If I could fly (Top 19)
Never give up
2023-11-29 06:53:10
second grade

If I could fly (1)

I have a small dream - flying, flying. I want to fly to heaven to see how Grandma is doing?

One day, while I was sleeping, I dreamed that God had given me a pair of wings. I could fly, but I had to come back before dawn.

I flew and flew to heaven. I met a little angel, "Hello, lovely little angel!" The little angel blinked puzzled eyes and asked, "Why do you look different from us? Where do you come from?" "Because I come from Jinshan, a city on the far earth."

We visited the paradise together. The little angel and I first came to the playground. I asked curiously, "Can you play anywhere?" "Of course." The little angel replied happily, "Because no one has come here for a long time, you can go to your grandmother's house to rest when you are tired of playing!" I was surprised and asked, "Why do you know what I think?" She smiled and said, "Because I am an angel, I can know what you are thinking."

When we were tired from playing, we went to Grandma's house to have a rest. The little angel knocked at the door politely. The dilapidated door opened and made a creaking noise. Grandma stood inside the door, very young. Grandma died before I was born, so I didn't know her. I called out, "Grandma." Grandma was very happy.

Suddenly an alarm bell rang, I woke up, I had a sweet dream.

I told my grandfather that I would go to heaven. My grandfather smiled. Later, his tears came down.

If I could fly (2)

If I could fly, that would be a good thing.

If I can fly, I can fly over the Great Wall to see how long it is.?

If I can fly, I can fly to the surface of the Yangtze River to see how long it is.?

If I could fly, I would fly over Mount Everest to see how high it is.?

If I could fly, I would fly over the longest city wall, the longest river and the highest mountain in China.?

If I could fly, that would be a good thing. But I can't fly. If only I could fly.

If I could fly (3)

If I had a pair of wings, I would fly freely in the blue sky like a bird. I will fly over CITIC Tower in Guangzhou; Fly over the block like dwellings; Cross the sea with ease; Fly over the mountains and waters of Nazu Mountain; Jump over the wooded forest... If I had a pair of wings, I would fly in the blue sky like an eagle. Eh! Where is this? It turns out that this is the remote South Pole, where the night is like day under the light of the aurora, and there are groups of penguins standing on the vast white snow. They wear black tuxedos and white shirts, and look like a group of gentlemen from afar. The penguin saw me and came quickly to invite me to dance circle dance. Some penguins also jumped into the sea to catch delicious Antarctic shrimp for me. If I had a pair of wings, I would fly in the sky like a wild goose. In a twinkling of an eye, I flew to the beautiful Xinglong Botanical Garden on Hainan Island. It is famous for its unique and rich tropical plants. There are more than 1200 plant varieties. Here, the sea is lush and green, the birds are singing, and the fruit is faint. The number of wine glasses, vanilla, bamboo...... Is also countless, which I have never seen before. oh I saw a cacao tree with mottled trunks and olive shaped cacao fruits hanging under its lush leaves. I know that my favorite chocolate is made of cocoa fruit, so I can't wait to ask people next to me to take pictures of me and the cocoa tree. If I had a pair of wings... If I had a pair of wings, how wonderful!

If I could fly (4)

If I can fly, I will fly out of the earth to collect rocks in the Milky Way, make rock specimens, and open an international exhibition of alien rocks.

I flew, flew, flew to the white clouds, I saw a goose, thought: I don't want it to take me to fly some way. So I jumped on its back, and the geese seemed to know what I thought. Without saying a word, they took me near the atmosphere. I jumped down, flapped my wings, and continued to fly up. I flew out of the earth's atmosphere and came to the legendary Milky Way.

There is no gravity here. You can fly far by gently flapping your wings. It can fly thousands of meters in almost a second or two. I flew and flew to an ancient planet similar to the moon, where I found many rocks, including marble, quartzite, rich ore rock, granite, gabbro, etc. I took out my "mini laser knife" and cut a small piece of each rock and put it in a box. I flew all the way forward. Suddenly, a colorful light attracted my attention. I was very curious, so I flew to the colorful light and found that what was shining was a rock like a "colorful gem". I have never seen it on the earth before. I thought to myself: we must bring it back to the earth and study it carefully. Maybe we will find an ingredient that has never been found before, extract its luminous ingredient and synthesize new light energy.

