Recommend Charlotte's website (13 popular articles)
The sky is no bluer than the sea
2024-03-06 00:28:21
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Recommend Charlotte's website (1)

Recommended book: Charlotte's Web
Highlight: Charlotte is a spider and Wilbur is a piglet. When the piglet inevitably goes to the end of its life, Charlotte bravely stands out and weaves some words praising the piglet on its own web, which makes the piglet win the scenery at the exhibition and survive luckily. This strange and warm friendship has infected countless people. Charlotte weaves the last miracle for Wilbur with her last breath left
Reading experience:
Shakespeare said: "Books are the nourishment of the whole world. Without books in life, it is like no sunshine; without books in wisdom, it is like a bird without wings."
Reading broadens our horizons, so I like reading. Among the books I read, there is a book called Charlotte's Web, which is my favorite book. Have you read it? If you read it, I believe you will like it. It tells a touching story
Fern's family gave birth to several piglets, including a small and thin pig named Wilbur. Fern's father wanted to kill the pig, but Fern was saved by the little girl. After being carefully cared for by the little girl, he grew up miraculously. The little girl could not raise him anymore, so his father had to sell the grown pig to Uncle Fern's pig pen. There are many small animals living there. Wilbur the pig also made a friend named Charlotte here. She is a spider. However, a bad news broke their previous calm. Wilbur's future destiny is to become bacon ham. When Wilbur seems to be in grief and despair, Charlotte, who seems small, says, "I'll save you." Charlotte began to weave different words on her website in the dead of night, such as "Ace Pig", "Great", "Brilliant" and "Humble", making people think Wilbur is an unusual pig, In this way, Wilbur's fate changed completely, and Wilbur won the gold medal in one competition. At this time, Charlotte was overworked to help her friend, and her life came to an end. Wilbur was very sad because Wilbur didn't have time to say thank you to her good friend Charlotte. Finally, Wilbur took care of the baby Spider left by Charlotte.
At the end of the article, I was most moved by the words: "Wilbur will never forget Charlotte. Although he loves his children, grandchildren and great grandchildren, none of these new spiders can only replace Charlotte in his heart."
Did you feel the deep friendship between Wilbur and Charlotte after reading this book. Although Charlotte died, their pure and sincere friendship survived. As a primary school student, I was touched by their profound friendship although I was not deeply involved in the world.
Nothing in the world is more valuable than a sincere and intelligent friend.
Students, this book is worth reading! I strongly recommend it to you. I'm sure you will like it.

Recommend Charlotte's website (2)

This summer vacation, Mr. Wang assigned our class to read the book Charlotte's Web and asked us to write a review.

This book is a classic work written by the great American writer E. B. White. It is also a hymn about life, friendship, love and loyalty. The content of the book is as follows: In Mr. Zuckerman's barn, a group of animals live happily. Among them, Wilbur the pig and Charlotte the spider have established the most sincere friendship. However, when Wilbur learned that his future destiny turned out to be bacon ham, he was heartbroken. Everyone can only worry about Wilbur but can't do anything about it.

As a pig, it seems that Wilbur, who is sad and desperate, can only accept the fate of being slaughtered by others. It seems that no one can change this. When everyone is suffering in fear and irritability, the seemingly insignificant Charlotte said, "I will save you." So Charlotte used her silk to weave online words on the pigpen that are regarded as miracles by human beings, Finally let it win a special prize and a future of enjoying its destiny in the market competition. At this time, Charlotte's life came to an end prematurely because she had vomited her own spider silk.

In our study and life, we all have our own friends, and sometimes we are protected by friends. Once during the break, I had a dispute with a classmate. Just when I was about to cry with anger, my good friend blocked my face, which saved my face in front of my classmates. My aggrieved heart also felt a little warm. Although it was a small matter, it moved me all the time and made me cherish this friendship more, I always want to dedicate my love and loyalty to my friends.

