Follow Me (16 in general)
Ancient Confucianism
2024-03-29 03:46:59

Follow me (1)

When I opened the curtains, a beam of sunshine came in and sprinkled on my face, warm and harmonious. Suddenly, my whole heart seemed to be illuminated by the sun. Thanks to the gift of the sun, it saved me from the heaviness and let all the unhappiness disappear. My people, become light; My thoughts have become light.

When I was "wandering in the heart and focusing on the eight poles", I suddenly realized that there was no warmth on my face. I panic, where is my sunshine? I hurriedly got up to look for the sunshine, which turned out to be outside the wall. I wanted to reach out and grab it back, but when I shook my hand, it ran mischievously to my fist. But when I stretch out my hand, I still can't catch it. I looked up at the sun and took my sunshine away. I want to look at it. Its light makes my eyes dim. I want to negotiate with it, but I am not its opponent at all.

I understand that when the sun takes back the sunshine it gave me, I will permanently lose the precious sunshine at that moment.

I reluctantly accept the darkness of the night in regret. When I get used to the laziness and comfort that the darkness brings to me, new sunshine calls me again. Looking at the new sunshine, I can't help sighing; Are you yesterday's you? And I, or yesterday's me? Who am I? Is it a baby sucking milk in its mother's arms? Is it the child who pesters his father for candy? Is she a little girl dancing with her partner? I can no longer find yesterday's me, my mother has long since been unable to hold me, my father has long known that I do not like sweets, and that the rubber band dance game, has long been sealed in the past of life.

Can't find yesterday's me, and tomorrow's I also seem very confused, then, today's I? Today's me should be with today's sunshine. I don't know who suddenly touched me. I felt pain. When I looked for it, I saw the sun shining through the window. In a trance, I felt that a former me was separated from me, and another vigorous and brilliant me was coincided with me with the sunshine.

I have new sunshine every day, which will accompany me forward.

Follow Me Forward (2)

Tuesday, July 3, XX Weather: sunny

Someone said, "Friendship is a clear spring in the desert, a light in the darkness, and a cloak in the cold." For me, friendship is an encouragement when running and a support after running.

The scorching sun made me envy the students who were sitting in the classroom blowing electric fans. But we can only run 800 meters in the sun. On the first lap, I was very relaxed. When the whistle sounded, I was in the front row. From time to time, he smiled and chatted with the people beside him, totally ignoring the 800 meters. But on the second lap, the situation gradually changed. I gasped for breath. I felt powerless and my pace was a bit disordered, and I was gradually caught up by the people behind me.

At this time, Lu Hanying, who was running in front of me, stopped to wait for me and encouraged me while running: "Come on, there are still two laps left. Hang on!" She ran with me. When I looked at her, I felt a little touched and more confident. After adjusting my attitude, my steps gradually became even, but my speed still couldn't keep up. "Why don't you go first?" "It doesn't matter, it's not an exam." Her voice is soft and soft, which makes people feel very comfortable. With her encouragement, I insisted on three laps. But on the fourth lap, I was really unable to carry it. Seeing the stars, I held my hands on my waist and was out of breath. I could not even say a word completely: "Run first... Run, I can't run anymore." She looked at me, I waved to her, and she left first.

I took a deep breath. When I was preparing, I remembered her encouragement to me and beat my heart with every word. I started to run again. How can I let her down? Persistence is victory. I finally crossed the finish line. I wanted to sit down on the ground and have a good rest, but at this time, a hand held me: "You can't sit down directly after running. It's easy to cramp, and you have to walk." I took her hand, walked slowly forward, and smiled at her: "I will pay attention later. Oh, thank you for your friendship!

Follow Me Forward (3)

I love reading, like reading, reading makes me smart and confident.

I remember when I was very young, I was willing to read some magazines and books with pictures. I always wanted to ask my parents: "Why, or what does this mean?" My mother told me: "If you read well, you can read a lot of books. If you understand a lot of truth, you can also become smart.".

In a twinkling of an eye, I was already a fifth grade student. I knew a lot of words and read a lot of books. The books I read are very "miscellaneous", including detective novels "Detective Conan", "Sherlock Holmes", "Bugs of Fable", "Reader", etc.

My mother saw that I was willing to study, and my grades were good, so she often took the shuttle bus to take me to the Hulunbeier Library far away. There is a sea of books for children, adults, literature and art, as well as history and geography. In short, people are dazzled.

