Feelings of learning chess (12 chapters in total)
make progress every day
2024-03-02 00:47:19
junior middle school
reaction to a book or an article

Feelings of learning chess (1)

The opening lesson of Six Times Chinese is "Learning Chess". Reading this lesson left a deep impression on me and taught me that only with a correct learning attitude can I do well and learn skills well.

Learning Chess mainly tells the story of Qiqiu, the best chess player in China at that time, who taught two people how to play chess. One of them devoted himself to learning how to play chess with Qiqiu, while the other was thinking about shooting down the swan. Although two people learn together, the second one is far from the first one. Is the second person less intelligent than the first one? No, it's just that the first person's learning attitude is very good, while the second person often drifts away in class, thinking about things that have nothing to do with the classroom. It is also expected that the second person did not learn well. Therefore, correct learning attitude is very important.

This story reminds me of our class. Some students study very hard, listen carefully in class, take notes carefully, and actively answer the teacher's questions. And some students seem to have ADHD and often make small movements under the table. It is common for them to whisper with their deskmates. These students' learning attitude is not correct enough, just like the second person learning chess in Learning Chess. Although we all study in the same teacher's classroom, our academic achievements are quite different. Are some students smart and some students not smart enough? No, our classmates are all very smart. The reason for this result lies in the attitude of learning. When the teacher leads us to travel in the sea of knowledge, whether you only pick up a few shells at the seaside or prepare to develop the treasure of the whole sea depends entirely on your attitude.

Even the most talented people will accomplish nothing in the future if they do not have a correct attitude towards study or work. Even if no talented person has a correct attitude towards study or work, he will eventually achieve something. Attitude is everything.

Zhu Xi said that there are three ways to study, that is, heart, eyes and mouth. Boys and girls, let's start from now on, correct our learning attitude, conscientiously teach every lesson and do everything well. Only a serious learning attitude can make our learning even more powerful, and create a better future for us.

Feelings of Learning Chess (2)

[Chapter 1]

Today, we learned the first lesson in Volume II of Grade 6 - the first of the Two Principles of Classical Chinese - Learning Chess. This classical Chinese has benefited me a lot and made me understand a lot of reasons.

This article in classical Chinese mainly says: Qiqiu is the best chess player in the country. Let Qiqiu teach two people to play chess, and one of them will concentrate on what Qiqiu says; Although another person was also listening to the lecture of Yiqiu, he thought that a swan was coming, and he wanted to shoot down the swan with his bow and arrow. Although he studied with the previous person, he did not learn as well as the previous person. Is it because his intelligence is not as good as the previous person? The answer is: Not so.

When I understood the meaning of the classical Chinese text with the help of the notes after class and the teacher's words, I couldn't help blushing because I thought of myself and my sister: that time, when my father was seriously warning me and my sister about the danger of littering with things, my sister listened attentively and looked at my father without blinking, but I was different. At that time, I didn't want to listen to my father's wordiness, Feeling very boring, I looked east and west without paying attention. Later, there was a safety accident: once, I used scissors and put them on the sundries table. Later, when I posted a blog, I wanted to find the scissors to use, but I forgot to put them on the table. When I flipped the table, the tip of the scissors broke my hands and blood could not stop flowing out, When my father saw it, he quickly bandaged it for me. At that time, my father said: "You were not allowed to leave things around, but you just didn't listen. Now it's good. I know how dangerous it is." I listened with shame.

Compared with the two disciples of Yiqiu, I am the second person. If I listened to my father carefully, my hands would not be broken. Although the two disciples of Yiqiu were taught by him alone, the results were different. The dedicated person was successful. On the contrary, the person who was dedicated to two tasks was naturally no better than the first one. Therefore, I have learned a truth: you should concentrate on everything and never be half hearted.

I will firmly remember the truth contained in the classical Chinese article "Learning Chess"!

[Chapter 2]

Today, I learned the text of Xueyi... After class for a long time, I pondered why the students taught by the same teacher are so different.

