Primary School Students' Composition for Spring (20 in general)
Lifetime commitment
2024-01-15 07:36:13
primary school

Looking for Spring in Pupils' Composition (1)

Spring has come, the weather has become warmer, and the land has also changed. This morning, my good friend Ren Jie and I went to look for the footprints of spring.

Dressed in bright sunshine, we came to the hillside against the warm spring breeze. The grass on the hillside is withered and yellow, and the grass below the hillside is green. Why? Because there is a river at the foot of the mountain, which is nourished by water, it turns green again. We searched and found that there was a kind of bare tree that had not grown new leaves, its branches were like chicken feet, and there were many sharp thorns. There are many small buds on the tree, red, small, like beads, very lovely. The beautiful little flower buds are close together. When the flower buds bloom in a few days, I will come back to watch their blooming flowers.

Spring is the plan of the year. I am 8 years old this year, and it is also the spring of life! I am determined to study hard in the spring of my childhood to harvest more seeds of knowledge and thrive like these plants. I will study hard and be useful to the society in the future.

Looking for Spring in Pupils' Composition (2)

Spring has begun to spread slowly. The small trees have become greener and the grass has become more tender.

At noon on Wednesday, I was looking for spring on campus. I first came to the playground to look for the traces of spring. Looking up, I saw that two Chinese parasol trees had grown green leaves. It seemed that they were going to change their old yellow clothes and prepare to wear new and fashionable green clothes. Look at their strong and connected branches. They are like two good friends holding hands. They are the heroes of nature, making beautiful and warm homes for birds, so that they can sing songs for us on campus. How wonderful the melody is.

I went to the school's flower table again. A few mushroom shaped evergreen trees looked very tall and straight. They were like children of big trees. The dark green leaves were absorbing sufficient nutrients on the trunk. They were like spirits sent by spring, and wanted to jump out and play with us.

Going this way, I was puzzled by a tree. I said it was a loquat tree. It had no fruit. I said it was a rubber tree. It was too big, but its leaves seemed to be painted with paint. The green leaves seemed to be mature teenagers, emitting the smell of spring. At this moment, the familiar melody suddenly sounded, "The little spiral trumpets are whistling..." The time for noon nap has come, and I am having a good time, but the most important thing is that I found spring.

Looking for Spring in Pupils' Composition (3)

Slowly, Grandpa Winter has gone, and the long-awaited Spring Girl is coming briskly!

Where is spring? Look, the ice in the river has melted, and the ducklings are swimming with my mother; Small fish and shrimp also swam happily in the water, and stuck their heads out from time to time, as if they were smelling the breath of spring.

Look at the vibrant scene in the welcoming park in spring! The old tree enlivens its strong muscles and bones, swings its branches, and slowly grows green buds on them; The grass also peeped out the small green head unconsciously, like laughing and talking to Spring Girl; Peach blossom, apricot blossom and pear blossom are not to be outdone. They are all competing to open up. Those beautiful butterflies are busy spreading pollen for flowers, and those industrious bees are also busy collecting honey. Even my little turtles and crayfish woke up from hibernation and began to move! People also took off their thick cotton padded clothes and put on beautiful spring clothes. Children ran out of their homes one by one and flew colorful kites in various shapes

Ah, I found spring! Spring is colorful and colorful. I can't see enough. I believe you can also find spring! Let's go, let's find spring together

Looking for Spring in Pupils' Composition (4)

Spring is coming, spring is coming! The fields are like beautiful fairy tales, and the grass sticks out from the ground, as if to welcome the sunny spring. Looking up at the sky, the eaves came back from the south with their luggage one by one, adding a lot of luster to this extremely beautiful spring.

When I walked on the earth, I saw the soft spring wind warming the river and the continuous spring rain turning the earth green. The spring breeze is blowing and the dew is rolling, like a beautiful watercolor painting. And all these things are brought to us by nature, the great painter?

When we came to the brook, we could hear the sound of the flowing water. Green everywhere, clothes were taken away this spring, leaving only a sweater. The breeze blew gently, and willows began to sprout. They were blown by the spring wind, just like girls dancing.