Some people in the society now have many friends, but time and practice have proved that many so-called "friends" exist for the sake of interests. There are not many people who truly selflessly devote their love and even life to friends. In the pen of E. B. White: Charlotte used her life to weave a web of love for Wilbur with spider silk, saved Wilbur's life, and dedicated her life. This is great love among friends. He also told us to cherish friends, treat friends sincerely, and pay their love and loyalty, even life, for true friends.

Recommend Charlotte's website (3)

During the summer vacation, I read Charlotte's Web. This book tells us what true friendship is, and it also encourages us to work hard to fulfill our dreams.

There was a little pig named Wilbur. When it came to the end of its life, its friend, a spider named Charlotte, saved Wilbur with his web and wisdom, and made Wilbur obtain honor, thus changing its fate.

E B. Under White's pen, Charlotte weaves a big net of "love" with silk, which saved Wilbur. In fact, we are the same. We have been weaving a web of our dreams. Every thread on the web is woven by our own efforts.

When we were born, our parents knitted a warm net with their hands. But we are still curious about the things outside the net, and learn to fill the net with our own methods and lovely toys.

Now in primary school, the school, teachers, classmates and parents have woven a strong net. As a result, we get dizzy every day, the words on the blackboard gradually blur, and the exercise books we use up are piled up into hills... But my dream is to play the piano well. I have experienced the ridicule of my father, but it is more encouragement from my mother. When I can play a simple song, I cheer, because it can make up for the net.

Let's weave a web of our own with our dreams!

Recommend Charlotte's website (4)

Books are like ladders, leading us to the palace of knowledge; Books are like the stars in the sky, guiding my way of life. Therefore, it is good to read more books.

Today, I recommend a book called Charlotte's Web. The author of this book is the American writer E? B? White, the translator is Ren Rongrong, published by Shanghai Translation Publishing House. In addition, this book is one of the top ten children's literature in America! The whole book tells the story between Charlotte the spider and Wilbur the pig with anthropomorphic rhetoric and exquisite brushwork.

The content of this book is wonderful. Wilbur the pig will be killed at Christmas to make bacon ham, but Charlotte, who is smart and brave, said to Wilbur, "I will save you". So Charlotte spent three days and three nights weaving words that were regarded as miracles, such as "Ace Pig" and "Amazing", on the pigpen with her own silk, which made Wilbur the piglet a "star pig" in the city and gave her a chance to enjoy her old age, but Charlotte's life ended.

This book not only has wonderful content, but also makes us understand a truth of life. When Charlotte was about to die, he said to Wilbur, "Oh, I make a web for you, because I like you. Besides, what is life? We were born, we lived for a while, and we died. It is meaningless for a spider to be busy catching and eating flies all its life. Maybe by helping you, it can improve the value of my life." This sentence has always been remembered in my heart. Maybe we should, as Charlotte said, live a meaningful, valuable, mediocre and drifting life that is really what we want?

This book uses the story of the spider Charlotte helping Wilbur the piglet get rid of the fate of death to let us know about death, friendship and commitment. I strongly recommend it.

Recommend Charlotte's website (5)

Recommend Charlotte's website for good micro composition 150 (1)

Today, I would like to introduce a good book called Charlotte's Web. I believe that everyone is familiar with this book, which is written by E. B. White, a contemporary American essayist. First, let's take a look at the life of E. B. White. E. B. White (1899-1985), a famous contemporary American essayist and critic, is famous for his essays. "His style of writing is cold, solemn, beautiful, spicy, humorous, and unique." Among his essays, the most famous one is Once more to the lake. E. B. White was born in Montevernon, New York, and graduated from Cornell University. It is known as "the greatest American essayist of the twentieth century". As the main writer of The New Yorker, White established the far-reaching "New Yorker style". White is full of love for everything in the world, and his morality is as high as his articles. In addition to his lifelong favorite essays, he also wrote three books for children: "Little Brother Elf Mouse", "Charlotte's Web" and "Swan Playing the Trumpet", which also became the literary classics loved by children and adults.

