Composition of Beautiful Scenery in Spring (17 compilations)
Sea Blue Without Soul
2024-05-25 07:41:21
describe the scenery

Composition of Beautiful Scenery in Spring (1)

The cold winter has passed, and spring has come quietly.

When spring comes, ice and snow melt, spring returns to the earth, and everything recovers. How beautiful spring is! Grass jumped out of the ground as if to visit Spring and say hello to Spring: "Spring, how beautiful you are!" Bamboo shoots wriggled up in the rusty spring rain. There are jasmine flowers everywhere, as if to tell others to come to meet the spring. The kapok in the park also opened, red kapok blossoming like jellyfish in the sea, floating in the breeze, dancing beautiful dances have fallen.

Grassland and riverside are full of wild flowers, red, yellow, white, purple...... Colorful and magnificent. The river is full of sleeping lotus flowers, all kinds of which are in various forms. Groups of small fish are attracted, spitting bubbles, as if singing the praises of spring.

Spring is beautiful. I love spring, and I love the beauty of spring more.

Composition of Beautiful Scenery in Spring (2)

In spring, all kinds of scenery are presented: sky, white clouds, birds, trees... If you want to know more about them, please listen to me carefully.

In spring, the earth is full of vitality and everything recovers; In spring, trees chirp and birds contend; In spring, the sky is full of white clouds and deep blue...... In spring, in China, the scenery is beautiful and flowers bloom.

Now we can imagine how beautiful spring is: the trees in the forest grow luxuriantly; The peach flowers in the peach garden spread their beautiful branches; The azaleas also have bright flowers. It's really dazzling.

How beautiful spring is!

Composition of Beautiful Scenery in Spring (3)

In spring, there are many beautiful scenery. The fields are full of golden rape flowers, the grass on the grass shows its head, the willows are dressed in spring clothes, the ice in the river melts, and a vibrant scene is around.

Of course, the most eye-catching thing is the orchard. Looking up, it is like a sea of flowers in the world of flowers. Peach and pear flowers are like gorgeous rosy clouds, with colorful petals shining in the sun. As soon as people walked into the orchard, they could smell a thick aroma of fruit.

The willow branches also sprouted. When the wind blew, they twisted their waist and legs and danced with the wind. It was very beautiful. As soon as the spring breeze blows, everything comes to life, and the small animals do not sleep much anymore. They all climb out of their holes to get busy. The spring breeze is the seed of life, and the spring rain is the nourishment of everything. The continuous spring rain has greened the earth and bloomed the winter jasmine. All these tell us that spring is coming!

Everything in spring is so beautiful, I love this beautiful spring!

Composition of Beautiful Scenery in Spring (4)

When the sky doll woke up, he stretched and yawned and told Sister Feng'er that the beautiful Spring Girl was coming. She wanted to date the little angels and let me send you a message.

Sister Feng Er hurries into her "time tunnel", comes to a beautiful country called Spring, finds a city called Xiaoxuntong, and enters a knowledge gate called Composition Link, where there are many intelligent dolls. Sister Fenger ran to the place eagerly, passed the good news on to the little angels there, and took them to the date of Spring Girl.

When the news came, everyone happily followed Sister Fenger and set out.

They flew to the garden. Peach Blossoms blushed, grass smiled and turned green, winter jasmine became yellow and heart broken, and willows stretched out their green hands to wave to everyone.

They flew to the field. The rape flower became golden, and the green wheat sprouts stretched out their heads and looked out. They didn't know that they were spring, so they couldn't close Feng'er's mouth.

At this moment, the sea wakes up and sings beautiful songs. The bird stopped sleeping and ran around with spring in its beak.

The naughty wind also wakes up the children who did not participate in the dating. They all laughed and cried, running towards the embrace of spring.

Composition of Beautiful Scenery in Spring (5)

As I walked, I could see the grass on both sides of the path kicking away the thick quilt and coming out, as if shouting: "I finally come out, and can breathe fresh air again. Spring has brought me beauty.". Yes, the life force of Xiao Cao is so tenacious!

Turn the path and climb up. The willows beside the river pulled out new buds, and the green buds "stood" on the willow branches. A spring breeze came, and the willow branches flew upward, just like a girl's discriminator swinging in the wind. Frozen under the willow trees, the "ding ding dong dong" river broke through the ice like a performer, singing to the distance, and the "ding ding dong dong" echo was still ringing.

I love the spring when the eyebrows compete with the willows for green and the faces compete with peaches for red.