When you enter the park again, the grass sprouts, the flowers bloom, and the birds chirp in the blue sky, singing about the beautiful girl. White clouds are floating, smiling and nodding at us. Spring girl ran into the campus and woke up the sleeping trees.

Human action has become more and more flexible. Because of this, they have taken off the thick down jacket and put on the clothes representing spring. Don't you think all these represent that the pace of spring is not far away from us?

Looking for Spring in Pupils' Composition (5)

"The light rain in the sky street is as soft as a crisp, and the grass color is far away but not near. The best thing is that one year of spring is better than that of full of tobacco and willow trees." Han Yu's "Early Spring Appears to Councillor Zhang Shibawai of the Ministry of Water" describes a poem and painting in early spring. It's another good time to look for spring. We went to Lixiang Park to look for spring in poetry and painting.

We arrived at the gate of Lixiang Park and entered the gate. There was a big lawn in front of us, like a big green carpet. The path above was like a long ribbon stretching far away. I looked carefully on the lawn for a while, and the grass crept out of the soil, tender and green. Stepping on it is soft, and it smells fragrant with my nose. With the smell of dew, I saw spring on the lawn.

On both sides of the road to the West Gate, there were all kinds of bright morning glory and iris, pink like rosy clouds, white like snow, purple like grapes, and they seemed to welcome us with smiling faces. The flower balls beside the lawn are brighter than each other. Here are white and purple flowers, there are pink and purple flowers, and from a distance, there are three colors mixed together. Different flowers have different fragrance. The aroma of peach flowers is light, peony flowers are thick, and some unknown wild flowers are quietly opening. I can smell spring in the fragrance of flowers.

The trees on both sides of the road are also showing their beautiful posture. The old leaves of the flower leaf banyan are dark green, and the new leaves are surrounded by lace, like an umbrella. The lychee tree is dark green at the bottom and light green on the top, like clusters of green grapes. It's really beautiful! The kapok tree has big red buds, like red balls, ready to open at any time. The trees in the Rhododendron Garden have grown small and red buds, like sharp red shoots. I feel that spring is on the branches.

Spring is beautiful, attractive and promising. When I went to the foot massage pool, I saw a group of innocent and lovely children. When I saw their smiling faces, I suddenly understood the truth: Isn't this the spring I'm looking for?

Looking for Spring in Pupils' Composition (6)

Spring is coming, let's look for spring together.

Where is spring? In spring, the grass sprouts on the grass; In the spring, the young trees draw out new green; Spring is on us. We take off our thick cotton padded jacket, scarf, gloves and thin quilt.

Where is spring? Spring is in the blue sky. A gentle spring rain is falling and spring thunder is ringing. Spring is in the hands of the children. The children hold kites in their hands and fly their favorite kites happily on the grass. Spring is in the nest of swallows. Swallows fly from the south to us and return to the former nest.

Where is spring? Spring In spring, people spend Women's Day, Tomb sweeping Day, Labor Day, Youth Day, Dragon Boat Festival

Spring is a colorful season with flowers in full bloom. I like spring very much.

Looking for Spring in Pupils' Composition (7)

Spring and I are good friends.

Today, she said to me, "Let's play hide and seek." I said, "OK!" "She said," I can do magic. You should look for it carefully! "

At first, I found her first. I counted under a peach tree. When I counted to fifty, the tree was suddenly full of flowers. I thought it must have been here in spring. So, I followed the flowers, so I found the spring girl who was wearing a beautiful purple dress and turned herself into a butterfly flower. She was very unconvinced and said, "No, come again..."

This time, I counted on a dry grass field. When I counted to fifty, the grass suddenly turned green. I thought: it must have been spring. So I walked along the grass and saw many sprouts emerging from the cracks in the withered grass. Sure enough, I found her dressed in green behind a blade of grass. This time, she turned herself into a naughty mimosa! But she said, "Don't do it, don't do it, catch it again."

This time, I lay on my mother's body and counted. When I reached 50, I suddenly found that my mother's clothes were thinner! I think it must have been spring. In this way, I found spring again. She is turning into a pair of warm hands to take off the heavy winter jacket for people! This time, she finally said, "OK, I will obey you."

Today, I am very happy. Because I found spring.

