Composition about red scarf (5 popular articles)
Rain falls on the heart
2024-05-12 05:02:59
fourth grade

Composition on Red Scarf (1)

"Ah... ah... ah..." The whole room was filled with my screams. I glanced at the alarm clock on the wall. God, it's so late. It's only 20 minutes from the first class. I'm going to be late, I'm going to be late

I hurried into the gate of the school. There were three minutes before the class music started. I was glad I was so quick, so I increased my horsepower and ran to the classroom at full speed. "Where's your red scarf, classmate?" A very uncoordinated voice sounded behind my ears. Huh? Red scarf? I stopped running and looked back. It turned out to be the school civilization supervisor. He was dressed in a neat school uniform, with the red "civilization supervisor" ribbon hanging across his body, the red scarf on his chest fluttering slightly in the breeze, and those eyes with positive energy were staring at me closely. I whispered that I was not good. I quickly touched my neck with my hand, but I could not help feeling nothing. I went out in a panic in the morning and forgot to take it with me! It's over now. Who can't be offended? The juvenile police! Why didn't you pay attention at first. I thought quickly, "Oh, I put it in my schoolbag. It's time for class. Bye bye." Then I ran away as quickly as I could.

I thought that the civilized supervisor would not look for me again. However, as I ran, I looked back from time to time, and saw another figure appeared in the distance. The civilized supervisor was panting to catch up. I thought, if he found that he didn't wear a red scarf, he would definitely deduct points. Oh, God help me quickly, don't let him catch up with me. But after all, I am not an athlete. How can I run past the civilized supervisor who is tall and long? I feel that the footsteps behind me are getting closer and closer to me. My heart tenses suddenly. There is a panic. What should I do? Can't I escape? Finally, a force pulled me, "Open the schoolbag and take out the red scarf." I was shocked. My brain was blank, so I had to lower my head and pretend to be calm. I slowly opened the schoolbag. I didn't want to expose the lie so quickly. It was time to come. I whispered, hoping for a red scarf to appear out of nowhere. Of course, this is impossible. My hands are ferrying about in my schoolbag, and everything is there, but there is no trace of a red scarf. Seeing that I hadn't brought it out for a long time, the civilization supervisor looked at me suspiciously, "No?" "Hmm" Now, I had to nod helplessly to expose the lie. The civilized supervisor took out the book and asked my name, and a ticket was born.

I sat in the classroom in a depressed mood and opened the lesson "Honesty and Trust" to be taught today. A line of words came into my eyes. "There is something more important than money between people. Honesty and trust are more important than money." My heart was deeply shocked by these words. After school, I saw the civilized supervisor at the school gate again. I stared at the red scarf on his chest. It was so bright and dazzling

Composition on Red Scarf (2)

When the flag was raised on Monday, the instructor of the brigade asked us to wear red scarves every day. After raising the flag and returning, the teacher suddenly announced that a "tie red scarf contest" would be held on Friday.

We look forward to the stars and the moon. Friday finally came. When we were quiet, the teacher cleared his throat and said, "Now let's review how to tie and fold the red scarf, Then insert the long corner into the triangle, and finally lift the triangle up and fasten it. The red scarf is even tied.

Then, the teacher asked our three groups to compete. "3, 2, 1, start!" God, how fast! I tied it and thought. When I was almost finished, I glanced up at everyone to see if anyone had finished. Hey, I saw it at the right time. Tian Ruijin "slapped" her hand up, and tears of joy were almost flowing down; When Liu Yifei saw that Tian Ruijin was the first, she couldn't close her mouth with a smile. It didn't matter, but she only pointed at Tian Ruijin, but she didn't tie it. As a result, she became the last one. What a pity!

