Summer Rain Composition High School (Collection of 5 articles)
Ink dyed Enron
2023-11-05 05:16:02
third year in high school
describe the scenery

Summer Rain Composition High School (1)

I always like rain, especially in summer.

Summer rain, so simply. That's right. It's a bit unexpected and convincing. He was intoxicated with the landscape of "black clouds roll over the mountains without covering the mountains, and white rain jumps into the boat", and appreciated the wild summer rain in the plain area. A moist wind blows and a cool cloud floats, and the rain sweeps across the distant forest tops, Shuala Shuala Shuala, sweeping from far to near. Hit on the leaves, like pearls scattered randomly; Hit on the cement floor, as if suddenly tapping the keys of the earth; Hit on the water, like a pool of water lilies blooming in an instant.

The rain in summer is so generous. I not only like the clear level and strong rhythm, but also the feeling that it hits people. It is not a gentle comfort, not a sincere statement, it is a rain whip condensed with tears, raw to the body. In that way, it will sweep away all the heat and depression, and drive away all the slack and stagnation. It is the rain that hits the body and heats the heart. It will make people feel refreshed and carefree.

The rain in summer is so vivid. Like a radical movement, like "Destiny" arousing the splash of life. Look at the rain falling all over the sky. I like to hold it with my hands, as if there are many blessing fireworks. Embrace the rain and fly with dreams.

I like to watch the raindrops sliding on the leaves and in the petals, and then watch them drip slowly, ding dong ding dong; I like to see the ripples in the river, and I have taken the trouble to connect beautiful patterns on the water surface; I like to look at the bridge and dam where the current is fast. The old man in his hat and coir raincoat, with one item in hand, calmly catches fish and prawns, ignoring the torrential rain and turbulent turbidity around him

The rain washed earth, all colors are melting in a misty cyan. The watery green, with an ethereal spirit, quietly melts on the rice paper of the soul

Like summer rain, can be traced back to childhood. When I was a child herding in the countryside, what I liked most was the rapid rain in summer. It was so unexpected, but it was so interesting. Always in the inexplicable surprise, he hurriedly led the cattle, and under the wanton washing of the rain, he searched everywhere for stops that could shelter from the rain. The most pleasant place is the semicircular sand hole dug on the embankment slope. Children are more than enough to squat in it. Cows can act as a screen to block the rain when lying in front. In the cave, I watched the rainstorm falling on the back of the cow, and the cow fanned its ears and wagged its tail leisurely; Look at the rain falling into the sand pile, and the sand pile is rising with curly fine fog; Look at the low flying swallows wearing flowers on the embankment slope, cutting the vast rain and fog obliquely. When it rains heavily, you can also see the crystal bead curtain hanging at the entrance of the cave, which is comparable to the Huaguo Mountain Water Curtain Cave. When the rain is over and the sky is clear, the young friends will all come out of the rainproof cave like mushrooms, look at the gorgeous rainbow in the sky, and cheer on the embankment.

Under the embankment after rain, there will always sprout green lichens, commonly known as "ground roll skin". The sea laver, which looks like bubbles, is a real green food. Every summer after a rainstorm, the wet land and water puddles under the embankment will be covered with this living organism overnight, which is a very primitive plant. After picking up the lichen, wash it and make soup, which is delicious. Therefore, picking up lichens has become an interesting game after the rain. Every time a growing lichen is found, there will be a burst of exclamations, and the young partners will rush up and snatch it away. I pity those soft lichens. They become horrible in everyone's hands. They are covered with mud and grass. It takes a lot of effort to clean them and make delicious food. It is not important to enjoy a good meal, but to enjoy childhood in a happy game.

Now, I am always running for a living, and I no longer have the clear mood of my childhood. But when it rains, my heart can't help cheering. Because the rain in summer makes people alert and urge people to advance; In addition to giving people infinite strength, it also gives people infinite hope and vitality.

Summer Rain Composition High School (2)

At noon today, the sun shone on the earth like a big hot fireball. People hide at home and dare not go out. Trees, flowers and grass are like children who have made mistakes. They hang their heads and look listless. The house is so hot that it looks like a big steamer. We are like meat buns, which are almost cooked. The air conditioner also lost its prestige in the past and seemed powerless.