Composition of Beautiful Scenery in Spring (6)

Spring is the warmest day in the four seasons. But why is spring so warm? Oh! It turned out that the beautiful god of spring returned to the world eroded by winter. The beautiful god of spring will take away the cold winter and bring us beautiful scenery.

The beautiful spring is the day when flowers bloom. The beautiful flowers are competing for who is more beautiful. All kinds of flowers, grass and trees come out of the ground for photosynthesis. Beautiful butterflies and lovely bees are dancing in the beautiful garden. The children also played happily in the vast playground. Spring is really a warm and full of laughter season.

Spring is my favorite season, because spring is the most beautiful season in the four seasons, with flowers blooming and beautiful scenery. Spring is really the most beautiful day in the four seasons.

Composition of Beautiful Scenery in Spring (7)

"The plan of a year lies in spring, and one day lies in the morning." "Spring sleeps without waking up, and birds are heard everywhere." Yes, these are poems describing spring. Spring is the best season of the year, and the season when everything recovers. Spring is always so beautiful in our eyes.

When the colorful spring comes, the ice in the brook melts, and it regains its former vitality. It sings happily, and its voice is very clear, like a singer. "The wild fire is endless, and the spring wind blows again." The vitality of the grass is very tenacious. After the fire, it reappears! The grass sprouted green. Under the wind of spring, the grass keeps nodding, just like ripples in a green sea. Seeing green grass makes me feel cool and comfortable. "I don't know who cut it in detail. The spring breeze in February is like scissors." This phrase describes willows. In fact, in spring, I like willows best. The willow branches are covered with green leaves. When the spring wind blows, the branches drift away with the wind, like a beautiful and moving girl dancing in a beautiful dance. It's very beautiful.

At this time, farmers planted seeds and took good care of them, waiting for the harvest in autumn. For people, spring sowing is a good hope. People are enjoying the beautiful spring and working hard.

Spring is a colorful season, a season full of spring, and a beautiful season.

I love this beautiful spring!

Composition of Beautiful Scenery in Spring (8)

At the weekend, the teacher of Korla Langcheng's golden composition took us to enjoy the beautiful scenery of spring.

When we reached the Swan River, I saw that spring was as beautiful as a fairy, and grass was like her green eyes, full of power; The willow branches are like her hair, full of hope; Flowers like her eyelashes, full of sunshine; The leaf is like her face, which is full of happiness. I saw the river thawed, and pear and peach blossoms opened; The grass also slowly poked out its sharp little head; Small flowers also slowly opened red, yellow, blue, pink, orange flowers. I heard that spring is more beautiful than anyone else. She runs on the earth, and only dewdrops take photos of her. Look! Spring smiles in small dewdrops. I also heard her talking, which can only be heard by heart. She seemed to say: "I am the most beautiful all the year round. Adults and children like me very much. I am so happy!"

I like spring very much. In spring, you can fly kites, watch willows, grass, peach blossom, pear blossom, Swan River, hear birds chirping in the trees, and see the cleanness of spring. This reminds me of a poem describing the purity and beauty of lotus flowers, which is "out of mud without stain, clean without demon". The lotus flowers are like this, and the pure pear flowers are like this?

I love my hometown, Korla. I love the spring of Korla. Spring returns to the earth. It's a beautiful time!

Composition of Beautiful Scenery in Spring (9)

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Beautiful scenery in spring

Spring is a colorful season.

Today, I saw the traces of spring on my way out of school. The yellow leaves began to turn green, and the willow trees began to sprout. The branches of the willow trees hung down to the ground like a little girl's hair. It was beautiful.

I really like spring. In spring, seeing flowers can make people feel better, and spring is also very warm. In spring, I can play games with my good friends, catch butterflies and ride bikes together. In the spring, all the trees sprouted, like naughty children, stretching out their heads to greet us. How beautiful!

Jia Lin, instructor of Li Siyu, Class 6, Grade 2, Sunshine Primary School

Composition of Beautiful Scenery in Spring (10)

In the laughter of people, unknowingly, the branches sprouted, the grass drilled out of the soil, the flowers blossomed, and the swallows flew back from the south. All these scenes mean that Spring Girl came quietly.

The rain in spring is more memorable. The drizzle was so gentle that it fell on the ground silently and hit the umbrella of pedestrians. It looks like a huge rain curtain. There are several crystal pearls on the grass leaves, which are particularly lovely. The kind old people held up their umbrellas downstairs and walked slowly. Their smiles were very bright, as if they were saying: Spring rain is the good news since spring.