The bell rang, and the happy time was always so short. I sighed and left the classroom

Composition on Red Scarf (3)

It seems that everyone has had such an experience: I hope I can wear a red scarf when I first enter primary school. The red scarf symbolizes glory. Wearing "she" will wear a corner of the red flag! Every primary school student would be extremely proud to wear her! At first, I wore a red scarf, folded it carefully every day, and even washed it on weekends. But after a long time, I slowly relaxed, and even occasionally forgot the red scarf on my neck

The piano music after class sounded. After a busy day, school was finally over. I hopped out of the school gate. The road in front of the school gate is full of people and traffic, and the traffic lights in front of the zebra crossing flash at intervals. I'm so hungry that I really want to go home as soon as possible. But yes, the annoying red light seems to be much longer than usual. "The car makes people" I thought to myself that there was no car coming anyway. It was just when the right turn light of the car was on. Why didn't I take this opportunity to cross the road? I looked left and right. Hey, there was no car, so I ran across the road with a heavy bag on my back. Ha ha, I succeeded. I'm glad I'm smart and smart. I looked back again and found that there were all kinds of people waiting behind me, including primary school students, young people and old people. Suddenly, I felt that my schoolbag was a hundred times, a thousand times heavier. The red scarf on my chest was blown in front of me by the wind, and I even forgot that I was a "red scarf".

When I first put on my red scarf, I thought of myself as a Young Pioneer. I studied harder, class cadres worked more actively, and even raised donations for Sichuan disaster areas, charity sales, and picked up garbage for the community on weekends. How could I make a mistake that Young Pioneers should not have made just for this time? Accidents happen frequently in front of the zebra crossing. How can I ignore the traffic rules for such a little time? I am ashamed of this.

The red scarf on my chest floated up again, as if to say: "It doesn't matter if you make a mistake once, as long as you change it next time, you will still be an excellent Young Pioneer."

I thank the Red Scarf. "She" is my good friend, and I am inseparable from "her". I also thank "her" for reminding me all the time and urging me to become an excellent Young Pioneer.

Composition on Red Scarf (4)

"Without the Communist Party, there would be no new China..." The lyrics of this song emerge from time to time in my mind. Yes! If it were not for the brave fighting of soldiers, we would not have a happy life now. We should go to the Martyrs' Cemetery with reverence to "visit" those heroes who have long been sleeping underground.

No one wants to come to the martyrs' cemetery, and no one wants to see their tombstone. Everyone must want to see a living person. Although they have already died, they deserve to die, and their death is heavier than Mount Tai's. They are worthy of the Party and even more worthy of our common people. Whenever I think of those soldiers who died bravely for us, I seem to see them fighting with the Japanese invaders on the battlefield. When the blood flows down, they have to fight with the enemy with guns and knives. Even if there is one last breath left, they have to drive the invaders away. It seems that I heard the soldiers in the battlefield, angry like a wild lion, roaring crazily, rushing towards the enemy... Thinking of this, I became more and more cruel to those Japanese. Those soldiers who died on the battlefield are brave, kind-hearted, fearless of life and death, and brave to fight... Their spirit is really impressive and worth learning and developing forever. Although they have died for a long time, their revolutionary spirit remains in our hearts forever.

They are the public servants of the people, the "right assistants" of the Party, and even more an example for us to learn. We should study hard and arm ourselves with our knowledge in the future to make our motherland more prosperous and strong, so that foreign invaders dare not come again!

Composition on Red Scarf (5)

I still remember how excited I was when I first put on my red scarf! Because I finally became a Young Pioneer, I saw my elder sister in Grade 5 first gave me a team gift, and then held a red scarf to help me put it on. Although I was not the only one who wore a red scarf for the first time, I was happier than anyone. I also gave a team gift to the elder sister who wore a red scarf to me.

Once, I had a math problem that could not be solved from left to right, and I was going to give up. But when I saw the red scarf tied around my neck, I thought: The Red Army's Long March has not been given up, how can I give up! So I took my pen and continued to calculate until this problem was solved. Another time, my deskmate accidentally knocked over my pencil box, so I scolded him and almost fought with him. After that, I looked at my red scarf and felt that I should be generous. Don't get angry over such a small matter and hurt the friendship between my classmates, so I hurried to apologize to my deskmate. Once, my classmate couldn't do a question, so he asked me. I was very busy at that time, so I wanted to stop teaching him. But when I saw the red scarf, I thought: "We must help others more."! If you go by yourself and ignore others, then this person will surely end badly. So he taught the student how to do the problem until he understood it.

I love my red scarf, it let me know a lot of truth.