Selected 76 sentences about unforgettable alma mater
Little old man
2023-04-17 04:24:12
Beautiful sentence

1. How many years of rain and wind infiltration and flowing haze years, accumulated and settled down; For many years, it has broken through the pure sound of books and written wonderful chapters. After many years of pioneering sowing, it has become a fertile land; After years of perseverance, it has become the cradle of talents; After years of searching up and down, it has become a shining pearl.

2. Miss primary school, alumni, teachers and permanent memories. Every tree and grass in my alma mater is so familiar; Every brick and tile in my alma mater is so kind.

3. At the age of 60, Huali is still energetic, and at the age of 60, Huali is still in high spirits, which is the warmest memory in our hearts. Huali has been moved by you for 60 years.

4. Forget whether you don't remember or remember without feeling

5. I really don't like my high school life. Except for a few like-minded friends who play well, all others are bullshit. What kind of feelings between teachers and students, and the memory of my alma mater, are all negative points here. I don't know if I'm too bad. But I think it's not easy to escape from xxx. Why should I look back and miss xxx? Almost everyone around me is missing me. I seem to be a bit unorthodox and cry.

6. Fifty years, years like a song, a child, the vicissitudes of life. For 50 years, Huali has grown up with the motherland, and for 50 years, Huali has helped the development of the motherland. Huali, bless you! We are moved by you!

7. A hundred year old school has experienced many hardships, and has been moving for years. Ningshui is a grand undertaking, and the fragrance of peaches and plums is a long cherished wish. In the golden autumn, thousands of teachers and students celebrate the harvest. The seniors and the young should work hard to create a brilliant new journey.

8. Childhood memories are like a silver bell, tied to our hearts. Only when we keep running, it will make a pleasant sound. Childhood is beautiful, but it is also the beginning of growth. It was like running a marathon in a daze, struggling to run from kindergarten to primary school, and then from primary school to middle school... The white line of the runway has disappeared, but I am still struggling to find my childhood and memories in my alma mater.

9. I have a copy

10. Youth is an internal wealth that others cannot seize. The wealth of life must be accumulated from youth. Without realizing the value of youth, life is like withered petals. Youth is not spent in fighting and enterprising. The memory of life is a cup of bitter wine. But youth will leave quietly in the baptism of spring, summer, autumn and winter. As long as you grasp youth and create its value, it will be like roses emitting fragrance on your journey of life, making you feel happy.

11. Through hundreds of years of trials and tribulations, we have cultivated talents and talents, and won the outstanding reputation of peach and plum trees in the garden; Inherit thousands of years of civilization, carry forward the past and open up the future, in exchange for the constant spring of the East Guangdong Wenyuan.

12. I find that I will still miss college life. Ten years later, I will tell my son about my college life. But I am afraid that I will forget all the materials by then, so I use my pen to retain the time I travel.

13. During the four years of life and study in my alma mater, teachers and classmates gave great encouragement and help. Think of the source when drinking water, and never forget it. I wish my alma mater a more brilliant future as its birthday approaches!

14. I really like my school. My school is like a garden. We are like a flower and a grass in the garden. We are loved by the "gardener", who is our teacher.

15. I miss the hard and happy years in school and the good time in school for six years. Thanks for the cultivation of teachers! Thanks for the earnest teachings of the school! Wish the school more beautiful!

16. Everything that has passed will become a kind memory. Teacher, I miss my middle school days, my alma mater and you.

17. In my heart, my alma mater is the high Xing'an Mountains, the clear mountain spring water, the thick prairie, and the Tao'er River that never stops day and night. In the process of time and history, she gave me spirituality and ideas, such as proverbs from the grassland, which made me feel and benefit all my life. This simple thought and emotion is like the plants and sunshine growing on campus. Any kind of display is enough to make me aftertaste and chew my whole life.

18. Youth that wastes time is like a leaf in autumn, without any vitality; Lost youth years, like a dry stream, can never sing the love song of running to the sea.

19. Scientists say that in the few seconds when life ends, the things we experience in our life will flash past us like a movie.

20. In those years, I would never forget the crazy people who accompanied me.

21. Everything that has passed will become a kind memory -- teacher, I miss my middle school days, my alma mater, and you

22. My alma mater is like my home, and the teachers there teach me just like my mother. The students there care about me like brothers and sisters. I wish the alma mater will be better and better, so that more children can feel the beauty of the alma mater.

23. Class is over, and the campus is like a bird island. The symphony of beauty hovers in a paradise, under flowers and trees, lawn playground, sweatshirts, colorful skirts, flying, flowing figures, rotating dance steps, graceful and graceful, like birds.

24. In junior high school, we all encouraged: where there is a will, there is a way. When Baierqin Pass finally belonged to Chu High School, it was heroic and said: Welcome to Huairen Hall 20 years later.

25. A stream flows with longing for the sea; A green leaf, full of gratitude to the tree; A blessing is full of deep feelings for my alma mater. A hundred years of vicissitudes, a hundred years of glory. At the centenary of our alma mater, I wish our alma mater a better future.