Next, please recall some of the fragments of the book for those who have read it. Those who have not read the book spread their imagination and walked into Charlotte's Web with me. This is a book about friendship, but also about love and protection, adventure and miracle, life and death, trust and betrayal, happiness and pain. The story tells that the spider Charlotte, in order to save Wilbur's life and prevent him from being killed, wove many magical words praising Wilbur on the spider web, making everyone think Wilbur is a great pig, so that Wilbur escaped a disaster and became a famous pig. However, Charlotte vomited the last silk of her life for Wilbur and left Wilbur forever

In this book, the personality characteristics of the main characters also left a deep impression on me. Charlotte the spider treats Wilbur the piglet sincerely and selflessly, and is willing to give her life for him. It is also that it weaves a big web of love with spider silk, saving Wilbur's life, and arousing infinite love and warmth in people's hearts. Wilbur is a little pig who is afraid of loneliness. He doesn't need much delicious food. He just hopes to have a friend who loves him. Similarly, he was also a kind and brave piglet, who lived tenaciously and firmly with the help of Fern, Charlotte and many kind-hearted people. Templeton's behavior thoroughly shows the dark and selfish side of human nature, which forms a great contrast with Charlotte's selflessness. But he is also a sad mouse. For a long time, others excluded him and never cared for him, which created his selfish inner world. His image deserves our reflection and understanding. Fern is a pure girl with love and respect for every life. That is, she saved Wilbur's first life and fundamentally changed Wilbur's fate as a foothold pig.

Charlotte's Web also contains many philosophies that are worth understanding in my life. Of course, friendship is the most impressive word for me. Friendship is a kind of wealth that can't be exchanged with anything. With this wealth, the loneliness in life will be swept away. What we face is a new world full of hope and happiness. If there is no bosom friend in life, the world will be dark, with only loneliness around. Secondly, this book should also be a reflection of morality and fraternity, so as to promote the idea that animals are human friends and should be treated kindly to animals. Finally, we should think about life. How to spend your life is to make life shine with humanity. Maybe the end of life is the same, but the scenery and meaning along the way are different.

To sum up the above insights into three points and extend them to students' actual life, it should be as follows:

1. Cherish the youth time with students and build a solid friendship bridge. You know, it is God's destiny that we can enter the same classroom.

2. Be kind to every creature and respect every life. What exists is reasonable, and we should face it with fraternity.

3. Grasp the limited time in school, study hard, and don't step into the threshold of middle school with regret.

I hope you will spend some time reading this book, Charlotte's Web, and I believe you can learn the truth of life benefit from it.

Recommend Charlotte's website for good micro composition 150 (2)

Recommend Charlotte's website for good micro composition 150 (3)

Recommend a good book to everyone

I want to introduce you to a good book called Charlotte's Web. This book mainly tells about a group of happy animals living in the barn of the Zuckerman family, in which Wilbur the pig and Charlotte the spider established the most sincere friendship. But the good times didn't last long. Wilbur learned that he would become bacon ham in the future. It was so sad that Charlotte stood up and vowed to save Wilbur. A few days later, Charlotte used her spider silk to weave an online text that was regarded as a miracle by human beings, which completely reversed Wilbur's fate, allowing him to win a special prize in the market competition and a future of enjoying his destiny. But just after Wilbur won the prize, Charlotte's life came to an end

The most wonderful plot of this book is the "Moment of Victory", one of which is like, "Now solemnly announce!" The loudspeaker said in a solemn voice, "The market sponsor is very honored to introduce Mr. Homer L. Zuckerman and his big pig. The truck with this unusual big pig is driving into the infield. Please step back and make way for the truck! In a few minutes, the pig will be placed in a special selection fence in front of the grandstand and a special prize will be awarded to it. Please stand aside and let the truck come. Thank you. " This paragraph is about Wilbur's winning.

