I'm so good at primary school composition (16 in general)
Peace of mind is a blessing
2024-01-08 04:15:19

Primary School Composition I'm Great (1)

From today on, I have finally passed the primary school stage and become a middle school student. I feel very proud!

When I came to a new class, I changed to a beautiful female teacher as my head teacher. I like her very much, but I can't forget the teachers and classmates in primary school. I am a middle school student. In the eyes of adults, I have become a "little adult". Although it is not completely separated from the word "small", it is eventually titled "adult". When learning to do things, I have my own ideas. At the same time, I should also help my mother to do something. I don't bow down easily when encountering difficulties. How can I grow up relying on others? In the new class, strange and curious, what will happen in the future? I think: I should study harder and more modest than before. Otherwise, how can we afford the 'mother' who has been suffering for me? When you become a big girl, don't just think about playing, let alone being self righteous. Only by slowly correcting the bad habit of playing "petty" can you get along well with others and make more friends.

However, as a middle school student, I feel good. I made all preparations and re examined myself with the eyes of an adult. My waist was straight, even my walking posture became heroic, and my voice was raised several times. When I have time, I can read some books that can be understood by great people, such as Dream of Red Mansions. When I take a bus, I can also sell adult tickets proudly. Once encountering any difficulties, I still have the class collective, which can be successfully solved. When I see primary school students, I can also learn from adults. I raise my hand and pat them on their cerebellum and say, "Children, you should study hard and make progress every day!"

It's great to be a junior high school student! The three years will soon pass, and I will make good use of this golden time to make my learning go to a higher level and make myself better!

Primary School Composition I'm Great (2)

When I was six years old, something unforgettable happened. When I mentioned that, I wanted to say to myself: "I'm great"!

That summer vacation, my father and mother took me to Hongshiya to catch crabs. I have been caught by crabs before, so I have a fear of crabs. When I see crabs, I want to hide, and my heart is up and down. Arrived at Hongshi Cliff, wow! The scenery of Hongshi Cliff is so beautiful! A long stream with clear water at the bottom. There are also large and small puddles and beautiful pebbles on the bank.

Dad jumped in first and lifted a big stone. "Wow!" Dad shouted, "What a big crab!" Dad grabbed the crab's hind legs and threw it into the bottle. When I saw my father's comfortable and happy way of catching crabs, I felt itchy. I had forgotten the pain of being caught by crabs and wanted to try. So I got up the courage to find a small stone and began to find it. I quietly approached a small stone and gently lifted it, fearing that the crab would run away. Sure enough, a little crab is sleeping there. It doesn't know that it is facing danger. I grabbed the crab's pliers and threw it into the bottle immediately. ha-ha! This crab has become my trophy. I caught many small crabs again as I had seen before. Crabs, big and small, waved pliers in the bottle as if to say, "Don't you dare catch me, I'll see if I can't catch you." I couldn't help laughing at the cute look of crabs.

My father and mother praised me and said, "You are great!" I also think I am really great!

I am so good at primary school composition (3)

I am a child who loves music and is sensible.

Before the first grade, I began to learn the piano! What impresses me most is that the piano teacher once asked me to participate in a performance in Pingjiang District Children's Palace. Because I'm afraid, I don't want to participate. But the piano teacher said to me: "You don't have to promise until you are sure, but you have to practice now." In this way, I was completely relieved of the pressure. After a period of hard practice, when I played it to the teacher, she said to me, "You can participate in the performance now." After listening to the teacher's words, I promised confidently. On the day of the competition, I skillfully played Snails and Orioles and Baie. Immediately, there was warm applause from the audience, and I finally defeated myself! My father and mother gave me thumbs up and said, "You are great!" Since then, I have loved the piano even more.

In learning, I am also very conscious. Without the supervision of my father and mother, I consciously completed all my homework. The teacher praised me: "You are great!" I am such a sensible boy who loves music!

I am so good at primary school composition (4)

The last section of Wednesday is composition class, and the representative of Chinese class moves the composition book to the students. At this time, my heart was very nervous, like 15 buckets of water - seven up and eight down, I do not know how I write. I think it is well written. First, after typing the draft, I revised it myself, then my mother helped me to correct it again, and finally I copied it in the composition book. After the text was sent out, without me, I felt dejected and muttered, "It's over, it's over..."

