What I Really Am in Composition 600 words composition composition (19 selected articles)
Happiness is being together
2023-09-18 02:36:46

What do I really mean in composition? 600 words composition composition (1)

Lying on the bed, my tears fell down and soaked the quilt and pillow. From time to time, the voice of sadness and joy echoed in my mind, mixed with the sound of sobs, which made me unforgettable

My grandpa died, my dear grandpa died! Just last year, in summer that should have made people happy.

"Grandpa! Grandpa!" Despite my sister's cry, Grandpa left

The funeral was very grand. After all, everyone hated Grandpa.

During the ceremony, everyone knelt on the ground to mourn. My sister, mother, grandmother, and visiting relatives and friends all cried. But I didn't cry because I didn't understand why I cried. I only remember when I was kneeling, my brain suddenly went blank; I only remember that when I was kneeling, I was at a loss; I only remember that when I was kneeling, something suddenly seemed missing in my heart. As for what is missing, I don't know.

After the first seven days, they were buried. My father chose a good place for my grandfather, on a mountain with many trees and bamboo forests.

The funeral procession was magnificent, and the sound of funeral music echoed in the air. Where we passed, sadness played up the air, and the air was almost frozen. As a relative, I also want to do something for my grandfather. Dad and they walked in front of the team, carrying the coffin, while my mother and I walked behind Dad, holding a wreath.

The road was long, and I suddenly felt that the wreath in my hand was very heavy. It seems that it bears all of Grandpa's love for me, which makes me breathless.

After the funeral, the paper was burned, the cannon was fired, and we went home to entertain the guests. After dinner, we went to bed.

Lying in bed, my tears finally burst out. Tears soaked the quilt and pillow. I finally understand that feeling: at a loss, unwilling to separate, empty heart!

Grandpa! Now, only the moonlight outside the window can accompany you in the lonely hills; Grandpa! May the morning breeze bring my thoughts to the place where you live; Grandpa! I hope you can rest in peace under the Nine Springs!

What do I really mean in composition? 600 words composition composition (2)

I remember that I went to Lianyungang with my parents during the National Day holiday. Came to Huaguo Mountain, and looked around, mountains towered into the clouds, rolling. Just entering the gate of the scenic spot, a plaque is across the sky, and the four characters "Dongteng Shenzhou" are on the plaque. We crossed the Immortal Bridge, climbed up to Shibapan, passed the Squirrel Park, entered the Fengmen Gate, came to the Dianjiang Platform, walked across the Jiulong Bridge, and followed the Ink Fragrance Path to the Lookout Gate.

The uniform stone steps lead straight to the entrance of the Water Curtain Cave. I was ready to move forward with a leap of heart, but I didn't expect to have walked three steps before I was out of breath.

I can't help but think of quitting when people in the same industry retreat from difficulties. Dad seemed to see through my mind and asked, "There seems to be a rest place ahead. If you two don't want to climb, you can wait until I come back to find you?"

I wanted to vote with my mother to have a rest, but my self-esteem was sneaking up again. So I said, "How can you not watch the Water Curtain Cave when you come to Huaguo Mountain?" But my mother was obviously exhausted. So, I set out on the journey with my father.

We walked step by step, but the steps seemed to increase step by step. After a while, I was sweating heavily, but I had to do what I said, and even if it was difficult, I had to rise to the challenge. With a will to go attitude, we climbed all the way to the Water Curtain Cave. The water curtain in front of the cave poured down thousands of miles, which was magnificent and spectacular, and attracted everyone's praise.

We followed the crowd through the water curtain to the cave. The water hit my body, cool, but my heart is warm.

Although there are many valleys and ditches in front of me, I can enjoy the joy of success with hearty laughter. I can bathe in the sun, look up at the blue sky, watch the fleeting birds, and proudly shout, "I am so happy when I succeed!"

What do I really mean in composition? 600 words composition composition (3)

Childhood is a song with beautiful melody; Childhood is also a book with many interesting stories. I still remember that time when I was excited to play chicken feather with my friends.

Before the game, everyone's performance was different. Some people were very nervous when they heard about blowing chicken feathers, and quickly hid under the table, like a timid and helpless kitten; Some people have already started a warm-up exercise and are ready to show their skills; Some people began to practice this project actively, and didn't want to make jokes

I went on the court with my opponent. I was confident and looked straight at my opponent. Now it was a one-on-one competition. The teacher went on the court with a smile, raised the chicken feathers, and threw them up. Then the chicken feathers danced leisurely in the air.

