Gratitude composition theme (12 excellent articles)
Doomed to vicissitudes
2023-10-10 04:33:40
Argumentative paper

Gratitude Composition Theme (1)

If life is a boat, gratitude is the oar that makes the boat go forward; If life is a forest, gratitude is the flower in the forest; If life is a river, gratitude is the beautiful spray in the river.

I forgot what day it was. At night, when I was doing my homework, I accidentally saw a white hair on the desk. I picked it up and said with emotion, "What a white boy! I have white hair." My father looked at it and said, "That's my hair." I was surprised to see the "silver" in my hand. It was so short, it seemed to be my father's. So when I turned around and saw my father with silver gray hair, I couldn't help thinking of my childhood.

At that time, I didn't go to school. When I came back from kindergarten, my favorite thing was to ride on my father's shoulder, watch cartoons, and pull out his white hair. At that time, I naively thought that pulling out a white hair would really make my father young.

Now, I will not pull out my father's white hair, because it has witnessed his love for me. Isn't it all made by my father who runs around for me all day? No longer pull out his father's white hair, because he will hurt, although the heart is sweet.

"Dad, let me beat your back." Thinking of this, I can't help blurting out. My father was stunned for a while, then he promised happily and kept praising me. He grew up and became sensible. My fist hit my father's back lightly or heavily, and I felt that his body was not as strong as it used to be when he was old. This is the first time in 13 years that I have offered to beat my father's back. My father has paid so much for me. In the past, I didn't know how to be grateful. Instead, I just talked back to him and made him angry. After the beating, my father smiled, and I also smiled. He was grateful for me, and I was happy to see him smile so heartily.

The song "Grateful Heart" sings well, "Grateful heart, thank you for being with me all my life, let me have the courage to be myself; grateful heart, thank fate, flowers bloom and fall, I will also cherish." If love is the highest emotion of human beings, then it is born of love. Grateful heart is the sublimation of love. When love becomes a spur, when gratitude becomes a consciousness, our life will be better because of it!

Gratitude Composition Theme (2)

Nature, like a magic magician, will bring us too many surprises when he gently touches the magic wand. He never tires of performing magic for us, creating a lovely living space for us.

The magnificent mountains and rivers, the leisurely birds and fish, and all living beings in the world have their own lovely personalities. Close to nature, you can always feel her grace. Warm and purple in spring, hot and green in summer, cool and brown in autumn, cold and white in winter will make people's mood fluctuate and ripples.

In the morning, when you open the window, the morning wind blows over the bamboo shoots, and the dew is crystal clear, so beautiful! Reach out and seem to catch the fog. It's cool and comfortable. Close your eyes and take a deep breath. It seems that you can smell the breath of nature, refreshing.

When you walk into the mountains on holiday, surrounded by green mountains and green waters, birds singing and flowers fragrance, you can climb to the peak of Huanghua Mountain. When you look at it, you can see that the mountain prints are so small. The mountains are high and I am the peak. The scene before you is pleasing to the eyes. At this time, I thought of what the poet said: "I will be the top of the mountain and see all the mountains". It is also the inspiration of nature that I have realized something in my heart!

Stroll along the seaside and look at the endless sea. With the warm sea breeze blowing, it seems that the troubles in my heart will disappear in an instant. The sky and the sea set each other off. Under the sky, people enjoyed surfing. At this time, the sea was full of waves and made a "huge" sound. Seagulls fly over the sea, and it seems that they have left traces. All these are so beautiful, it is refreshing and unforgettable.

Nature is our invisible patron saint. She devotes all her resources to our use. It is so generous, but can we take it for granted? No, we should understand that this is a gift from nature, so we should cherish, love and be grateful.

Grateful of nature, you may be able to add shade to nature, more green, less desolate; Maybe we can recycle garbage, and don't let the dirty garbage erode our beautiful home; Maybe you can write a natural Ode to attract more people to love nature, feel nature, and enjoy the selfless giving of nature on that day. To learn to appreciate nature and cherish its products is actually to understand the true meaning of life.

Wandering in the footsteps of nature, always have a heart of gratitude. Even if you are as humble as grass, you will also have the fragrance of grass. Even if you are as small as water drops, you will also reflect the sun all over your body. Let's look at nature again with a grateful heart!