At more than three o'clock, the sky began to darken slowly. Large pieces of dark clouds covered the sky tightly, as if the night had come ahead of schedule. Without a breath of wind, the air seemed to be frozen. The cicada kept screaming restlessly in the tree, as if to say, "I can't stand it, I can't stand it..." Suddenly, a dazzling lightning flashed across the air, as if to cut through the sky. Then, a deafening thunder "boomed" and poured into the sea. The angry voice was like a father's angry roar. It sounds creepy. Just after the thunder, the big raindrops of copper coins fell down. Raindrops fell on the ground, splashing layers of smoke, and the air was filled with a thick smell of soil. When the rain falls in the garden, the flowers and plants open their mouths and enjoy the sweet milk that the mother of nature gives them.

The rain is getting heavier and heavier. It seems that Rain Girl was scolded by her father, and she is crying more and more sad. And her tears became the pouring rain. I stood in the corridor, the wind and rain fell on my face, cool, so comfortable! Looking far into the distance, the world in the distance is foggy, and the torrential rain hangs a huge rain curtain between the sky and the ground. The rain on the eaves was streaming in huge streams, and the sound of "gurgling" reminded me of Li Bai's famous sentence: "It flew down three thousand feet, and it was suspected that the Milky Way had fallen nine days." About half an hour later, the rain slowly decreased, as if Rain Girl had been comforted by her mother and cotton candy, and slowly smiled through tears. When the rain stopped, the sun's father-in-law showed a smile again.

after rain the sky looks blue. The park is full of walkers. A group of basketball boys can't wait to march towards the stadium. The air is so sweet and fresh! Take a deep breath, it's refreshing. Flowers, plants and trees become spotless and clean after the baptism of rain. The low-lying areas have already been filled with rain, which looks like a huge mirror from afar. Suddenly, a little girl said loudly: "Mom, look! Rainbow!" I looked at the voice, wow! It's really a magnificent rainbow! It must be that Miss Yu left too quickly and accidentally left her colorful coat.

I love summer, but also love the summer rain!

Summer Rain Composition High School (3)

Somehow, the scorching sun and scorching sky suddenly made a strong wind, covered with dark clouds, and soon it began to rain. The big raindrops rush to the earth happily.

"Boom, boom..." With the thunder coming from lightning, the attack horn sounded. The storm is coming!

A sudden thunder came from the sky, alerting the mother pig who was feeding the baby pig, waking up the sleeping mules and horses, and running away the duckling who was happily looking for food.

The sky roared fiercely, as if it were venting its pent up feelings to the world. The dense tears of heaven, like broken pearls, can not be stopped. Lightning has become her best magic weapon. In a moment, like an illuminating star, it disappeared in front of people's eyes.

In the rain, how many couples are vowing never to part, how many intimate friends are confiding in each other, and how many lovely urchins are thriving!

The old man said, "Come on, wash away and give me a clean present."

The young man said, "Come on, wash out the world's style and give me a new future."

The child said, "Come on, let the earth be full of flowers, so that I can play happily."

Suddenly, the rain became smaller, thunder and lightning disappeared without a trace.

Gradually, the rain stopped and a rainbow appeared in the sky. Cicadas chatter in the breeze, birds sing on the treetops, and flowers drip happy rain.

Drops of water from the window edge hit the balcony, "Dida, Dida", with a clear voice, as if recalling the heavy rain just now.

The rain in summer is like this. It comes and goes without warning, leaving people with infinite reverie.

The rain in summer is just like this. It is refreshing, energetic and full of confidence in life.

This summer rain, rushed into my heart, let me see myself clearly, really realized life.

Looking back on the past, forget about setbacks and successes; The positive reality will face a challenging future.

Although human life is insignificant in the wheel of history, I believe that as long as I work hard, life will be as wonderful as summer rain!

Summer Rain Composition High School (4)

Since the summer, the weather is like the face of a child. Just now, the sun was shining brightly. Soon, dark clouds were gathering and raindrops came bouncing to the world like naughty children from the sky. Looking at the raindrops on the window, the stories of my childhood emerge in my mind.

