The best one (17 compilations)
be fearless
2023-11-03 08:27:08
reaction to a book or an article

The best one (1)

To be the best you are, two words are easy to say, but the actual meaning is very, very complicated!

I want to be happy and holy! Every person who has the supreme love of fantasy has the most sacred wish and hope! Every wish has a different meaning, and every hope has a different story! And hope has the same expectation as the holy wish like it!

However, if you want to realize your own wishes and hopes, many people have failed! What is this for? Have you never questioned yourself? No, you interrogated yourself. But I didn't really discover my own problems! Every time I failed, what's the reason!

You are now a small ordinary student. You should be good at what you are now. If you can always be good at what you are now, you will one day step into the step of your dream!

Be the best you are now, and you will feel how good it is!

Be the best you are now! Only in this way can you achieve your countless dreams!

Be the best you are now! Only in this way can your future be brighter and more beautiful!

Be the best of you!

The best one (2)

A young man with an annual salary of 100000 yuan was very unhappy.

The boss asked him, "How much did you expect?"

"30000 yuan."

"Why are 100000 people unhappy?"

"Because I participated in the gathering of classmates. That very poor guy earned 300000!"

Where is our happiness?

When we strive to earn fame and wealth, earn more material, think that we can be happy with more, and then we can live a happy life. In fact, if we do not know how to improve the wisdom of our hearts, do not know how to enrich the positive energy of our hearts, then what we ultimately seek is more busy, more trouble. Many times, we think we are pursuing a happy life and happiness. In fact, we are ignoring the happiness around us and practicing the good life we already have.

We are so busy with our work and pursuing various substances that can bring "happiness and happiness" that we neglect ourselves and the abundance of our hearts. If we don't know how to nourish our hearts, then the more we have in this black hole world of hearts, the more trouble and pain we will have. Because, a mind with empty heart, no belief and support, no matter how much it has, it is false, even shackles.

Where is happiness? We should really reflect on ourselves.

Too often, we base our happiness on "being better than others", which is the source of too many troubles and pains. What a selfish heart we have! Why should we be better than others? Why can't others be better than us? Who said that a person who was inferior to you in the past was doomed to not surpass you in the future? Illusory logic, doomed, our troubles are worrying about nothing.

If the world is so logical, how terrible would it be? The grass is worried because the rose is more beautiful than it; Rose is worried because the maple is always taller than it; Maples are worried because they can't be evergreen like pines and cypresses; But pine and cypress are worried because they can't fly freely in the sky like birds... In the end, the whole world will be depressed, complaining and lifeless.

However, the good news is that our beautiful world is not like this! Every life knows how to be its best: grass dances joyfully in the wind; Rose fragrance reveals and plays with bees and butterflies; Maple trees enjoy themselves in the sun; Pines and cypresses stand tall against the cold wind; Birds fly freely in the sky

No life worries, complains and bears grudges because other life is better than itself in some aspects; They have the same happiness and happiness, do not compare, do not compare, do not inferiority, just do a good job.

So, what is happiness? Happiness is doing yourself well with your heart.

Where is happiness? Happiness is not outside, only in everyone's own, only in everyone's heart. Only when we live actively, work hard, and strive to enrich our hearts, improve our wisdom, make ourselves better and better, and become a better person, can we truly generate happiness from our hearts. Only when we live with a happy heart can we truly walk on the sunny road of happiness.

The best one (3)

This morning I read the article "The next ball is best" with my mother. Pele, the king of football, has scored many goals. His extraordinary football skills not only fascinate thousands of fans, but also often make opponents on the court applaud

Then he was asked: "Which ball did you play best?" Bailey replied: "Next." When he set the record of 1000 goals, someone asked him: "Which of these balls are you most satisfied with?" Bailey said meaningfully: "The 101st!"

