My Festivals (19 selected)
Laugh at life
2024-03-27 08:31:48
fourth grade

My holiday (1)

Today is the National Sports Day, and the residents of Haimen are moving.

Our community is no exception. At one time, all kinds of activities are held at the same time. The old ladies went to square dance, the masters went to tai chi, and the young people went to run... The vehicles on the road disappeared and became a running crowd. Let's first look at the obstacle run. The so-called obstacle run is to let the runners pass through some obstacles set in advance, such as rockeries, quagmires... Look, the runners form a long line, run up the mountain, climb to the top of the mountain, and then go down the mountain. They are closely followed by one another. They are afraid of falling behind. When they get out of the "mountain", they will reach the quagmire. Some people are too careful and slow down, Instead, they fell into a quagmire. Others, learning from the lessons of their predecessors, speeded up once they got to the quagmire, sprinted, and soon ran out of the quagmire and reached the end.

Then look at rock climbing. People wear safety ropes and climb up with small rocks protruding from the rock wall. Some people slip down when they are not careful and do not grasp it firmly. They have to look regretful; Some people were afraid of heights, and when they were halfway up, they turned pale and screamed in the air: "Too high, too high!" Then, their hands softened and they fell down; There are also some fat people who can't breathe when they climb a little bit. They spread out their hands and fell down... The last part of the people are undoubtedly the most flexible and brave. Like monkeys, they "swish swish" straight up, and soon reached the end. They slid down the slide and won the final victory.

Unconsciously, the sports festival ended in the laughter of everyone. Life lies in sports. I think this festival is very meaningful. I really look forward to this festival coming earlier.

My Festivals (2)

In order to let chess lovers in the world get together to learn chess skills, I want to set up one.
Here, chess fans all over the world gather on the square to play chess and chat to learn the advantages of each other, so as to increase their chess skills and promote their feelings.
Today is. The whole square is completely surrounded. All kinds of chess are divided in an orderly manner, including Go, Chess, Gobang... even rare military chess and flying chess. It really has everything! There are all kinds of chess animation music in the shops nearby. There are also statues of chess masters on the street. The players who came to play chess, men and women, old and young, including children who had just gone to school, grandparents who were in their 70s and 80s, were all beaming and enjoyed the game very much. Here, teachers and students will play games and learn from each other. And those old people? They get together to talk about chess and teach each other. It's a pleasure for them to meet friends with chess!
After careful observation, I finally found a comparable opponent in the vast crowd, so we started a game of Go. At the beginning, you came and I went. It was a tie and no one had the upper hand. The black and white chessmen shared the world equally on the chessboard. There was only one piece of space left. The other party was quick and quick to seize the opportunity, and directly played a black spot. I quickly surrounded it with white chessmen. So after five rounds, I never thought of a good way to kill the other party. I was very confused and my mind began to be confused. The opponent was slow, orderly, attacking and defending. Suddenly, the opponent shouted, "Ha, you lost!" I hurried to watch the chess game. It was the third last step of my game that I ordered a wrong chess, so that the other party could take advantage of the weakness and lose a dozen pieces in vain. It was really "careless, lose everything"!
Look, it's getting dark, but everyone's enthusiasm for playing chess has not diminished. Children, are you eager to join us? Come and sign up!

My Festivals (3)

In life, there are many festivals. There are the Mid Autumn Festival, the National Day, the Lantern Festival and the most important Spring Festival of the Chinese nation... But I want to set up a self-discipline festival.

Because in life, I see many uncivilized phenomena. I remember one morning when I came to the school gate, I saw a sanitation worker cleaning the road. He was wrinkled, about sixty years old, with gloves on his hands, and carefully did not let go of any peel paper scraps. Although it was a cold winter day, he was sweating heavily. When he had just finished sweeping the last dead leaf, he saw a primary school student throw away his breakfast bag and run away. When the sanitation workers saw it, they frowned, sighed gently, swept up the plastic bag and poured it into the garbage can. Seeing this scene, I was very angry. The sanitation workers worked so hard, but the pupil did not cherish the fruits of others' labor. The Three Kingdoms once said, "Don't do evil on a small scale, and don't do good on a small scale." So I want to set up a self-discipline festival.

Self discipline Day is coming. On this day, people's garbage does not fall to the ground; No one smokes in public places; Pedestrians and non motor vehicles no longer run red lights; Motor vehicles yield to pedestrians; No one destroys public facilities, flowers and trees anymore... Our sky is bluer, the grass is greener, the lake is clearer, the city is better, the society is more harmonious, and the sanitation workers are no longer laborious, just like the words on our cleaning car, "You throw less, I sweep well". In addition, it also reduces a lot of white pollution in our city and protects our living environment.

