About the love of parents in composition (16 in total)
Both wind and rain
2023-08-10 07:25:40

About the love of parents in composition (1)

Love can be seen everywhere around us! There is one kind of love, which is the most selfless in the world, without any impurities, and that is the love of our parents!

I remember when I was young, I often had a high fever. On one occasion, I had a high fever again, and I blushed and felt very uncomfortable. My mother saw that I was not feeling well and knew that I had a high fever again. So she quickly cleaned up and asked her father to take me to the hospital. On the way to the helpless hospital, it suddenly darkened, and the air seemed to solidify, suffocating. The sky is getting darker and the wind is getting stronger. I think it's going to rain soon. We don't have an umbrella with us. It's going to be drowned. Who knows, Dad took out the prepared umbrella from his bag and propped it up. Dad held the only umbrella and leaned towards me with all his strength. Mom didn't get a drop of rain, but half of Dad's clothes were soaked. Mom carried me on her back, and beads of sweat the size of soybeans fell from her forehead one by one, Mixed with rain, I can't tell whether it's sweat or rain.

When I arrived at the hospital, I heard my mother anxiously ask the doctor: How is my child's disease? Do you want an injection? As he spoke, he kept stroking my forehead.

As I lay on the bed, my mother was afraid of my pain. She gently stroked my hand and asked, "Is it still painful?"? He told me a story while asking. After a while, my mother went out with an umbrella to buy dinner for me. When she came back with delicious food, I touched my mother's hand. It was cold and cold. Mom, are your clothes wet and cold? Mother touched my head, smiled and said: I'm not cold. My mother just let me eat steaming food and forgot herself. Eating the warm food and looking at my mother who was already shivering with cold, my heart was filled with infinite emotion.

The love of my parents is like a masterpiece. I read it carefully and understood every detail, but I could not finish it.

On the love of parents in composition (2)

When we were young, our parents cared about us and took care of us.

When I was young, my mother never left me, but I always got into trouble. I remember one time, when my mother was cooking, I felt very curious, so I touched the fire with my hand and accidentally hurt my finger. My mother hurried to take me to the hospital. The doctor wrapped my hands and returned home. The food was burnt. Another time, I was eating outside with a bowl of rice. I didn't notice that there was a big stone at my feet, and I tripped over. My knee left a lot of blood. When my mother saw it, she gave me some liquid medicine to comfort me and held me to feed me. I still remember another night, when I suddenly had a high fever and sweated a lot from the body heat, I tossed and turned and woke my mother and father. After touching my forehead, my mother said I had a high fever. My mother measured the temperature for me to be 40 degrees! She asked my father to send me to the hospital, and the doctor gave me a buttock injection, saying it was all right.

When we grow up, we should repay our parents' love for us!

On the love of parents in composition (3)

Remembering that our parents worked too hard for us and felt guilty when they worked hard for us, why did they pay so much for us? That's because they love me, care about me, and don't want me to be more tired! But what about us? Do we pay one tenth of our parents'?

From now on, we will repay our parents with "filial piety". When they are tired, they should be a chair to talk with their parents and talk to them. When they do what we can, they should learn to help, make their parents feel warm, make their parents feel at ease with us, learn to care about themselves, learn to learn from themselves, and don't let their parents worry, If we don't become the so-called parasites of instructors and learn to be self reliant early, our parents will be less tired.

When I first came to Kunming, my parents packed my clothes and tidied up my room. I was too busy to be free, but I sat by and watched TV with relish without even looking at it. After cleaning up, I went to bed. I still thought the room was too small. Another time, I often had headache in class, so my father took me to the hospital for blood test. After I arrived at the hospital, My father bought a lot of peanuts for me to eat, but he also used his hand to pull them, and I said they were not delicious. Now, in retrospect, what little memories, I really feel that I am in bliss. Filial piety comes first, but do we really achieve filial piety? Parents have done so much for us, what have we done for them? When your parents teach you, don't blame them, because they want you to bear the blow. When parents care about you, learn to repay them, because they need to rely on. When your parents urge you, don't hate them, because they want you to accept the teachings. But pay attention to one thing: they love you forever!

Students, learn to care about your parents, it makes you learn to be grateful; Learn to thank your parents, it makes you learn to behave. Learn to love parents, learn to love the family, so that parents less tired, less trouble. Learn to be grateful!

About the love of parents in composition (4)

In many cases, the love of parents is like a bird that flies across the sky that day - it often comes without leaving a trace.

