New Oriental Composition (4 in general)
Lotus Picking in Jiangnan
2024-05-24 01:01:53

New Oriental Composition (1)

I have been studying in New Oriental English class for half a year, and I have learned the third semester. We also think it is fun to go to cram school here. But the final exam of New Oriental English the day before yesterday let us know that learning English is difficult, and also understood that there is no end to learning.

We entered the examination room excitedly. The exam began, and the teacher handed out the final exam papers. The test paper is not as simple as before. It used to be two editions, but now it is four editions. The first and second editions are about listening. The teacher had read a short topic for a long time, so many students drifted off: some people were biting their pens and looking at the test paper carelessly; Some people are playing with pens. After listening to the first question, the second question will follow. After five minutes, everyone finished writing. At this time, I met a difficult problem. After thinking for a long time, I couldn't figure it out. I went to ask the teacher what the problem meant. She said to me, Wen Xuan, when doing the problem, you should do it carefully. Don't think it is very simple. Focus on the final exam. The teacher believes you can do it. I tried, and I finally solved the problem.

After finishing the final exam, we had an oral exam. When the teacher asked questions, the students who did not listen carefully missed the questions and were told by the teacher. When the question came to me, I was nervous and stammered. I saw the teacher's eyes full of expectation, as if saying: You can do it. So I relaxed and finished the oral exam very soon. But when the teacher was talking on the phone, I looked at the test paper and found that the lowest score was 70, while the lowest score was 89. I think: this final exam is very difficult, we must do it carefully.

The difficulty of the final exam makes us feel that there is no end to learning.

New Oriental Composition (2)

I am a junior high school student. I have many failures. What should I do in the face of failure? Face it? Is it to escape it? Or leave it behind? What should I do if all kinds of failures rush at me? Ah! I left it behind! From then on, I believe that failure is the mother of success.

It was the last exam before the midterm exam, which was beyond my expectation: 48 points! When I heard the score, it seemed that someone was beating my heart. It was not pain but breaking. When they fell on the ground and were laughed at, they seemed to say, "You are really useless. You still failed in the Chinese exam, which is laughable."

On the way home, it was raining and I was crying. My father said, "Why are you so stupid? It's raining and you still don't run." When I got home, my father heard my conversation with my mother and knew that I had scored 48 points in the exam. Neither father nor mother said anything, just doing their own thing. So I want to cry more, and they must laugh at me again. My crying voice made them hear me, and my father said, "Don't be so unpromising. Give me the test paper, and I'll see if you can do it. Don't do anything after the test!" My mother said, "The important thing is not how many points you get, but whether you can do it. The test is not for you to listen to points, but for you to learn knowledge."

Mother is right. I should study hard and learn knowledge. From then on, I studied hard and stopped thinking about useless things.

The rain is still falling, I no longer cry. The downpour also slowly turned into a drizzle. I believe that a rainbow will appear soon. I smiled, and in the face of failure I threw him away.

The next day, to be honest: "The mid-term exam is coming soon. You should hurry up to study, and you will be the pillars of the motherland! This failure is the spice of your life, the mother of success when you fail, and a better tomorrow is coming!

Since then, I believe that failure is the mother of success! A better tomorrow is coming. It is not easy to leave failure behind, but once it is done, success is in sight.

New Oriental Composition (3)

First universal formula:

1. Universal formula I at the beginning: celebrity quotes

Someone asked, "I didn't remember the famous saying, what should I do? Especially the English famous saying?" It's easy to do: edit!

Principle: Many of the things we see are created, including the articles we enjoy. So although we edit them, we must sound reasonable! And maybe we will be celebrities in the future! Right?

Classic sentence pattern:

A proverb says, "You are only young once."

It goes without saying that we cannot be young forever

More classic sentence patterns:

As everyone knows, No one can deny that…

2. Universal formula 2 at the beginning: number statistics

Principle: To be more convincing, we should use actual figures to explain.

In principle, there should be no false figures in the argumentation paper. But when I take an exam, I don't care about three or seven or twenty one, but it doesn't matter if I write something. As long as I have something to write, everything will be fine. So try the following sentence patterns:

According to a recent survey, about 78.9% of the college students wanted to further their study after their graduation.

It seems that Zou Zou's figures are actually fabricated, and we can fabricate any of the following topics in this way:

Honey: According to a recent statistical survey, 78% of college students' reasons for asking for leave from teachers are false.

Travel by Bike: According to a recent statistical survey, 85% of people prefer bicycles when they travel in close proximity.

Youth: According to a recent statistical survey, 70% of students' spare time in a university is spent on leisure and entertainment.

Five day Work Week Better than Six day Work?: According to a recent statistical survey, 98% of people agree to work five days a week.

More sentence patterns:

A recent statistics shows that …

Universal formula at the end

1. Universal formula 1 at the end: such conclusion

After all, we need to sum up. I believe you all have such experiences. Leaders talk at length and finally come up with words like "in a word". We will stop deserting immediately and wait for the leaders to say their closing words. That is to say, the beginning is very good, and there must be a wonderful ending, so that the readers can see it, so that you can get high marks! For example, the following example:

Obvious (this is a transitional phrase), we can draw the conclusion that good manners arise from politeness and respect for others.