Everyone has the word "civilization" in their hearts. Self discipline is closely related to civilization. I hope every day is a self-discipline festival, and let civilization accompany every one of us every day.

My Festivals (4)

On the way after school, I saw two people, one drinking fruit juice and the other eating fruit. Moreover, they were all wearing clothes, pants and shoes with fruit prints. I looked at the fruit in their hands and wore clothes and thought: How wonderful it would be if there were a fruit festival!

On the day of the Fruit Festival, people wear clothes printed with fruits and eat fruits. The streets are full of fruit shops. During the activity, people should draw a favorite fruit on their heads. Then write a "Song of Fruit", let's sing in the street full of fruit, sing in the dark alley, let the alley become bright, sing in the cold corner, let the corner become warm.

At noon, our food is also made of fruit. My favorite is fruit salad! First, cut all kinds of fruits into small pieces, then pour some yogurt, and finally, refrigerate in the refrigerator for a few minutes, you can eat delicious fruit salad!

In the evening, every family has a variety of fruit lights, which is extremely beautiful! In this way, the day is over. Let's cheer for this relaxed and happy "Fruit Festival"!

Do you particularly like the "Fruit Festival" I established?

My Festivals (5)

Love Old Day

If I were to set up a festival, I would like to set up "Love the Old" Day. Because not only children need love, but also the elderly.

Nowadays, many young people give all their love to their children, but forget their elderly parents. I want to set up this festival to make this phenomenon disappear gradually.

There are many kinds of love. For example, calling them "Dad" and "Mom" and chatting with them are all love. For example, after work, go home and cook a delicious meal for them. Whether it is a rural delicacy or a special western food, whether it is a simple meal or carefully cooked, it is the same love.

On traditional festivals, try to go home, eat some moon cakes with your parents, and enjoy the moon; On Double Ninth Festival, I beat my father and mother's back and washed my feet On this day, we should do all these things and accompany our parents to do what they like. Therefore, my "Love Old Day" will be very popular.

On this day, the old people rest in bed and watch TV leisurely. How wonderful it is that our children are busy.

My Festivals (6)

Ice Cream Festival

Everyone wants to set up their own festival, which may be the Love Festival, the Food Festival or the Bird Protection Festival. But I am different from them. My festival is the Ice Cream Festival.

I set the Ice Cream Festival from June 15 to June 17 every year. In the morning of June 15, the staff of the Ice Cream Association will deliver a rectangular machine for making ice cream to local residents door to door. In recent nights, there will be a special ice cream sports meeting in the square, and everyone can participate free of charge. It must be every child's dream to enjoy ice cream in this hot summer. Instead of hiding at home to blow the air conditioner, everyone comes to the square, which can also promote the feelings between neighbors.

The sports meeting kicked off. This is an ice cream shooting match. The competition used ice cream darts, and the players rubbed their fists. However, the ground is too slippery and the hit rate is low. At last, I came up with a unique skill, which is to make the dart very sharp. It tastes delicious and sweet when I lick it. There was a clear whistle, and another game started. I only heard a "whoosh", and I hit the target. At this time, the audience applauded for a long time.

If there is an ice cream festival, the hot summer will become cool.

My Festivals (7)

If I were to set up a festival, I would set up a "Friends Day". Because everyone's study is very tense at ordinary times, and it's not easy to have a little time on weekends. We want to play with our good friends for a while. However, parents let us do homework and read books for a while. In short, we have too little time to play. If this goes on, the feelings between friends will not be strong. If we set up a Friends' Day, we can deepen the feelings between friends by playing happily with them on that day.

On the Day of Friends, I will spend half a day playing at home with my friends, because home is the most relaxing place. We will watch TV, play flying chess, compete against the Rubik's Cube... In half a day, I will carry out some activities with my friends, such as going to the park, playing games together, breathing the fresh air of nature, going to the bookstore, buying some books that I like, and communicating with friends. In the evening, you can have dinner with your friends. How lively it is! It's much more delicious than eating by yourself!

In my plan, the Friends Day is like this. Do you like this Friends Day?

My Festivals (8)

Today is the food carnival. When I wake up in the morning, the quilt, pillow, floor tile... are all painted with food. On the road, there is no car, only the food kiosk set by the traffic police uncle. In the building, no one goes to work. The desk is full of delicious food, colorful and dazzling.

