Safety Accompanies My Growth Composition (15 pieces)
Warm and waiting, still beautiful
2023-09-28 00:44:28
topic of conversation

Safety Accompanies My Growth Composition (1)

Safety is the source of life. Only by paying attention to safety and abiding by safety rules can we keep the god of death away from us and let the flower of life bloom forever.

There are safe and unsafe things everywhere, and we can see them at any time. These unsafe things can be avoided, but what is the reason why unsafe things happen one after another? It is unsafe.

As far as I know, some primary and middle school students will slide down from the handrail on the right side of the stairs when they go downstairs, which is unsafe. This kind of thing often causes some students to break their arms and legs, or even cause lifelong paralysis in serious cases. People not only have to suffer skin and flesh, but also families have to bear huge medical expenses, which is really a double whammy.

On May 8 last year, at the construction site of the West Ring Road in a city, another horrible tragedy occurred: two first grade students fell into a pit and all died. The pit was only more than two meters deep, which was left after a factory removed the boiler that was half buried under it. After the heavy rain hit the city, the rain filled the big pit, and the two children fell into it carelessly. As long as the construction site buried the "trap", the tragedy could be completely avoided.

Of course, safety also exists, and it happens around us. Look! Here is a practical example. It's time for the students to finish school. At the crossroads in front of this school, the pupils are lining up in a neat line, holding yellow flags, waiting for the green light before crossing the road! The endless stream of vehicles also abide by the traffic rules, always bearing in mind the rule of "stop at red light, go at green light, and go faster at yellow light", which is a safe behavior.

Safe and dangerous things can be seen everywhere in life. As long as we pay attention to avoiding dangerous things, we will keep safety in the world forever and let safety accompany me to grow!

Safety Accompanies My Growth Composition (2)

In the 21st century, national defense has become the most basic guarantee of the country. Today, the United States has deployed a missile defense system, and Russia, Japan and other countries have successively strengthened their military forces and developed modern weapons. Why? Originally, it was all for strengthening national defense. This is because national defense is vital.

In my mind, national defense is the foundation of a country. Our great Chairman Mao once said, "Political power comes out of the barrel of a gun." Yes, if a country's national defense strength is weak, then that country's political power cannot be stable. Isn't Iraq and Afghanistan a good example? If Iraq and Afghanistan had strong national defense forces, would the United States still invade them? A country without a strong national defense will be slaughtered sooner or later. We all know the Opium War in 1840, the corruption and incompetence of the Qing Dynasty, the weakness of national defense, and how to ensure national security. If China had a strong national defense force at that time, then China would not be invaded by imperialism. If the stability of the country cannot be guaranteed, the people cannot live a happy and peaceful life.

In my heart, national defense is also a symbol of peace. If every country has a strong national defense, there are few wars in the world. To develop national defense is not to invade other countries, but to safeguard the peace of our own country. As one of the members of the United Nations, China has the responsibility to maintain peace, so we must have a strong national defense force to maintain world peace.

"Everyone is responsible for the rise and fall of the world." Yes, we are the future of our country. We should study hard, devote ourselves to national defense in the future, and work hard for our country to have a strong national defense!

Safety Accompanies My Growth Composition (3)

Some people say that life is a treasure, containing rich energy; Some people say that life is gold, which can create rich wealth; I said that life is a flower, just like the colorful flowers in spring, and the world is also wonderful because of our blooming life. However, some people easily let the flower of life wither prematurely before it can bloom.

Now, with the development of society, people's living standards are constantly improving, but the improvement also brings a lot of security risks. For example, there are more and more vehicles on the road, the road is more and more crowded, and there are more and more traffic accidents. The shocking scenes not only appear in TV reports, but also occur on our way to school every day. Every year, I don't know how many lives are taken, how many families are destroyed, and how many people are going to lose their loved ones.

"Stop at the red light, go at the green light, wait when the yellow light comes on". The red light is a sign of danger. The red light is a symbol of "blood" and a call for "death". We should pay enough attention to it in our minds. We should resolutely stop at the red light. The green light symbolizes "life" and "peace". Only the green light can lead us to a safe and smooth road. We should bear in mind that without the restriction of red light, there will be no green light. Let it no longer be a simple slogan, but a 'rule' that everyone abides by, because it not only maintains social order, but also serves as a talisman for the safety of our lives.

In the school, the handrail of the stairs is used for safety protection. However, some students did not walk on the good stairs and rode down the handrail. If they did not hold the handrail well, they might fall head broken and bleeding; Others deliberately crowded and jumped down several stairs on purpose. This is not a brave act. Let's always remember the simple but full of safety and love words such as "walk well up and down stairs", "stairs are not runways, and do not run up and down stairs".

Of course, security is not only about these, but also about many aspects. As long as we all remember the order and rules in our hearts, and everyone can consciously abide by these rules, I believe that more tragic accidents can be avoided.

The most precious thing is life. Life is only once for everyone. Cherish life, pay attention to safety, let safety accompany me to grow, and let the flower of life bloom all the time.

Safety Accompanies My Growth Composition (4)

If we want people to live a happy and healthy life, we must first achieve the word "safety". The word "safety" is easier said than done. Life is the most valuable, peace is happiness. Let's join hands and create a safe living environment for us.