The opponent quickly ran to the chicken feather, held his head high, puffed his cheeks, and blew forward a few times, then the chicken feather flew happily over my camp. I didn't want to lag behind either. I jumped up and blew forward with all my strength. The chicken feather fell onto the ground of the enemy camp with no difficulty. I won. My teammates and I jumped up happily and excitedly.

In the next round, two on two, I formed a team with a person about my height to fight two short men. The teacher threw the chicken feather upwards, and the man on our side stared at the chicken feather all the time. When he fell in front of him, he blew hard, and the naughty chicken feather flew to the enemy camp. The opponent jumped up to fight back when he saw it, trying to catch us off guard.

When the fight was fierce, the opponent suddenly danced and listened to "Come here!" Our anger flared up and we blew hard forward. When the chicken feather was blown, the man on our side used his chest muscles to clamp it, like a wall of iron. I was dumbfounded.

But who knew that the chicken feather floated behind me, and I ran up as fast as I could, half squatted, blew it up, and blew it four or five times on the ground, and we won the long battle. The opponents looked silly. Because I won, I got Coke.

The chicken feather blowing competition passed in a twinkling of an eye, but the exciting moment has always remained in my childhood memory

What I Really Am in Composition 600 words Composition Composition (4)

From primary school, I would not insist, but now, I have learned.

I still remember that it was a Thursday. I walked home with a heavy schoolbag. At the thought of more homework than cow hair, the bag on my shoulder seemed to weigh a thousand kilograms, which made me unable to lift my head. When I got home, I began to do my homework. Time passed quickly. It was 9:30 p.m. in a twinkling of an eye, but I still had nearly half of my homework without pen. Alas, I didn't do it. I threw my pen away, lost confidence, and collapsed on the chair powerless.

Before long, a small flying insect flew around the lights. I finally found an interesting target, slowly copied the science book, and hit it hard. The insect, like a fighter plane whose wings were shot down, landed on the desk. I slapped it, and its body shook, avoiding the fatal blow. I didn't expect it to be very agile. It was crawling on the table, as if looking for an exit. After a minute, he seemed to find it and quickly climbed towards the edge of the table to escape. After my attack, I sneered.

First, I blocked the exit with a book, then took out an iron model knife, and tasted the "rain of steel". Finally, I used it like a bug. The attack took effect, and the bug's leg was crippled, so it had to struggle to climb. Goodbye, I said in my heart, while I raised my hand and waved it, the bug could not bear the pressure that was as heavy as Mount Tai to him, and could not move. But to my surprise, it was still moving and struggling to climb towards the exit. I was struck by a ge thunderbolt and shook for a while. Even a worm knew how to persist or risked its life. Then why should we give up before work?

Thinking of this, I got up and gently picked up the worm and released it. I started writing again and concentrated on it. No matter how tired I was, I persevered and finally finished my homework.

Bugs shocked me, so that I learned to persist, and also understood this truth: the reason why a trickle of water can wear through a big stone is not because of its powerful power, but because of its relentless dropping day and night. The same is true for doing things. As long as you persist, you can wear through every stone.

What do I really mean in composition? 600 words composition composition (5)

Sitting by the window, I reflected on the details of my six-year life in primary school. The most profound one was the sixth grade PE class. That time, I thought I was great.

As the bell rang, my classmates and I raced to the playground in a mad race. The green grass seemed to be frightened by our passion, shaking its head and waving its hands to meet us.

"Gather" Under the command of the physical education teacher, we were completely silent, and the mischievous style just disappeared. Today is the competition between two classes, where two people and three feet compete. The students are all excited and eager to try. The sun above seemed to be very expectant and kept shining hot sunlight on us. The PE teacher also understood our thoughts and immediately began to tie ropes for us.

The rope was quickly tied, and the two classes set out with a beep, but it was not very smooth. Between them, our class was taller and shorter, like a hen with a chick, while the other classes were faster and slower, like an old ox pulling a broken car. It took me half a day to leave, so I was worried and kept saying, "Hurry up!"! Come on

Watching the students starting one by one, I was worried again. What if we were slow? Suddenly, my teammate turned around and whispered, "I'll shout one later, and at the same time, I'll shout out the outer foot and shout out the inner foot." I looked at him and nodded firmly.