My mother selectively let me watch more such as "The Story of Avanti", "If You Give Me Three Days of Light", "Ma Xiaotiao", etc. I like to read novels about the Anti Japanese War, such as "Bullets Like Meteors", which tells the story of a village boy "Gao Zhifeng", who grew up from a slingshot boy to a Japanese ghost shooter who was frightened by the news. It makes people excited when reading it, and also makes me deeply understand the profound disaster brought to the Chinese people by the Japanese invaders. It always reminds and admonishes the younger generation to remember history and national humiliation.

The ancients often said that "reading breaks through thousands of volumes, and writing is like a spirit". Reading not only broadens my vision, accumulates good words and sentences, but also subtly improves my writing ability, as if things are moistened silently, and things come naturally.

Read more and read good books. This is an inexplicable spiritual journey, which makes people very full and happy.

May the fragrance of books accompany me all the way!

Follow Me Forward (4)

When is your heaven, my poor child? From a struggling girl—— notes preceding the text of a book or following the title of an article

I believe in a common saying that "people must find a fulcrum in life to lay a good foundation for success." I am 19 years old in confusion. I don't know when I was afraid of death. I think I can't be so muddleheaded.

Five years in primary school, four years in junior high school, and three years in senior high school. The time was so fast. Before I knew it, one third of my life had passed. The old man didn't pity me, so I hid in the corner and cried alone. No one would care about me. I hid in my own world. I began to be silent. There was no common language between me and my classmates. I chose a way to wrap myself up for fear of being hurt. I stuck my head in the sea of books, kept doing calculations, and recited crazily. I even forgot how long I had not looked in the mirror. Until the first half of my senior year, I didn't find out what my current life of five to nine is for?

Some people will fall down because of changes at home, while I grew up overnight. My poor family, because I failed in the high school entrance exam, my sister needed a huge amount of money to go abroad, and my parents' old age, became even more unbearable. I stayed up all night and thought a lot. I should let myself grow up as soon as possible to lighten the burden on my family. I shouldn't be so headstrong. Who can know that a teenager has experienced more maturity than his peers. So I started my plan. For example, the weekly meal is only 40 yuan, and there are only opened pickles in my pocket. For me, there are no snacks, no pocket money, and I am as poor as a church mouse. Another thing is to work during the holiday. Although I was very tired, it was a meaningful thing in retrospect. It not only trained my language communication skills, but also cultivated my spirit of hard work. I understand that money is hard to come by, and it also helped me to improve my skills. Anyway, I believe that I can bear the burden of a family, Mom and Dad, I can.

The most memorable time is the video conversation with my sister. The ocean video is so precious to me. I accepted the video invitation excitedly. You know, sister, I really want to grab your hand, just like when I was a child. Even if you leave, I will be satisfied. But the cold computer screen seems to block everything. You said: "We can't choose our own birth, but we can choose our life. Our family is not rich, and we don't give you the same treatment as your peers. We can get what we want by our own ability, and of course, we will pay a lot of price. I hope you can fight like me and have a foothold in foreign countries. Sister, work hard. I'm optimistic about you! " After listening to these words, I seem to understand something.

Having heard of the good university mentioned by my teacher, I think that is where I belong. I deeply know that my parents' ignorance is caused by lack of knowledge, so I am determined to get into the ideal university, become a professional medical worker, find some hope for my mother's illness, support my family, and find some light for my future.

Sister, you will be my belief in life. With your entrustment, I think I will work harder to calm down, devote myself to study, and fight for next year's college entrance examination. Sister, wait for me. Next summer, I will take the notice of the ideal university and pick you up at the airport in Dalian to return home in person! it will be! it will be! You will!

In the end, I want to say that if you stick to your dream and take action, the light of success will shine on you!

Follow Me Forward (5)

At dawn

The backpack on the back is heavy

I turn around and travel far away

Behind is the full moon hanging high in the western sky

A foggy village

Engraved with long instructions

Burn on my heart

The cold wind has hit

It finally stung

Under the moon, the figure is faint

Is a lonely follower

Follow Me Forward (6)

Have you ever had an afternoon when the breeze was not dry and the sun was just right, you sat in your room, quietly picked up a book, and raised your mouth in the journey of thought; Have you ever had an evening when you walked through a city with dim lights, walked into the library, and smelled the fragrance of the pages in the sea of books.