The text of learning chess describes how Yi Qiu taught two people to play chess: one of them only listened to his teaching, so he made great progress, while the other was half hearted; He always wanted to shoot down the swan in the sky with a bow and arrow. Although he learned chess with the previous person, his chess skills were far inferior to the previous person. Why was he so different from the previous person?

In my opinion, the half hearted person is not less intelligent than the previous one, but because their learning attitude is completely different. One is devoted to class, the other is half hearted, so I think that as long as everything is done with all my strength and concentration, I will be able to do the best.

This event reminds me of the scene when I just learned to fold a thousand paper cranes: that afternoon, I went to Li Yaling's house and happened to see her folding a thousand paper cranes. He saw that I seemed very interested in the paper crane, so he taught me. First, fold the four corners in half, and fold the two sides of each corner inward. I stared at the paper in her hand. When it comes to my practice, I fold it bit by bit. It's so difficult! The ever-changing paper in her hand just now has become soft in my hand. But I didn't give up. One piece of paper broke, and then another. While watching Li Yaling's movements, I folded the paper in my hand like hers. Finally, a beautiful paper crane was born in my hand.

So I think, if a person is dedicated to doing things all his life. Then he must have a bright future.

[Chapter 3]

Qiu is a chess expert. He has two apprentices. When two people learn chess, one is dedicated and the other is half hearted. They don't need to learn chess. As a result, the half hearted student did not achieve much. This article in classical Chinese tells a small story, but it can lead to many profound reasons. The half hearted student in the story may also be very clever, but he did not achieve much. This reminds me of the sentence "Master leads in, and cultivation is personal.". The master can only impart his knowledge and experience to the students, but whether he can succeed depends on the students themselves. Even if you are a genius, if you refuse to learn and enrich yourself by constantly absorbing knowledge from all aspects, how much can you achieve in the future? Genius is equal to ninety-nine percent perspiration and one percent wisdom. No pains, no gains. Every successful person does not necessarily have extraordinary talents, but must have indomitable will and determination. Li Shizhen spent countless years to explore and travel all over the mountains and rivers to compose the Compendium of Materia Medica; Zhang Haidi suffered from myelopathy from the age of 5. All the patients below the chest were paralyzed, but they always persevered and studied more than ten medical monographs. In 1973, she began to learn oil painting, and in 1975, she spent another 10 years learning seven foreign languages... In the face of the cruel fate, Zhang Haidi did not feel depressed and degenerated, but withstood the severe test with tenacity and perseverance, and was full of confidence in life. 40 years of continuous efforts have created many miracles in the world We often only see the most brilliant side of successful people, but we don't know the pain behind them, how much they have paid, how many times more sweat and effort than ordinary people can imagine. Einstein said: X+Y+Z=A, success=correct method plus hard work and less empty talk. Everything in the world comes at a price. Only if you pay hard work and sweat, can you get many corresponding returns. Some sad people think that learning well is just a gift. Diligence can make up for weakness. Let me ask you, Newton, Einstein, Hawking and many other scientists did not love their own ideals, and they had to pursue hard on the road they believed in, and succeed only after stepping on failures again and again?

There are also many people in this society who are unwilling to learn or work hard, and who live in daily life, but also dream of success in the future, which is simply a dream. After all, society will not accept people who are unwilling to work hard!

[Chapter 4]

Today, I finished reading the classical Chinese article "Xueyi" with excitement. The content of this article is:

There are two people learning chess from the best chess player in the country at the same time. One is listening attentively and the other is distracted. They always think about how to shoot the swan when it comes. Although they learn together, they are not as attentive as the other people, not because their IQ is worse than others, but because they do not listen carefully.