Finally, it's our turn. According to the previous tactics, we took a slow stride and gradually accelerated, finally surpassing the other two masters. Cheers broke out behind us one after another, while on the other side there were complaints and loud urges. The other party hurried to speed up and tried its best to surpass us, only to fall on its back, which was very funny. But my teammates and I went all out to speed up to the team, regardless of laughing, listening to their cheers and cheers, I was very proud and jumped into the arms of my teammates excitedly.

Because of our advantage in the lead, the latter won even though they were slower than the other side. This has increased my confidence and pride. Looking at the physical education teacher's thumb, my classmates and I all laughed happily.

That time, we were great! Not only won the game, but also our spirit of unity and cooperation!

What do I really mean in composition? 600 words composition composition (6)

The escape from the Chamber of Secrets is horrible to me, but I still like it, because I will always remember that time.

The staff led us to the secret room and left. We took off our blinders one after another. What we saw was a narrow passageway. Only an old dilapidated chandelier overhead gave out a faint light, revealing gloom and terror. There was a locked iron door in front of the passageway, and a small window beside the iron door. We had a rough and wild voice for a moment, From the window came "You come back so late, don't you really know that it will be closed after a little?" In a clear voice, we begged: "Sorry auntie, let us in!"

The character we played talked a lot with my aunt, who finally agreed to let us in, but had to find the key by herself. As soon as the voice turned off the lights, all the lights went out. I screamed with fright. It was dark in front of me, and I could not see anyone clearly. My friends whispered in horror, and there was no sound other than the friction of cloth.

A sense of fear arises spontaneously. I firmly grasped the hand of Z beside me. I thought I was safe now, but suddenly there was a thunderous sound above. The light above flashed, "Ah!" My friend and I sent out a deafening scream, and everyone squatted on the ground, afraid to move.

Then friend W said, "We need to find the key. S, what's in front of you?"

S was called to look forward and found a pair of shoes on a shoe cabinet, but he could not get them.

As time went by, my friends and I were too scared to move. At this time, G at the end found a stick, S took the stick to hook out the shoe, successfully got the key from the shoe, and the iron door opened!

We didn't have time to be happy. New challenges came again. But with the events in front, we were brave and calm. We didn't have the fear before. Instead, we were excited and happy that we were getting closer to the truth. Finally, we escaped from the Chamber of Secrets unharmed.

I've learned that it's useless for you to be afraid all the time. Only if you try your best to find a way can you defeat it.

What I Really Am in Composition 600 words Composition Composition (7)

That day, it was another beautiful weekend. Mom and Dad were not at home, while my brother went to play at his cousin's house, leaving me alone. At half past ten at noon, my classmates came to my home to play. I was very happy, but I didn't know what to worry about. But when my classmates went back and the sky was getting dark, I felt a little afraid.

After a simple and substantial dinner, I picked up a popular children's military book "Special Forces School" and leaned on the sofa to watch it leisurely. Of course, this is what you see from the perspective of others. In fact, I was very afraid at that time! When I think of the female ghost in the movie, I feel terrible. The pale face, the black hair, the long fingernails, and the ghost's hair were pulled up, and the face was scratched. Thinking of this moment, I felt not only terrible, but also a little disgusting!

Anyway, I can't read any more books because my mind is full of those things. But it's only seven o'clock! It is estimated that the father and mother will not come back until nine o'clock. The younger brother must not come back. He must have spent the night at his cousin's house. There are still two hours left! Forget it, just listen to the nursery rhymes!

"I walked past the snow on the Qilian Mountain outside Yumen Pass; also walked past the wind blowing gently from the Great Wall; by the mountains and rivers, the hero retreated into the forest and turned into a rain..." Although I listened to my favorite song, I didn't feel at all comfortable at this time, and frankly, I didn't hear it at all. I don't know what to sing, because I'm too nervous. I want to go to bed! It's good to be asleep. As a result, I couldn't sleep in my bed, even counting sheep was useless! I had no choice but to write my homework. However, this time I found out one thing: when people were afraid, their IQ was zero! How to do this? Why can't I understand anything?

After two hours of agony, I finally looked forward to the stars and the moon until my parents came back. It's nice to have someone at home! That time, I was really scared! Next time I dare not stay at home alone.