I collected these and flew back to the earth. Everyone was amazed when they saw the rock. They gave me a gold medal and the honorary title of "father of strange stones".

I smiled and found myself in a daze. Ah! If only it were true!

When I grow up and become an astronaut, I will fly into space by spaceship, collect rocks, and maybe find unique rocks. After I return to the earth with rocks, I must open a real alien "rock exhibition"

If I could fly (5)

If I could fly, I would shuttle through the flowers like a butterfly. If I could fly, I would fly freely in the sky like a bird. If I could fly, I would fly in the sky like a plane. If I could fly, I would walk over the pond like a dragonfly.
I really hope my if can become a reality!

If I could fly (6)

The new semester has begun, and my parents have to pick me up and send me to school every day. After riding a bicycle that has been used for many years, I am often troubled by some small problems. Either the tire is broken today, or the brake cable is broken tomorrow. I was almost late several times, so my parents discussed whether to change a new car. I am also thinking how wonderful it would be if I could invent a bicycle with many special functions in the future!

I think this kind of bicycle in the future should at least have the following special functions: first, if the tire is broken, it can have the function of detecting the position of air leakage, can quickly find the position of air leakage, and can use the quick setting glue equipped in the tool box to quickly repair the hole, and use the portable inflation device to inflate.

Secondly, there should be an intelligent acceleration function, which can increase the speed and shorten the travel time on the road in the sections with no people or few people. If the cable of the brake is broken, the emergency stop function can be activated. As long as you press this button, you can stop immediately to avoid accidents and ensure driving safety.

Inventing bicycle has become my dream now. I will learn more knowledge and master more skills for this dream.

If I could fly (7)

"I am sailing in the blue sky of my motherland in the space shuttle......" I read this text with a myriad of thoughts

If I could fly, I would fly to the circus. In the circus, I saw a little lion teetering on a round ball. It moved forward carefully, looking nervous. I felt a kind of pity for it inexplicably. After the performance, I went to the trainer's uncle and gave him some money to buy the little lion. While touching the little lion, I asked him gently: "Where is your home? Can I take you home?" The little lion understood my words and murmured: "My home is in the Amazon River in Kenya."

So I flew it to Kenya. I reluctantly put it down and let it return to nature to find its mother. However, I didn't trust the little lion, so I flew over it and watched it from afar. At last, I saw the little lion find his mother, and I felt very sweet when I watched him snuggle up beside his mother.

Just when I felt relieved, there was a "rumbling" sound in my ear. When I looked into the distance, I saw that the dust was flying and the wildebeests were moving in a great way. A young wildebeest just born was left alone. It ran back and forth in panic. I quickly flew down to pick it up, flapped my wings and flew into the blue sky. Soon he caught up with the horned horses. The little wildebeest called to my mother with a special voice in my arms. At this time, one of the horned horses stopped, looked around and shouted. The little horned horse heard that and cried more happily! This is its mother! I immediately flew down and put the wildebeest beside her mother. They put their heads together; Cheek to cheek; They rubbed against each other with their bodies and snuggled tightly together... I was very happy to see their intimacy. I spread my wings and flew into the sky again, and continued to fly forward.

Farewell to the mother and son of the wildebeest, and I flew to the sky of "Haizhong Opera House". I saw a white and glittering building, like white lotus petals in full bloom; Like scallops with open leaves; It is more like a white sail to sail. Ah! This is Sydney Opera House! The clear and passionate piano sound came out of the theater, and countless waves poured onto the beach and slapped the rocks, like a group of "sea drum and bugle teams" accompanied by the piano sound. I can't help flying down, standing by the window and singing with them, gently swinging my body with the music, I really want to be a member of the stage.

At this time, my mother patted me on the shoulder, breaking my thoughts. She asked me curiously: "What are you thinking?" "Mom, do you know? If I can fly, I must go all over the world!" I replied proudly.

If I could fly (8)

If I can fly, I can spread my huge wings in the sky and fly over every corner of the earth.

In this way, I can experience the mystery of nature, discover the changes of nature, and fly with eagles in the sky. I can also find the secret on the cloud to see if there is a little fairy in the sky.

... If my dream can come true, it's really great!

If I could fly (9)

I can fly is my childhood dream. I wish God would give me a pair of wings.

