51 Selected Beauty Sentences with Emotional Sentences
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2023-04-25 19:10:39
Selected beautiful sentences

1. For two people, appearance determines whether it is possible to be together, personality determines whether they are suitable to be together, material determines whether they can be together stably, and trust determines whether they can be together for a long time.

2. Women in love are all drugged and desperate gamblers. Even if you know that the result will be lost, you need to go all out, even if you lose everything. It is a great misfortune for a woman to entrust her inhumanity to others. If she loves others too truly, she is trapped in the purgatory of a dead end.

3. Our distance is: I don't say, you don't understand. I said, you don't believe me.

4. Once the sea was dry and the rocks were rotten, but your last sentence was good.

5. How can I talk about love without a little pride.

6. There is no right or wrong in feelings, and there should be no value or unworthiness. It is always your wish, and you can't blame anyone if you are injured all over.

7. The word "love", when taken apart, is "green hearted". The green is the new plum blossom. The mouth is slightly astringent, the stomach is clear, and the heart is soft. As a man, he is intoxicated by the east wind and the lights are dim, but he goes deep and knows no regrets.

8. You don't need to keep these unhappy friends at home all the time. You should go out and get together more, talk more, listen carefully to their talk, listen attentively to their complaints. Then, you will feel that you can't be a single man or woman at all. (Emotional confusion plus tutor/letter, one-on-one free analysis)

9. See one, love one, love one, forget one.

10. In my heart, there is still an unhealed corner.

11. I once passed a forest where flowers were in full bloom and there were no thorns. I smiled along the way to the bright end of the forest. The dark blue sky was reflected in the clear water of the lake, and a sky city was tilted and suspended in the vast distance. Later, I woke up and never went there again.

12. Secret love is just the whole process of feeling again and again.

13. I hate sharpening pencils, but if you draw, I will sharpen them for you. I don't like learning English, but if you teach me, I'm willing to listen carefully. I am not good at running, but if I am with you, I will try my best to keep up with you. I like to stay in my own small county, but if you are around, I am willing to go anywhere with you. I like you, probably so. Conscientious and counselled, one after another.

14. It seems that the woodcutter in the distant mountain met the river walker and lost a bundle of firewood.

15. It is our own experience whether we are sad or not. It is our heart whether we are hurt or not. We all like to be brave, and we all like to say nothing with tears and smiles.

16. I didn't cry, just tears fell down.

17. You have never scrutinized my feelings. How can you know how uncomfortable I am.

18. While waiting endlessly, it is also a guard of heart. I hope that when the person I like is tired, heartbroken, sad, lonely, I will occasionally find that I am still waiting in place. The word "waiting" does not only cover thousands of mountains and rivers? How ruthless is it?

19. The degree of a person's insight is just equal to the depth of her suffering.

20. Although our conversation is very shallow, I still want to live in silence here so close to you with my little knowledge of your habits and hobbies.

21. The moment when I miss you is a happy segment; Your way is the way of joy; The years with you are the most beautiful time; Give you my heart and true feelings, thinking of you will never stop!

22. I was afraid that I might not come in the future, because of the changes in the migratory season, so I hid between the lines and wrote down the details of the moment.

23. The green plum withers and the bamboo horse grows old. Since then, I have loved people like you.

24. Thanks to you, I can smoke, drink and swear all the time.

25. It's not that life is so tragic, but that you look at it with sorrow.

26. A sword is full of hate, short of breath and brave.

27. Love begins with a smile, is thicker than a kiss, and ends with tears.

28. All my life, I long to be collected, properly placed and carefully preserved. I will not be frightened, I will not suffer, I will not wander around, I will not have a branch to rely on. But that man, I know, I always know, he will never come.

29. When crying as a child, you feel too wronged; when you grow up, you cry, you are too disappointed with yourself.

30. If there is only one kind of happiness, it is enough for you to have her.

31. Falling in love with you, falling in love with the sweetness of love; Fall in love with you, fall in love with love obsession; Falling in love with you, falling in love with the vision of love; Love you, love all of you.

32. If you are busy for three thousand years, you will see nothing but floating clouds; There are countless troubles, but it's sunny when you think about it.

33. Don't turn around casually, because once you turn around, you may miss your lifelong marriage. You don't have to let go of your hand casually, because once you let go, you may miss your lifelong marriage. Home is a warm shore. If there are extra tickets, would you like to go with me? In the flowering years, let each other become the other side of both sides.

34. I care not only about eternity, but also about having it.

35. Don't say sorry to me, because I'm not sure it has nothing to do with you.

36. Love has always had two endings, either different paths or the same destination.

37. True love is not about giving everything, but making yourself a better person. The goal of love is to find someone who can make you happy all your life. The best is often the one who has been with you for the longest time. So choosing a lover doesn't need too many standards. There are three kinds: don't cheat you, don't hurt you, and stay with you.

38. Forgive me for not talking, but afraid of your leaving.

39. I don't like any kind of people. If I like you, I just like you.

40. How many nuns love a master, and how many masters hate the host.

41. It would be great if you could delete those feelings just as you delete those messages.

42. If all your affections are betrayed, I will give you the chance to stay with you forever.

43. Tell yourself in a dream that love is long and hatred is long.

44. After losing you, I am like a puppet.

45. In life, the constant speed is love, and the uneven speed becomes a kind of injury.

46. Never waste a minute for someone who doesn't love you.

47. Unconsciously, I am wrapped by your gentleness and have been used to your life. Even if I cannot meet you, I will always feel your breath. I don't know if I can pursue forever, but I know I want to miss you.

48. Fortunately, I was still young when I met you. Although I wasted my time, I didn't waste it.

49. Many things in life can be met but not sought. Those that are deliberately demanded cannot be obtained, and those that have not been expected often arrive unexpectedly.

50. One day I was lost, but you didn't want to find me.

51. When I meet you in my dream, even if I cry, I will not wake up.