After reading this good book, my experience is that friendship is very important and should be treasured.

Recommend Charlotte's website for good micro composition 150 (4)

Recommended book: Charlotte's Web

Recommend Charlotte's website for good micro composition 150 (5)

Good book recommendation

Charlotte's Web

Charlotte's Web, a paean about life, friendship, love and loyalty! A fairy tale that ranks first in "America's Ten Greatest Children's Literature Masterpieces"! It has been popular in the world for 50 years and has issued tens of millions of copies. Charlotte is a spider and Wilbur is a piglet. When the piglet inevitably goes to the end of its life, Charlotte bravely stands out and weaves some words praising the piglet on its own web, which makes the piglet win the scenery at the exhibition and survive luckily. This strange and warm friendship has infected countless people. Charlotte weaves the last miracle for Wilbur with her last breath. "This is really a treasure book. I think in an ideal world, there should be only two kinds of people, one is the person who has read Charlotte's Web, and the other is the person who will read Charlotte's Web. Sometimes, if you wake up in the middle of the night and feel your chest still jumping, you will be very happy, because living means you can read Charlotte's Web again, and reading Charlotte's Web means you are still alive. "—— Yan Feng

However, it is really a lucky thing for readers to finally read Charlotte's Web.

Recommend Charlotte's website for good micro composition 150 (6)

Recommended book: Charlotte's Web

1、 About the author

E. B. White (1899-1985) was born in Montevernon, New York, and graduated from Cornell University. Over the years, he has

The New Yorker magazine serves as a full-time writer. White is an accomplished essayist, humorous writer and poet

People and satirists. For several generations of American children, he is famous because he writes first-rate children's reading

Little Stuart (1945) and Charlotte's Web (1952). Generation after generation of students and works

He is familiar with him because he is the co-author (and editor) of the book Elements of Style. The book is off

A valuable pamphlet on composition and usage. It was originally written by Wei Xiaowei, who taught White English at Cornell University

Written by Professor Lian Strunk. The essay "Freedom" was first published by Harpers magazine in July 1940

Table. At that time, the United States had not yet joined the war against the Nazis, and the world was in the period of Nazi Soviet treaties.

Both the left and the right have ignored the threat of totalitarianism to democracy. This essay is included in White's anthology One

Personal Meat ".

2、 Introduction

Fern: A little girl who is full of love, good at observation and love life. Because of her kindness, she kept it

Wilbur's life Wilbur: a settling pig, simple and lovely, unwilling to give in

Charlotte: A beautiful and intelligent spider. She tried her last bit to save Wilbur's life

3、 Main contents

The first edition of this work was published in 1952. So far, more than 20 translations have been made and nearly ten million copies have been issued.

Although the author wrote a fairy tale, he gave people infinite warmth, emotion and longing

Part of the fairy tale for adults to read. White weaves an ideal, warm and beautiful picture with the extremely flexible spider silk

The beautiful and loving website has moved countless readers around the world. A little pig named Wilbur and a little pig named Charlotte

Our spiders become friends. Piglet's future destiny is to become a big meal on the plate at Christmas, this sad result

It scared Wilbur. It also tried to escape, but it was a pig after all. The seemingly insignificant Charlotte

"Let me help you." So Charlotte used her net to weave "Ace Pig" and "Zuckerman's

The words "famous pig" and so on, which were regarded as miracles by human beings, turned Wilbur's fate around and finally got

The special prize of the competition and a future of enjoying the destiny. But at this moment, the life of the spider Charlotte has come to an end


This is a story of mutual support between kind-hearted weak people. In addition to love and friendship, this is extremely lyrical

In our fairy tales, there is also praise and attachment to life itself.