Looking for Spring in Pupils' Composition (8)

Spring begins on February 4! I always want to go outside to enjoy the beauty of spring.

However, the smell of winter has not completely faded, and it seems that Spring is not in a hurry to make friends with us. She came late with a light step. I ran to the garden and saw withered trees beginning to have tender green buds growing on their branches. Although there were only a few spots, I felt the arrival of spring. With the beauty of spring, the jasmine had many strong babies, and some also opened their yellow umbrellas to protect their little partners! Suddenly, I found a few red spots. I hurried to see what it was. It was a bunch of large and small bright red flowers and leaves, one layer wrapped in another. The leaves were long and oval. The edges of the leaves were serrated, and the color on the edges was darker than the color inside. At this time, I was very happy! I think: I finally found spring.

Yesterday, there was a spring rain. The spring rain was like a thread spun by a spring girl. It fell on my face thin and soft, as if to say: "Spring is coming, spring is coming." The spring rain itself is colorless. I think: spring rain can bring colorful colors to spring! Spring rain falls on the grass, and spring turns green; The spring rain on the peach blossom turns red; The spring rain drips on the winter jasmine, and the spring turns golden.

The plan of a year lies in spring. A few buds let me see the hope of spring. Can I finally see spring?

Looking for Spring in Pupils' Composition (9)

The cold winter has passed, and the warm spring has come.

This morning, I went out to look for spring.

When I came to the garden, I saw the peach trees sprouting new buds, growing small leaves, and flowers in bud. Cherry blossom is more brilliant, white, pink, red. When the spring wind blew across the grass, the grass bent over with a smile.

Spring is near the lake. The willow trees grow new buds. The willows gently brush the river bank. The willow trees' shadow is reflected in the mountains on the lake, showing green waves. The lake is crystal clear, and all kinds of fish swim around as if singing the song of spring!

Spring is beside the road. The Chinese parasol trees beside the road are tall and big. The old leaves fall off, and the new green leaves grow out. Children enjoy the happiness of spring under the trees. Adults walk under the trees while talking about the past and the present.

In spring, on Huanong's Lion Mountain, the trees on the mountain are more luxuriant, and beautiful flowers attract butterflies, bees, dragonflies. The South Lake surrounds the Lion Mountain with a transparent white gauze, and the "lion" drinks nectar to protect the campus. Spring puts a green veil on the bare grass. The children are playing hide and seek, flying kites, skips and so on on the grass. They are really happy.

In spring, you are a painter, drawing light mountains, green water, red sun, cotton like clouds. The white clouds set off the sun, together with a few chirping birds, like a beautiful picture.

I found spring! I love this spring!

Looking for Spring in Pupils' Composition (10)

There was East Lake in ancient times, but now there is Linghu Lake. Today, we are going to look for spring. This morning, I got up before dawn, with an indescribable joy in my heart.

When I came to the school, I saw that the students were talking in whispers. I couldn't wait to join their team and started a heated discussion. At this time, the teacher came in, she introduced Linghumei to us, and set out on the school bus.

After a long road, we finally reached the Linghu Lake, and the next part of the road is to walk. While walking, I saw the beautiful scenery!

Look, the sky is blue, like a sea, white clouds floating in the sky, soft and changeable like cotton candy, some like lions, running in the sky, roaring loudly; Some of them are like a horse, a wild horse, running like crazy. Some are like... I can't say enough.

The grass on one side has been standing up, and the green body is a little bright. At this time, the breeze gently blows, and the grass bends down, like cute little old men. Grasses are like big green carpets. The flowers give off a charming fragrance, which is fragrant. The flowers radiate like various patterns and patterns on the carpet hill. The tall green mountains stand on the opposite side, like powerful guards guarding the Linghu Lake day and night. The trees stand forcefully and firmly, and the leaves stand forcefully and firmly. The leaves are green, lush and green, as if they were painted. The breeze blows again, and he starts to shake!

We walked on the high stone bridges, which were very high. On the stone bridge, we looked at the Linghu Lake, which was flowing with water, sparkling in the sun, with a magnificent voice and a heroic style.

Finally, we arrived at our destination, and we all started to eat.

After a long time, the teacher said he was leaving, and we had to leave reluctantly! But I think it's good to find spring.