What do I really mean in composition? 600 words composition composition (8)

"Ah --" With a scream, the roller coaster rushed down from the commanding height with a whoosh.

My father likes to ride the roller coaster, but in order to make me feel the excitement of the roller coaster, my father forced me to ride the roller coaster with him, but I really didn't want to.

When I entered the park, my father pulled me straight to the roller coaster project. On the way, I "escaped" many times because of my fear, but my father still dragged me back again and again. After buying the ticket, I came to the waiting area with my father in a nervous and frightened mood. When I waited, I saw the roller coaster towering into the sky, and people on the bus were screaming, which made me more frightened.

When the roller coaster didn't start, my father told me: "Don't be afraid, the roller coaster is very fun." Although I said, "OK, OK, not afraid." But my heart was completely different. The heart was pounding, and the legs were shaking fast. The roller coaster started. Looking at my father's happy mood, I felt some relief. But when I turned around, the roller coaster had reached half the height, and I began to be afraid again. The roller coaster finally came to the commanding height. "Ah -" With my screams, the roller coaster rushed down from the commanding height. I felt that my people and soul were in front of me and behind me. Although the roller coaster quickly returned to its starting point, my heart was still lingering, thinking about the fear just now. But my father cheerfully said to me: "Is the roller coaster especially fun?" I said trembling: "OK... play... really fun." My father said: "It must be fun, this roller coaster is so interesting, let's come again next time." Hearing this sentence, I immediately replied: "Don't come, don't come, don't want to come again!" My father saw that I was so afraid, I didn't ask for it. I finally breathed a sigh of relief.

This roller coaster ride made me feel scared, so after this roller coaster ride, I don't want to ride the roller coaster again in the next few years, and my mind also fell.

What I Really Am in Composition 600 words Composition Composition (9)

There are several times in life when I admire myself, but I'm afraid that's when I most admire myself.

"Oh, you have lost. How can you go to the game like this?" The coach said, "Hmm... teach... teach... coach, I will work hard." I said firmly with a face: "There is no time. The game will start tomorrow. Go back and rest quickly!" "OK." I said hopelessly.

The next day, I took a badminton racket and strode into the competition room. At the beginning of the game, I saw the other side holding the badminton in the left hand and the racket in the right hand. As soon as the badminton was loosened, the racket followed, and the badminton fell to the ground with a "bang". "The basketball team won 0: 1." With the sound of the referee, the other side cheered up. I came to the lounge and saw the coach saying hopelessly, "You could have caught the ball, but you were distracted." I also blamed myself in my heart, "Yes, I can catch it. Why should I be distracted?" "When you are a substitute, reflect on your shortcomings." "OK."

"0:2, 1:2, 1:3, 1:4, 2:4" In a twinkling of an eye, it was the intermission. "You can't play like this. You should be more serious." The coach said, "Coach, let me come in the second half!" "You...... Can you?" "I can!" I said, "OK."

The game began. Walking to the field, I said to myself, "Xiao Chen, you must cheer up." The game began. As soon as the other side hit the ball, I caught it quickly and quickly, but the other side did not catch it, "1:0." The referee shouted. In the next few games, I became more and more brave, playing 4:4 at a time. The next game is the decisive moment. "The game starts". The opposite side hit the ball, and we hit it. After a minute of deadlock, the other side suddenly came to a smash, which is not good. "Back defense" I shouted, and the teammate caught the ball The ball fell to the ground. "We won" I shouted, and the audience shouted: "We won." I hugged my teammates and shouted happily.

At that moment, we won, won, won the cheers of the audience, and won the admiration of each other.

What I Really Am in Composition 600 words Composition Composition (10)

The sky is gray, and the air is full of depression. The brook sang a sad song to the distance, and the chirping of birds seemed to tell my regret in the bottom of my heart.

At noon, I came to the school excitedly to get the report card. Sitting in the seat, I fantasized about the beauty: what can I exchange my grades for my mother? Dinner? Mobile phone At this moment, the teacher came into the classroom, walked up to me, looked at me with a look of anger. I had a premonition of something, opened my eyes and looked at the paper on the teacher's hand. The bright red writing "89!" hurt my eyes, and my mood suddenly fell to the bottom. As if struck by thunder. Why? It's impossible! I can do it! I can't believe it.