If it is difficult for the reader to "see it clearly", but it is OK to say that the reader's vision is too shallow!

More transitional phrases:

to sum up, in conclusion, in brief, on account of this, thus

More sentence patterns:

Thus, it can be concluded that…, Therefore,/Hence/Consequently, we can find that…

2. Universal formula 2 at the end: so suggested

If "such conclusion" is the most useless nonsense at the end, then "such suggestion" should be the most valuable nonsense, because although it is also nonsense here, it uses a very classic sentence pattern of subjunctive mood. Drag!

Obviously, it is high time that we took some measures to solve the problem.

The subjunctive mood here is very classic, because the examiner often tests this sentence pattern, but if we write it ourselves, what do you think the examiner will think?

More sentence patterns:

Accordingly, I recommend that some measures be taken.

Consequently, to solve the problem, some measures should be taken

1、 Principle of long and short sentences

Work has to be done one by one. It's tiring to let readers read long sentences! Writing a short and incisive sentence, on the contrary, can play the role of finishing touch. And if we put the short sentence at the beginning or end of the paragraph, we can also reveal the theme:

As a creature, I eat; as a man, I read. Although one action is to meet the primary need of my body and the other is to satisfy the intellectual need of mind, they are in a way quite similar.

So it can be seen that it is not pleasant to combine long sentences with short sentences and to use them in cadence? remember well!

It is strongly recommended to use one long and one short in the first paragraph (beginning) of the article, and first long and then short; In the main part of the article, first use a short sentence to explain the main meaning, and then use the sentence group form of short first and then long when explaining several key points, which will surely make the main part of the article brilliant! The end of an article is usually one long and one short.

2、 Principle of topic sentence

The country has its own king, the family has its own owner, and the article also has its own owner. Otherwise, people will feel "leaderless"! I believe that you have read some ragged literature and deliberately hid the subject in the article, resulting in our confusion! do not know what oneself or others are talking about! So I urge you to write a topic sentence at the beginning (safe) or end of the article, so that the reader can see at a glance that it will be safe!

Special tip: Hidden subject sentences are risky!

To begin with, you must work hard at your lessons and be fully prepared before the exam (topic sentence) Without sufficient preparation, you can hardly expect to answer all the questions correctly.

3、 One, two, three principles

Leaders' speeches are always wordy in the first part, the first point, the second point, the third point, the second part, the first point. But after all, they are still well organized. Examiners are also bound to use these key "tags" to determine whether your article is structured clearly and orderly. The cracking method is very simple, as long as you add any of the following words to your key points.

1) First, second, third, last (not recommended, reason: vulgar)

2) First, second, third, finally (not recommended, reason: vulgar)

3) The first, the second, the third, the last

5) To begin with, then, further more, finally (highly recommended)

6) To start with, next, in addition, finally (highly recommended)

7) First and forever, sides, last but not least (highly recommended)

8) Most important of all, more, finally (highly recommended)

9) On the one hand, on the other hand

10) For one thing, for another thing

Suggestion: Pay attention not only to writing, but also to speaking in order!

New Oriental Composition (4)

Long ago, I heard about the great fame of New Oriental and Yu Minhong. This summer vacation, I came to Shanghai New Oriental to learn English.

In the morning, when I came to the New Oriental campus, I took the camp card, dragged the box, walked on the tree lined path, listened to the cicadas and warblers, and the heat in my heart was swept away, replaced by a cool and quiet. When I walked into the dormitory, wow, there were four neat beds and clean floors, tables and chairs, air conditioners and toilets. I had never lived in school before, and I felt new and excited.

In the afternoon, I officially started the 11 day journey of New Oriental.

In New Oriental, our teachers have their own characteristics: funny and humorous Mr. Jiang, Mr. Jin who has traveled around the world, lively and interesting foreign teachers, and Mr. Li who often makes us laugh but doesn't laugh himself; In New Oriental, sometimes we learn words while playing games, sometimes we imitate foreigners' pronunciation and intonation while watching animations, and sometimes we learn grammar by translating a situational dialogue ourselves; In New Oriental, the teachers try to cultivate our interest in learning English, so that students can learn English by playing, playing in learning, and learning English in fun, and constantly let us feel the charm of English.

I have also made new good friends, such as Gao Leng Xueba Yu Xinyang, simple and honest Xiao Pang Zhao Zexian, who knows astronomy from the top and geography from the bottom, Li Jinsong, and Wu Tianyan, the god of sleep. These are my good friends and partners. We progress together, grow together, enjoy together, and lose together

In the blink of an eye, eleven days have passed. In the eleven days of New Oriental, I learned to wash clothes by myself every day, manage myself well, learn to be independent, learn how to learn English more efficiently, and learn to be grateful.

Come on, Cheng Yuyang, you can't let your parents down. You should prove to them that your journey to the New Oriental is meaningful and that the New Oriental is an important turning point in your study and life.