Gratitude Composition Theme (3)

They are like a ray of sunshine, warming our hearts. Like the light in the darkness, the road leading us to success is like an umbrella in the sky to shield us from the wind and rain.

When the bird sings gently, it is thanking its parents, when the grass sways with the wind, it is thanking the earth, when the fish jump happily, it is thanking the sea when we move, have you ever thought about thanksgiving.

Thank your parents. This seems to be a matter of course. They teach us how to be human. How can we not be grateful to them for letting us take the "right path"? But I still want to say that when I won a certificate from the school, they were happier, more excited, and more proud than I was. When my friends and I made trouble outside, their honest and encouraging eyes always floated in my mind, making me admit my mistakes at the first time. When I was sick and lying in bed, their anxiety and worry always made me stop moaning and quickly recover... I have too much to say to my parents, they are like a ray of sunshine, warming our hearts, like light in the dark, guiding us to success, like an umbrella in the rainy day, sheltering us from the wind.

Gratitude teachers "learn from time to time, it's a pleasure to have friends coming from afar..." At this time, the teachers are full of scholars, a kind and knowledgeable teacher is concentrating on teaching and reading, and the students are also serious about learning and reading, and their faces are filled with bright smiles. Because they have learned new knowledge from their teachers, they have a great sense of achievement and desire for new knowledge. Yes, we should also be grateful to our teachers. The moment we entered the school, we could not live without our teachers. They gave everything to us and hoped that our future would be bright. In many days and nights, we have grown from an ignorant child to a young man with knowledge and ideals. We have absorbed all the knowledge of our teachers, but their youth has gone forever, We graduated from primary school, entered another unfamiliar and familiar school, and met new teachers to continue my learning career. Every day after school, we left and came back again and again, which made us understand that we can not leave our teachers, so we should be grateful to our teachers.

Gratitude, living in this world, there are too many people, too many things we should be grateful for. Please move towards tomorrow and society with gratitude!

Gratitude Composition Theme (4)

"Gratitude" is an attitude to life, and "gratitude" is a moral sentiment that is good at discovering and appreciating beauty. We should thank our parents for giving us life; We should thank our friends for comforting you when you are lost; We should thank nature, it is nature that gave birth to us. Let us have a grateful heart and let our hearts have more sunshine.

August in Qingdao is rainy. Maybe it was sunny just now, and soon it will become lightning and thunder. It was the day of summer vacation, and I was going to the Book City. When I walked from home, the sky was very clear, and I went out of the house happily. When I arrived at the Book City, I forgot the time because of reading. In a twinkling of an eye, it was noon. I was going home, but when I went out, I was foolish. The sky is full of thunderstorms. I wanted to hide from the rain first, but my stomach growled, alas! I had to go home in the rain. When I got to the station, I was almost drowned.

Suddenly, how could I feel the rain stopped? I looked up and saw that there was a colorful umbrella on my head. A well-dressed aunt used her umbrella to cover the rain for me. She smiled and said to me: "Children, why don't you take an umbrella when it's raining?" The aunt put her umbrella into my hand, and she stood in the rain, letting the rain hit her face and body. I refused, but despite my objection, she lightly jumped on a bus entering the station... I stood in the rain, holding my aunt's umbrella, feeling a warm current in my heart, rushing all over my body.

When I got on the bus, I found an empty seat to sit down and enjoy the scenery in the rain outside. At this time, there was an old woman in her late seventies beside me. Her eyes were full of anxious eyes, and she kept saying, "Alas! How can we do this? It's raining all the time. How can we go home without an umbrella?" When I heard this, I thought to myself: I was touched by my aunt's selfless behavior. Why can't I help those who need help in the society with a grateful heart? So I said to my grandma, 'Grandma, please use my umbrella. My home is very close to the station.' The granny could not refuse, so she had to agree with me and repeatedly praised me as a good child. The people on the bus also threw approving glances, and I felt very proud. After a while, I arrived at the station and ran home quickly. Although I was wet by the rain, I was proud of my behavior.

I came to the window and opened it. The fresh air rushed towards me. At this time, the sky has cleared up. After the rain, there is a touch of rosy clouds on the horizon. The sun shines from the gaps in the clouds, and the earth warms my heart. Time is passing, but the heart of gratitude has never changed. Every time I think of the story of the little flower umbrella, I feel a warmth in my heart. In the process of continuous changes, let the heart of gratitude become eternal, let gratitude pass through in the heart, let gratitude warm others and make yourself happy.