Looking for Spring in Pupils' Composition (11)

Spring is coming. On the weekend, my parents and I went to Changhe Park to look for spring.

What is the sign of spring? By the way, there are clusters of winter jasmine, small yellow flowers, growing luxuriantly, as if to tell people that spring is coming. Look, the grass also pokes out its small green head, looking at a large area of green grass from afar, but when you get closer, you can see nothing. It seems to be playing hide and seek with us. It's really "grass color is far away, but there is nothing"!

When spring came, the river also melted and became clear. My father and I played water rafting to see who could throw it far away. There are more birds too, showing off their crisp singing voice and singing melodies. The river "ding ding dong dong dong" sings and jumps over the bridge, as if to accompany the birds!

When spring came, the willow girl on the bank grew a long thin braid again. The spring breeze blew, as if she was combing her hair!

Spring is coming, colorful kites are dotted in the blue sky, so beautiful! In spring, both adults and children are willing to come out for activities. "The plan of a year depends on spring". At first, there are some spirits and some hopes!

The pace of spring is getting closer and closer. Let's cherish the great time of spring and do something meaningful!

Looking for Spring in Pupils' Composition (12)

On Saturday afternoon, I went to Longyuan Lake Park with my father and mother to look for spring.

When I arrived at Longyuan Lake Park, I found many children flying kites and birds flying happily around the branches. I also found that beautiful flowers and bones were emitting charming fragrance. Each grass looked out of its small green head, looking left and right, as if feeling the breath of spring. Willow trees are sprouting and growing happily. The ice on the lake has melted, wild ducks are playing happily on the lake, and short tender reeds are inlaid on the edge of the lake. All this reminds me of a poem written by Su Shi: three or two peach blossoms outside the bamboo, a prophet of ducks warming up the spring river, and a short sprout of reeds on the ground covered with wormwood, which is just when the puffer fish is ready to go.

I like spring, like the spring of birds singing and flowers fragrance, like the spring of vitality!

Looking for Spring in Primary School Students' Composition (13)

Slowly, Grandpa Winter has gone, and the long-awaited Spring Girl is coming briskly!

Where is spring? Look, the ice in the river has melted, and the ducklings have gone swimming with their mother; Small fish and shrimp also swam happily in the water, and stuck their heads out from time to time, as if they were smelling the breath of spring.

Look at the vibrant scene in the welcoming park in spring! The old tree enlivened its strong muscles and bones, swayed its branches, and slowly grew green buds on them; The grass also peeped out the small green head unconsciously, like laughing and talking to Spring Girl; Peach blossom, apricot blossom and pear blossom are not to be outdone. They are all competing to open up. Those beautiful butterflies are busy spreading pollen for flowers, and those industrious bees are also busy collecting honey. Even my little turtles and crayfish woke up from hibernation and began to move! People also took off their thick cotton padded clothes and put on beautiful spring clothes. Children ran out of their homes one by one and flew colorful kites in various shapes

Ah, I found spring! Spring is colorful and colorful. I can't see enough. I believe you can also find spring! Let's go, let's find spring together

Looking for Spring in Pupils' Composition (14)

The cold winter has gone, and the warm spring has quietly come to our side. The song is good: "Where is spring, where is spring..." Indeed, spring is hidden in a very secret place. But I will find her! Just today, my mother and I went to Yanshan Park to "look for spring".

Just entering the park, I saw the yellow lawn in the distance, dotted with green. The green is transparent and pleasant to watch. However, when I came near, I saw that the lawn was just a little green, but now it is back to the original withered yellow. How is it possible? How can green grass disappear out of thin air? Did you really answer that poem: "The sky street is moist and crisp, and the grass color is far away but not near." Lower your head and observe carefully, ha ha, it turns out that the short grass just growing is under the withered grass, so you can see it clearly from a distance, but you can't see it clearly near! Spring hides in the little green under the withered grass.

Go to the lake, look, willow girl has grown new hair, washing her hair at the lake! A little green also appeared on the new willow branches. This green is not too green. It can only be said to be "goose yellow" or "tender yellow", which is similar to the color of willow branches, so it is difficult to identify it. Spring is hidden in the buds under the willow branches.

