Desire to trust composition 600 character composition (6 in a collection)
Sea breeze in summer
2023-09-17 08:02:43
Grade 6

Desire to trust composition 600 words composition (1)

Nowadays, most people are suspicious of each other and blinded by jealousy, which makes the whole world become "dirty". Therefore, I am eager for more trust between people. It is said that 56 ethnic groups are a family. Isn't trust the most important thing that a family has?

In today's society, competitiveness is unavoidable. For their own interests, they will use all kinds of tricks to make others fall for them. In a word, some people try every means to make their opponents lose the game, some people can't stand the test and give up easily, and some people stick to the end and never give up. I don't know. Aren't you tired? You are not tired. Others are tired. Is it so difficult to trust each other more? I would like to give some suggestions to people who are now starting companies: no doubt about people, no doubt about people, more trust between employees. I believe that the interests of your company will be better and better.

In today's schools, quarrels are unavoidable. For some trivial matters, we should fight with each other. For example, when there is a quarrel between students, one of them loses something, and then he must be the student who quarrels with him without thinking about anything. Without evidence, what can be used to prove that it is the disgusting suspicion? If there is more suspicion among students, isn't it difficult to make friends in the future? I would also like to say a few words to the current students: let's have a little more trust between our students, make friends with you more smoothly in the future, and have a more harmonious relationship with you in the future.

In today's families, violence is unavoidable for children's achievements. Children's achievements are really children themselves, but most of the reasons are parents. Because every time a child loses, he will be beaten and scolded. If this is the case every time, it will make the child afraid of exams and learning, which will lead to confidence in exams. Parents are also responsible for children's failure in exams. I hope that parents like this will encourage their children more and take more responsibility, which will definitely help their children develop better in the future.

I long for trust. Let's all act together!

Desire to trust composition 600 words composition (2)

Trust, what an ordinary word, but it contains many layers of meaning.

notes preceding the text of a book or following the title of an article

From the office of a school in a city, I heard: "You say! Whose test paper did you copy this time?"! Don't say any more. One thousand more words! " A tearful man left the office.

Back home, "Dad, the teacher asked me to sign today." "Sign again! What bad things have you done! Every day at school, you don't do anything when you go home, you know that it is not easy for your parents to study for you..." "I didn't make trouble, the teacher wronged me! My examination paper was written by myself!" Shouted a student with tears on his face! Pop! A crisp and loud slap fell on his face. Then there was another scolding: "You said that you wrote it. If you failed last time, you could get full marks this time. Do you think anyone would believe you? How can you be so shameless! It doesn't matter if you make mistakes. It's good to know that you can change your mistakes..." Gai Sheng was completely heartbroken

I tried my best to study hard, and I worked hard at the topic where they could not see, just to make them laugh, but in the end, I got these things in return. There is nothing to say, just say hehe.

In fact, a bridge of mutual trust should be built between people. Only in this way can this society be more beautiful and harmonious. People often say, "The heart changes the heart, and you are true to yourself." It is also true. As long as you are willing to believe and communicate with them, the ice can melt. But if you do not trust your own closest son, as in the above example, you have no confidence in your own son, and you are not worthy of being a father, because you do not even have the most basic trust.

Trust not only shows your trust in him in words, but also shows your affirmation and support for him in actions.

Trust, in fact, is very simple.

Desire to trust composition 600 words composition (3)

The ideal in life is accompanied by our growth and progress. All of our things come from the countless unforgettable desires in life. Maybe our desires were not so pure at that time, but after all, there were. As long as there is a desire in the heart, life will not abandon you.

Maybe, sometimes life is not so satisfying. People's life must not be smooth, and there must be some setbacks and difficulties. In life, we must begin to grow because of these setbacks and difficulties, and begin to think about the meaning of life.

At any time, we need to be understood by others when we do anything, because understanding makes us happy, and understanding makes us trust. Then why can't we understand each other in family life?

After entering middle school, with the development of physiology and psychology, we began to have some ideas of our own, but also with some rebellious psychology.

When we are free at home, we sometimes write a diary and write some of our thoughts in the diary. Of course, we don't want to be seen by our parents. At this time, our parents will think that we are crazy and not doing our job properly. At this moment, they will look through their diary. At this time, they want to have a big fight, but also want to cry without tears. Sometimes, what's more funny is, If female classmates come to play at home, their parents will be suspicious. I know they are afraid of me

What disgusts me most is that sometimes the school will charge us some fees, and my parents will look at me with that kind of eyes, which makes me feel really uncomfortable. What's more unreasonable is that sometimes they will stop my classmates on the road and ask questions, which is really unbearable.

At this time, I felt an unprecedented failure. Even my most loved ones did not believe in me. How can I face others, society and the world.

I long for trust, can you understand me?

Desire to trust composition 600 words composition (4)

Everyone has his own desires, his own pursuits, his own aspirations, and his own desires. A book, a computer? Or power, charm, boldness? And I just want to be trusted.

We have to start from the fourth grade. At that time, I was not a monitor or a group leader in my class, but a "civilian". Learning can also be said that people are not very popular, so they are always run and slandered by others. But once, I really couldn't stand it.