The fire is merciless and life is priceless. Fire is terrible, safety is important. This is a touching true story. Although the fire has been put out, those brave firefighters have left us forever.

On the morning of August 2, 20xx, a fire broke out in Mengniu Dairy Ice Cream Factory. The fire was extremely fierce. After receiving the fire command, Zheng Fei and his colleagues from the third combat squad of the first squadron immediately put on their gas masks, picked up the beeper, water gun and fire fighting, and rushed in against the smoke and fire.

"There are still people inside!" shouted a worker as he ran out. The burning warehouse is in danger of collapsing at any time. Zheng Fei and his colleagues did not hesitate for a moment, but went inside to continue searching. A few minutes later, the roof of the steel structure of the cold storage collapsed suddenly because it could not withstand the burning fire, and dozens of tons of steel frames and decorative materials poured down. The hot steel plate immediately pressed on the young bodies of the three soldiers. When the comrades in arms rescued them from the ruins with tears in their eyes, Zheng Fei and his two colleagues were bloodied and stopped breathing, and the monitor Zheng Fei still held the water gun tightly in his hands

In our country, for every eight people who die, seven people die on the road. Therefore, we should not only pay attention to fire safety, but also pay attention to traffic safety. Police uncle often tells us: "The red light is short, and life is infinite." People are eager to be safe, to live healthy and happy. There is only one life, but some people are joking about it.

This is what I saw with my own eyes the other day. The whole process of the incident made everyone nervous——

I was walking on the sidewalk after school. The traffic lights at the crossroads ahead are changing from yellow to red. 3、 Two -- When everyone was waiting for the red light to let people on the side drive, a black car roared past without slowing down. What's more dangerous is that an aunt riding an electric bicycle just passed the zebra crossing, and the car came from the side of the aunt riding an electric bicycle at a high speed. At this time, our hearts are tight. Fortunately, the aunt who rode an electric bicycle was slow when she crossed the intersection, and she braked in time. She passed the black car and avoided an accident.

Life is fragile. If you are not careful, you will wave away forever. There is only one life, we should cherish it. May everyone go out happily and go home safely - I hope safety will always accompany us, and may we walk safely through life and have a safe journey!

Safety Accompanies My Growth Composition (5)

Rows of high-rise buildings, busy green roads, and people coming and going, constitute a colorful picture of prosperous life.

But did you notice? A "black ghost" has taken advantage of the opportunity to sneak into the colorful world, trying to break the peaceful and happy life.

At the crossroads, a red car came at a gallop. A pretty "young boy" holding the steering wheel in one hand and the mobile phone in the other hand was talking happily. When the red light came on, the car still ran forward as usual. The "Black Ghost" changed and a truck carrying watermelons drove steadily to the car. "Bang", a terrible tragedy happened... "Black Ghost" sneered several times, turned into a black smoke and flew away.

Not far away, there came a clear and sweet song. A young man was riding his bicycle and came leisurely. Look, how happy he is! Later, he danced "S" dance on the road, and then let go alone... "Black Ghost" felt that the boy was too cute, and decided to play a trick on him. The boy was not afraid of the road suddenly appeared an old grandfather with white hair, walking on crutches, and panicked. After a sudden brake, he fell to the ground with his car and people, and his singing turned into a groan

Life is short and long. How many times can we meet this "just in case" in our life, but how many times can we bear it? This is the consequence of not obeying the traffic rules!

The sun is yours every day, the sunset is yours, the health is yours, and the safety is yours. I hope that the sigh of "driving a long car to break through the Helan Mountain" is not empty sorrow for the accident. Let's cherish life and always remember that safety is in my heart!

Safety Accompanies My Growth Composition (6)

Dear teachers and students

Hello, everyone. The topic of my speech today is "Safety Accompanies My Growth". When it comes to safety, everyone is familiar with it, but what is safety?

Safety is a kind of benevolence, and benevolence is love. Safety is people-oriented, that is to love and protect people's life and property, and regard people as the most precious in the world. The "human" here is not abstract but concrete, not a concept, but a living life.

Security is a kind of civilization. Safety technology depends on science and technology, culture and education, and economic foundation. In a word, it depends on social progress and the improvement of people's quality. "Calling for security and civilization is the fundamental interest of the development of human society.

Safety is a word that must be understood in life. If you don't pay attention to it, tragedy will appear in your world, so please pay attention to safety. Remember, strictness is love, looseness is harm, and accidents will harm generations.

Today, in combination with the actual situation of our school, we propose the following suggestions on safety matters in transportation, learning activities, food hygiene, living habits, etc.:

(1) Conscientiously abide by the traffic rules, such as: when crossing the road, you should see the signal lights clearly, stop at the red light, go at the green light, take the crosswalk, and do not cross the traffic barrier;

(2) Arrange work and rest time, combine work and rest, and properly carry out healthy and beneficial activities. Make preparations before the activity to prevent accidental injuries.

(3) Do not buy junk food and pay attention to environmental hygiene.

(4) Do not chat with strangers, prevent evil people from kidnapping, and do not listen to strangers, do not do things, do not take the road, and do not take things.

(5) It is not allowed to play with fire or get electric shock to prevent personal injury and accidents.

Students, let's join hands to create a safe and civilized campus.

My speech is over, thank you!