Climbing up the mountain, I suddenly found a group of goats grazing in the woods halfway up the mountain. I ran quickly. Ah, there were twenty or thirty sheep walking leisurely in the forest. It seemed that they were not afraid of my "intruder". I saw a ewe with a lamb playing in the forest. How happy it was! Not far away, the rams gorged on the edge of a hanging tree vine, as if they were not afraid of bursting their bellies. Yes, the cold winter has passed, and there is a lot of food. You don't have to eat every meal like in winter. Spring hides in the hearts of small animals.

"Where is spring? Where is spring..." Now, I know the answer. Spring, in the grass, in the bud; Spring, in the hearts of small animals, but also in my eyes!

Looking for Spring in Pupils' Composition (15)

Slowly, Grandpa Winter has gone, and the long-awaited Spring Girl is coming to us!

Where is spring? Look, the ice in the river has melted, and the ducklings are swimming with their mother duck; Small fish and shrimp also swam happily in the water, and stuck their heads out from time to time, as if they were smelling the breath of spring.

Look at the vibrant scene in the welcoming park in spring! The old tree enlivens its strong muscles and bones, swings its branches, and slowly grows green buds on them; The grass also peeped out the small green head unconsciously, like laughing and talking to Spring Girl; Peach blossom, apricot blossom and pear blossom are not to be outdone. They are all competing to open up. Those beautiful butterflies are busy spreading pollen for flowers, and those industrious bees are also busy collecting honey. Even my little turtles and crayfish woke up from hibernation and began to move! Humans also take off their thick cotton padded clothes and put on beautiful spring clothes. Children run out of their homes one by one and fly colorful kites in various shapes

Ah, I found spring! Spring is colorful and colorful. I can't see enough. I believe you can also find spring! Let's go, let's find spring together

Looking for Spring in Pupils' Composition (16)

"Where is spring? Where is spring? Spring is in the children's eyes..." The bird sang and flew freely in the air.

Spring is a season when everything wakes up. With the sound of spring thunder, the small animals woke up from their dreams. The river was gently blown by the wind girl, and woke up leisurely from the embrace of Mother Earth, giving out a "clattering" laugh.

Spring is the season when everything grows. By the river, the willow girl was looking in the mirror, combing her beautiful long hair. Xiaocao's younger brother poked out his head mischievously and swayed with Miss Feng from side to side. The fragrance came in waves. It turned out that the rape flower was grinning at us sweetly! They compete with each other for beauty and openness.

Look! Beautiful butterflies are dancing in the flowers. A group of bees also arrived and began to collect nectar diligently. Under the magic of Spring Girl, the children took off their heavy cotton padded clothes and couldn't wait to put on their skates to play.

"Spring is in the green forest, and the little oriole who can sing......" Whenever this song rings in my ear, I always can't help humming. Spring is a beautiful season. I love spring.

Looking for Spring in Pupils' Composition (17)

The cold, long winter has passed, ushering in the spring when a hundred flowers bloom and everything comes to life. Now, let's look for spring together!

Walking on the path of the community garden, I feel the air is particularly fresh. The withered and yellow grass on both sides ">The grass all picked up their spirits and put on a short green skirt, dotted with yellow blouses. It was funny. The small flowers dotted among them, red, yellow, green, purple, white, colorful, beautiful. Ah, this is spring.

Walking on the street, people changed their thick winter clothes and put on light and elegant spring clothes, which were colorful and energetic. Girls and children dressed up in colorful and energetic spring. Ah, it's also spring.

Looking up at the sky, the warm sun shines brightly on the earth. In the sky, soft clouds float softly, making people feel very comfortable, as if the silk slips across the shoulder. The genial spring breeze is blowing our cheeks, warm and itchy, ah! These are the hands of spring! Spring! There are so many beautiful sceneries that I can't think of them all, and I can't say them all, but I'm waiting for you to savor them!

Comment: Through careful observation of the changes in the residential area, streets and sky, the young author found that spring was just there. In the joyful discovery of the young author, we also experienced the charm of spring. In addition, the little writer uses parallelism in his article, with clear paragraphs and clear centers.