Dragging my tired body, I went home. I put down my homework, pushed the door open with difficulty, and sat at my desk thinking a lot, most of which was regret. I can't help thinking of the exam.

"Please distribute the test papers!" The radio rang. I sat calmly in my seat and waited for the teacher to hand out the test papers. The test paper floated into my hands, and I scanned the topics roughly. "Wow! It's too simple! It's just like Zhang Fei eating bean sprouts - a piece of cake." I was secretly happy. Pick up the pen, brush brush fly up. Before long, the answer to the test paper was finished. Look at the clock on the wall. There are 30 minutes left. After I checked it in a hurry, I thought I had a chance to win. I sat in my seat and passed the time idly: in a daze, playing with pens and doodling. The teacher repeatedly emphasized careful inspection, and I also left it behind. The broadcast suddenly sounded: "The exam is over, please collect the exam papers!" I was the first to stand up, eagerly handed the exam papers to the teacher, floated out of the classroom, and ran toward home.

The knock on the door brought back my thoughts. "What's the matter? Did you fail the exam? It's just a lesson in life. Don't be careless in the future!" Mother said earnestly. At that moment, my tears fell like broken beads. How regretful I am! It shouldn't be like this, but I can't change it.

The sky is still overcast, the steps of the stream are still non-stop, the wind blows, and a few leaves fall with the wind, as if with endless sadness, just like my mood at the moment.

What I Really Am in Composition 600 words Composition Composition (11)

On a rainy spring day, I ate a bowl of beef noodles, burped in the steaming noodle shop, and enjoyed this inevitably leisurely afternoon.

The quiet street suddenly became lively. I just wanted to go down to have a look. The boss of the noodle shop just came up. I asked, "Uncle, what happened downstairs?" He put down a bowl of noodles and waved his hand and said, "It's OK. An old man was hit by an electric car, but the man left again. Nobody sent him to the hospital." I was surprised that he said so quietly, Just as he was about to get up, he was held down again, and the boss said, "In these days, who knows whether someone hit him or he hit someone? Don't go, in case it's porcelain?" Then he walked away with his face. I still couldn't convince myself, so I went downstairs to the street: a seventy year old man, sitting alone on the ground, surrounded by a crowd of people but no one to help. At this time, my father came back from work at the end of the street and saw me nod. I looked at my father firmly and my heart crossed. I came to the old man and helped him up. I found that the old man's foot was bending strangely. Dad came up and said, "Let's take him to the hospital." Then he called a car and took the old man to the hospital.

In the hospital, the doctor said that the old man's foot was broken, and there was nothing wrong elsewhere. My father and I were relieved. The old man's daughter said gratefully, "Thank you for the two kind people who saved my father. Otherwise, he would have been in the rain for so long, and no one would help him!" I said, "It doesn't matter. Grandpa is nothing important, and we just need to do something." Finally, we left the ward with the gratitude of the old man and aunt.

When I came to the hospital, the rain stopped, and the sun poured down from the clouds, illuminating the whole world. Feeling the warmth, I silently thought: years later, if my father needs help, I hope someone will help. "Baby! Hurry up!" "OK! Here we go!" I ran to my father with satisfaction and opened my arms to him

What I Really Am in Composition 600 words Composition Composition (12)

One Saturday afternoon, the weather was hot and dry, so I went to the scholar Qijiaqiao branch for class. During the break, Zhuang Yiran and I went to play with Zhang Weijian in Class 313.

Class 313 classroom is next to the aisle on the third floor. When Zhuang Yiran found Zhang Weijian, I lay on the railing of the aisle to bask in the sun. Suddenly, I found a platform about the same height as the building next to the residential building opposite the teaching building. On the platform, several workers are working under the scorching sun. I think it is not easy for those workers to work hard on such a hot day. I can't help feeling my respect.

At this time, several students of my age learned to walk to the aisle and saw those workers who were busy. One of them suddenly took a whim to pick up a stone from the ground and hit a squatting worker. The stone hit the worker's back impartially. Those students burst into laughter. Maybe it's because the stone is too small. After being "hit", the worker did not make any response and still worked there with concentration. Seeing that the workers did not respond, those students might want to find some "fun", so they unscrupulously commented on the workers: "Oh, how dull he is!" "Ha ha, what a native!" They commented for a while, maybe they were tired of it, and then went to play elsewhere.