It was a dark evening, and the wind was blowing hard outside the window. After cleaning the classroom, I began to pack my schoolbag and prepare to go home. "KAKAKAKAKAKAKAKAKAKAKAKAKAKAKAKAKAKAKAKAKAKAKAKAKAKAKAKAKAKAKAKAKAKAKAKAKAKAKAKAKAKAKAKAKAKAKAKAKAKAKAKAKAKAKAKAKAKAKAKAKAKAKAKAKAKAKAKAKAKAKAKAKAKAKAKAKAKAKAKAKAKAKAKAKAKAKAKAKAKAKAKAKAKAKAKAKAKAKAKAKAKAKAKAKAKAKAKAKAKAKAKAKAKAKAKAKAKA, But both of them had only one umbrella in their hands. Mother smiled and said to me, "Your father and I both came directly from the office. We didn't bring more umbrellas. Let's fight together.". "I'll fight with my father." Then I jumped under my father's umbrella. My father held the umbrella in one hand and tried to put his arm around my shoulder. Three people and two umbrellas were hidden in the mist. At that moment, I felt very happy.

Hazy, my brain suddenly flashed one picture after another: I remembered that I had forgotten to take my homework book because I was in a hurry to go to school. When my father found out, he ran to send me to the classroom; I remembered that I forgot the time to go home because I played basketball. My mother hurried around looking for me; I remembered when I called my father who was away on business, his eager voice in the microphone said, "The fuse is in the toolbox on the balcony. When installing the fuse, you must not forget to pull the knife switch first"; I thought of my mother's exhortation before I left home every time I met an exam: "Don't panic, believe in yourself." Too many past events poured out in a flash, making me cry.

The love of parents is like the touch of the lilies, slowly gathering and no longer drifting away. I think maybe no one in the world will say that they don't love their parents, but can they say that they can fully repay their parents' love? Maybe far from it. In the eyes of my parents, love is to walk with you. No matter how far you go, I will never be tired. So I will never forget my father's ardent words when he took my draft composition: "Change it, change it again, and you can transcribe it." I will never forget my mother's early morning figure for me - life is too long, and now is happiness.

When I wrote this, I couldn't help thinking of Elijah, the prophet in the Bible, who covered his face with his hands and dared not face God. I think parents can enjoy this right. They have the holy things that "God" has spread to the world.

On the love of parents in composition (5)

What is the greatest love in the world? It is the love of parents. This love is like the hard work of gardeners to cultivate flowers, like the selflessness of green leaves against red flowers. This is the love of "the silkworms in spring will be exhausted until they die, and the wax torches will become ashes and tears begin to dry".

I also love my parents. Although they are usually as cold as ice and as hard as lightning, I know very well that they love me. When I saw my mother's serious injury caused by my naughty, and the crystal tears in her eyes, when I heard that my mother waited for me to eat until more than three o'clock in the afternoon, when I saw that my father did not eat for my study, my heart was so sad, dripping with blood and tears, I hated my own incompetence, my own play, and my own disobedience. Sometimes, I want to go up to them and say, "Dad, my mother, I love you." But I have no courage, because I have no good grades, not so obedient as a child. They are heartbroken because of me. I dare not, nor can I accept their love, because their love has not been returned, because I am not qualified to accept that heavy love.

I also love my parents. Although they are usually busy and have no time to see me, I know they love me. They are busy because they want me to have better learning conditions. They didn't come to see me because they believed I could control myself. Whenever I talk to my father, I can deeply understand his good intentions and helplessness. I hate me who is not determined, I hate me who has no conscience, and I hate me who is not sensible. Sometimes, I wish I could say to them, "Dad, Mom, you have worked hard. I love you, and I will let you live a good life when you grow up." But I can't say it because I have no courage. I am afraid of making hopeless promises, but for their sake I will keep this sentence in mind and work hard to achieve it.

I want to beat myself, because I didn't let them worry, I want to beat myself, because I let them break their hearts, I want to beat myself, because I have no conscience, my heartless heart. I should change myself for them, and I will make them happy for me.

In fact, sometimes I also want to say I love you. Here, my deep cry father, my mother, your love, higher than the mountains, deeper than the sea. I sincerely pray with a grateful heart that you will always be healthy and happy!

On the love of parents in composition (6)

The love of parents is the greatest and selfless love in the world. It is the kind smile, the kind words, the warm encouragement, the strict requirements, and I grew up in the love of my parents.