I came to the street, where there are many delicious food! There are cold skin, steamed stuffed buns, meat skewers, ice cream... which makes people drool. I came to the place where steamed stuffed buns were sold and said to my uncle, "I want a meat bun. How much is it?" My uncle said to me, "Today is a food carnival, and the food bought in this street is free!" I thought to myself, "I was afraid that the money was not enough just now. It seems that today I can eat as much as I like!" My uncle gave me steamed steamed stuffed buns because they were just steamed, So it's a bit hot. When it gets cold, I bit a big bite of steamed bun. Hmm! Really delicious! The meat inside and the skin outside are very delicious! I can't help giving a thumbs up to my uncle who sells steamed stuffed buns.

As I walked, I met Zhong Gujia. Look! She is holding a bun of meat in one hand and a sweet scented osmanthus soup in the other. How happy she is! Our two good friends went to eat juicy beef skewers, delicious fried pork, Hong Kong delicious eggs... Tired of eating, more paste. Our mouths were full of oil, and our bellies became round, like two big watermelons, but we still didn't miss any delicious food, and finally we couldn't walk.

"Wake up!" I heard my mother's voice and opened my eyes. It was all a dream! I touched my mouth, only to find that the drool had flowed onto the pillow, and I couldn't help laughing. I really hope there will be a food carnival! If there is such a festival, I would like to set it on the day after the Spring Festival, because it can not only play the Spring Festival, but also eat delicious food, and watch the snow scenery. How wonderful!

My Festivals (9)

Nobody doesn't like candy, because it will give people a sweet taste. I am also a fanatical candy follower, but I am still in a state of failure. If you want to ask the reason, the stumbling block is undoubtedly my mother!

My mother always told me that candy is easy to decay, and I was only allowed to eat it once a week. So I can only steal a few and taste them carefully every night. Each time is a memorable experience. However, the paper still could not hold the fire. One day, my mother found some clues. Under her strict "interrogation", I admitted the "criminal motive", so she hid the candy box and fined me not to eat sugar for two weeks.

Suddenly, a crazy idea appeared in my mind: how wonderful it would be if there were a candy festival, so that I could eat candy freely without any restrictions! I can't help thinking: that day, all the children gathered in a huge castle made of all kinds of candy. No matter the city wall outside, or the tables and chairs inside, they were all piled up with lollipops, cotton candy, etc., which were colorful and varied in shape. Under the sunshine, they were glittering and colorful. There is also an amusement park inside. We can't wait to run there and play heartily. We took a thrilling roller coaster, a cozy Ferris wheel, and a rocking pirate ship. When I was tired of playing, I grabbed a handful of rainbow sweets on the sugar wall and sat on the soft seat, filling my mouth one by one. After a short rest, we came to the place where we made sugar paintings. First of all, I need to boil syrup. I smell it closely and a sweet smell comes to my nose. Then I stir it hard and start painting. I scooped up some syrup with a spoon and began to draw bears. Soon, a lifelike bear was ready. We put our sugar paintings together, including naughty monkeys, lively shrimp, ferocious tigers... Everyone showed their own works, and everyone's face was filled with sweet smiles.

I really hope that this festival can become a reality as soon as possible, so that children's laughter will always echo in the air.

My Festivals (10)

If I were to set up a festival according to my wish, I would set up a national fitness festival, because I learned from newspapers and television information that the Chinese population has entered the aging stage, and I see more and more elderly people in shopping malls or other public places, whose youth is dedicated to the construction of the motherland; With the progress of society and the development of economy, many people work under great pressure. They need to exercise and strengthen their physique; More and more children are fat, and more and more children wear glasses. They also need to exercise, so I want to set up a national fitness festival.

During the festival, some elderly friends play Taijiquan on the square, which enrages the elixir field and overcomes hardness with softness. Some of them are doing sword dancing, each move is very skillful, and each action is very standard. Others are old women friends who form a square team. Under the leadership of the dance, they dance happily with the music, sometimes embracing youth with their hands up, sometimes kicking forward to move into the future. Everyone's face is full of happy smiles, and I can't help dancing with the music.

Some young friends climb mountains and some ride bicycles to cross the country. They show their youthful demeanor. One by one, they are vigorous and vigorous. You have to fight me to rush forward.

The children organized to play basketball and football. The players worked hard on the field, and the cheers were loud outside. Others went to the swimming pool to play. The children who could swim plunged into the water and swam happily. The children who could not swim slowly walked into the water with a swimming circle. Look, the child wiped the sweat on his face, turned around and went into the water with a sound of "dong", swimming around like a fish.