On that day, the weather was very hot. The sun seemed to be bigger and more toxic than ever. The whole earth was blazing hot. The students brought water, and one student even brought four bottles of soda for the first time. I put my water in my schoolbag, because I walked with high-grade soda in my hand and swaggered. In my opinion, it was more or less ostentatious. So, in this way, I kept my soda in my schoolbag and didn't open it when I got to school. The first class was physical education. As soon as I put down my schoolbag, I came to the playground and participated in the game... After class, the task assigned by the physical education teacher was very heavy. After a class, all the students were sweating. As soon as I returned to the classroom, I was ready to drink my soda. Who knows, I had just had a few drinks when the math teacher came in and asked me to go there, saying it was to judge my homework. As soon as I was ready to put it in my schoolbag, another student came in. Because of the conditioned reflex, I quickly put the drink in my schoolbag

Time flies by. After school, the student with four bottles of soda came to me and said angrily, "Hey, return my soda quickly!" "I didn't take your soda, I brought it myself!" I was shocked by this inexplicable question, and then tried to refute it. "Pay me back quickly, or I will tell the teacher!" After that, the student seemed very satisfied. And I was even more confused. "Everyone has seen it!" he said, and he drew witnesses. The so-called witness is the classmate who came into the classroom behind me. He came over and opened my schoolbag. The so-called "stolen soda" said, "I saw you just put such a bottle of water in your schoolbag!" Immediately, I felt dizzy: "My God, I bought it!" "Who said! I bought Pepsi Cola!" "Cut! I will buy it again!" "Just you?" "What's wrong!" "After class, you are the first to enter the classroom. You have time to steal soda!" "Huh?"

Finally, the teacher gave the soda to the student. I was very depressed. Why did I give him the drink I put away because I didn't want to show off!? Every time I am stigmatized, it is always because of this or that kind of reason and coincidence, and why does no one believe me?

I really want to be trusted! Even if it's just one person's trust!

Desire to trust composition 600 words composition (5)

Trust is a spring wind, which will make withered vines bloom new green; Trust is a bond that connects countless hearts. Trust is also like a blooming flower. It needs friendship as the air, loyalty as the sun, and concern as the rain.

Fourteen year old daughter had an extra lock on the drawer at some time, and often the light in the room was still on at midnight.

One day, my mother saw my daughter holding a small box mysteriously and putting it in a locked drawer. The mother casually asked her daughter, who said happily, "Keep it secret."

Mother helped her clean up the room. She found a ball of paper crumpled by her daughter in the trash can. Mother was curious to pick it up and read it. It said "I love you...", and there were words on the back that were stained with ink and could not be seen clearly. Mother was very surprised. She remembered that every night, the light in her daughter's room was on, and her daughter held the box... Mother thought something was wrong with her daughter, but she immediately thought: No, I believe my daughter, she will not... I must have made a mistake, and I firmly believe my daughter.

In the next few days, the mother did not "monitor" her daughter, but still treated her daughter as usual.

That night, her daughter came home early to help her mother with housework, and cooked her mother's favorite dishes.

When eating, her daughter brought out a box and a note from the room. Her mother was very surprised, because the box in her hand was the box that she put into the drawer mysteriously that day. The daughter leaned on her mother's back, took out the note, and read affectionately: "Mom, I love you. If I were a lotus, you would be the lotus leaf to shelter it from the wind and rain..." After reading it, the daughter smiled and said: "Mom, today is your birthday, and this paragraph was written after I repeatedly revised it. I bought this gift with pocket money, and gave it to you. Happy birthday to you!" Suddenly, Mom understood everything, the lamp and the box.

The mother was very moved and felt sorry for her daughter, so she told her daughter her original idea. After listening to this, the daughter smiled and said, "Mom, you didn't peek into my drawer, and you still trust me. It doesn't matter just to think." Mom smiled, and she smiled proudly, because she was glad that she was just thinking.

Trust is a necessary condition for people to communicate with each other. Nothing is more fortunate than being trusted; The regret of life is no more than breaking faith with others. "Trust" will make life more happy.

Desire to trust composition 600 words composition (6)

In our life, there are often many things we "desire": beloved objects, parents' understanding, family's company, or friendship with classmates.

On Wednesday, as always, I got up early. I turned on the computer to prepare for online lessons. In the afternoon, I finished my class, and my father happened to have something to do to go out, leaving me alone at home. So I wanted to finish my homework quickly so that I could go to the community to ride a bike. I kept working hard. After finishing my homework, I pushed my bike out of the house as soon as I put down my pen.

After about an hour, I came home exhausted. When I saw that my father had not come back, I suddenly remembered that I had not finished my homework assigned by my mother, so I entered the study again. About half an hour later, my father came home and saw me still in the study. He thought that I had been in front of the computer after class, doing my homework and playing with the computer. He criticized me and said, "Look at you, you have been in the study all afternoon, and your homework has probably not been finished, and you haven't gone to exercise. Is it possible that you are playing games again?", He yelled at his father, "Can you stop talking nonsense? I know I've finished everything, but you scold me when you go home, and you don't even have evidence.", Then he said, "That was before. Because I had a precedent, I doubted me. No matter who you told me about this matter, no one would agree with you." As soon as I said that, I went into the study without looking back. I closed the door with a bang and locked it.

After this happened, I apologized to my father later. After all, he is my father and elder. I really shouldn't yell at him, but can't you trust me again? Is the trust between people so weak? If there is more trust between people, will the world become better and more united?