neither as noble as lily, nor as elegant as lotus, nor as elegant as peony... But her pride has made scholars at all times and in all over the world admire her. Grandpa Chen Yi once praised: "Nature can withstand cold, what can weather."

The appearance of chrysanthemums is amazing and moving, and the quality of chrysanthemums is admirable. We should also face difficulties as tenaciously as chrysanthemums.

Composition Description of Chrysanthemum (2)

Late autumn is the season when chrysanthemums are in full bloom. People often see various buildings composed of chrysanthemums in parks, squares and tourist attractions. It is because of these chrysanthemums that autumn looks more colorful.

I am a member of the chrysanthemum family. Let me tell you that chrysanthemum originated in China and is one of the top ten famous flowers in China. Plum, orchid, bamboo and chrysanthemum are called the four gentlemen together with us. Later, we were spread abroad and became world famous flowers. Until now, we have a history of more than 3000 years. We don't have high requirements for climate and soil conditions. It can grow in all kinds of soil and is easy to plant. Therefore, there are thousands of my brothers and sisters all over the country.

My name is "Golden Hero". Look, my petals are like soldiers' armor, and my stems are like athletes' strong arms. "Until September 8 in the autumn, I will kill all the flowers after they bloom. The fragrance will burst through Chang'an, and the city will be covered with golden armour.". This is my true portrayal.

The petals of her sister's "heart is in full bloom" stretched out all around, and looked from afar, they looked like fireworks scattered in the sky, and they would never go out. Its petals are purplish red, deep inside and shallow outside, and the top curls upward, like a miniature crutch, like a small ear spoon, and again, like a slightly held hand. A gentle breeze blew, and the petals were swinging, as if a thousand hands of Avalokitesvara were dancing! At the sight of it, people feel cheerful, comfortable, open-minded and elated.

Sister "Lake Autumn Moon" has thick and straight stems, fat and dense leaves, flowing with the wind, like a lake of clear water, sparkling in the sun. Her petals are golden, long and narrow, curling upward. These petals are dense and tightly held together, like the bright moon in the sky. Looking at it, you may think of the sentence "lake light and autumn moon are in harmony"

We are born dedicated to human beings, and people often use us to make wine and drinks. Our taste is pungent, sweet and bitter, which can be used for medicine. It has the effect of clearing heat, detoxifying and dispelling wind. Because we are constantly purifying the air, we have earned the reputation of "the little guard of purifying the air".

We are hardy and open in the cold autumn wind. We are so beautiful, you must protect us.

Composition Description of Chrysanthemum (3)

I love autumn, but also love the charming chrysanthemums in autumn.

Look, its leaves are numerous and dense. From a distance, they look like green flocks. Its color is verdant and dripping, as if it has been dyed with paint. The leaves are large and small, as small as the feet of ducklings, as large as the plantain fan of Iron Fan Princess. It feels astringent, and there are many dense small hairs on it.

The color of the stem is darker than that of the leaf. There are small white fluff on the touch, I think it seems to be covered with a layer of gauze for the stem. The stem is thick at the bottom and thin at the top, and the more it goes up, the thinner it is; It is as thin as wool, and as thick as a pen holder.

There is one flower bud in Weibo, the big one is like a pumpkin, the small one is like a grain of rice, some are hidden in the center of the leaf and petiole, and the small one seems invisible. Its color is green with yellow. The half open flower bud and the flower bud of the hairpin is like a cup. If only I could use it to celebrate!

The color of the hosta flower gives a fresh and elegant feeling. Its green color is rendered from the stamens to the surroundings. Its appearance is as clean as water lilies, especially beautiful.

I like chrysanthemums because they are very attractive.

Composition Description of Chrysanthemum (4)

Chrysanthemum, beautiful chrysanthemum. You are the embodiment and messenger of autumn. I love you, chrysanthemum.

Friend, do you like the charming lotus, the beautiful azalea, the fragrant evening primrose... But I don't like them, I like chrysanthemums.

I love chrysanthemums because they are unique. In summer, flowers are blooming and fragrance is overflowing. How lively it is! But only the chrysanthemum stem was there alone. But in autumn, flowers wither, and only chrysanthemums proudly open. Chrysanthemum never yields to the autumn wind. No matter how cold it is, it never shows weakness.