Gratitude Composition Theme (5)

Time is really a wonderful thing. It slips through my fingers carelessly. It seems like water without trace, and the clouds are silent. The last one is hanging in the confused sky. I have been living in the wonderful nature when I slip.

In sunny days, be gentle and kind.

The sun is bright and lovely, and the morning is always full of spirit. Go out for a walk. The gentle and kind sunshine, like a mother, calls the sleeping flowers and grass, blinks, stretches, yawns, and starts to welcome the new day. The charming and eye-catching colors of the flowers are neither generous and gorgeous rose red nor golden yellow, but light red cream. Her branches and leaves are beige and green, and the color and shape of the flowers look like a charming butterfly dancing in the flowers, so people call her iris.

Humor and comfort in the breeze.

The gentle breeze is blowing in gusts, which makes people feel comfortable. Look! She is talking to the sand in humorous sentences. The sand keeps rolling, and at the same time, she also gives out a burst of laughter of sand, sand, sand, and runs away like children who are afraid of catching itch; Look! The grass in the grass over there all lowered their heads and bent down, like children who were sad, and bravely raised their heads under the comfort of their mother (nature) touching their heads.

There are many beauties in nature! So we should love and appreciate nature, and give us a beautiful environment. I hope our nature will become more and more beautiful and vibrant!

Gratitude Composition Theme (6)

Gratitude composition

Gratitude - kinship

——Experience of Thanksgiving, Filial Piety and Respect for the Elderly

Kinship, what a beautiful word, simply two words, contains how much content? I have thought many times, what is this word - kinship? The dictionary says: "Family love is the love of relatives." I think family love is the most precious emotion in the world. It can withstand the temptation of money and the test of time. It is not the fate in the vast sea of people, nor the hypocritical vows of eternal love. It depends only on the blood relationship between each other. Because of this beautiful feeling of kinship, how many people do not ask for what they want. Therefore, we should be grateful - kinship, thank those who pay their own everything because of kinship!

During the holiday, I participated in the group's activities of thanksgiving, filial piety, respect for the elderly, and heart to heart talk with the elderly. I also did another thing to truly thank the family

When we hear this sentence, the classmates will feel very familiar with it. Indeed, we have seen this assignment many times from primary school to junior high school, because the school wants us to learn how to be grateful and let us wash our feet for our parents. We have not known how many times we have done this. However, how many students have really completed this assignment seriously? It's not the first time I washed my mother's feet, but every time I feel new

Mother's feet are rough, and the soles of her feet are covered with calluses. Although it has been a long time since I washed her feet last time, I feel that her feet look even rougher than when I washed them last time. Looking at my mother's feet, I had a question in my heart: Is it because I haven't noticed the hard work my mother has paid for this family? Why does mother's foot look like this? For other reasons. My mother seemed to realize what I was thinking, and asked me, I whispered the question I had just thought. My mother said, "Nothing, it's not your reason." "Mom, what was your foot like when you were young?" My mother smiled and said, "Of course it's the same as your foot. It's white and tender." Oh, I want to wait until I wash my feet for my mother, The answer to the question will certainly be found.

Carefully bring the steaming foot wash water to her mother, let her mother sit on the sofa, gently touch her feet and rub them. My mother has been looking at me, I asked my mother, she said: "You wash my feet is really a kind of enjoyment!" I smiled. I remember when I was a child, my mother washed my feet for me, and she also carried a small stool with a small basin. She washed my feet carefully and gently, regardless of her tiredness. Although we still wash our feet, we have changed roles. However, what has not changed is that we wash our feet for each other for the same word - love!

When I mention the word "motherly love", I will be very proud to say: "I love my mother most!" "There is only a mother in the world, and a child with a mother is like a treasure." Like that "treasure", I carry my mother's expectations. "Who can say that every inch of grass will be rewarded by Sanchunhui?" I can't repay my mother for my efforts, just like that grass, I can't repay the kindness of Sanchun sunshine. Only thanksgiving, thanksgiving family this beautiful and profound words!

At this time, I really found the answer: my mother paid too much. When I was young, my mother's feet were white and tender. Time passed quickly. My mother had a family and a career, and she carried more things day by day. I never noticed her hard work, but only knew to do my own thing!

Mom, you said that I wash your feet for you is a kind of enjoyment. In the future, I will let you enjoy it many times!