What are we reading for? Reading can enrich our experience. Where our eyes can't reach, we can borrow others' pens to see different scenes, hear sounds that our ears can't hear, feel the rhythm of different music through words, express feelings that we can't express, feel the unique feelings of writers through reading, and communicate with noble people.

"Birds will fly first, and people will learn more." In our long learning life, reading is our only way. There are golden houses, beautiful faces, and many carriages and horses in books. Only by turning the knowledge in the book into one's own knowledge can ordinary life have a rich life, simple life be good, small individuals have a strong soul, and wisdom become one's lifelong wealth.

I haven't entered the bustling world, listened to the noise, and had no rich experience, but I have the scholarly elegance, wisdom and thought brought by books. This is probably why people read.

Reading is also a way to relieve emotions. When you encounter some difficulties and feel depressed, unable to break free and solve them, open your book and see that Cervantes can still write the immortal masterpiece Don Quixote in the life of exile. Beethoven still wrote the well-known Ode to Joy in the great pain of his old age of deafness. Yang Jiang was bullied during the Cultural Revolution and still can endure humiliation in the toilet, Read a book quietly... These people can still face life tenaciously in the ups and downs of life, so what's the reason not to smile when we encounter some small setbacks?

The same is true of reading. With its unique fragrance, it expands the depth of the soul, allowing us to cope with the ups and downs of life. With a gentle and stable heart, walk forward with a smile.

Follow Me Forward (7)

We run freely in the heavy rain, we slowly move forward in the thick fog, we grow gradually in the wind and rain, and we sweat in the bright sun.

Along the way, we stumbled and cut through the thorns. It can be said that we have cried, laughed and hurt. When we are tired, let's look at my ideal. Smiled, I was one step closer to my ideal. For the ideal in my heart, I can lay down everything and work hard.

An ideal is a goal, a beacon that guides my direction, and the reason why I support me to never fall.

When I entered the eighth grade, my studies became busier, and sometimes I gradually felt tired. Sometimes I was really tired. I went back to bed and fell asleep. Do you want to give up? Of course, but when I look back at my dream, has it come true? Are you willing to give up like this?

When others say why I should work hard, my answer is my goal. My ideal is far away from me, and I must run forward.

My dream is to become a Chinese teacher. The Chinese civilization has been around for five thousand years. The land is vast, the material is rich, and the culture is extensive and profound. What we are learning now is just a layer of fur. So my goal now is to be in the top 5 of the class and the top 32 of the grade in this final exam. The subject of Chinese should be in the top 2 and top 5 of the class. For me, this is not a small challenge, When the goal is clear, it is natural to take some actions against this goal.

My plan is as follows: First of all, we should not deviate from other subjects. Usually, we should review our weak subjects or weak points; The second is to read for at least 30 minutes every day and 90 minutes at weekends; Third, we should also insist on physical exercise every day, two groups of rope skipping sit ups, two groups of volleyball 200 long runs for 55 minutes; Fourth, we should make self summary and reflection every two weeks.

Ideal, if there is no action, is just ideal; If there is no ideal, it will only bump blindly. Only with goals and actions can we get closer to our ideals. It seems that the ideal is still far away, it seems that it is still a long time, even very difficult, so please turn it into small goals.

What am I going to do today? What am I going to finish tomorrow? What will I finish this month? When you divide your ideal into small goals, every time you complete a small goal, congratulations. You are one step closer to your goal. The ideal is achieved in the realization of a small goal. The original distance has gradually become close.

As an oriental ideal student, we should all walk forward with an ideal heart and a sincere heart to the ideal. If you are tired, please look back at it; If you cry, please look at him, you will feel that everything is worth it; When you smile, you should also see how far away you are from it.

If birds fly in the sky because of ideals, and fish swim in the sea because of ideals, then we should fight against the sky for ideals. Let's move firmly towards our goals and ideals in the sunset, never forget our original intention, and forge ahead!