In our study, if we do not do well in one exam, it does not mean that we will not do well in the next one. The results can only represent the past. If we want to make greater progress, we should not be satisfied with the status quo. Like Pele, we should regard the next one as our most successful one

The best one (4)

It's not your size that determines success or failure, but being the best you are—— The inscription may not have the appearance of Diao Chan sinking fish and dropping geese, or the national beauty and natural fragrance of Concubine Yang, or the beauty of beauty, but it can also be the best one. In the eyes of students. I am a "native village girl". I can't keep up with the trend of the times. I am even a bit "stupid". I am known as a "countryman". How can self-esteem tolerate this trample, and then live out that smart: "Even if I am a countryman, I want to be the best countryman." Maybe diligence is one of my own characteristics, and the best achievements are due to diligence, so I grind bricks and tiles on this foundation. As the half term exam approaches, the review becomes more and more tense. When I return home at the weekend, I open the book to review my lessons. Every night, I spend more time to review than others. Whenever I see the numerous notes in the Chinese book, I feel a sense of pride in my heart, and my heart is affected and nurtured in learning. I think "country people" can also live up to the splendor of "country people"! Every line has its own number one scholar. To enrich myself with knowledge, I can't say that I am the smartest in the class, but I can say that I am the most diligent in the class. I can prove myself. The ancients said, "Ask if you don't understand, ask if you don't understand, learn without knowledge, and don't be ashamed to ask questions." Everyone called me "100000 whys". Why? In one class, the teacher was often confused by my questions and could answer them fluently. Often, before the teacher gets bored, the students get bored and often blame me. But I don't think so. If I don't understand, I have to ask, instead of being vain and pretending to understand, in the end, I don't know anything. Although I am not the most honest, I can proudly say: "I am the most authentic.". Women are not inferior to men. Although I am not as great as Nightingale, I am not independent as Eileen Chang, and I am not as strong as Sang Lan. But I am the best one, as long as I stick to the belief in my heart and move towards the goal; Just do well in everything around you; As long as you are a useful person to the society, you are the best. Don't care about others' eyes, go forward bravely and be the best yourself. I firmly believe that I am the best one!

The best one (5)

I have a best friend. She has long, dark, thin hair, a pair of big eyes, two eyebrows like the moon hanging in the sky. She studies well and is happy every day. She is going to play - Wang Wenye.

We are happy every day, and the happiest day is that day.

One morning, when we came earlier, she taught me a little game called "Men Chasing Women". I played with her and Zhao Xingyu. He chased Wang Wenye and me. He counted down ten seconds, and she and I wanted to run. We ran to the hall. Unexpectedly, Zhao Xingyu jumped out from one side and caught Wang Wenye. I wanted to save her, but she has already run out. Those who can run out of Zhao Xingyu's hands are all "women men". Me too. He caught me and I escaped. I went to the girl's "secret house" with her. We both laughed.

This game is really fun. If I know a new game later, I will teach it to her.

Friends should be happy with each other.

The best one (6)

My friends and I live in a dense forest. We grow up happily under the blue sky, birds sing on my arms, rivers flow slowly, and children play happily under my shade. How beautiful and peaceful it is! But one day, a group of people came here with an electric drama and axes. They cut down the dense forest mercilessly, turning it into a desert. I stood alone in the desert and shouted hoarsely, "I am the best witness of human destruction of the forest."

The best one (7)

One year's plan lies in spring, and one day's plan lies in morning. Spring is the best season. Spring girls come to the world and bring warmth to the world. Spring girl scattered the bright sunshine to the earth, and gave the sweet dew to Xiaohua and Xiaocao. Spring girl also brought beautiful clothes. Look, Big Tree took off a dark coat and put on the shirt made by Spring girl, looking full of energy, and Xiaocao put on the green clothes, looking energetic. With the arrival of Spring Girl, the small hibernating animals wake up. There is spring everywhere, and the spring water sings happy songs. A new fourth grade volume II also quietly followed the footsteps of Spring Girl.

New semester, new weather, I should also set a new rule for myself! I will be more strict with myself in the new semester. I will improve my requirements and goals. I will also change my bad temper and bad habits to become an excellent class leader. I also want to treat my classmates in a friendly way and not have minor conflicts with them. In class, I should listen carefully. I should also take every homework seriously. Don't just pass it carelessly. In the past, my handwriting was always very scrawled. Now I should write every word correctly. I should seize every minute of time and don't let it go in vain. I will try my best to correct my shortcomings. Please believe me and I will do it!