A little pig named Wilbur and a spider named Charlotte became friends. Piglet's future destiny is to become a saint

The sad result of the feast on the plate at Christmas frightened Wilbur. It also tried to escape, but

It is a pig after all. The seemingly small Charlotte said, "Let me help you." So Charlotte used her net to

In the pig shed, words such as "ace pig" and "Zuckerman's famous pig" were woven, and those words that were regarded as miracles by human beings were

Wilbur's fate reversed and finally won a special prize and a future of enjoying his destiny. But just

At this time, the life of spider Charlotte has come to an end

4、 Reason for recommendation

This is a book about friendship, but also about love and protection, adventure and miracle, life and death

Death, trust and betrayal, happiness and pain books. The story tells how Charlotte the spider saved Wilbur the piglet

Life, not letting him be killed, weaves many magical words praising Wilbur on the spider web, let everyone

Because Wilbur was a great pig, Wilbur escaped a disaster and became a famous

Piglet. However, Charlotte vomited the last silk of her life for Wilbur and left Wilbur forever

In this book, the personality characteristics of the main characters also left a deep impression on me. Spider summer

Luo treats Wilbur the pig sincerely and selflessly, and is willing to give his life for him. It is also made of spider silk

Zhang Ai's big net saved Wilbur's life and aroused people's infinite love and warmth. Wilbur

He is a little pig who is afraid of loneliness. He doesn't need much delicious food. He just hopes to have a friend who loves him. with

He is also a kind and brave pig. With the help of Fern, Charlotte and many kind-hearted people, he is indomitable and firm

The ground survived. Templeton's behavior thoroughly shows the dark and selfish side of human nature

Luo's selflessness forms a great contrast. But he is also a sad mouse. For a long time, others

People excluded him and never cared for him, which created his selfish inner world. His image is worthy of our counter attack

Thought, perception. Fern is a pure girl with love and respect for every life. Which means she saved Wei

Erbo's first life fundamentally changed Wilbur's fate as a foothold pig.

Charlotte's Web also contains many philosophies that are worth feeling for a lifetime, among which I am most impressed

Of course, thousand is friendship. Friendship is a kind of wealth that can't be exchanged with anything. Having this wealth

Rich, lonely in life, but will

Recommend Charlotte's website (6)

Recently, our teacher sent us a book, Charlotte's Web. His author is White of the United States. This book is rich and interesting. The friendship between Wilbur the Piglet and Charlotte the Spider is unforgettable. They have many interesting stories about their happy life in the barn.

Wilbur, the newborn pig, is a stay pig. Fern, a kind little girl, takes care of it and lives a happy life. Later Wilbur, the pig, grows up slowly. Mr. Arable, the girl's father, sells the pig to Uncle Homer, who has a farm. So Wilbur lived a life of an ordinary pig. Later, Wilbur met his good friend, a gray spider, whose name was Charlotte, in the barn. The friend was very kind and told Wilbur a story before he went to bed. In the winter, people would kill pigs. Charlotte thought of many ways to weave words on the Internet to protect Wilbur.

Finally, the spider Charlotte died, and Wilbur the pig took Charlotte's children back to the farm and took care of them. But Wilbur the pig has always missed Charlotte. This is a story about touching friendship. This is my understanding of friendship: true friendship is to help and care for each other. Wilbur and Charlotte are like this.

Through this book, I understand the preciousness of friendship. Charlotte is a brave and witty spider. I want to learn from Charlotte who has sacrificed himself for others.

Recommend Charlotte's website (7)

When I was in the fifth grade of primary school last semester, I read a book called Charlotte's Web.

When I read the first two stories, I was already fascinated. This book mainly tells about a spider named Charlotte and a pig named Wilbur who became good friends. However, Wilbur's original fate was to be killed and then made into pork and ham. When Charlotte learned that Wilbur would not be killed, she even weaved the magic word "ace pig" on her website, which was regarded as impossible by human beings. Because of this, Wilbur became famous and changed his destiny. Charlotte weaves the words "great", "brilliant" and "humble" again, but Charlotte's life has come to an end. This story tells us that people should care about each other, so that we won't feel lonely in life.