In fact, I used to be a person who didn't pay attention to anything, and often thought about another thing while doing this thing. Sometimes, my heart seems to have a burr, and I can't study on the ground. I have learned a lot from life.
I remember one Saturday afternoon, I woke up and hurriedly wrote the composition assigned by the teacher. But while writing, he looked at the small alarm clock on the table with his eyes. As soon as he saw 3:10, he put down his pen, reached for the radio, and quickly dialed to the traffic channel. Suddenly, the pleasant voice of the announcer aunt came out: "Now listen to Jolin Tsai's Lost Castle..." Oh, great! How could I miss such an opportunity? I threw my composition aside and picked up the radio to sound. Listen to her beautiful voice: "The memory flies away... I want to think alone... It's really good... I don't need it anymore, the lost castle..." I was intoxicated and learned to sing. Suddenly, my mother pushed the door and came in. Seeing how fascinated I was, she said, "When doing homework, I listen to music. Can you do my homework well?" As soon as I stuck out my tongue, I made a face to my mother, grabbed my pen and began to write a composition in a hurry. But in my heart, I don't think my mother came at the right time.
The next day, the teacher pointed to the composition book and said, "When you read the composition, you can't even read the sentences!" I looked at it and felt that I had heard the words in the composition somewhere. Why is the "memory flew away" in the song written in the composition? Alas, it's all because I don't study hard by myself! How like that person who is half hearted in learning to play chess in Learning Chess! While learning to play chess, he wanted to shoot swans; I want to listen to songs while writing a composition. How can I learn skills without concentration and perseverance? After reading and understanding their consciousness, I suddenly understood that there are many students in the class, some who have learned well, some who have learned poorly, some who have scored 100 points, and some who have failed in the exam. The same environment and teachers are all normal students. Why is the gap so big? It is because the poor student is like the distracted person in the article, and the good student is the attentive person. Two people are good at learning, not to mention one class of people? Therefore, you should concentrate on everything, otherwise you will get nothing.

I feel a lot after reading this article. I believe that I will benefit from it all my life.

Feelings of Learning Chess (3)

This morning, we learned an article in classical Chinese called Learning Chess, which means playing chess.

His original text is: Chess autumn is a good chess player in the whole country. One of them is dedicated to playing chess, but one of them listens to it. Although one of them listens to it, he thinks that there is a swan coming, and he wants to help the bow and shoot it. Although we learn from them, we can't learn from them. Feed the Buddha: it is not natural.

Qiqiu is a national Go master. He taught two students to play chess. One of them was very attentive and only listened to Qiqiu's teaching. The other student was also listening to Qiqiu's lecture, but he thought that there was a swan flying in the sky and he would pull his bow to shoot him. Although they studied together, the latter student did not study as well as the former. Is it because his intelligence is not as good as others? The answer is: No.

Through the article "Learning Chess", I understand that: Qiqiu teaches two people to play chess. One learns well and the other learns poorly. It is not the intelligence problem of the latter but the attitude problem. No matter what one does, one must have a good attitude to do well!

Feelings of Learning Chess (4)

This morning's Chinese class is a very meaningful lesson for me. This lesson has taught me a lot of truth. I should be down-to-earth in learning and concentrate on whatever I do

This article in classical Chinese mainly tells that Qiqiu is the best chess player in China. Someone asked him to teach two people how to play chess. One of them was dedicated to listening to Qiqiu's teaching, while the other was also listening, thinking that a swan would come and wanted to shoot it with a bow and arrow. Although he studied with the previous person, he did not learn as well as the previous person. Can you say that his intelligence is not as good as the previous one? The answer is: Not so.

This article in classical Chinese reminds me that in school, seventy-one students study in the same classroom, and some of them concentrate on listening to the teacher, so their academic performance is very good; Some people are half hearted in class and do not listen carefully, so their academic performance is very poor.

This article in classical Chinese not only tells us that we should concentrate on everything and have the perseverance of concentration, but also tells us that learning does not depend on the results, but on a person's learning attitude. As long as the attitude is correct, the academic performance will be good.

Feelings of Learning Chess (5)

Today we learned the classical Chinese article Learning Chess.

"Learning Chess" tells the story of an elderly Qiqiu who taught two students to play Go. One of the students memorized Qiqiu's teachings, listened attentively and thought carefully. Another student thought that a swan was coming and thought about how to shoot it down with an arrow.

One person in Learning Chess is an example for us to learn from. Two different people treat learning and life in two different ways. With his earnest study, concentration and dedication to go, the student who devoted himself to the teaching of Qiqiu will surely make achievements in his study, life and career. The student who thought about other things while learning Go made two mistakes. You should not be half hearted when thinking about problems. Since we are students, we should respect teachers and listen carefully in class. This is what you should do as a student, and it is also the most basic principle of life. Therefore, I think people who are half hearted when doing things will not succeed in their studies or life in the future.