The best one (8)

Courage · A best friend with you

In everyone's life, courage is indispensable. Just because of this, courage is a friend who will accompany you all your life. It will always help you when you are timid, and protect you when you are afraid. How many times it is because of courage that you can continue to walk.

In fact, I used to be a curious and timid little boy. It was because I experienced an "unusual" thing that my courage slowly returned. I was particularly impressed when I was in my first grade

When I was young, my father often told me ghost stories, such as: playing with fire in the daytime and wetting the bed at night, and drinking cold water would cause stomach pain, What made me most curious and afraid was that my father prevented me from opening the wardrobe and rummaging about. He said that there was a big monster hidden in the big wardrobe.

One sunny afternoon, when I was in Grade One, I played and played with my friends. We saw a patch of mud and jumped down one by one to play. We were very happy to see the mud splashing, but our clothes were ruined and we were in a mess. When we finished playing, we went back to our homes. When I was about to enter the house, I saw my clothes were dirty, so I slipped into the house. I ran back to the room like a thief. Yo, I lost my shoes. It doesn't matter. I finally slipped in. When I was about to open the wardrobe, I remembered what my father said to me: there was a monster hidden in the big wardrobe, and I was extremely afraid. But if my mother found it, it would be more terrible than the monster eating it. When I was still doing ideological struggle, my "courage" could not wait. I immediately opened the cabinet, and I quickly squatted down, holding my head in my hands, afraid of being eaten by the monster, After a long time, there was no movement. I couldn't help taking a look. There were no monsters! I only saw a large piece of clothes in front of me. I looked around in the wardrobe and looked around. No! Only then did I realize that it was a "white" lie.

It's funny to think that Goethe, a German poet, once said: If you lose your property, you only lose a little; If you lose honor, you lose a lot; If you lose your courage, you lose everything! Yeah! Courage is very important to each of us. Without courage, we will be far away from success.

The best one (9)

My partner and I live in a dense forest. We grow up happily under the blue sky, birds sing on my arms, rivers flow slowly, and children play happily under my shade. How beautiful and peaceful it is! But one day, a group of people came here with an electric drama and axes. They cut down the dense forest mercilessly, turning it into a desert. I stood alone in the desert and shouted hoarsely, "I am the best witness of human destruction of the forest."

The best one (10)

Maybe you want to be the sun, but you are just a star; Maybe you want to be a beautiful butterfly, but you are just a little snail; Maybe you want to be a big tree, but you are just a grass. I want to be the sea, but maybe I'm just a stream. Now I'm trying to be the sea

My name is Liu Keyi. I am a pupil in Grade 6 of Dongfanghong Primary School. I get good grades, often ranking in the top ten in my class. My composition is also good, and is often read to my classmates as a model. My Olympiad Maths has won the first prize three times and the third prize two times in school. My talent is also very good. I can play the piano and play melodious music. I can write calligraphy. I won the first prize in the school art festival and the "Top 100 Artists" competition in Xiangxiang City, and the second prize in the "Top 100 Artists" activity in Xiangtan City.

I am a typical "good girl" at home. After finishing my homework, I will tidy my room. I often help my parents do housework. Washing dishes, cleaning the table, washing clothes and sweeping the floor are all on my daily life list. Every time at a school reunion, parents would proudly say to them, "Look, my daughter is more obedient!"

People can never be perfect. No one is perfect. I also have my own shortcomings.

My temper is a little grumpy. Although my zodiac is dragon, my temper is like a tiger. I remember once, I was doing the homework assigned by the teacher, and my deskmate was also doing it. Suddenly, there was an Olympiad math problem like a roadblock, blocking my way. I bit my pen and racked my brains thinking. My deskmate met this question and didn't know how to do it, so he asked me: "How to do this question?" "I was thinking." I answered him. After thinking for a while, I have some ideas. Maybe he was impatient and asked me: "Did you think of it?". He was frightened and immediately buried his head. He had never seen me so angry.

I also like to make excuses. If you do something wrong, you can move out seven aunts and eight aunts. I am a little vain. I will envy anyone who is better than me. I'm a bit of a liar and often keep my relatives or friends in the dark.