Safety Accompanies My Growth Composition (7)

"Life", what a vivid word; "Safety" is a topic that has been repeated by people. Life can only be kept alive in safety. If a live life is lost or incomplete due to carelessness or misfortune in daily work, how much pain will it bring to a family and how much loss will it bring to society. Paul Kochagin once said: "Life is the most precious thing for a person, and life is only once for a person." But our youth's life is a budding flower, which is about to bloom with charming brilliance, beautiful but delicate, so we should cherish it and not let it wither prematurely.

I remember once when I was young, my grandfather was cutting iron wire, and I took one to play with. I poked and poked, and somehow I poked into the power socket. Ouch! I felt as if thousands of needles were stuck on my arms together, and as if my hands were numb and shaking from some machine, I felt extremely uncomfortable. I was so frightened that I could not cry or cry out. It was like being in the jaws of death. In my anxiety, I subconsciously pulled the iron wire down from the socket. I was liberated from extreme fear, but my hands were still numb and seemed to be shaking. Later, my grandfather taught me not to touch wires, power sockets and other electrified things. I will remember this all my life. If you learn from a setback, safety comes first. Life can't be a joke.

In life, we often see that someone jumped over the fence and was hit by a car because of "saving time", even lost his life, leaving his parents who loved him and raised him; Someone ran a red light illegally and was hit by a passing truck and broke his leg; Someone fell down the stairs due to a temporary carelessness, and the crowded crowd stepped on their bodies; Some people fall into the water for fun. Fear and ignorance make them fall into the hands of death; Some people, out of curiosity, play with fire and lose their beauty is their face... How much damage have they caused to their relatives? How much loss? He has become a lifelong disability, leaving endless burdens on the society! Regret, guilt, pain. Maybe they should be the pillars of the country, maybe they are the top students in the class, maybe the children and old people in the family are waiting for them to go home to have dinner... too many maybe, too many shouldn't!

Safety is all around us, safety is no small matter! Let safety accompany us through every day!

Are these living examples not enough to prove the value of safe life and health? Can money buy people's health? Life is priceless!

Safety is in daily life. "Crossing the road, looking from side to side, walking on the crosswalk line, not running and playing on the road" is a nursery rhyme we have long known; It is a "small" thing that the teacher has told us thousands of times not to fight or chase in the class after class; Go home on time after school without talking to strangers; Don't touch the power switch and so on, too many safety warnings, is it a deaf ear? Is it a slogan? No, by no means! We can no longer lose loved ones, blood lessons, tears of iron evidence. Keep these in mind, we can have a lifetime of happiness, our ideal family and friendship has practical value.

Protect your life and your bright future! Cherish life, cherish every bit of life! Let safety accompany our happy growth!

Safety Accompanies My Growth Composition (8)

"Safety" is always talked about, but have we done it? One after another tragic picture emerged before my eyes:

Remember? In 20 -, an aunt rode a bicycle to pick up her children from school. She could see that a large truck was rushing forward at all costs. As a result, the truck tilted to the left in order to avoid an oncoming bus. This shocking scene happened. The child died on the spot, his brain was still stuck on the wheels of the truck, and the aunt lost her life because of the ineffective rescue. How sad people are today. A happy family was destroyed by a merciless car accident. If we obey the traffic rules at ordinary times, this matter can be completely avoided.

Do you know Sizhi and Sirang? Four knowledges are: first, know the theme, that is, welcome the Olympic Games and create a harmonious traffic environment; Second, know the content, that is, rectify the illegal acts of pedestrians and non motor vehicles; Third, know the goal, that is, vehicles do not cross the line, people do not cross the line, go their own ways, and keep order; Four knowledge norms, namely, driving norms, parking norms, facility norms, and road occupation norms. Four concessions are: people give up warmth, people give up order, cars give up safety and cars give up understanding. I think if we all remember to know four things and give four directions, and improve our traffic safety awareness, we will reduce the occurrence of traffic accidents.

The red light stops, the green light goes, and the yellow light goes on. Wait a minute. You all know this little poem about traffic civilization! The so-called red light stop, but some children are red light OK. There is more than one such thing. Zhou Miao's classmate in our class has suffered a lot: once, Zhou Miao and several other classmates came home from school to fight and make a racket. You chased me and I chased you, ignoring the red light on the sidewalk, and rushed over. At that moment, a car came rushing over. Zhou Miao was at a loss, and before he knew what to do, he was hit by the car and hurt his leg, The driver wanted to take the opportunity to escape. Fortunately, Liao Xuan was smart and ran forward to remember the license plate. He hurried to send Zhou Miao to the hospital. A storm calmed down. Then the green light line is the time when the green light comes on, which is our time to cross the road. There are many traffic accidents like this: a child is bouncing on the sidewalk. Look here, look there. Just walking in the middle of the road, the red light comes on, and the car behind is turning around. The sudden brake that hasn't come yet hit the child, causing the tragedy of the child's disability. Wait a minute when the yellow light comes on. Although people and cars can walk at the yellow light, the yellow light only lasts for ten seconds, and often turns into a red light when they walk in the middle of the road. I once saw this situation when I came home from school: a brother about 14 years old ran across the road when the yellow light came on. As a result, a motorcycle was too eager to wait. Just starting the car, the big brother hit it, How fearless! Therefore, for safety reasons, it is better to wait for the green light to light up and walk.