After class, I ran to the office and asked the teacher, "Teacher, where is my composition book?" The teacher smiled and said to me, "Your composition was taken to the class by the teachers of other classes to read.". Bouncing back to the classroom, I felt like eating a piece of honey, sweet and beautiful.

After school, I ran home quickly and couldn't wait to tell my mother about it. My mother patted my head and said to me, "You are great! You should continue to work hard and write better in the future."

I think I'm really great!

Primary School Composition I'm Great (5)

I am a lively and lovely boy. I have many advantages and hobbies. What makes me most proud is playing the flute. It sounds good.

Once, someone said that it was easy for a disciple to brag. He asked me to give him a try. I hate those who like to brag. I broke the membrane of the flute and asked him to play it. He picked it up and played it, but it wouldn't sound. In fact, I know that even if I didn't break it, he wouldn't sound.

Do you know how much hard work it takes to play flute? Once, my teacher said that I played wrong, so I tried hard to learn, practice, and practice again! Finally, the teacher said that I had succeeded. At that time, I felt excited beyond words. At that moment, I realized the joy of success

Do you think I'm good?

Primary School Composition I'm Great (6)

I am a lively, cheerful, painting girl.

When I was three years old, I held a crayon in my two small hands, painted a car, strung sugar coated haws, and wound a wool ball. After kindergarten, I took part in the children's painting interest class. Every Sunday, I will get up early to go to class, no matter in the summer or in the cold winter, rain or shine. After primary school, I learned Chinese painting during the summer vacation. Whenever other students are still fishing kittens, I always concentrate on painting. Every time the teacher receives the homework I handed in first, he always looks at me with encouraging and appreciative eyes, pats my head and says: It's great to lose! Under the careful guidance of my teacher, I successfully passed the national level III exam for children's painting.

Last year, I participated in the Baihuating Cup Chinese Painting Competition. My entry is "Double Habitat in the Lotus Pond". For this reason, I spent several noon practicing this painting. On the day of the competition, I was extremely nervous. I was afraid that I would not play well. I felt like I had a rabbit in my mouth and kept pounding.

First, put some newspapers on the table and spread them (for water absorption), then spread the white rice paper on the newspaper. Get half a bucket of water from a small bucket, and keep the pen for washing. Draw a general outline on the rice paper with a charcoal pen, and squeeze some of the required pigments into the palette - dark green lotus leaves, pink lotus flowers, green lotus canopy, and of course, the scenes of the two playful water birds floating on the sparkling light unfolded one by one. It was very smooth. I didn't forget to put my little seal on the final signature. Ha ha, it's quite like a master!

A few days later, I received a certificate of award. yeah! I won the first prize again! With the growing grade, I had to give up some interest classes in painting, but as long as I had a little leisure, I would always pick up a brush and paint my childhood graffiti.

Do you think I'm good?

Primary School Composition I'm Great (7)

Each of us has something that we think is the best, and what makes me most proud is that I was awarded the title of All Excellent Student.

Remember that the teacher handed out the report card and certificate of award that day. I was both happy and worried. I was happy that I did well in each test paper in the final exam, and I thought I should have no problem getting a certificate of merit.

At last, I heard my teacher call me. I came to the teacher like a happy deer. The teacher handed me a certificate of award for "all excellent students".

When I got home, I stuck the certificate of award I earned with sweat on the wall. Looking at it, I am very proud and feel really great.

Primary School Composition I'm Great (8)

Today is a magical day, because I followed my classmate Zhang Shiyi and her mother to buy books in the city.

I feel great this day! Compared with the past, I have made great progress. The timid man in the past did not dare to take the elevator. After many times of "getting off", I am now completely brave! I also know how to get to Xinya.

The most important thing is that I took more than 100 yuan for the first time and bought books and meals without losing a penny. I bought five books and spent 89 yuan in total. I didn't dare to spend money like this before, and it was my own money, but I was very generous in reading books. I finally gave myself a free hand.

This is a lot of harvest! I feel great!

Primary School Composition I'm Great (9)

Everyone has his own good side, but also his own bad side, because a person can not be perfect.