Follow Me Forward (8)

The track of growth is rich and colorful because of books, which contain knowledge; Contains the story; It also includes the efforts of the author. But knowledge changes fate, stories inspire life, and the author's efforts are pregnant with ideals

Big Chinese is a set of extracurricular Chinese reading books specially compiled by Mr. Cao Wenxuan for young readers, which is divided into ten volumes. Based on the principle of the perfect unity of "humanism" and "language", the series includes classic works written by famous writers and scholars such as Goethe, Gorky, Tolstoy, Chekov, Lu Xun, Xu Zhimo, Wang Zengqi, Mo Yan, which are suitable for young readers to read, providing students with a set of works to improve their humanistic quality and language level High quality reading books that expand reading horizons.

His book "Magic among the pillars" accompanied me throughout the winter vacation, enriching my every day

The Magic among the colonnades is divided into eight sections, namely, "Master's Light", "Ten Years of Sword Grinding", "When Sorrow Overflows the Heart Bank", "Reading of Thinking", "Fun of Ignorance", "Eternal Balance", "Magic among the colonnades", "Historical Development and Decay". Each section unit is a good article that the author has searched for in the endless articles It is a list of countless times of deliberation and cutting. Each article is elaborately and ingeniously designed to improve reading humanistic quality, language level and writing ability. The content is rich and complex, which makes readers think deeply

People who have achieved great things in ancient and modern times need not only extraordinary ambition and determination, but also extraordinary patience and perseverance. Lu Xun's Cast Sword in his so-called book "Ten Years of Grinding a Sword", at the beginning of the novel, he spent a lot of time to portray the mouse playing in the night between the eyebrows - the bear of the heavy responsibility of revenge, unexpectedly so gentle. But ambition can change a person. When there is no ambition in the eyebrow ruler, although there are many experiences, there is no use for them, and they have to spend on boring things; Once determined to accomplish something, life immediately has a theme, so the characters go from mundane to mythical scenes. After making up his mind, because he has been gentle for a long time, his ability is still limited. At this time, only life and blood can arouse greater and heavier power. It is in this way that Mr. Lu Xun wrote about the present from the past, expressing his thoughts on modern China. Therefore, the ancients said that "ambition is the commander of qi", "the three armies can seize the commander, but no one can seize the ambition". So it is.

I remember that I had just entered the busy third semester of the junior high school, and I was as soft as the original eyebrow ruler. I had no ambition in my heart, and I was like a pilot, without a goal, lost in the vast ocean full of fog. Learning without planning all day will not pay off in the end. But through the spiritual connotation of Lu Xun's article "Casting Sword" in his book, my thoughts are moving! Just as Mencius said, "A scholar should be determined, but if he doesn't, he will not succeed." In the busy and tense life of the third day of junior high, my primary goal is to prepare for the history and biology examination. I believe that if I work hard towards the goal, the results will not be bad! I slowly lifted the thick fog, grasped the rudder and set sail!

Mr. Cao Wenxuan's "Big Chinese" not only taught me to work with ambition and goals, but also deeply influenced and standardized me in many aspects, such as thinking, science and art, philosophy of life, human morality and so on!

Let me keep company with books, with days and nights, with dusk, with winter and summer, with spring and autumn, and with good books.

Follow Me Forward (9)

I once remembered that the first time I met you, your appearance lingered in my mind. I saw you smiling in the bright summer, and the pear vortex enchanted me, dispelling my restlessness. I think that at that time, I will have dinner with you. You always say, "Trust is needed between people." I don't know when this sentence has become my motto.

I still remember your stubborn little temper when Brother Hong Lei cheated you in the first season of Extreme Challenge; I still remember that in the big bang period of Extreme Challenge, you were anxious to find your PD and were immediately moved by you; I still remember that some time ago, you were in the airport and carefully read the letter from your fans. The serious look was fascinating. In Extreme Challenge, you are deeply loved by the five brothers, loved by the movie stars, and become a group favorite. Brother Honglei is also influenced by you. He is not willing to bully you. Everyone likes your "Hongxing cp" very much. You become brother Lei's apprentice. You call him brother Lei after your master. It's not difficult to find that brother Lei likes you, "Little Sheep" and little pig takes care of you like brother brother. Although you are always playing ignorant, he also likes you very much; As a member of the "three essences", Brother Bo's IQ is needless to say. He is full of heartache when you are sick. It can be seen that Brother Bo is full of love for you; Brother Xun is more like an elder brother. In addition, Red Brother Lei, you are the "three fools", and your feelings are full of harmony. They all acted as big brothers to take care of you. When you were sick, they all loved you very much. Your honesty, cuteness and stupidity became the reason why they didn't want to bully you. They witnessed your evolution from "little sheep" to "little fox" all the way.