After listening to my introduction, you must have a deep feeling! For the sake of no tragedy, let traffic safety accompany me to grow!

Safety Accompanies My Growth Composition (9)

This evening, all the students in our school watched some knowledge about safety. "Popularize safety knowledge to ensure the safety of life". Hazards are all around us. In order to prevent the occurrence of various hazards, we should learn safety knowledge, always remember the importance of safety, pay attention to safety, and prevent the occurrence of hazards. It is the responsibility of each of our citizens to be responsible for their own life safety, and also help others around us, care for. Get along well with your classmates, try to avoid conflicts with them, and live in harmony with them on campus.

Traffic safety accidents generally occur in society and some streets. So we should learn traffic knowledge, understand it, and then apply it to our own lives, get rid of bad living habits, and correctly use traffic common sense. Many reasons for traffic accidents among middle school students are that they do not understand the importance and danger of safety, but they just think it is an ordinary thing that can't be ordinary anymore, but this is something we must do. The correct route is to keep to the right, stop at the red light and go at the green light.

Safety on campus is also very important. There are too many students in the school, and some dangers may occur. It is important to prevent stampede. The stairs should be orderly and not crowded. These things happened in some schools, which aroused our school's great attention, so every class has a class card, which greatly reduces the danger. Also, the order of all classes in the laboratory is very important. We should not be too curious. Sometimes curiosity can be bad. For another example, if heatstroke occurs during physical education, the correct way is to put him in a cool place and let him drink some sunstroke medicine.

Fire safety is based on "prevention first and combination of prevention and fire fighting". What we middle school students should remember is that when there is a fire, they should escape from the safe passage. If the passage is blocked, they should avoid congestion and pushing. There are also middle school students who cannot bring kindling into the campus to avoid accidents.

Personal home safety includes safe use of electricity. You can't make phone calls in thunderstorms. One should close the doors and windows at home and not allow strangers to enter.

In short, we should always keep in mind the safety rules and let safety accompany our growth.

Safety Accompanies My Growth Composition (10)

Life is precious. A person has only one life, so we should cherish life more and never let it be lost easily.

Today's society is not safe at all. Many people lose their lives because of industrial accidents, others because they don't obey traffic rules, and many others.

I saw on TV that in 11 months, the number of people who died in various industrial safety accidents in China was as high as 120000! Doesn't this astronomical number wake us up and shock us?

I cried when I saw the tragedies and scenes on TV, and I felt sad when I saw the hands in need of assistance at the scene of the accident! It is those who have no safety in their eyes that make thousands of families lose the right to laugh and make countless individuals cry bitterly. This is because people do not value the result of life!

As a pupil, what should we do to be safer? Because only when we grow up healthily and safely can our parents and all those who care about us be happy. I think we should do the following:

First of all, we should obey the traffic rules and all the public rules that should be obeyed. Only when everyone consciously maintains the social order, can we avoid many unnecessary sacrifices caused by violations; Secondly, we should always be vigilant and keep away from criminals, such as not eating food and drinks given by strangers, not opening the door for strangers when one is at home, and calling the police when encountering criminal activities according to the situation... Third, when we play with friends, we must pay attention not to play with dangerous goods, and not to do or imitate dangerous actions in films and television works; Finally, we should also actively exercise our bodies and learn some knowledge about risk avoidance and self rescue. When encountering danger and emergencies, we should never panic. We should calm down and use our knowledge to save others and ourselves.

We must cherish life and hope that each of us can grow healthily and happily!

Safety Accompanies My Growth Composition (11)

Model composition 1: safety accompanies my growth

Some people say that life is a treasure, containing rich energy; Some people say that life is gold, which can create rich wealth; I said that life is a flower, just like the colorful flowers in spring, and the world is also wonderful because of our blooming life. However, some people easily let the flower of life wither prematurely before it can bloom.

Now, with the development of society, people's living standards are constantly improving, but the improvement also brings a lot of security risks. For example, there are more and more vehicles on the road, the road is more and more crowded, and there are more and more traffic accidents. The shocking scenes not only appear in TV reports, but also occur on our way to school every day. Every year, I don't know how many lives are taken, how many families are destroyed, and how many people are going to lose their loved ones.

"Stop at the red light, go at the green light, wait when the yellow light comes on". The red light is a sign of danger. The red light is a symbol of "blood" and a call for "death". We should pay enough attention to it in our minds. We should resolutely stop at the red light. The green light symbolizes "life" and "peace". Only the green light can lead us to a safe and smooth road. We should bear in mind that without the restriction of red light, there will be no green light. Let it no longer be a simple slogan, but a rule that everyone abides by, because it not only maintains social order, but also serves as a amulet for the safety of our lives.

In the school, the handrail of the stairs is used for safety protection. However, some students did not walk on the good stairs and rode down the handrail. If they did not hold the handrail well, they might fall head broken and bleeding; Others deliberately crowded and jumped down several stairs on purpose. This is not a brave act. Let's always remember the simple but full of safety and love words such as "walk well up and down stairs", "stairs are not runways, and do not run up and down stairs".

Of course, security is not only about these, but also about many aspects. As long as we all remember the order and rules in our hearts, and everyone can consciously abide by these rules, I believe that more tragic accidents can be avoided.