This story taught me that a sincere friendship is valuable, which reminds me of a time when I played with my good friend Ma Tao. At that time, I was hanging an iron rod in my hand, and the iron rod fell down accidentally. At that time, Ma Tao was squatting on the ground to paint, and the iron rod hit him on the head. I hurried to check Ma Tao's head, but Ma Tao said it was all right, while I clearly saw the faint blood. This makes me feel the value of friendship.

Through reading Charlotte's Web, I learned how beautiful and precious love is. We should cherish and love everyone around us, so that this love can be passed on forever.

Recommend Charlotte's website (8)

During the winter vacation, I read a book, Charlotte's Web, and was very moved.

This book mainly tells about a group of animals living in the barn of the Zuckerman family. Among them, the spider Charlotte and the pig Xianerbo became good friends. But once, Wilbur learned from the old sheep that Wilbur's future destiny was to become bacon ham. However, the tiny 'Charlotte' said, "I will save you," so Charlotte weaved on her own website: the ace pig,,, will change Wilbur's fate soon, and won a special prize at the market, but Charlotte's life has come to an end. Although Charlotte died, she left behind her children, grandchildren and great grandchildren. Charlotte also said to Wilbur: "By helping you, maybe I can improve the value of my life a little."

After reading, my eyes moistened, because there is no selfless like Charlotte in the world, and I will cherish friendship and selfless dedication like Charlotte in the future. It is best to share happiness, pressure and depression with friends. Therefore, we should make more friends and lend a helping hand to others, so that we will be rewarded with good deeds. When you are in crisis, your friends will also help you to tide over the difficulties.

Human friendship is the most precious.

Recommend Charlotte's website (9)

Gorky once said: "Books are the ladder of human progress". With the continuous development of human civilization, countless wise people at all times and in all over the world have made brilliant summaries of life. They are the crystallization of human wisdom, the spark of thought, and the rich spiritual world.

On this day, I was sitting in a room full of sunshine and the smell of books, thinking about what to do, when my mother handed me a book, Charlotte's Web, which is the book of E B. The works of White.

The main topic of the article is: In Zuckerman's barn, a group of animals live happily. Wilbur the pig and Charlotte the spider have established a sincere friendship. However, a bad news broke the peace in the barn: Wilbur will be killed at Christmas and made into bacon ham! As a pig, it seems that Wilbur can only accept the fate of being slaughtered. However, Charlotte, a seemingly small spider, said, "I will save you. But at this time, the life of the spider Charlotte has come to an end.

After reading this article, I was very moved. This article made me understand the importance of friendship. I decided that in the future, I should help students more in school and establish deep friendship with them.

Recommend Charlotte's website (10)

Recently, I read a book called Charlotte's Web, which is a book about friendship, and I almost cried.

This book is about the friendship between Wilbur the pig and Charlotte the spider.

After Wilbur was born, he was facing the fate of being killed. Wilbur became very upset when he learned that. Later, he met Charlotte and became a good friend. Wilbur told Charlotte that he was going to be killed. Charlotte was determined to help Wilbur. So it weaved a big net at Wilbur's place, on which it also weaved the words "great". Wilbur's owner found that Wilbur was a great pig, so he gave up killing it and treated it better and better. Soon, Charlotte weaved another big net with the words "ace pig" on it. Wilbur's owner was very happy. Many people came to see Wilbur. Wilbur became more and more famous. Charlotte kept weaving new patterns. Wilbur also won the first prize in the competition. With the help of Charlotte, Wilbur changed the fate of being killed, but he did not know that Charlotte's life was coming to an end. Until the last day of her life, Charlotte did not tell Wilbur that she was going to die. Charlotte died alone, and a spider who had made great contributions left quietly.

Charlotte's friendship is so true and sincere. She is still modest after helping her friends make great contributions. She never shows off, never gets proud, and silently accompanies her friends without asking for any return. This friendship seems to be a trickle of gentle, not earth shaking, but it is unforgettable!