I think this festival will be welcomed by everyone. Life lies in sports. I wish people good health, good luck, and the younger they live.

My Festivals (11)

I want to design a well-known "music festival", because the melody of instruments is very beautiful, so all kinds of instruments are called "sounds of nature".

On the morning of April 30, the street walls were covered with posters of all musical instruments. The words "The sound of musical instruments makes me happy" are written on everyone's clothes. There are also colorful balloons floating in the air. Some are painted with pianos, some are painted with zithers, and others are painted with erhu. They are full of various musical instruments, which are very beautiful.

In the morning, there will be a competition - "Music Competition". The rule is that everyone plays a beautiful tune and a cheerful tune. Anyone who can play a sound well can get the instrument that we invented in China - Guzheng. All morning, all kinds of musical instruments were "singing" for everyone with all their strength.

It's time to go to school. In the Chinese class, the teacher taught us about various musical instruments: flute, erhu, zither, suona... In the math class, the teacher taught the students how many musical instruments there were; In English class, the teacher will teach us how to read the names of various instruments in English. By the time we got home from school, we had no other homework, just send the teacher a beautiful and moving song we played.

If any child has a birthday today, her cake will be a sugar cake made of various musical instruments. The cake is made of glutinous rice flour, sugar and cream. There will also be a villain dancing "wonderful" to the music. There is no other cake in the cake shop, because today is a music festival, and only music shaped cakes will be sold.

At 8:00 p.m., melodious melody rings in your ears. When you walk outside, you will stop to listen to the moving notes and sweet music, and I will fall asleep in this "beautiful melody".

I really hope that the music energy saving I expect will come soon.

My Festivals (12)

"Tink, tink, tink!"

The small alarm clock woke me up. I slowly got up and took out the calendar to see "ah". It turned out that today was August 8, the transformation day.

The transformation festival is a festival that you can become anything you want. I said to myself, "I want to become a robot bumblebee!" Just listen to the sound of "brush". First, my bed and desk have all become super advanced weapons in the world at once. Then look at my body. There are all parts on my body, but I am a little short. My body grows up as soon as my voice falls, I didn't think I was tall enough to touch the clouds, ha ha! It's amazing! I thought to myself: Now I can go to fight with Jiang Zetong, because he always plays tricks on others. I immediately went downstairs to his house as fast as the wind. Somehow, I fell down and looked around to see who had thrown me to the ground. I saw a figure not far away. I quickly ran forward to see: it was Jiang Zetong who turned into Sun Wukong, holding a gold stirrup in his hand, and proudly said to me: "Chiang has been waiting here for a long time..." So I got up the courage to go forward and fight with him, After five hours, both sides were exhausted. At this time, I used my last little strength to use the unique "lightning array" to bind "Jiang Monkey". I won the battle! I opened my eyes and saw that it was a dream.

I really hope to have this festival, so that we can be free!

My Festivals (13)

[Chapter 1]

I want to set up a Watermelon Festival on June 29.

I like watermelon very much. Whenever I see that big and round watermelon, my mouth watering. The farmer uncle is tired of planting watermelon well. I want to set up a Watermelon Festival to celebrate the farmers who have planted big watermelons.

On the day of Watermelon Festival, every country, every province and every city will hold a watermelon contest. When the watermelon contest is held, people from all over the world can participate. The rich must donate at least 8 watermelons for free. On Watermelon Day, people all over the world watched the competition together.

Unconsciously, the Watermelon Festival is coming!

In the morning, I got up and looked at the calendar - June 29, the watermelon festival came. I hurried out to watch the game. Wow, yeah! There are a lot of people outside. Fortunately, I am small. I used the "earth drilling technique" to drill forward from numerous legs. Ouch, I was kicked a few times. It was not easy to get to the front, and I saw the live game. I saw that some people in the competition ate watermelon seeds all over their cheeks, and some ate watermelon juice all over their faces.

One person was the first to eat and eat quickly and cleanly. Ah, the first place was born and a big imported watermelon was rewarded. My mouth watered at the sight. Look carefully, "Wow, God helps me, and God helps me!"

I shouted. All the people around me looked at me with monster eyes. I yelled because the man holding the big watermelon was my father. I ran over at once and wished I could swallow the watermelon at once. However, I finally held back.

When my father and I got home, I was about to open my mouth to eat watermelon, but the big watermelon opened its mouth and swallowed me.

