My bitterest and happiest compositions (3 selected)
Trample a dead pig
2023-10-15 04:34:00
Junior two

My bitterest and happiest composition (1)

The sail of life is not always so smooth, because we lost our way early! How can we mature and achieve without experiencing any hardships? Maybe all the experiences need us to live more happily in this way! The bitterest and happiest, just hope that we know this experience. Because of this, we can do better! Life is always like this. We are worried about gains and losses. I wish we had been treated tenderly by the world! Mutual understanding and tolerance. I just hope we can do better. Feel the hardship and happiness of life in the bitterest and happiest. I know this gorgeous scene! May we be more able to adapt to this life. Because only in this way can we have more happiness and experience more!

The bitterest

Perhaps, life is always hard, but this hard won has made our life unforgettable! Maybe, in the bitterest environment, you can create a person better! Maybe only in the most bitter environment can a person be tempered! This may be the best! Although it's hard, this is the best. Nowadays, we are the best at bearing hardships. Because the enjoyment now will be the future. So life is like this, enjoy it like this but still learn to pay. Because there is always something to pay, because there is always something to pay back. Face it calmly, everything will be beautiful!

The happiest

Maybe life is always like this. Only when I am lost can I find my true self. The joy in life always comes to us. Maybe this is the real happiness! Perhaps in this long life, we are so insignificant! Maybe we are not good enough. Indeed, we are still very young now, and we have very little experience. As long as you experience more, you will naturally become more mature! Maybe, this is the best of us. Life is just like this. We always have to go through the storm before we finally meet the rainbow that day. Also learn to adapt to society. Because only by adapting can we survive. Will have a better tomorrow. I wish this society had never abandoned us. In the same way, we will remain true to our original intention. Only in this way will we have more gains. He who has suffered bitterly will become a master. I only hope that we can grasp the youth life well. Maybe only in this way, will the fate step closer to us!

Life is always like this, and the society is really so hard. The bitterest and the happiest are better than trying the ups and downs of the world! Only in this way can our society enjoy it. Also hope in the future. No matter how hard life is, bite the bullet and learn to persist! I believe that such a life is more colorful!

My bitterest and happiest composition (2)

In my opinion, the hardest thing is to hit a knife in any work. What is a knife? Knives are some things that make people feel uncomfortable, some things and details that make people cry. For example, "Red Rock" is almost a whole book of knives. Knowing what a knife is, let me tell you why I think the hardest thing in life is to eat a knife in the works.

Whenever you read or see a knife, there will always be a kind of sadness or sadness that does not belong to you. It will make you feel a ten kilogram rice bag pressing on your heart. For example, Harry asked Albus about the GGAD knife in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows? Dumbledore: "What did you see in that mirror?" Albus replied that he saw him holding a pair of wool socks, which seemed to be the only question he didn't answer truthfully. Oh, a big knife. At this time, we always bring ourselves into the role. We feel Dumbledore's dark history and his heavy love. At this time, readers (I) always cry in their hearts. This emotion does not belong to us, but it comes to us when we taste the knife. The most painful thing is the pain of "making something out of nothing".

What's the most fun?

I think it's still cutting, why? Because every time I knock a knife, I can feel how happy and happy I am in real life. At the same time, I am glad that I am different from the characters in the book. I am so stable and free. I feel that the world outside my works is beautiful.

So I like to knock knives.

My bitterest and happiest composition (3)

I think the hardest thing in the world is to have a bad body full of disease, while the most enjoyable thing is to have a good body with healthy body and mind.

The World Health Organization estimates that the number of deaths caused by the lack of sports in the world exceeds 2 million every year. Note: If you do not exercise, your body's immune ability will decline, and some diseases and viruses cannot be effectively immunized to induce sudden death. Why do you have diseases? Because of the lack of exercise and exercise, and because exercise and exercise is very hard.

Take me for example. When climbing the mountain, I felt more and more breathless and difficult to breathe. My legs seemed to be filled with lead, so it was hard to lift them. It was tiring and bitter. But as long as I persisted, I could wet my clothes with sweat, enjoy the charming scenery along the way, feel the cool mountain wind, and get a rest and relaxation of my heart with tiredness. This is so happy!

Another example is that when running, you can't step out even after running more and more, like a ten kilogram iron hanging under your legs, your throat is dry like a fire, and your lungs are sore like a blast. Isn't it bitter? But the happiness after suffering is to enhance the heart and lung function, improve the blood circulation system and respiratory system, which is conducive to the growth and development of the human body, improve the disease resistance, and enhance the adaptability of the organism. Reduce the chance of suffering from heart disease, hypertension and other diseases.

With a healthy body, we can make contributions to the country and society, be responsible for our own families, and take our families to see the scenery of foreign countries around the world. I believe this must be the happiest!