Gratitude - kinship, gratitude - maternal love!

Gratitude Composition Theme (7)

The sweet smell of osmanthus filled the garden, the time passed quickly, and the September "Teacher's Day" came to us again with light steps. When we look back, we have changed from childish and ignorant children to teenagers in their prime. From afar, we can see that the long way of growth is for our teachers to accompany us through every spring, autumn, winter and summer.

"Teachers make boats and boats for hiking". The teacher is the one who can lift you higher and let you see farther. They worked hard all their lives and gave their all to the education they loved. No wonder there has been a saying in China since ancient times that "heaven and earth are masters". The teacher is working hard for us all the time. In the quiet late night, only the stars are still shining in the sky, but the teacher's window is still bright and dim under the light showing the teacher's tired body; In the hot summer, cicadas are noisy, but the teacher is still so calm to explain each exercise to us in the classroom. Look, the teacher stayed up late for us again yesterday, and wrinkles appeared again on your face. The blood and dark circles around your eyes make you look so haggard. You are like a candle, although weak, but as long as there is a light and heat, you will not hesitate to use up your own ashes to illuminate others. We will never forget the spirit of selfless dedication! Although you are just a short candle, you always have the heart of a student and never care about personal interests. This unreserved painstaking day and night fighting makes us unforgettable! People said: Spring silkworms can only dry up after the wax torch turns into ashes and tears when they die. When we make mistakes, what you give us is to earnestly teach and guide your love as warm as the sun; When we failed in the exam, you carefully analyzed and encouraged us to regain confidence. Your love is as warm as the spring breeze; When we have achieved excellent results, you are secretly pleased and happy for us behind your back. Your love is as sweet as a spring. The teacher's love is meticulous, deep, noble and great! On the day of celebrating Teacher's Day, we are full of emotion and blood. Thousands of words can't express our gratitude. Thousands of words can't express our sincere and deep love for you! One day as a teacher and one day as a father. Under your hard teaching, encouragement and encouragement, under your care and care, we grow up like saplings and bathe in the glory you shed every moment.

We would like to sincerely say to you: "You have worked hard, we love you!" Let us carry forward the virtues of respecting teachers and valuing education, and thanking teachers for their kindness to create a good atmosphere of loving truth and teachers in the whole class and even in the whole school. Teacher, we promise you to listen carefully to you. We will earnestly complete each assignment in each class and influence everyone with a sincere love for the teacher.

May a kind greeting from our students, a personal letter expressing our gratitude, a small greeting card made by ourselves, a blessing on the blackboard, a flower or a cup of fragrant tea on the platform... bring you joy and comfort in the festival.

Let's give our best wishes for this September to those dedicated and lovely teachers. Sincerely wish our teachers to stay young forever!

Gratitude Composition Theme (8)

Because this little writer has a grateful heart. This composition is to inspire us to have a heart of gratitude for our parents and relatives. With a heart of gratitude, we should thank our parents for their support, our teachers for their earnest teachings, and our friends for accompanying us through the ups and downs. We have too many people to thank, and we will silently bless them all in our hearts. As the saying goes, "Every drop of water will be rewarded by the spring." What's more, parents and relatives ask us to pay not just "a drop of water", but "a large ocean".

"I didn't feel grateful to my parents, relatives and friends before, and now I feel so guilty." Should you also give them a cup of hot tea under the fatigue of your parents? Because they have paid hard work and energy for us, can we realize their wrinkles? Gratitude is to experience and repay with your sincere heart. Thanksgiving does not need earth shaking, just your greetings. Gratitude is meaningful.

The parents' efforts are far higher than the mountains and deeper than the sea. And we will become selfish and self reliant, forget what our parents have done, forget that we still have a conscience, a filial piety, because we will feel happy. Look at your relatives with a grateful heart. You will find that you are really happy now.

Learning to be grateful will broaden our hearts. Come on, let's be grateful!

Gratitude Composition Theme (9)

In our life, we can never be alone. When you succeed, you need to share happiness with others; After you fail, you need to share your worries with others; When you are lonely, you need friends+get along with you. However, do you think of gratitude when you have experienced countless difficulties and reached the peak of your life?