Dad's love is broad, strict and informal. Dad's love always gives me the right instruction when I make mistakes. I remember once, when I was doing my math homework, I made a mistake because of carelessness. When my father checked, he found it and corrected it in time. He said: "When doing questions, you must read them carefully and not be careless. I believe you can do the right thing with questions like this. How can you make such low-level mistakes? After listening to my father's words, I nodded repeatedly. Since then, I have firmly remembered my father's words and never made careless mistakes again.

Mother's love is selfless, warm and meticulous. Mother's love always gives me warmth and care when I need it most. Once, I got sick and had a high fever. My mother understood that, in order to take care of me, she left work early. When she came into the house, she was not only asking questions, but also asking questions about the cold and the warm. She was busy cooking ginger soup for me, cooking delicious food for me, and even getting up at night to cover my quilt for fear that my illness would worsen. She takes good care of me. What a good mother!

In a word, the people who love me most in the world are my parents. Their love can be said to be the greatest love in the world, the most selfless love!

On the love of parents in composition (7)

For more than ten years, my parents have given me endless gratitude for your care and care. It is you who let me have everything. Here, I say to you, Mom and Dad, you have worked hard, and I love you!

Now I have grown up, and time has carved wrinkles on your face, and you have added several silver threads to your black hair. I will remember your care for me. I will repay you someday.

I am grateful for the love you have shown me over the years, which has made me feel warm. I am grateful that you have given me a happy home. When I was ill, you carried me to the hospital regardless of everything; You comfort me when I cry; It was you who held up an umbrella for me when it rained. Everything you did for me has already touched my young soul. Your love, like rain and dew, moistened the seedlings of the long drought, and your love, like a tree, held up the grass for me; Your love is like a light, illuminating my way forward; Your love is like sunshine, which makes me feel warm.

I miss the moment when I fell on my father's back when I was a child, the moment when I was in my mother's arms when I was a child, and the sweet kisses my mother gave me when I was young. Now, those yearnings have become history, memories and gone away from me.

I am eager to return to my childhood, to my father's back, to my mother's warm embrace, and to give her a kiss. I hope that when my parents come back from work, they can stay at home with me for a few more days, so that I can be accompanied by my parents like other children.

Mom and Dad, I will never forget your care, care and help for me. I will cherish everything you have given me. Mom and Dad, I will always love you! May you live happily and work smoothly outside!

On the love of parents in composition (8)

When I was young, my father was like a picture in my eyes, because my father always worked outside for a long time, and only came back once when the crops were harvested. So I seldom see my father. But every time my father comes back, he never forgets to buy me a gift that I like. Whenever his mother asked him if he was tired working there, his father always said he was not tired. But Dad's face could not hide fatigue.

My father's love never shows on the surface, but in the heart. Whenever I get sick, my father says, "It hurts you so much that you can eat cold." But my father still hopes that I can get better soon. What I remember most is that when my leg was broken, my father was by my side every day. This should be the first time I have been around for so long. My father loves me so much. My father's love is not obvious, but on reflection, my father still loves me very much.

Another time, I wore sandals and accidentally broke my feet. My father thought the cut was very small at that time, so my father didn't care about it. But he was still anxious after looking at my wound. He took me to see a doctor immediately and told me to walk less in the future and not to break my feet again.

Thank you, Dad. Thank you for your love. We should care about Dad and stop being naughty. Dad, thank you for bringing me up. No matter the picture is old or new. You will always thank you in my heart, my father.

On the love of parents in composition (9)

People say that the love of parents is the greatest love in the world, and I know it best. Whether in life or study, my parents always care about me meticulously.

I remember one time, when I was still in kindergarten, the road to school was far, and I had to take a bus every day. One day, I had a whim: try walking to school. In order to meet my requirements, my parents decided to take turns to accompany me to kindergarten every morning. After walking for about a month, one day when I came home from school, my father said to me, "Run Hao, I will not walk tomorrow, OK?" I wanted to go again, so I said without thinking, "No, I have to go." Then my mother said, "OK, I will continue to walk with you tomorrow." At that time, I didn't know my mother had blisters on her feet.