When I was a child, I was very naughty. In the summer, I played with several children in the small pavilion downstairs. When I played, I forgot the time. Sometimes when it was time for dinner, my mother would catch me back. Because I was very naughty, I ran around from time to time on the way back, and talked with my mother, so angry that my mother stamped her feet.

Gradually, I reached the age of school. When I went to school, I often lost everything and didn't listen to my parents. Sometimes I couldn't finish my homework because my homework books and books were left in school. The next day, I was often asked by my teachers to find my parents. My parents gave me a headache.

Once, my mother asked me to go to school with an umbrella, saying that it was the weather forecast that it would rain today. I was having breakfast, and I didn't care what my mother said. I agreed to it. When school came to an end, it really rained heavily, which made me very anxious: how can I go home? Mom didn't know I didn't bring an umbrella! When I was at a loss, I suddenly found my mother was anxiously looking for me with an umbrella at the school gate, so I ran to my mother quickly.

On the way back, I noticed that half of my mother's body had been exposed in the rain. I said, "Mom, you can put some in the umbrella." My mother said, "It's OK. This umbrella is big, and the rain can't reach me." When I got home, I found that my mother's clothes were almost wet by the rain. It turned out that in order to prevent me from getting wet by the rain and catching cold, my mother almost hit my head with her umbrella, while she herself was soaked all the way through the rain. Thinking of this, tears filled my eyes.

The rain in summer made me realize the thick maternal love.

Summer Rain Composition High School (5)

Lightning and thunder, flowers and trees, spring, summer, autumn and winter... These are the treasures that nature has given us. Among these treasures, I still like the sound of rain.

Therefore, I fell in love with listening to the rain. The rainy season all the year round brings me a different spiritual experience.

Chunyu is a quiet and elegant girl. Du Fu said in his poem, "When the wind blows into the night, everything is moistened silently." The spring rain comes quietly with the sprouting of the branches, but people don't notice it. But as long as you calm down and hold a cup of tea in your hand on a quiet night, you can imagine a picture like this: the earth is a piece of good rice paper, and the green will spread faintly and cover the earth when the spring rain touches the paper... At this time, a song "Night of Flowers and Moons on the Spring River" outside the window will ring in your ear: "..."

Xia Yu doesn't have such a good temper. It is noisy all the way, jumping and falling down in groups. Fall on the corrugated, the windows, the earth... and hit everything that can make a sound. The rhythmic sound seems to remind you that a rock party is about to start! Then, the wind roared and the sky was covered with dark clouds. In order to illuminate the site, lightning was also invited, and suddenly the night turned into day. When the baton in the conductor's hand moved, thousands of musicians played music. The momentum engulfs the bullfight and shakes your heart, which can't help turning up thousands of miles of waves, leaving you completely awake.

The rain in summer is also indispensable. The rain in summer is different from that in spring. How does the rain come out in summer? The weather had been fine, but suddenly the sky was dark, with dark clouds, and soon it began to rain. It rained heavily and splashed on the ground. It was beautiful. The rain in summer won't last long, and soon stopped. The sun came out again, and a rainbow appeared in the high sky, which made the sky very beautiful.

Rain is weak and the lightest thing in the world. It can't knock the heavy reinforced concrete buildings. But the tile roofed house is different. The raindrops on it jingle and make a pleasant sound immediately. Those who are in the hut are blessed to be close to nature in the rain. When the rain is rapid, the voice will be loud and generous, like a hundred horses crowing, like ten thousand horses galloping. The rain slows down, and the sound weakens. It gently seeps into your heart, like the breeze in warm spring. Tiles seem to be specially set for rain. They play dutifully, and endless feelings will emerge from your heart when you listen to the rain.

This summer is really like a child's face. It was just a clear sky. In a twinkling of an eye, the clouds rolled to the east, and the wind kept whistling. Then a flash of lightning cut the sky in half, and the thunder tore the heart and lungs. Soon the sky was covered with dark clouds, as if covered with a black veil. Suddenly, the raindrops fell down like thousands of broken beads, making a slight sound of "rustling". They immediately became small water droplets, scattered and opened one by one, one by one, very beautiful; Falling on the soil, the soil greedily sucks; Falling on the flowers and grass, they raise their faces and kiss the raindrops; Fall to

I like the rain in summer.