Essays about time passing quickly (Essays about time)
Old Master
2023-02-26 12:09:01
Complete sentences

1. A good year never comes again. Time and tide wait for no man.

2. I advise you not to cherish the golden thread clothes. I advise you to take your youth. If you have flowers, you must break them straight. Don't wait to break branches without flowers.

3. The journey back is separated by countless seasons and countless falling experiences.

4. Those who cherish time achieve academic success, while those who waste time achieve nothing! I must cherish time and grasp the ark of time, so that I can become a great person and the best owner of time.

5. It is not time to forget me, it is you who forgot to take me away. My left hand is a firefly that never forgets anything, and my right hand is a long meditation for ten years.

6. Time is always in such a silent hurry. The seasons pass by. Time changes. The sun and the moon exchange. Flowers bloom quietly at midnight. Leaves fall quietly. Everything is so natural.

7. Cherish our youth that is about to pass away. We are not young anymore. We don't know what to pay for in the future.

8. Don't look back, just look ahead, you will find the world is beautiful.

9. Life between heaven and earth, if fleeting, suddenly.

10. I advise you not to cherish the golden thread clothes, but to cherish your youth.

11. If you want to become a career, you must treasure your time and make full use of it.

12. Slowly, we changed, all the pain are stubborn to carry their own, I became stubborn, more like a cactus, can live anywhere.

13. If you don't want to waste your life in the world, you should learn all your life.

14. An inch of time and an inch of money can't buy an inch of time.

15. It's not that time passes quickly, but that time is becoming more and more important to you. You begin to realize that in these years, except for the growth of age, your parents are getting older, and you still have nothing.

16. In a twinkling of an eye, the long years of the year have become like the sand in the hands, which is lost silently. However, if the sand is lost, it can be grasped again; The flowers wither and can wait for the next spring to bloom again; Childhood passes, but it can never be turned back.

17. In the most beautiful years. Youth is the fastest decaying. Time is fair to everyone. Everyone is fresh in recent years, and no one can afford to lose.

18. The distance between sunrise and sunset is just a word of time.

19. All the time we forgot in a hurry will come in another way of memory.

20. The sharp teeth of time can gnaw everything, but it can't do anything about truth.

21. Time gives up the person who gives up time.

22. If you have not seen the gorgeous flowers, how can you know the sadness of falling flowers? If you don't keep a wordless story, how can you taste the bitterness of time? How can we realize the pace of growth without the baptism of a heavy rain? Time, the old face, precipitated the years of quiet good.

23. Time is our god of love, the post office is our old man, the mobile phone is our matchmaker, and the future is our red carpet. I thank them for bringing you to me, and my heart is happy because of you. Thank you, and love you forever!

24. If you want to cause trouble, you should have to go to the south and the world should pay to the east.

25. The worldly pomp, after all kinds of forms in the world, almost forget the original. Those humble and white days go farther and farther, and always look for a trace in the depths of memory.

26. It is too late to feel when passing through your fingertips, turning everything into soft fingers. Looking back, my head looks like frost and snow, and my face looks like mountains and rivers.

27. Time flows in the pursuit of the sun and the moon, mountains and rivers overlap and replace each other in black and white, everything expands in the inexplicable power, while people are getting older and hesitating, and their time is gone forever.

28. Youth will eventually pass away, because those who live will grow old. When we gradually become mature, mature, and better able to protect ourselves, we naturally lose our ignorance, innocence, and courage, but this is not a negative thing, nor need we be sad.

29. Night brings peace to the old and hope to the young.