I hope I can overcome those shortcomings. Take responsibility for the wrong things; Don't envy someone who is better than you, but continue to work hard to surpass that person; If you have something to share with your relatives and friends, don't keep them in the dark.

If I can't be the sun, I will be the stars, shining in my own constellation; If I can't make a big tree, I will make grass to decorate hope with my own green. Everyone is the only treasure in the life world, and everyone is the architect of his own life. Sue is in the best of herself, let herself be the best of herself today!

The best one (11)

On the subway, take out the most attractive spiritual snack - mobile phone from your pocket, slide and rub your fingers on the screen heartily, not only sliding out a lot of spiritual food, but also creating a private small space. Invisibly, a layer of film appears around you, which mercilessly makes you out of tune with your surroundings... This is a modern person controlled by mobile phones.

With the rapid development of science and technology, everyone is trying to keep pace with the times. Colorful pastimes steal our hearts, and the fast-paced life "endows" us with impetuosity. If we quarrel, we will fight each other. The more noisy we are, the more fierce we are. It seems that the louder we are, the more reason we can get. Where did all the peace go? In this worst era, our hearts are secretly corroded, leaving only an empty body. But in ancient times, this was not the case. They seemed to have a fuller heart:

"Wave your sleeves and don't take away a cloud". Li Bai, standing in the mountains with his sleeves blowing, must not only be shocked when facing the great mountains. The detached calm gave him unlimited power to face the attack of demoted officials. Even if demoted, he still has the most powerful spiritual power. But now we have nothing in this worst era. The transcendence of material life has not yet brought spiritual detachment.

When an era moves forward, what we gain will inevitably lose a lot. The country has imposed a family planning policy at the grass-roots level because of the huge population burden behind New China. Although this has reduced the enormous pressure on all aspects of China, the bloody truth is mercilessly exposed in Mo Yan's Frog. Grass roots cadres, represented by Aunt Wan Xin, who are committed to limiting people's childbearing, have spent decades of time and killed many little lives in their mothers' stomachs. So that in her dilapidated old age, Aunt Wanxin could only play with children like little dolls and had endless nightmares in the dark

Frog is a criticism of an era, a sigh and sympathy for a society that cannot give consideration to both sides. The current era must not repeat the mistakes! Only through transformation can this worst era become the best. Everyone is a participant in the task of the times. What should we do?

We need a calm attitude towards life and abandon the restless inner world; Need a sincere and natural smile, tear off the mask of hypocrisy; We need to follow the true look of our heart and restore our original self, and the worst era will gradually transform into the best era... The development is endless, and we always have the vision and pursuit of the best era, even if it is the worst era.

Time, like flowing water, soaks in the cleanest flowing water, washes away the impetuous filth with calm spirit, and fades away the stink of money with fragrant petals. Will the gentle flowing water bring the best era?

I believe so.

The best one (12)

It's not your size that determines success or failure, but being the best you are—— notes preceding the text of a book or following the title of an article

Maybe it doesn't have the appearance of mink cicadas sinking into fish and dropping geese, maybe it doesn't have the national beauty and natural fragrance of Concubine Yang, or maybe it doesn't have the beauty of beauty, but it can still be the best.

In the eyes of students. I am a "native village girl". I can't keep up with the trend of the times. I am even a bit "stupid". I am known as a "countryman". How can self-esteem tolerate this trample, and then live out that natural and unrestrained: "Even if I am a countryman, I will be the best countryman."

Perhaps diligence is one of its own characteristics, and the achievement of being among the best is due to the contribution of diligence, so we grind bricks and tiles on this foundation. As the half term exam approaches, the review becomes more and more tense. When I return home at the weekend, I open the book to review my lessons. Every night, I spend more time to review than others. Whenever I see the numerous notes in the Chinese book, I feel a sense of pride in my heart, and my heart is affected and nurtured in learning. I think "country people" can also live up to the splendor of "country people"! Every line has its own number one scholar. To enrich myself with knowledge, I can't say that I am the smartest in the class, but I can say that I am the most diligent in the class. I can prove myself.