If I had a pair of wings, I would fly to various countries to play. Enjoy the beautiful scenery of various countries, great rivers and mountains.

If I had a pair of wings, I would like to compete with a bird to see who is the fastest.

If I had a pair of wings, I would fly to the disaster area to help people in need, give them help, give them warmth.


If I could fly (10)

If only I could fly, I could fly everywhere.

I will fly to Beijing to see our Chairman Mao.

Very short, but this is my dream.

If I could fly (11)

How far away it is for us to fly!

If I could fly, I would fly to the disaster area first to comfort the children whose families were destroyed by floods or earthquakes. Tell them not to feel bad, and the motherland will help them build new homes.

If I can fly, I will be an angel flying in the air, spreading all the good things in the world to all corners of the world, so that everyone can share the joy, like a little magpie, to report the good news but not the bad news.

If I could fly, I would surely sprinkle tree seeds all over the desert to turn the golden desert into an oasis, and make it the home of birds, so that wild animals do not have to live a vagrant life.

Although our parents won't let us make unrealistic fantasies, our motherland will promise because we are innocent in the future.

If I could fly (12)

Flying is what people desire. Because it can help us achieve our goals, aspirations and ideals.

If I can fly, I will fly to the deepest part of the universe to find our second earth; Search for the most curious aliens; Look for the most beautiful stars in the Milky Way.

If I could fly, I would fly to the country with the most wars and persuade those who provoke wars; Persuade soldiers who work hard for the war; Persuade those behind the terrorist attacks.

If I can fly, I will fly to the poorest place in the world and give them books and stationery so that they can read seriously; Give them food so that they will no longer be hungry; Give them warmth, let them no longer lonely.

If I can fly, I will fly to the most beautiful garden in the world to experience the fragrance of flowers; Experience the beauty of flowers; Experience the purity of flowers.

If I can fly, I will fly to the deepest part of the sea, play with the fish, and feel the freedom of the fish; Sing with the fish and feel their fun; Swim with fish and feel their happiness.

If I can fly, I will fly to the highest place in the world to admire the majesty of the world; Look forward to the beauty of the world and the future of the world.

If I can fly, I will fly to

Flying desire is my goal, desire and ideal.

If I could fly (13)

If I could fly, I would fly to space to see how those astronauts live in space. And those stars are flashing, as if greeting me.

If I could fly, I would fly to the desert and send a lot of water to those who are exploring in the desert.

If I could fly, I would fly to the desert, take trees with me and plant them in the desert, so that there would be no desert in the world.

If I could fly, I would fly to the disaster area and send an interesting fairy tale book, clothes, and many food that we could not eat there to children our age.

If I could fly, I would fly to the place where I live in war, and send a solid house to those children, so that those enemies can not hurt them.

I know all these are illusions, but I think they will come true in the near future.

Grade 3: Rose 2004

If I could fly (14)

Everyone has a dream, and I am no exception. My dream is to fly freely.

If I could fly, I would fly to Finland and Santa Claus Village. As soon as I entered the Santa village, I saw that the white haired Santa with white eyebrows, white beard and white hair was putting many gifts into his huge magic bag. As soon as he saw me coming, he took a gift for me and played many games with me. Before he left, Santa Claus gave me many gifts and asked me to give them to my good friends.

If I could fly, I would fly to the South Pole, where the icebergs are crystal clear, like a crystal castle, but there is ice and snow, so cold that I shiver. As I flew, I looked around to see if there was a little penguin passing by. Suddenly, a penguin waddles past here. It looks so cute! He has a round and big head, a round and big white belly, a big yellow flat mouth on a white and clean fat face, small black eyes, and a pair of cute little wings. I really want to take him home to raise him, but he seems to have guessed my mind and shook his head like a rattle, as if to say, "No, I can't go home with you! My father and mother are still waiting for me at home! Besides, I can't adapt to the climate there!" "Goodbye, penguin!" I said disappointedly, "I wish you a happy family!" Then I flew away again.

If I could fly, I would fly to Geneva, which is famous both at home and abroad. I would row a boat to watch the 130 meter high artificial fountain on the Rhone Lake, climb the towering snow capped peak, hold the white dove representing peace, listen to the tick of the flower clock representing time and flowers, and listen to the notice issued by God with music in St. Peter's Cathedral.