The most precious thing is life. Life is only once for everyone. Cherish life, pay attention to safety, let safety accompany me to grow, and let the flower of life bloom all the time.

Model Composition 2: Safety Accompanies My Growth

At the gate of the factory where my father went to work, there were two huge signs, which said: Come to work happily and go home safely. For every worker at work, safety is life. As students in our school, safety is still a very important issue. Whether we do exercises or play games, go up and down stairs, we need to remember the importance of safety all the time, because we pay attention to safety, that is, our own health.

I remember an idiom called "Be prepared for danger in times of safety". It means that no matter what a superior environment we are in, we should always think of certain threats staring at us, have a sense of hardship, know how to consider potential threats, and be prepared to deal with them.

When crossing the road, we should stop at the red light and go at the green light, as the kindergarten teacher taught us; Look around when crossing the road, do not run or play on the road, because it is very easy to cause traffic accidents when crossing the road carelessly. We live in the oil area, and there are more flammable and explosive places around. We should abide by their rules and regulations. For example, in places where oil and gas are concentrated, do not play with fire; Do not fight in crowded places; When bathing at home, keep the windows ventilated to avoid liquefied gas poisoning; When sleeping, we should check the doors and windows to prevent bad people from entering. Such things are basic safety knowledge and safety rules that we must abide by.

At home, we should be good obedient children. Because we are still in the stage of students, we know little about some safety knowledge in the society, and we can't distinguish those potential risk factors, what should be done, what should not be done, and how to do is safe. We should listen to the guidance of parents more.

"Safety is with me on campus, and I will take safety home". Whether we are at home or outside, we should remember that safety accompanies my growth. As long as we pay attention to safety all the time, we will have less harm and more health.

Model Composition 3: Safety Accompanies My Growth

We should always pay attention to safety, not only on the way to school, but also at school or at home. Human life is only once, so let safety accompany my growth.

First of all, we should not play and fight on the road. We should not run the red light. The red light can flash countless times, but life is only once. You can't break the traffic rules even if no one is on the road. If several small partners go home together, fight on the road and throw other people's things across the road, that person will rush to the opposite side of the road to pick up his own things at all costs. If he is unlucky and hit by a car, the consequences will be unimaginable.

We should not only pay attention to safety on the road, but also have hidden dangers in the campus we go to every day. Once, two boys in our class were fighting in the classroom, but one of them accidentally knocked his mouth on the corner of the table, bleeding a lot on the spot, and went to the hospital for several stitches, but his mouth left a deep scar.

Do not touch the plug or open the gas stove at home; Even when drinking boiled water, you should use your hands to test whether the temperature is suitable for drinking in advance, instead of picking it up and drinking it, which may easily cause burns; The leftovers, expired food, drinks, etc. should not be eaten at will. A little carelessness will cause food poisoning. Therefore, we must have a sense of safety, which will gradually increase with age.

There is only one life, but there are countless potential accidents. What we should do is to let the potential safety hazards disappear in the bud, that is, let us establish the good habit of safety first, cherishing life, abiding by discipline and law, and let safety grow with me forever.

Model composition for my growth with safety 4

Safety is what we need to pay attention to all the time. We will always need it. Attention to safety can protect us well.

When I was a child, safety was very important. I was careful when I walked or went up and down stairs for fear of falling. I am especially cautious when climbing slopes. If you don't pay attention to safety, you may fall and get hurt!

As you get older, you should be more careful when crossing the road. Don't run. You should look left and right to see if there are any cars crossing the road again. You should also walk to the zebra crossing, otherwise your life may be in danger.

During the Spring Festival, I can always hear the sound of blasting, and some people are always injured by the blasting. I was very careful when I fired the gun. I often lit the gun and immediately ran to a safe place to release it. But I was almost blown up when I was a little slow.

At the same time, we should pay attention not to take a stranger's car or walk with a stranger. If you are alone at home, don't open the door for a stranger.

Safety should be paid attention to during recess activities. During recess, games should not be played in the teaching building. When going up and down the stairs at school, do not run. Walk right up and down the stairs to avoid bumping between students

When summer came, more and more people were swimming. One time, my father took me to the beach to play. A child of three or four years old was hit by a big wave when he was in the water. Fortunately, an uncle grabbed his clothes, otherwise a fresh life would be lost.

Safety is very important to human life. Human life is only once. We should pay attention to safety, cherish life, grasp the boat of safety, and let safety accompany my growth!

Model composition for safe growth 5

From a very young age, my parents taught me to pay attention to safety. Look left and right when crossing the road, don't play with fire, and don't go into the water without permission. Many people always think: Even if an accident happens, it's not my turn! However, some people often lose their precious lives because they neglect safety.

I remember when I was five years old, my mother took me to the supermarket to buy snacks, only to find that the road in front of the supermarket was blocked. There were all police cars and some 120 ambulances shouting, and there were spots of blood on the ground. Mother was so frightened that she thought something was wrong and hurried to ask others. After asking, I learned that a mother took her child to the opposite side of the street to buy something. When crossing the street, the mother did not notice that the child did not follow her. She crossed the street alone and went to the supermarket. The child who was playing saw that his mother was no longer beside him, but on the opposite side of the road. He immediately ran over the road. When crossing the road, he ran too fast, and was hit by a speeding sports car and flew out. The child was fine at first, but the driver drove too fast to notice that he hit the child, and the wheel ran over the child again. The child died on the spot. Such a 7-year-old life will disappear forever. All this is because the child did not pay attention to safety.

