52 Selected Most Beautiful Classical Chinese Sentences
as boundless as the sea and sky
2023-07-27 18:29:25
Food Sentence

1. The boat sails gently from afar, and the wind blows the clothes—— Tao Yuanming's Farewell to the Past

2. The heaven and earth are worried, and the vegetation is sad—— Li Hua's Ancient Battlefield Prose

3. The breath is like orchid without uttering words—— Cao Zhi's Ode to Luoshen

4. Affectionate feelings hurt parting since ancient times, and it's even more worthy of snubbing the Qingqiu Festival.

5. White dew crosses the river, and water and light meet the sky—— Su Shi's Ode to Red Cliff

6. The wind and smoke are clean, and the Tianshan Mountains share the same color. Wandering from the stream, anything—— Wu Jun's Book with Zhu Yuansi

7. Let me stand alone in the high clouds, the bright moon, the green pines fall into the shade, and the white clouds who are the couple—— Kong Zhixuan's "Moving Text from North Mountain"

8. If I had white hair and withered face, would you still hold my hand gently?

9. They say you have peach blossom in your eyes, but how can it rain overnight-- Hate drunken xxx on evil

10. Like a piece of silk, it reflects the green forest and directly pours down the mountain—— Sheng Hongzhi's Jingzhou Story

11. The wild fragrance is fragrant, and the beautiful trees are luxuriant—— Ouyang Xiu's Story of the Drunkard Pavilion

12. I can't say that I have lovesickness. It's hard to get my heart together.

13. Don't worry, there will always be weak water to replace the sea.

14. Ascend Donggao to compose poems in front of the clear stream—— Tao Yuanming's Farewell to the Past

15. The earth is wide and the sky is long—— Li Hua's Ancient Battlefield Prose

16. Sit on luxuriant trees all day long, and wash clean springs for self purification—— Han Yu's Preface to Sending Li to Pangu

17. Maybe it's the marriage in a previous life, or the fate in the next life. The wrong encounter in this life only adds to a fruitless resentment.

18. Dyeing fire maple forest, Qionghu Songyue, long song leaning on the floor; Every year, before flowers and under the moon, a fragrant wine; When the red lotus falls on the water, only the jade bell can be heard, but this feeling will not change.

19. If life is just like the first sight, what is the sad autumn wind painting fan.

20. Vegetation is merciless, sometimes drifting—— Ouyang Xiu's Ode to Autumn Sound

21. Picking from the mountain, it can be beautiful; Fishing in water is delicious—— Han Yu's Preface to Sending Li to Pangu

22. The past covered by years passed quickly and quickly, forming a touch of sadness.

23. The snow and moon in autumn and winter are all in one color—— Su Shi's Story of the Crane Pavilion

24. At the end of the night, I look around in silence—— Su Shi's Post Red Cliff Fu

25. On a moonlit night, in the morning of flowers, and on a snowy night, tourists come and go, making numerous mistakes. The Mid Autumn Festival is especially popular—— The Story of Tiger Hill by Yuan Hongdao

26. Clouds come out of the mountain unintentionally, and birds know how to return when they are tired of flying—— Tao Yuanming's Farewell to the Past

27. East corner is dead, Sangyufei is late—— Wang Bo's Preface to Tengwang Pavilion

28. Zhuang Sheng dreamt of butterflies, and Wangdi Chunxin entrusted cuckoo.

29. It is difficult to be a water after having been through the sea, and there is no cloud except Wushan; Take the Hua Lazy and turn around. Half the reason is to cultivate Tao and half the reason is to become a gentleman.

30. Take the flying immortals to travel, and hold the bright moon for a long time—— Su Shi's Ode to Red Cliff

31. Joy, anger, sorrow and joy will move people deeply—— Ouyang Xiu's Preface to Sending Yang Bao

32. Dream unless, past chasing, streamer flying people haggard; The rouge fades, the heart is gloomy, and we get along day and night.

33. If there is love, the world is very close. If there is no mercy, the world is very close.

34. Weeping birds, flying flowers splash tears, mountains and rivers lock deep spring sadness. Tired of traveling to the end of the world, still haggard and sing.

35. People have joys and sorrows, and the moon has ups and downs. It is difficult to complete. I wish you a long time and a thousand miles together.

36. Open a feast to sit on flowers, and fly feathers and drink wine to intoxicate the moon—— Li Bai's Preface to Spring Banquet in Peach and Plum Garden

37. Beyond the rivers and mountains, the first sight is the wind sails, sand birds, smoke clouds and bamboo trees—— Wang Yucheng's Story of Huanggang Bamboo Tower

38. The long song cries, for those promises that cannot be fulfilled, for the deepest love in life, and finally dispersed into clouds.

39. After the frost and dew fall, the trees and leaves all fall off. The shadow of a man on the ground looks up to the bright moon. He looks up to the moon and enjoys it—— Su Shi's Post Red Cliff Fu

40. The sound of the river breaks the bank thousands of feet; The mountains are high and the moon is small—— Su Shi's Post Red Cliff Fu

41. If the feeling is like black smoke and blue flowers, how can you fear the spring in an instant.

42. Be quiet and speak little, and do not admire glory and profit—— Tao Yuanming's Biography of Mr. Wu Liu

43. The moon is floating in the sky, and the stone is as bright as practice—— The Story of Tiger Hill by Yuan Hongdao

44. Feel relaxed and happy, spoil or disgrace and forget—— Fan Zhongyan's Yueyang Tower

45. There are trees and branches in the mountain, but you don't know if you are happy.

46. Shake it with fresh wind and shine it with bright moon—— Su Zhe's Story of the Happy Pavilion in Huangzhou

47. The wind is warm in the boudoir, and the grass on the road is fragrant—— Jiang Yan's Farewell Fu

48. The still water flows deep, and the sound of the wind and the music of the wind; The three lives are full of ups and downs, and once there are joys and sorrows.

49. In the autumn, when I raise my whip, I will take the road first, straighten my head to the west, and call out the blue clouds—— Yuan Haowen's Guide to Sending off All People in Qin Dynasty

50. Wander in and enjoy yourself—— Shen Fu's Children's Fun

51. There is no chaos of silk and bamboo, no paperwork—— Liu Yuxi's "Humble House Inscription"

52. Surround your fingers and feel tender. In a moment, you will be in the prime of your life. Only leave a song of lovesickness and hatred, and you can't stand alone.