I - round face, with two pigtails, about 1.25 meters tall, my advantage is that I write well and love reading extracurricular books.

In fact, what I wrote before was not very good, but after the patient guidance of my teacher and my unremitting efforts, I finally wrote a beautiful character.

I am a small fan, and this is what my parents think of me. I love books very much. In my opinion, reading can not only broaden my horizon, but also provide me with good materials for writing compositions. As soon as I bought my beloved book, I would put down everything and plunge into the plot of the book. Sometimes I forget to eat and do my homework because I am fascinated by reading... On weekends, I will go to the Xinhua Bookstore with my father and walk in the sea of books. It's really refreshing and I don't want to go back for a long time!

I love reading. Books can change my life and bring me infinite fun.

Although I am not a perfect person, I have been working hard. I hope I can communicate with you more and become a good person in the future. At the same time, you are welcome to make friends with me.

Primary School Composition I'm Great (10)

I am a little girl who loves cooking, which makes me very proud. Because I can cook at a young age, I feel I am great.

I remember one weekend, I cooked a meal for my parents, including cold beans, cold tofu skin, tomatoes with sugar, and bean curd with shallots. I also ordered dumplings. Both father and mother are full of praise.

I can also make dumplings, steamed buns, and wonton stews. I can also pick vegetables, spread pancakes and so on. If I am free, I am willing to help my parents cook, so my cooking skills are constantly improving.

I like my cooking very much. If I have a chance next time, I will do it more abundantly.

Next time you can come to my home to taste my cooking!

Primary School Composition I'm Great (11)

My heart is boiling, my heart is burning, and I can only hear the heartbeat of "thumping". I ran to the rostrum happily. I received the second prize certificate and prize taught to me before I gave Duan a team salute.

Are you puzzled? Let me tell you the whole story! The specific situation is as follows:

One sunny morning, teacher Wu, the head teacher, came to the classroom with an excited smile. She said cheerfully, "Bowei, come up here." I walked up to the platform and saw Miss Wu open an envelope and take out an exam permit. Could it be that the manuscript for the "Ice Heart Cup" writing contest was selected last time and invited me to participate in the live competition of the finals. I couldn't help thinking. Sure enough, it was a letter of invitation to me. I almost jumped up. I'm so happy. Mr. Wu asked me to go back and have a good look at the composition about the ocean.

When I got home, my mother was very excited to know that, after all, this was the first time! For this reason, she went to the bookstore specially to buy a large stack of books about the ocean for me!

Since then, I have another task, that is to read books about the ocean after finishing my homework every day.


A week has passed in a twinkling of an eye. It's almost Sunday. Hurry to supplement the knowledge about the sea in your brain on Saturday.

So I pulled up Zhang Yuan and went to the bookstore with this bookworm who loved reading in the bookstore, and asked him to be my little guide in the bookstore.

As soon as he got to the bookstore, he pointed to the front left and said, "There is the cupboard of books about the sea. You can find it yourself, right?" After he said that, I dived into the sea of books to find

On Sunday, my mother and I came to Zhangzhou to participate in the finals.

A month later, the first scene appeared when the organizing committee sent a letter to the school.

I want to say to myself: "I'm great!"


This summer vacation was very hot. My mother decided to send me to the swimming training class to learn swimming. I'm so happy!

Before, when I saw others swimming in the sea like small fish, I felt like there were thousands of ants crawling restlessly, always itching. There are many people learning swimming in the swimming pool, including children, big brothers and sisters, uncles and aunts. After the coach divided our classes, he lined up for us. He first led us to do preparatory activities, and taught us how to hold our breath and float in the water. We practiced the movements on the shore first, and then we went into the water to practice.

Because it was my first time to learn swimming, I never dared to go into the water. The coach encouraged me to say, "No fear, you are a brave child. As long as you can bravely go into the water, you will soon learn to swim.". So I went down into the water in great fear. It turns out that my worry is superfluous. The water is very shallow until it reaches my neck. The water is very warm and comfortable to soak in.