Last year, another tragedy occurred in Huangshan District. In the evening, people went out for a walk after dinner, which was very leisurely, but the sound of the 119 fire alarm (rescue team) car brought fear to people. A first grade child had the misfortune to fall down when climbing a tree. The sharp trunk pierced her chin and the ground was covered with red blood. Four of the child's lower teeth were ejected, and she was in a coma. The rescue team rushed to help. Although it was timely, the child still did not wake up. They sent the child to the hospital for rescue. They quickly stitched and transfused blood, which saved the child's life. However, the child stayed in the hospital for four months. Climbing trees is dangerous, and the children are still very young. This is also caused by not paying attention to safety.

There are dangers all around us. We must pay attention to safety. Only when you are safe can you be happy. Let us remember: Be prepared for danger in times of peace and danger since childhood. Let safety accompany my growth!

Safety Accompanies My Growth Composition (12)

In the first class this afternoon, the teacher asked us to watch a movie on the fourth floor.

The clear bell of "Ding Ling Ling, Ding Ling Ling" condensed the curiosity of the students, so they all rushed to the fourth floor. On the fourth floor, the students were even more crowded. Some were sitting in other people's chairs, some were sitting in the aisles, and some were directly sitting on the ground. It was really a sea of people!

When the movie was played, the students who had just been making a lot of noise immediately put their hands together and watched it intently, as if everything was still. The first thing that came to our eyes was the six striking words "safety accompanies my growth". I saw that the students all stared their eyes wide, with the mentality of breaking the casserole and asking the truth. After another ten minutes, the students again looked thoughtful. Why this time? It turned out that an example was shown in the movie: two young students in the movie were late, so they only listened to half of the teacher's safety knowledge. The careful teacher found that after class, he called them to his office to ask two people. It turned out that they came late because they didn't think it was necessary to listen. The teacher listened, taught them earnestly, and told them the story of himself and his daughter: the former teacher did not pay attention to safety knowledge, but later fell into a deep fire, because the daughter was familiar with safety knowledge, he saved his own life...... After listening to the two students, if they nodded thoughtfully, they seemed to understand. The weather is unpredictable, and people are doomed. After school, the two students went home together by bus as usual. On the way.

The car leaked oil, so it caught fire. When the driver and passengers were at a loss, one of the two students just now remembered the teacher's words and stopped the fire in time, so that it didn't cause a big disaster

Time, like flowing water, is gone forever. Although this class passed quickly, I benefited a lot from it. At least as a child, I have firmly remembered the fire prevention and how to solve it. So how to prevent fire? First of all, we must prevent fire when we are at home. For example, when his father finishes smoking cigarettes, we should remind him that he must wait until the cigarette ends are out before putting them into the garbage can; When adults use liquefied petroleum gas stoves, they need to be ventilated immediately; Also, the stove should not be close to combustibles... Now let's talk about how to solve the fire! 1. When encountering fire, don't panic, cover your mouth and nose; 2 When in public places, everyone should not crowd, and should pick up the nearby fire extinguisher to put out the fire; 3 Whenever there is a fire, fire alarm 119 should be called immediately.

As the saying goes, "Ten disasters and nine disasters" mean something. Therefore, please use fire carefully to prevent fire invasion.

Safety Accompanies My Growth Composition (13)

The initial traffic is formed when the road is paved and people walk. Harmonious traffic conditions are naturally orderly and ingenious. In the daytime, we can see the vehicles on the road galloping and people walking separately, and the bustling city quietly swallows all the life. And the traffic lights are flashing; At night, it becomes a bustling scene of lights and neon lights. The road lies quietly on the earth, silent dedication, crossing countless people to and fro, emotional songs between the two places. People shuttle under the light and shadow of traffic lights and drive fast on the high overpass. Traffic has already been given the meaning of "transportation", and the rules and frames are leaves; The road is the bone of transportation. Gracefully stretching out numerous smooth and hard branches, it coils on the earth, and uses its huge body to construct a whole three-dimensional transportation network, which pushes the urban transportation forward slowly and pushes it across the threshold of a modern city.

Tall buildings rise from the ground, like towering peaks and lofty sentiments; Of course, the city is also full of traffic, which is as fast as mountains, streams and streams. It is wonderful everywhere. When walking around, there is a trickle of water rushing down from the bridge. The trees are green in the suburbs, standing on both sides of the straight asphalt road. The traffic network is laid in every corner of my sight, carrying a stream of people and vehicles day and night.

However, water can carry a boat and can also overturn it. It is undeniable that people have created traffic, but imperceptibly, our travel is also inseparable from the traffic network. The problem of travel safety has always puzzled us.

When I was young, I went out with my mother and saw many people around the intersection not far from my home. A middle-aged woman was lying on the ground and a car was parked beside her. At that time, I saw that the ground was full of blood and the wounded was also unconscious. The first thing I felt was fear and piercing cold, so I tightly pulled my mother's sleeve. Then the accident here was discovered. Several young girls picked up their mobile phones and called the police. My mother led me to the nearby supermarket and bought a roll of toilet paper to help the middle-aged woman bandage the wound. I stood there and watched in horror as people gathered around me. After a while, when my mother led me to leave, I often went back to look at the scene of the accident. Then, when the ambulance arrived in time, I was relieved and suppressed my excitement. That was probably the first time I learned what traffic safety is in a real sense. Until now, I still can't forget that scene, and can't help the heartache tragedy.