I love chrysanthemums because they are beautiful. Look, what a lovely chrysanthemum! How beautiful the slender petals, together with the delicate stamens and the green stems are! There are many kinds of chrysanthemums, including wild chrysanthemums, September chrysanthemums and marigolds. There are not only many kinds of chrysanthemums, but also many colors: white, red, pink, green, lotus root, light yellow, orange... countless. They are beautiful and simple. They are not as beautiful as lotus, but better than lotus; They are not as beautiful as cuckoos, nor less beautiful than cuckoos. They are so beautiful and unique.

I love chrysanthemum, because it is tenacious. When people see the scene of "autumn wind sweeping the leaves", they will feel chilly. But again, how beautiful the chrysanthemums are! How beautiful it is to stand together in clusters of chrysanthemums! It makes people feel very lively. Look at the fallen leaves, and then look at the chrysanthemums, it is incomparable.

I love chrysanthemum because it has not only ornamental value, but also medical and health care value. With rock sugar, medlar, red dates, chrysanthemum tea with attractive fragrance will make you have endless aftertaste and clear eyes. When I was studying, chrysanthemum tea was often accompanied on my desk. When I was thirsty and sleepy, I drank a mouthful of it. It was like sweet dew seeping into my heart and spleen, and suddenly I felt my spirit was doubled.

I love chrysanthemums, because they can cultivate sentiment. Whenever I am tired of learning, as long as I look at the chrysanthemums in the distance, my eyes suddenly open, as if I saw the world of flowers, the sea of songs, intoxicating, relaxed and happy.

I love chrysanthemum, because it has noble quality, its life is tenacious, not as fragile as the flowers in the greenhouse; Not as spoiled and fragile as those precious flowers; It is modest and never shows off itself to others. It grows silently; It is strong, does not bow to the autumn wind, proudly open.

I love you, chrysanthemum, because you are the messenger of autumn wind, the embodiment of autumn. composition

Composition Description of Chrysanthemum (5)

I have several pots of beautiful chrysanthemums at home, and I like them very much... I have several pots of beautiful chrysanthemums at home, and I like them very much. It is no exaggeration to say that chrysanthemums are beautiful and moving. Their semicircular flowers blossomed, some as natural and unrestrained as little girls' hair, some as gurgling as small rivers, and some as grand as African lions.

Although the blooming chrysanthemum does not have the fragrance of jasmine, it has a subtle fragrance that is attractive to people. Although it does not have the richness of peony, it has its own elegance and purity. With my father's careful care, the blooming chrysanthemums are even more colorful. Red, yellow, green, and black... The red is like a burning flame, the yellow is like a shining brocade, the green is like a piece of green emerald, and the black is like the mane of a fiery horse

Every time after school, I would water the chrysanthemum, trim the branches and leaves, and apply sufficient fertilizer under the guidance of my father. The chrysanthemum bloomed more beautiful as if it were thanking me. I love chrysanthemums.

Composition Description of Chrysanthemum (6)

I like chrysanthemums very much, especially in autumn. When autumn comes, chrysanthemums seem to show their full vitality. The chrysanthemums chased the chrysanthemums, gathered together like shadows, and scattered gold on the ground. The thick golden yellow drenched the hometown thoroughly.

The sun hung down its long arm and quietly opened the infinite petals of chrysanthemums. In the bright light, I saw the sound of flowers blooming gently, and the halo spread around the edge of the core.

The long smell of chrysanthemums is like a stream, rushing to the distance. On the vast open field like the sky, the strong thinking of chrysanthemums is like the wind blowing. That is the boundless garden, the lingering soul of the god of flowers, the vast expanse like the tide, has flooded my charming September layer upon layer.

The chrysanthemum stands in the silhouette of autumn, like a one legged wine cup filled with thin yellow thoughts, which will overflow when the wind blows.

The heavy melancholy of the chrysanthemum drips from the fingertip, and has been deeply rooted in my heart. The most beautiful language that has not yet been born quivers in a flower. A bit of yellow falling in the flourishing is a lamp that lights up the earth.

Since I fell in love with chrysanthemums, when I went to my grandmother's house, I always brought many chrysanthemums home. My mother taught me to wash and dry chrysanthemums and make them into chrysanthemum tea. I have drunk black tea, green tea, and I have never drunk chrysanthemum tea made by myself. After soaking in a cup and tasting it, I felt that the refreshing fragrance of chrysanthemums went straight into my heart, which was really worth a cool drink!