Listening to their words, a wave of anger could not help but rush into my heart. Although workers are the bottom part of this society, they are also an indispensable part of urban construction and maintenance. Without them, can our city be built? Is it not an immoral act to abuse or even attack them without reason? Isn't it a great disrespect for them? Imagine how you would feel if you were the worker and were abused or attacked with small stones or other things for no reason? I can't help feeling ashamed of those students.

Although knowledge is important, morality should come first. I hope those students can recognize their mistakes and correct them, so as to be a high quality pupil.

What I Really Am in Composition 600 words Composition Composition (13)

Time always flies. A past event buried in my heart, or a word that has not yet been expressed, is gradually abandoned by memory. The man, though he had not seen him for many years, still had a fresh memory.

In the deep winter, the branches became very fragile. Before the birds could stand firm, they ran to the land first. The north wind is like a knife, carving the unique side of winter in people's hearts.

I went downstairs and a figure flashed in front of me, which really scared me. On the other hand, it turned out to be Su Xiaowen, the "rich second generation" of the next class.

It is said that Su Xiaowen is a bad guy. He tells others to do things here and there, but he loafs around wearing a famous brand. But in front of me, there was a guy with a pale face, a little ice slag mixed in his hair, and his hands seemed to be electrified, shaking ceaselessly.

I returned home and brought hot water. He looked at me expectantly. Two cups of hot water came down, and his face turned red. Looking at my rustic appearance, he cried out, "Hum, I've come to this ghost place for the first time today. It's all right to leave your house here. Call me."

He took out a pen and paper from his schoolbag and wrote down two strings of figures in a zigzag way. "Take it and call my parents quickly!"

He pushed the paper into my hand and hurried me home.

Call him? With his arrogant and domineering manner, have I lost my mind?

Well, it's not much to punish him. I threw the note into the fire.

I stayed at the house cat for a while. I couldn't help looking out of the window, looking at him from side to side, looking at him scratching his head and scratching his cheek anxiously, and looking at him until dusk. In my eyes, he seems to be a clown. He disappeared from my sight until his friend Zheng Ming met me.

He said: "Su Xiaowen transferred to another school again, and he was cheated again. His home is far away from here. After being cheated, he walked back home, and almost collapsed when he came home! I cried and turned to school." I was silly, and felt like I was missing a piece of my heart. I regretted it.

If there is a medicine of regret in the world, I will swallow it without hesitation, just to poke the ashes in the fire and make up a phone call to connect my heart.

What I Really Am in Composition 600 words Composition Composition (14)

How many times a thousand turns of reincarnation, and how many things in the heart. But that time, it touched me. Since then, it has never weathered in my memory.

The sky was chaotic, and the rain continued to fall, and there was no end to it. There is only depression and fog between heaven and earth. I walked along the road with an umbrella and a broken heart. Thinking of the exercise list that just left me lonely, my heart was as heavy as bad weather, and the sun in my heart was also hidden into the clouds.

I stepped on the green bricks of the path, immersed in frustration, unaware of the gradually increasing rain. This is, I inadvertently looked up and found a tall and old tree in the middle like a bent tree. My eyes were wide open and I stepped forward quickly. My astonished eyes fell on the tree waist. My heart was shocked. My heart was full of mixed feelings.

What a tree that is! The tree was bent at the waist, slightly inclined; A piece of iron imprisons the place where it is broken, but it is also deeply embedded in the tree trunk and integrated with it. It's not hard to visualize. The lightning struck it, causing it to be seriously injured, but it hasn't been broken yet. People used a ring of iron to support it. It had the hope of survival, but the iron became its second wound, deeply penetrating into its body full of wind and rain.

It gritted its teeth and tried not to be restrained by iron; It grows carefully to meet the ups and downs of fate; It survived spring, summer, autumn and winter, and successfully integrated the iron sheet with itself. The rain dripped down my face, leaving me to leave my thoughts and look at the new green one. I was overwhelmed by the thoughts that seemed like billows: it faced so many hardships, supported itself with hope, stubbornly refused to fall, and overcame difficulties. Welcome the hope of the next life. And I, can't I?

I put my hand on the tree's weathered branches, as if I had telepathy with it. At this moment, I was shocked. I felt the miracle in the nature and welcomed hope for me. I believe that I can also overcome all kinds of hardships and setbacks in my heart.