As we all know, as a member of EXO, you have a lot of overseas fans, and the number of overseas fans is up to 4.4 million. However, you did not hesitate to stand up and support China's determination to change the Weibo avatar to China, which led to the fact that Japan, South Korea, Southeast Asia and most overseas fans turned black on him, He was also threatened by fans who claimed to be from the Philippines, but he still firmly supported China, and said: "There are no fans in the country at present!" Because you firmly supported China, you lost more than 400000 fans overnight, and the comment area was also full of abusive voices. We, as "fans", are very distressed by these news.

In this life, I will never regret eating you! Zhang Yixing, I like you. I like your little cute and stupid brother; Zhang Yixing, I like you, I like your Xiaoaojiao; Zhang Yixing, I like you and your warm heart to fans; Zhang Yixing, I like you and your care for other members of EXO; Zhang Yixing I like you, like your 90 degree bow; Zhang Yixing, I like you and your meticulous work; Zhang Yixing, I like you, and I like your intoxicated appearance when you play the piano seriously; Zhang Yixing I like you, like your soulful appearance when you sing; I like you, Zhang Yixing. I like the way you look when you dance; In a word, Zhang Yixing, I just like you! I like you who have a high face, are cute, stupid, patriotic, polite, and a little stubborn. You play like a child. You are our little sheep, you are our pride in Changsha, you are our healing beast, you are our domineering egg in our heart, you are our pear vortex warm man!

Now you are the lead singer, the lead dancer, the Rap, the Chinese, the translator, the host, and the original. However, you are not superman, and you will be tired. When you are tired, don't forget that your "Xingmi" has been with you all the time. You are the little pride in our hearts! I want to say, Zhang Yixing, I just want to accompany you!

Follow Me Forward (10)

It is said that reading is a kind of self-improvement and a good medicine to compensate the soul. Many students don't want to carry a book to their desks all day long. However, you should know that reading can refine the body and mind. It's a good thing to calm down and study?

In fact, I didn't like reading when I was young. I find reading boring, and I can't find any fun in it. But I don't know when I began to like reading. Maybe it's because the sixth grade is about to take the graduation exam, and everyone is nervous. I didn't know what I was thinking all day long, and I also reviewed what should be reviewed. I really can't find a better way to adjust my mood. Facing the pressure from parents and teachers, I was even more unprepared.

Reading has become my enjoyment. I love reading. The words of Zhu Xi, a university scholar, "Ask the canal so clearly, for there is a source of fresh water" have been echoing in my ears. In this era of rapidly updated knowledge, only by constantly learning can we catch up with the pace, absorb the nutrition of wisdom, and have "a pool of living water". Otherwise, you will be out of touch with society. Thus, without knowledge, you will fall behind.

Reading a good book really adds a lot of fun to life. Whenever you feel tired and boring in your study life, you take out a book. You don't want to think about how long it will take to finish reading this book. You just want to read a little every day, and one day you will finish reading this book. Not only seeing, but also understanding what he said. How do you feel after reading it? This is a kind of ability improvement. You can travel freely in the kingdom of books, and no one can stop you, because reading is also a realm. Shakespeare said: "Books are the nourishment of the whole world. Without books in life, it is like no sunshine; without books in wisdom, it is like a bird without wings."

Open a book, what falls is dust, what does not change is taste. Forget the history of yesterday and start today again. "Reading a good book is talking to people with noble character", so that we can understand ourselves, life and the world better. The reason why some people do not like reading is that they do not understand that books also have the fun of books. I always think that games are fun and books are always boring. Actually, that's not true. What are we reading for? It's just to make myself understand more knowledge. You should know that in the 21st century, no knowledge is equal to social parasites. How many children in mountainous areas are as old as we are, and it is a distant thing to have more extra-curricular books! Why don't we study hard when we have such conditions?

Turn over a scroll full of historical footprints, and a burst of ink smells. Generations of ancient and modern people have walked all the way with the smell of books. I think we, as students, need the fragrance of books to edify us.