Through so many things, I really learned about chrysanthemums. In the life of chrysanthemum, it has no need, but silently and selflessly dedicates its life to people. And I just like its selflessness, its simplicity and its tenacity. If everyone is like a chrysanthemum, they just offer to others silently, without asking for anything. Then, how beautiful the world will become!

Composition Description of Chrysanthemum (7)

Some people like elegant and charming orchids, others like fragrant plum flowers, and others like tall and straight bamboo. But I just like the chrysanthemums in various forms.

In autumn, chrysanthemums are in full bloom. My mother and I went to Century Park to see chrysanthemums. As soon as I entered the gate of the park, a strong fragrance of flowers came to my face. We seemed to be in a wonderful chrysanthemum pan: in front of the fountain, two pots of giant chrysanthemums were in full bloom, and hundreds of small chrysanthemums were surrounded and competing for beauty. The flowers in the east are as white as snow, while those in the west are as yellow as gold. Under the sun, the yellow and white contrast, which is particularly fresh and pleasant. The fountain edge is full of colorful and graceful cliff chrysanthemums. It is dazzling to see.

There are many varieties of chrysanthemums. It is said that there are more than 2000 kinds of chrysanthemums in the world. I like "Small Velvet Chrysanthemum" and "Small Daisy" best. The petals of "Small Velvet Chrysanthemum" are like silk claws. The inner petals tightly wrap the stamens, and the outer petals stretch out around. From afar, they look like yellow "small pompons". They are very cute and make me linger and forget to return. The flower of "Little Daisy" is smaller than that of "Little Velvet". Although its flowers are small and inconspicuous, they open one by one, forming a beautiful landscape.

Chrysanthemum not only looks beautiful, but also has the excellent quality of fearing frost. As soon as the rustling autumn wind blew, many flowers could not help withering in the cold. Only chrysanthemums are in full bloom against the wind and frost. I will go forward bravely like chrysanthemum.

Chrysanthemum has many uses, such as clearing fire, dispersing wind and dissipating heat. Once I had a cold, my mother gave me chrysanthemum tea for a few days, and I felt more comfortable.

Chrysanthemum also has high ornamental value and wide practical value.

Ah, I love chrysanthemums, and I will praise them in the most beautiful language

Composition Description of Chrysanthemum (8)

There are beautiful wild chrysanthemums near Grandma's house. I always go to see them in winter and summer vacation. Wild chrysanthemums are not tall, and there are endless flowers every year. They bloom most in autumn and winter.

Although the branches of wild chrysanthemum are small, there are lovely flowers on the head of each small branch. The leaves of wild chrysanthemum are not as dense as those of dahlia, autumn chrysanthemum, and yellow chrysanthemum. But its sturdy small leaves are very resistant to cold and heat, and are not easy to turn yellow and fall leaves. Generally, each leaf can last at least four or five months from maturity to withering and yellowing.

These wild chrysanthemums are light blue. I counted them carefully and found that they all had sixteen thin and long petals, which neatly surrounded the light yellow flower core. The flowering period of these wild chrysanthemums is about 14 days. Generally, it takes about three weeks for each flower to grow a small flower to fully open. Standing in the wild chrysanthemums, it is like being in the sea of light blue. These wild chrysanthemums are only as high as my knees. Each flower waves to me in the wind and smiles at me, as if it is a simple mountain child, dancing the joy of life in the sun. At this time, I can't help but lower my head to get close to them, gently touch the branches, stick the tip of my nose to them, carefully kiss them, and deeply breathe the fragrance it exhales... The whole air is also filled with sweet fragrance and mysterious charm.

These small wild chrysanthemums are not the nobles in the Flower Kingdom, but only the small roles in the Flower Kingdom at best. It has neither the charm of roses, nor the rich fragrance of magnolias, nor the lofty lotus that is always noticed and admired. It is it, a small flower with a faint fragrance, silently reveals its fragrance for the world, and gives its best, no matter in spring, summer, autumn and winter, cold and hot, praised or not.

I was moved by the spirit of this wild chrysanthemum, and I would like to do the same thing as it, whether it is noticed or not, silently and steadfastly do everything I should do, and live an ordinary and practical life.