That time, I was really shocked. The new green on that tree will never fade in my heart.

What I Really Am in Composition 600 words Composition Composition (15)

Memory is like a seashell on the beach, which can never be picked up. But one thing left deep memories in my heart.

I remember one time, my parents and I went to have a barbecue together. The taste was really memorable and I really wanted to have another meal.

But no matter how I begged my mother to have another barbecue, my mother refused. My mother said to me earnestly: "Barbecue children can't eat too much. Eating too much is bad for your voice, and it's also bad for your health."

I changed my strategy again and tried my best to beg my father, but he didn't agree.

Is there no way? At this time, I had a brainwave, right! I can do it at home! So I turned on the computer, searched out the information about barbecue and looked at it carefully. Then turn on the induction cooker, cut the meat, cut the vegetables, and put them into the induction cooker.

While I was in high spirits, the meat and vegetables in the pot were scorched, emitting a choking smell. I just remembered, oh! I haven't drained the oil yet!

So I turned off the induction cooker, hurried out of the kitchen and began to look for oil. I came to the warehouse to have a look. oh dear! Mother put the oil so high, how can I take it!

I finally carried the ladder with great difficulty. But I still can't reach it. I stood on the ladder and stood on tiptoe, but my fingertips could barely touch the bottom of the oil drum.

At that moment, the oil barrel suddenly emptied. I was covered in oil. It is as slippery as melted maltose, and extremely embarrassed. I finally got up and slipped again. I have no choice but to wait for my father to come back.

Just when I was losing patience, my father came back. Dad couldn't help laughing when he saw me in such a mess.

Later, my father pulled me up, took off all my clothes and sent me to the bathroom

When I think about it, I find how ridiculous I am. But the burnt taste and greasy feeling are really unforgettable. Come to think about it carefully, it's really fun!

What I Really Am in Composition 600 words Composition Composition (16)

The sports meeting is held every September, and our school is no exception, so the opening ceremony of the sports meeting is undoubtedly the highlight of the whole sports meeting. Maybe you don't know that our head teacher is a great teacher. At the opening ceremony of the annual sports meeting, his class has never won the second place, without exception.

Our class won't let everyone down this year. We have been preparing since one week before the opening ceremony of the sports meeting. Old Wu deserves to be old Wu. As the saying goes, "Ginger is still old and hot", old Wu has come up with a strange trick for us... Since the beginning of the plan, we have been busy, both purchasing and manufacturing, which took us a lot of effort. The day before the opening ceremony of the Games, we were informed that the Games might be cancelled because of the heavy rain! Our reaction at that time - I can't believe it. We can't believe this is true. We confirmed it again at the old man Wu. No, how could this be! It doesn't matter. It's just possible. It's not certain. God bless you, it won't rain tomorrow. I prayed.

In this way, I welcomed the beginning of a new day with fear. The sky was gray. Looking out of the window, it had already started to rain. With every bit of hope, we began to prepare for the opening ceremony. Soon, everything was ready. It seemed that the rain was getting heavier. It was no longer a slanting drizzle. I felt as if I had been splashed with cold water until my heart felt cold. At this time, the fire of hope that had survived has been extinguished by the relentless rain. I went back to the classroom dejected, but I didn't listen much to the following lessons. I couldn't mention my interests even if I was most interested in them. In my heart, there is only the annoying rain that keeps falling.

At that time, I really hated God. Why can't we take part in this sports meeting? Do you know how much effort we have put into it? Yes, the sports meeting can be held on another day, but our enthusiasm is gone forever. I was really disappointed that time.

What I Really Am in Composition 600 words Composition Composition (17)

Time passes so fast that no one can catch up with it. It has no shadow, just like the evaporated water vapor. Maybe it was yesterday, but I didn't know it had flown away. But that matter still haunts my mind.

It was winter. The weather is cold and dry, and several leaves tremble on the branches. In the morning, the leaden sky was gray. The winter wind is the most uncomfortable. Without the mild autumn wind, what remains is the biting cold. Facing the wind, I wrapped my clothes tightly and quickened my pace. The second class is Chinese. The classroom is not as warm as the north wind outside. I curled up, trying to get some heat. The thick cotton padded clothes seemed as thin as paper before the cold. I regret not adding another coat. My hands are purple with cold, and my fingers are no longer flexible and very stiff. My hands are numb and I can't even hold the pen firmly. The words on the paper seemed to be severely frozen, twisted, and scattered. I write down one by one.