Life is so cheap, so cheap that it can be easily deprived. And I also learned that there are human young and young lives dying all the time in the world. They leave with their laughter and songs, leaving the living alone to remember their sadness. Life is extremely precious, so it is extremely fragile. It should be cherished by people rather than exiled at will. Countless sad stories are bloody lessons, warning us that traffic safety needs to be remembered by everyone.

Later, I gradually came into contact with more examples of traffic safety, and learned the importance of traffic safety. In addition, my mother paid special attention to traffic safety. When I was nine years old, she took me outside on a bicycle. It was an ordinary trip, but to my surprise, a speeding car ran out of the corner. It was too fast to cover my ears. My mother immediately pushed me out, and I fell to the ground without crying, Seeing the deja vu scene, my mother was lying on the ground like the middle-aged woman she had seen. The driver of the car has disappeared. There are not many people on both sides of the road. I sat helplessly on the ground and saw dark red blood slowly flowing out of my mother's side. I sat there crying loudly. A kind aunt asked me about my home phone number, but I didn't dare to delay. I suppressed my crying and told her. Then my father and uncle came, and I was taken away by my uncle until I saw my father accompany my mother to the ambulance and disappear at the end of the road. I was still lying in the car looking back.

At that time, my mother's head was injured and had an operation. Fortunately, it was not serious, but it took a long time to recover. The driver who caused the accident was also caught and got his due punishment. The legal system is vast and unobtrusive. While thanking the law and maternal love, I also found that this matter made me realize the necessity of traffic safety. Road safety has become a monster like a monster, devouring the original road traffic order, and breeding many major hidden dangers lurking around us.

For example, the most common traffic problem in today's society is drunk driving. Everyone knows that traffic accidents are terrible, but because of repeated violations for various reasons, the legal awareness gradually fades, and the safety hazards that can be seen everywhere in life are also repeatedly neglected. Traffic is like a huge net, closely woven on the roads. As tragedies continue to occur and the alarm bell rings again and again, should we re-examine the traffic network that has sprung up today, bringing convenience to us, but also consuming some people's lives? Traffic is not wrong, but our misuse of traffic is tantamount to pushing ourselves into an abyss.

Maybe it's just a ten second wait, maybe it's just a little patience and tolerance, maybe it's just a moment of deliberation and consideration, you can leave a lot, even save a live life, and change the fate of a family. We grow from children to teenagers, and then grow up slowly. Time passes by like a fleeting horse. The city grows stronger and faster with our growth step by step. Traffic is no longer just a connecting road, it is also growing over time, maintaining the bridge of life. The city is so busy that the pace of progress will not stop in a hurry. I seem to be able to hear the call of the mother earth and the advice of the lark. Nature has provided us with a huge space, contributed its own vitality, and left everything to human beings to create and open up, so we have roads, which in turn constitute traffic, closely connecting our lives, narrowing the distance between production and life, and embellishing a little cozy leisure for boring life. Traffic has brought us so much. If we can't make good use of it, wouldn't it deprive and trample on nature?

Traffic safety should not only be a slogan, but also a responsibility. It should be really cared about and remembered. Maybe it is just a moment of relaxation, and the danger will also take advantage of the weakness, resulting in irreversible consequences. Thanks to countless people's continuous exploration, so that people can feel the power and convenience of transportation. At the same time, we should also cherish ourselves, cherish the life of everyone around us, and bring humanity to the road, so that the flashing traffic lights are not just decorations, but a signal, a guide, and a light in people's hearts.

Safety Accompanies My Growth Composition (14)

Safety is an issue that we emphasize every day and pay attention to all the time. Why do these safety accidents happen frequently. Can't someone swim in natural waters? No, I must know. According to statistics, in recent years, the number of sudden safety accidents has increased year by year. In one year, tens of millions of people in China were killed in accidents. It is the momentary deviation of this idea that means the dissolution of thousands of families and the pain of more people. Don't let your self willed, let more people's tears and their own lives make up.

There is only one life, and I should be responsible for the pain of my mother's laborious October pregnancy. Be responsible for the people in the world who are good to you but you don't repay them. There is only one life and no chance to do it again. Don't let your thoughts be biased and cause lifelong regret. Electricity safety and social safety. These safety problems should be prevented in life. Do not touch the power supply with wet hands at home, do not connect wires randomly and change the use of electrical appliances. Do not use high-power electrical appliances. The aged electrical appliances should be replaced as soon as possible.

Don't chat with strangers, don't get on a stranger's car, and don't walk with strangers. Don't open the door to strangers when you are alone.

As long as everyone can raise their vigilance at any time and place, prevent problems before they happen, and do not touch the danger with a single thought, the tragedy of history will not repeat itself.

Let's grasp the boat of safety and let safety accompany my growth.