Composition Description of Chrysanthemum (9)

Who has ever been with the "three friends" of pine, bamboo and plum trees, and who is proud of the frost in full bloom, silently offering a faint fragrance to the world? It is the graceful chrysanthemum.

Chrysanthemum is a herbaceous plant in the flowering family for many years, and is one of the traditional famous flowers in China. More than 3000 varieties have been found. The shape of chrysanthemums is more beautiful and unique: pine needle, flower bud, colored ball, etc. Like bead curtain, like hair, like a fairy coming down to earth... extremely gorgeous, intoxicating.

Chrysanthemum not only has many types, but also has beautiful and colorful flowers.

The golden hydrangea with thick and straight stems and thick and thick leaves. The petals are wrapped one by one, one by one, arranged orderly, like a golden thread ball. The small and lovely stamens in it are tightly held together. How like a shy girl to look at it carefully, as if looking at this familiar world!

The flowing green clouds are deeply loved by people. The petals are thick green, like white clouds. The dripping reminds people of the beautiful scene of the Green Wave Fairy floating in space, which is pleasing to the eyes.

The flowers of the mandarin duck chrysanthemum are even more beautiful. The red and yellow petals are evenly divided, and the two colors blend together, just like the colorful feathers of the mandarin duck. Its slightly raised petals are irresistible to gently poke. What a mandarin duck chrysanthemum!

The beautiful and moving phoenix vibrating feathers are brownish red outside and yellow at the base, belonging to the dance circle. At first, the breeze seemed to think that the girl with Tingting Yuli was shaking her elegant long hair

Chrysanthemum is not only colorful, but also has high medicinal value.

The flowers, stems and leaves of chrysanthemum contain rich nutrients such as playing oil, amino acid, vitamin A and B, which can disperse wind and dissipate heat. It has certain lethality to Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus, and can also lower blood pressure more smoothly, and prevent cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases and thrombosis.

Autumn chrysanthemum can be proud of frost, and wind and frost are full of evils. Nature is hardy, but what's wrong with wind and frost? I am still wandering in the sea of chrysanthemums, intoxicated

Composition Description of Chrysanthemum (10)

My family lives in the compound of the Land and Resources Bureau in the county seat. There are green trees all the year round, flowers are in full bloom, and the fragrance is delicious, but what I like most is the colorful chrysanthemums.

In the golden autumn, walk into the land yard and look around, ah! Some of the graceful autumn chrysanthemums are like the fragrant hair that the little girl has just combed, some are like willows stretching and drooping willows, some are like silent waterfalls, some are like splashing water...... They send out bursts of refreshing fragrance and suddenly feel relaxed and happy after taking a sip. They have their own colors, white, red, yellow, purple, light yellow, dark green... My favorite is the graceful chrysanthemum named Snow White. If you look closely, you will find that there are many fine hairs on the stems of flowers, and the stems are still very strong! Its blades are serrated and rough to the touch. Maybe it is the result of fighting with the cold wind and frost! The lower layer of its petals hangs down, like Snow White's hair and skirt, swaying in the wind. The upper layer is like an orange petal, like Snow White's crown. Its stamens are light yellow, like little bees, like a Chinese medicine bottle, giving off a delicate fragrance.

It seems that the chrysanthemum has really become the smiling face of Snow White, attracting the diligent little bees and beautiful butterflies to dance around it, which makes it more beautiful in the sun. Look, it is so warm and unrestrained. It is red like a raging fire, pink is light and elegant, yellow is golden, and there are dark green and light purple...... Some are in the center of the courtyard, some are on the wall, some are on the fence, like the festival lights. They are facing the sun, and the crystal dew is shining on the leaves, making people never tire of watching. At this moment, It seems that the chrysanthemum will burst out all its life and power together and dedicate it to the golden autumn. At this time, you will be intoxicated with the beautiful autumn chrysanthemums, and can't help thinking of a poem by Yuan Zhen, a poet of the Tang Dynasty, "It is not a flower that prefers chrysanthemums, but this flower does not bloom.". Listen to my father: "Chrysanthemum is not afraid of wind and frost, can be used as medicine, can make tea".

Don't you want to have a look at such beautiful chrysanthemums?