Miss Lou stood in front of the podium, carrying a hot water bag, watching us. The classroom is very quiet, only the "rustling" sound of the pen tip rubbing the paper industry and the sound of turning books. I was so angry that I rubbed my hands and hurriedly picked up my pen. I felt her gaze, thought I noticed it, and walked straight over. I looked up and met her eyes. She bent down, lowered her head, approached me and said, "Man Jing, are you cold?" This sentence was like a warm current, flowing all over her body in an instant. Before I could answer, she held my hand and said, "Why is it so cold?" Her eyebrows wrinkled slightly. Her voice is very gentle, like the warm spring breeze. She handed me the hot water bag: "Warm your hands." I put my hands into the hot water bag and felt the unprecedented warmth. These words are very short, but also very long, and the feelings they contain are very long. "Thank you", which is what I said at that time and what I want to say now. In my eyes, Miss Lou is the one who combs every hair and gives hot water bags in winter. I still remember that winter was the warmest and most unforgettable day. Even the bear without mouth on the hot water bag looked very cute.

Care may warm people's hearts. In fact, it's not so cold in winter. I was really moved that time.

What I Really Am in Composition 600 words Composition Composition (18)

In the course of my life, many things have happened, including emotions. I learned a lot from it, but I regretted it very much that time.

I remember that time, on a sultry afternoon, we were having a class‘ The class is over, and the quiet corridor is bustling again. Other students in the classroom went to play, but I stayed in the classroom to read. When I was passing the messy table, suddenly, a glass on the table was knocked off by me. I was panicked. I could not help shivering when I looked at the broken glass. Ah! It's over. It's the cup of Li Ming, the bully in our class. What can we do about it? If he comes back and sees me, why don't he scold me? I hurriedly swept away the broken glass and hurried out. When I came back, "Who did this?" A harsh voice came to my ears, and I carefully returned to my seat, only to see the students around the garbage can. I found that the insolent Li Ming had shed tears! Later, my classmates told me that this was the only birthday gift Li Ming's father gave him. He always treasured it as a cup, and even regarded it as something more important than life. I became even more timid after hearing this.

After returning home, I told my mother the whole story in detail. Not only was my mother not angry, but also said softly, "Have you ever thought about what would happen if your favorite thing was broken?" I thought for a moment and decided to go to Li Ming tomorrow to apologize.

The next morning, I mustered the courage to go to Li Ming. I found his eyes red and swollen, and his face gaunt. "Li Ming, I, I..." Why? Li Ming was impatient. "Nothing!" I ran away hurriedly. After that time, I never had the courage to apologize to Li Ming.

Day by day, this matter has been hidden in my heart. Every time I think about it, I feel deeply sorry. I really regret it!

What I Really Am in Composition 600 words Composition Composition (19)

After graduation, you must remember the scene of friends crying with each other when you graduated! I still remember the person who asked me to hold her when I was leaving. She is my best friend - rabbit.

The night before graduation, she held me in her arms and cried for a long time. She said everything but cried. I have been watching her cry and feel her face wet. One wipe, only to find that they have already shed tears.

When I graduated, the rabbit gave me a big package of letters. Her eyes were red. She just hugged me, said "take care" and left. Because I was in a hurry, I didn't say goodbye to her, let alone read her letter to me. After returning home, my mother was picking up my things. Seeing that the words on them were not mine, they were still on the side.

When I was about to forget this matter, I found this package of letters when I was browsing. As soon as I thought I hadn't read it, I stopped my work, carefully opened the package, and read one of the letters. When I read "Take care of yourself, Rouer.", I found that the letter paper was soaked. At that moment, it seemed that all the noise in the world had stopped, and all that remained was my sobbing voice. That time, I cried all day long. My mother asked me what was wrong, but I didn't answer. I just cried there. I'm afraid that no one who values friendship has cried as hard as I have!

Rabbit, where are you, rabbit, I really miss you, rabbit

Looking at the happy smile of the rabbit in the photo, I smiled. It was just a moment for me. Recalling the past and the rabbit, I can not help feeling: from the first grade to now, I am afraid that the most impressive is the rabbit. Rabbit, thank you for teaching me how to be strong. Without you, I'm afraid I'm still weak. Thank you anyway.