Although all roads lead to Rome, I am afraid it is difficult to lack knowledge. As the saying goes; "Knowledge changes our destiny!" Let's rise up together and step by step into our reading career. There is still a long way to go, but I firmly believe that persistence will win! I was most happy at that moment when I picked up a book, reveled in it, appreciated the legend and splendor of life, and enjoyed the tranquility and tranquility of life. Let the fragrance of books accompany us all the time!

Follow Me Forward (11)

Encouragement makes me confident; Encourage me to make progress; Encouragement makes me enterprising

In my heart of hearts, I always remember the amiable teacher Li. Because her encouragement helped me open the door of wisdom.

When I was young, I believed in "silence is golden", which always gave people the feeling that "the door does not go out, two doors do not walk", but that day, Teacher Li changed me.

"Who will read the text aloud?" In the Chinese class, Miss Li asked, and everyone raised their hands together. I also raised my long lost hands. Because I have a strong interest in reading aloud. The teacher saw that I didn't usually raise her hand, so she gave me the chance... Just after reading, Miss Li took the lead in applauding, and a warm applause broke out in the classroom. All of a sudden, I felt a warm current flowing all over my body. After class, the teacher came to me alone and said, "Your reading ability is very good. Keep practicing, and maybe you will become a famous person in the future." This simple words made me cry. Tears filled my eyes. I licked them. It was sweet.

Later, I became a study committee member from the "Ugly Duckling" in my class, and my grades in other subjects also gradually increased. I knew that all this came from the applause and words, which promoted my progress and made me work hard.

In the future life, I will cherish this encouragement, because it awakens my sleeping heart, makes me enterprising, and makes me have the passion to catch up with tomorrow.

Follow Me Forward (12)

It seems that God dotes on me, so he gave me the kindest angel in heaven.

On February 13, 19xx, I was born in a small hospital in Luoyang. It seems that men and women are never equal, so my father ignored me because he thought I was a girl. You scolded my father for the first time, saying that boys are not the same, and then gently stroked me with warm hands to coax me to sleep, which I heard from my mother later.

My younger brother was also born on April 12, 19xx. Your younger brother's birth did not make you leave me behind. On the contrary, you always cared about me, and gave me all good things first. I grew up carefree under your care.

Later, I went to kindergarten. However, my naturally withdrawn personality made me not get along well with the children. You always enlighten me and let me communicate with you more.

Later, when I went to primary school, I became a little fat girl under your care, and everyone bullied me. You always kindly comforted me and said, "What's wrong with being fat? They want to be fat, but they can't be fat."

Three years ago, I went to junior high school, and the pressure of learning always made me breathless. When the examination papers came down, the bright red score always made my mother scold me bloody, and you scolded my mother again, "It's good to pass the exam, what a tired child!"

Now that I am in high school, girls at this age love beauty, so losing weight has failed again and again. You always kindly comfort me and say, "You will lose weight."

Grandma, you are the kindest angel in heaven. Because of you, I have become the happiest person in the world.

And the frost on your temples has broken into the most helpless wound in my heart. If I can give you my youth, let you experience the flying of youth. If I could, I would even give you my life.

If I were the earth, you would be the first spring breeze in spring, the first rain in summer, the first sunshine in autumn, and the first snow in winter. You would wake me up, nourish me, shine on me, decorate me, and let me indulge in the world surrounded by love.

Grandma, you made me live as leisurely as a fish, as light as a bird, and as bright as a flower. You taught me to look at the sky with different eyes, to look at myself correctly, and to say goodbye to yesterday.

Grandma, I love you. It is your love that accompanies me. No matter how dense the road ahead is, I will be strong because of you.

Follow Me Forward (13)

In daily study, work and life, many people have had the experience of writing compositions. They are no strangers to compositions. Compositions are composed of words. After people's thinking, they express a theme through language organization. So the question is, how to write an excellent composition? The following is a carefully organized composition about accompanying me. Welcome to share it.

There is something that carries people's hope. It seems empty or real. It cannot be seen or touched, but it can produce a huge force in the heart. It is called a dream. God did not give us wings, but he gave us hearts and dreams that can fly, so that we have a pair of "invisible wings".

I have a dream since I was young. I dream of growing up quickly and getting in touch with something new. When I grow up, I know more and dream more. I also want to win honor for the country like Grandpa Yuan Longping, spread Chinese culture like Jet Li, and achieve such great achievements like Uncle Ma Yun. I still remember that in the first lesson of school, we should be a caring dance teacher, who will be able to introduce Tai Chi to the world like Jet Li, figure skating army Pang Qing, and build Ma Yun who is "I'll try again", As well as the disabled Yang Mengheng, Liu Wei and the test flight hero Li Zhonghua who lost both arms, they are still vivid, not only touched and shocked, but also understood and comprehended.