I was so frightened that I shouted, "Help, help!" But my father woke me up. Alas, it was a dream!

The Watermelon Festival is not bad. I really want the Watermelon Festival to come soon.

[Chapter 2]

The pace of modern life is getting faster and faster. Adults are busy going to work. Children have to attend various training classes in addition to school. They are too busy to exercise. I want to set up a happy sports festival. On this day, both adults and children will stop working and reading and take part in various activities of physical exercise together.

On the morning of the Sports Festival, people on the streets and lanes are wearing colorful sports clothes. People hold the bright red flag of the sports festival in the street and shout: "Love life! Love health!" In the park, people are exercising very hot. Some are running, some are playing tai chi, some are dancing fans, and some are lifting dumbbells... In the gym, some people are playing basketball, some are playing volleyball, some are swimming, and some are skating... There is a scene of vigorous sports everywhere. The children also have their favorite sports activities.

Look, they are in groups of three and five. Some are skipping rope, some are high jumping, some are long jumping, and some are doing Latin dance. Whether adults or children, everyone's face is filled with festive laughter, and everyone's forehead is hung with shiny sweat. People talked to each other: "Sports Day, great! We sweated, the toxins in our bodies were discharged, and our bodies became healthier and healthier."

Sports Festival, let all people take part in sports, let our body stronger, healthier!

[Chapter 3]

Animal Freedom Day

I want to set up a festival - Animal Freedom Day.

Why did I set up this festival? Because in zoos, each animal can only move in a fixed place, which makes them lose their nature. I think they must be very sad. If they can be free, they will be very happy.

The day I expected finally came. The caretaker uncle has unlocked all the zoo cages. Look! The little white rabbit can't wait to rush into the grass like an arrow out of the string and devour it; The clever monkey quickly climbed up the banana tree, grabbed several bananas, peeled off the skin, and greedily stuffed them into his mouth; The little squirrel climbed up the pine tree, looking for delicious nuts; The little lark is singing beautiful songs on the branches; The elephant cried happily, ran to the river again, absorbed water with its long nose, and sprayed itself with a sound of "wow", giving itself a bath

The happy day came to an end unconsciously. It was too precious for the small animals. You see, the animals still seem to have cheerful smiles on their faces. What a harmonious picture!

Animals are good friends of human beings. I hope this festival can make them more free!

My Festivals (14)

I want to set up a reading festival. I hope it will be as popular as traditional festivals. Why set up a reading festival? Because I like reading very much, and reading can increase my knowledge, accumulate good words and sentences, from which I can learn a lot of truth, and talk about my feelings after reading with my friends.

The dream reading festival has finally arrived, and people have donated their collections of good books to the library. I also came to the local library with my friends in "bookclothes". The first floor is the reading room, and several machine management personnel are sorting out the bookshelves. On the second floor, there are discussion groups. People from all over the world are having heated discussions. Some have also held lectures, such as: Yi Zhongtian is talking about the Three Kingdoms, saying: "Cao Cao is an able minister to govern the world and a traitor in troubled times." Yu Dan is talking about Confucius, saying: "Confucius is a famous educator." My little partner and I found a seat and sat down. The librarian came to us, Q: "Which book do you want to choose?" I replied: "Zhejiang Children's Publishing House, Guo Mei's rewriting of The Water Margin." Lin Yangyang is an important book? A Dream of Red Mansions is a solemn book called Journey to the West.

Suddenly, "Outlaws of the Marsh", "Dream of the Red Chamber", "Journey to the West" appeared in front of the computer in front of us, we read carefully. Sometimes we laugh and sometimes we cry. It's funny. If we show it to others at ordinary times, we think we are really insane! "Dang! Dang! The library is about to close. It's already dark. People are reluctant to leave the library, looking forward to the coming of next year's Reading Festival

My Festivals (15)

If there is a Love Day in the world, the world will be better.

Why do I want to set up Love Day? The reason is that there was an earthquake in Sichuan and another mudslide this week in Gansu. There is a Love Day, so that children without parents can go to school to eat. If there is a Love Day in the world, some disabled people, some people who have lost their relatives, some children who have lost the opportunity to go to school, and some people who are blind will be comforted.

Therefore, how much the world needs a Love Day to help those poor people! If there is a Love Day in the world, then on that day, everyone can give a little love to support a sunny day of love.