Safety composition 500 for the first day of junior high school: safety accompanies my growth

Safety Accompanies My Growth Composition (15)

Safety is an issue that we emphasize every day and pay attention to all the time. Why do these safety accidents happen frequently. Can't someone swim in natural waters? No, I must know. According to statistics, in recent years, the number of sudden safety accidents has increased year by year. In one year, tens of millions of people in China were killed in accidents. It is the momentary deviation of this idea that means the dissolution of thousands of families and the pain of more people. Don't let your self willed, let more people's tears and their own lives make up.

There is only one life, and I should be responsible for the pain of my mother's laborious October pregnancy. Be responsible for the people in the world who are good to you but you don't repay them. There is only one life and no chance to do it again. Don't let your thoughts be biased and cause lifelong regret. Electricity safety and social safety. These safety problems should be prevented in life. Do not touch the power supply with wet hands at home, do not connect wires randomly and change the use of electrical appliances. Do not use high-power electrical appliances. The aged electrical appliances should be replaced as soon as possible.

Don't chat with strangers, don't get on a stranger's car, and don't walk with strangers. Don't open the door to strangers when you are alone.

As long as everyone can raise their vigilance at any time and place, prevent problems before they happen, and do not touch the danger with a single thought, the tragedy of history will not repeat itself.

Let's grasp the boat of safety and let safety accompany my growth.

Safety Accompanies My Growth Composition

When we carry our bags to school and see the zebra crossing on the road; When we came to the intersection and saw the traffic lights for safety; When we take the train or bus, we listen to the warm care of the driver's teacher's kindly instructions: "For your safety, please don't put your head and hands out of the window"; When we walked into the school gate, the teacher asked us to pay attention to safety; We have realized that safety is really important.

As a student, I spend most of the year living in and around school. In this special environment with dense population and small area, safety is the focus of our attention. We middle school students are in the physiological stage of development, psychological is very simple, most vulnerable to all kinds of injuries. However, life always favors people with safety awareness, which is reflected in daily behaviors. Our Suntuan Central School always puts safety first in education and teaching, stresses safety in everything, and carries out a series of activities to highlight the theme of life safety. Every Monday's speech under the national flag must talk about safety, every month's large-scale activities must talk about safety, and every semester's fire fighting and escape drills turn safety awareness into students' actual actions. At the same time, our teachers will also use the form of meeting and class to send a letter to parents to emphasize to students that they should obey the law and discipline, obey the traffic rules, and learn to protect themselves; Consciously resist the temptation of violence, pornographic information and drugs; Calm down, think more about the consequences, and think twice before you act; If there is a conflict between students, we should solve it rationally and calmly, and do not use wrong to correct wrong; Learn to help others and avoid risks: report to adults in time or call 119 when encountering a fire. Don't rush to fight the fire alone because we students are too small to solve the problem; When encountering violence, we must find a way to get out in time, report to the teacher or call 110 to report the case; Learn to refuse others' unreasonable demands or bad temptations, and develop good living habits. This knowledge is very simple, but if we can't do it, our health and even life may be threatened.

The school also requires us to do "four precautions", namely: fire prevention - no playing with fire; Waterproof - it is strictly prohibited to take a bath in the pond without permission to prevent drowning accidents. If there is a danger of drowning, you should immediately find an adult nearby to ask for help, and you must not flee the scene because of fear; Anti theft - close the doors and windows, and pay attention to the custody of your own property; Self safety prevention - consciously abide by public order, social morality and school safety routines. It is strictly prohibited to disobey teachers' instructions and chase noisiness during recess or outdoor activities to avoid injury accidents. It is the teacher who always reminds us to "cherish life and never forget safety" with pieces of love and words to build a safe defense line for life! It is with these selfless care that we can grow healthily and healthily in the sun!

If life is a flower, then security is to set off beautiful green leaves; If life is a picture, then security is a pen to express profound and divine ideas; If life is a river, then safety is to create a zigzag berm. Without security, our life will fall, and it is impossible to walk through the ups and downs of life, let alone reach the peak of life's glory.

Safety Accompanies My Growth Composition

In the morning, when I carried my schoolbag to school, my mother would always say to me: "Be careful on the road." At school break, the teacher would always say to us: "Be careful." It can be seen how important safety is to us.

Although my mother said that we should pay attention to safety every day, and my teacher said that we should pay attention to safety every day, some small accidents often happen to us. Now I want to tell you a true story that happened to me.

When I was in the first grade, I felt fresh and curious in every class. Especially in the physical education class, when I came to the playground, I was like a bird flying. I was very excited. I remember that the physical education class that day was a sprint competition. The competition was very fierce. When it was my turn, I rushed out quickly. When my classmates were about to overtake me, I closed my eyes and rushed wildly. I accidentally fell down. When the teacher helped me up, the coal cinders and blood on my face frightened the teacher. One of my classmates thought I was dead. Thanks to the teacher's timely disinfection, I didn't leave any obvious injuries. This is a very profound lesson and always reminds me to pay attention to safety.

Therefore, for our own safety, in order not to let teachers and parents worry, we must pay attention to safety. Don't chase and fight in the classroom. The four corners of the desk are like four sharp knives. If you don't pay attention, you will hurt us. When you go downstairs for an exercise, do not crowd. If someone falls, the consequences will be unimaginable

So, dear students, keep safety in mind at all times, let safety accompany our healthy growth, and make the sky on our campus more blue and bright.