At all stages of life, there are many different 'dreams'. Although Chu has different dreams, his belief in pursuing dreams has never changed. So many dreams need not all be realized, as long as one is realized. When we fail in the process of pursuing dreams, we will not hurt our hearts. As Yang Mengheng said, "Use action to heal our sorrows." We should believe that, As long as we persist, we will always succeed. Dreams need to be down-to-earth step by step, and persist in every step until success. There is an old saying that "young wisdom is the wisdom of the country, and young strength is the strength of the country". Indeed, we carry

The future of the motherland, so from now on, we must have at least one dream, and strive for the realization of the dream!

Do you remember Liu Wei, the prince of broken arm piano? Fate is so cruel to him! He lost his arms when he was 10 years old, but he fell in love with the piano, a musical instrument specially designed for hands! To an ordinary person, this is an impossible dream. And Liu Wei did it with his faith and persistence! He made the most beautiful music in the world with his toes. Will your heart be moved by the beautiful piano music played by Liu Wei? Liu Wei tells us with his actions that as long as we keep working hard, our dreams will come true!

Remember the test flight of Ying Li Zhonghua? At that time, he could have chosen to parachute, but he did not. For the sake of the people and those precious scientific research data, he used his own flight test experience to make the plane land safely, because he said that "life has dreams, and every dream needs his own efforts."

What is the reason for success? Jaycee Chan gave us a good answer: "Success is because you don't give up when you fail!" Of course, we also need to be intelligent and patient, and also need the help, understanding and support of our peers. Therefore, only by striving now can we realize our future dreams! Remember that flowers will bloom again, and people will never be young again, so you only have one chance, either success or failure. On the way of life, on the way to realize your dreams, which answer will you choose?

Follow Me Forward (14)

Everyone should have a sense of responsibility, and should learn to take their own responsibility, rather than choose to escape, or choose to give up.

People usually shoulder many responsibilities, such as helping others. That afternoon, the sky was dark, indicating that heaven would bring rain. I rode my bike to the hospital to get some cold medicine for Grandma. I put my bike in the shed, and when I was going upstairs, the figure of a short, fat middle-aged man came into my sight. He rode his bike very fast, and sometimes he did the dangerous action of "taking off the handle". He was also going to park in the shed. He crashed into the car stack, knocked the protective fence of the shed, and almost knocked down the car next to him. The man looked very dissatisfied. He cocked his butt at the car next to him, and the car next to him fell down like a building block. The man showed a proud look on his face, lit a cigarette, and walked away.

Seeing this scene, I wanted to reason with the man, but I didn't; I also wanted to help lift the car, but I was struggling fiercely in my heart: help? Or not? If you help me, in case others think I did it, forget it, or ignore the business.

When I was about to leave, another figure came into my eyes. He was not tall, thin, and looked only years old. He went straight to the shed. At first, I thought he just saw his bike fall down and ran to help it. But he picked up the car, set up the front, pedaled the support, and after holding the first car, he ran to help the second, the third... He did simple and repeated actions again and again, and finally helped all the cars. He took a long sigh of relief, patted the soil on his hands, and was about to leave. I stopped him and asked, "Little brother, why did you help those cars?" He said without thinking, "Because it's everyone's responsibility to help others!" I was stunned, and felt extremely guilty. Such a small child has such a sense of responsibility, But I...... It was raining in the sky, and the rain was washing my heart.

Since then, I have regained my sense of responsibility and started to help others, respect teachers and parents... to make myself a responsible person!

Follow Me Forward (15)

The setting sun, slanting, gently spread a layer of brilliance on the earth, warm and comfortable.

I was very anxious when I was waiting downstairs. My father, who called me early to get things downstairs, didn't arrive, which made me impatient.

At this time, a familiar car broke through the gatekeeper's barrier and drove in. It was Dad! Now most of the parking spaces are full, so he has to park opposite. He leaned out his head, shook his hand, and motioned that I didn't have to go there. He took out several boxes from the trunk, held the bottom of the box with his hands, weighed it, and pushed it up with his left knee, which was considered to be a balance. I wanted to help but now I was reluctant to start.