We must be a dedicated person, not a half hearted person.

Feelings of Learning Chess (6)

We learned the lesson of "Learning Chess" in the first lesson of Unit 3. This lesson taught me deeply.

The text "Learning Chess" mainly talks about; Qiqiu is a national chess expert. Among the two apprentices he taught, one of them was dedicated and only listened to Qiqiu's teaching, while the other was half hearted and wanted to shoot swans with bows and arrows. Different learning attitudes lead to different learning outcomes.

The key to learning is concentration. If you study in the same classroom as others and listen to the teacher, but you always don't listen to the teacher and make small moves, while others are attentive, the learning results must be different. Then your parents didn't spend so much money to let you go to school. What qualifications do you have to sit there?

Therefore, we must concentrate on our study, and never be half hearted, otherwise, we will learn nothing well! Take the academic performance as an example. The difference in students' academic performance is often not caused by intelligence, but by whether you have a dedicated and diligent attitude.

If everyone has such a learning attitude, there will be no so-called "poor students"!

Feelings of Learning Chess (7)

This afternoon, the Chinese teacher told us an article in classical Chinese called Learning Chess.

This text mainly tells us that Qiqiu is the best chess player in China. Let Qiqiu teach two people how to play chess. The first person listened attentively to what Yi Qiu said; Another man was listening to what Yi Qiu said, but he thought that a swan was flying through the air. How could he draw a bow and take an arrow to shoot it down. Although they study together, the second one is not as good as the first one. It is because his intelligence is not the same as others. No, that's not true. Who do you admire most about these two people?

In fact, I have done one thing with half hearted.

I remember one Friday night, when I had nothing to do, I began to write my homework for the weekend. When I looked at my watch, it was almost seven to eight. I put down my pen with a snap, and then couldn't wait to pick up the remote control and turn on the TV. I switched to Hunan Satellite TV's live broadcast of I Am a Singer Season 2. At first, one of my most admired idols was Zhang Jie. His song was Zhang Yusheng's My Future Is Not a Dream. Listen to his beautiful voice: " Do you bow your head in the sun like me and work hard silently with sweat... I never forget me, my commitment to love... "I was intoxicated and couldn't help singing. Just then, my mother suddenly came in and said:" How can you listen to music when you are writing your homework? Can you do your homework well? "I ignore my mother and continue to write while listening and singing.

The next week, when the Chinese teacher checked his homework, he found that my composition was not smooth. I read it again, but I thought the composition wrong, so I wrote it wrong. Alas! It's all my fault!

How I act like the second person in Learning Chess! While listening, I thought about swans; Listen and sing while writing. There is a saying that is true: one mind cannot be used twice. This sentence refers to people like me. I will persist in learning from the first person in Learning Chess and his spirit of hard study.

Feelings of Learning Chess (8)

Today, the teacher led us to learn an ancient text, which is the text of "Learning to Play Chess". This text mainly talks about how to teach two people to play chess in Qiqiu. One of them was dedicated to becoming a chess expert, and the other was half hearted, and finally failed to achieve anything.

If someone asked me, "Do you want to be the one who is concentrating? Or the one who is half hearted?" I would definitely answer, "The one who is concentrating." In real life, I always regard concentration as the goal, and must "occupy" it. I always regard half hearted as the biggest enemy, and must "eliminate" it. In this way, I can learn knowledge. There are sixty-five students in our class, all taught by the same teacher. Why do some students have poor grades and some students have good grades? The factor that determines whether it is good or bad is whether you have dedicated yourself to learning. If you devote yourself to learning, you will certainly gain something. If you are half hearted, your academic performance will decline. It is not like other students. In the end, you haven't learned anything. As our teacher said: "If you don't study hard, you will kill yourself in the end." I am absolutely. I can't be like the half hearted person in the text of "Learning Game". I want to learn from the dedicated person.

Come on! Study hard and be a useful person.