Recommend Charlotte's website (11)

Today I want to introduce you a book called Charlotte's Web. This book was written by an American friend, Mr. Watt. He wrote excellent books, and I know other books he wrote, such as Little Brother Elf Mouse, Swan Playing Trumpet, and so on.

What makes me feel most about this book is three points. The first point is that Wilbur found Charlotte, the second point is that Charlotte Wilbur's life, and the third point is that Charlotte's descendants handed over to Wilbur.

Of course, the protagonist of this book is also them. There is also a little girl named Fern, who is the owner of Wilbur. Wilbur would have been beheaded by Fern's father with a big axe, but Fern wanted to know, and finally she saved Wilbur. If I were on the scene, I would also say to Fern: "Fern, you are really a good animal child. We all like you and want to be your best friend."

After reading this book, I actually wanted to get into the book and praise Charlotte, because he also wanted to help Wilbur for his friends, even if he was old. This kind of conduct is worth learning for each of us.

Ah! I will always remember this book. I will remember Charlotte's sacrifice for his friends. Because, like Charlotte, I want to be a person who will do everything for my friends.

Recommend Charlotte's website (12)

Recently, I read a book called Charlotte's Web, which has benefited me a lot.

In Zuckerman's barn, a group of animals live happily. Among them, Wilbur the pig and Charlotte the spider have established a sincere friendship. However, one of the ugliest news broke the tranquility of the barn: Wilbur's future destiny was to become a bacon ham. As a pig, it seems that Wilbur, in grief and despair, can only accept the fate of being slaughtered by others. However, Charlotte, who seems small, said, "I will save you." So Charlotte used her silk to weave words on the pigpen that are regarded as miracles by human beings, completely reversing Wilbur's fate, and finally let him win a special prize in the market competition, and a future where he can enjoy his destiny. However, at this time, the life of the spider Charlotte has come to an end.

Charlotte is just an inconspicuous' spider, but I know what is the most sincere friendship; Wilbur is just a spring pig, a foot pig, but it made me understand that not all kinds of animals are slaughtered by people; Faith is just an ordinary little girl, but she let me know that any kind of animal, we should care about it, cherish it, and regard it as a partner of our own.

But what surprised me most was the friendship between Charlotte and Wilbur. It made me reflect on myself. Am I willing to do everything for my friends? Can I promise others to do it anyway? Will I use my life to help others? Will I sacrifice my life for righteousness... Needless to say, my answers are all negative. I want to learn from Charlotte the kind of friendship that pays life.

This book not only benefited me a lot, but also taught me to reflect on myself.

Recommend Charlotte's website (13)

Shortly after school began, I opened the book Charlotte's Web. Although it tells the story of a pig and a spider, it also makes me understand a lot of truth.

The hero of this book is not the spider named Charlotte, but the pig Wilbur Wilbur was born as a mouse sized pig. Because it was born in spring, it is also called spring pig. Not long after he was born, he was bought on the farm for six yuan. On the farm, Wilbur met Charlotte, goose, male goose, lamb and other friends. When he learned that he was going to be made into ham, Charlotte, in order to save Wilbur, wrote the words "Ace Pig", "Great", "Brilliant" and "Humble" on the Internet. In the end, Charlotte died of overwork due to weaving too many nets, but it left Wilbur with egg bags. From then on, Charlotte's descendants have been weaving nets at the door from generation to generation to reproduce.

Charlotte devoted her life to others, for others. This reminds me of a victim named Li Bin in the violent incident in Kunming. He is a luggage clerk at the station. He used to be a soldier. In this incident, he rushed to fight with them without hesitation. At last, he was hacked to death, but he was an honest man. He said, "In my life, I have never retired from the army." Unlike some people who should protect others but retreat, he only knows how to escape. This is not because he was a soldier, but because he has a sense of responsibility - a good intention to protect others.

In fact, we should also help others, even if we borrow a rubber from others. We should help others, learn from Xia Luo and Li Bin.