Thank our parents. Parents not only give us life, but also bring us up. From the moment I saw this beautiful world, my parents worked hard for us. When we are ill, our parents send us to the hospital; When we are hungry, our parents cook for us; When we are cold, our parents add some clothes for us; When we are wronged, our parents will open their hearts and share difficulties with us. Mother love, like rain, moistens our hearts; Father's love is like a mountain, perseverance, and more than ten years of hard work; Motherly love is like the sea, vast and boundless; Father love is like a cup of tea, sometimes bitter, sometimes sweet. We are grateful to our parents for their love.

Thank our teachers. If parents shape our bodies, then teachers build our souls. The teacher is selfless, and the three feet platform opens up a new world, holding chalk to write immortal poems! Today's teachers have transcended the ancients' "preaching, imparting, and dispelling doubts", but like candles, they sacrifice their youth for the 'future' of students. We should be grateful to our teachers who are willing to be human ladders.

Thank you for our school. It's the school, let's get together and fight for our ideals. It is the school that provides the platform for our competition. It is the school that equips us with computers, allowing us to bathe in the spring breeze of multimedia education; TV has been installed for us to enjoy the sunshine of distance education; It provides us with a variety of cultural and sports equipment, allowing us to develop morally, intellectually, physically and aesthetically in an all-round way. All these things are selflessly provided by the school. What the school pursues is not economic benefits, but a bright tomorrow for every child. We are grateful to our school, the paradise where we grow up, and the cradle of talents in our motherland!

With gratitude in mind, life will be like a once bright flower. Although it is no longer bright after wind and rain, you can still appreciate its subtle fragrance. In life, we need to be grateful to many people. We should be grateful to the people who gave birth and raised you. They make you experience life and grow continuously; Be grateful to those who help and care for you. It is they who take you through difficulties and give you warmth; Be grateful to those who encourage you. They give you strength; We should even be grateful to the person who has hurt us. He has tempered your mind and strengthened your will; Only when we know how to be grateful, can the warmth of love make our life always lovely.

Gratitude Composition Theme (10)

Because my grandmother was in poor health, I lived in her home since I was born. My grandmother and my family all care about me very much, but my grandfather is the one who has the deepest feelings for me.

My mother said that my grandfather doted on me when I was very young. When I was born, no matter how tired he was after work, he always picked me up, teased me and kissed me when he came home. Because I was very naughty at that time. When I slept, I always let adults sleep in their arms. When I put it down, I woke up. When I woke up, I cried. My grandfather held me all day long. Sometimes, even when he sleeps, he holds me in his arms and sits on the chair to sleep, afraid that I will cry.

I remember when I was five years old, I felt uncomfortable one night and didn't want to eat when I ate. My grandpa saw my face was red and my whole person was listless. He quickly took out a thermometer to take my temperature. "Ah! Du..." Grandpa hurriedly pushed out of the car, spread the mat, took a quilt, put a pillow, let Grandma stay at home and watch home, and took me to the hospital. When I got to the hospital, Grandpa kept running upstairs and downstairs, registering, queuing, taking medicine, and running breathlessly... The doctor hung a needle on me, and Grandpa kept watching me, wiping my forehead with alcohol cotton balls to cool down, until my fever subsided, Grandpa was relieved.

My grandfather was also very concerned about my study. Once, our teacher said that we should buy lessons to practice. My grandpa took me to buy it and went to the bookstores in the north of the city. Grandpa took me to the south of the city to buy. When we got on the bridge, Grandpa was very tired and sweating. The clothes on his back were all wet. I said sadly, "Grandpa, let me down!" But Grandpa said, "Don't get off the bus. We'll be there soon." Finally, I bought the book.

My grandfather accompanies me to school and after school all the year round, no matter it's windy or rainy. Once, it was raining heavily. I guess Grandpa would not come to pick me up. I was looking at the heavy rain at the school gate and worried. Suddenly, a familiar figure appeared in the heavy rain, ah Grandpa, it's Grandpa "Kid, wait a minute. It's raining hard today. It's not easy to walk......" "Grandpa,......" My tears burst out

Now I left my grandfather's house because my parents were working, but my relationship with my grandfather did not fade with my departure. On the contrary, my yearning for my grandfather grew day by day. Grandpa, don't worry. I will study hard and repay your kindness to me with my excellent achievements.