Flying is a dream of many people, but it is also a dream hard to realize. But I believe that in the future, I will realize this dream and invent a pair of wings that can let people fly!

If I could fly (15)

Last night, I had a dream when I was sleeping. I dreamed that I had grown a pair of beautiful white wings to fly in the air.

I fly, fly, fly to the vast prairie. There are many horses running on the green grassland. White yurts are like countless giant mushrooms. People on the grassland are dancing in colorful clothes. They see me coming and dance with them as an angel.

Farewell to the green grassland, I flew to space again. I saw Venus, Jupiter, Mars, Saturn, and Uranus. I also saw Uncle Yang Liwei taking photos there on Uranus!

I slowly flew down from space to the blue sea. I saw ships sailing on the sea. What surprised me more was that an aircraft carrier was carrying a bright five-star red flag. I was both excited and proud. I was entranced when suddenly I heard something calling. I saw several seagulls flying. They seemed to say: Welcome to my home.

"Little sluggard, get up quickly" alarm clock woke me up from my dream, but I hate it today because it broke my "strange journey".

If I could fly (16)

If I could fly, I would fly to the sky, make some bird friends and see all the creatures on the earth.

If I could fly, I would enter a small garden, smell the fragrant flowers, look at the green grass, and listen to the singing birds.

If I could fly, I would fly to the waterfall and listen to the refreshing sound of flowing water.

But I know that it is impossible to grow a pair of wings, but I must rely on my own efforts to make the impossible possible.

If I could fly (17)

Once upon a time, there was a giraffe who wanted to fly.

One morning he woke up and found a pair of wings on his back. It flew up into the sky, flew over the clouds and looked down, wow! How beautiful! Ah, then, it flew over the forest, over the city, to the sea. He stopped on the beach and looked at the sea. Giraffe said: How beautiful! If you look at the sea in front of you as a living picture, the artist who can make this picture is really great.

The giraffe suddenly felt that he was the sea. The seagull flew over and told the giraffe the joy of flying in the morning. The little fish swam over and told the giraffe the good dream he had last night.

If I could fly (18)

If I could fly, I would fly to the robot country to play there.

When I landed on the ground, I saw many robots. Some could swim, some could shrink and enlarge, some could draw with stones, some could fly, and some could hide. I thought he was a ninja! After a while, I felt a little thirsty. I took out my telescope from my bag and saw a supermarket in the place about 39 kilometers away! It's too far. Fly over there. So I flapped the big white wings and flew up. Soon I went there and bought a bottle of water. "Oh! My throat will smoke if I don't drink water!" I quickly opened the bottle cap and took a drink. "Wow, this water is sweet." Eh, my parents haven't drunk it yet. I bought two more bottles and put them in my bag. While flying, I thought: It's good to go to the park. Fly to the sky above the lawn beside the park creek, land on the ground, and smell a smell of vegetation. Play tired, the sun also set. "It's time to go back!" Eh, where did I come from? I got lost and broke out in a cold sweat.

"Get up, I will be late soon!" My mother woke me up. It turned out to be a dream. When I arrived at school, I recalled the things in my dream and said to myself, "If only I could fly!"!

If I could fly (19)

If I could fly

If I could fly

Ji Rongxia, Class 4, Grade 2, Nanma No. 2 Primary School, Yiyuan County, Shandong Province, Zibo, Shandong Province

Last night, I had a dream when I was sleeping. I dreamed that I had grown a pair of beautiful white wings to fly in the air.

I fly, fly, fly to the vast prairie. There are many horses running on the green grassland. White yurts are like countless giant mushrooms. People on the grassland are dancing in colorful clothes. They see me coming and dance with them as an angel.

Farewell to the green grassland, I flew to space again. I saw Venus, Jupiter, Mars, Saturn, and Uranus. I also saw Uncle Yang Liwei taking photos there on Uranus!

I slowly flew down from space to the blue sea. I saw ships sailing on the sea. What surprised me more was that an aircraft carrier was carrying a bright five-star red flag. I was both excited and proud. I was entranced when suddenly I heard something calling. I saw several seagulls flying. They seemed to say: Welcome to my home.

"Little sluggard, get up quickly" alarm clock woke me up from my dream, but I hate it today because it broke my "strange journey".

Instructor: Ji Rongxia