When I got up in the morning, my mother walked with me as usual. After walking for a while, I ran forward. When I looked back, my mother was still far away, I cried out, "Mom, hurry up, I will be late soon." My mother said, "OK, I will come soon." After walking for a while, I looked back again, and then I saw my mother turning around, I ran back and asked my mother what was wrong? My mother said, "I have to work in the daytime, and now I'm walking with you. My feet have blisters, so I'm limping around, but it's OK. I'll be fine in a few days..." When I heard this, I was very upset. I regretted not listening to my father, and asked my mother to walk faster. From that time on, I never dared to ask to walk to school again.

I remember another time, when I scored more than 50 points in the exam, I didn't tell my parents for fear of being scolded. My parents didn't know until the teacher announced the results. When my parents learned about it, they not only didn't scold me, but also comforted me by saying, "This time, I didn't do well in the exam. We should find out the reason for my failure. Next time, we should be more serious and careful, and we will certainly do well in the exam." I was moved when I heard that.

In fact, my parents' concern for me is far more than that.

About the love of parents in composition (10)

From childhood to adulthood, we all grew up with the love of our parents. In particular, the song "Only Mommy Is Good" reflects that we can not live without the love of our parents.

When we were young, we were learning to walk. It was inevitable that we would be a little bumpy. When our mouth pouted and our eyes were red, our mother and father would immediately come to us and said with concern, "Baby is good, don't cry." Then they made a face to make us laugh. This is our mother's "love" for us.

When we are children, it is the time when our childishness is strong, and it is also the time when parents are most tired. When I was just at school, I didn't have much homework. After finishing the little homework arranged by my teacher, I began to play crazily, and my parents had nothing to say. But how like a piece of white paper! If you treat him seriously, it will become a colorful picture; On the contrary, if you scribble, he will become dirty. At that time, although parents were afraid that we might catch bad habits, they did not take care of us too well. Then, father's "stick love" came.

The period between the ages of 10 and 12 is a period of youth and a turning point in life. At that time, our parents would monitor our every move, pick out problems and help us correct them. At that time, parents would no longer use "caring love" and "stick love". I fell and hurt myself. After I applied some medicine, I stopped asking. Did they not love us? No, they know they can't spoil us too much. It's for our good. Is it because Dad doesn't beat us anymore that he is afraid of revenge when we grow up? No, we are afraid of leaving a shadow in our hearts. Parents' "stick love" and "caring love" have changed into "nagging love". Parents often say in our ears: "Children, you have no choice but to study." Do parents want us to study hard and make a lot of money for them in the future? no Our parents just want us to grow up and find a decent job, not too hard, and they never think about themselves, but only for our future.

Students, don't think your parents don't love you when they hit you or scold you. In fact, they love you very much, far more than you love them! Remember, there are only parents in the world!

On the love of parents in composition (11)

Parents' love for their children is the greatest and selfless love in the world. At any time, they care about me meticulously.

In my life, my parents' love accompanies me almost all the time. I remember one time when I had a high fever, and I felt my body burning, my face burning red, and I felt as if I had fallen into the fire. My parents were even more worried. My mother hurriedly fed me some medicine and then asked me to rest. I fell asleep without knowing it. In the middle of the night, I woke up in a daze. I felt like a few small earthworms running around in my stomach, which made me feel very uncomfortable. I could no longer restrain myself from vomiting.

Before Dad could get the basin, I threw up on the sheets. My mother took care of me first. She brought me a glass of water to rinse my mouth. She also took a wet towel and put it on my forehead, and then gently patted my back with her hands. My father picked up a pack of paper towels to wipe the dirty things at the head of the bed. Although my father's eyes were covered with blood, he quickly pulled out a piece of paper and wiped the sheets vigorously. After wiping them clean, my father helped me change the sheets and told me to go to bed early. Mother is still with me, watching me with her kind eyes. I looked at my mother, who had been tired all day, and could not calm down for a long time. I don't know when I fell asleep again. When I woke up, I felt much more comfortable. I found that my father fell asleep on the head of my bed and my mother fell asleep against me. I really don't know how my parents spent the night. A stream of warm water poured out of my eyes.

Parents' love is a flower, which always opens in a happy place; Parents' love is honey, always sweet and sweet; Parents' love is the sea, always broad and deep. Mom and Dad, I love you!

On the love of parents in composition (12)

The love of my parents, like the gentle breeze in spring, caresses my childish face; The love of my parents is like the cool wind in summer that sweeps away the heat in my heart; The love of parents, like the rich fruits of autumn, let me quench my thirst and infuse my heart with sweet spring; The love of my parents is like the hot sun in winter driving away the cold in my heart.

