Wonderful Weather (Collection 5)
Yesterday was all right
2024-04-13 01:33:42
Grade 3

Wonderful Weather (1)

Today is Friday, and today's weather is unpredictable.
At the beginning, I found that there was a small rain, and the sound of ticking was like a small clock.
Gradually, it began to rain cats and dogs, and the rain shouted loudly: sand, sand, sand! Sand, sand, sand! It's like having a lively concert.
Then, the rain became smaller and smaller, the rain stopped, and the fresh air rushed in when the doors and windows were opened. The sun slowly came out, and the trees sprouted again. The tender leaves are sticking out.
Today's weather is so changeable, nature is so magical!

Wonderful Weather (2)

On Wednesday, there were two solar showers in PE class, which was really a wonderful weather.

When we were going to run, it suddenly rained a drizzle. Some people asked the teacher to go to the sealed badminton hall to play badminton, but the teacher still insisted that we continue to run. After running for a while, the sun rain stopped. When playing basketball, there was another game, but we were still playing. Soon, the sun rain stopped again.

Everything in this world is wonderful, no matter people or things.

Wonderful Weather (3)

On Tuesday evening, I did my homework at home. As I wrote, I saw that it was getting darker and darker outside. Dark clouds were coming from the north, and the sky was as dark as midnight at more than six o'clock. Then the gale blew heavily, and the perianth on my balcony blew in all directions.

Accompanied by the strong wind came the rumbling thunder and downpour. For a moment, the whole world seemed to be immersed in water. According to reports, there was a 50 mm rainstorm in Guangzhou that day; Conghua had finger sized hail, and the trees on both sides of the national road were broken at the waist.

The next morning, when I got up, I saw that the sky was clear, the air was fresh, and the sun was shining brightly, which made me feel cheerful.

In 14 hours, the weather has changed completely. It's amazing.

Wonderful Weather (4)

On Tuesday evening, I did my homework at home. As I wrote, I saw that it was getting darker and darker outside. Dark clouds were coming from the north, and the sky was as dark as midnight at more than six o'clock. Then the wind blew wildly, and the 'flower quilt' on my balcony was blown upside down. Accompanied by the strong wind came the rumbling thunder and downpour. For a moment, the whole world seemed to be immersed in water.

According to reports, there was a 50 mm rainstorm in Guangzhou that day; Conghua had finger sized hail, and the trees on both sides of the national road were broken at the waist. The next morning, when I got up, I saw that the sky was clear, the air was fresh, and the sun was shining brightly, which made me feel cheerful. In 14 hours, the weather has changed completely. It's amazing.

Wonderful Weather (5)

However, at noon, it was as hot as a steamer. There are more and more white clouds in the sky. The white cloud has a variety of shapes and changes. If you are not careful, it will become another cloud, making you unable to find it. It moves slowly, sometimes like a dragon, sometimes like a galloping horse, sometimes like a big crocodile with its mouth open

In the evening, the sun gradually set, and the sky was red and gorgeous, like gouache in art. The heat in the air dissipates little by little, which makes you feel comfortable when you are cool.

The weather in early summer is wonderful. I like beautiful and warm summer.