The rain stopped, everything was so fresh. Everything in the world took a bath, and the huge bead curtain disappeared. People went out of their homes laughing, took a breath of fresh air, and rushed to the street to buy vegetables. It is said that "leeks are very fragrant."

Ah! Spring is like a magician, moistening the earth where we live with the misty spring rain; Spring is also like an excellent painter. In her writing, withered trees and grass turn green. She is also a musician. The rain falls on the roof, on the ground, on the umbrella, on the leaves, playing beautiful music.

Spring is so beautiful. Everything has a new look, and people have a new look. I like spring.

Composition of Beautiful Scenery in Spring (11)

"The grass grows and the warbler flies in February, and the willows are drunk with spring smoke." On Saturday morning, my mother and I recite poems while going out to look for spring.

I said to my mother, "There must be withered branches and withered leaves outside." My mother said, "The grass beside the wall yesterday has told you that spring has come. Let's find out where there is spring!"

We walked along the road and saw the shepherd's purse with small white flowers, and the leaves of the green cow's tongue spread out one by one; The tender green grass comes out from the withered and yellow grass like little green hedgehogs. I call it "Hedgehog Grass"; These flowers and grass are waving in the wind, as if they are greeting me! The branches on the willow trees are slender and long, with yellow and tender leaves sprouting; There are also large areas of winter jasmine, like a golden ocean.

We continued to walk forward and reached the riverside. The water was sparkling under the sun. There was a little duck swimming on the water, floating up and down again. My mother and I were very happy. My mother said, "The spring river is warm..." and I said, "The duck prophet!"

Spring really came, my mother and I sang a song: "Where is spring? Where is spring? Spring is in the yellow jasmine flowers; where is spring? Where is spring? Spring is in the sprouting cloves; where is spring? Where is spring? Spring is in the Maomao dog on the poplar tree; Where is spring? Where is spring? Spring is in the misty willows... "

Spring is really coming, and I remembered a famous saying: spring is the plan of a year, and morning is the plan of a day.

Composition of Beautiful Scenery in Spring (12)

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Spring is full of vitality. The trees pulled out new branches and grew green leaves. Grass crept out of the ground and spread out a green world like a soft carpet. Look at that rose again. It's red. It's really cute. Look! Its branches also have sharp thorns, which are as sharp as devil's claws. If you touch the sharp thorn with your hand, your hand will bleed.

I came to school. There are several tall cedars in the front playground of the school, like a guard guarding the school.

I came to the back playground again, where there was a flower ground. There are many flowers planted in the flower bed, including red flowers, yellow flowers and purple flowers. The most eye-catching thing is yellow tulips, which are so beautiful! There is also a pear tree in the flower floor, on which there are pear flowers.

I went out of school and came to the grass again. I found that the animals were awake. The snake came out of the hole, and the swallow was flying in the air. They formed a group, and the line they formed was like a "spring". It seems that they mean "Spring is coming!"

How beautiful spring is!

Third grade: Three Baby 123

Composition of Beautiful Scenery in Spring (13)

How charming and beautiful the spring scenery on campus is! The warm wind is blowing and the flowers are fragrant. The intoxicating spring makes me intoxicated. The warm wind Buddha's face gently rolls the beauty of the campus. At that time, the earth revived everything, and the flowers on the campus unexpectedly opened up and rushed forward. The trees also sprouted new buds, and the grass also woven a green blanket. The campus was full of vitality, and our campus was more beautiful and charming by colorful flowers.

In the physical education class, we ran carefree on the campus, and could also laugh freely. I also changed into spring clothes. Our colorful green clothes also added beauty to the campus. At this time, spring was more beautiful than winter. In spring, the sun is bright, and it is suitable to fly kites in the grass. If you are tired, you can lie on your back on the lawn that is better than the "blue dream", quietly looking at the blue sky, clouds, like white sails on the blue sea, and you can also contribute to the dream of a long journey, ah! Our campus is more beautiful now. Look, those girls are rehearsing the dance they just learned on the lawn; Those boys are playing various games on the lawn; Other students are happily singing the Spring Song with the birds. If only I were a painter! I can draw the spring of the campus and never disappear in my eyes. How beautiful and charming it is!

The bright moon on the campus has left the illusion of a beautiful tomorrow. My alma mater has left us selfless love and care. I am willing to stay at my alma mater forever, because my alma mater has added fun and happiness to my childhood. I will never forget the care and care of our teachers. I love you - my alma mater.

--500 words

Composition of Beautiful Scenery in Spring (14)

In spring, everything recovers, the wind is sunny, and the scenery is charming. Let's go into spring!