I remember one time, I played well in the final practice exam. I scored 396 points and won the first place in the class. Along the way, I hummed a happy song and died of joy! The schoolbag on the shoulder also becomes light and fluttering. I took three steps and two steps at a time. I ran home quickly while imagining being praised by my mother. Finally, I got home, and I couldn't wait to tell my mother the good news. When my mother's eyes brightened, she hugged me and kissed me on my small face, saying, "Baby, good guy, keep working hard!" I was like a balloon, and suddenly floated to the sky, happy to the boiling point. I am waiting for my father's appearance and his praise. At about four o'clock, my father finally came. I ran to my father like a rabbit and told him my good deeds with great joy. My father didn't seem to hear it. He said to me with a straight face: "You can't be so proud when you still get 400 after only 396 points. 'There are mountains beyond the mountains, and there is sky beyond the sky'. There are more people than you. You should learn from others. You can't be too proud!" After hearing this, my nose got sour, and I fell from boiling point to freezing point. I rushed into the room and burst into tears, and locked the door.

Now when I think about it, Dad is really right. He also loves me. Parents' extreme assertions have a common starting point - that is, love. Inspired by love, I strive to do better!

On the love of parents in composition (13)

Our parents brought us to this world. They are the people who love us most. Because of their love, our life is full of warmth. Because of the love of parents, our life is full of sunshine.

When I was a child, I was weak and ill. I often had a high fever in the middle of the night. I hung the potion and took the medicine, but the fever did not subside. My parents took turns to accompany me at night. They dared not sleep. They used ice cubes and wet towels to cool me down. They dared not sleep when the fever subsided. They wanted to help me wipe away sweat, afraid that I would have another fever. If I have a fever for a few days, my parents will not dare to sleep and guard me for several nights. They are too hard! When I was in kindergarten, there was something wrong with my eyes. My mother took me everywhere to the big hospitals in Nanning and Guangzhou, and found a doctor to look after me. I will never forget the kindness of my parents.

The love our parents give us is the most selfless and greatest, so we should learn to be grateful to our parents and care for them when we are young.

Once, my mother suddenly had a stomachache. "Ouch", "Ouch" cried. I rushed to pour a cup of hot water, took medicine for her to eat, and asked her if she had eaten something unsanitary, and whether she would hurry to the hospital to see a doctor. Although my mother was very painful, I could feel that she was very pleased from her eyes. She later praised me for caring about adults.

We children are grateful to their parents. We should start from small things. For example, when parents return late, they should call to ask about their situation. When it's time to eat at home, they should first cook rice, wash the vegetables and wait for them to come back, dry the clothes and put them away. When they are free, they should do some cleaning and tidy up the room. Although these are small things, we have done them, so parents don't have to do so much. When my parents came back, we gave them a cup of hot water. They were tired from work. They rubbed their shoulders and thumped their backs. When they were uncomfortable, we should care about them, so that they would be very happy.

Sheep have the grace of kneeling milk, and crows have the meaning of feeding back. Our parents have worked hard to raise us. We grow up day by day, but they grow old day by day. So we should be more filial to our parents, not let them worry, be a good child, study hard, and become an excellent talent when we grow up to repay their love for us.

On the love of parents in composition (14)

Love is the purest and warmest in the world. Love is selfless. Love is immortal. Everyone has love. Family and friendship will also bring us infinite happiness and laughter. One of the lyrics of a song, I still remember: love is a light, so wonderful. Yes, love is a ray of light. It is the most beautiful thing in the world. It lights up all of us all the time. Encourage us to move forward and never die.

There is a kind of love that affects your motivation when you fail; There is a kind of love that inspires you to continue working hard when you succeed; There is a kind of love that urges you to make up your mistakes when you make mistakes; There is a kind of love that inspires you to cheer up when you give up. This kind of love is called parental love.

Motherly love is a drop of nectar, which makes you a timely drop of life-saving water when you are thirsty; A mother's love is a ray of sunshine, which makes your heart feel warm even when sitting in the cold winter. A mother's love is a clear spring, which makes your feelings clear even when covered with the dust of years. Maternal love is a kind of advice when confused; Maternal love is an earnest exhortation when traveling far away; A mother's love is a kind smile when she is lonely and helpless. Father's love is the sun. Even in the cloudy days, you can feel his light. Father's love is a mountain. Even in the most difficult times, you are encouraged to straighten your spine. Father's love is the Big Dipper. Even in the night when you can't see your fingers, you can also identify the direction: Father's love is a big tree, even in the hot summer days, It will also support a shade for you: Father's love is a big umbrella, even on the stormy road, it will not let a drop of water fall on you; Father's love is a broad ocean, even when you do nothing, it will also contain you and bring you into his warm chest. Father's love is a broad ocean. Even when I do nothing, I will be tolerant and bring me into his warm chest.