With this Love Day, children who can't afford to go to school can go to school, the disabled can be comforted, and people who are blind can be enlightened. So how important the Love Day is. If there is no Love Day, children cannot go to school and have no food. How pathetic! People who are blind cannot get light, and the disabled cannot get comfort. Therefore, there is no shortage of Love Day in the world.

The Love Day has many functions. I hope that every day, like the Love Day, everyone can give a little love, so that our life will be more beautiful and harmonious.

My Festivals (16)

I want to set up a talent festival so that all those who want to show their talents can have a stage to show themselves.

I want to set up a talent festival because there are many people who want to show but dare not. If a person has many talents and is buried by cowardice, it means that China has one less talent and how to be the pillar of the motherland in the future. Today we are still a delicate flower, and tomorrow we will be the pillars of our country.

How should the talent festival be designed? I have long thought about setting up a large stage in the museum, which can perform anything, singing and dancing.

This is the festival I set up - Talent Festival

My Festivals (17)

When I was three years old, I would draw some simple figures on paper with crayons. At the age of five, my mother let me take part in the painting class. At that time, I could already draw some small animals.

After practice in the painting class, my paintings in kindergarten are often praised by the teacher.

In primary school, I like drawing more and more. In the fourth grade, I said goodbye to children's art and entered the sketch class. However, I still don't think I have enough paintings. I just want to have a "painting festival". On that day, the children were all painting together, to compare their paintings with each other. They can use the paintbrush in their hands to describe the happy today and bright future in their hearts

One night, I was sitting in bed playing, and somehow came to a room. There was a piece of paper and a pile of paintings in my hand. I was surprised to find that these paintings are not exactly my works in the painting class? Suddenly, tables, chairs and students appeared in the room, all with pictures and white paper! I immediately became interested, picked up the pen in my pocket and drew: a little white rabbit, long ears, gorgeous dress

I looked up and saw that my classmates had pasted their pictures on the wall. The snow-white walls immediately turned into a colorful stage! It said: The scene of the painting festival competition. I was so happy that I wanted to put my rabbit on the stage, but I couldn't stand up. I suddenly heard my mother's cry: "It's half past six, lazy boy, the sun is shining on my ass!" It was a dream! I slowly crawled out of the warm bed, and today I have to go to school!

If I set up a festival, it must be "Painting Festival"!

My Festivals (18)

Once, under a big tree in the countryside, I saw a group of young boys running excitedly from afar, each holding five bamboo sticks and fifteen knitting needles. They tied three needles to the bamboo stick and began to take out the nest. Soon they took down the nest; Then they divided the eggs and left happily.

I witnessed these thoughts: if everyone is like them, the birds on the earth will become extinct in the future; People can no longer hear the clear and melodious singing of birds; There is no bird doctor to catch insects when the tree is sick - slowly - slowly more and more insects are on the tree, the tree can't produce fresh air, people will get sick and even die!

Oh! no way! I would like to propose that mankind set up a "bird love festival"! The day after the "Tree Planting Day"!

This can let people know that it is not good to plant trees without protecting birds. We must also protect and love birds to make our lives healthier and happier

On this day, I will mobilize the whole school students to make a bird's nest and put it on the tree; Then ask students to write some leaflets and send them to all units, departments and residential areas; Let the citizens find out who is still catching birds, and the violators will be severely punished.

I believe that with our joint efforts, there will be more and more birds, more and more fresh air, and more and more healthy and happy people!

Boys and girls, for the sake of the ecological environment around us, to breathe more fresh air, and to live a better life for mankind, let's work hard together - every day is the "Bird Love Day"!

My Festivals (19)

On the day of the Sugar Painting Festival, all schools and work units have a holiday. The streets and alleys are filled with stalls selling sugar paintings. The lines behind the stalls are all in long queues. The bustling pedestrian street is filled with the fragrance of sugar paintings.

On this day, the streets were crowded with all kinds of people. There are graceful girls, dazzling patrolmen, and arrogant provincial governors... Some of them hold a big turtle; Some hold a tulip; Others held a wooden stick against their fingertips and spun up the rooster like an acrobat, then bit the rooster three times and twice, leaving only one leg.

On this day, all sugar paintings are discounted at 30%, which is very affordable. The happy people who bought sugar paintings also happy sellers. The unit price has been reduced, so there will be more customers in the stalls. More customers make more money for sellers. The seller is certainly happy when he earns more money!

On the day of the Sugar Painting Festival, there was no crying, only a smile; There is no anger, only joy. Adults and children will show sweet smiling faces on this day.

So when do I set this festival? On the third Wednesday in May!