Gratitude Composition Theme (11)

Composition 1 on thanking relatives

Our teacher's purpose in class is not to teach the children to sing this song, but to lead them to understand their family and study the words with the help of this song. I told two stories today, one of which is like this: Once upon a time, there was a good family, and the mother and son lived together and lived a dull life. Soon, a demon came to the village. She turned into a beautiful woman and confused people in the village, including the kind young man. Unable to resist the temptation, the boy soon became a slave of the devil, and everything was under her command. One day, the Devil gave an order again: "Ah Qiang, go and get your mother's heart." "Yes!" The boy hurried home, "Mother, I want..." "What do you want?" "I want your heart!" The mother took out her heart without hesitation and handed it to her son. The young man hurried to drive away the devil with his mother's heart in his hands. He was accidentally stumbled by a stone, and his mother's heart was severely broken. At this time, the broken heart said: "Son, do you hurt?". What a moving story. In life, my father and mother treat me like this without complaining or asking for return.

Maybe it's because my class is young. When I asked "Do your parents love you?" many children told me they didn't love you. I wonder why they don't love. Children tell me more about how my parents don't buy them what they want, how they scold them loudly, and how they ask them to learn. When I write about this, some people may say that today's children are too selfish to be grateful and only know their own needs. In fact, I wonder who is responsible for children's selfishness. Children are born like this, aren't they. This is closely related to children's education, more specifically, family education. "Son is unfilial, father is wrong" is too right. Our school once visited some guests in Singapore. They always felt modest and spoke and worked with a grateful heart. I think maybe the overall quality of our citizens can't keep up with them, but I must guide the children in my class to learn how to be grateful. Isn't there a song called Thanksgiving Heart

Think about myself. I have been cared by my parents since childhood. My parents never ask me what to do. Although I have done some small things for my parents, I ask myself, sometimes I think too little about them. I often contradict them because of their backward thinking, and despise them because of some simple words they said, and complain about them because they didn't give me the entrance exam to the high school. In fact, from the bottom of my heart, I know that parents are really not easy. I can always clearly remember my father when I was in middle school, he bent down to sell strawberries at the gate of the vegetable market. His eyebrows were tight because of the light business. At that time, I could only turn around and let the sour tears fall. My mother is a simple housewife who can no longer be simple. Although living conditions are good now, she still refuses to buy new clothes. Most of the family's living expenses are used to buy vegetables. Maybe in her eyes, only good food can make the whole family nutritious and healthy.

Years of relentless imprint on their parents' bodies, the hair turns white, the skin without water has made wrinkles, and spots quietly climb on their faces and hands. Sometimes I can't bear to look at their faces, because then I will feel uneasy.

I want to tell my students how I feel, so that they will also feel their parents' affection from the heart. When this song is sung again, my mood is as bright and happy as outside the window, because my home is as healthy and warm!

Composition 2 about thanking relatives

Everyone is born with a feeling of gratitude. We should be grateful for life, life, society... and our parents.

To embrace a grateful heart is like lighting a light in the journey of life; Holding a grateful heart is like holding the key to a door of the palace of life; To embrace a grateful heart is like having a strong ship in the ocean of life; Embrace a grateful heart, just like a bird has a tail to adjust its balance

Meng Jiao wrote in "The Wanderer Sings" that the thread in the hands of a loving mother and the coat of a wandering son are closely sewn before they leave, and they are afraid of returning late. Who can say that the heart of grass will be rewarded with three spring rays. The love between mother and son is expressed between the lines, and the charm of mother love is poured out every word. We are now bathed in the sunshine woven by maternal love, sucking the nectar and jade dew full of maternal love. Mother's love is great, so is father's love. What our parents give us is selfless love that others cannot reach.

Looking at my parents' forehead full of years, looking at the back full of rain, dew, wind and frost, looking at the white hair full of hardships, a kind of inexplicable tears flowing down my cheeks, I cried, that was the call of family.

Watching those naughty little brothers often make their mothers cry with anger, watching their parents worry that their children can become Jackie Chan, watching their parents worry because their children's grades have slipped again and again, and seeing silver snakes on their foreheads, a hot thing bursting out of their eyes, that is the tears of gratitude.

Our parents gave us life, nurtured us to grow up, and educated us to grow up. Without parents, there would be no us. When we played in the classroom and in the playground, our parents were working hard for our high tuition fees. Whenever I come home from school, my heart is happy to see my parents, and at the same time, I feel pain for my parents' busy work for our life.