When in fear, fatherly love is a stepping stone; In the dark, fatherly love is a light; When exhausted, fatherly love is a bay of water of life; When working hard, fatherly love is the spiritual pillar; When successful, fatherly love is encouragement and alarm bell: when nervous, fatherly love is like a shot of relaxation; When suffering, fatherly love is like a pistachio; When slacking off, fatherly love is like a crowing chicken; When tired, a father's love is like a massager beside him; When depressed, fatherly love is like songs and war drums If the mother's love is a voice exhortation, then the father's love is a silent payment. Parents' love is selfless. Parents' love is great. Parents' love is something that no one can deprive, replace or change! Parents are also the greatest spiritual wealth in your life! Child, you are happy, you have the best two loves in the world... treasure them.

On the love of parents in composition (15)

In life, parents' love for us is everywhere, and this happened around me.

Once, I got a bad result in the exam. I want to be miserable. When I get home, I will be criticized by my father again. Hey! It's unreasonable. At the door of a room, I heard my father say, "How did you do in the exam?" I buried my head and said my results in frustration. My father cried out, "What, it was so bad in the exam." I was frightened by my father's voice and stepped back a few steps. I shouted to my father, "There will always be many mistakes in life, and I made a mistake this time. What happened?", Mother came up and said, "Forgive the child. He made a mistake this time. You haven't made a mistake."

Mom and Dad began to quarrel. I rushed out of the living room and ran into my room. I lay on the bed. I heard Mom and Dad arguing about the exam now. When I arrived at school, another exam was coming. A few days later, the exam began. I recalled what Dad said to me when he criticized me. I had to be careful when doing the exam. After the exam, the papers were approved quickly, My test score was OK for me. My father looked at it and said, "OK. Last time, I criticized you for your own good. See? Give you a scolding. Now I have passed the test." I replied happily.

I finally understood why my father criticized me, because it was for my good.

On the love of parents in composition (16)

Fourteen years have passed, and I am as safe as a silkworm chrysalis in the swaddling cloth woven by my parents with love. All I know is that there is still so much love when I ask for it. I will stay here no less.

I am selfish. I only care about whether I get it or not. I never care about my parents' feelings. I am also greedy. I only know how to get something, regardless of my parents' bruises.

Is it difficult to love your parents?

For more than ten years, I have only felt the urging and nagging of my parents. I have never felt the so-called love. Who knows, love has always been beside me. A sentence of "Be careful" before going out in the morning, a sound of "It's cold, put on more clothes", a gesture of serving food for me at a dinner table... What are these? This is love! It does not need the sea to dry up, it does not need the ends of the earth, nor does it need to die. But it is as stable as a rock, which is my happiness. My feelings now, I did not understand before, my parents love me, and have always loved me. This kind of love seems to be natural, but the essence is integrated into blood and water, and is inseparable.

Is it difficult to love your parents?

Less contradicting, more greeting. Whether they can be warm in their parents' hearts. Yes, I think it is. Because ah, my parents only have me in their heart. The daily rush and fatigue are all for me. Their strong love is swallowed up by me, and my subtle care will be retained by them. To love parents, there is no need to make a big fuss.

Is it difficult to love your parents?

Less impatience, more sincerity. Parents are lonely. Don't be fooled by their interpersonal relationships. There is no place for parents to express their worries. And I will say when I am tired, and lose my temper when I am tired. Speak more honestly with your parents. Let them not be so sad. They will cherish it as a treasure. Love your parents without sweet words.

Is it difficult to love your parents?

Be less greedy and take more pains. When a cup of tea is sent to parents, it is no longer just a cup of tea. Parents regard it as caring. How long does a concern take? Long time? unable. However, what remains in parents' hearts is eternal. To love your parents, you don't need to set up a movement.

Is it difficult to love your parents? It's not difficult to love your parents. Experience is the first, and then it is to return with love, but there is no need to make a big splash, sweet talk, and mobilize people. Love for parents is subtle.