I used the method taught by my coach to practice. I poured a few mouthfuls of water into my mouth, which made me suffocate and failed to surface. Watching other children practice hard, I gritted my teeth and kept practicing. I failed again and again. Slowly I mastered the balance, and my body could float on the water like a board. When I came home at night, I held my breath in the basin and showed it to my father. My father said that I was great and held my breath for more than 20 seconds. I was so proud! In the next few days, the teacher taught us the movements of swam legs: closing, turning, kicking, and merging; The stroke action: holding the water in front of the chest; And the act of breathing.

The coach also showed us how to swim in person. Watching the coach swim easily, I admired him very much and swore to myself: I must practice hard and swim as well as the coach. These days, I not only practice in the daytime, but also practice repeatedly when I go home at night. Even in my dream, I am thinking about how to learn swimming. After my efforts, I dared to swim in the deep water area at the end of the training class.

Although my movements are not as skilled as the coach's, I can swim in the water like a little frog. I am very happy to learn how to swim, not only because I feel like a happy fish in the swimming pool, free, but also understand a truth: no matter what you learn, you must have perseverance, and persistence is victory.

Primary School Composition I'm Great (12)

In the second semester of the second grade, the teacher selected three good students in the class, and everyone was striving to be. The teacher said, "It's not so easy to be a good student if you want to be a good student. You need to study well, have good morality, and work well to become a good student." The monitor said, "The good students should unite with their classmates!" The teacher said, "Of course you should help your classmates!"

Dangdangdang, class is over, and everyone runs out of the classroom, completely forgetting that the third class is going to be tested. My monitor and I are immersed in Chinese books.

The bell rang and the exam began. I did the paper quickly, but other students were still thinking in silence. The first sub question of the eighth question, when some students couldn't think of it, they went to ask the teacher. The teacher said, "There are some in this question book, but who told you not to review them at ordinary times?" When the students were still thinking about how to do it, my test paper was finished.

A new day is a new beginning——

"Class, stand up!"

"Good teacher."

"Hello, students!"

The first one is Chinese class. The teacher began to hand out papers. Everyone was nervous and excited. I'm a hundred! I'm so happy.

I took it home to my mother, who said, "You are so great!"

On Wednesday, half past one in the afternoon was our time to play. When our class was playing games, they fell down, got hurt and hurt a hole. I saw it and ran to pick him up and handed it to the teacher. The teacher saw it and gave me a certificate of "Three Good Students". The students applauded for me!

I gave myself a thumbs up in my heart, "I'm awesome!"

My mother will be proud of me.

Primary School Composition I'm Great (13)

"Yeah! I finally succeeded!" I cheered excitedly. I was doing shooting training. After several days of persistent practice, I finally succeeded in shooting.

In the summer vacation, my mother sent me to learn to play basketball. The coach started teaching from the most basic dribbling, and it was not a few strokes before he rolled away. With the help of the coach, I mastered the skills. Basketball was like sticking to the palm of my hand. I was happy and thought happily, "I will definitely learn to shoot soon."

During the training, we will divide into several groups to dribble the ball. The losing group will do five squats and five push ups, so we will try our best to stick to the end. Even if we lose, we will still be proud!

All the training went well, and I like playing basketball more and more. However, I encountered setbacks in shooting training. Every time I shot, the ball fell down before it reached half the height of the basket. When I saw that other children were shooting into the basket, I was a little depressed and frustrated. The coach said it was because of poor physical fitness! I really regret that I didn't train well before. He secretly made up his mind: "During this period of time, we must strengthen our exercise and strive for early success in shooting." In addition to training in class, I went to the community basketball court to practice with my father after returning home. Even though I was sweating, I still persisted. Every day before going to bed, I did ten push ups to exercise my strength.

A week later, the coach gave us an assessment, one of which was shooting. When it was my turn, I felt that my legs were as heavy as lead, my heart was like carrying a rabbit, "plop, plop" kept jumping, and the hand holding the basketball was a little trembling. I looked at the coach helplessly, and the coach smiled and encouraged me, saying, "Xue Wenhao, come on! You can do it!" My teammates also shouted to me, "Come on! Xue Wenhao." I immediately became more confident. According to the coach's method, first left foot, then right foot, and then jump forward, at the same time, raise your arms, wrist strength, and try my best to throw the ball to the basket. Everyone looked at the ball intently and saw that it first rolled around the basket and finally fell into the basket. I was so happy that I cheered and everyone gave me the warmest applause.