Feelings of Learning Chess (9)

What is Xueyi? Yes, learning chess is learning to play chess. At the beginning of school. We learned this article in classical Chinese.

It tells of two people worshipping the same teacher. The teacher gave the same knowledge to two students in the same way. One of the devoted students kept the teacher's words in mind. Soon, there was a chess skill that was not as good as the teacher's. The other person was half hearted and made no progress.

This article has benefited me a lot. I understand that we must concentrate on doing things, and we can't be half hearted. In fact, I also had different experiences of these two people at the same time.

As a person, I sometimes concentrate and sometimes half hearted. What I attach most importance to is the four main subjects, so when I attend these classes, I concentrate and keep the teacher's words in mind. When I went to music and art, which I hated most, I was always half hearted and didn't care about these two subjects. What the teacher said went in one ear and out the other. Today, I finally understood, thoroughly understood the truth in learning chess, and got great enlightenment. In the future, no matter what I do or go to any subject, I will definitely concentrate.

Yes, Xueyi has given Levor a lot, which has made me understand a lot of truth and made me understand the great enlightenment: no matter what you do, you must concentrate on it.

Feelings of Learning Chess (10)

I believe everyone is familiar with the word focus, right? Listening to a class attentively and the last class absent-minded are two completely different results. A dedicated person can learn knowledge, while an absent-minded person will not only fail to learn knowledge, but also waste his time. This is my feeling after learning the text "Learning Chess" today.

Learning Chess is a lesson about two people learning to play chess with Che Qiu. One person is dedicated to listening to what Che Qiu said. The other person was absent-minded and unconcerned. He thought of a swan flying over and how to shoot it. In the end, he neither learned knowledge from Qiqiu nor wasted much of his time. What a big loss!

I have deep feelings for focusing on this matter. I remember that it was a science class in the fourth grade. That class was an experimental class. The teacher gave us experimental equipment and told us not to touch the experimental equipment. We should listen to the teacher carefully first and do experiments by ourselves after the teacher finished. At that time, I was attracted by the parts in the experimental equipment, so I couldn't bear to open the bag and play with it. Somehow, it fell to the ground, but I couldn't find it anywhere. In order not to attract everyone's attention, I pretended that nothing had happened. As a result, during the experiment, I lost a part, which is also a key component, so I can only watch the students do a lot of joy and regret

If I didn't move that part and listened to the teacher attentively, I'm afraid that would not happen. Through learning this text and my own experience, I hope I can learn a lesson and concentrate on whatever I do in the future.

Feelings of Learning Chess (11)

Today, we finally carried our schoolbags to school! The first lesson we had was Learning Chess, which made me feel very much.

From it, I feel that everything should not be half hearted, but concentrate. The latter person in the article has been unable to catch up with the former person, because the former person listened very carefully and kept the teachings of Che Qiu in mind, while the latter person was half hearted because he thought that a swan would come. In this way, the later one's academic performance is getting worse and worse. He told us that if we want to learn something or some knowledge, we should not be absent-minded, but concentrate on it.

After I learned this text, I was also very ashamed, because during the winter vacation, I always watched TV while doing my homework, so I didn't do my homework very well and did it very slowly. Every time I made reading notes, they were very bad, especially the writing was messy. Once my father scolded me bloody and punished me to rewrite it twice, which was really wrong. () I am too fond of playing to watch TV.

There are many such situations in my life. I will be half hearted when doing homework and eating. Half hearted will only make our academic performance worse. A hard work, a harvest, only do a good thing, will be beneficial to us. As long as you concentrate, you will get better and better. It will also be more outstanding like the previous person in the text.

"Learning Chess" tells us that every effort we make will lead to a better life. I must work as hard as the previous person, so that I can achieve a better life.

Feelings of Learning Chess (12)

Feelings of Learning Chess Chapter 1

You should concentrate on your study and not be half hearted. This is my feeling when I read Learning Chess.

Learning Chess is about Qiqiu teaching two students to play chess. One of them has to concentrate on learning and only listen to Qiqiu's teaching; Another student was listening to the lecture of Yiqiu, but he kept thinking that there was a swan flying in the sky and wanted to shoot down the swan with a bow and arrow. Although this student studies with that dedicated student, his performance is far inferior to others.