Composition Description of Chrysanthemum (11)

"Your tears are weak and hurt, and the pale moon bends and hooks the past." A sad and beautiful "Chrysanthemum Platform" is playing slowly, which reminds me of many memories that have turned yellow.

Chrysanthemum is the master of falling red. When the earth puts on a golden sweater, when flowers wither, when geese fly south, you can find her figure. It can be said that chrysanthemum is the girl of autumn, and chrysanthemum can symbolize the sad autumn.

There is also a pot of chrysanthemum on my balcony. Although it has no golden coat and no fragrance, my mother still takes good care of it, watering and fertilizing it every day. But I was puzzled: why does mother care so much about this insignificant chrysanthemum?

Finally one day, I asked: "Mom, why should I take good care of the little daisies?" My mother stared at the daisies, her eyes were full of tears, patted my shoulder, and said: "Don't ask what you don't understand." I begged my mother again, My mother couldn't help asking: "My child, in fact, this potted flower was left by your grandmother. It is not a potted flower, but... it is a kind of yearning!"

It suddenly dawned on me that my grandmother gave me a lot of love when she was alive! I looked at the budding chrysanthemum and said softly, "I will take good care of you!"

Since then, I have taken care of this pot of chrysanthemums every day. Although it's hard, I don't think so. I take care of chrysanthemums as a human being.

"Chrysanthemum remains, all over the ground is injured. Your smile has turned yellow." Listening to this song, I thought of the potted flower, as if I saw Grandma smiling at me. I think flowers are not only for people to enjoy, but also send a yearning and a blessing away

Composition Description of Chrysanthemum (12)

The fragrance of flowers is floating in the sad soul, and the intoxication of flowers is melancholy in the chaotic fog. I will not be subtle, I will not be serious. I just hide my dream, quiet and simple. In my heart, the tranquil bamboo grove is actually better than the red wine.

Gradual autumn, the kind of blurred sadness, like drunk or awake. Wandering in the old face, I will think that until now, the person worth waiting for has never come back. Who broke yesterday, burned today and captured tomorrow. Is it you or the reflection that ripples in your heart? Only by abandoning these so-called waiting, or by collecting these memorable memories. What I can't forget is your pain, and what remains is my wound. I am looking at you, just as you looked at me at the beginning. I am standing at the foot of the mountain, and you are in the mountains. It seems that you are right in front of me, but in fact it is far away! I hope so, you are right in front of me. In silence, silly looking. In this strange city, I am looking forward to your presence, full of fragrance, when I will see you, the hope in my dream is always so close to me. But all I can do is not say a word, live in the dream I created, wait, and expect you to appear beside me. I found you, but now you are no longer the original you, and I never hope to be away from your sight, but you left me breathing behind you.

Like to drink coffee, without sugar, light bitter is its original taste, but you do not know, such a taste. Has become not like the original purity! Maybe if you look at the stars and raise your head, your tears will not hang on your face, but will hang on your heart along your cheeks, because that was where you lived. It's just that there's no news of you. Looking back, the original you, I standing behind you, whether looking for you in our class or having the same face as you, it's just a long time. I'm tired of waiting, tired of waiting, no longer looking back, no longer looking forward. Give up coffee, give up missing you. The whole person was immersed in the faint daisy fragrance, as if the whole person had been unloaded at once.

Today, when I looked at daisies, I began to cry. It seems that there are so many feelings. Every log is like a reflection, recording my own mental journey. It is estimated that the reason is the season. In autumn, there will always be a lot of sadness of parting looming out of the mind. No wonder there are so many poets expressing their sadness of parting in autumn. I will certainly not pretend to be a poet, but this feeling is not inferior to them!

Some people say that true love will always exist, but this is too fairy tale dream, and in real life it is just a beautiful dream that people place on. But such a dream always looks so haggard before resentment and anger. The person we are looking for is not the one who has been quietly paying attention to himself in the corner, but has been holding on to the illusion that does not exist. I can't say how different our Virgo boys are, but we will hold on to what we have identified, because you are always there and never left! Just when I found you, you were floating in front of me like chrysanthemum. Keep that lonely shadow on the side, looking at the direction of your departure, but there is no determination to be brave again. Look at the flying things. The small bridge and flowing water in the south of the Yangtze River is still like the tick in the lyrics, full of meteors, endless. Having let go of everything, I still hope to look up and see the distant Ursa Major in the sky.