Life with a grateful heart is beautiful. Life is like a piece of white paper. With a grateful heart, pink will appear on the paper. Be grateful all your life. The background of paper is pink, and you will have a better life.

Composition 3 about thanking relatives

A drop of grace must be repaid by a spring.


Thank God for giving life to the earth.

Thank the earth for giving us living space.

Thank you for giving space to my parents.

Thank my parents for giving me precious life.

In the world, many want our thanks, many deserve our thanks. It is said that a drop of grace will be repaid by a spring, but we cannot repay our parents for their boundless love like the sea and the sky. However, it is also a way of repaying parents by doing a good job of filial piety in their lifetime.

"Who can say that every inch of grass will be rewarded by the sun?" The crow still knows how to feed back, but now, how many people can and will do it? Your parents helped you.

You don't think they are good enough; When your parents help you, what you give them is revenge? How many big bosses who have made money have left their parents behind and lived happily? How many children see their parents last? Busy? That's just an excuse! Time is squeezed out, as long as there is such a heart, there must be time!

Our parents' beating and scolding are our hostility; Our parents' nagging makes us tired, but who is it for? It's for us. We don't know what to do!

What is the purpose of the three evictions of Meng's mother?

Zengzi killed pigs for what?

In order to give us comfort, but we give our parents comfort?

Thank your parents! Let's be filial in our parents' lifetime instead of repenting at the grave!

Gratitude Composition Theme (12)

Composition I on thanksgiving friends

The four seasons come and go, and flowers bloom and fall. Living in the world, people are not alone, because in addition to parents, there are many friends. We should be grateful for the upbringing of our parents, but we should also be grateful to our friends. Because we are friends, we feel the friendship in the world.

Friendship is great. If you want, many people can become your friends. Friendship, sometimes dull, sometimes full of passion, different times have different beauty.

There is a story that happened in an orphanage in Vietnam. Due to the indiscriminate bombing of the aircraft, a bomb was thrown into the orphanage, several children and staff were killed, and several children were injured. One of the girls lost a lot of blood, which was very serious! Fortunately, a medical team came here soon after. There are two people in the group, a female doctor and a female nurse. The female doctor quickly gave first aid, but there was something wrong with the little girl. A little girl lost a lot of blood and needed blood transfusion, but there was no plasma available in the few medical supplies they brought. So the doctor decided to use local materials. She tested the blood of all the people present, and finally found that several children had the same blood type as the little girl. However, the problem occurred again, thinking that the doctor and nurse could only speak a little Vietnamese and English, while the staff and children in the orphanage could only understand Vietnamese.

So the female doctor tried to use her Vietnamese and a lot of gestures to tell the children: "Your friend is seriously injured, she needs blood, and you need to give her blood transfusion.". Finally, the children nodded, as if they understood, but with a trace of fear in their eyes. The children did not say anything, and no one was willing to raise their hands to express their willingness to donate blood. The female doctor did not expect such an outcome! Why didn't they donate blood to save their friends? Didn't they understand what I just said to them?

Suddenly, a small hand was slowly raised, but it was just half raised and then put down, and then it was raised again. Never put it down again! The doctor was very happy and immediately took the boy to the temporary operating room and let him lie in bed. The boy lay stiffly on the bed, watching the needle slowly inserted into his tiny arm, watching his blood being pulled away little by little! Tears flow down my cheeks unconsciously. He asked nervously if the needle hurt him, and shook his head. But the tears have not stopped. The doctor began to be a little flustered, because she always felt that something must be wrong, but where is it? The needle can't hurt the child! At the critical moment, a Vietnamese nurse arrived at the orphanage. The woman doctor told the Vietnamese nurse about the situation. The Vietnamese nurse quickly bent down and talked with the child in bed. Soon, the child turned to smile through tears. It turned out that those children had misunderstood the words of the female doctor, thinking that she was going to draw a person's blood for the little girl. The little boy cried because he thought he would die soon! The doctor finally understood why no one would like to donate blood just now. "Since he thought he would die after donating blood, why is he willing to donate blood?" The doctor asked the Vietnamese nurse. So the Vietnamese nurse asked the boy in Vietnamese. The boy answered without thinking. The answer was very simple, only a few words, but it moved everyone present.

I was deeply moved after reading this article. I was moved by the little boy's behavior of sacrificing his life for friendship. I wonder if you have noticed: when we are more and more valuing our own interests and ignoring the interests of others; When we play with more and more friends, and feel more and more lonely; Then the friendship will be farther and farther away from you. Especially compared with family and love, it is the most prosaic, but it is always around you.