The ancients said, "Ask if you don't understand, ask if you don't understand, learn without knowledge, and don't be ashamed to ask questions." Everyone called me "100000 whys". Why? In one class, the teacher was often confused by my questions and could answer them fluently. Often, before the teacher gets bored, the students get bored and often blame me. But I don't think so. If I don't understand, I have to ask, instead of being vain and pretending to understand, in the end, I don't know anything. Although I am not the most honest, I can proudly say: "I am the most authentic.".

Women are not inferior to men. Although I am not as great as Nightingale, I am not independent as Eileen Chang, and I am not as strong as Sang Lan. But I am the best one, as long as I stick to the belief in my heart and move towards the goal; Just do well in everything around you; As long as you are a useful person to the society, you are the best.

Don't care about others' eyes, go forward bravely and be the best yourself.

I firmly believe that I am the best one!

The best one (13)

Under the guidance of the Chinese teacher, we have learned Unit 1 and Unit 2. In these two units, I not only learned what are noble qualities, but also know how to distinguish beauty from ugliness. What makes me most happy is that I become more and more confident by learning to be the best you.

Although my grades are good in the class, I have a weakness in the class - I never dare to raise my hand to speak.

One day, the math teacher walked onto the platform with a textbook in his hand. As soon as he stood still, he wrote a question on the blackboard. At first glance, we were dumbfounded. The above problems seemed to have nothing to do with the conditions. One by one, the students lay on the table and knocked their heads. When the teacher saw it, he gave us a detailed hint. As soon as the teacher finished speaking, the students' pens began to dance happily on the books. Within two minutes, a dozen students in the class raised their hands. The teacher scanned the classroom and ordered several students to play on the blackboard. I saw that they all took five or six steps to calculate the result, while I only took three steps.

As soon as the students finished their presentation, the teacher asked us: "Is there any other way?" Obviously, the teacher was not satisfied with the students' presentation. I really want to say, but I dare not raise my hand. It seems that there are two villains arguing in my head. One says raise his hand, and the other says don't raise it. Just as the teacher was disappointed and ready to write the answer, I finally overcame my timidity and got up the courage to raise my hand. The teacher called me, and I confidently said the answer. Unexpectedly, I was praised by the teacher.

It's good to feel confident!

The best one (14)

"Be the best I" If anyone takes this as his goal in life, he will feel full and happy in his life.

It's easy to say, "Be the best I am", but it's not so easy to really do it.

To "be the best I", first of all, you should believe in yourself, never mind what others say, and do it towards your own goals. As long as you are right, you should be confident and bold to do it. In life, you should have confidence in yourself, no matter whether you are tall or short, fat or thin, rich or poor, ugly or beautiful; No matter who your parents are, what their family circumstances are, what their background is, or what they have done, as long as you believe in yourself and strive for your best, you are the best.

"To be the best I" also requires pursuit and ambition; I have a dream of the future. If you haven't, you should look for your own pursuit, what you like to do, what you yearn for, and your dreams for the future. These can all become your own 'ideal'. If you have an ideal, you should strive for it, treat it as your prey, and pursue it desperately.

"Be the best I" also needs to be trustworthy and cultured. This is the simplest rule in life, and it is also the most difficult to do well. It's actually easy to say that he is not easy. It's so simple to be honest with family, friends, respect the elders and younger generations, not do anything against the society, and be honest with others.

"To be the best I" should also pay attention to loyalty. No matter to friends or superiors, we should pay attention to loyalty. We should not betray others, not be seduced by money, and not be ungrateful. Guan Yunchang of the Romance of the Three Kingdoms is an example for us to learn. He is very loyal, never ungrateful, never betrays friends, and always thinks of others. It is worth learning.

"Be the best I" is actually very simple. As long as you do the above, you must be patient and strive for success. I will be the best one.

The best one (15)

My best friend wrote a 200 word composition

I have a good friend named Zhang Jiayi. She is tall and thin. She has big eyes, a tall nose, a small mouth and long hair. She is very beautiful. She has a good relationship with me and treats me well. I knew her very early. We went to the same kindergarten and class. Now I go to the same primary school with her.