26. Teacher, you are sincere, kind and beautiful. May all the students open their hearts to you.

27. The tip of the pen streaming down on the yellow paper page is just the glittering spring at that time. The childish voice of reading seems to carry memories, and I seem to return to the past, a small figure, humble

28. Everyone has his or her alma mater. In his or her alma mater, we have a youth like life and fantasy like happiness. Here we have a goal in life. Here we have positioned our own life. This is the most important age for everyone. He makes us blossom and bear fruit. Today, our alma mater is celebrating its 70th birthday. We only hope that our alma mater students will be all over the world, and that each generation will be better than the next.

29. Time flies like an arrow, and time flies like a shuttle. Four years of college life has quietly flowed into yesterday like sand in a funnel. Standing at the terminal of the university road at this time, I was filled with emotions and thoughts.

30. It is unforgettable to be deeply hurt, but it is also remembered to be happy to have taken it out. However, there are too few ups and downs in life, most of which are not small and indispensable. These things fade away in my mind with the passage of sunlight.

31. Never forget the beautiful campus! You are like a gentle mother, feeding us with sweet milk and making us grow up healthily. Here, we have received strict education. Here, we have developed a good style of study that is hard work, solidarity, friendship, civilization and discipline. In your warm embrace, we have gained the nectar of knowledge, the power of wisdom, and the truth of life

32. Time is in a hurry. When I reach out to stop it, it quietly slips away from my fingers. My college life flows slowly and hurriedly like this water to her end, leaving me with endless regrets and gains and the vastness of the sea.

33. When I lived near the learned stone in the past, I could still remember the trees and grass of Yongda. The teacher's smiles and smiles were still fresh in my memory. In the green campus, we are holding the glorious time of spring and weaving the colorful dream of life.

34. The land of our alma mater has nurtured generations of students, including me, Gao Fan, and... we are all the big tree of our alma mater, bearing numerous fruits. Maybe big, maybe small, maybe sweet, maybe sour, but anyway, it is a beautiful scenery!

35. If you want to ask me what is the most unforgettable thing in the world? I will not hesitate to say: alma mater! If you want to ask me what is the greatest thing in the world? I will proudly say: alma mater! If you want to ask me what is the most memorable thing in the world? I still say: alma mater!

36. I want to wear a Han suit to take graduation photos. I miss my alma mater very much. I often take out the photos to have a look.

37. If you have youth, you will have a natural and elegant style; With youth, you will have a bright and smiling face.

38. A leaf and a bird are the most beautiful scenery on campus, recording every bit of our life. I love this "home", and I will often go back to it.

39. My alma mater makes people miss it and feel happy. After 90 years, I can't see any changes from young to old, but the trees and grass on the campus are flourishing. The students are younger, more talented and more energetic. This should be a new era, and we wish our alma mater a better future 90 years later.

40. I wish my alma mater a great number of talents and a world of peaches and plums. Become the cradle of talents and fertile soil of knowledge.

41. I left the gate of the school. Going to the school used to be like going to my hometown, warming my heart. But now I'm leaving. I got on the car with tears and looked at it as if I had seen the past years. Think about how reluctant to part with it.

42. Today is your 100th birthday, with colorful flags fluttering in the wind and groups of alumni shaking hands and hugging. Bless you, __ No. 1 Middle School! One hundred years ago, you have received many good news, and the future will be more brilliant in the future!

43. Meet in my alma mater and meet in my dream. The demeanor of Xuzhou Kindergarten School is like an eagle flying in the sky. Looking back on the past, we have gone through many vicissitudes and worked hard. Looking forward to the future, the future looks bright and brave. In the golden autumn, osmanthus is fragrant, and I wish my alma mater more brilliant.

44. With the coming bell at the end of the year, the new year is coming to us with light steps. This new mileage cleanses our hot feelings, melts the chill of winter, and ignites new hopes and expectations in our hearts.

45. I often think about our youth. It is really a strange thing, with a short body and a long tail, waving like wings, and refusing to leave for a long time.

46. My alma mater filled my life with ideals and beliefs, love and warmth. It gave me enlightenment and direction in life and nurtured my hope for tomorrow; My alma mater has continued in my body and future career! I miss my alma mater, and thank my alma mater even more.

47. Whose youth has never been frivolous? Who hasn't loved someone deeply? Who hasn't done anything stupid? Just look down on it!

48. Sowing with words, plowing with colored pens, watering with sweat, and nourishing with hard work are the noble labor of our beloved teachers.

49. The past is dependent. Junior high school years are a post station that determines life. This post station stores our brightest page. You can't erase the mark on us, no matter where you are or how far you go. Time is like water, and the stars are changing. Time has changed our appearance, but it cannot change our blessing and attachment to our alma mater. May our alma mater create a more brilliant tomorrow!

50. After many vicissitudes of life, my alma mater has worked hard to win the world and cultivate tens of thousands of talents for the motherland. Looking back on the past, we are extremely proud, looking forward to the future, we are confident. We believe that our alma mater will set a new starting point for future success.

51. A fertile land for cultivating green shoots, a college that makes students proud, ushered in its tenth anniversary. 10、 It is the end of an era, but also a new beginning.

52. You sent me into a colorful world, and you brought me into an infinite world... Teacher, my heart is calling you and saluting you.