From this incident, I learned that success is not a fantasy, but a continuous accumulation from the moment when I decided to do it. I think I'm great!

Primary School Composition I'm Great (14)

I am a studious girl. I can draw, play the zither, and play the flute... But what I am most proud of is playing the zither.

When I first learned zither, I was still very young, only four years old, and had to ask my teacher to teach me to wear my fingernails step by step. When learning to play the zither, the teacher first turned over the book to practice fingering, then carefully told me fingering and guided me to practice fingering. After studying hard, I not only mastered fingering skillfully, but also changed from "not knowing" to "being a good friend" with the music score.

After learning for a while, I have mastered the basic knowledge and can finally learn the tracks! As a result, I worked harder and persevered. Whether it's a cold winter or a hot summer, I always go to class and practice my zither diligently. I learned one beautiful tune after another and was praised by my family.

Everything comes to him who waits. With my efforts and persistence, I climbed up this "mountain" step by step. In the process of "climbing the mountain", I experienced many tests, and finally climbed to the "top of the mountain", and passed the zither test band 10 with excellent results. But I still didn't stop learning and continued to practice playing zither.

In recent years, I have participated in many competitions, and good news has been reported frequently. I have achieved excellent results in the "Musical Instrument Competition" in Pukou District, the "Spring Plum Cup" Guzheng Competition in Nanjing, the "Charm of Flowers" Competition in Wuxi, and even the "Golden Lion Award" Competition in Singapore. At this time, I really understood the true meaning of "one minute on stage, ten years off stage".

I'm really proud of my ability. Do you think I'm good?

Primary School Composition I'm Great (15)

My name is Chen Siyuan. I am a lively, cheerful, active and happy boy. My hobbies are very wide, such as astronomy, plants, animals, military and so on. I would like to say that I am most proud of the number of skateboard.

That was when I was six years old. On my birthday, I received a special birthday gift - a vitality board. People say that the vitality board is too difficult for me at the age of six. I don't think so. I can't wait to put the vitality board on the ground and step on it‘ Ah 'I couldn't stand at all. I fell down, I shouted.

So I want to learn the vitality board more. I began to practice the vitality board under the guidance of my father. When I first practiced, I just stood up and fell down. I lay on my side on the ground, which was painful. But I didn't care at all. I got up, rubbed my shoulders and stepped on the vitality board. This time I skated about five meters, but I was very unstable, and finally I fell down. I rubbed my sore butt and stood up again. The third time, I slipped about 10 meters. Just as I was proud, I fell down again. I was not discouraged, stood up and practiced again. After my continuous efforts, I learned to skate on the vitality board in less than a week.

After learning it, I often go shopping with my father by sliding it. Once, when I followed my father to buy food by sliding the vitality board, an electric car rushed from behind my side. When I said it was late, it was fast at that time. I naturally twisted my body, one foot forward, one foot backward, and a smart turn around my father's back. The electric car flew past my father's eyes. Before Dad called out, I had stood on the ground steadily. The relieved dad gave me a approving look.

Everyone said, am I great?

Primary School Composition I'm Great (16)

I am a smart, flexible little girl. Needless to say, I am very proud of my flexibility.

I remember when I had my first dance class, I could do nothing at that time, but the teacher was not angry because she thought I was very flexible and could become an excellent dancer if I practiced more. Later, when the teacher lined up, he often put me in front of him, so I was the most dazzling person in every performance. Moreover, I will demonstrate all the difficult movements during the performance. In spite of this, I don't feel bitter, but I feel very proud. After class, as soon as I have time, I will practice dancing posture diligently to make myself better.

I like dancing very much. It has been five years since I started to learn dancing. In the past five years, I have encountered many difficulties. For example, when the teacher taught us to climb frogs, my buttocks were higher than the house, and my classmates laughed at me. I was very sad, but I didn't give up. I continued to work hard and practice hard, and finally managed to climb frogs This action is the most standard. Now, I have practiced the basic movements of the lower fork, the lower waist, and the cartwheel. Later, I won many awards in some dance competitions!

This is me: an intelligent, studious and aspiring person!