She and I had some misunderstandings, and sometimes we would get angry, but we were still good friends. Once when we were running, I ran with her, and suddenly she tripped over a stone. I rushed to help her up and said to him, "I will help you to the clinic." She waved her hand and said, "No, I will go by myself." I said to her again, "Let me help you..." She finally agreed. I took her to the infirmary and sent her back to the classroom. When I got to the classroom, she asked me, "Are you, if you need my help, just tell me!" I said, "No." She asked again, "Sure is, you are strange today." I said in an atmosphere, "No is no." After that, I turned around and left. Halfway, I stopped to think, I was too rude, but I had no face to apologize to her, I hesitate. The next day, I was amazed by it. She came up to me and said, "Sorry, I shouldn't say that. After you left, I thought over and over again and finally knew that I misunderstood you." At this time, I gently said to him, "I'm sorry, I shouldn't lose my temper."

I think Zhang Jiayi is my best friend.

The best one (16)

Make the Best Reading Notes

Being the Best You talks about the importance of self-confidence. If you have confidence, you will succeed. The story in the article reflects the center: the students selected by Rosenthal may be ordinary and nothing extraordinary, but they finally became good students. Why is this? That's because of self-confidence. They believe they are smart and study hard. Let me understand: self-confidence will inspire you to become excellent, believe in yourself. The last paragraph says that if you can't be the brightest star, you should try your best to become better. Also let me know that I don't have to be the best, but I have to be the best myself, try to make myself excellent with self-confidence, and let myself break through my limits! It was this article that made me understand the importance of self-confidence.

Make the Best of Your Reading Notes Chapter 2

When Lu Juan was in the second grade, she wanted to be the leader of the Young Pioneers very much. She thought there was nothing more dignified than wearing a "three bars" on her arms. After her father found out the truth, he asked, "What are you now?" Lu Juan said, "Nothing. You are an ordinary student.

The road of life is long, as long as we look at our feet, walk steadily every step, and be the best ourselves, our goal will be achieved. Through this article, I know that people's time is really limited, and we should take every step seriously when we go to pursue. Do your best in everything, and make life more meaningful.

Make the Best of Your Reading Notes Chapter 3

Today, I read the article "Be the Best You" and benefited a lot.

In 1968, Mr. Rosenthal did an interesting experiment. He came to a school and selected several students from the freshmen roster. He said they were very smart. The next year, when he came to the school again, the teacher said to him, "Your vision is very accurate. They are really smart. They are top students in our school." But Rohrinthal said, "I know nothing about these students. They are chosen at random. At first, they may be very ordinary students

As long as a person has self-confidence, he can become the kind of person he wants to become. It is the so-called: "Think about it and do it!" It should mean this. If you want to do something well, you can't do it without confidence. Rousseau, a famous ancient Roman writer, once said, "Confidence is the starting point of struggle, and struggle is the key to success!" In 1820xx, Stephenson invented the world's first steam car (train). However, due to incomplete equipment, even the carriage was faster than it. At that time, people regarded "train" as a monster, But Stephenson was not discouraged. Finally, in 1820xx, he made use of the vomit principle of Twinnelke to far surpass the carriage!

If you have confidence in yourself, you can succeed no matter what you do. I believe: self-confidence+struggle=success.

The best one (17)

Be the best You read the first

A wise man once said: if you can't become a great way, then make a path; If you can't be the sun, be a star. It is not your size that determines success or failure, but to be the best you! This sentence is from Mr. Li Kaifu's "Be the Best You".

Last week, I read an article called Be the Best You. The article roughly tells about an experiment conducted by psychologist Rosenthal: select some unknown children from some freshmen rosters, and say: "These children will be particularly smart." Sure enough, these lucky children are indeed excellent and extremely smart. But in fact, these children may be ordinary children, but because of Rosenthal's experiment, they have generated a motivation to promote them to become outstanding students. Then, there is a confidence test in the article, and the results show that I am relatively confident.

Everyone is unique, no one can replace you, it is true. Do you worry because your appearance is not pleasant enough, your voice is not sweet enough, and your performance is not good enough? What kind of mood do you choose in the face of these? Is it helpless, sad, or try to find a way? In fact, everyone who works hard will be unwilling to lag behind, and will strive to be the best of themselves!