Spring is in your eyes. Spring is so poetic. "The grass grows and the warbler flies in February, and the willows and willows are drunk with spring smoke." Isn't this just the portrayal of spring? Grass sprouts, yellow warblers sing and willows sprout, which make spring more beautiful and charming. The most beautiful thing is the pink peach blossom full of trees, like the shy red cloud on the girl's face.

Spring is in your ears. In spring, the birds are chirping more happily than before. The swallow shuttles across the countryside and cheers, which is so clear. It not only has a beautiful voice, but also has a beautiful shape, which makes the spring full of vitality.

Spring is in your heart. The sun rises slowly in the morning, standing in the soft sun, letting it play coquetry and shine on your face, making you feel the sunshine in spring is extremely warm and comfortable. In the spring rain, the children are playing to their heart's content. In the spring rain, small swallows shuttle across the farmland, flapping their wings and scattering raindrops on their bodies. After the spring rain, the wheat sprouts are greener.

Spring is everywhere. In the fields, people begin to work: plough and sow, waiting for a good harvest. Spring is everywhere, in our eyes, in our hearts, in our ears. As long as we observe carefully, we will find the footprints of spring!

Composition of Beautiful Scenery in Spring (15)

Spring is the time when spring returns to the earth and everything recovers. In the morning, I walked in one part of the park, smelling the smell of many newly sprouted willows, and lying on the grass, soft. The grass has just drilled out the hard soil, and can't wait to enjoy the first sunshine of this spring. The tender green grass quickly takes off its original coat and turns green with the change of the weather. Many butterflies fly on the newly opened flowers, dancing and playing. How wonderful!

In this spring, you can also hear beautiful songs. Looking up, there were several birds lingering on a tall Chinese parasol tree, and they were having a concert? A gust of spring wind blew, and the buds and grass were all ready to move far away. There are also some small wild flowers still stuck in the arms of mother earth. Walk up to see pink, blue, purple and so on. It is just a nail plate, but it has many petals. The flower branches are also covered with many small flowers, which are in bud. The white stamens are quietly opening up bit by bit. The spring breeze blows, with a faint fragrance in the wind, refreshing. It has a long life. The spring wind can't blow it down, and the sun can't kill it. Look! A little ant is leisurely climbing to the flower. After a while, it looks here and there on the flower. It seems to appreciate a colorful hill, and it seems to look at the beautiful scenery in the distance! The flowers look more vigorous in the sun, which is wonderful!

When I stood up, some tender willows were gently brushed on my face by the spring wind. In a moment, I not only smelled a light fragrance, but also felt the buds on the willows, and the smoothness and warmth of the leaves. A closer look, one leaf, two leaves, is stretching the body. The small leaf will become a big leaf after a period of time. Let's wait quietly, right? Ah. How wonderful!

Spring is the rebirth day of all things, and it is the day when farmers open up wasteland. Spring is the day children look forward to. Spring is the working day of insects. Spring is wonderful!

Composition of Beautiful Scenery in Spring (16)

Composition I describing the beautiful scenery in spring

Grandpa Dongse sent away the cold of the earth, and Miss Spring came to the world with light steps. The scenery in spring is very beautiful, just like a vivid picture.

The sunshine in spring is particularly bright. Spring girl opens her smiling face. The sun, red beam of light, gently caresses you like a young mother's hand.

With the brisk pace of Spring Girl, the green grass breaks through the soil and sneaks out of the soil, tender and green. In the park, you can see these stubborn grass everywhere.

In this warm season, in the woods, many trees are full of bright flowers; Everyone refused to yield. Red, yellow, white and purple flowers of all kinds really looked like a beautiful flower bed. Many butterflies and bees smell the fragrance of flowers, and they all come to collect honey and fly back and forth in mid air.

In the woods, many birds are flying freely and happily. When they are happy, they sing clear and sweet songs. The warm spring light blows the river. The river is suddenly affected by a pleasant and beautiful flute sound. Looking around, a group of naughty children are making willow flutes with weeping willow stems! They blew out happiness and joy in their hearts.

The rain in spring is soft. The spring rain is beating on the bamboo branches and leaves. The rain sometimes falls in a straight line, sometimes falling with the wind, leaving a beautiful shadow like smoke, fog, yarn and silk. The splashing rain flowers seem to be jumping notes on the piano, playing a beautiful melody.

How come the sky is colorful and dazzling? Ah, it turns out that children are defending kites on the Document Channel of China Education Network. Under the light of the blue sky and white clouds, all kinds of kites are flying and flying freely. What a refreshing sight!

Ah, everything in spring seems so vibrant.