Looking for Spring in Pupils' Composition (18)

The cold, long winter has passed, ushering in the spring when a hundred flowers bloom and everything comes to life. Now, let's look for spring together!

Walking on the path of the community garden, I feel the air is particularly fresh. The withered and yellow grass on both sides ">The grass all picked up their spirits and put on a short green skirt, dotted with yellow blouses. It was funny. The small flowers dotted among them, red, yellow, green, purple, white, colorful, beautiful. Ah, this is spring.

Walking on the street, people have changed from thick winter clothes to light and elegant spring clothes. All of them are energetic and colorful. Girls and children are dressed up in colorful and vibrant spring. Ah, it's also spring.

Looking up at the sky, the warm sun shines brightly on the earth. In the sky, soft clouds float softly, making people feel very comfortable, as if the silk slips across the shoulder. The genial spring breeze is blowing our cheeks, warm and itchy, ah! These are the hands of spring! Spring! There are so many beautiful sceneries that I can't think of them all, and I can't say them all, but I'm waiting for you to savor them!

Comment: Through careful observation of the changes in the residential area, streets and sky, the young author found that spring was just there. In the joyful discovery of the young author, we also experienced the charm of spring. In addition, the little writer uses parallelism in his article, with clear paragraphs and clear centers.

Looking for Spring in Pupils' Composition (19)

Spring begins on February 4! I always want to go outside to enjoy the beauty of spring.

However, the smell of winter has not completely faded, and it seems that Spring is not in a hurry to make friends with us. She came late with a light step. I ran to the garden and saw withered trees beginning to have green buds growing on their branches. Although there were only a few spots, I felt the arrival of spring. With the beauty of spring, the winter jasmine had many strong babies. Some of them also opened their yellow umbrellas to protect their little friends! Suddenly, I found a few red spots. I hurried to see what it was. It was a bunch of large and small bright red flowers and leaves, one layer wrapped in another. The leaves were long and oval. The edges of the leaves were serrated, and the color on the edges was darker than the color inside. At this time, I was very happy! I think: I finally found spring.

Yesterday, there was a spring rain. The spring rain seemed like the thread spun by Spring Girl. It fell on my face thin and soft, as if to say: Spring is coming, spring is coming. The spring rain itself is colorless. I think: spring rain can bring colorful colors to spring! Spring rain falls on the grass, and spring turns green; The spring rain on the peach blossom turns red; The spring rain drips on the winter jasmine, and the spring turns golden.

The plan of a year lies in spring. A few buds let me see the hope of spring. Can I finally see spring?

Looking for Spring in Pupils' Composition (20)

Into Spring

Unconsciously, the cold winter slipped away from us. Spring girl took us into the warm spring.

Entering spring is like entering a green world full of vitality and vigor. Look, on the grass, the grass stealthily pokes its head out of the ground to welcome the arrival of spring; By the river, the willow trees have changed into new green clothes. Small green leaves grow on the willow branches. The slender willow branches fall to the ground. When the breeze blows, the willow branches swing with the wind, as if waving to spring, or dancing in the wind. In the fields, the wheat seedlings are bathed in the moisture of sunshine and rain to their heart's content, stretching their bodies and growing healthily. Seen from afar, they seem to be laying a green carpet on the earth.

Entering spring is like entering a colorful picture. In the garden, golden winter jasmine, bright red peony, pink elm leaf plum, and some unknown colorful flowers are all blooming, dressing Spring as a bride waiting to get married, which is particularly beautiful and beautiful. In the orchard, pink peach flowers, red apricot flowers, and snow-white pear flowers all bloom in succession, pregnant with the hope of a bumper harvest. In the flowers, countless bees fly here and there. They are busy collecting honey; Butterflies are flying among the flowers, as if they are transmitting the message and joy of the arrival of spring to each other.

Walking into spring is like walking into a paradise full of children's fun. In the campus, the students chased and played on the playground, played and played on the grass, and scattered our laughter everywhere. On the square, the children happily played ball games and flew kites. Seeing kites flying into the sky, the children also flew their childhood dreams.

Spring is a season full of vitality, a season of infinite expectations, a season of children's fun and dreams. Entering spring, we should love spring and embrace it with open arms!