There may be many things that you can't do as well as others. It doesn't matter. As long as you do it seriously, as long as you do better than yesterday, you should applaud for yourself. In fact, there are many things that we cannot change. However, you can't be the best yourself and pave a golden road to success with confidence. Besides, "all roads lead to Rome", you can overcome difficulties with confidence and be the best you can, and you will always find your own position.

I still remember the story that there were two monks carrying a good barrel and a broken barrel to carry water on two paths. A good bucket always carries a full load of water; A bad bucket can only carry half a load of water. For this reason, the bad barrel is sadly lost. But a miracle happened! On the path where the broken bucket carries water, the flowers are full of competition! In fact, it is like this: the wind blows the seeds, and the bad bucket sprinkles water on the road, so it is full of bright flowers. Yes, deformity is also a kind of beauty, but you don't usually find it. So, dear friends, you don't have to feel sad and lost for your inadequacy.

If it can't be a great contribution road, then it should be a path with flowers in full bloom; If you can't become the sun that everyone praises and attracts people's attention, then be a shining star. Yes, everyone has the right to shine. Maybe a star is brighter than the sun! Yes, as long as you are the best yourself, you will succeed!

Be the Best You Read the Second Thought

"As long as a person has confidence, he can become the kind of person he aspires to be." This sentence comes from a sentence by Rosenthal in Be the Best You. This week, we learned the article "Be the Best You". The article wrote about the importance of self-confidence for our growth, and told us how to build confidence and face life calmly. After learning the text, I deeply felt that self-confidence is very important for a person. Only with self-confidence can we succeed.

"There may be a lot of things you can't do as well as others. It doesn't matter. As long as you do it carefully, as long as you do better than yesterday, you should cheer for yourself, cheer for yourself, and applaud." Reading this sentence reminds me of one thing in the summer vacation: I went to learn calligraphy in the summer vacation. On the first day, the teacher taught simple strokes of horizontal, vertical, and vertical strokes. When I got home, I learned the way my teacher taught me to write and wrote on paper. After writing, I looked at it. What a character! I felt ashamed when I looked at the "achievement" I had written. I really want to give up, don't want to learn. At this time, my father came over and saw my writing. He gave me a demonstration and said to me: "When writing brush characters, the horizontal should be flat and the vertical should be straight. You should not be intermittent and even force, because the brush characters are thick, thin and short. The first time you learn, you must not write well, but the first time, there must be a second time, the third time... The first time you write bad, don't lose heart, and have confidence in yourself. ”After listening to this, I rebuilt my confidence and learned the way my father taught me. I really wrote much better than before.

After learning the text, my feeling is that building self-confidence is very important to my success. In the future, I will be confident and be the best myself.

Be the Best You Read 3

If a person has self-confidence, hopes for himself, and happily goes every day, he will develop towards the goal he aspires to and finally achieve success. Dr. Bill once realized that beauty and ugliness are not only about a person's original appearance, but also about how he views himself.

Only by building self-confidence can a person become the kind of person he desires to become. We should like ourselves and respect others. We don't need others to think about you. What matters is how you think about yourself. Even if your appearance is not outstanding, you don't need to be inferior, and you have a confident heart, others still think you are beautiful. Because you have the purest and most beautiful heart in the world. Even if you make a mistake, you don't need to feel guilty. Tell yourself that if you commit this crime, you will never commit it again. "The past cannot be remonstrated, and the future can still be pursued." We cannot change the past, but we can do better in the future.

"Building a confidence building starts with building every brick." Starting from small things, life can't be perfect, but as long as you try your best, seriously, and make progress over yesterday, you should applaud yourself.

Success is not easy. Many times, you have to stick to your goal. No matter how hard the road is, you have to go on. You have to climb up after falling down countless times, because you don't want to disappoint yourself. Make unremitting efforts and forge ahead bravely. These spirits will send you to success one day!

"If you can't be a big road, you can be a small road; if you can't be a sun, you can be a star..." Believe in yourself, do well, and face the world with a smile. You are not happy all the time. Even if you are not a big man, just be satisfied and tell yourself that you are the best. Choose a path that suits you. Keep your head high and walk confidently. What you want is not perfection, but to be the best you can be.