But the fragrance is still the same, the familiar feeling will not appear again!

Composition Description of Chrysanthemum (13)

I love chrysanthemum not because it is very beautiful, but because it contains an amazing vitality.

"It is not that chrysanthemums are preferred among flowers, but that flowers are even more flowerless." This is the ancient people's praise of chrysanthemums. That's also true. After all the chrysanthemums have bloomed, what flowers will bloom? What I still remember is that in the autumn of that year, my father bought a plate of chrysanthemums from the flower market. Because it was cuttings, the plate of flowers had red chrysanthemums and yellow chrysanthemums. It was very beautiful. I really liked it. But after a while, I worried: winter is coming, can chrysanthemums stand the test of winter?

However, I am simply alarmist. One day, my father took a pair of scissors and said to me, "Tinger, let's go and cut the chrysanthemum together!" I heard this and hurried to hold the pot of chrysanthemums tightly, saying, "No, no, flowers will die if they are cut." My father stroked my head and said, "Flowers will not die if they are cut, but will grow again in the next autumn." I doubtfully said, "How could it be?" "You wait and see!" Dad said confidently. So I trusted my father. Sure enough, in the next autumn, the pot of chrysanthemums opened many beautiful red and yellow chrysanthemums. I'm so happy!

This year, the chrysanthemum bloomed again. I often look at chrysanthemums with my cheeks on my hands and think: How can chrysanthemums have such strong vitality? How can you hold such great hope for life? I suddenly thought again: Isn't this spirit exactly what we need?

I love chrysanthemums, but also its tenacious vitality.

Composition Description of Chrysanthemum (14)

Chrysanthemum is known as clean and elegant. Although some chrysanthemums are beautiful, I prefer the wild chrysanthemums that are strong, stubborn and unyielding. His flowering date is in November, so they are facing severe snow and cold.

I was walking home, and there were small flowers like chrysanthemums on the roadside. When I looked closely, it was also a chrysanthemum! In front of such a small pile of chrysanthemums, I felt as if those domestic chrysanthemums were weak and shrinking. It seems that because of being spoiled, they have lost their nature of fearing the cold. Chen Yi wrote in his poem that "autumn chrysanthemums can stand frost, and wind and frost are full of evils. Nature can stand cold, but what can wind and frost do?". Seeing those white chrysanthemums, it seems that we have returned to our hometown. Adults are waving cattail fans, and a large group of children are looking for grasshoppers in the grass. It's also like putting me in a big grass. The grasshopper is calling softly, and the mantis is playing "broadsword". A gust of wind swept me back. I suddenly thought of a famous sentence by Tao Yuanming, "picking chrysanthemums under the eastern fence, you can see the Nanshan Mountain leisurely." Yes! Chrysanthemum has always been regarded as a symbol of solitary brightness, elegance and pride, representing the gentleness and friendship of celebrities. When it comes to chrysanthemums, there is Tao Yuanming. Doesn't that mean that Tao Yuanming loves chrysanthemums?

I also like chrysanthemums, so I bent down and squatted down to smell the fragrance of wild chrysanthemums. His fragrance is light, but it is full of fragrance, which makes people feel relaxed and happy. Sure enough, the fragrance of chrysanthemum can cure dizziness, chest tightness and other symptoms. Make tea with Hangzhou white chrysanthemum, which is rich in Hangzhou, and it can refresh, reduce blood pressure and clear fire. His petals are soft. No wonder others say that the leaves of chrysanthemums are as smooth as jade and as light as yarn. The stamens are yellow and golden, like a "sun" hanging on a wild chrysanthemum.

Wild Chrysanthemum, your quiet, elegant, elegant, generous, strong character is worth learning!

Composition Description of Chrysanthemum (15)

Everlasting Chrysanthemum

"I don't prefer chrysanthemums among flowers. This flower does not have flowers at all." The autumn wind is blowing gently, cool but with a hint of cold. The red and green spring has passed, and the colorful summer has passed. Most of the flowers bow their heads to the weather. Only the chrysanthemums stand proudly in the cold, worthy of being one of the four gentlemen in flowers.