Friendship is as light as water, as light as spring, and friends are as elegant and fragrant as flowers; Friends are like rain, delicate and clear. We should treat our friends with a heart of gratitude. It is they who let us know a lot of truth... So we should thank and be grateful to every friend around us!

Composition II on thanksgiving friends

Looking at this topic, a petite figure flashed into my mind. Her name is Xu Yidan. She is thin, small, and has tomboy like hair. Her melon seed face is embedded with a pair of big, flickering eyes, which makes her beautiful and handsome.

I want to thank her because she helped me at a critical moment.

She is a transfer student, transferred from another school to our class. When she first came, we all rejected her and no one played with her. Later, slowly, several girls played with her, but we boys still hated her and often looked for opportunities to bully her. I remember once, on the way out of school, I grabbed her schoolbag and ran forward, shouting: "Come after me! I will give it back to you!" I have been far ahead. Now I feel guilty when I think about it. I thought she was funny when I saw her chasing me out of breath.

Just as I was laughing to my heart's content, she suddenly shouted: "Be careful!" I instinctively turned my head, and before I could see what was ahead, I had a close contact with the roadside trees with a "bang". I sat down on the ground with stars in my eyes, and the blood in my nose suddenly poured out like the Yellow River. I looked at the blood smeared on my hands and dripping down. I was so frightened that I was at a loss. So I opened my hands and cried, letting the blood and tears flow down. She saw this scene, regardless of the past grievances, and quickly caught up with me. Without breathing, she helped me to the pool and took out her favorite handkerchief to clean for me. I don't know how long it took me to stop my nosebleed. She sighed like she was successful and said, "Well, it's OK. Be careful in the future!" I said with shame, "Thank you! I was really sorry before." After that, I lowered my head, embarrassed to look at her. She said with an open smile, "It doesn't matter, who let us be good classmates and friends!" Since then, we have become best friends.

I want to thank her because she let me know the warmth and preciousness of friendship. Although we are separated now, I often miss her.

Composition 3 on thanksgiving friends

"Peter, do you still remember the promise we made in the first day of the junior high?"

I am a wild boy, completely wild boy, at least I think so. However, Mike never allows me to say that about myself. Every time after an exam, I always scold myself: "Damn it, no, I'm so stupid. Then he scanned his paper and covered it with patches. It seemed that the marking teacher saw that the paper was a little disgusted, and made an extremely ugly 76, followed by adding and subtracting. The final equals sign was followed by a score that was even uglier than 76: 66.

"It turned out that I had miscalculated the score, which made me happy in vain." Only very rarely do I look like a good student like Mike - I cry when I fail in the exam. It's not that I don't worry about my grades, but my tears are not enough for my grades to flow. Moreover, I am a man, and I grew up learning the saying that "men don't tear lightly".

Of course, Mike and I were also very proud when we were together - that was PE class. When running, Mike is always like bean sprouts, limping at the last one in the army. I will run back from the first one to find Mike. Run slowly with him, and then get punished together - 100 squats. I will help Mike do half of it. I know that he will fall on the playground after a hundred squats.

Many people say that there is little friendship between boys, but the good relationship between Mike and me does exist. Like a conjoined baby, even if two people have very different personalities, they can't live without each other.

This time, we had a midterm exam. I, Bide, once again proudly ranked 36th and 7th from the bottom. The pressure brought by the high school entrance examination and the tense nerves of each student in the face of the atmosphere created by the high school entrance examination made me cry with Mike on the playground for the first time.

I said, Mike, I really can't enter Sun Shine High School. They won't accept my bad grades. You can take the exam yourself.

Before I finished speaking, I saw Mike's serious face

"Peter, do you still remember the promise we made in the first day of the junior high?"

"Well, remember, we have to take the same high school exam."

"Then, you should not lose heart. You will pass the high school exam, which we have always wanted to take."

I didn't say anything. We went home separately.

Because Mike knew that his good friend, Peter, would work hard. Their common dream will come true.

And I also know that I will definitely be admitted to the high school that we yearn for together!

Because of you!

Because of you, I am not afraid of anything. Because of you, I will not be afraid. Because of you, I have unlimited power. Because of you, we will bloom the glory of life together!

Thank you, my friend.