He lifted his left leg, gently closed the driver's door, took out a few fingers to pull the door, made sure it was locked, and then came with a small step. It seems that he is struggling. The boxes are close to his chin. Watching him tottering in the sunset, I hurried to help him share some.

"You can move the light ones above."

"OK." I thought about it for a while, but it was hard.

"It's really heavy. What are you taking here?"

"Didn't you say you would print the school plan every day? I brought you the printer from my hometown, and I will be responsible if I promise you!"

"Oh......" I replied, but my heart was silent.

When he came to the stairs, his father said with a wry smile: "I'm really old. I'm tired of such little things... Let's go upstairs!" "Dad, why don't I take this heavy one? Let's replace it." Dad was a little surprised. "No, can you move it?" "Let me try." Dad smiled, "OK, try it. If you are tired, please tell me!"

I held the bottom of the big box with my hands and raised it unsteadily with all my strength. "Maybe I'll come" "It's OK... OK... It can move!"

I never thought that my father cared so much about my words. After a hard day's work, I went back to my hometown to bring what I needed. "I'm responsible for you." Dad, who usually doesn't care about anything, took my words to heart this time.

"Dad, you go from the front, and I'll follow you slowly from the back." "You really can't move, remember to call me."

My father walked in front of me. I had never been so close to my father. Suddenly, I found my father had white hair and his back was no longer straight. For a moment, his nose became sour, and tears welled up in his eyes. Now, what I have to bear is not only a box of heavy goods, but also a heavy responsibility: I have grown up slowly, and my parents are getting old slowly. I have responsibilities and responsibilities. I need to share some for my parents to make them easier. At this time, the weight is no longer heavy, but my responsibility has been more clear, I need to share for you now; At this moment, my faith is stronger, and this responsibility has given me infinite strength.

This six storey building, which has been walking for more than ten years, has become so long. But every step I take has a heavy responsibility.

"It's finally here!" I wiped the sweat off my head and calmed my breathing. Looking at the busy parents, I felt a little moved and more determined.

At this time, the sunshine outside the window is still warm, but my heart is difficult to calm. We will bear all the hardships and tiredness together. This is my mission, responsibility and responsibility as a child.

Follow Me Forward (16)

There is a long way in the world called dream. Now, I am running on the road of growth, but also running on the road of chasing dreams.

I remember the day when I stepped into the gate of primary school, my mother said to me earnestly: "Now you have to embark on the road of learning, which is very long and difficult. You should have a dream and plan your future." At that time, I was young and ignorant. When I heard the word "dream" for the first time, what I said to my mother was just half understanding.

Later, in a class meeting class of grade four, the teacher gave the theme "Our Dream", and I happened to do courseware. My father was always willing to help me, but this time he shook his head and refused, insisting that I complete it independently. "What is a dream?" I slowly typed these words in the search bar. The answer is: dream is an expectation for the future, which can be achieved but must be worked hard. I continued to browse and found that many netizens gave different answers. Some of them aspired to stay high, like Premier Zhou, who dreamed of reading for the rise of China; Some people dream into reality, want to have a skill, better based on society... I can not help but fall into meditation, what is my dream? Maybe it is to study hard, get into an ideal university, and strive hard in the process of growing up to radiate youthful vitality.

So, the dream became a bright light, accompanying me in countless dark nights. Whenever I want to give up when I face a math problem that I cannot solve for a long time, this light will try to shine and tell me not to give up easily.

When I broke away from being a primary school student and attached the label of a middle school student, I felt that the burden on my shoulders was heavier. Sometimes after finishing today's homework, I get rid of my tiredness, and the teacher arranges a preview homework, which breaks my original good plan instantly. "My child, every contribution you make will make you go further from your dream. Each of us needs to work hard on our own to finally step onto the stage of dreams." My mother always cheered me on the side. Knowing that realizing my dream requires unremitting efforts, I have been gritting my teeth and fighting like an fearless soldier on the battlefield filled with gunsmoke. Tennyson, an English poet, once said: "As long as the dream lasts, it can become a reality." After struggling for some time, I finally got closer to my dream.

In fact, the dream is the cool wind in summer, the coat in autumn, and the campfire in winter. As long as you are steady and brave, you can see all the spring flowers on the long road of growth.