One sunny morning, I went to the garden to enjoy the flowers with a good mood. Although the sunshine is abundant, the sunshine in autumn is not as warm as that in summer, which still cannot cover up the cold in autumn. A gust of autumn wind blew on my face, and even though I added a few more clothes, I still felt a little cold. Along the way, all the birds singing and laughing in spring flew to the south, and even the bird nest in the tree had no trace of birds.

Finally, I came to the garden and saw that the flowers that normally bloomed brightly had withered and were in low spirits, and the petals and leaves of some flowers had disappeared without trace. Originally full of joy, I became depressed. Just as I was about to leave, I suddenly saw colorful chrysanthemums swaying leisurely in the wind on the other side of the garden. The elegant pink, the unrestrained fiery red, the quiet light green and the lovely golden yellow make people intoxicated, as if into the colorful world. The poem of Huang Chao, "The heavenly fragrance penetrates Chang'an, and the city is covered with golden armour", haunts my ears, adding a bit of poetic flavor. In the world of chrysanthemums, chrysanthemums have various forms, such as shy girls. They are extremely delicate and attractive.

Although chrysanthemums are not as beautiful as roses or as noble as peonies, they are strong and indomitable, just like the spirit of the Chinese people, and will never wither!

Composition Description of Chrysanthemum (16)

This afternoon, my brother and I went to the People's Park to enjoy chrysanthemums.

As soon as we arrived at the People's Park, we saw a big flower bed in front of us. There were all kinds of chrysanthemums in full bloom: pink, lavender, dark red, yellow with purple, white with yellow. The shape is even more strange: like a dragon claw, like a leather ball, like a jellyfish. There was a sign beside the flower bed introducing the chrysanthemum exhibition. After my brother and I read it, we saw a path paved with stones not far ahead, so we set out together on the path.

After walking along the path paved with stone slabs, there was another flower bed in front of us. We felt that this flower bed was similar to the previous one, so we continued to walk.

There are some tables along the road, and there are some chrysanthemums on the table. Those chrysanthemums are not very common, but I like a pot of chrysanthemums called "Southern Red Bean" best: there are some things like red bean but not red bean on the edge of its leaves. I think that's why Southern Red Bean got its name.

At the end of the journey, we happily ended the chrysanthemum tour and went home.

Composition Description of Chrysanthemum (17)

My mother bought this bowl of longevity chrysanthemum for me when our teacher asked us to write a composition about chrysanthemums.

From afar, it looks like a graceful girl, swaying her slender branches in the wind. Its leaves are thick and dark green; The newly grown leaves are tender green, forming a sharp contrast. Its stem is dark green, a bit thick, but very straight, like a soldier in dark green clothes. And its petals are yellow, and its stamens are also yellow. If a group of dolls gather together and smell it, you can smell a faint fragrance. A gust of wind blew, and the longevity chrysanthemum kept swinging, like a dancing girl, nodding in the wind.

The longevity chrysanthemum is not only beautiful, but also very useful. If you take off its petals and dry them to make tea, you can clear away heat, strengthen the spleen and kidney. What a selfless spirit!

In fact, I like the spirit of selfless dedication of Longevity Chrysanthemum best. My words are not enough to praise it!

Composition Description of Chrysanthemum (18)

Suddenly the butterfly flew into a clump of chrysanthemums. I was shocked, but the butterfly had already flown away! I saw yellow, white and purple chrysanthemums from afar, some of them were like graceful dancers, dancing in beautiful skirts; Some, like shy girls, hang their heads; Others are Huaguduo, like naughty children who want to stretch out their bodies and observe the beautiful world curiously. Come closer and see, there are long, yellow stamens hidden in layers of thin and long petals! When the wind blows, the faint fragrance of flowers comes to my nose.

I squatted down and found that the leaves of chrysanthemums were also inlaid with crystal clear small dewdrops, which would swing gently with the wind when the wind blew. I took a closer look and found that there were some small, short hairs on the leaves. The more distinctive one is the stem. Some stems are reddish brown, and some are dark green, which is about as thick as a pen.

Although the weather turns cold in autumn, it is the season when chrysanthemums are in full bloom. The autumn frost cannot frighten it, and it deserves to be one of the "Four Gentlemen in Flowers". Ah! I love chrysanthemums. Chrysanthemum is really "the west wind is blowing all over the courtyard, and it is hard for butterflies to come here with cold stamens and cold fragrance"!