Oh, how beautiful spring is! Let's feel the beauty of nature with our heart.

Composition 2 describing the beautiful scenery in spring

The cold winter has passed, and Spring Girl came to the world with light steps.

The news of the earth's awakening has long been spread across the fields by the spring breeze. The brook began to sing, as if singing for the arrival of Spring Girl. The singing of birds and the fragrance of flowers permeate the nature. Spring Girl embroidered flowers for the earth. The beautiful flowers exude infinite temptation in the wind. The small trees on the river bank began to show a faint green color, and the soft branches swayed in the breeze. On the slanting bank of the river, the vast fields are like covered with a layer of transparent blue yarn, as if the desolation in the late winter is pregnant with the vitality of spring. There is also a little green peeping out of the ground in the soil. This is grass and young life! They add liveliness and beauty to this spring.

The air is so fresh, the sky is so clear. Spring girl happily kisses everything, so gentle, so intimate, just like a loving mother caressing her children, how kind!

I love this beautiful spring, because it is so beautiful, so vibrant!

Composition 3 describing the beautiful scenery in spring

Grandpa Winter drew the reluctant Snow Girl to help them. They danced a friendship dance in the air. The ground was covered with white carpet, and the marshmallow was still falling.

"Ting, Go, go back to your hometown. You haven't gone back for years. Go and have a look!"

"What's there to see? I didn't suffer enough last time?" I pursed, unwilling.

"I also said that we have little experience, you." My mother pointed to my head and smiled.

In the end, I surrendered and was dragged onto the minibus back to my hometown.

Along the way, the scene five years ago reappeared. The road in front of the village

Clothes made of mud can raise dust in sunny days and splash mud and water in rainy days. The houses were all slapped and crowded with a large family. People are ragged and thin, shivering in winter, and even visiting relatives and friends do not have a decent dress. They ate sweet potato porridge. Alas, the past cannot be mentioned again. Don't stay too long this time. I don't want to suffer more.

"Here, get off!" Seeing that I was dumbfounded, my mother hurriedly asked me to get off. "Eh, we went wrong. This is not the case in our hometown. We must have taken a bus." Looking at the magnificent village house, I couldn't believe it. Indeed, in such a good place, you would not believe that the cement paved road is spacious and straight. The courtyard style buildings in the village are orderly arranged in rows. Several factories near the village roared with machines. Compared with my hometown five years ago, one is in heaven and the other is in hell. Seeing me dumbfounded, my mother patted me on the shoulder and said, "I didn't go wrong. I'm afraid you can't even find my house."

Afraid of getting lost, I had to follow my mother. As the village gets closer, I can see it more clearly. "Wow! Whose home is this? It's so beautiful!", The more you rub, the more you lose, the more jealous you become... "Ouch, little scholar, please come in! Please come in!" Seeing us, Lazy God urged us to come into his house. The room is beautiful. The household appliances are all the latest models. The air conditioners and mobile phones are all rich and noble people.

The shiver before going out completely disappeared, and the new look of my hometown flooded in my heart, urging me to step on the wheel of wind and fire, eager to see the face of my youth.

Composition of Beautiful Scenery in Spring (17)

Near, near, I heard the footsteps of spring girl. She waved a paintbrush and dressed the earth in green. Spring girl came to the field. The rape flowers in the fields were painted golden yellow by Spring Girl. Under the blowing of my younger brother in the spring breeze, layers of golden waves rose in the rape field, emitting refreshing fragrance. The charming willow trees stretch their branches and leaves, and let the younger brother Chunfeng help to comb their long hair. Spring Girl dotted the willow branches with tender green willow buds. Look, the grass also wakes up from the sweet dream, breaks through the ground, breathes fresh air, and stretches its body. Spring girl also came to the courtyard. She gave the peach tree a fragrant smell. The peach trees are full of blooming peach flowers, pink pink, like a piece of dawn. There are also some budding buds, just like a newborn baby, trying to open their eyes to see the new world. The branches of winter jasmine are inlaid with yellow buds. After being moistened by sister Chunyu, a few drops of crystal dew were left in the bud. Spring girl also came to the reservoir. The clear water of the lake is like a mirror. Spring Girl gives green to the mountains and makes them reflect in the water. What a wonderful landscape painting! All the spring scenery in front of me reminds me of Grandpa Zhu Ziqing's "Spring" - "everything seems to have just woken up, and I am glad to open my eyes" ah, picturesque spring! You are the messenger of the earth, the symbol of hope, and the beginning of every year. Let's feel the vibrant spring with our heart, and feel the beauty of nature!