53. In fact, whose youth is not like this, standing on the cusp of time.

54. I deeply appreciate the cultivation of my alma mater and pay close attention to its construction and development. I always hope to have the opportunity to contribute to my alma mater. On the occasion of the 60th anniversary of our alma mater, I wish the celebration a complete success! I wish my alma mater to accumulate rich history and expand its grand plan! Another chapter!

55. Time is like a big sieve, which can withstand filtering. Only those who remain are true friends.

56. As an alumnus of Juzhong, I deeply appreciate the cultivation of my alma mater and pay close attention to its development. The alma mater in hospital accumulates the rich history and grand plans! Another chapter!

57. The names carved on the boards may not be immortal, and the names carved on the stones may not be immortal; Teacher, your name is engraved on our hearts, which really lasts forever.

58. Come to my house to herd sheep when you have time.

59. My ideal of life: one mu of land, two cows, wife and children hot kang head!

60. Childhood is a burden of modesty. You can feel what you hide when you grow up. In our alma mater, we feel knowledge, virtue and joy. Let's take a grateful heart and thank teachers, friendship and alma mater!

61. There is a kind of memory in mind, which is nostalgia! There is a palpitation in the heart, which is gratitude! There is a blessing across time and space, which is a song! Miss our alma mater, we are proud of it; Thank you for your alma mater, and may your alma mater be proud of us; Praise the alma mater and sincerely wish the alma mater a better tomorrow.

62. Shandong University of Science and Technology, standing in the East, is beautiful and brilliant with its Double Five Birthdays; Hard work, peach and plum out of the wall, carefully nurtured, unforgettable forever; The waves behind the Yangtze River are more brilliant, and the University of Science and Technology is strong, rising to the sky.

63. There are countless memories left here, footprints of our growth and precious childhood left here. Every drop of grace is rewarded by the spring; Thanks to Liu, I will never forget it! Here I wish the school a smooth and better career.

64. My alma mater is the place where I am most happy, and the place where I enrich my knowledge is my alma mater. I believe that every student who has spent this primary school will have a wonderful childhood.

65. The sea of knowledge, the palace of culture, the treasure house of thought, and the holy land of spirit. Fifty years of hard work has yielded fruitful results, and the world is full of fragrant peaches and plums across the century.

66. It's a pity to think that there are so many things that can only be recalled when the time comes back! I like to recall the past, whether happy or sad, or plain. It is my wealth.

67. Once again, I walked to the gate of the school and looked back at the campus, the new teaching building, the experimental building, the dormitory building, the canteen... everything was so full of vitality. All these let me see the future and hope of my alma mater, and I felt infinite emotion in my heart. My alma mater, you are my lifelong complex. In another 20 years, I will come to see you again. I believe you will still be young.

68. Remembrance has become my ultimate belief in you. My alma mater.

69. Whether the green youth, meet you only on the way, but do not know you are going away. Or perhaps, too young love, we are all on the journey of growth, blind to find no direction, and stumble into the distance. An encounter is the end of fate, just like the thin cool light falling from the smoke, and a gorgeous opening is the end of the tea.

70. Green __, beautiful with me. Celebrate the 10th anniversary and write a new chapter again. Today I am proud of __, and tomorrow I am proud of __. Sincerely give a love, I cheer for the school anniversary.

71. In the process of our growth, our alma mater has given us immeasurable value. Both professional knowledge and moral character and behavior have been constantly improved and imperceptibly influenced during school. Every progress we have made has benefited from the teachers' sense of responsibility and their appeal to others.

72. Time flies by. This is just a turning point in my life. Some people are brilliant after this; Some people will sink; Some... I can't give up, I also want to think about my ideal, and what greets me is the most brilliant sunshine of tomorrow!

73. When I was young, I was wondering whether to take the Tsinghua or Peking University entrance exam. When I grew up, I found that I thought too much.

74. A hundred years of wind and rain, a hundred years of vicissitudes, a hundred years of people, a large number of talents, outstanding achievements of his alma mater. Today, the centennial celebration of our alma mater, we sincerely wish our alma mater to carry forward its fine traditions and write another magnificent chapter for cultivating talents of the times.

75. Graduation Speech When the phoenix flowers bloom every year, this is a journey for a student to fly to another world and start the life of youth. In retrospect, the life of several years is really sweet, but these will also write a complete end with our graduation. Leave behind beautiful memories that are always memorable and unique! After graduation, I recall how colorful student life has been in recent years! I wish time could go back, but it's just an impossible dream. There is no feast that does not end. When there is a reunion, there is a separation. When there is a departure, there will be a day of meeting. It is a matter of course that cannot be changed. After graduation, I will study harder to win honor for my alma mater, so that I can live up to the careful teaching and expectations of teachers over the years.

76. Looking back on the past, we can see the ups and downs in our life. The years we have passed through are very memorable. When we walked into the campus of our alma mater for three years, we could see every bit of the past, and we were impressed by the indefatigability of the years. In a twinkling of an eye, we also had a hundred years of life. On the 70th anniversary of our alma mater, we send our best wishes to celebrate the glory of our campus.