There are many examples in life, such as some students in our class. They are very smart and not inferior to other students, but they always fail to get high marks because their minds are no longer in the classroom and they always think about some computer games. The students who can study reliably have very stable grades because they can concentrate on listening in class.

In the future study and life, we should do everything carefully and make continuous progress like that dedicated student.

Feelings of Learning Chess Chapter 2

Today, we learned the classical Chinese article Learning Chess. After reading it, I have deep feelings.

Learning Chess is a short and profound ancient essay in classical Chinese. It tells a story: an elderly chess master, Qiqiu, taught two students to play Go, and one of them kept Qiqiu's teachings in mind, listened attentively and thought carefully. Another student thought that a swan was coming and thought about how to shoot it down with an arrow.

The two people in Learning Chess are two examples of our life. Two different people treat learning and life in two different ways. With his earnest study, respect for teachers, and concentration and dedication to go, the student who is dedicated to listening to Qiqiu's teachings will surely make great achievements in his study, life, and career. The student who thought about other things while learning Go made two mistakes. First, it is an act of disrespect for teachers that they do not listen to teachers when they speak or lecture; Second, students should not be half hearted when thinking about problems in class. Since we are students, we should respect teachers and listen carefully in class. This is what you should do as a student, and it is also the most basic principle of life. Therefore, I think people who are half hearted when doing things will not succeed in their studies or life in the future.

Have you ever encountered such problems in your life? If so, please correct this shortcoming as soon as possible. To do everything well; In order to form a good habit.

Feelings of Learning Chess 3

In the past six years, I have read many unforgettable stories: such as Heilibu, the hunter who sacrificed himself for others, Zhuge Liang, the brilliant and resourceful man who died heroically... They are like shining stars forever printed in our minds, but I still like the article Learning Chess, which has benefited me a lot.

The text talks about the different performances of the two players when learning to play chess. One person is dedicated, "only playing chess in autumn is listening", while the other person is absent-minded, half hearted, "thinking that there is a swan coming, thinking of helping the bow and shooting it". While playing chess at the same time, the half hearted person is not as good as the dedicated one. Look, a small story has given me much inspiration!

Indeed, there are many careless people around us. For example, my father is sometimes a careless person. Once, when I got up in the morning, I saw my father frowning and scratching as if he was looking for something. I said impatiently, "Dad, what are you looking for?", He was overjoyed and said, "Where did he find it?" "Toilet - inside!" It turned out that every time when he went to the toilet, Dad had to look through the documents. How about it? Dad was careless! But my mother is a very careful person. Every time my father can't find something, my mother will conjure up what my father wants.

In fact, I also inherited my father's bad habit of carelessness. Sometimes I am serious and clear headed, but sometimes I feel like a hairy man in my heart. I feel bad if I don't leave.

I remember one Sunday, I was writing a composition left by my teacher, but my eyes kept glancing at the small alarm clock beside the table. When it was 3:10, I shouted; "Here we are!" Then he stood up and rushed to the TV and watched the cartoon with relish. The funny scene made me laugh. When the climax came, I was about to open my eyes wide. Not only when my mother appeared in front of me, she turned off the TV with a bang and stared at the "almond stone eyes" (like taking off glasses) I said, "Do you want to watch TV before you finish your homework? Come into the room quickly!" I stuck out my tongue and quickly returned to the room.

The next day, the teacher put the composition in front of me and said, "Look, how do you write the homework. How I look like that half hearted person in Learning Chess! He was thinking about shooting swans while playing chess, while I was thinking about watching cartoons while doing my homework. It's really wrong. I must overcome this problem in the future, and try to learn from the person who has devoted himself to chess. How can I learn real skills if I don't devote myself as much as he does?

Famous painter Da. Finch once said: "Perseverance can overcome any obstacle." How nice it is to say that the half hearted man is not as smart as others? No, it was his inattention. Doesn't the fact that I have been punished also explain this truth? Yes, only by being serious can we learn real skills